russell 2012 introduction to spring integration and spring batch

Introduction to Spring Integration and Spring Batch © 2012 SpringOne 2GX. All rights reserved. Do not distribute without permission. Gary Russell, Staff Engineer, SpringSource; @gprussell Tuesday, December 18, 12

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Introduction toSpring Integration and Spring Batch

© 2012 SpringOne 2GX. All rights reserved. Do not distribute without permission.

Gary Russell, Staff Engineer, SpringSource; @gprussell

Tuesday, December 18, 12

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What we will cover...

• Spring Integration• Spring Batch• Using Spring Batch and Spring Integration together

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Spring Integration

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Integration Styles

• Business to Business Integration (B2B)• Inter Application Integration (EAI)• Intra Application Integration




External Business Partner


Core Messaging

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Integration Styles

• File Transfer• Shared Database• Remoting• Messaging

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Common Patterns


Retrieve Parse Transform Transmit

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Enterprise Integration Patterns

• By Gregor Hohpe & Bobby Woolf• Published 2003• Collection of well-known patterns•

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“Spring Integration provides an extension of the Spring programming model

to support the well-known enterprise integration patterns.

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What is Spring Integration?

• Light-weight messaging framework• Provides an adapter-based platform for communicating with external


• Pipes and Filters at the core of Spring Integration’s architecture–Endpoint (Filter)–Channel (Pipe)–Message

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• Provides building blocks to implement systems that are:– are loosely Coupled (Logically or Physically)– are Event Driven (EDA)– have a staged event-driven architecture (SEDA)

• Sophisticated support for synchronous / asynchronous messaging

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• XML Namespace Support• Annotation Support (e.g. @Transformer, @Router, @ServiceActivator)


<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:int="" xsi:schemaLocation="..">... <int:channel id="orders"/> <int:splitter input-channel="orders" expression="payload.items" output-channel="drinks"/> <int:channel id="drinks"/> <int:router input-channel="drinks" expression="payload.iced ? 'coldDrinks' : 'hotDrinks'"/>...</beans>

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Spring Integration DSLs

• Scala

• Groovy


val messageFlow = filter {payload: String => payload == "World"} --> transform { payload: String => "Hello " + payload} --> handle { payload: String => println(payload) } messageFlow.send("World")

def builder = new IntegrationBuilder()

def flow = builder.messageFlow { transform {payload->payload.toUpperCase()} filter {payload-> payload =="HELLO"} handle {payload->payload}}

assert flow.sendAndReceive("hello") == "HELLO"assert flow.sendAndReceive("world") == null

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What is in a Message?

• Unit of information• Encapsulates data• Passed between endpoints• Consists of headers

– contains data relevant to the messaging system• and a payload

– actual data for the receiver– depending on use-cases: POJO instances or serialized data

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What is in a Message?


package org.springframework.integration;

public interface Message<T> {

MessageHeaders getHeaders();

T getPayload();


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Message Headers

• Message ID (automatically generated UUID)• Timestamp• Correlation Id• Reply Channel• Error Channel• Expiration Date• Priority• ...

• Add your own headers using a Header Enricher

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Function of a Message

• Command Message

• Event Message

• Document Message





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What is a Channel?

• Channels connect producers and consumers (decoupling)• MessageChannel Interface:

–PollableChannel (Polling Consumer)–SubscribableChannel (Event Driven)

• Implementations:–DirectChannel–PublishSubscribeChannel–QueueChannel–PriorityChannel–RendezvousChannel–ExecutorChannel


<int:channel id="input"> <int:queue capacity="10"/></int:channel>

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What is an Endpoint?

• Polling or event-driven• Inbound or outbound• Unidirectional (Channel Adapter) or bidirectional (Gateway)• Internal or external (application context)



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• Message Router• Content-based router• Recipient list router (with selectors)• Payload type router• Header value router• Exception type router

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• Delegating via ref/method• Spring Expression Language• Groovy, JRuby, Jython, JavaScript• Object-to-JSON / JSON-to-Object• Payload serializing/deserializing• File-to-bytes, File-to-String• JAXB, JibX, Castor, XMLBeans, Xstream• XPath, XSLT• Object XML Marshalling/Unmarshalling (Spring OXM)• ...

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Spring Integration Components


• Claim Check (In/Out)• Content Enricher

–Header Enricher–Payload Enricher

• Control Bus• Delayer• JMX Support• Message Handler Chain• Messaging Bridge• Resequencer

• Service Activator• Scripting support (JSR 223)

– Ruby/JRuby, Javascript ...• Groovy• Message History• Message Store

– JDBC, Redis, MongoDB, Gemfire

• Wire Tap• ...

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• AMQP/RabbitMQ• AWS*• File/Resource• FTP/FTPS/SFTP• GemFire• HTTP (REST)• JDBC• JMS• JMX• JPA

• MongoDB• POP3/IMAP/SMTP• Print*• Redis• RMI• RSS/Atom• SMB*• Splunk*• Spring Application


• Stored Procedures• TCP/UDP• Twitter• Web Services

(SOAP or POX)• XMPP• XPath• XQuery*

• ...* Spring Integration Extensions Project

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Tooling - Spring Tool Suite (STS)

• Namespace Support• Visualization• 4 Spring Integration specific STS Templates

–Simple Template (Core Components only)–File Polling Template (File Adapter)–War Template (Uses Twitter Adapter)–Adapter Template (Create your own components)

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• Contains 50 Samples and Applications• Several Categories:


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• Just Spring Integration• Pro Spring Integration• Spring Integration in Action

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What’s new in Spring Integration 2.2

• JPA support–

• MongoDB adapters–

• Transaction synchronization–


• Retry, Circuit Breaker and ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice–

• Redis Store Adapters

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• Post Question and Answers the Forums–

• Create Jiras–

• Submit Pull Requests - Contributor Guidelines:–

• New Spring Integration Extensions Repository

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Spring Batch

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Batch JobsDiffer from online/real-time processing applications:

• Long-running– Often outside office hours

• Non-interactive– Often include logic for handling errors or restarts

• Process large volumes of data– More than fits in memory or a single transaction

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Batch and offline processing• Close of business processing

– Order processing– Business reporting– Account reconciliation

• Import/export handling– a.k.a. ETL jobs (Extract-Transform-Load)– Instrument/position import– Data warehouse synchronization

• Large-scale output jobs– Loyalty scheme emails– Bank statements

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Job and Step

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Chunk-Oriented Processing• Input-output can be grouped together• Input collects Items before outputting:Chunk-Oriented Processing• Optional ItemProcessor

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Simple File Load Job

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More Complex Use Cases• It's very common to use an off-the-shelf reader

and writer• More complex jobs often require custom readers

or writers• ItemProcessor is often used if there's a need to

delegate to existing business logic• Use a writer if it's more efficient to process a

complete chunk

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Job and Step in Context

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JobRepository and Batch Metadata

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ExecutionContext• We need to know where a failure occurred to restart a batch

process• Job Repository metadata is used to determine the step at

which the failure occurred• Application Code (in reader/writer) needs to maintain state

within a step (e.g. current chunk)• Spring Batch can supply that data during restart to facilitate


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Common Batch Idioms• Batch jobs typically process large amounts of homogeneous

input• Makes iteration a common concern: Repeat• Transient errors during processing may require a Retry of

an input item• Some input may not be valid, may want to Skip it without

failing• Some errors should fail the job execution, allowing one to fix

the problem and Restart the job instance where it left off

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Spring Batch• Spring Batch supports these common concerns

• Abstracts them in the framework– Job business logic doesn't need to care about details

• Allows for simple configuration with pluggable strategies

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Business Logic Delegation – Spring Application

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Spring Batch Admin• Sub project of Spring Batch• Provides Web UI and ReSTFul interface to manage batch


• Manager, Resources, Sample WAR– Deployed with batch job(s) as single app to be able to control &

monitor jobs– Or monitors external jobs only via shared database

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Scaling and Parallel Processing• First Rule:

– Use the simplest technique to get the job done in the required time

– Do not optimize/parallelize unnecessarily

• Options:– Multi-threaded Step (single process)– Parallel Steps (single process) – Remote Chunking of Step (multi process)– Partitioning a Step (single or multi process)

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Using Spring Batch and

Spring Integration Together

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Launching batch jobs through messages

• Event-Driven execution of the JobLauncher• Spring Integration retrieves the data (e.g. file system, FTP, ...)• Easy to support separate input sources simultaneously




Inbound Channel Adapter




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Providing feedback with informational messages

• Spring Batch provides support for listeners:– StepListener– ChunkListener– JobExecutionListener


<batch:job  id="importPayments">        ...        <batch:listeners>                <batch:listener  ref="notificationExecutionsListener"/>        </batch:listeners></batch:job>

<int:gateway  id="notificationExecutionsListener"        service-­‐interface="o.s.batch.core.JobExecutionListener"        default-­‐request-­‐channel="jobExecutions"/>

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Externalizing batch process execution

• Use Spring Integration inside of Batch jobs, e.g.:– ItemProcessor– ItemWriter

• Offload complex processing• Asynchronous processing support:

– AsyncItemProcessor– AsyncItemWriter

• Externalize chunk processing using ChunkMessageChannelItemWriter

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Business Logic Delegation – Spring Integration

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Thank You!!

Tuesday, December 18, 12