ryla in the rough

“Discover Your Power Within” RYLA in the Rough

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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Discover Your Power Within
    RYLA in the Rough

Some of the best friends I have ever made, and some of the best people I will ever meet.
Also knows as the yellow Cabin 5, or G-Unit, we bonded as brothers and sisters. FamilyForever.
3. Home Sweet Home
Our beautifully decorated bunkswas where we got our 4 hours of sleep. Our side, decorated with the theme, ARMY, was home to my9 fellow sisters, and I.
4. London Bridge
Ever morning at about 5:50 a.m. we got the wakeup call to the song, London Bridge by Fergie. It got us pumped and ready for our 30 minute Jazzercise session that was about to come.
5. Breakfast!
To get us started and energized for the day, we were provided scrumptious breakfasts that were served by Rotary members around the district. Thank you again Rotarians!
6. Yummy in my Tummy
Rotarians fixed all of our meals that filled us up and helped us survive the sweltering heat. We got all kinds of goodies like watermelon and salad for every meal!
7. Strangers
Meals provided a wonderful time to mingle with people in your cabins, as well as other cabins. Many friendships were made during meal times!
8. AccioButterbeer
Our lovely brother counselor, Aaron provided us with a nice treat of Harry Potter Butterbeer on our last night at camp.
9. First Day
It was even within the first hour that we were already taking pictures and exchanging phone numbers. We knew lifelong friends would be made, just like my friend Natalie and I pictured.
10. Treasure Hunt
Team work was a must when it came to the Treasure Hunt. The whole team was working together and engaged in the task at hand. No person was left behind and every idea was put to much thought.
11. Teamwork
Trying to lift a bowling ball with just a few ropes goes to show how you have to think outside the box to complete tasks sometimes. Everyone is working together to get the job done.
12. Round 2
Another station proved a bit easier with the genius idea to think outside the box and use our clues. We completed this station within a few minutes.
13. Squeeze!
This was our genius idea that helped us get past the station quickly.
14. Listening Skills
You had to pay attention to the CACs giving instructions. One miscommunication and time may be added. No good!
15. Our Boys
Our brother cabin gave an amazing flag presentation. There theme, Gryffindor, was represented on their decorative flag.
16. No Cliques Allowed
This was the activity that hit me the most. Many tears were shed, especially from my own eyes. Many people opened up and shared extremely personal experiences. For people to share that with people they had never met before goes to show you how must trust was built within the first couple of days. I will always be there for them, no matter what.
17. Inspiration
Every morning we were given a little quote to think about and gold shirts were given. This is how our day started.
God gives us dreams a size too big so that we can grow in them.
18. Face your Fears
My two girls, Natalie and Clarissa, geared up for the ropes course. A series of height-based activities let us face our fears of heights and falling. I was so proud of each and every one of them.
19. Safety First!
Here is one of the guides that told us about all of the safety precautions we needed to take in order to stay safe but also have fun! See, there are leaders everywhere!
20. up, uP, UP
Encouragement from my friends is what made me realize, that no matter what I thought, I was strong enough and capable of facing my fears.
21. Breathe
As my friends cheered for me the whole time, I focused on my goal, the end of the log. No matter how much my legs were shaking, I was not giving up. As crazy as this sounds, I almost felt that God was up there with me, holding me up to teach me I am strong, I can accomplish anything.
22. You CAN do it
Friends surrounded Clarissa and presented her with encouraging words. She was so scared of heights, but with the help of her friends, and her power within, she was able to face her fears. I was so proud of Clarissa.
23. I won
Myfriend, Aaron, and I climbing the rock wall. He doesnt seem to be having too much trouble, but the rock wall was intimidating to me. I made it a lot farther than I thought I would!
24. I dont like holes!
This bridge made us wobble and jump to get across. Swaying with every move, I eventually made it across successfully.
What you get by achieving your goal is not as important as what you become by achieving your goal.
25. Weeeeeee!
The zip line just taught you to let go. Hold your breath and just go for it. Sometimes in life you just have to suck it up, and do it.
26. Proud
I cannot say enough about how proud I was of my cabin. Many of them faced their life-long fears for the first time, while other conquered them again. Words cannot begin to describe the strength, determination, and supportiveness that is in this group.
27. Strength
My counselors were the people who provided me with the most strength. They showed me that it was ok to open up. I would not have had such an amazing experience if it wasnt for them. I hope I grow up to be a great leader, just like them. Thank you Kevin, Tori, Rachel, and Aaron.
28. Best Friends
These were the two girls I got closest to. They were both in my cabin, and helped me through my journey the whole time. There was not a moment that went by that they were not by my side encouraging me. We still hang out a lot, and they will be my friends forever.
A best friend shares the good times and helps you out by listening during the bad times.
29. My girls
Best friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway.- Elbert Hubbard
32. Beautiful
We are all beautiful inside and out. Family Forever
Whatever you are be a good one.- Abraham Lincoln
33. Still dancin, even when sayin goodbye
There are no good-byes, where ever we are, youll always be in my heart.
34. Words cannot begin to describe how positively this camp changed my life. I would do anything in my power to come back, no matter what. I would do anything to give another child the opportunity to find what I found within RYLA. Thank you to everyone. You changed my life.