s dipping no. 4,778 - teesdale mercury...

THE TEE8DALE MERCURY. AVeiltn Wonii..-! r.u>. 1946. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS. HORSEMAN Barnard Casio.- Cougraith tions Will II. N. .—From liis pal George HORSEMAN Barnard Castle).—Congratula- tions Wilf (M.N. . Lots <>l love and Imp- ing for your speedy return.—Eddie and all at 3, \Yest View. HORSEMAN iGalgate . Congratulations Wilfred (M.N., Australia . Host wishes and safe return:— Mother, father. Denis and Edward. IN MEMORIAM. BELL. —In ever loving memory ol niv dear son, Terence James Bell, died November Sth, 194.').—Always in my tl ghts but never in my arms."— Ever lemembered by iiis Main, tiranda. Michael Brian, Mil I in inn memories of Terry, who died November sth. 1943.—" They say thai tun heals sorrow and helps us in forget. But time so far has only pioved.how lunch w miss him yet."—Always remembered by Xuntie Lottie. Joyce and Sylvia. Amines Bessie and Connie. DONALD (Bowes .—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, died November Mil. MS.- Always leineinheied by his loving wife and familv. ACKLOWLEDGHENT. JORDAN.—Mis J. R. Jordan and family wish to express their deep appreciation lor all the kind expressions ol sympathy extended to them in their recent sad be reavenienf. METCAI .KE— The family of the late Mrs It Metcalfe thank all friends for kind ex pressions of sympathy in their receOI bereavemeni. R 1 IIHNi. BREECHES for Boys and Youths. trong Bedford Cord. For ages 4 to 13,6 to 19/11, 0 Coupons.—Post Order to Liverp >ui House, 1S3. High St., Sunderland. September 29th : LOST AND FOUND. L OST at streatlam Camp. 7-stoned \<|tia marine Blacele,. finder please return to Miss V. Jackson. II. Cecil Road. Barnard Castle. Reward. SITUATIONS VACANT AND WANTED. P IEMA1 .E FACTORY STAFF repined in Barnard Castle, |s years of age and over. Local girls preferred.—Apply to Ser vices and Welfare Officer, Glaxo Labors lories. Barnard Castle. M ARRIED COl RLE Wanted as Cook and Farlourman - Handyman. Modern House. liood Home.—Apply Troutbeck, Oak dale, Harrogate. W ANTED. 'Mother's Help tor Sunderland Maid kept. Comfortable and hapi home.—Apply Mrs Uarkes, West House staniorth. roMKN CI -EAN ERS requ ired.—App Barnard Castlt W l Servnes and Welfare Officer, tilaxo Laboratories. W OMAN ii~ requires situation Housekeeper. Fund of children, letters answered. Working man or widow er— Box St>-.', Teesdale Mercury, Barnard Castle. W ORK available for Jobbing i.ardenrr Box s63. Teesdale Mercury, Barna Cas:ie. " STAHTFOIII'H SCHOOL CANTEEN. W ANTED. Rail-time Helper. 25 hours p* week. Wages LI I " I a week, plu meals valued at 3/6 a week.—Applications to Mr J. I.iverseed. Canteen Secretary, before lath November. 1946. W ANTED, liirls over eighteen and You Women train Worsted Spinning • ami Weaving. C-ood llxed rate, wages paid three mouths training period. Increased as soon as prollciein—live day, forty-live hour week. Excellent working conditions, canteen ACCOMMODATION. Modern hostel, all creational facilities, free use laundry, etc Private transport Hostel Factory free. I'aie from home paid and initial allowance Suit sisters, friends. Write' W. i H. Foster, Lid Denholme, Bradford, or apply nearest Employment Exchange. MISCELLANEOUS SALES AND WANTS BOLLS Galvanized Wire A R UGMAKERS: Best quality new Woollen Cloth Clippings in lovely mixed itours. Is - and 23/- per stone, including ee instruction and design leaflet.— J. teplieiison Ltd. Dept. \a), Masliain. Yorks. L'NDOWN MFN, WOMEN ! FEEL FIT OVERNIGHT. Oystrax Tonic Tablets ntaiu quick "bracer" which ends tired, weak leeling ; starts new vim with FIRST DOSE «let low-cost Uiai package to-day. et fitness you lack or your money back. At all chemisis. Blue crepe Frock, size :is. Worn cents Mac (Burberry}. No npoiis -Box s6s. Teesdale Mercury, Bar- ard Castle. BMiNVRD CASTLE AND DISTRIC I . RABBIT CLUB. \ OPEN TABLE SHOW will be hold on SATURDAY, November 9th. at 34tlO.ni. in the TURK'S HEAD HOTEL ROOM. Special Prizes. Judge : M i W . NICHOLSON. Cockiield. S ALE, I one e coupo na nl S Cll a "1 .HOOLUill.DltKN.- Pyjamas, all sizes, also Shorts. Gym Tunics, Jumper Suits, Dress and Knickei Sets, 16in. to .'-in., Uym Knickers, lumper suits. Dress and Knickei Sets. lOni. to iSin.; liym Stockings, Boys' lioiisers. Na\y, i.rey and Tweed ; (irey Lumber Suits (6 coupons;, set all sizes, Wool Jumpers and Cardigans, Dayella Cream ipym Blouses, Skirts and Kilts in I ai\an. Grey, Fawn, and Green ; Dressing •Owns from 33/-, all wool, all sizes ; grand range of Breech Sets, all wool, from 37/- lioy s and girls. I4iu., 16in., lain., ioin.; in lude postage.—J. O. Lowes and Co., Ltd. J3, High Bow. Darlington. And at Rid* uioiid. Nortliulleitoit and Barnard Castle M AS 1 "iliiSENTS.—Ladies' Fur-back Cloves, Nappa palm, 59/6 to . 4 :6/19/11. Plastic Runners at 14/11 • Nightdress Cases 19,6, Cushion Covers and Handbags ; Head squares, etc. Include postage.—J. O. Lowes and Co., Ltd., 33. High Row. Darlington \lso at Richmond, Northallerton and Bar- nard Casile. X All Netting !* A Permits Requited. -a yd. lengths. Sill. Ujesli. I .'ii. 4lt. wiuths 40/-; aft. JO,'-: 6ft. On ; loft. 611 -. Carnage 6 per roil. Intl. rolls 5/-. 10 Bolls Carriage Raid.—Claude AJdrich .Meiciiani.-; L.d.. Brabourlie, Ash lonl, Kent. Selliniige 3114. "BAO »N I'ldS lor Sale. ;i Heifers and 1 Buliock.—J. \V. C. \\alton, Clen Lyon Farm auiiinon, i>arnaid Castle. Rhone 3ul. of liood Rasp Canes win. Armstrong, 71. 20 A LARUE Quantity fur sale.—Apply Oaiga.e. Barnaul Casile. for bale, mediuui and -Graham. Shaws. B ACJM I'll, also Weaners- nard Castle. inu 11. bar J F OR SALE Fold " \nglia." I9U> Mode:. 9,0liii miles. Per.eel condition. N. ui- esl offer to fciati.—Apply W. and J. McRhee, Ltd., Birch Road. Barnard Castle. F OB SAIL. Hoover. jT.'i model, with lull set Dusting tools. Excellent coiiui.'io'v —Box M66, I'eesuale Mercury. Barnaul Cas.le. F OR SALE. Lady Ibting. tie belt. Ulied Ciepede -i lime cally new. Hips loin. s Winter Coal, slim built-up sleeves, full) Velour cloth. I'racti- lei;_ .. i.'.n.. neiu illl. No coupons Barnard (.a- -Rox S6T, leesilae Mercury F OR SALE. ;fnti Callon Calvauized lank, as good as new. Offers Ui the secre- tary. Heading Room. Romaldkirk, noi latei than 13th November .1916. F OR SALE. Kay - 'cello model Spanish Cuiiar. Ideal for band. With Case. CS.-Uox H 6 J . I'eesdale Menuiv, liarnaiu Castle._ F OB SALE. 1 9:59 Ford Prefect, good i oifdi lion lliroughoul. taxed u> end of year. Can be -een after 1 p.m., ex. ept Saturdays. Offers.—II. Metcalfe D a i r y m a n . .'3. Wilson Street, Barnard Castle. E VERYTHING for Baby.—Muslin squares, 31in. double. 1/9); Helmets. Bonnets,' Pixies, Berets, etc.; Wool Pram Sets from 9IH; Wool Dresses. 0 1J, 16in. and lsin.; Vests in all sizes ; Wool, Silk and Wool and Interlock Fleecy Liberty Bodices, all sizes ; Winceyette Pe'.licoats," sizes 16in. to 32in.; Plastic Knickers, Rubber Cot Sheets at 5/11; Wool Shawls ; Dresses in all sizes ; Oilskin Capes and Plastic Capes ; include postage.— J. O. Lowes and Co., Ltd., 33, High Row, Darling:"!). Also at Richmond, Northaller- ton and Barnard Castle. F OB SALE, 1937 Ford 8 hp. Van ; ru-con- ditioiied engine ; new tyres.—White Wmnti Hotel. S artlorth. Halliard Castle. FAT'S Wrist "Watch, Waterproof and Rustproof. Swiss made. 15 Jewels, large second -hand, luminous, chromium case, s.ainless sleel back, unbreakable glass, real leather strap, dials in black or white, fully guaranteed f o r '-' years. t7 15s. post paid. Cash will order (COD. I - extra . Write for illustrated leaflet.—W. I). Morgan and Co.. Ltd. Dept FSUS . 9, Mansfield Street. Loudon, W .I. Limited slock. Order now lor Chiistmas. L ADIES I nderweai. Interlock Knnkeis, Vests and Combinations ; Dure Wooi Kuickeis and Comliiii.'itioii- . si Ik Night Dresses and S.t-. Include postage.—J. O. Lowes and Co., Ltd., 33, High Row. Darling- ton. Also at Richmond. Northallerton and Barnard Castle. M AKE YOUR OWN HOOKEY RL'c with my specially selected lines! quality new woollen cloth Hookey Clippings, r ( lb. bale assorted colours -'•">,- carnage free JJ*!i»fa< •ion guaianteed m in-..,,... ,,. funded. H. Conway (Dept. , 171, "stoke K'ewingioii t.hunh Street, London, N.16, and Dirt from upbol furniture, carpets, curtain.-,, etc fffb MODENL Dry Cleaning Fluid. Restore pattern: revises colour. ;j - and .,/« pei buttle from J. Parkinson and Son-, :j; Hoi Market. Barnard Castle. S ALE, i F.ssex cilts in pig. due tin- monih. i LAV. Boais. Meb.alfc. Dillon Field . Jlewsham. Richmond, Yorke. •^KEMOVI-; Stains XL stered fui mini APARTMENTS, W ANTED urgently. Two or Tluee Ln furnistied Rooms with use ol Kiieben or alteinative in Barnard Castle. Advert iser nnis'l find accommodation befor winter, anil would appreciate any offer Box S69. I'eesdale Mercury. Barnard Castlt PROPERTY FOR SALE AND WANTED. r.i.l I.Alt MONTHLY SAVLNti w i n h you to provide the tleposit to buy iiouse. Particulars can be had from tin HALIFAX BUILDING SOCIETY, l.oc Agent : .1. Noel Paul & Co., 35, Calgate Barnard castle. A HOME OF VOIR OWN Attain your ideal through the HALIFAX BL1LD1NC SOCIETY. Particulars from Local Agent : I. Noel Paul & Co.. 35. Calgate liaruatd Castle. LL TRADES. All Prices. Largest Sale in Britain. Branch Offices all district Buying or Selling consult NATIONAL BUSINESS AGENCY. Local Branch: Pudding (!1iare, Newcastle. |n-13 a.m. daily 4 4ln: Norfolk. Tobacconist, accommodation. Fittings. eLl5n. NESS AGENCY. Grocer, Confectionei Net profit £16 p . w . i.iviu Freehold £3,500. Goodwill S.A.V.—NATIONAL 111 S I ». St. (iiles Street. Norwich 4 417. West Country. Cenei Net profit tin p.w. Hon C7,.">eii. Goodwill, Equipment, L5 IMI. —NATIONAL 111 SIN ESS fct Owens Street, Hereford. 4 338. Cornwall. Private" Hotel." Proximi Large Aerodrome. At', ligures. Cai park, wnple Scope. Freenold, HI0,ww all —NATIONAL BUSINESS AGENCY, B , Lemon street, Truro. al Decorator •e. Freehold i-.'.jnn. Sioc AGENCY, U 4 370. Suffolk. Agricultuial Contractoi Turnover t3,5O0-i:4,00ii p.a. No compei Hon. House obtainable, (ioodwill. Exteil sive Equipment. Stock £14,600.—NATIONAI Bl SINESS AGENCY, 6, Museum Street Ipswich "a 11 re Liverpool. iiiocery. Provisions ret ugioceiy. Working Class. Nei profit tHa p.w. i.ivnig accommodation. Goodwill Finings. Stock t7,iHMi.—NATIONAL BUS1 Nl '.SS AGENCY. 79-SI. London Road. Liver pool. BARNARD CASTLE TOWN LABOUR PARTY. GENERAL MEETING will bp held TO-NKilir (Wednesday) al 7 p.m. in e CO-OP. GUILD ROOM. All members are ijuested to attend. BARNARD CASTLE YOUNG FARMERS' CLUB. DANCE, WITIIAM HALL, BARNARD CASTLE. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER I5ili, ISiUi. Dancing 8 till 12. Music by Moderuaues Dame Orchestra Admission %j6 at door, or from members .of the Commitlee. second Anniversary of Hall Fund: WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE to be held in DALTON SCHOOLROOM on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER Sth. Wins; 7-3o p . m . Good Pii/.i's and Light Refreshineiils, All Welcome. BARNARD i lASTLE DIVISION CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION. Teesdale Ward. A GRAND BRING AND BUY SALE will be held at the WITH AM HALL, BARNARD CASTLE, on THURSDAY, aih DECEMBER, I'Jiti, ctiniinencing at .'-15 p.m. Bung and Buy Stall. White Elephant Stall reduce Stall! Grocery Stall, FTovyer Stall Baffles and Amusements, light Refreshments Available. Entrance Fee Gel. NEWGATE METHODIST CHURCH. WOMEN'S OWN ANNIVERSARY. NOVEMBER linh, llfh, Mill. Sunday Services l'i-3o and 6-30 p .m. Preacher: Mrs CHOSSLEY, of Manchester. Soloist : Mrs HORNER, l.evburn. MONDAY at ~'-3o pjll.—WOMEN'S RALLY, to he addressed bv Mrs CROSSLEY. Soloist Mi- HORNER. TUESDAY, 7-15 p.m. A "PAGEANT OF BIBLE WOMEN,'' to be presented by (he members. Pioduced by Mrs Batemao. Admission i,-. Cbildreii Half-Price. Organists : Mrs Peat and Miss While. BOWES PARISH HALL FUND. THE HAWKS PLAYERS present Keniietli Home 's Brillant Successful Comedy " LOVE IN A MIST " I in Three Acts). A Laugh in Every Line. IN BOWES SCHOOLHROM, ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER Knd, 1910. To cominence at 7-3n p.in. Doors open 7 p.m. Cliaiiman. Mr. .1. W. Alderson, J.i'. \diuissioii -Reserved Seats. •>[$ (Limited Number ; Unreserved. 3/.-; Standing Doom. I/- ; Children. Hall Price. Proceeds in aid of the Parish Hall Funds. DANCING in p.in io I a.m. Mrs Preston's Band. Admission. 1/6. Tickets mav be booked In Mrs. N. W. Pickeisgilt. Woodbine House Bowes Phone. Bowes 20, from Wednesday November I3lh. W Would ANTED, House to rent, Barnard Castle ilea, one year's rent in advance, consider pure! dale Mercury consider purchase.—Box Barnard castle. •s(it. Tees- or W ANTED to rent Barnard Castle a Three or four bedroom and garden. Box s5l, Barnard Castle. purchase. House in within easy access. (preferably four, I'eesdale Mercury, 1DOW" requires Cottage, to rem oi pur- chase ; Garden ; Teesdale or Wear- must be reasonable.—Box His, Tees- iialc Mercury, Barnard Castle. w dale EDUCATION. HOBNGATE HOUSE, Barnard Castle.— Private School for (iirls from five years of age. Also private coaching given. —Applications to Miss E. It. Thompson. GENERAL NOTICES. A PIUL1C MEETING will be held in MARWOOD CHAPEL on THURSDAY, 7th November, a; 7-30 p.m., to consider the provision of a Social Centre for Marwood and Langleydale. All interested are invited to attend. M ,! , i". BURT begs to announce that he has sold his business of Grocer Baker and Confectioner to tin- Darlington Co-operative and Industrial Society. He Wishes to lake this opportunity of ex- pressing his thanks and appreciation to hi customers, arid hopes thai they will con- tinue their patronage with Hie Darlington Co-operative and Industrial Society. GEO. T. BURT 17. Hoiseuiarkei. Barnard Castle. BOLDRON VILLAGE HALL. A GRAND DANCE will be held at the MORRITT ARMS, GRETA BRIDGE, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7ih, 1946. Dancing 9 p .m. till 1 a.m. Music by Preston and F'awcett's Band. Admission 3/-. Maude's Bus leaves Barnard Castle Si ala) s-311 p .m. lor Greta Bridge, via. Boldron. Returning alter the dance. Claiming Dan 1 . BOWES. GILMONBY AND BOLDRON NURSING ASSOCIATION, in BOWES GRAMMAR SCHOOL BONING NIGHT, December i'6th, 7-15 p . m . , GRAND WHIST DRIVE. DANCING In p.m.—".! a.m. DECEMBER U'th. 1916. . THE BOKEBY i BRIGNAI.I. BRANCH WOMEN'S INSTITUTE will be holding a CHRISTMAS FAIR followed by a WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE at the MORRITT ARMS HOTEL on "ti TBI BSD.VY, DECEMBER 13th. Particulars will follow. M11)1 iLETCIN I IARD ENfTtS CHRYSANTHEMUM AND SHOW, SAII RDAY. NOVEMBER 9th 19io, in WESLEY SCHOOLROOM. Open to the public from 3-3u p.in.-,s;jn | Admission 6d. SEWBIGGIN Y.F. C ASSOCIATION. VEGETABLE Y.F.C. \o\ EMBER 6th. al 3-30 I'.m In tht i;i :t :i!i:Ai ION ROOM. \ DEBATE with Chestei-b-Strei't TOWN v. COUNTRY. Open Meeting; 11 .Gi .LsTON MHi liTrrruRAi. sot :ii-:i "Yr T IIK ANNUM. MEETING ol the Society- will b<> he'd in Hie INSTITUTE, Eggle- -i"ii. at 7-;»i p i n . on Till BSDAY, Novemhei ".Hi. I91G. Ml members are requested to MISS HOOK (by arraug JACK ASCOUGH'S CHRISTMAS SHOWROOM how "pen at 11, THE BANK, BARNARD CASTLE. Dolls, Wood Toys, Swings, Children's Books, Games, xmas Cards, Decorations. THE BARNARD CASTLE OPERATIC SOCIETY will preseni OF HOLLAND uieiit with deorge Dance Musical Plays), A Dutch Musical Incident by Paul A. Beuiietis in the VICTORIA HALL for Five Nights. It ESDAY, -i6th NOV I.MI'.I.IL to SAII RDAY. :!H[li NOVEMBER, 1946. D o o r s o p e n 6-311 p . m . Curtain rises 7-n p . m . Admission. : Balcony and Front Stalls. 0/- (reservedj ; Sjscond Stalls, -V,'- (reserved) ; Back Siails, 3/6 unreserved) ; all including Tax. Book your Seal at Hie London Lending Library (G. V. Tarn . on and after Friday, November Sth, 19-16. MATI.NEi: on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, commence 2 p.m. piompt. POOL FINALS. MARVELLOUS VYVAY SI 'CCESSES tltm FOOI BALL CONTEST [FREE COMPETITIONS Of all Newsagents 2d. AGAIN ud. R. w. NOBIX Secretary, BARNARD CASTLE URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. NOTICE TO PERSONS REQUIRING A COUNCIL HOUSE. E \ ERY PERSON desirous of a Council House in Barnard Castle should make application imiuediaiely on the official application form obtainable from the Council Offices. This applies lo all persons residing in houses which are deemed to be condemned, or included ill a Clearance. Area. No con- sideration will be given to persons who have not completed application forms. Advice and assistance on the completion 01' the forms will be given to any person requiring same on application at the Council Offices DATED this 30th October. 1916. - J. C. WALKER, Clerk to the Council. Council Offices, " Woodleigh," BARNARD CASTLE. HALL STREET CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The 135th CHURCH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS will be heid on SUNDAY. NOVEMBER Intii. and TUESDAY, NOVEMBER l'th. Sunday Preachers : liKin a.m. Rev. S. LEON COOK 'Pastor;. 6-30 p.in.—Rev. s. 1\ SULLIVAN. B D . M C- TUESDAY at 7 p.m.. A GRAND ORGAN RECITAL will he given by Mr WALTER MEYNEI.L. Soloists : MADAM MINNIE SMITH (Soprano MISS MARY NOBLE (Contralto) Chairman : s. i i . E. PHILLIPS, Esq. supported by Rev. s. LEON COOK. Admission by Programme, I -. Programmes on sale at the following shops :— Mrs Brownless, Galgate : Mr E. Holdsworth, Maikci Place ; Mr J. Simpson. Galgate: and Mi W. Trolt, Church House, Hull Street. COPLEY INSTITUTE. A GRAND DANCE Will be held on NOVEMBER sth. Dancing 7-3" p.m. to 11-311 p.m. Military Orchestra in attendance. Proceeds for Children's Christinas Pan; EGGLESTONE. A WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE will be held in the SCHOOL on FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8th. Whist 7-3ti p . m . Admission 1/6. Dance In p.m.--l a.m. Admission 1,6. I Sowerby's Band in attendance. . Proceeds for Church Funds. Claiming Dates. BOWES. NOVEMBER .'9th. 7 p.m.—GRAND CONCERT by Church Sunday School Scholars. Particulars later. DECEMBER litti, i-M p.m.- XMAS FAIR .11 aid of Challenge Fund. Particulars later. DECEMBER 17th, 7 p.m.—Bowes Grammar School children will give SACRED CONCERT in aid of chapel and Church Sunday School Funds. TO THE RESIDENTS OF BARNARD CASTLE AND DISTRICT. . A l- I L i t 5^ years amongst you, and main years as successor of Mr W. Hodgson, Barnard Castle. Mr Geo. T. Burt is retiring from the business of Grocer, Baker, and Confectioner, at IT. The Horsemarket, Hal- liard Castle. The Darlington Co-operative and Indus- trial society Limited have pleasure in announcing thai Ihey are taking over this business as and from the 9th November. 1956. and ask you for the continuance of the support given to Mr Burt. We take the opportunity of assuring y o u 0 [ o u r b e S i t service, deliveries will continue as at present. Members of the Society in the Barnard Castle area are requested to continue their patronage at our shops 4 and tl, Market Place. Barnard Casile. ft. R. HALL, General Manager. T. T. CREE, Secretary. BARNARD CASTLE MUSICAL SOCIETY. T HE BARNARD CASTLE MUSICAL SOCIETY regret to announce that ow- ing to the insufficient response for members practices will not he resumed at present IDEAL CALF GRUEL frees valuable milk for sale and rears strong, healthy calves Available from all leading Merchants. JOHN PATTINSON & SON, LIMITED, WHITEHAVEN. B URBAN DISTRICT OF BARNARD CASTLE SUNDAY ENMRTA1NMENTS A C T , 1932 Cinematograph Eniertainuienis on Sundays. Y RESOLUTION passed al a meeting hetd on the '-'Mi day ol October, 194o tne Council of Ule above-named Urban District decided titut, application should be made to Parliament lor powers enabling Hie appropriate licensing authority under me cinematograph Act, i9tiu, to allow cinematograph entertainments in the said UrbiUT District on Sundays, subject to the conditions required by law and to such other conditions as the licensing authority might think lit 10 impose ; and for that pur pose the said Council proposed to submit lo Hie Secretary ol State, under the Schedule 10 the sunuay Enteriaiuineiixs Act, 193~', a draft order ill the iollowing terms :— ' In accordance with the provisions ol the "Sunday Entertainments Act, 193£, 1, , one ol His Majesty's Principal Secretaries Of Stale, hereby order d:ai, as from the date on which ttiis order has been approved by resolu- tions passed by both Houses of Pallia inent, section one ol' the said Act shall extend to the I rbau District of Barnard Castle." in pursuance oi paragraph i oi the Schedule to the Sunday Entertainments. Act, 193:.', t h e baid Council hereby Give Notice dial a Public Meeting of the local govern incut electors for the said Urban District will be held in the William Hall at 7 p.m. on Thursday, the 21st day ol November, 1910, l o r ttie purpose ol considering the question ol the submission of the said drait order to the Secretary ol State. 1'he decision ol ihe meeting, as declared by the president of the meeting, Will be tuial, unless a poll oi the electors is required in the manner provided by ahe Ninth Schedule 10 the Local Government Act, 1933, us applied by the Schedule to the Sunday Entertainments A c t , 1932. This is the second publication of thi Notice iii this newspaper. Dated this 3uth day of October, ID Hi. J. C. WALKER, Clerk to the Urban District Council of Barnard Castle Council Offices, " Woodleigh," Barnard Castle. STARTFOl ITHCHI BCH COUNCIL. A WHIST DRIVE will be held in STAHTFOBTH SCHOOL CANTEEN on THURSDAY, 7lh NOVEMBER, at 7 p.m. i;< it. LESION 1 iiscussioN SOCIETY" A MEETING of the above Society will b held in the C. of E. SCHOOL on MONDAY, November 11th. 1946. at 7-ia p.m Speaker: T. DAWSON, Esq.. Houghall. Subject : " Home-Grown Stock F'ood." All interested are invited to attend. F. THOMPSON, Hon. Sec WM. SMITH & CO., LOW MILL FOUNDRY, ' BARNARD CASTLE. Phone 100. Engineers and Ironfounders, Central Heating, Welding, turning, Blacksmithing, Builders' and Clumbers' Merchants. Tubes ;<nd Fittings. Galvanized Tanks. Sheets, Water Bowls, Dust Bins, etc.. Cattle and Pig Troughs, Lawn Mowers Repaired. Mangle Hollers Renewed. THE MART, MIDDLETON-IN-TEESDALE. 'bv kind permission of the Teesdale Mart Co. j. R. IAN SCOTT will Sell by Public \ 1J. lion 1 QUANTITY oi I I UNFIT RE and House \. "bold Effects. 011 S ATI RDAY, NO\ EMI'.I.I! Ititli, 1916. particulars l.aiei. Anyone wishing io include airy gooAi m this Sale must semi partni.lai•«. not later than Saturday, Novembei Dili,'to It. la Scott, Summer) Hill, New luggiii-iu-1 ee dale; or H C. Addison. II. Hill lerran Midd'letoii-in-1 eesdiile. HAWTHORN TERRACE, MICKLETON. THOMAS ADDISON, Having received instructions J*oin Mr is Aldersou who is declining farming ovviu,. to ill-health), will Sell by Auction on SAT! RDAV, '.lib NOVEMBER, 1946, IHE WHOLE 01 His FARM STOCK, IMPI.EMEN IS. HAY, Etc., .ohipns Head of CATTLE—Roan Cow. s.l. l.'ihl April; White Cow, sd. Mb J • • I > ; I lleil aim | l Roan Heifer Stirks. IMPLEMENTS. Coup I.:HI in perf.. older, (.ham Harrow-. Sweep. .' Scytbes Cow .IJands. Grindstone, Rakes and Forks New (iate. Sundry Tools. Set ol Can dears. Traces and Sundry Gear. ^ Wood I'" 11 I.TRY HOUSES. 19 lb ud u | POULTRY. Stack of HAY (got without a shown, go off. . Sale at 1-30 p . m . \ut'tki'lteer's Address: Haybellies. Me k!e ton. Barnard Casile ;Phone Cotherstone TOWN PASTURE, BARNARD CASTLE SALE TO-MORROW, THURSDAY, 7tii NOVEMBER, 1946, comprising : - ;{ HORSES. ' 31 Head of CATTLE. CUR BITCH. Z BACON PIGS. 117 Head ol POULTRY. IMPLEMENTS, DAIRY UTENSILS, GEARS) Etc In h-p. MOTOR CMC 11 AY and EATAGE. Part FURNITURE. Full paititulars as advertised last week Sale at 12 noon prompt. THOMAS ADDISON, Auctioneer, HJayberries, Mickieiou, Bar- nard Castle (Phone Cotlierse.ne . VACANT POSSESSION. NO. 6, CECIL ROAD, BARNARD CASTLE. Tn be Sold bv Public Auction on WEDNESDAY, 13th NOVEMBER, 19*6, at 3 p.m. (Subject to Special Conditions to be then produced;. SYDNEY S. HODGSON, FA.LP.A (Auctioneer). V ERY ATTRACTIVE Modem Semi- detached Stone-built FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, known as "6. .Cecil Road, nam,mi Castle, containing :—Entrain Hall, Lounge, Dining Room. Kitchenette with titled Gas Cooker, Sink, II. k C Pantrv. Cupboard under stairs ; 3 Bed- rooms', Baith Room with panel bath, hand bowl and airing cupboard, separate l.ava- torv. Electric light throughout ; lias f"i cooking. Small dower garden ill front, vegetable garden at rear, on which is erected Wooden Hut i x 9U. 3in. as coal house. The whole comprises an ana of appro:. JiKi sq. yards. Remarks.-A very desirable pioperiy. sitone built, in excellent state of repair, in good locality and very central. F'or permission to view and further parti- culars applv to : Messrs W. 4. .v I I . C. WATSON, Solicitors. Barnard Castle (Phone t!3} ; or to Auctioneer, Newgale sale Booms, Barnard Castle (Phone 194;. CLARKSON' BARKER'S SPACE AUTO Ml WiflTER DIPPING H ALL CHURCH, Novembei 10th Ui-311, Rev. S. .6-30, Rev. s. CHURCH NOTICES. Si RLE! CONuREliAllO.NAL Barnard Casile.—Sunday, Leon Cook. Sullhan, B.D., M.C N •I;W(JA 1 E i.ard Ca li i-3n A G-3n. Ml.l'.loDIST CHURCH, liar tie.- -SUllday, November Hith Mis Crossly- (Women's Own, T UtiM 1 V .Ml .illoDIS 'i CHURCH, Barnaru Castle;-—Sunday', November Kith: in-311 Rev. \. li. Bateman. 6-30. Rev. .1. D. Coittts. j A retiring collection will be taken for Fan Haig's Fund. WESLEY BUILD. Friday. ; p.m. Speaker: Mr A. Willis, Staiudrop. SALES BY AUCTION. BARNARU CASTLE AND TEESDALE FARMERS' AUCTION MART, CO., LTD. V EACH WEDNESDAY : P RIZE SHOW AND SALE of CALVED and 1NCALF COWS AND HEIFERS. Judg ing 10-30 a.m. safe 11 a.m.. commencing with Attested. Also Special Sales of STORE CATTLE at*ll-30 a.m. C. HARDY, Secretary. Auction Mart, Barnard Castle. Preliminary Notice. VACANT POSSESSION. " WOOD SIDE," RABY AVENUE, BARNARD CASTLE. To be Sold by Public Auction (unless previously Sold by Private Treaty), at the NEW i.ATE SALE ROOMS. BARNARD CASTLE, at a dale to be tixed and advertised later. SYDNEY S. HODGSON, F.A.L.P.A., AUCTIONEER. ERY ATTRACTIVE Stone-built Semi Detached Freehold Residence known as " W'oodside," Baby Avenue. Barnard Castle, containing on ground floor: Lobby, Entrance Hall, with Cloak Room off. with Lavatory and litted Hand BoWJ H . & C , 3 Reception Rooms, Kitchen, i Pantries, Scullery with large tilted sink h. ft C, Laundry would readilv convert into gai- Lavatorv and Coal House, oak Stair Case. Ist Floor : ."> Bedrooms. Bath Room with litted bath and hand bowl h.&c., separate Lavatory. Electric Light and oas throughout. Garden to front, side and rear, laid out in lawn and flower beds. Remarks.—A tirst-tiass Residence, built in dressed stone and blue slate roof, with in- terior timbers of exceptional quality. It also occupies one of the most select and sunny positions in fhe town, with southerly aspect and 'commands extensive views from most windows, and is central for all Ser- vices. For further particulars and permission to view applv the Auctioneer. Newgate Sale Rooms, Barnard Castle (Phone 191) , or Messrs DAWSON ARNOTT, solicitors, I Barnard Castle ^Phohe 6). This is our SlonJurJ lliiiltr Paste .sold in th:* district with such satisfaction for over 30 years. It is fortified us a Ked Killer with DJCRX/S PO It DER In 16 and KUf pails sufficcnt lor K0 and ISO sheep respectively e also hold stocks ot COOPER'S NEW GAMMEXAN McDOlGALL'S BORDER LITTLE'S FLUID TOPICAL REMINDERS HUSK and HOOSE BALSAM In the prcvjilinn epidemic of Moose, this teste-d remcdt eonnot lit bcati Hotlle-s (y> doses) J/6; llil doses) 6/6. DIAMOND FLOOR POLISH Housewives will welctiinc the return to t uII supplies <if this csccll, 11011 inarkiiic; Floor Polish. Non-Slipping, Hi^l, I nBbui \^'h.'- :t gill Bottles SI-. I Gallon 10/6, Jars extra (netarnabW DARLINGTON AND ARK6NGARTHDALE. SANDERSON, TOWNEND & GILBERT, F.S.L, F.A.L, will Offer for Sale bv Auction ai.lhe IMPERIAL HOTEL, DARLINGTON, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER i : « h . .1946, at 3-15 p . m . (Subject lo Conditions ol Sale to be llieli pioduced and unless previously s^old b> Private Treaty), T HE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES with , VACANT POSSESSION :- LOT 1-17. SOUTHEND AVENUE, DAR- LINGTON. Wel| built terrace house con- taining :--entrance Hall, Lounge with bay window. Dining Room; Kitchen wiih modern range, Scullery, Larder, i Red- rooms, Bathroom, Separate W.«:. I.uclosed staircase to one large room which has been partitioned. Wash-house. \\'.c.. and Coal, house a.t the rear all under cover. Small garden at the front and a large garden at the rear. R . V . 1:3^. LOT MARINA ROAD. DARLINGTON. Modern Semi-Detaoiied House containing :— Entrance Passage, Front Sitting Room, Living Rt>oin with "Crown'' range. Kitchen- ette and Pantry. ;i Redrooins. half-tiled Bathroom. Otllsi'de W.C. and Tilllbei Shed. Small garden hack and from. l ' . A , i n ; . LOT :i - I.', WIDGEON ROAD. HAULING- TON. Mptlern Semi-Det-at lied House con- taining .-Entrance, From Btttiug Room. Rack Sitting Room. Kitchenette and Larder, •> tiood IJedroonis. Raihroonr with VA'.C. There is an outside Coalhoiise and I'imbt r- buili Garage. Small garden back and Rout. R.V. £1J. LOT 4.—GLENBONNIE COTTAGE, ARKKN- GARTHDALE. Scmi-Deiached Sioiie -ltuiH Cottage, about .'s miles fiom Duiliugtoii and i miles 1 10111 Reeih. containing : Sitting' Room with bay window and modern fireplace. Kitchen with modern range. Larder, :'. Bedrooms, Bathroom with W.C. Water is laid on to the house. There is a (iarage and small Garden. R.V. I'll. And the following INVESTMENT PROPERTIES LOT 5.-21. H.VRDINC TERRACE LINCT11 .Y Bay-windowed Terrace Producing ££6/137- per annum, paving Rates. R.V. tit*. LOT G.-:.'3, HARDINi l TERRACE LINGTON. Bay -Windowed Terrace UAlt Iiouse. Tenant TJAIt- Hoiise. £28/12/- per anniini. Tenant pay R.V. iis. s. HAH IT.i; CI STREET, DAB- Ray-window cd Terrace House. Jt-6/13/- per annum. Tenant pay Landlord paying Water. R.V. Producing ing Rates. LOT 7.- L1NGTON. Producing ing Rates LOT ».—ill, BARTLETT STREET, DAR- LINGTON. Bay-windowed Terrace House. Producing t-^3/8/- per annum. Tenant pay- ing Rates. Landlord paying Water. H.V £15. LOT 9.--5G, CHANDOS STREET, DARLlNti- TON. Terrace House producing £211/16/- per annum. Tenant paying Rates. R.V. L9. LOT in. -r>6, LOUISA STREET, DAR- LINGTON. Ray-windowed Terrace House, producing t.'6 per annum. Tenant pays Rates. R.V. £10, Further particulars, Keys and Permits lo View mav be obtained from the Auctioneers' Office, -.'(iii. Bondgate, Darlington. Telephone No. SMrX SECRETS OF FORECASTING The guide that leads to Dividends in the Pools, commencing next week Exclusive to the ... RACING SPECIALIST 2d. Every Thursday - Id. ORDER YOUR COPY AT ONCE HUNTING APPOINTMENTS, LARTING TON HARRIERS. Saturday, Nov. 9.—Lartingtou Village.; CLARKSON HARKER, M.Po CHEMIST, BARNARD CASTLE. * * h # i * a To-day ane bawte a nice seiniion of MURPHY, rOSSOR, and MULLARD ilains and Haitory IJa<li<» Set* ]f you liave • K< M giving tttraUe bring ii Ui us for 11 haul antl Repairs. We hav.- a folly qualified Eii >.i to iintlfitake your repair work 4 Are you requiring wc have in gtoc of ilic follow ins TYRES for your good adection of Second-liana Tyres t— to lit I C , 17. ami 18 inch wheels. also (iOD x 2ft it -\ •', and .'A x 7 WC are stockists fur Lucas and Elude <i and 12 roll Car Batteries, and for your radiators Anti-Freeze i * +1 *t 1 RADIO, ELECTRICAL & CYCLE DEPOT J. \V. an<i W. Jacksou 42, Galgate - Barnard Castle YES . . . FOR THE PAPER HELPS THE FARMER THAT Not for official forms this time, but for more and bigger ropn - of farming's favourite journal, once again obtainable everywhere by all engaged on the land. Order your weekly copy, and read fanning — news, views, gossip, prices, property, situations, libows, demonstrations, etc. — in the land. Order 1 ad all about / ossip, sales, / s, auctions, / ' INCREASED IN SUB AND i CIRCULATION \ Farmer and Stock Breeder FIOM AIL NEWSAGENTS EVERY TUESDAY Sd "/ tin 1* k;0 \ -: • It's nice to wake up to a cup of tea and some " Dainty Fare" biscuits! Made frotn the fir>.rsr iagiedieais obtain- able, baked to perfccLon in the inimitable Weston way, Dainty Fare" arc both appexizing and energizing. THIS IS WEEK 16—THE LAST WEE.K OV THt RATION PERIOD No 4 - OCTOBBK 13 IH TO NOVBMBER 9TH. •i I m B I iii. AXIS It] t; A WITH ;.'><;<• I -•„i'ii.he No. 4,778 FAR .Viii <G FAMii BARNARD CASTl \ V\.<IJMIJ: «<i .OII-KJ |,lat<- a the I 'ailJl iJnj 111 Tliui <4;i> lafi. Uf't^B ton. i.tilv na.i^ic'i MI '••Ml. " f Mill \V t I.I. I 'll, •_:i;ii„l daiigbti'r <•! Ur .laic. an.I Mr ll"\ lc.ln and All- J . I : I n * drop. Til.- .••1.111..1 itev it. s <'i«\n i \\ i ^'ti.iiian wa- at wii-i ^^a^ ^ i v e n awa> li^ iM-r. Mitin t;ii\\ii >ranj;c iil">x'in. and pink aiiiut..'ii- > i » ' * • l.lla llix-.ii. ••! l .au ^lej brtd'' . >lic v\. n- a <lrt cap and mat' Inn, iloWM cuili.''l a l-j'.ij.!<•; • I jilfj i|.,n- I li. i||tiH - .*f t*ffl 1 ml l.y Ml VV. W a i n 11 (»J follow 111, III" .1. moll liikl a" Hi.- !•.!•' '• H"i '>a tlectcd jfi< al 1 1 ' |i 'il lllf liap|'> • " I Ii 4 xt>\- c;il I - " ! l i " ' Wt'5.1 I 'poll '.licit IVlllll! llK'.V j H<>ii>. . Staindr-p. b»il ili<- Mcddiuc. li.it •• the ltab\ l>ia.-. uli casi'- to "Vi 'i a ..'iiiiiiy. A UALt j> ULLitVL IT Tin- sloit lold in ill.' " 1 1011.1 1'iacf I anil ly 11:. .1. 1 i..-ame and " iii'i.i' aim <i«l lauiiiv WHOM - unit' -0 ia^ iio-.'. atii 1 .ii< louii.i me im*t. t'ni IIIOlloll, .1 (ol i l l . I l l lO I mm. In* i n iiii.i.t'ii Ui 111 Uic uaik aim .mi> ^ ahii in icon .'Uii -c IU l>r< Ugtlt'oul Witt: -.h.' Iilail ill >llC tlllKIO- o| Ui pa>~ci avvaj . 1 lie twu larm. havitij: m . n^a, -iipiila'a-il tta^. . \ i . • • clap-i'il one i'lo.i,. . »ai< licoiJif, it yan .ii k«'f (i - i . »'i -udiii 11 . bfJ man t\a^.> \ l i l h : n k lll 'l if ^!|.' o l .i 'V .i :a t "' X a y , Ja> K. I na> ^ lliu'j .1 lift lo w o ni'l. dia a^ liioii icJ.- lifi'. Jack. " All M.|.po "a-c VI is a Iiam jo!>. Mi allu> 1 .-till I., If EfifiLEl Dli>u0o6iort AOOrtEob BV MR T. DAI A vert nil. i ' - 14, ^a'l l -Ood -lllli- »._\ t i : I I I aras Kivm "n cia> «• -njiiciy. I ne ili .iii num. I.HJU . i-.i :in- h |ieakrr, w all laiiini> 11: i.ii- il.>li jilciiuaii, c o l .iti'i Jn, al »u» iliotou^iiK t-ujuy<* I In- »|n-uKi t il< ait uii >anJ II1.1I pio.fiii- >\i .- peractually, did in .nil Wlli'.L' 1 O V l - 1 M i l - III. idl'M 1< "Hi "|l|\ ill- (in- litis liu ,1111- u III-II lnod is aie spring and anliiinn ;ii<oi> . lie ipio.id aii una 1 atTled out m an I.C.I, a Tllia -li' t.tii llta. tti '.U wliiti- 1 |o \ei was sp"[ii-d,| and . o|.-f..,.| ~ni \ . \ . \d. cunu- prottablj w in 11 da] !l!ld It ailt IsiiPle lo I coll Hot to ttoik an old - .-.1 - provided iiime pro vm. OUiei |xiut- slre-.-«il 1 1- file lliipni .-nit 1 o{j an ideal cow fault, aithtH lory iiieili.io oi uiaMudj i tliseovelt-d. i—Tltt-re ua> 1 i |N lieforc il lltiweicii. ami would l« t.. :-:ct t\t.- 1 ills but tins was liardlv p i J i—A very usetut foi^j| of peas fx-aris and oil liliile ili 'o silage «—Wnili -r m i . - v. as | H> for Hie I la If > ilia 11 >pi grei -iiei in '.lie stalk I more protein. j—Marrow stem kale ii containing inudi prune 11 ti—Tile pieselice ol till was M it iinp-'i tanl. Tl l-\ teMilllg tile laud oi'l a llli'i"iiil mixliUf.. \u mi.-resin. g di^-cu vote <-l liaiiU- !•) M i Ha Mr T. \daliis.iu. -np |H» clllllsoli. Tilt! 11 .M iiui-liug wlifli .lure »ill In" a dii-ii\ I'.t i>ipiaiii I*. A Is 1 p Bowes Nursing Whist Or \| .lie WieUlV tvlllsl dfl almvi . o 17.1- win giviiltj Mr >a'lei liwai e lo tl^f 1 - Mis- J. >• in-.w 11. Mi- I LcMUJstaft. Uts T HarB and M l.f«i- ' .1 tnandt BONDS PO

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T H E T E E 8 D A L E M E R C U R Y . AVeiltn W o n i i . . - ! r.u>. 1946.


H O R S E M A N Barnard C a s i o . - Cougra i th tions Will I I .N. .—From l i i s pal George

H O R S E M A N B a r n a r d Castle).—Congratula­tions W i l f (M .N. . Lots <>l love and Imp­ing for y o u r speedy return.—Eddie and a l l at 3, \Yest V i e w .

H O R S E M A N iGalgate . Congra tu la t ions Wilfred (M.N. , Aus t ra l ia . Host wishes and safe return:— Mother , f a t he r . Denis and E d w a r d .

IN M E M O R I A M . B E L L . — I n ever l ov ing memory ol niv dear

son, Terence James Be l l , died November Sth, 194.').—Always in my t l ghts but never i n m y arms."— Ever lemembered by iiis Main, t i r anda . Michael B r i a n ,

M i l I in inn memories of T e r r y , w h o died November s th. 1943.—" They s a y tha i t un heals sorrow and helps us in forget. But time so far has on ly p i o v e d . h o w lunch w miss h i m ye t . "—Always remembered by Xuntie Lo t t i e . Joyce and Sy lv i a . Amines Bessie and Connie.

D O N A L D (Bowes . — I n lov ing memory of a dear husband and father, died November Mil. M S . - A l w a y s le ine inheied by his loving w i f e and f a m i l v .

A C K L O W L E D G H E N T . J O R D A N . — M i s J. R. Jordan and f a m i l y

wish to express the i r deep apprec ia t ion lor a l l the k i n d expressions o l sympathy extended to them in thei r recent sad be reavenienf.

M E T C A I . K E — The f a m i l y of the late M r s It Metcalfe t hank a l l fr iends for k i n d ex pressions of sympathy in the i r receOI bereavemeni.

R 1 I I H N i . BREECHES for Boys and Youths . trong Bedford Cord. For ages 4 to

13,6 to 19/11, 0 Coupons.—Post Order to L i v e r p >ui House, 1S3. H i g h St., Sunder l and . September 29th :


LO S T at s t r ea t l am Camp. 7-stoned \<|tia m a r i n e Blacele, . f i n d e r please r e t u r n

to Miss V. Jackson. I I . Cecil R o a d . Barnard Castle. R e w a r d .


P I E M A 1 . E FACTORY S T A F F r e p i n e d in B a r n a r d Castle, |s years of age and

over. Local g i r l s preferred .—Apply to Ser vices and Wel fa re Officer, Glaxo Labors lories. B a r n a r d Castle.

MA R R I E D C O l R L E Wan ted as Cook and F a r l o u r m a n - H a n d y m a n . M o d e r n

House. l i o o d Home.—Apply Troutbeck, Oak dale, Har roga te .

WA N T E D . 'Mother 's Help tor Sunde r l and M a i d kept. Comfor table and hapi

home.—Apply Mrs Uarkes, West House s tan ior th .

r o M K N C I - E A N ERS requ ired.—App

B a r n a r d Castlt Wl

Servnes and Wel fa re Officer, t i l a x o Laboratories.

WOMAN i i ~ requires s i tua t ion Housekeeper. Fund of children,

letters answered. W o r k i n g m a n or widow e r — Box St>-.', Teesdale Mercu ry , Ba rna rd Castle.

WO R K ava i lab le for Jobbing i . a r d e n r r Box s63. Teesdale M e r c u r y , Barna


WA N T E D . R a i l - t i m e Helper. 25 hours p* week. Wages LI I " I a week, p l u

meals valued at 3/6 a week.—Appl ica t ions to Mr J . I.iverseed. Canteen Secretary, before lath November. 1946.

WA N T E D , l i i r l s over eighteen and You Women t r a i n Wors t ed S p i n n i n g • a m i

Weaving. C-ood l lxed rate, wages pa id three mouths training per iod . Increased as soon as prollciein—live day, fo r ty - l ive h o u r week. Excellent w o r k i n g condi t ions , canteen A C C O M M O D A T I O N . Modern hostel , a l l creational fac i l i t ies , free use l a u n d r y , etc Private t ranspor t Hostel Factory free. I ' a i e from home pa id and i n i t i a l a l lowance Sui t sisters, f r iends. W r i t e ' W. i H . Foster, L i d Denholme, B rad fo rd , or app ly nearest Employment Exchange.

M I S C E L L A N E O U S S A L E S AND W A N T S B O L L S Galvanized W i r e


RU G M A K E R S : Best quality new W o o l l e n Cloth Cl ipp ings i n lovely m i x e d

itours. Is - and 23/- per stone, i n c l u d i n g ee i n s t r u c t i o n and design leaflet.— J. tepl iei ison Ltd. Dept. \ a ) , Mas l ia in . Yorks .

L 'NDOWN M F N , W O M E N ! F E E L F I T O V E R N I G H T . Oys t rax Ton ic Tablets

n t a i u qu ick " b r a c e r " w h i c h ends t i red , weak l ee l ing ; starts new v i m w i t h F I R S T D O S E «let low-cost U i a i package to-day.

et fitness y o u lack or y o u r money back. At a l l chemisis .

Blue crepe Frock, size :is. W o r n c e n t s Mac ( B u r b e r r y } . No

npo i i s -Box s 6 s . Teesdale M e r c u r y , Bar-ard Castle.


\ O P E N T A B L E S H O W w i l l be hold on S A T U R D A Y , November 9th. at 34 t lO.n i .

in the T U R K ' S HEAD H O T E L ROOM. Special Prizes. Judge : M i W . NICHOLSON. Cocki ie ld .

SA L E , I one e

coupo na n l

SC l l a


. H O O L U i l l . D l t K N . - P y j a m a s , a l l sizes, also Shorts . Gym Tun i c s , Jumper Suits,

Dress and K n i c k e i Sets, 16in. to . ' - i n . , U y m Knickers, lumper su i t s . Dress and K n i c k e i Sets. lOni. to iS in . ; l i y m Stockings, Boys ' l i o i i s e r s . N a \ y , i . r ey and Tweed ; ( i rey Lumber Suits (6 coupons; , set a l l sizes, Woo l Jumpers and Cardigans, Daye l la Cream ipym Blouses, Sk i r t s and K i l t s i n I a i \ a n . Grey, F a w n , and Green ; Dressing •Owns f r o m 33/-, a l l w o o l , a l l sizes ; g r a n d

range of Breech Sets, a l l w o o l , f r o m 37/-lioy s and g i r l s . I 4 iu . , 16in., l a i n . , i o i n . ; i n

lude postage.—J. O. Lowes a n d Co., L t d . J3, H i g h Bow. D a r l i n g t o n . A n d a t R i d * u i o i i d . N o r t l i u l l e i t o i t and B a r n a r d Castle

M AS 1 " i l i iSENTS.—Ladies ' Fur-back Cloves, Nappa p a l m , 59/6 to .4:6/19/11.

Plastic Runners at 14/11 • Nightdress Cases 19,6, Cushion Covers and Handbags ; Head squares, etc. Inc lude postage.—J. O. Lowes and Co., L t d . , 33 . H i g h Row. D a r l i n g t o n \ l so at R ichmond , Nor tha l l e r ton a n d Bar­nard Casile.


A l l

Net t ing !* A Permits Requi ted. -a y d . lengths. Sil l . U j e s l i . I . ' i i . 4 l t . w iu ths 40/-; aft. JO,'-: 6ft. On ; loft. 611 -. Carnage 6 per r o i l . I n t l . ro l l s 5/-. 10 Bol l s Carr iage Raid.—Claude AJdrich .Meiciiani.-; L . d . . Brabour l i e , Ash lonl, Kent. Se l l in i ige 3114.

" B A O »N I ' l d S l o r Sale. ; i Heifers and 1 Bul iock.—J. \V. C. \ \ a l t o n , Clen L y o n

F a r m a u i i i n o n , i>arnaid Castle. Rhone 3ul. of l i o o d Rasp Canes w i n . Armstrong, 71.


A L A R U E Quan t i t y fur sale.—Apply

Oaiga.e. B a r n a u l Casile. for bale, m e d i u u i and

-Graham. Shaws. BA C J M I ' l l , also W e a n e r s -

nard Castle.

inu 11. bar J

FOR S A L E F o l d " \ n g l i a . " I9U> Mode: . 9,0liii miles . Per.eel cond i t i on . N. u i -

esl offer to fciati.—Apply W. and J. McRhee, L t d . , B i r c h Road. B a r n a r d Castle.

FO B S A I L . Hoover. jT.'i mode l , w i t h l u l l set Dus t ing too ls . Excel lent coi iui . ' io 'v

—Box M66, I'eesuale Mercu ry . B a r n a u l Cas.le.

FOR SALE. Lady Ibting. t i e b e l t .

Ulied C i e p e d e - i l i m e cally new. Hips loin.

s W i n t e r Coal, s l i m bu i l t -up sleeves, f u l l ) Velour c lo th . I ' r ac t i -lei;_ .. i . ' . n . . neiu i l l l .

No coupons Barnard (.a-

-Rox S 6 T , l e e s i l ae M e r c u r y

FOR S A L E . ;fnti Ca l lon Calvauized l a n k , as good as new. Offers Ui the secre­

tary. Heading Room. R o m a l d k i r k , noi latei than 13th November .1916.

FOR SALE. K a y - ' c e l l o model Spanish Cu i i a r . Ideal for band. W i t h Case.

C S . - U o x H6J. I'eesdale M e n u i v , l i a r n a i u Castle._

FOB SALE. 19:59 Ford Prefect, good i o i fd i l i o n l l i r o u g h o u l . taxed u> end of year.

C a n be -een after 1 p .m. , ex. ept Saturdays. Offers.—II. Metcalfe D a i r y m a n . .'3. W i l s o n Street, B a r n a r d Castle.

EV E R Y T H I N G for Baby .—Musl in squares, 31in. double. 1/9); Helmets. Bonnets,'

Pixies , Berets, etc.; W o o l P r a m Sets f r o m 9IH; W o o l Dresses. 0 1J, 16in. and l s i n . ; Vests in a l l sizes ; W o o l , S i lk and W o o l and Interlock Fleecy L i b e r t y Bodices, a l l sizes ; Winceyette Pe'.licoats," sizes 16in. to 32in.; Plastic Knickers , Rubber Cot Sheets at 5/11; Wool Shawls ; Dresses i n a l l sizes ; O i l s k i n Capes and Plast ic Capes ; inc lude postage.— J . O. Lowes and Co., L t d . , 33, H i g h Row, Darling:"!). Also at R i c h m o n d , Northal ler­ton and Barnard Castle.

FO B S A L E , 1937 Ford 8 h p . V a n ; ru-con-ditioiied engine ; new tyres .—White

Wmnti Hotel. S a r t l o r t h . H a l l i a r d Castle. F A T ' S W r i s t " W a t c h , Wate rp roof and

Rustproof. Swiss made. 15 Jewels, large second-hand, l uminous , chromium case, s.ainless sleel back, unbreakable glass, real leather strap, d ia ls in black or wh i t e , fully guaranteed for '-' years. t7 15s. post paid. Cash w i l l order ( C O D . I - extra . Write for i l lus t ra ted leaflet.—W. I ) . Morgan and Co.. Ltd. Dept FSUS . 9, Mansfield Street. Loudon, W . I . L i m i t e d s l o c k . Order now lor Ch i i s tmas .

LA D I E S I n d e r w e a i . Inter lock K n n k e i s , Vests and Combina t ions ; Dure W o o i

Kuicke is and Coml i i i i . ' i t i o i i - . s i Ik Night Dresses and S.t- . Include postage.—J. O. Lowes and Co., L td . , 33, H i g h Row. Dar l ing­ton. Also at R i c h m o n d . Nor tha l le r ton and B a r n a r d Castle.

M A K E YOUR O W N HOOKEY RL'c w i t h my specially selected lines! qua l i ty

new woollen cloth Hookey Cl ippings , r ( lb. bale a s s o r t e d colours -'•">,- carnage free JJ*!i»fa< •ion guaianteed m in-..,, . . . , ,. funded. H . Conway (Dept. , 171, "stoke K 'ewingio i i t . h u n h Street, London, N.16,

and Di r t from upbol furniture, carpets, curtain.-,, etc

fffb M O D E N L D ry C lean ing F l u i d . Restore pattern: revises colour . ;j - and . , / « pei buttle from J . P a r k i n s o n and Son-, : j ; Ho i Market. B a r n a r d Castle.

SA L E , i F.ssex c i l t s in pig. due t i n - m o n i h . i LAV. Boais . Meb.alfc. D i l l o n F i e l d .

Jlewsham. Richmond, Yorke.

• ^ K E M O V I - ; Stains X L stered fui mini

A P A R T M E N T S ,

WA N T E D u rgen t ly . T w o or T l u e e L n furnist ied Rooms w i t h use o l Ki ieben

or a l t e ina t ive i n Barnard Castle. Adver t iser nnis'l f ind accommodat ion befor win te r , an i l w o u l d appreciate any offer Box S69. I'eesdale Mercu ry . Barnard Castlt

P R O P E R T Y F O R S A L E AND W A N T E D . r . i . l I . A l t M O N T H L Y SAVLNti w i n h

you to p rov ide the tleposit to buy iiouse. Pa r t i cu la r s can be had f rom t in H A L I F A X B U I L D I N G SOCIETY, l.oc Agent : .1. Noel Paul & Co., 35, Calgate Barnard castle.

A H O M E OF V O I R O W N A t t a i n your ideal t h r o u g h the H A L I F A X BL1LD1NC SOCIETY. Par t i cu la r s f r o m Loca l

Agent : I . Noel Pau l & Co.. 35 . Calgate l i a r u a t d Castle.

L L T R A D E S . A l l Prices. Largest Sale i n B r i t a i n . Branch Offices a l l d i s t r i c t

B u y i n g or Se l l i ng consul t NATIONAL B U S I N E S S A G E N C Y . Local B r a n c h : P u d d i n g (!1iare, Newcastle. |n-13 a.m. da i ly

44ln: Norfolk . Tobacconist ,

accommodat ion . F i t t i ngs . eLl5n. N E S S A G E N C Y .

Grocer, Confectionei Net profi t £16 p .w. i . i v i u Freehold £3,500. Goodwi l l S.A.V.—NATIONAL 111 SI

» . St. ( i i les Street. N o r w i c h

4417. West Country. Cenei Net profi t t i n p .w. H o n

C7,.">eii. G o o d w i l l , Equipment , L5IMI.—NATIONAL 111 SIN ESS fct Owens Street, Hereford.

4338. C o r n w a l l . Private" Hotel." P r o x i m i Large Aerodrome. At' , l igures . Cai

park, wnple Scope. Freenold, HI0,ww al l — N A T I O N A L B U S I N E S S A G E N C Y , B , L e m o n street , T r u r o .

al Decorator •e. Freehold i-.'.jnn. Sioc A G E N C Y , U

4370. Suffolk. A g r i c u l t u i a l Cont rac to i T u r n o v e r t3,5O0-i:4,00ii p.a. No compei

H o n . House obtainable , ( i o o d w i l l . Exteil sive Equipment . Stock £14,600.—NATIONAI Bl S I N E S S A G E N C Y , 6, Museum Street I p s w i c h

"a 11 re L ive rpoo l . i i i o c e r y . Provis ions

ret u g i o c e i y . W o r k i n g Class. Nei prof i t tHa p .w. i . i v n i g accommodat ion . G o o d w i l l F in ings . Stock t7,iHMi.—NATIONAL B U S 1 Nl ' .SS AGENCY. 79-SI. London Road. L i v e r pool .


G E N E R A L M E E T I N G w i l l bp held T O - N K i l i r (Wednesday) al 7 p .m . i n

e CO-OP. G U I L D ROOM. A l l members are ijuested to attend.



F R I D A Y , N O V E M B E R I 5 i l i , ISiUi. Danc ing 8 t i l l 12.

Music by Moderuaues D a m e Orchestra Admission %j6 at door, or f r o m members .of

the Commitlee. second Ann ive r sa ry of H a l l Fund:

W H I S T D R I V E AND DANCE to be held in D A L T O N SCHOOLROOM on

F R I D A Y , NOVEMBER Sth. W i n s ; 7-3o p . m .

Good Pii / . i ' s and L i g h t Refreshineiils, A l l Welcome.


Teesdale W a r d . A GRAND BRING AND BUY S A L E

w i l l be he ld at the W I T H A M H A L L , BARNARD C A S T L E , on T H U R S D A Y , aih D E C E M B E R , I'Jiti,

c t in i inencing at . ' -15 p . m . B u n g and Buy Sta l l . W h i t e Elephant Stal l

reduce Sta l l ! Grocery S ta l l , FTovyer Sta l l Baffles and Amusements ,

l i g h t Refreshments Avai lab le . Entrance Fee Gel.


NOVEMBER l i n h , l l f h , Mill. Sunday Services l'i-3o and 6-30 p .m.

P r e a c h e r : Mrs C H O S S L E Y , of Manchester. Soloist : Mrs HORNER, l . evburn . MONDAY at ~'-3o p j l l . — W O M E N ' S R A L L Y , to

he addressed bv Mrs CROSSLEY. Soloist M i - HORNER.

T U E S D A Y , 7-15 p.m. A " P A G E A N T O F B I B L E WOMEN,' ' to be presented by (he members. Pioduced by Mrs Batemao. Admiss ion i , - . Cb i ld re i i Half -Pr ice .

Organis ts : Mrs Peat and Miss W h i l e .


present Ken i i e t l i Home ' s B r i l l a n t Successful Comedy

" L O V E IN A M I S T " I i n Three Acts) .

A Laugh i n Every L ine . IN BOWES SCHOOLHROM,

ON F R I D A Y , NOVEMBER K n d , 1910. T o cominence at 7-3n p . in .

Doors open 7 p .m. C l i a i i m a n . Mr . .1. W . Alderson, J . i ' .

\ d i u i s s i o i i -Reserved Seats. •>[$ (Limited Number ; Unreserved. 3/.-; S tanding Doom.

I / - ; Ch i ld ren . H a l l Pr ice . Proceeds in a id of the Par ish H a l l Funds.

DANCING in p. in io I a.m. Mrs Preston's Band.

Admiss ion . 1/6. Tickets m a v be booked I n

Mrs. N. W. P icke i sg i l t . Woodbine House Bowes Phone. Bowes 20, f r o m Wednesday

November I3 lh .

W W o u l d

A N T E D , House to rent, Ba rna rd Castle i l e a , one year 's rent i n advance,

consider pure! dale M e r c u r y

consider purchase.—Box Barnard castle.

•s(it. T e e s -

or WA N T E D to rent Barnard Castle a

Three or four bedroom and garden. Box s5l, Ba rna rd Castle.

purchase. House i n w i t h i n easy access.

• (preferably four, I'eesdale Mercury,

1 D O W " requires Cottage, to rem o i pur­chase ; Garden ; Teesdale or Wear-mus t be reasonable.—Box His, Tees-

iialc Mercury, B a r n a r d Castle.

w dale

E D U C A T I O N . H O B N G A T E HOUSE, B a r n a r d Castle.—

Pr iva t e School for ( i i r l s f r o m five years of age. Also pr ivate coaching g iven . —Appl ica t ions to Miss E. I t . Thompson .

G E N E R A L N O T I C E S .

A P I U L 1 C M E E T I N G w i l l be held i n M A R W O O D CHAPEL on T H U R S D A Y ,

7th November, a; 7-30 p .m. , to consider the p rov i s ion of a Social Centre for M a r w o o d and Langleyda le . A l l interested are i n v i t e d to a t tend.

M , ! , i" . B U R T begs to announce that he has sold his business of Grocer

Baker and Confect ioner to tin- Darlington Co-operative and I n d u s t r i a l Society.

He Wishes to lake this oppo r tun i ty of ex­pressing his thanks and apprec ia t ion to h i customers, ar id hopes t h a i they w i l l con­t inue the i r patronage w i t h Hie D a r l i n g t o n Co-operative a n d Indus t r i a l Society.

G E O . T . B U R T 17. Ho i seu ia rke i .

Barnard Castle. BOLDRON V I L L A G E H A L L .

A GRAND DANCE w i l l be held at the

M O R R I T T A R M S , GRETA BRIDGE, on T H U R S D A Y , NOVEMBER 7ih, 1946.

Danc ing 9 p . m . t i l l 1 a .m. Music by Preston a n d F'awcett's Band.

Admis s ion 3 / - . Maude's Bus leaves B a r n a r d Castle Si ala) s-311 p . m . lo r Greta Br idge , v i a . Bo ld ron .

R e t u r n i n g al ter the dance. C l a i m i n g Dan 1 .


i n B O W E S GRAMMAR SCHOOL BONING NIGHT, December i'6th, 7-15 p .m. ,

GRAND W H I S T D R I V E . DANCING In p.m.—".! a .m.

DECEMBER U'th. 1916. . T H E BOKEBY i B R I G N A I . I . BRANCH

W O M E N ' S I N S T I T U T E w i l l be h o l d i n g a C H R I S T M A S F A I R

fo l l owed by a W H I S T D R I V E AND DANCE

at the M O R R I T T ARMS H O T E L on " t i T B I BSD.VY, DECEMBER 13th.

Par t icu la rs w i l l fo l low. M11)1 iLETCIN I I A R D E N f T t S



Open to the publ ic f rom 3 -3u p.in.-,s;jn | Admiss ion 6d.

S E W B I G G I N Y . F . C


Y . F . C .

\ o \ E M B E R 6th. a l 3-30 I ' . m In tht i ; i : t : i ! i :A i I O N R O O M .

\ D E B A T E w i t h Chestei-b-Strei ' t T O W N v. C O U N T R Y .

Open Meet ing;

1 1 . G i . L s T O N MHi l iTrrruRAi . sot:ii-:i"Yr

T IIK A N N U M . M E E T I N G o l the Society-w i l l b<> he'd in Hie I N S T I T U T E , Eggle-

- i " i i . at 7-;»i p i n . on T i l l B S D A Y , Novemhei ".Hi. I91G. Ml members are requested to

MISS HOOK (by a r raug


how "pen at 11, T H E BANK, BARNARD C A S T L E .

Dolls, Wood Toys, Swings, Children's Books, Games, xmas Cards, Decorations.


w i l l preseni

OF HOLLAND uie i i t w i t h deorge Dance

Mus ica l P lays) , A Dutch Musical Incident

by P a u l A. Beuiietis i n the

V I C T O R I A H A L L for F ive Nights.

I t ESDAY, -i6th NOV I . M I ' . I . I L to S A I I R D A Y . : ! H [ l i NOVEMBER, 1946.

Doors open 6-311 p.m. C u r t a i n rises 7-n p .m. Admission. : Balcony and Fron t Stal ls . 0/-(reservedj ; Sjscond Stalls , -V,'- (reserved) ; Back Siai ls , 3/6 unreserved) ; a l l i n c l u d i n g

T a x . Book y o u r Seal at Hie London Lending L i b r a r y (G. V. T a r n . on and after F r i d a y ,

November Sth, 19-16. MATI .NEi : on SATURDAY • AFTERNOON,

commence 2 p .m. p i o m p t .



[FREE C O M P E T I T I O N S Of all Newsagents 2d.


u d .

R. w . N O B I X Secretary,


N O T I C E T O P E R S O N S R E Q U I R I N G A C O U N C I L H O U S E .

E \ ERY PERSON desirous of a Counc i l House i n B a r n a r d Castle should make

app l i ca t ion imiued ia i e ly on the official app l i ca t ion f o r m obtainable f r o m the Counci l Offices.

T h i s applies lo a l l persons r e s id ing i n houses w h i c h are deemed to be condemned, or inc luded i l l a Clearance. Area. No con­sideration wi l l be given to persons who have not completed application forms.

Advice a n d assistance on the comple t ion 0 1 ' the forms w i l l be g i v e n to any person r e q u i r i n g same on app l i ca t ion at the Counci l Offices

D A T E D this 30th October. 1916. -J. C. W A L K E R ,

Clerk to the Counc i l . Counci l Offices,

" W o o d l e i g h , " BARNARD CASTLE.


C H U R C H A N N I V E R S A R Y C E L E B R A T I O N S w i l l be heid on


Sunday Preachers : l iKin a.m. Rev. S. LEON COOK 'Pastor ; . 6-30 p.in.—Rev. s. 1 \ S U L L I V A N . B D . M C-


w i l l he g iven by M r W A L T E R M E Y N E I . L . Soloists :

M A D A M M I N N I E S M I T H (Soprano MISS M A R Y NOBLE (Contral to)

C h a i r m a n : s . i i . E. P H I L L I P S , Esq. supported by Rev. s. LEON COOK.

Admiss ion by Programme, I -. P rogrammes o n sale at the f o l l o w i n g shops :—

Mrs Brownless , Galgate : Mr E. Holds worth, M a i k c i Place ; M r J. S impson . G a l g a t e : a n d M i W. T r o l t , Church House, H u l l Street.


Wil l be held on NOVEMBER sth. Danc ing 7-3" p . m . to 11-311 p . m .

M i l i t a r y Orchestra i n attendance. Proceeds for Chi ld ren ' s Chris t inas P a n ;

EGGLESTONE. A W H I S T D R I V E AND DANCE w i l l be held i n the SCHOOL on

FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8th. W h i s t 7-3ti p .m. Admiss ion 1/6.

Dance In p . m . - - l a.m. A d m i s s i o n 1,6. I • Sowerby 's B a n d i n attendance.

. Proceeds for Church Funds. C l a i m i n g Dates.

BOWES. NOVEMBER .'9th. 7 p .m.—GRAND C O N C E R T

by Church Sunday School Scholars. Pa r t i cu la r s later.

DECEMBER l i t t i , i-M p . m . - XMAS F A I R .11 a id of Challenge Fund . Part iculars later.

DECEMBER 17th, 7 p.m.—Bowes Grammar School c h i l d r e n w i l l give S A C R E D C O N C E R T i n a id of c h a p e l a n d Church Sunday School Funds.


A l- I L i t 5^ years amongst y o u , a n d m a i n years as successor of M r W . Hodgson,

B a r n a r d Castle. M r Geo. T. Bur t is r e t i r i n g f r o m the business of Grocer, Baker, and Confectioner, at I T . The Horsemarket, Hal­liard Castle.

The D a r l i n g t o n Co-operative a n d Indus­t r i a l socie ty L i m i t e d have pleasure i n announcing tha i Ihey are t a k i n g over this business as and f r o m the 9th November. 1956. and ask y o u for the con t inuance of the support g iven to Mr Bur t . We take the o p p o r t u n i t y of assuring y o u 0 [ o u r b e S i t

service, del iveries w i l l con t inue as at present.

Members of the Society i n the B a r n a r d Castle area are requested to con t inue the i r patronage at our shops 4 a n d t l , M a r k e t Place. B a r n a r d Casile.

ft. R. H A L L , General Manager . T . T . C R E E , Secretary.


TH E BARNARD C A S T L E M U S I C A L SOCIETY regret to announce that ow­

ing to the insufficient response for members practices w i l l not he resumed at present

IDEAL CALF GRUEL frees valuable milk for sale and rears strong, healthy calves

Available from al l leading Merchants. JOHN P A T T I N S O N & SON, L I M I T E D ,

W H I T E H A V E N .



Cinematograph En ie r t a inu ien i s o n Sundays. Y RESOLUTION passed a l a mee t ing

hetd on the ' - 'Mi day o l October, 194o tne Counc i l of Ule above-named Urban Dis t r i c t decided titut, app l i c a t i on shou ld be made to P a r l i a m e n t l o r powers enab l ing Hie appropr ia te l i cens ing a u t h o r i t y under me c i n e m a t o g r a p h Act, i9tiu, to a l low c inematograph enter ta inments i n the sa id UrbiUT D i s t r i c t o n Sundays, subject to the condi t ions requi red by l a w and to such other condi t ions as the l i cens ing au tho r i t y m i g h t t h i n k l i t 1 0 impose ; a n d for t ha t pu r pose the sa id Counci l proposed to submi t lo Hie Secretary o l State, under the Schedule 1 0 the s u n u a y Enter ia iuinei ixs Act , 193~', a d ra f t order i l l the i o l l o w i n g terms :—

' I n accordance w i t h the p rov is ions o l the "Sunday Ente r ta inments Act , 193£, 1, , one o l His Majesty 's P r i n c i p a l Secretaries Of Stale, hereby order d:ai , as f r o m the date on w h i c h t t i is order has been approved by resolu­t ions passed by both Houses of P a l l i a inent , section one ol' the sa id Ac t sha l l extend to the I rbau Dis t r i c t of B a r n a r d Castle." i n pursuance o i pa r ag raph i oi the

Schedule to the Sunday Entertainments. Act , 193:.', the baid Counc i l hereby Give Notice d i a l a Pub l i c Mee t ing of the loca l gove rn incu t electors for the said Urban Dis t r i c t w i l l be he ld i n the W i l l i a m H a l l at 7 p .m. on T h u r s d a y , the 21st day o l November, 1910, l o r ttie purpose o l cons ider ing the quest ion o l the submiss ion of the said d r a i t order to the Secretary o l State.

1'he decision o l ihe meet ing , as declared by the president of the meet ing , W i l l be t u i a l , unless a po l l o i the electors is r equ i red i n the manne r p rov ided by ahe N i n t h Schedule 10 the Loca l Government Act, 1933, us app l ied by the Schedule to the Sunday Enter ta inments Act , 1932.

This is the second p u b l i c a t i o n of t h i Notice i i i th i s newspaper.

Dated th is 3uth day of October, ID Hi. J. C. W A L K E R , Clerk to the Urban D i s t r i c t

Counc i l of B a r n a r d Castle Counci l Offices,

" W o o d l e i g h , " B a r n a r d Castle.


w i l l be he ld i n S T A H T F O B T H SCHOOL CANTEEN

on THURSDAY, 7lh NOVEMBER, at 7 p .m . i ; < i t . L E S I O N 1 i i scuss ioN S O C I E T Y "

A MEETING of the above Society w i l l b held i n the C. of E. SCHOOL on

MONDAY, November 11th. 1946. at 7-ia p . m Speaker : T . DAWSON, Esq.. H o u g h a l l . Subject : " Home-Grown Stock F'ood." A l l interested are i n v i t e d to a t tend.

F. T H O M P S O N , Hon . Sec

WM. SMITH & CO. , L O W M I L L F O U N D R Y ,

' BARNARD C A S T L E . Phone 100. Engineers and Ironfounders, Central Heating, Welding, turning, Blacksmithing, Builders' and

Clumbers' Merchants. Tubes ;<nd Fi t t ings . Galvanized Tanks. Sheets, Water Bowls, Dust Bins, etc.. Cattle and Pig Troughs, Lawn Mowers Repaired. Mangle

Hollers Renewed.

T H E M A R T , M I D D L E T O N - I N - T E E S D A L E . ' bv kind permission of the Teesdale

M a r t Co. j . R. IAN S C O T T

w i l l Sell by Publ ic \ 1J . l i o n 1 Q U A N T I T Y oi I I UNFIT RE and House \ . "bold Effects. 0 1 1

S A T I R D A Y , N O \ EMI ' . I . I ! I t i t l i , 1916. p a r t i c u l a r s l . a i e i .

Anyone w i s h i n g io include airy gooAi m this Sale must semi partni.lai•«. not later t han Saturday, Novembei D i l i , ' t o I t . la Scott, Summer ) H i l l , New l ugg i i i - iu -1 ee d a l e ; or H C. Addison. I I . H i l l l e r r a n Midd ' le toi i - in-1 eesdiile.


Having received ins t ruc t ions J*oin Mr is Aldersou w h o is d e c l i n i n g f a r m i n g ovviu,. to ill-health), w i l l Se l l by Auction on

SAT! RDAV, '.lib NOVEMBER, 1946, IHE W H O L E 0 1 His F A R M STOCK,

I M P I . E M E N I S . HAY, Etc., . o h i p n s Head of C A T T L E — R o a n Cow. s.l. l . ' i h l

A p r i l ; W h i t e Cow, sd. Mb J • • I > ; I l l e i l a im | l Roan Heifer S t i rks .

I M P L E M E N T S . Coup I . : H I in perf . . o lder , ( .ham H a r r o w - . Sweep. .' Scytbes Cow .IJands. Grindstone, Rakes and Forks New (iate. Sundry Tools .

Set ol C a n dears. Traces and Sundry Gear. ^ Wood I ' " 11 I .TRY HOUSES. 19 l b ud u | P O U L T R Y . Stack of H A Y (got w i t h o u t a s h o w n ,

go off. . Sale at 1-30 p .m.

\ut ' tki ' l teer 's Addre s s : H a y b e l l i e s . Me k!e ton. B a r n a r d Casile ;Phone Cotherstone


T H U R S D A Y , 7ti i NOVEMBER, 1946, c o m p r i s i n g : -

;{ HORSES. ' 31 Head of C A T T L E .


117 Head ol P O U L T R Y . I M P L E M E N T S , DAIRY UTENSILS,

GEARS) E t c In h-p. MOTOR C M C 11 AY a n d EATAGE. Part FURNITURE.

F u l l p a i t i t u l a r s as advert ised last week Sale at 12 noon p rompt .

T H O M A S ADDISON, Auctioneer, HJayberries, M i c k i e i o u , Bar­

na rd Castle (Phone Cotlierse.ne .


BARNARD C A S T L E . T n be Sold bv Publ ic Auc t ion on

W E D N E S D A Y , 13th NOVEMBER, 19*6, at 3 p.m.

(Subject to Special Conditions to be then p roduced ; .

S Y D N E Y S. HODGSON, F A . L P . A (Auct ioneer ) .

V ERY A T T R A C T I V E M o d e m Semi­detached Stone-buil t F R E E H O L D

RESIDENCE, k n o w n as " 6 . .Cecil Road, n a m , m i Castle, con t a in ing :—Entrain H a l l , Lounge, D i n i n g Room. Kitchenette w i t h t i t l ed Gas Cooker, S ink , I I . k C Pan t rv . Cupboard under stairs ; 3 Bed­rooms', Baith Room with panel bath, hand b o w l and a i r i n g cupboard , separate l.ava-to rv . Electric l i g h t th roughout ; l ias f " i cooking . Sma l l dower ga rden i l l f ront , vegetable garden at rear, on w h i c h is erected Wooden Hu t i x 9U. 3 in . as coal house. The whole comprises an a n a of a p p r o : . JiKi sq. yards .

R e m a r k s . - A very desirable p i o p e r i y . sitone bu i l t , i n excellent state of repair , i n good loca l i t y and very cent ra l .

F'or permiss ion to v i ew and fur ther par t i ­culars applv to : Messrs W. 4. .v I I . C. W A T S O N , Sol ic i tors . B a r n a r d Castle (Phone t!3} ; or to Auctioneer, Newgale sale Booms, B a r n a r d Castle (Phone 194;.





Novembei 10th Ui-311, Rev. S.

.6-30, Rev. s.

C H U R C H N O T I C E S . S i R L E ! C O N u R E l i A l l O . N A L

B a r n a r d Casile.—Sunday,

Leon Cook. S u l l h a n , B.D. , M.C

N • I ; W ( J A 1 E i . a rd Ca

li i-3n A G-3n.

M l . l ' . l o D I S T CHURCH, l i a r tie.- -SUllday, November Hith M i s Crossly- (Women's O w n ,

T U t i M 1 V . M l . i l l o D I S ' i CHURCH, Ba rna ru

Castle;-—Sunday', November K i t h : in-311 Rev. \ . l i . Bateman. 6-30 . Rev. .1. D. Coittts. j A r e t i r i n g col lect ion w i l l be taken for F a n

Haig ' s Fund . W E S L E Y B U I L D . F r iday . ; p . m . Speaker:

M r A. W i l l i s , S ta iudrop .


F A R M E R S ' A U C T I O N M A R T , CO., L T D .




i n g 10-30 a.m. safe 11 a.m.. commenc ing w i t h Attested. Also Special Sales of S T O R E C A T T L E at*l l-30 a.m.

C. H A R D Y , Secretary. A u c t i o n Mar t , B a r n a r d Castle.

P r e l i m i n a r y Notice. VACANT POSSESSION.

" WOOD S I D E , " R A B Y A V E N U E , B A R N A R D C A S T L E .

To be Sold by Publ ic Auc t ion (unless previous ly Sold by Pr iva te T r e a t y ) , at the


at a dale to be t ixed and advertised later. S Y D N E Y S. HODGSON, F . A . L . P . A . ,

AUCTIONEER. ERY A T T R A C T I V E Stone-bui l t Semi

Detached Freehold Residence k n o w n as " W'oodside," Baby Avenue. B a r n a r d Castle, c o n t a i n i n g on g r o u n d floor: Lobby, Entrance H a l l , w i t h Cloak Room off. w i t h Lava to ry and l i t ted H a n d BoWJ H . & C , 3 Reception Rooms, Ki tchen , i Pantr ies , Scul lery w i t h large t i l ted s ink h. ft C, L a u n d r y w o u l d r ead i lv conver t in to g a i -

Lava to rv and Coal House, o a k S ta i r Case. Ist F loor : ."> Bedrooms. Bath Room w i t h l i t ted bath and h a n d b o w l h . & c . , separate L a v a t o r y . Electr ic L i g h t and oas th roughout .

Garden to f ron t , side and rear, l a i d out i n l a w n and flower beds.

Remarks.—A tirs t - t iass Residence, built i n dressed stone and blue slate roof, w i t h in­t e r io r t imbers of except ional q u a l i t y . I t also occupies one of the most select and sunny posi t ions in fhe t o w n , w i t h souther ly aspect and 'commands extensive v iews f r o m most w i n d o w s , and is central for a l l Ser­vices.

For further pa r t i cu la r s and permission to view app lv the Auct ioneer . Newgate Sale Rooms, B a r n a r d Castle (Phone 191) , or Messrs D A W S O N ARNOTT, so l i c i to r s ,

I B a r n a r d Castle ^Phohe 6).

This is our SlonJurJ l l i i i l t r Paste .sold in th:*

district with such satisfaction for over 30 years. It

is fortified us a Ked Killer with DJCRX/S PO I t DER

In 16 and KUf pails sufficcnt lor K0 and ISO sheep respectively

e a l s o h o l d s t o c k s o t


M c D O l G A L L ' S B O R D E R

L I T T L E ' S F L U I D

T O P I C A L R E M I N D E R S HUSK and HOOSE BALSAM In the p rcv j i l i nn epidemic o f M o o s e , this teste-d remcdt eonnot l i t bcati

Hotlle-s (y> doses) J/6; l l i l doses) 6/6.

DIAMOND FLOOR POLISH Housewives w i l l welctiinc the return t o tuII supplies <if this csccll, 11011 inarkiiic; Floor Polish. Non-Slipping, H i ^ l , I nBbui \^'h.'-

:t g i l l Bottles SI-. I Gallon 10/6, J a r s extra (netarnabW

D A R L I N G T O N AND A R K 6 N G A R T H D A L E . S A N D E R S O N , T O W N E N D & G I L B E R T ,

F . S . L , F . A . L , w i l l Offer for Sale bv Auct ion a i . l h e

I M P E R I A L H O T E L , DARLINGTON, on W E D N E S D A Y , NOVEMBER i:«h. .1946,

at 3-15 p . m . (Subject lo Condi t ions o l Sale to be l l i e l i p ioduced a n d unless previous ly s^old b>

Private T r e a t y ) ,


LOT 1-17 . SOUTHEND AVENUE, DAR­LINGTON. W e l | bu i l t terrace house con­t a i n i n g :--entrance H a l l , Lounge w i t h bay w i n d o w . D i n i n g Room; Ki tchen w i i h modern range, Scul lery , Larder, i Red-rooms, B a t h r o o m , Separate W . « : . I.uclosed staircase to one large room w h i c h has been pa r t i t i oned . Wash-house. \ \ ' .c . . and C o a l , house a.t the rear a l l under cover. Smal l garden at the f r o n t and a large garden at the rear. R.V. 1:3 .̂

LOT M A R I N A ROAD. D A R L I N G T O N . Modern Semi-Detaoiied House con ta in ing :— Entrance Passage, Front S i t t i ng Room, L i v i n g Rt>oin w i t h " C r o w n ' ' range. Ki tchen­ette and Pan t ry . ; i Redrooins. hal f - t i led Ba throom. Otllsi'de W.C. and T i l l l b e i Shed. Sma l l garden hack and f r o m . l ' . A , i n ; .

LOT : i - I.', W I D G E O N ROAD. HAULING-T O N . Mpt lern Semi-Det-at l ied House con­t a i n i n g . - E n t r a n c e , F r o m Bt t t i ug Room. Rack S i t t i ng Room. Kitchenette and Larder , •> t iood IJedroonis. Raihroonr w i t h VA'.C. There is an outside Coalhoiise and I ' imbt r-b u i l i Garage. S m a l l garden back and R o u t . R.V. £1J.

LOT 4.—GLENBONNIE COTTAGE, A R K K N -G A R T H D A L E . Scmi-Deiached S i o i i e - l t u i H Cottage, about .'s miles f i o m D u i l i u g t o i i and i mi les 110111 Reeih. con ta in ing : S i t t ing ' R o o m w i t h bay w i n d o w and modern fireplace. Ki tchen w i t h modern range. Larder , :'. Bedrooms, Ba th room w i t h W.C. Wate r is l a id on to the house. There is a ( iarage and smal l Garden. R.V. I'll.

A n d the f o l l o w i n g I N V E S T M E N T PROPERTIES

LOT 5 . - 2 1 . H.VRDINC TERRACE L I N C T 1 1 . Y B a y - w i n d o w e d Terrace P roduc ing ££6/137- per a n n u m , p a v i n g Rates. R.V. t i t* .

LOT G.-:.'3, H A R D I N i l TERRACE LINGTON. Bay-Windowed Terrace

UAl t I iouse. Tenant

TJAIt-H o i i s e .

£28/12/- per a n n i i n i . Tenant pay R.V. i i s .

s. HAH I T . i ; CI STREET, DAB-Ray-window cd Terrace House.

Jt-6/13/- per annum. Tenant pay L a n d l o r d p a y i n g Wate r . R.V.

Producing i n g Rates.

LOT 7.-L1NGTON. Produc ing i n g Rates

LOT ».—ill, B A R T L E T T STREET, DAR­LINGTON. Bay-windowed Terrace House. P roduc ing t-^3/8/- per a n n u m . Tenant pay­ing Rates. L a n d l o r d p a y i n g Water . H.V £15.

LOT 9.--5G, CHANDOS STREET, D A R L l N t i -TON. Terrace House p roduc ing £211/16/- per a n n u m . Tenant pay ing Rates. R.V. L9.

LOT in. -r>6, LOUISA S T R E E T , DAR­LINGTON. Ray-windowed Terrace House, p roduc ing t.'6 per a n n u m . Tenant p a y s Rates. R.V. £10,

Further pa r t i cu la r s , Keys and Permits lo View m a v be obtained f r o m the Auctioneers ' Office, -.'(iii. Bondgate, D a r l i n g t o n . Telephone No. SMrX


F O R E C A S T I N G The guide that leads to Dividends in the Pools, commencing next week Exclusive to the . . .

R A C I N G S P E C I A L I S T 2d. — Every Thursday - I d .



Saturday, Nov. 9 .—Lar t ing tou Village.;


* * h




a T o - d a y ane bawte a n ice s e i n i i o n o f

MURPHY, rOSSOR, and MULLARD i l a i n s and Haitory IJa<li<» Set*

] f you l iave • K<M g i v i n g t t traUe bring i i Ui us f o r 1 1

h a u l a n t l Repairs. W e hav.- a f o l l y qualif ied Eii>.i to i int l f i take your repair work


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w c have i n gtoc of i l i c follow ins

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also (iOD x 2ft it -\ •', a n d .'A x 7

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• * +1 *t


RADIO, E L E C T R I C A L & C Y C L E DEPOT J . \ V . an<i W . W« J a c k s o u

42, Galgate - Barnard Castle



Not for official forms this time, but for more and bigger ropn -of farming's favourite journal, once again obtainable everywhere by all engaged on the land. Order your weekly copy, and read fanning — news, views, gossip, prices, property, situations, libows, demonstrations, etc. — in the

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Farmer and Stock Breeder FIOM AIL N E W S A G E N T S EVERY TUESDAY Sd

"/ tin 1*

k;0 \ -: •

It 's nice to wake up t o a cup o f tea and some " Dainty

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• D a i n t y F a r e " arc b o t h appexizing and energizing.

T H I S IS W E E K 16—THE L A S T W E E . K OV T H t RATION PERIOD No 4-O C T O B B K 1 3 I H T O N O V B M B E R 9 T H .

•i I m B

I iii. AXIS It]

t ; A WITH ;.'><;<•

I -•„i'ii.he

No. 4,778

FAR.Viii<G FAMii


\ V\.<IJMIJ: «<i .OII-KJ |,lat<- a the I ' a i l J l i Jn j • 111 T l i u i <4;i> l a f i . Uf't^B ton . i . t i lv n a . i ^ i c ' i MI ' • • M l . " f M i l l \ V t I . I . I ' l l , •_:i;ii„l da i igb t i ' r <•! U r . l a i c . a n . I M r l l " \ l c . l n and A l l - J . I : I n *

drop. Til.- .••1.111..1 itev i t . s < ' i « \ n i \ \ i ^ ' t i . i i i a n w a - at w i i - i ^^a^ ^ i v e n awa> l i ^ i M - r . M i t i n t ; i i \ \ i i

• > r a n j ; c i i l " > x ' i n . and p i n k a i i i u t . . ' i i - > i » ' * • l . l l a l l i x - . i i . ••! l . a u ^ l e j br td ' ' . > l i c v\. n- a <lrt cap and mat ' I n n , i l o W M c u i l i . ' ' l a l - j ' . i j . ! < • ; • I j i l f j i | . , n - I l i . i | | t i H - .*f t * f f l 1 m l l.y Ml VV. W a i n 11 (»J f o l l o w 111, I I I " .1. m o l l l i i k l a" H i . - !•.!•' '• • H"i '>a t l e c t c d jfi< a l • 1 • 1 ' | i ' i l l l l f l i a p | ' > • " I I i 4

xt>\- c ; i l I - " ! l i " ' Wt'5.1 I ' p o l l ' . l i c i t I V l l l l l ! l lK' .V j H<>ii>. . S t a i n d r - p . b » i l i l i<- Mcddiuc. l i . i t •• • the l t a b \ l > i a . - . u l i cas i ' - t o " V i ' i a . . ' i i i i i i y .

A UALt j> U L L i t V L I T

Tin- s l o i t i» l o l d i n i l l . ' " 1 1011.1 1 ' i a c f I an i l ly 11:. .1. 1 i . . - ame and " i i i ' i . i ' a i m <i«l lauiiiv W H O M - un i t ' -0 i a ^ n » i i o - . ' . • a t i i 1 . i i< l o u i i . i me im*t. t ' n i I I I O l l o l l , .1 ( o l i l l . I l l l O I

m m . In* i n i i i i . i . t ' i i Ui 111 U i c u a i k a i m .mi> ^ ah i i in i c o n . ' U i i - c IU l>r< Ugtlt'oul W i t t : - .h . ' I i l a i l

i l l > l l C t l l l K I O - o | Ui

pa>~ci avvaj . 1 lie twu l a r m . hav i t i j : m . n^a , - i ip i i l a ' a - i l t t a ^ . . \ i . • • c l a p - i ' i l one i ' l o . i , . . »ai< l i c o i J i f , it y a n . i i k«'f (i - i . » ' i - u d i i i 11 . bfJ m a n t \ a^ .> \ l i l h : n k l l l ' l i f ^! | . ' o l . i 'V .i:a t "' Xay , Ja> K . I na> ^ l l i u ' j .1 l i f t lo w o n i ' l .

d i a a^ l i i o i i i c J . - l i f i ' . Jack. " A l l M . | . p o " a - c V I is a I i a m j o ! > . Mi a l lu>

1 . - t i l l I., I f

EfifiLEl D l i > u 0 o 6 i o r t

A O O r t E o b B V M R T . D A I

A v e r t n i l . i ' - 1 4 , ^a'l l - O o d - l l l l i - »._\ t i : I I I aras K i v m " n c i a > «• -njiiciy. I ne i l i . i i i n u m . I.HJU. i - . i :in- h | ieakrr, w

a l l l a i i i n i > 11: i . i i - i l .> l i j i l c i i u a i i , c o l . i t i ' i Jn, al » u » i l i o t o u ^ i i K t-ujuy<*

I In- » | n - u K i t il< a i t u i i >anJ II1.1I p i o . f i i i - >\i .-peractually, d i d i n .n i l W l l i ' . L ' 1 O V l - 1 M i l - I I I . i d l ' M

1< " H i " | l | \ i l l - ( i n - l i t i s l i u ,1111- u I I I - I I l n o d is • aie sp r ing and a n l i i i n n ; i i<oi> . lie i p i o . i d a i i u n a 1 a tTled out m a n I . C . I , a Tll ia - l i ' t.tii llta. tti ' .U w l i i t i - 1 | o \ e i was sp" [ i i -d , | a n d . o | . - f . . , . | ~ n i \ . \ . \ d . cunu- p ro t tab l j w in 11 da] ! l ! l d I t a i l t I s i i P l e lo I c o l l Hot to t t o i k a n o l d - .-.1 -p r o v i d e d i i i m e p r o v m .

OUie i | x i u t - slre-.-«il 1 1- f i l e l l i i p n i . - n i t 1 o { j

a n ideal cow fault, ai thtH l o r y i i i e i l i . i o o i uiaMudj i t l iseovel t-d.

i—Tlt t - re u a > 1 i |N l ieforc i l l l t i w e i c i i . ami w o u l d l « t.. :-:ct t \ t . - 1 i l l s but t ins was l i a rd lv p i J

i—A very usetut foi^j | of peas fx-aris and oil l i l i i l e i l i ' o s i lage

• «—Wnil i -r m i . - v. as | H > fo r Hie I la I f > i l i a 11 >pi g r e i - i i e i i n '.lie s ta lk I m o r e p r o t e i n .

j — M a r r o w stem kale ii c o n t a i n i n g i n u d i prune 11

ti—Tile piesel ice o l t i l l w a s M i t i i np - ' i t a n l . T l l - \ t e M i l l l g t i le l a u d o i ' l a l l l i ' i " i i i l m i x l i U f . .

\ u m i . - r e s i n . g di^-cu vote <-l l i a i i U - !•) M i Ha M r T . \ d a l i i s . i u . - n p | H » c l l l l l s o l i .

T i l t ! 11.M i i u i - l i u g w l i f l i . l u r e » i l l In" a d i i - i i \ I'.t i > i p i a i i i I * . A

I s

1 p

Bowes N u r s i n g Whist Or \ | . l i e W i e U l V t v l l l s l d f l

a lmvi . o 17.1- w i n g i v i i l t j M r > a ' l e i l i w a i e l o t l ^ f 1 - Mis- J. >• in- .w 11. Mi- I LcMUJstaft. Uts T H a r B a n d M l . f « i - ' . 1

t n a n d t •