russian revolution 5

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. The Revolution of October 1917.
  2. 2. 1. The conflict between the Provisional government and Bolsheviks. 2. union of Bolsheviks, soldiers(Bolshevik supporters)and workers. 3.Appointment of Military Revolutionary Committee under Leon Trotskii to organise socialist seizure of power.
  3. 3. The uprising began on 24 October. Military men seized the building of two Bolsheviks news paper. Pro-government troops were sent to the government offices and the winter palace to protect it from revolutionaries. The Military Revolutionary Committee seized government offices and arrested ministers. Soviets and majority approved the Bolshevik action. By the December, the Bolsheviks controlled Moscow- Petrogard area.
  4. 4. CHANGES AFTER THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION. 1. Industry and Banks were nationalised. 2. land was declared social property and peasants were allowed to seize the land of the nobility. 3.Banned the old titles of aristocracy. 4.Bolshevik party renamed the Russian Communist party. 5. Russia withdrawn from world war. (Peace treaty with Germany- Brest Litovsk)
  5. 5. 6.Russia became a one party state. 7. Criticisers were punished.( Cheka first- secret police.)
  6. 6. The Civil War. Bolsheviks ordered redistribution of land. Non-Bolshevik socialist, liberals and supporters of aristocracy opposed the Bolsheviks action. Fight between Red (Bolsheviks) and greens (socialist revolutionaries) and white( pro-Tsarists) Green and white were backed by French, American British and Japanese troops.( who were worried at the growth of socialism in Russia.) By January 20 the Bolsheviks controlled most of the former Russian empire.
  7. 7. 1.Nationalisation of banks and industries. 2. Collective work on confiscated land. 3.Centralised planning was introduced.(Five year plans.) Result. A) Economic growth. B) Extended schooling system. C) Cheap public health care was provided. D) Model living quarters were set up for workers.
  8. 8. 1. Collectivisation of agriculture. 2. Confiscation of stocks. 3. Industrial production under planned economy.
  9. 9. Take away land from peasants and established state controlled large farms. Eliminated kulaks- well -to- do peasants Peasants were forced to cultivate in collective farms and profit was shared. Those who resisted collectivisation were severely punished.( deported and exiled)
  10. 10. The Global Influence of the Russian Revolution. In many countries, communist parties were formed. Eg. Communist party of Great Britain. Spread of socialism as a global face and world stature. Colonial people were encouraged to follow revolutionary steps.