russell skipper16

Running head: LEADERSHIP 1 Leadership Russell Skipper Dale Newton Effective Leadership/531 August 5, 2013 University of Phoenix

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Leadership Russell Skipper

Dale Newton

Effective Leadership/531

August 5, 2013

University of Phoenix

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Leadership Introduction

Leadership comes from following the right paths in life to succeed, and giving everything

it takes to accomplish these goals. There are many traits and theories to justify a strong

description of true leaders and why each person has been born with the gift. I personally have

met only a few in my lifetime, and will address this report sharing the leader in my life who was

born with behaviorism, and situational theories. Leadership provides a person a guideline of how

to conduct ourselves in the course of being on this planet with the best we have to give to others

without hesitation. There are many different styles and traits to each leadership, but we will

focus on the ones in the man I will always see in my heart as a true leader.

Behavioral theories

We learn in behavioral theories a leader can come from learning the truth and ways to conduct

all areas of discipline and loyalty. Russell Skipper was born with leadership and possesses the

qualities of behavioral theories. He was a Navy Chaplin in the war and went to men in battle in

need of his services. Russell’s job in leadership was to help men who were dying and were in a

need of comfort. This would sometimes show the autocratic leadership because Russell would

have to made quick decisions without acknowledging the team around him. Sometimes men

might only have had two minutes before they left the world and his job was to make sure they

had made peace before they left. Autocratic leaders make decisions without including their team

mates of this style of leadership; this leadership is effective when decisions are quick without

response ( August 2013). Leadership will involve making certain choices

that will sometimes go against a team. I am learning about autocratic leadership in my life and

how to use it effective when team members are either not available or will not be able to finalize

his or her end of the project. I try to give the best at everything I do and want to succeed in all

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areas as Russell did without hesitation. Behavior is a key tool to being a strong leader and I think

it takes maturity and building a strong foundation that Russell built when he was on the front line

with his men in battle. Behavioral theories include Democratic leaders who will trust the team in

decision making, and Laissez-faire leader who will just let people make their own choices

without interference ( August 2013). Behavioral theories such as

Democratic and Laissez-faire only work well if the team is self-efficient and agreeable on the

team subjects.

Contingency theories

Russell Skipper had to use different theories because sometimes he did not have contact with the

team and was of need in the battle field. A person on his squad might be shot or told to move

position. Russell did not leave the men who were in need of his service regardless of what the

squad did. He acts on the most contingent theory for all the circumstances he found the best

answer and did what it took to help men dying, or need of his service. I am learning to put this

theory in my everyday lifestyle. I have situations all day that inquire answers, but management is

not available so I am learning to use the contingent theory. I choose the situations and match it to

the best answer and resolve the problem. It was very important to have Russell Skipper because

even sometimes in the squad he would use this approach to build up the navy’s spirit and keep

men and women alive to complete tasks that was set before them. Duty stations, ships, even

ground camps were in need of constant spiritual uplift for the men to battle hard and understand

the principle behind it. Russell would help keep men from losing their minds and wavering

thoughts by using the contingent theory and direct council. If the men lost concept of why they

were fighting it was the job of the Chaplin to help each person find peace in all matters. Russell

knew the right leadership style to use and help men of war that were in need of his guidance.

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Trait theories

Navy Chaplin of the war is a trait of leadership that comes from the genes of the family. Leaders

come in different shapes and sizes offering talents in different areas of service. Leaders with

traits are normally born with the gene and are rare to find. I have the genes of a leader, but I need

the structure of learning to incorporate my gifts. I should be dead from many encounters of

battles, but the leadership quality in my bones fights every day for success in all manners. I

overcame someone running me over by a car, to 68 radiations and chemo to my face. I want to

leave something on this earth the help others get higher in their walk with God and help them

battle the fight many are going through each day. My leadership trait is to never give up and

keep reaching to people who are hurting the same way Russell Skipper’s job was in the navy.

The doctors were going to do nine chemotherapies on me, but I left after talking to the lord and

never went back for one check-up. I have the Leadership to lead people away from the wrong in

life and direct through God’s love them to what is right and just. Leadership sometimes will cost

a person from popularity with people and the gifts will come from the results I see happen in the

person. Russell and I would meet each week and talk about life and how a man should live

according to biblical principles. He was able to share his leadership styles and help me to grow in

my weak areas. Russell was in charge of a church after retiring from the navy. My traits come

from not having a father, but wanting to give the best to my kids and the generations after them.

Great Man theories

Heroics, myths this are men who are leaders when there is a cause for leadership they are able to

take action on the situation (Cherry, August 2013). Russell Skipper was a heroic man and some

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might think of him as a myth the way he steps up to the plate when the soldiers were hurting, or

of need of a lift to get them through the hard times. Russell went to a pool one day and baptized

100 men in the pool to help each person build their spirit and character in relations to religious

beliefs. I look at Russell Skipper and see a hero who gave everything he could to help save the

men in battle and bring home the boys to his or her families. Russell Skipper won many awards

but did not really care to keep them because he knew his destination was to save people. If

Russell Skipper was off the base and visiting, he was the same way a true hero would act. One

time he went to these people’s house that were struggling to eat and did not have enough money

to make rent. Russell Skipper took that family to the store bought groceries and paid the rent for

the first month. He would also go to jails and bail out people and help them to get back on track

with their lives. I try to help people in any way I can and want to be just like Russell Skipper

where my hand is reachable for anyone in need of help. He possesses a love with the leadership

qualities and theories that seem to blend in all circumstances for a positive outcome. I look to

become an individual who brings out the positive in everyone and avoids the negativity. It will

take learning the same way the great man theories was working for Russell. Goals are of need to

succeed when the negative is larger than the positive each day I go into this world. My goal will

be to reach as many people and help them with depressions, hurts, pains, and offer them a

forgiveness that will last a lifetime. I will never forget when Russell Skipper and I was talking

about death he told me never to take his glory from him by getting upset. He was glad to leave

this earth on good terms and felt that everyone should be happy and not sad when he left this

world. Russell would always tell a story of how he was able to give to people and receive more

the blessing than the person he gave his time to help them in all manners.

Power and Influence theories

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Russell did not use power or influence to do his work he made able to take his instincts of his

heart and get the job done. He did not believe that power and influence was the way or direction

to do his job properly. Many people use influence to persuade people into making a decision for

the team. Russell was a person who cares about all people and surrounding which helps build

trust in the men, you are working with to achieve goals of the Navy. Power and influence would

only come in handy if Russell had been in Prison and men were of need for help and peace

before destruction took place. Some men feed off of power and influence because they want

everyone to admire his or her work. Russell was working to impress anyone, just care for those

who did not have anyone to care for them.


The final words it takes a leader from the heart to perform in all manners without wanting a

reward. I truly see Russell Skipper and the proof in his life of a true leader from the heart for all

mankind to follow. Leadership takes loyalty to all people and helping him or her to see a new

way and life of what it takes to be a leader. Russell Skipper left this world with the knowledge in

which he gave his best in every area of this life. He has made a big impact on my life and how I

live for what leadership stands for.

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Cherry, K. (August 2013). Leadership Theories-8 Major Leadership Theories Retrieved from (August 2013) Core Leadership Theories Retrieved from