russian army reinforce ments once - university of...

THE SUN HAS THE L PGEST KNOWN mCULATION IN PADUCAH VOJ xVI NO 252 bt nburttfj uu PADUOAH THURSDAY OCTOBER WEARY SOLDIERS REST AFTER GREAT BATTLE Russian Army to Get More Reinforce ¬ ments At Once Japanese Also to Send a Second Army Baltic Fleet Making Good Progress THE BIGGEST BATTLE OF THE WAR IS OVER NOW MORE REINFORCEMENTS Bulla Oct 10 Tht Mukdtn corres ¬ pondent of the TigcbUU wirri that Gen Kuropatklo will be reinforced within three vrttkt by a complete army corps consisting of flr divisions of litht In ¬ fantry lad many batteries of quick fit Ini funi The Japanese he says Ire doomed unlcu they defeat the RuuUni In a decisive faihlon before the arrival ef frraltrooplA from Toklo states that ninety transport left Saiebo Japan yetterday with seventyfour thousand men two hundred tuns ammunltlo and clothinj bound for Manchuria The second army the corrcipondent adds will cuntit of fovr huadrtd thousand men and a thousand tuns fiEN KtllOKl llEPOimiD 1IVINO Umlon OH St A dUpatth from St Petersburg staten that there I h rumor rurrent there that Hen Kurokl In mm nund of HIP Japanese right at Shanklm liver I ily Ing from dysentery No ron lit mat Ion l obtainable fTllr TOTAL NtMBKU OF SLAIN On SO With the advent ill heavy min mar the wn of 111111 In Manchutla the opiwlng armlet of Oyama anil 1 Kiirupatkin ere devoting tlielr lime In burying HIP dead ami tar fur Ibr wounded unit are planning 1 1In dlllllnallnolmnla It I now known Ih l Jpsne left arfiiy losl five IhouMitd 1 during tlm recent battle The further dlsrnvpry of 1I1IIlnn bodies oil 1 ilnl materially to the total l 111 v of len Kun Mlkn forre whttli an J plared hy conservative estimate at twentyfive thouand men J JnlSI MAIS FOUND 4uoan Oct 2Olal raptured by the JnpineM how tho ItiiMlin Ixiil arrang ed 1 for 11or retreats anil tliwo ni al Indicated where Mand were tn bn n ad TliU account for tlip slownm nf the advance of the l i inrv ml llii failure tn eut nIl tli IttiMlan retreat nlilrh wa conducted with great skill Havlnm and gvlIlM met with by tli Japanr e obstructed their advance Cal alry on HIP left rromeil the Hun rlvrr r IIml prevented thi Ittn lan Hanking movement mom T WIPED OUT IxinJoii Oct 0 A lwl1 dlipntch from 81 IVIrrsliiirg make mention of tlin crushing defeat of two Japanese J I IoIhlollIlI There is no confirmation lowevcr In any reliable quarter of such n rrM rt- Aminllnft to the Standard correspond put with Kurokl under datp Qf Oct IX f tbof Willie retiring over i ontmm bridge the correspondent says th battalion wa4 overtaken by a regiment of Japanese ruvalry which got II mnchlno Kunntnta 1lIlon anil awept the iMgo from 1- 11tIIItI t IIK1 CROSS In llcrlin Vt t 20 An remit of the Milt hrrp of the d lcjiilp of tin Riu Klan Itptl Cro rrntral niminittra the icrman lied CroAK ooclcty ban deridrd J tn send 1 further mulntonrr to the aiiit < f war nnd will rrprt n Criman ho iiltul It nt Irkuttik HiUria- XviotlatloiH I arc In lirojrr rrganllnjf i I similar olTcr til the ln uneiip The ifiimin ivntral luminlttcc In it circular on tlm Mibjrct exprmneii the opinion Hint In view of the unngulnary charac ter of the war waged and the fearful nlwlinacy being 11I01InIacllon l on n large cale by neutral llwl Cnm noclellei with the object of relieving till greatly overtaxed nnibulanci wryico of the be llgeranta will appeal to tho woridwlJe fi cling cf humanity I TIm IIIO IIATTLB EXDSI I St Ifltcrsburg Oct ZOJor the DOJ J fi 1 KY 20 1904 inenl henvy rain and Impassable road hue roniwlleil a sii ieiitlun of o era lion In Manchuria There was practic ally tlfl lighting y tenl y and none uhalpvpr 111 night Knropalkln I In ex letHlIng hU right and the Jajunene ap mir tu I be ililftlng weight tii the went wanlVellnl hint eontlniM to arrive that I the Hiiulan have recovereil frtmi tin blow Inlllclrd lint week by Oyama and that 1 Kuropatkln l > preparing to renew the InJlIa Mxm at the road dry Two tclrgram from Mukden rejiort that the JapanpMi are preparing tn retire and Hie war offiee iidmiU Knropatkln left In ngaln moved illghlly forward but tliere I 14 no light upon the movement of I the Japanene Irnetlenlly latt Weeka battle hn ended anlllllf Inlo hlitory a < a RiiMlan defeat When operation are re ume l a new battln will begin The movement of t 1111on the Rut Ian wenlern frontier and preparation li further reduce tlm garrlwn In till liglon revive tak of a complete under landing with iermany under which the frenUer will be protected no ai to per ¬ mit of dl pateVto Manchuria of troop Matlonett In Iidand There are about nwjWX noldlera in 1oland ronipriing mme I of the betl Iroopi In the einpln It i h already known that practically all IH Oirec r >rp I in the VHna government will be Included I In ieneral flrlppen brrg4 anny but a the e troup art Ineludetl In wliat I 10 known a the Ru tan third line of tent the fact ha not attracted much attention It I now developed1 that the rllle brigade at 1- 1Ik l In tIe government of T chen tcliov directly on the frontier I It molilllilnp In bet lilformed diplomatic ilrre It l twlleveit nothing In Hi shape of a lleaty lietwrrn RIII U and Germany ba lcen ronnultlrd I tn writing but that there I nimpljr a mutual undentanding between the two sovereign oering thl point and some believe going much further so far a thj pretcnt war i ron cerned there 1 no evident that the Riippo cd agreement coyer active aid at Ih an agreement would render oper ative the AngloJapane e alliance It It thought however I In diplomatic quar ter that there I oomcthlng In the na ture of R pledge mi tin part of the empe ror of Cennany to piotect the Itiitnian uestcrn fiontlcr It 1 U now rccallnl aa clgniflcant of a deep personal frteiuUhlp of tlie two emnrors that when Kmpo nir William waa about to undergo an operation lat year I he coinmemlnt h- itMr1 on to the band of KmieraT Xlch IIlnA Then the faM was mentloncil nt the time In the official incixwngcr but It did not attract n much attention at It In now receiving COMrLKTKOOAUSU Copenhagen Oct 20110 Ru lan Italllc Meet which ye terday left Qbet lielt Hallnl north and anchored off Kkaw lnt night where the ship completeil cos I fug RAIN STIU I ISTERKKKKS St IVteriburg Oct 201111 rainfall ciintlnue to Interrupt luwtllitlfn south of Mukden but no ollltUl report of en giigcmcntH ye terday or today haw lie<rn ucvlvcd It I presumed both Men art waiting for till rnln to cease and tho river t < i recede omewhnt and permit fording Tho Rimtlun soldier woundet III the battle of Shakhe ore being rapid l ly conveynl to Harbin where them art ninplc accommodations for their care WILT KXTKR MUKDGX Rome Oct 211 A telegram from To klo states that Field Marshal Oyama IRa ndvi l the general staff that he ex pect to enter Mukden next week JAtS HAD TO SURRENDER St Petersburg Oct 20 A report II current here that the KusAlnn vnngunn > on the west front Tuesday miniiinilcil- n Iwttalhu of Japanese Infnrry which I DEMOCRATIC ZOO wa fonetl 1 to surrender The lepirt ui4tit under den JIllclioniAo I It ulo aid to Lave compelleil twj Lnttallou nf th Japanese relief to surrender Tin Jap ne are reporteil luwly retiring HVLTIC VLHBT NCHOnS Skogen IVnmark Oct ib Tlie Italtfc- licet hrrlrril here and anchored nKrORT COSKIRMK- DIarit Oet 20 Aeronllng to a St IV trnhurg rorrespoiideiit the report vf tlie iHfeat of two Japanew division at Shakhe river I confirmedl JAIAN IROTIBTS TO RUSSIA Washington Oct 2OTho stale de > uirtinent twlay I Ill nml Itrol by tele ¬ graph to the American embassy nt St IVtemburg for presentatkm to the for ¬ eign oltlce tho formal protest of ilia lapancie government again t the ll jtml line by ItiimUn Mildlera In Mancburla of Chine > e costumes Such dlgulso U con trary to international law ThIs gurcrn ment act In the matter merely an a me ¬ dium of transmlMlon A WILD RUMOIt DISCnKDITKD nndon Oct 20IIi1ron Haya hl tIe Japanexe minister utterly dl credited the Mniatlonal report current lat night nnd 11114 morning that two Japanese dlvU ion had siiHtaincd a crushing defeat at the hand of the ltu ilan The flrst ru mor WUH that twelve thuiuand Japanese were I taken jirUoncrs COSSACKS ALL KILLKD St 1eterobiirg CVt 20Gln Sakaroff report that no aklrmlshea took place yentenUy He give an account of tho dlmiiter to n detachment of Co sack Tuemlay The homes and all the Cos ackn were killed or wounded by the Japanese machine guns Sakaroff makes no mention of the reported disaster In two Japanese division conveyed In un nlllcal dlipatchc this morning ATTKNDIxn TilE WOUNDED Rome Oct 20 A telegram from IIao Vang fttatc that accommodations for tha wounded them are exhausted The service of hospital l tnitn haa been organ Ired to carry the Japanese woundc l to XII Chwang where there lire hospital hips In the harbor CHARITY CLU1I CAUE1 The Charity club will meet on Satur day morning at 10 oclock in the parlors of the Inlnicr House All the member and the mlnUtern of the city are urged tn 1 IK prenent and any one cine Interest ed in this good work I most cordially invited GENERAL RtTflCILKS DEAD Washington II C Oct 20 < ieneral George 1 > Rugglvx retired for several year manager of the Soldiers Homo In this Itllirol hero last evening UISHOr HALDWIN DM1 London Ontario Oct 20Thll Right Rev M 0 Ilatdwln bishop of Huron Is dead aged fi8 years No man ever has occasion to tnkc an I tlfnt for an obese pocketbook I NEW YORK HERALD GIVES UP THE FIGHT Snys President Roosevelt Will be leqtetl TtB Eritwhlle Scppotter of Jadge Parker Creates Conitetnaticn In the Patty > 0 NO NEOKSSlrr FOR A CHANGE New York 0 t 20 Alton IJ 1arker eome to New York till innmlng from lVn Mn and Hgaln grasped the rein of the democratic lintHinal campaign I GuincMent with hi coming the New York Herald hitherto a staunch Iarkcr paper gave up the present light and pre dicted the rdelcctlon of President Iloose veil The editorial which created con sternation nt the democratic headquar I ter and was n source of alarm to the presidential candidate read in part as follows It UPCIII almost n foregone conclusion that Mr Itooftcvelt wilt Iw elected not perhap liecause the eope have confi it nce In him nnd In hiA conception of the pi evidential fiinctlon but because the country l li i prosperous and thus the ne ceMlty for n change I not very prosing Moreover a election day draw nearer It become manifest that demo ¬ crat tan opo e republican dUciplinc nnd uniiin with nothing moro elllcacious tlan disunlon and inJecUion One I U tempted to ask vrhctherMr Rooserelta election may not prove n buvmlng In disguise The president may itpinl his victory us an encouragement tu llonrUU the big stick more cnerget icnlly I thartever The posiiible defeat of Judge Parker moreover may teach the democracy to iip plevlatd the Importance of residing any future temptation to follow willo Ihewl p iH > liticiaiii whether their name b llrVan or what I is the more usual I IVnnl I MASS MEETING REPUnLlOANS AHE INVITED TO BE PRESENT TOMORROW NIGHT All Republicans ore Invited to at tend n man meeting at the city hall nt 730 oolook tomorrow night to nomlnoto nix canJUstoi for the conn oil and tour for the board of alder ¬ men Signed FRANK BOYD Chairman Man nbcorbs knov ledge as a sponge does water and like a sponge he needs an occasional wringing out OPENING GUNS ARE BEING FIRED TODAY Fiffbt Over Chain Gang Suits lias Berlin 4 T ADomnirer to the Suits Is Being Argued Before Judge Re d OA3E WILL BE APPEALED The first sklrmUh over the damage suits filed against tho city of Paducah II by Attorney J M Worten for various persons for damages fur working on the streets is In progress this afternoon be fore Circuit Judge Heed in the council room ut the city hall where court I Is be ¬ ing held on account of the heating nppa mlial the court house not working Tlds preliminary battle is In the form ol a demurrer to the suits and as finally decided will determine the fate of till case The history of these suit I Is well known The city has been working prisoners on the street under the present charter the same as under the third class charter although it I is claimed there I Is no authority for It A large nuiutier of damage suits have resulted most of them for 10000 rachI Attorney Worten has filed all those thus far filed The citys demurrer being argued to day Will filed by Judge Jumci Campbell and I In substance that the city tau a right to work prisoners on the street and that even if the city has not tilt right the city I not liable Arguments will be made by Attorney Worten for the plaintiffs and b yJudge Campbell win firm was recently cm ployed by the city at a cost of f 1000 to defend these suits for the city The demurrer Is a general ono to all the suits and If it is sustained the court will pick out somo single rue in deciding It in order that an appeal may b< t taken No matter which way the case Is de cided In this court the toning sid will take it to the court of appeals which decides it finally The signlllcancc of the arguruenttoday 1 Is great ns the city has at stake many thousand dollars Even if only nominal damages were awarded In each case till attorneys and court costs alone woultf run up into tho thousands It is not probable that Judge Reed will lecido the demurrer today If the city I loses it will appeal and obould the city then lose In the court of appeals the cas 1t will have to be regu larly tried here on their merits Its harder for u man to slip upstair it 2 oclock a in t than it is for him to slip down after he gets half way up J r iofIo j NEARLY EVERYBODY IN PADUCAH READS THE SUN DO YOU 10 CENTS PER WEEK THE GRAND LODGE NEARING A CLOSE Biennial Move Dealt a Death Blow Today OQlceri Installed At Today Set lion Llnnor Dealers Oil caued I SOME LIVELY DISOUSSION8 Louisville Oct 20 A resolution to refuse admittance to liquor dealer ap plying for membership In Masonlo lOllS Wa4 offered In tho grand lodgn today The resolution provoked heated discus ¬ sion but action was deferred for an ¬ other year After routine business hid been trans ¬ actedl the grand lodge immediately look up the installation of officers elected uuring yesterdaa session The follow ¬ ing ofllcer were I Installed I R M 1 C llhen MorEanneld Grand Master James G larnctt Jr Columbia deputy grand master Samuel K Vetch Carlisle grand se nior warden II P Harrett Henderson grand Junior warden Curt II P Grant grand secretary and Cnpt John II Leather grand treasurer A motion to hold biennial Intend of yearly meeting of tho grand lodges was defeated action being postponed by acclamation The postponement i re puttied ay giving the biennial movement n death blow II P Barrett of Henderson was elect ¬ ed Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge ot Masons f of Kentucky on the I flUb ballot over Virgil Smith of Somer set Irrnn Interfiling contest The roto stood Barrett 274 Smith 212- Tlie Grand Lodge tlien went Into the election of a Grand Secretary and Grand Ticasurcr Cal II D Irani bad no opposition for tho ofllcc of Grand Secre tary nor didCript John If Leathers for Grand Treasurer The election of officers of the Grand Ledge began shortly before h K>ri and tho position Were filled in rotation duwn to Grand Junior Warden for which there was a lively contest Grand Treasurer Joln II Leathers re ported the Institution of the following lodges during the past year Elkfork Ixxlge U n Elkfork Mor gan county granted November 23 1001 Set to Mork by Ilro C W Womack I December 12 1003 Daylight Lodge U D Louisville grarited January 11 1004 Set lo work January 0 1004 by Grand Master 0 D Thomas Wilmore LoJgb U D Wilmore Jessa ¬ mine county grantcd February 29 1004 Set to work March 10 1004 by Bro 11 M Arnctt Kolsomdale U D Folsomdale Graves county granted February 29 1001 Set lo work May 31 1DOJ by P G M John W LandrumWater U D Water Valley Graves county granted April 0 lOOt Set to work April 23 1004 by P G M John W Landrum Hebron U n Hebron Boonc county granted April 18 lOOt Set to work AprU 23 1WM b > 1 ° M 1 1Unry Ilost l wick Ludlow U D Ludlpw I Kenton county granted June 20 lOOt Set to work June 29 1004 by Dro W S Could Fannln Valley U > Fannln Valley Elliott county granted July 12 1004 Set to work July 10 loot by Bro J C Wells 1IIek lan U D Hickman Fulton county granted July 13 1W>4 Set to work July 22 1004 by Bro Joshua Nay lor New Bryantsvllle U D Bryantsvllle Garrard county granted Octolicr 10 1004 Set to work by Bro LouU Lan drum BRIDAL COUPLE PASSES THROUGH Today at noon Mr and Sirs Thomnt J J Clark of Memphis passed through tho city en route east and then to St Louis on their bridal tour They were married this morning In Memphis and tha bride U well knowr here being formerly Mis Carrie Hutch Insoii who visited Miss Mamie OBrien They wero met at the depot by Mr Joht DJnovan Miss OBrien and Mrs Pal OBrien They remained in Paducah bul n few minutes the regular stopover foi tho noon paijwnger train IiI THE REPUBLICANS WILL NOMINATE Tickets for Coiincilmeu nnd Four Aldermen A Man Meeting to Be Held at 7UO P M At the City nail Tomorrow PROSPECTS ARE ENCOURAGING Chairman Frank Boyd of the repub ¬ lican committee tpday rails a mas meeting of republican of Paducah for tomorrow evening at 730 oclock at the city hall to nominate candidates for thn council nnd board of aldermen No ticket for school trustee will prob ¬ ably lie nominated by the republican thl year Under the secondelas charter Pa ducah will n ver again elect but hall of each of the three boards the council aldermen and school board at one time livery year hereafter half of the Iward will be chosen and this U the first since the charter went jnto effect Some republican have asked what tile ue cf electing half of the board but they forget doubtle that they run never ielecl more than half tho board under the present charter and half the board can stop the policies en forced by tho present city administra ¬ tion which so many taxpayera are kicking against The democrats held a mass conven ¬ tion several weeks ago nnd nomlnalw their tickets With two or three excep ¬ lion I they named the same men wlio are now In IIlOunrll board of aldermen nnd school board A prominent republican said today nVthltiuTtoilo r airw caiiaTthe eori ventlon tomorrow to nominate tickets for the council and aldermen that all det cent people canvote for no matter what their politic We nlend to nominate representative men who will try to get a little energy and Intelligence into city aiTatrai We are tired of the > llyfi h policy i It i IA with great encouragement that tlie republicans will enter the contetj Ihl year They red that Ihc people am tired of vrliat haa hen denll oul to them from the city hall and hall a lout U lhall l stop to many of the things to which tho taxpayers object They can count on enough help from the present boards who hot over to do what U right and best for the people and will have enough to prevent anything clue should it ba undlrtakenf f Ar Is becoming a republican city II hMt t long been known that many people otet t the republican tickel who do nol register 1 republican In the past two years the republican gain In registration has been over 800 while the democrat have lost Thi year the democrats have n majority of 374 over the republicans but their pluralityis only 207 U I is claimed by the republican committee that lid of those registered as democrat are repub licans and if this be true adding lip to the republican registration and lakliig It from tlie democratic the democrat have the advantage of only about 20 rotes In Paducah A large number of democrats In Padu rAh never vote the democratic ticket at presidential elections and a larger num ¬ LeI than usual will probably not voto tho democratic ticket this year Many dem ¬ ocrats nro disgusted with tho present city administration In Paducah and tho municipal ticket will be no Inducement to them to vote the democratic ticket hence Paducah is pretty apt to lw safely republican this year Smithcrs says ha lights one cigar from another now he tmckes so much I dont wonder ollld the 11of 11 x Tlie Lady That isnt the tamo tory you told me before The Beggar No lady you didnt be lievc the other ono Philadelphia Tele fraph l Nature leaves a lot of work for the dressmaker to finish Some brand of fertilizer am guariin tied to raise the mortgage

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Page 1: Russian Army Reinforce ments Once - University of SUN HAS THE LPGEST KNOWN mCULATION IN PADUCAH VOJ xVI NO 252 bt nburttfj uu





VOJ xVI NO 252



Russian Army to Get More Reinforce ¬

ments At Once

Japanese Also to Send a Second Army Baltic Fleet

Making Good Progress


MORE REINFORCEMENTSBulla Oct 10 Tht Mukdtn corres ¬

pondent of the TigcbUU wirri that GenKuropatklo will be reinforced withinthree vrttkt by a complete army corpsconsisting of flr divisions of litht In ¬

fantry lad many batteries of quick fitIni funi The Japanese he says Iredoomed unlcu they defeat the RuuUniIn a decisive faihlon before the arrivaleffrraltrooplA

from Toklo states thatninety transport left Saiebo Japanyetterday with seventyfour thousandmen two hundred tuns ammunltloand clothinj bound for Manchuria Thesecond army the corrcipondent addswill cuntit of fovr huadrtd thousandmen and a thousand tuns

fiEN KtllOKl llEPOimiD 1IVINOUmlon OH St A dUpatth from St

Petersburg staten that there Ih rumorrurrent there that Hen Kurokl In mmnund of HIP Japanese right at Shanklm

liver I ily Ing from dysentery No ronlit mat Ion l obtainable

fTllr TOTAL NtMBKU OF SLAINOn SO With the advent ill

heavy min mar the wn of 111111In Manchutla the opiwlng armlet ofOyama anil 1Kiirupatkin ere devotingtlielr lime In burying HIP dead ami tar

fur Ibr wounded unit are planning

11Indlllllnallnolmnla It I now knownIhl Jpsne left arfiiy losl five

IhouMitd 1 during tlm recent battle Thefurther dlsrnvpry of 1I1IIlnn bodies oil1

ilnl materially to the total l111 v of

len Kun Mlkn forre whttli an

J plared hy conservative estimate attwentyfive thouand men


4uoan Oct 2Olal raptured by theJnpineM how tho ItiiMlin Ixiil arranged1 for 11or retreats anil tliwonial Indicated where Mand were tn bnn ad TliU account for tlip slownmnf the advance of the l iinrv ml lliifailure tn eut nIl tli IttiMlan retreatnlilrh wa conducted with great skillHavlnm and gvlIlM met with by tliJapanr e obstructed their advance Calalry on HIP left rromeil the Hun rlvrr

r IIml prevented thi Ittn lan Hankingmovement


IxinJoii Oct 0 A lwl1 dlipntchfrom 81 IVIrrsliiirg make mention oftlin crushing defeat of two JapaneseJ

IIoIhlollIlI There is no confirmationlowevcr In any reliable quarter of suchn rrM rt-

Aminllnft to the Standard correspondput with Kurokl under datp Qf Oct IX

ftbofWillie retiring over i ontmm bridge thecorrespondent says th battalion wa4overtaken by a regiment of Japaneseruvalry which got II mnchlno Kunntnta1lIlon anil awept the iMgo from 1-


IIK1 CROSS Inllcrlin Vtt 20 An remit of the

Milt hrrp of the d lcjiilp of tin RiuKlan Itptl Cro rrntral niminittra theicrman lied CroAK ooclcty ban deridrd

J tn send1 further mulntonrr to the aiiit< f war nnd will rrprt n Criman ho iiltul

It nt Irkuttik HiUria-


arc In lirojrr rrganllnjfiI similar olTcr til the ln uneiip The

ifiimin ivntral luminlttcc In it circularon tlm Mibjrct exprmneii the opinionHint In view of the unngulnary character of the war waged and the fearfulnlwlinacy being 11I01InIacllonl on n

large cale by neutral llwl Cnm noclellei

with the object of relieving till greatlyovertaxed nnibulanci wryico of the be

llgeranta will appeal to tho woridwlJefi cling cf humanity I


St Ifltcrsburg Oct ZOJor the DOJJ

fi 1

KY 20 1904

inenl henvy rain and Impassable road

hue roniwlleil a sii ieiitlun of o eralion In Manchuria There was practically tlfl lighting y tenl y and noneuhalpvpr 111 night Knropalkln IIn ex

letHlIng hU right and the Jajunene apmir tu Ibe ililftlng weight tii the went

wanlVellnlhint eontlniM to arrive that

Ithe Hiiulan have recovereil frtmi tinblow Inlllclrd lint week by Oyama and

that 1Kuropatkln l > preparing to renew

the InJlIa Mxm at the road dryTwo tclrgram from Mukden rejiort thatthe JapanpMi are preparing tn retire andHie war offiee iidmiU Knropatkln leftIn ngaln moved illghlly forward buttliere I14 no light upon the movement ofI

the Japanene Irnetlenlly latt Weeka

battle hn ended anlllllf Inlo hlitorya < a RiiMlan defeat When operationare re ume l a new battln will begin

The movement of t 1111on the RutIan wenlern frontier and preparation

li further reduce tlm garrlwn In tillliglon revive tak of a complete underlanding with iermany under which the

frenUer will be protected no ai to per¬

mit of dl pateVto Manchuria of troopMatlonett In Iidand There are aboutnwjWX noldlera in 1oland ronipriingmmeI of the betl Iroopi In the einplnIt ih already known that practically allIH Oirec r >rpI in the VHna governmentwill be Included IIn ieneral flrlppenbrrg4 anny but a the e troup artIneludetl In wliat I10 known a the Rutan third line of tent the fact ha

not attracted much attention It I nowdeveloped 1 that the rllle brigade at 1-1Ikl In tIe government of T chen tcliovdirectly on the frontier IIt molilllilnp

In bet lilformed diplomatic ilrre Itl twlleveit nothing In Hi shape of alleaty lietwrrn RIIIU and Germany ba

lcen ronnultlrd I tn writing but thatthere I nimpljr a mutual undentandingbetween the two sovereign oeringthl point and some believe going much

further so far a thj pretcnt war i roncerned there 1 no evident that theRiippo cd agreement coyer active aidat Ih an agreement would render oper

ative the AngloJapane e alliance It It

thought however IIn diplomatic quarter that there I oomcthlng In the na

ture of R pledge mi tin part of the emperor of Cennany to piotect the Itiitnianuestcrn fiontlcr It 1U now rccallnl aaclgniflcant of a deep personal frteiuUhlp

of tlie two emnrors that when Kmpo

nir William waa about to undergo an

operation lat year Ihe coinmemlnt h-

itMr1 on to the band of KmieraT XlchIIlnA Then the faM was mentloncil ntthe time In the official incixwngcr but Itdid not attract n much attention at ItIn now receiving

COMrLKTKOOAUSUCopenhagen Oct 20110 Ru lan

Italllc Meet which ye terday left Qbetlielt Hallnl north and anchored off Kkaw

lnt night where the ship completeilcos I fug


St IVteriburg Oct 201111 rainfallciintlnue to Interrupt luwtllitlfn southof Mukden but no ollltUl report of en

giigcmcntH ye terday or today haw lie<rn

ucvlvcd It I presumed both Men artwaiting for till rnln to cease and tho

river t< i recede omewhnt and permitfording Tho Rimtlun soldier woundetIII the battle of Shakhe ore being rapidlly conveynl to Harbin where them artninplc accommodations for their care


Rome Oct 211 A telegram from To

klo states that Field Marshal OyamaIRa ndvi l the general staff that he expect to enter Mukden next week


St Petersburg Oct 20 A report II

current here that the KusAlnn vnngunn >

on the west front Tuesday miniiinilcil-

n Iwttalhu of Japanese Infnrry which



wa fonetl1 to surrender The lepirtui4tit under den JIllclioniAo IIt uloaid to Lave compelleil twj Lnttallou

nf th Japanese relief to surrender TinJap ne are reporteil luwly retiring


Skogen IVnmark Oct ib Tlie Italtfc-

licet hrrlrril here and anchored

nKrORT COSKIRMK-DIarit Oet 20 Aeronllng to a St IV

trnhurg rorrespoiideiit the report vf tlie

iHfeat of two Japanew division atShakhe river I confirmedl

JAIAN IROTIBTS TO RUSSIAWashington Oct 2OTho stale de >

uirtinent twlay I Ill nml Itrol by tele¬

graph to the American embassy nt StIVtemburg for presentatkm to the for ¬

eign oltlce tho formal protest of ilialapancie government again t the ll jtml

line by ItiimUn Mildlera In Mancburla of

Chine >e costumes Such dlgulso U con

trary to international law ThIs gurcrnment act In the matter merely an a me ¬

dium of transmlMlon


nndon Oct 20IIi1ron Haya hl tIeJapanexe minister utterly dl credited theMniatlonal report current lat night nnd11114 morning that two Japanese dlvU

ion had siiHtaincd a crushing defeat atthe hand of the ltu ilan The flrst rumor WUH that twelve thuiuand Japanesewere Itaken jirUoncrs


St 1eterobiirg CVt 20Gln Sakaroffreport that no aklrmlshea took placeyentenUy He give an account of tho

dlmiiter to n detachment of Co sackTuemlay The homes and all the Cos

ackn were killed or wounded by theJapanese machine guns Sakaroff makes

no mention of the reported disaster In

two Japanese division conveyed In unnlllcal dlipatchc this morning


Rome Oct 20 A telegram from IIaoVang fttatc that accommodations for

tha wounded them are exhausted Theservice of hospitall tnitn haa been organIred to carry the Japanese woundc l toXII Chwang where there lire hospitalhips In the harbor

CHARITY CLU1I CAUE1The Charity club will meet on Satur

day morning at 10 oclock in the parlorsof the Inlnicr House All the memberand the mlnUtern of the city are urgedtn 1IK prenent and any one cine Interested in this good work I most cordiallyinvited

GENERAL RtTflCILKS DEADWashington II C Oct 20 < ieneral

George 1 > Rugglvx retired for severalyear manager of the Soldiers Homo Inthis Itllirol hero last evening

UISHOr HALDWIN DM1London Ontario Oct 20Thll Right

Rev M 0 Ilatdwln bishop of HuronIs dead aged fi8 years

No man ever has occasion to tnkc an I

tlfnt for an obese pocketbook I



Snys President Roosevelt Will

be leqtetl

TtB Eritwhlle Scppotter of Jadge

Parker Creates Conitetnaticn

In the Patty >



New York 0 t 20 Alton IJ 1arkereome to New York till innmlng fromlVn Mn and Hgaln grasped the rein of

the democratic lintHinal campaignI

GuincMent with hi coming the New

York Herald hitherto a staunch Iarkcrpaper gave up the present light and predicted the rdelcctlon of President Iloose

veil The editorial which created con

sternation nt the democratic headquarIter and was n source of alarm to thepresidential candidate read in part asfollows

It UPCIII almost n foregone conclusion

that Mr Itooftcvelt wilt Iw elected notperhap liecause the eope have confiit nce In him nnd In hiA conception of thepi evidential fiinctlon but because thecountry llii prosperous and thus the neceMlty for n change I not very prosing

Moreover a election day drawnearer It become manifest that demo ¬

crat tan opo e republican dUciplincnnd uniiin with nothing moro elllcacioustlan disunlon and inJecUion

One IU tempted to ask vrhctherMrRooserelta election may not prove n

buvmlng In disguise The president mayitpinl his victory us an encouragementtu llonrUU the big stick more cnergeticnllyI thartever

The posiiible defeat of Judge Parkermoreover may teach the democracy toiipplevlatd the Importance of residingany future temptation to follow willoIhewl p iH> liticiaiii whether their nameb llrVan or what Iis the more usualIIVnnl





All Republicans ore Invited to attend n man meeting at the city hallnt 730 oolook tomorrow night tonomlnoto nix canJUstoi for the connoil and tour for the board of alder ¬

menSigned FRANK BOYD


Man nbcorbs knov ledge as a sponge

does water and like a sponge he needs

an occasional wringing out



Fiffbt Over Chain Gang Suits

lias Berlin4 T

ADomnirer to the Suits Is Being

Argued Before Judge

Re d


The first sklrmUh over the damage

suits filed against tho city of Paducah

IIby Attorney J M Worten for variouspersons for damages fur working on thestreets is In progress this afternoon be

fore Circuit Judge Heed in the councilroom ut the city hall where court IIs be ¬

ing held on account of the heating nppa

mlial the court house not working

Tlds preliminary battle is In the formol a demurrer to the suits and as finallydecided will determine the fate of tillcase

The history of these suit IIs wellknown The city has been working

prisoners on the street under the presentcharter the same as under the thirdclass charter although it Iis claimed

there IIs no authority for It

A large nuiutier of damage suits haveresulted most of them for 10000 rachIAttorney Worten has filed all those thusfar filed

The citys demurrer being argued today Will filed by Judge Jumci Campbelland I In substance that the city taua right to work prisoners on the streetand that even if the city has not tiltright the city I not liable

Arguments will be made by AttorneyWorten for the plaintiffs and b yJudgeCampbell win firm was recently cmployed by the city at a cost of f1000to defend these suits for the city

The demurrer Is a general ono to allthe suits and If it is sustained thecourt will pick out somo single rue indeciding It in order that an appeal mayb<t taken

No matter which way the case Is decided In this court the toning sid willtake it to the court of appeals whichdecides it finally

The signlllcancc of the arguruenttoday1Is great ns the city has at stake manythousand dollars Even if only nominaldamages were awarded In each case tillattorneys and court costs alone woultf

run up into tho thousandsIt is not probable that Judge Reed will

lecido the demurrer todayIf the city Iloses it will appeal and

obould the city then lose In the court of

appeals the cas 1t will have to be regu

larly tried here on their merits

Its harder for u man to slip upstairit 2 oclock a in tthan it is for him to

slip down after he gets half way up

J r iofIo









Biennial Move Dealt a Death

Blow Today

OQlceri Installed At Today Set

lion Llnnor Dealers Oil




Louisville Oct 20 A resolution torefuse admittance to liquor dealer applying for membership In Masonlo lOllSWa4 offered In tho grand lodgn todayThe resolution provoked heated discus ¬

sion but action was deferred for an ¬

other yearAfter routine business hid been trans ¬

actedl the grand lodge immediately lookup the installation of officers electeduuring yesterdaa session The follow ¬

ing ofllcer were IInstalled I

R M1 C llhen MorEanneld GrandMaster

James Glarnctt Jr Columbia deputygrand master

Samuel K Vetch Carlisle grand se

nior wardenII P Harrett Henderson grand Junior

wardenCurt II P Grant grand secretary and

Cnpt John II Leather grand treasurerA motion to hold biennial Intend of

yearly meeting of tho grand lodgeswas defeated action being postponed byacclamation The postponement i reputtied ay giving the biennial movementn death blow

II P Barrett of Henderson was elect ¬

ed Grand Junior Warden of the GrandLodge ot Masonsf of Kentucky on the

I flUb ballot over Virgil Smith of Somerset Irrnn Interfiling contest The rotostood Barrett 274 Smith 212-

Tlie Grand Lodge tlien went Into theelection of a Grand Secretary and Grand

Ticasurcr Cal II D Irani bad noopposition for tho ofllcc of Grand Secretary nor didCript John If Leathers forGrand Treasurer

The election of officers of the GrandLedge began shortly before h K>ri andtho position Were filled in rotationduwn to Grand Junior Warden for whichthere was a lively contest

Grand Treasurer Joln II Leathers reported the Institution of the followinglodges during the past year

Elkfork Ixxlge U n Elkfork Morgan county granted November 23 1001

Set to Mork by Ilro C W WomackIDecember 12 1003

Daylight Lodge U D Louisvillegrarited January 11 1004 Set lo workJanuary 0 1004 by Grand Master 0 DThomas

Wilmore LoJgb U D Wilmore Jessa ¬

mine county grantcd February 29 1004

Set to work March 10 1004 by Bro 11

M ArncttKolsomdale U D Folsomdale Graves

county granted February 29 1001 Setlo work May 31 1DOJ by P G M JohnW

LandrumWaterU D Water Valley

Graves county granted April 0 lOOt

Set to work April 23 1004 by P G M

John W Landrum

Hebron U n Hebron Boonc countygranted April 18 lOOt Set to work

AprU 23 1WM b> 1 ° M1 1Unry Ilostlwick

Ludlow U D Ludlpw IKenton countygranted June 20 lOOt Set to work

June 29 1004 by Dro W S Could

Fannln Valley U > Fannln ValleyElliott county granted July 12 1004

Set to work July 10 loot by Bro J C


1IIeklan U D Hickman Fultoncounty granted July 13 1W>4 Set towork July 22 1004 by Bro Joshua Naylor

New Bryantsvllle U D BryantsvllleGarrard county granted Octolicr 10

1004 Set to work by Bro LouU Landrum


Today at noon Mr and Sirs Thomnt

JJ Clark of Memphis passed throughtho city en route east and then to StLouis on their bridal tour

They were married this morning In

Memphis and tha bride U well knowrhere being formerly Mis Carrie HutchInsoii who visited Miss Mamie OBrienThey wero met at the depot by Mr JohtDJnovan Miss OBrien and Mrs PalOBrien They remained in Paducah buln few minutes the regular stopover foitho noon paijwnger train



Tickets for Coiincilmeu nndFour Aldermen

A Man Meeting to Be Held at 7UO

P M At the City nailTomorrow


Chairman Frank Boyd of the repub ¬

lican committee tpday rails a mas

meeting of republican of Paducah fortomorrow evening at 730 oclock at thecity hall to nominate candidates for thncouncil nnd board of aldermen

No ticket for school trustee will prob ¬

ably lie nominated by the republicanthl year

Under the secondelas charter Paducah will n ver again elect but hall ofeach of the three boards the councilaldermen and school board at one timelivery year hereafter half of the Iwardwill be chosen and this U the first since

the charter went jnto effectSome republican have asked what

tile u e cf electing half of the board

but they forget doubtle that theyrun never ielecl more than half thoboard under the present charter and

half the board can stop the policies enforced by tho present city administra ¬

tion which so many taxpayera arekicking against

The democrats held a mass conven ¬

tion several weeks ago nnd nomlnalwtheir tickets With two or three excep ¬

lion I they named the same men wlio arenow In IIlOunrll board of aldermennnd school board

A prominent republican said todaynVthltiuTtoilor airw caiiaTthe eori

ventlon tomorrow to nominate ticketsfor the council and aldermen that alldetcent people canvote for no matter whattheir politic We nlend to nominaterepresentative men who will try to geta little energy and Intelligence into cityaiTatrai We are tired of the > llyfi hpolicy i

It iIA with great encouragement thattlie republicans will enter the contetjIhl year They red that Ihc people amtired of vrliat haa hen denll oul to themfrom the city hall and hall a lout Ulhalll

stop to many of the things to which thotaxpayers object They can count onenough help from the present boardswho hot over to do what U right andbest for the people and will have enoughto prevent anything clue should it ba


ArIs becoming a republican city II hMttlong been known that many people otettthe republican tickel who do nol register 1

republican In the past two years therepublican gain In registration has beenover 800 while the democrat have lostThi year the democrats have n majorityof 374 over the republicans but theirpluralityis only 207 U Iis claimed bythe republican committee that lid ofthose registered as democrat are republicans and if this be true adding lipto the republican registration and lakliigIt from tlie democratic the democrathave the advantage of only about 20rotes In Paducah

A large number of democrats In PadurAh never vote the democratic ticket atpresidential elections and a larger num ¬

LeI than usual will probably not voto thodemocratic ticket this year Many dem ¬

ocrats nro disgusted with tho presentcity administration In Paducah and thomunicipal ticket will be no Inducementto them to vote the democratic tickethence Paducah is pretty apt to lw safelyrepublican this year

Smithcrs says ha lights one cigarfrom another now he tmckes so much

I dont wonder ollld the11of11

x Tlie Lady That isnt the tamo toryyou told me before

The Beggar No lady you didnt believc the other ono Philadelphia Telefraph l

Nature leaves a lot of work for thedressmaker to finish

Some brand of fertilizer am guariintied to raise the mortgage