rules and regulations of spca punjab, 1982

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Page 1: Rules and regulations of SPCA Punjab, 1982

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Page 2: Rules and regulations of SPCA Punjab, 1982


.'. SOCIF,rt FOR THF P?,r-,V8i-1TIOi·: Ot-: Cr.Ur:l.iY T~'-.i,i-:TiV'LS PlJ!~J!.~

L Des ign 2tic,n:


The Soceity sh2l1 '2e c.JcsignJ-tcd ,JS ~ lie' 'Society

for the PrcvcntiGn af C~u~lty to AnimJl~ PunjJb'

/TnE: 0 b j C:' c t 5 0 f the Soc i (. t Y ~ h ;) 11 b C' . uS. 9 i v en

irl p~r..)griJph 3 of the i,lemorandur.l of f\$socicJtion.


6.7 •8.9.

1G.1l.13.1/·, .

:The Gcncr<:ll 80dy sh.)ll consist in u\.:ciiU.UI'. to the

Office Bearers as giV0rl in p<Jragr2l;.)h 4 bclov,' :-

a) Ex-Officio !:,cmcf'rs

1. . Sec!'ctary, Hor~2 Dcptt. ,Govt:l of the- Punj ,Jb.2. Sccl'E~tary, Fi,lOCC 'DepJrt.I:1ont.3. Sccrotary, Forc.' st &. ':iildl i fc: Dc:r-' or tllL0rot.4. Sccrc:tary LOC2.J. Govt. &. R.D. DcpJrtr.~nt.

S. Secretary Inforr:1Jtion D<.:pJr-uncnt ..Inspector General of Police PunjoL.Director Gi:n02r<Jl <Ext) Liv0stoCr.. 2. D.D.Deptt.Director, Loologicol Garden lcJhor0.Director, Pakistan OroeJucosting Corpn'ILJ!~Or02.

GcnGrJl ~!,anug(?r Pilk.Tcl.?vision Corpn.,LJ!lorc,.Section Officl.?r{Cst) ,Livest0d: 1'" D.D.Dcfltt.

OJ, ~ector,.Gene!'al 1..0.;:'.•Dirccto!'.Ger,..:r(~l, F- .DJ..~:':"L'ctor. (;('00:1.'.21, :'.'.• DJ.•

b) j\'\crnbcrs fror.~ i)'Jbl ic

1. 1'~JY0r, L()hore ~:\uniciriJl, Co·rporJtio.n.Lahorc.2. President, LJhorc Chafi1ber of Cornr.lcrcc s.. Industry.3. Prc~ident, Lahore CincJj)(J Owners Association.4. ].~ayor P.C)walpindi Muni cipal Corpol.'ution.S. !.iayor Fois<31abad j·.{unici0al COrl)OrZltion.6. TVlo members to nor.l1nJtl'd by the.· I"~inister from

the GcnerJl Public hJvinCl interest in -.'Jollh(~inCJ of unim(jls. - --

c) All the Deputy Coll1ldssior',(?!'s of Punj("]uls DisLricts.·

4.' Office O~arcrs

The'. I),. II)

. I II)

followi'ncj shr"]ll

P '-ltror.:President


be i.he offic,? b('orcrs of tl~L' SociLty:­

GOVffi~-.'OnOr THE ?UrUAB (Ex-officio)Il.INISTER rop. LIVESTOCK t DJ:.IRY O[V[Lort.'.~I\T


SeCrE~'tCl!"I, Govc:!.'nr;'cnt of the J>unj olJ,Livestock &. D,li:::-y Dcv.Dcptt.(Ex-Dfficio)

IV) Honorary Secretary


ASSIST,L.f.'T COI.'~'.ISSIONrn (G.) ,L).JD;1E DI\iISIC~l

LA~nRE (Ex-of~icio).

,VI) HOnOfJry F j n<:mci al f:,dvisor

SECTION OFFICER (Exp,(Ex-Officio) •

Page 3: Rules and regulations of SPCA Punjab, 1982

- ~-I:~~ 1I;'~ .

::~~ Po Jers 8. Duties of Offi~~ Bf;Clrc!Js

';. 8:-President: The president, shull, v:hen he so Gesircs prc!;,ic!cover any of th:' F.xocutive/::;(?nerJl Oooyof the Society.



In the absence of ~LC' President, 1:he Co-Prcsic1c...nt,sh all t ukc: the Chell:' (I n the abs0Ylcc of thePresident and thQ C)-Prc·sidcr.t, crlc i;!C.l1u.:r of theExecutive Committee prescnt ut the mee:tinCj s'iJll bevotQd to the chair).

C-HQDOrary Secretary

,~ ,



The Honorary Secret 2ry sh alI k <:,oci~ corree t record s of theproceedings of the: various mc.\ctir.]s of t~c ExecutiveCOffirr.ittee und of ~~he SocietY"unci "":'211 issue: noJc.icc·for such meetings.

He shall be the Chief Executivo Ofiicc.:l' of the' Sotietyand of the Executive Cor:,;:,i t'tee Jncl shall ccJTry oncorrespondence a'ill trJnSClct all business on their b(~holfo

iii) Subject to Rule No. IS' below hi:! sha.ll h,jVe the pO'N0rsto 2ppoint, tE:r;ninZlte the services of 2nc v;he:-n nocessarytake disciplinary action agJinst t~~ staff by way cfdismissal, su~pension, censure, fines 0= 5t~ppag0 ofincrement, to sanction the: t::eriodicJl inc.!:'c-r..e-nts to theirsa.larios ond to decide <111 conccrnil)(l their le-eWe' I

promotior etc. iiccorciing to tho ,l:'/~roved S.F.e.;,. PunjJbEmploy0es Servi.ce Rules .





. I

He shall keep and maint2in cor-:rc . -.): counts ,::108 s:Jcndthe funds of the Soci~ty in the PJir.'Ollt of the.' .s"lcJriosof the Staff, uniforns, 2nd GtLer nc:cc-ss<-;ries cf theSociety including furniture, repairs, etc. accordingto the J;.Jpr::>Vod budgE:'t of the Soc.!..l'ty. E:xtr.3 cxpcndi turewill be sutject to the confi:r:m2tior. of +,he Fioance> Dcptt.

He shall generally transact the day te day business ofth€:' Society._

D-Honorary Treasurer

The Treasurer shall cxerci~o general supe~visi0n overthe funds of th€:' Society and \i:ill si<Jn ul.~ the Cheque-sissued by the? Honorary Secretc:ry.

E-Honorary Financial Advisor.

H€:' shall advisE mat ters rcL:,.ting t.o tho Fi.n.~nci J1policies of the Society.


F-Finance Committe~

nIt ytll consist of the Honorary Fin2,r1ci{)l r.dviso!" , ,the-HonQTary Trcasurer ond the Honoro)ry Scc:::"et<'lry with powersto co~opt. The com~ittee will 2dvisQ thc Honorary Sccy:in I>rcp ar.Jtion of the ennu,,,l Budget of the Soci C'ty ..'!ncl

a150 in other matters as rcqcircd_

No. 3(;.. ).d c:t ail CJ i v C' n 5. n q (JI' agr c)i~h

1. MuYo r I Lohc ro ii1uni ell2.Presidnc;t, Lohcrc C:'3.Prc5identIL~hor0 Ci:

6-Executive Commi ttee: I

Th,: Executive Corrmittc·c shell cc,nsist, in ;;clditic.\11 tt)thE' office be-arers of the S:Jcicty mr·ntionul in ~Jr0gr,Jph

No.4.--;j-,.:/" A-Ex~ffice Merrber~: As

" "f)-Members from. Publ1C:

Page 4: Rules and regulations of SPCA Punjab, 1982


(l",Jli, t.i~c Gcn,:rolof,'1]S.

COB~issioncr. Lahore.Comr:li s s io nc r 1 Guj r Clm:21 J •Commissioner, Shcikr.upuI2I.Commiss:ioner, Gujrat.~ommisftionC'rt KcJsu!:'.Co r.ll'!1 iss ion C'r 1 F .:1 i s .J 1 .3 b a c,; •

8. Pov-.rer .:Jnd Duties of the Executive COf:Liitt0G

The Executive Co ...;;;,',ittet? ~h211 Jl::'vc: ,jilC ;",'c.::i'c.rl,; 'u~v {ol~O',:':":lgpowers and duties :-

i) To C?nhance the r.1cmbership of Exc.'cuU.. 'Jc--./Gcne:rd :)0(1,/ (i!~ r>-z, i 'ficiobC'sis as and vJhen re-q~,ired.

ii) Ie appoint from time t~) time such sub-cor.""itt('cs t\S it ,:':L"Jconsider ncccssvry or pr09cr.

iii) The Executive COOli,littc(': sl;Clll k:vc to dO<Jl '.:ith tho ~crvicc:s uf'staff, according to the, approved S.P.C.~.) Punjoj E2ployces ServiceRul(;'s.

iv) The management and control of the <Jffairs, f'..I;,-1S Dncl Y:,sc''ts of theSociety shall also vest in Exccutiv,:? CGr.~.L:i.t-.0C.

v) To frame such byc-lav/s <35 li1ay be:. n(:cc·ss,~ry or P!"C[x-::- toimplement the powers ~ncJ cJ ut 10 s vc'sting i '", t\~r: C,y::,~,~ t'Ch:.

vi) G~nerally to do all acts nC'ccs5,~ry fer theof the affairs of the Society.

. r: i ; _. r .l.- __ ,", _ .' .'.... ..L._C,_l..'1.. nC"';(..I~l"CnL.


f 9·Annual and Gpneral M2etinos

i) There shall be an annual ffi0cting of the General Body toconveneq not latC!r them the 31st Ji)nu()r'/ each year.

ii) Not less than 15 days notice shall ::>0 given of the 2,:-.:iU2.l

meeting, such notice to include the d2tC, time ~l~ce an~

proposed agE::nda.

iii) A gGneral meeting maY be called any tii:;c by the Hcnor2r",'Secretary in consul tat ion vii th the Pre s idC'n~/Co-P re c,j lien t.

iv) Th0 same notice s.hall be givc:n of Ll Gen~r2J. h\ectin(J ..15 inrequired for the annual meeting •

.!D.'Meeting of the Exc'cuti vc C0r~-r:itteo, "

i) The Executive Committee shall m2Gt Dtlc:ast once in the, Cal c nde r year no t 1 Cl tc r th Of! 30t h Sb~.'t. f 0 l' tj'l<.: t. r N'I S ~~n cti0n

of the Businc:ss.','

Not"less th'an 15 'dJYs notiCe? shL'~ll ~)C CJi.-JEn oT tho [xc~cutivc:

Committe~ meeting, such notice to inclur:;e "che C:2't..:." tiJ'.".c t r10c,~

and propo~ed agenda.

A meeting of the Executivc Commi ttec ;:10'( c.:lllC'd Jt on)' t.iril'.: 1'.';the Honorary Sc:cTGtDry in ccnsult~ticn I:'!).t l ) the tJ:r0siGe nt/Co-Pre51d'~nt.

Page 5: Rules and regulations of SPCA Punjab, 1982

ii) The quorum 'for a mo eting of the ExC'cuti V0 COlffili ttcc' shell be8 'member's'. J

I', '


iii) If, the? quorum! is not completed at uny meeting, SUCh-fllccting K~shJll be adjourned und no other business s~all be tr~nsactcd

ther<:' vt except the fixing of the d<ltc one! tir,lG of the: Jdjou­rncd meet i ng.

12. Branches

OrC1nchcs of the Socie:ty mJY v:ith the ~;;-:,pro\lGl of the ExecutiveCommi t tee, be formed at any 01 ace in the Punj ot. TlJ<: Exccuti vo Comir:i t teeshall draw up nIle:; and regulation gov",ri,)lng :the CCl/'1j)osition of suchbranches and d~f~ning their pO'.vers ond duti0S.

13. Decision by ~te

Save as otherwise provicJ~d in these rules ~11 questions brou<Jhtbefore the Soci~ty shall be decided by J ~Jjo=ity of Vat2 of th0members present at the mccti~g.

14. Form of Vote,

The v,')",:ing Shall ordin<Jrily tc- by show of hdnds I but fi \Iemembers entitled to vote may demand a pell.

15. Custody of Noney

All r.)oncys belonging to tllc: Societ'l s; -,,;,1 be c!Q\,8:.>i ted in DBank to be sel~!cted by the Executive Commi t t~o'.

16. Auditing o~ Accounts

The Accounts of the Society shall bo audited by the O.A.D.Party of the t.ccountant General Punjab.

17'. )\1 te.r utJ,8r) of Rules

- No Iules and regulations-o{ tho Society ('mbodicG herein shallbe alte red or modi fi ed not sh all any new Rul es I1 Hegul ot ion s be: {ram~''1unless, they have the ,i)ssent of :lot les s than three quart(~rs of th~numbers of members present and forming a quoru l7l ut ~ Gen~~-:-<)l McetlnC)called for the purposes.

, ,

!'DIE i trThis MemOl."c1ndul'1 of hssociation 8. ~ules and RcCJul<Jtion of the~o<:iety for ,the P:cev:Jetion of Cruelty to Anim:~lst i~unj<Jb

is duly approved by the Government of th? Punjab v~0eme~'no No.6(112)SOE-1!L&DD/OO, dated 15th rJ'larch\ 198'.:". C~d

ai!Ac)d. '
