rusia comparatii între documentele strategice din polonia și romania

Rusia în documentele strategice din Polonia și România 2003-2015 Anul Polonia Anul România 2003 The National Security Strategy - NATO has been enlarging and transforming itself, while strengthening its relations with Poland's eastern neighbours - Russia as well as Ukraine. - Poland will take practical measures in support of deepening NATO's partnership with Russia based on the provisions of the Founding Act and the Declaration of Rome. - This partnership should contribute to Russia's increased participation in the Euro-Atlantic cooperation without any adverse impact on NATO's effectiveness. -Poland wants the development of partnership- based relations with the Russian Federation, comes out in favour of the strengthening of Russia's cooperation with NATO and the EU and of making the Kaliningrad District part of various forms of pan-European collaboration in the spheres of security, economy and human contacts. 2005 The National Security Strategy Nu există referiri la Rusia 2007 The National Security Strategy - The Russian Federation, taking advantage of the rising energy prices, has been attempting intensively to reinforce its position on a supraregional level. Russia’s efforts to establish closer contacts with selected Western countries go hand în hand with the imposition of selective restrictions and discrimination of some NATO and EU members. - The purpose of partnership with Russia should increase that country’s involvement in transatlantic cooperation, in assuming responsibility for security and stability in the region and by the same token help to increase NATO’s effectiveness. - Poland recognizes NATO’s cooperation with Russia as an area of special importance and it shall be actively engaged in advancing it. Partnership with Russia should result in that country’s greater involvement in Euroatlantic cooperation, and thus add to greater security and stability in the region. - Poland shall seek to develop relations with the Russian Federation on equal terms and based on partnership, counting on its cooperation in solving difficult issues burdening our relations. 2007 The National Security Strategy - For this purpose, Romania will cooperate closely with the states neighboring the Black Sea – Bulgaria, Georgia, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Moldova, Turkey, and Ukraine –, with the other states located in the close proximity, as well as with other member states of the Euro- Atlantic community.

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Page 1: Rusia comparatii între documentele strategice din Polonia și Romania

Rusia în documentele strategice din Polonia și România 2003-2015

Anul Polonia Anul România

2003 The National Security Strategy

- NATO has been enlarging and transforming itself, while strengthening its relations with Poland's eastern neighbours - Russia as well as Ukraine.

- Poland will take practical measures in support ofdeepening NATO's partnership with Russia based on the provisions of the Founding Act and the Declaration of Rome.

- This partnership should contribute to Russia's increased participation in the Euro-Atlantic cooperation without any adverse impact on NATO's effectiveness.

-Poland wants the development of partnership-based relations with the Russian Federation,comes out in favour of the strengthening ofRussia's cooperation with NATO and the EU andof making the Kaliningrad District part of variousforms of pan-European collaboration in thespheres of security, economy and human contacts.

2005 The National Security Strategy

Nu există referiri la Rusia

2007 The National Security Strategy

- The Russian Federation, taking advantage of therising energy prices, has been attempting intensively to reinforce its position on a supraregional level. Russia’s efforts to establish closer contacts with selected Western countries gohand în hand with the imposition of selective restrictions and discrimination of some NATO and EU members.

- The purpose of partnership with Russia should increase that country’s involvement in transatlantic cooperation, in assuming responsibility for security and stability in theregion and by the same token help to increase NATO’s effectiveness.

- Poland recognizes NATO’s cooperation with Russia as an area of special importance and it shall be actively engaged in advancing it. Partnership with Russia should result in that country’s greater involvement in Euroatlantic cooperation, and thus add to greater security and stability in the region.

- Poland shall seek to develop relations with the Russian Federation on equal terms and based on partnership, counting on its cooperation in solving difficult issues burdening our relations.

2007 The National Security Strategy

- For this purpose, Romania will cooperate

closely with the states neighboring the Black Sea – Bulgaria, Georgia, the Russian

Federation, the Republic of Moldova, Turkey, and Ukraine –, with the other states

located in the close proximity, as well as with other member states of the Euro-

Atlantic community.

Page 2: Rusia comparatii între documentele strategice din Polonia și Romania

Rusia în documentele strategice din Polonia și România 2003-2015

2009 Defense Strategy of the Republic of Poland- The development of good-neighbourly relations,based on mutual understanding with Poland’s eastern neighbours: Russia, Belarus and Ukraine remain one of the foundations of Polish foreign policy, Developments in these states and their security policy, especially Russia’s policy, directly impact Poland’s security.

2008 Strategia Națională de Apărare

Nu există referiri

2014 Defense Strategy of the Republic of Poland- As a neighbour of the Russian Federation, Poland considers that both bilateral relations and NATO-Russia and EU-Russia relations should be developed on the basis of full respect for inter-national law, including sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, as well as freedom tochoose their own path of development, political and military alliances.

-The security of Europe will be determined by four main factors: NATO, European Union, strategic presence of the US in the European continent and relations with Russia.

-Russia’s relations with them West will remain an

important factor influencing the security of Poland, the region and Europe. The reassertion of

Russia’s position aș a major power at the expense of its neighbourhood, as well as the escalation of

its confrontational policy, an example of which is the conflict with Ukraine, including the

annexation of Crimea, has a negative impact on the security in the region.

-The European security policy is beginning to be challenged by processes taking place in EU

eastern neighbourhood countries, connected with a strong political, military and economic pressure

of Russia, which is pursuing its own interests.

- As far as relationships with the Russian

Federation are concerned, it will be necessary to solve difficult matters în conformity with rules of

international law. The starting point for the formation of relations between NATO and Russia

should be: analysis of security interests of the Alliance, observance of rules of international law,

as well as principles of pragmatism and reciprocity .

- (...) shaping relations with Russia on a basis of reciprocity, transparency and respect for

sovereignty of neighbouring countries;(...)

2015 Strategia Națională de Apărare Document nefinalizat

to do list posibil:- rolul Rusiei în securitatea Europei.- politica de vecinătate a Rusiei- relația dintre cei mai importanți actori ai securității trans-atlantice și Rusia.- perspectiva politici Rusiei în vecinătate, respectarea și apărarea suveranității țărilor vecine- condamnarea anexării Crimeii