russia & europe

Russia & Europe Sean Bonner Sofi Butnaru Laura Cadena

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Russia & Europe . Sean Bonner Sofi Butnaru Laura Cadena . Central Question. Do you believe nations and empires use one and other as models on how or how not to govern?. Europe: Thirty Years War . Religious Warfare Between Protestant Princes and the Hapsburg Catholic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Russia & Europe

Russia & Europe Sean Bonner Sofi Butnaru Laura Cadena

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Central Question• Do you believe nations and empires use one and

other as models on how or how not to govern?

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Europe: Thirty Years War • Religious Warfare • Between Protestant Princes and the

Hapsburg Catholic • Territory, power, and more trade wars • Central Europe • Protestants were losing • Saved by Swedish King • Stalemate • Treaty

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Political Change in France and England France• Monarchy • Kings decided not lisent

to the advisory body called Estates-General.

• Power became very absolute but not fully absolute

• “Devine rights of kings”• Mercantilist wars made

France loose power in the New World to England

England • Monarchy • Queen Elizabeth- “The

Virgin Queen”• Civil war in 1640s i. Ended parliamentary

army ii. beheading of Charles I • England became a

commonwealth which later became a military dictatorship for 12 years

• Glorious Revolution caused parliament and the throne to work together.

• Mercantilist wars gave power to England from Spain and France (7 years’ war)

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Europe: Economic Changes • 30 Years War destroyed economy • Depopulation from both sides • Economy did not recover for a century • Venice and Spain • Main income was from land and peasants • New countries rose to power

- Dutch- Russia - Britain - France

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Europe: Social Changes • Commercial expansion resulted in the rising of a new

merchant class • Mercantilist Policies

1.This doctrine presumed the world's wealth was fixed and that one country's wealth came at another's expense

2.It assumed that colonies existed to enrich the motherland3.Colonies existed to generate wealth for the motherland and were

forbidden to trade with the motherland's competitors

Effect of Mercantilism in England and France

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Russia: Economic Changes • Not affected by 30 years War • Became new powerhouse

-under Ivan III and Ivan IV • Expansion Rate of 50 square miles a

day • High Religious and Cultural tolerance

Ivan III Ivan IV

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Political Changes In Russia • Russia grew to become largest-ever state • Established Political borders with Qing Empire and Japan

p588 • Ivan III married the nice of last byzantine emperor, this

gave him religious power (Moscow is center of byzantine faith)

• When Ivan IV died there were “The troubled Times” • Romanovs came in 1613 i. Absolutist government. • Peter the Great made capital St. Petersburg 1703• Catherine the great was his successor and she gained

Ukraine. • Serbia is the place that people would be exiled to.

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Wedding of Ivan IV/Anastasia Romanov

February 3, 1547

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Russia: Social Change • Serfdom

-Began in 1649 -Living conditions

-Property of people -A denying of personal Freedom

Catherine the Great (1762-1796)-Ukraine, Crimea, Armenia, Georgia, and the

Caucasus Mountains bordering the Ottoman Empire

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Property or People? Serfdom

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Russia: Social change • Siberia

-90% indigenous < 50% foreign -Living Conditions

-Climate -Land -Isolation

Russian Identity • Location Bordering Ukraine to the West but China and Mongolia to the Southern East• Heterogeneous

Slavs, Finnish tribes, Tartar, & Turkic Speakers

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Dutch Economic Changes • Dutch also became a new powerhouse

-Commercial -Specialized in overseas trading- Lowered cost of trading

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YEARS WARSebastian Vrancx, 1620

Depicts events from the Baroque time"a pearl of irregular shape."

Thirty Years War.-The carnage and genocide  - Exorbitant taxes

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Discussion Question • Do you think it was necessary at the time for the

kings to be absolutist? • The quote “ History Repeats it’s self” has been

proven correct in some cases, do you think we will ever go back to the ways (politically or economically) of this era?

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Bibliography • Wedding of Ivan IV/Anastasia Romanov . 1547. unoffical royalty . Web. 27 Oct. 2010.

< 12900-feb-3-1547--wedding-of-ivan-ivanastasia-romanov>.

• Leonardo, Jusepe. The Taking of Brisach by the Duc de Feria . 17th Century . The Picture Desk Limited. Corbis Images for Education. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. < Enlargement/IH020154.html>.

• Curtis, Gleen E., ed. "Muscovy." Russia: A Country Study. Lib. of Congress, 1996. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. <>.

• Tignor, Robert, et al. "Worlds Entangled 1600-1750." Worlds Together Worlds Apart . Ed. Jon Durbin. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. New York City : Norton & Company, 2008. 553-597. Print. 2 vols.

• "absolutism." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2010. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 26 Oct. 2010 <>.

• "James II." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2010. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 26 Oct. 2010 <>.

• "Parliament." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2010. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 26 Oct. 2010 <>.

• Vrancx, Sebastian. Soldiers Plundering a Farm During The Thirty Years War . 1620 . Oil on canvas .• Sheilds Kollman, Nancy. "Security, Identity, and Modernity in Seventeenth Century Russia." Modernizing

Muscovy. By Jarmo Kotilaine and Marshall Poe. N. pag. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. • "The Baroque Era." . Oracle , n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2010.
