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' ---- This entire document is Open Game Content, and is distributed under the ' ---- terms of the Open Gaming License v.1.0a'' =========== RULES FILE ============='' Description: This file holds the rules used to run a 3rd edition RPG ' using DM Genie or Player Genie.''' NOTE: DM Genie/Player Genie must be restarted for changes to have an effect.'' Lines starting with ' are comments, as are empty lines' You may edit this file, but to avoid errors:' - Do not add or remove any line' - Do not change the order of the entries' - Make sure that you enter the correct number for multiple entries.' In general, 1 means Yes and 0 means No.' Conditions can be edited from within DM Genie.' Enter "None" for no condition' Enter "None" for use no ability modifier' To set a condition as OFF, precede the name with "NOT "' If DM Genie does not start or hangs, then you probably made a mistake - make sure you changed the "Number of Entries" values. Undo your modifications and try again.' Spelling mistakes in conditions or modifiers will cause them to be ignored.' A few of these entries are ignored by Player Genie, but do not remove them.'' Rules File Version20' FORMAT FOR DICE:' # of dice, letter d, value of dice (e.g. 1d20, 2d6+3)'###################################################################################'==================================================================================='---------------------- SECTION 1: THE BASICS --------------------------------------'==================================================================================='###################################################################################'--- Basic Task Resolution---'Success occurs if'Roll+Modifiers>='than the target number'Choices: =, =, ''Failure occurs otherwise'--- Margin of Success ---'is the total times-1.0'plus the target value'plus0' --- GENERAL RULES -----'Size progression (first letter only, from biggest to smallest)CGHLMSTDF' --- ABILITY SCORES, MODIFIERS ---'Ability Check Roll:1d20'Take the score, divide by2'Add this number:-5'If the score is:0'Then the modifier is:0'Ability namesStrengthDexterityConstitutionIntelligenceWisdomCharisma'Ability abbreviationsStrDexConIntWisCha' --- Saving Throws ---'Saving Throw Roll:1d20' Fortitude Save: Ability Modifier usedCon' Reflex Save: Ability Modifier usedDex' Will Save: Ability Modifier usedWis'--- Initiative ----'Dice to roll1d20'Ability modifier to addDex'--- Skill Rolls ----'Dice to roll1d20'--- Psionic ---'Psionic DC roll1d20'--- Miss Chance ---'Roll this dice:1d100'--- Spell Failure'Dice to roll1d100'--- Spell Resistance'Dice to roll1d20'--- Power Resistance'Dice to roll1d20'--- Refocus ---'Set init to value:20'Add init bonus?1'Go to the next creature in the play order?1'###################################################################################'==================================================================================='---------------------- SECTION 2: ATTACKING ---------------------------------------'==================================================================================='###################################################################################' ---- ATTACKS -----' GENERAL'Attack Roll Dice Used:1d20'Modifier to attack for dealing subdual damage with normal weapon and vice/versa-4'Modifier to attack for off-hand of 2 weapons -10'Modifier to attack for primary hand of 2 weapons -6'Modifier to attack for 2 weapons, with offhand weapon light +2'Modifier to attack for off-hand alone (no primary weapon)-4'Add Base Attack Bonus?1'Critical range is relative to:20'e.g. a range of 2 relative to 20 is 19-20.'--- Attack Hit or Miss ----'Automatic hit on a roll of 20'Automatic miss on a roll of 1'--- Range Increment Calculator ---'Modifier to attacks for each range increment:-2'--- Second Dice of Damage ----'Multiplied in critical hits by default?0'Attack Penalty for each size difference between weapon and creature-2'--- Penalty to attacks for non-proficiency ---'(New v.2.20, rules file version 20)-4'--- Normal Size Modifier to Attacks ---'Number of Entries (max 20)9'Each entry: First Letter of size, ModifierC, -8G, -4H, -2L, -1M, 0S, 1T, 2D, 4F, 8' --- Special Size Modifiers ----' For Grapple, and for GetSizeModSpecial'Number of Entries (max 20)9'Each entry: First Letter of size, ModifierC, 16G, 12H, 8L, 4M, 0S, -4T, -8D, -12F, -16'--- Attacks of Opportunity ----'Default number1'Reset on each round?1'Reserved value0' MELEE ATTACKS'Ability mod. for attackStr'Ability mod. for damageStr'Two-handed ability damage bonus multiplier1.5'Off-handed ability damage bonus multiplier0.5'Number of modifiers to attack bonus1'Name of the modifiersAttMelee'Number of modifiers to damage bonus2'Name of the modifiersDamageBonusDamageMelee' RANGED ATTACKS'Ability mod. for attackDex'Ability mod. for damageNone'Two-handed ability damage bonus multiplier1.0'Off-handed ability damage bonus multiplier1.0'Number of modifiers to attack bonus1'Name of the modifiersAttRanged'Number of modifiers to damage bonus2'Name of the modifiersDamageBonusDamageRanged' THROWN WEAPONS 'Ability mod. for attackDex'Ability mod. for damageStr'Two-handed ability damage bonus multiplier1.0'Off-handed ability damage bonus multiplier1.0'Number of modifiers to attack bonus1'Name of the modifiersAttRanged'Number of modifiers to damage bonus2'Name of the modifiersDamageBonusDamageMelee'--- Grapple attacks ---'Base dice roll1d20'For calculating the total grapple bonus:'Add special size modifier?1'Number of modifiers to apply (max 20)2'List of modifier namesBABStr'--- Secondary Natural Attack ---'(Chosen in the Hand Used section of the attacks tab)'Attack bonus-5'Multiplier to Str for damage (melee only)0.5'----- Str Penalty for ranged (bow) attacks -----'AbilityStr'Apply the bonus/penalty if it is below0'Strings that must be in the attack name to apply it'Will apply penalty if any one of these is found'# of strings (max 30)2'Each stringBOWSLING'String that CAN'T be in the attack name'Will NOT apply the penalty if ANY of these is found'# of strings2'Each stringCROSSBOWCOMPOSITE' --- ATTACK-RELATED FEATS ---' POWER ATTACK'For each bonus of 1 to damage, get this value to attacks:-1'Minimum bonus to damage, can be negative+0'Maximum bonus to damage+20'Can be used with melee attacks1'Can be used with ranged attacks0' EXPERTISE'Number of possible conditions (maximum 25, minimum 0)5'Name of condition to activate, (comma), modifier to attack rollExpertise +1, -1Expertise +2, -2Expertise +3, -3Expertise +4, -4Expertise +5, -5' WEAPON FINESSE: When active... 'Melee attack rolls use this ability mod:Dex'Ranged attack rolls use this ability mod:Dex' CHARGING'Name of condition to activateCharging'# of rounds condition is active1'Modifier to attack roll while charging+2'###################################################################################'==================================================================================='---------------------- SECTION 3: CARRYING AND MOVEMENT ---------------------------'==================================================================================='###################################################################################'Number of coins needed to weigh 1 pound50'--- Load Modifiers to Speed ---'Light load multiplier1'Medium Load multiplier0.7'Heavy Load multiplier0.7'For heavier loads set weight to:5'--- Armor Speeds ---'No armor multiplier1'Light armor multiplier1'Medium armor multiplier0.7'Heavy armor multiplier0.7'(1 = Pick the worst of the two, 2 = multiply together, 3 = pick the best of the 2)1'Round to the nearest (ft)5'=============== Load values ==============='Uses abilityStr'Light Load values (pounds, can be decimal) for Ability Scores 0 to 990,10001,3.52,73,10.54,13.55,176,20.57,23.58,279,30.510,33.511,38.512,43.513,50.514,58.515,6716,7717,8718,100.519,11720,133.521,153.522,173.523,200.524,233.525,26726,30727,34728,400.529,46730,53431,61432,69433,80234,93435,106836,122837,138838,160239,186840,213641,245642,277643,320844,373645,427246,491247,555248,640849,747250,854451,982452,1110453,1283254,1494455,1708856,1964857,2220858,2563259,2988860,3417661,3929662,4441663,5132864,5977665,6835266,7859267,8883268,10252869,11955270,13670471,15718472,17766473,20531274,23910475,27340876,31436877,35532878,41011279,47820880,54681681,62873682,71065683,82124884,95641685,109363286,125747287,142131288,164044889,191283290,218726491,251494492,284262493,328499294,382566495,437452896,502988897,568524898,656179299,7651328'Medium Load is up to Light Load times2'Heavy Load is up to Light Load times3'Carrying capacity multipliers'Number of entries9'Each entry: First Letter of size, multiplierC, 16G, 8H, 4L, 2M, 1S, 0.75T, 0.5D, 0.25F, 0.125'Quadrupeds Carrying Capacity multiplier (not used directly)2'======= Carrying loads and conditions =========='LIGHT LOAD'--- For a load up to light load times:1'Use this # of conditions (max 6):4'Each condition name, NOT in front to set it to FALSENOT Load: MediumNOT Load: HeavyNOT Load: Double MaxNOT Load: Excessive'MEDIUM LOAD'--- For a load up to light load times:2'Use this # of conditions:3'Each condition name, NOT in front to set it to FALSELoad: MediumNOT Load: HeavyNOT Load: Excessive'HEAVY LOAD'--- For a load up to light load times:3'Use this # of conditions:3'Each condition name, NOT in front to set it to FALSENOT Load: MediumLoad: HeavyNOT Load: Excessive'EXCESSIVE load, much past maximum'--- For a load up to light load times:999'Use this # of conditions:3'Each condition name, NOT in front to set it to FALSENOT Load: MediumNOT Load: HeavyLoad: Excessive'(This category isn't used but you can change the values)'--- For a load up to light load times:9999'Use this # of conditions:3'Each condition name, NOT in front to set it to FALSENOT Load: MediumNOT Load: HeavyLoad: Excessive'------------- FOR MOVEMENT CALCULATIONS ----------'Types of road (3)HighwayRoad/TrailTrackless'Terrain (8), 3 multipliers to speed for each type of roadPlains1, 1, 1Scrub, rough1, 1, 0.75Forest1, 1, 0.5Jungle1, 0.75, 0.25Swamp1, 0.75, 0.5Hills1, 0.75, 0.5Mountains0.75, 0.5, 0.25Sandy desert1, 1, 0.5'Hampered movement name (5), multiplier to speedModerate Obstruction0.75Heavy Obstruction0.5Bad Surface0.5Very Bad Surface0.25Poor Visibility0.5'---- MOUNTS ----'Number of mounts/vehicles in the following list (max 100)24'Type of mount/vehicle, speed in ft/roundMedium humanoid30Small humanoid20Small humanoid, encumbered15Medium humanoid with fast movement40Light horse Or warhorse60Light horse (151-450 lbs)40Light warhorse (231-690 lbs)40Heavy horse50Heavy horse (201-600 lbs)35Heavy warhorse40Heavy warhorse (301-900 lbs)30Pony or warpony40Pony (76-225 lbs)30Warpony (101-300 lbs)30Donkey or mule30Mule (231-690 lbs)20Cart or wagon20Raft or barge (poled or towed)5Keelboat (rowed)10Rowboat15Sailing ship(sailed)20Warship (sailed and rowed)25Longship (sailed and rowed)30Galley (rowed and sailed)40' ------ MOVEMENT MODES ---------'Name (4), Speed multiplierWalk1.0Hustle2.0Run (x3)3.0Run (x4)4.0'--- Terrain Filter ---'Enter a list of terrain strings to search, separated by commas'The first item is what is shown in the options'Each other item represents the more general group that includes the first one'When searching the "Climate/Terrain" string, if any of the strings is found, the race is accepted'Case is not sensitive'NOTE! This is not yet finished (or used)'Number of entries (max 50)'The first 3 entries are for climate16'Each entryColdTemperateWarmAny, Land, Aquatic, Desert, Forest, Hill, Swamp, Marsh, Mountains, Plains, UndergroundLand, Desert, Forest, Hill, Swamp, Marsh, Mountains, Plains, UndergroundForest, LandAquaticDesert, LandForest, LandHill, LandSwamp, LandMarsh, Swamp, LandMountains, LandPlains, LandUndergroundOcean, Aquatic'--- Reminder Quick-Sets -----'Number of entries (max 18)7'Format: Name Displayed on button, Reminder Text, Time in days, Time in minutes, (Reserved, enter 0)'Numbers can be decimal.Torch, Torch goes out, 0, 60, 0Lamp Oil, Lamp oil is empty, 0, 360, 0Sunrod, Sunrod goes out, 0, 360, 0Candle, Candle goes out, 0, 60, 0Daylight Spell, Daylight Spell Ends, 0, 30, 0Light Spell, Light Spell Ends, 0, 10, 0Custom, Edit RULES.TXT to enter custom Quick Counters, 1, 0, 0'###################################################################################'==================================================================================='---------------------- SECTION 4: ITEMS, WEAPONS AND ARMOR ------------------------'==================================================================================='###################################################################################'------------ Magical/MW Weapons -------------'Maximum weapon plus (max 30)10'Maximum enhancement bonus (max real bonus to attack/damage)5'When magical, remove the bonuses from masterwork?1'Magical weapons must be MW?1'Price modifier (gp) for each magical plus starting with +1:200080001800032000500007200098000128000162000200000'Masterwork bonus to attack1'to damage0'to price 300'------------ Magical/MW Armors and Shields -------------'Maximum Armor plus (max 30)10'Maximum enhancement bonus (max real bonus to AC)5'When magical, remove the bonuses from masterwork?0'Magical Armors must be MW?1'Price modifier (gp) for each magical plus starting with +1:100040009000160002500036000490006400081000100000'Change to armor check1'to price 150'--- Damage by Size ---' (used starting in v.2.04)'Number of entries (max 25)18'Medium Weapon Damage, Small Damage, Tiny Weapon Damage, Large Weapon Damage1d2, 1, 0, 1d31d3, 1d2, 1, 1d41d4, 1d3, 1d2, 1d61d6, 1d4, 1d3, 1d81d8, 1d6, 1d4, 2d61d10, 1d8, 1d6, 2d81d12, 1d10, 1d8, 3d62d4, 1d6, 1d4, 2d62d6, 1d10, 1d8, 3d62d8, 2d6, 1d10, 3d82d10, 2d8, 2d6, 4d83d6, 3d4, 1d10, 4d63d8, 3d6, 2d6, 4d84d6, 2d10, 2d8, 6d64d8, 4d6, 2d10, 6d86d6, 4d6, 3d6, 8d66d8, 4d8, 3d8, 8d88d8, 6d8, 4d8, 12d8'=========== Materials for weapons =========== 'and their physical chars.'Note: It is not a good idea to change the order of these because you will' need to edit all the standard weapons to match. You may add new materials easily.'Note: Wood-Hafted is used for some weapons like net that aren't wood but are similarly weak materials.'Each +1 of enhancement gives this bonus to hardness (can be decimal):2'Each +1 of enhancement gives this bonus to hp (can be decimal):10'Number of materials (max 15)5'------ For Each Material: ------ '-- Name of materialMetal Blade'Number of size categories (max 10)6'For each size category:'Size abbrev, Hardness, HP, Break DCT, 10, 1, 24S, 10, 2, 25M, 10, 5, 26L, 10, 10, 27H, 10, 20, 28G, 10, 40, 29'-- Second material:Metal-Hafted6T, 10, 5, 24S, 10, 10, 25M, 10, 25, 26L, 10, 50, 27H, 10, 100, 28G, 10, 200, 29'--- Third material:Wood-Hafted6T, 5, 1, 12S, 5, 2, 13M, 5, 5, 14L, 5, 10, 15H, 5, 20, 16G, 5, 40, 17'--- 4th material:Club-like6T, 5, 4, 21S, 5, 8, 22M, 5, 15, 23L, 5, 30, 24H, 5, 60, 25G, 5, 120, 26'--- 5th material:'Note: These are conjectures, adjust them if they seem incorrect to youSiege Engine5S, 5, 15, 22M, 5, 30, 23L, 5, 60, 24H, 5, 120, 25G, 5, 240, 26'------ Appraisals Window ------'Use this skill's bonus (ignored)Appraise'Rare Items Are of DC equal or greater than15'Common items'If successful, roll1d3+8'And multiply this by0.1'If unsuccessful, roll2d6+3'And multiply this by0.1'Rare Items'If successful, roll2d4+5'And multiply this by0.1'If unsuccessful, roll0'And multiply this by (enter -1 for unknown price)-1'- Values to roll if the buyer/seller is untrained -'Common items'If successful, roll1d3+8'And multiply this by0.1'If unsuccessful, roll0'And multiply this by-1'Rare Items'If successful, roll2d6+3'And multiply this by0.1'If unsuccessful, roll0'And multiply this by (enter -1 for unknown price)-1'###################################################################################'==================================================================================='---------------------- SECTION 5: CHARACTER CREATION AND LEVELING -----------------'==================================================================================='###################################################################################'Point purchase method table'Number of entries in list (MUST start with 1, Max 50)20'Format: Ability score, Point value1, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 110, 211, 312, 413, 514, 615, 816, 1017, 1318, 1619, 1920, 22'--- Roll method: Point-Buy names/maximums ----'Number of entries (max 10)5'Each entry: Name, PointsPoint Buy (Low-Powered), 15Point Buy (Challenging), 22Point Buy (Standard), 25Point Buy (Tougher), 28Point Buy (High-Powered), 32'--- Alignments ----'For each of 9 alignments, enter:'Full name, 2-letter abbreviationLawful Good, LGNeutral Good, NGChaotic Good, CGLawful Neutral, LNNeutral, NChaotic Neutral, CNLawful Evil, LENeutral Evil, NEChotic Evil, CE'--- Default Restricted Skills (for new classes) ---'Comma-separated list'(OLD 3.0 list:) Animal Empathy, Decipher Script, Read Lips, Scry, Use Magic Device, Autohypnosis, Stabilize Self, Use Psionic Device, Remote ViewDecipher Script, Read Lips, Use Magic Device, Autohypnosis, Stabilize Self, Use Psionic Device, Remote View'------- Level Data -------'Except for the saves, this applies to the total character level.'Number of levels (max 80)80'Format:'Level, Experience points (XP) needed, Max Class Skill Ranks, Max Cross-Class Skill Ranks, Number of feats, Ability increase, Bad Save, Good Save 1,0,4,2,1,0,0,22,1000,5,2.5,0,0,0,33,3000,6,3,1,0,1,34,6000,7,3.5,0,1,1,45,10000,8,4,0,0,1,46,15000,9,4.5,1,0,2,57,21000,10,5,0,0,2,58,28000,11,5.5,0,1,2,69,36000,12,6,1,0,3,610,45000,13,6.5,0,0,3,711,55000,14,7,0,0,3,712,66000,15,7.5,1,1,4,813,78000,16,8,0,0,4,814,91000,17,8.5,0,0,4,915,105000,18,9,1,0,5,916,120000,19,9.5,0,1,5,1017,136000,20,10,0,0,5,1018,153000,21,10.5,1,0,6,1119,171000,22,11,0,0,6,1120,190000,23,11.5,0,1,6,1221,210000,24,12,1,0,7,1222,231000,25,12.5,0,0,7,1323,253000,26,13,0,0,7,1324,276000,27,13.5,1,1,8,1425,300000,28,14,0,0,8,1426,325000,29,14.5,0,0,8,1527,351000,30,15,1,0,9,1528,378000,31,15.5,0,1,9,1629,406000,32,16,0,0,9,1630,435000,33,16.5,1,0,10,1731,465000,34,17,0,0,10,1732,496000,35,17.5,0,1,10,1833,528000,36,18,1,0,11,1834,561000,37,18.5,0,0,11,1935,595000,38,19,0,0,11,1936,630000,39,19.5,1,1,12,2037,666000,40,20,0,0,12,2038,703000,41,20.5,0,0,12,2139,741000,42,21,1,0,13,2140,780000,43,21.5,0,1,13,2241,820000,44,22,0,0,13,2242,861000,45,22.5,1,0,14,2343,903000,46,23,0,0,14,2344,946000,47,23.5,0,1,14,2445,990000,48,24,1,0,15,2446,1035000,49,24.5,0,0,15,2547,1081000,50,25,0,0,15,2548,1128000,51,25.5,1,1,16,2649,1176000,52,26,0,0,16,2650,1225000,53,26.5,0,0,16,2751,1275000,54,27,1,0,17,2752,1326000,55,27.5,0,1,17,2853,1378000,56,28,0,0,17,2854,1431000,57,28.5,1,0,18,2955,1485000,58,29,0,0,18,2956,1540000,59,29.5,0,1,18,3057,1596000,60,30,1,0,19,3058,1653000,61,30.5,0,0,19,3159,1711000,62,31,0,0,19,3160,1770000,63,31.5,1,1,20,3261,1830000,64,32,0,0,20,3262,1891000,65,32.5,0,0,20,3363,1953000,66,33,1,0,21,3364,2016000,67,33.5,0,1,21,3465,2080000,68,34,0,0,21,3466,2145000,69,34.5,1,0,22,3567,2211000,70,35,0,0,22,3568,2278000,71,35.5,0,1,22,3669,2346000,72,36,1,0,23,3670,2415000,73,36.5,0,0,23,3771,2485000,74,37,0,0,23,3772,2556000,75,37.5,1,1,24,3873,2628000,76,38,0,0,24,3874,2701000,77,38.5,0,0,24,3975,2775000,78,39,1,0,25,3976,2850000,79,39.5,0,1,25,4077,2926000,80,40,0,0,25,4078,3003000,81,40.5,1,0,26,4179,3081000,82,41,0,0,26,4180,3160000,83,41.5,0,1,26,42'--- Calculating Bonus Spells ---'Based on classe's relevant ability modifier'Max bonus entered (max 80)31'Format:'Ability Mod, Bonus spells for levels 0 through 9 separated by commas'Ability mod should begin at -5 and increase by one.-5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0-4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0-3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0-2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,00,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,01,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,02,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,03,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,04,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,05,0,2,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,06,0,2,2,1,1,1,1,0,0,07,0,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,0,08,0,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,09,0,3,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,110,0,3,3,2,2,2,2,1,1,111,0,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,1,112,0,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,113,0,4,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,214,0,4,4,3,3,3,3,2,2,215,0,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,2,216,0,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,217,0,5,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,318,0,5,5,4,4,4,4,3,3,319,0,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,3,320,0,5,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,321,0,6,5,5,5,5,4,4,4,422,0,6,6,5,5,5,5,4,4,423,0,6,6,6,5,5,5,5,4,424,0,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5,425,0,7,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,526,0,7,7,6,6,6,6,5,5,527,0,7,7,7,6,6,6,6,5,528,0,7,7,7,7,6,6,6,6,529,0,8,7,7,7,7,6,6,6,630,0,8,8,7,7,7,7,6,6,631,0,8,8,8,7,7,7,7,6,6'--- Base Attack Bonuses ---'Value of first BAB in order to get a second attack:6'From the 1st BAB, add this to get the bonus of the second attack:-5'---------------- Skills -----------------------------'1 Skill point buys this many class skill ranks:1'1 Skill point buys this many cross-class skill ranks:0.5'1 Skill point buys this many restricted skill ranks:0'-- The following is obsolete ---'If a skill is a class skill for one class, then it is class for all classes1'If a skill is restricted for one class, then it is restricted for all classes0'If a skill is restricted in a class, add the class level to calculate max ranks0'If a skill is cross-class in a class, add the class level to calculate max ranks1'If a skill is class in a class, add the class level to calculate max ranks1'If a skill is restricted in a class, then use the total character level to calculate max ranks0'If a skill is cross in a class, then use the total character level to calculate max ranks0'If a skill is class in a class, then use the total character level to calculate max ranks1'-- (end obsoleted section) ---'Additionnal Skill Points rule'Minimum value for ability modifier to SP-5'Maximum value for ability modifier to SP999'--- Skill Synergy ----'Minimum # of ranks to get synergy5'Bonus obtained with synergy+2'Number of skills in table (max 30)15'Skill that needs X ranks or more to give the bonus, Skill that gets the bonusBluff, DiplomacyBluff, IntimidateBluff, Sleight of HandHandle Animal, RideJump, TumbleKnowledge (Arcana), SpellcraftKnowledge (local), Gather InformationKnowledge (nobility), DiplomacySurvival, Knowledge (nature)Sense Motive, DiplomacyTumble, JumpTumble, BalanceAutohypnosis, Knowledge (Psionics)Knowledge (Psionics), PsicraftConcentration, Autohypnosis'Apply psionic bonus power points on every level0'========== Calculating CR's ============='Take the race's base CR times1.0'If the CR is less than or equal to1.0'Then set it to 0.0'If the CR is more than or equal to999.0'then set it to 999.0'---- Adding CR from levels -----'- PC Classes:'Add the number of levels times1.0'And add0'Minimum of0'Maximum of 999'- Prestige Classes:'Add the number of levels times1.0'And add0'Minimum of0'Maximum of 999'- NPC Classes:'Add the number of levels times1.0'And add-1'Minimum of0'Maximum of 999'- Creature Advancement Classes 'This is correct for: Aberration, construct, elemental, fey, giant, humanoid, ooze, plant, undead, vermin'For other types, or if size increases, or special abilities, see the Class description'Add the number of levels times0.25'And add0'Minimum of0'Maximum of 999'- For the TOTAL level CR calculated as above:'Minimum of1'Maximum of 999'--- Epic Progression ---'Note: Epic data isn't used yet but is reserved for a future update'Epic save bonus increases by1'On level22'And every2'levels after that 'Epic Base Attack bonus increases by1'On level21'And every2'levels after that '--- NPC Gear Value ----'(Not used yet)'Number of levels30'Values in gp for each total NPC level, starting at level 190020002500330043005600720094001200016000210002700035000450005900077000100000130000170000220000280000350000430000520000620000730000850000100000011500001350000'--- Spontaneous Casting ---' (reserved for future use)'Replace spell with one whose name contains:Cure'For class:Clr'--- Cleric Domains ----' (used starting in version 2.06)'Number of domains (150 max)22'Each domain nameAirAnimalChaosDeathDestructionEarthEvilFireGoodHealingKnowledgeLawLuckMagicPlantProtectionStrengthSunTravelTrickeryWarWater'Bonus to caster level for domain spells (ignored)+1'###################################################################################'==================================================================================='---------------------- SECTION 6: COMBAT, DAMAGE AND ACTIONS ----------------------'==================================================================================='###################################################################################'--- Boolean condition effects ---'Starting value (1=true, 0=false)'Operation done on each condition effect (AND or OR)'CanActPartial 'this creature can take a partial action1AND'CanActFull 'this creature can take a full action1AND'LoseDex 'defender loses dex bonus to AC0OR'OnlyMove 'can only move0OR'--- Sorting Creatures by Play Order ----'Enter the order by which to sort creatures'From most important to least important.'Supported entries: Ability Abbrev., "Round", "Init", "Random", "Hp", "CR", "Name"' (Random, 00 = a random # from 0 to 99, Random, 000 = a random number from 0 to 999, etc.)'The creature whose turn it is to act should be first in the play order' using the method you specify'Number of sorting entries (max 20)4'For Each entry'Format: Name, 000, (0 or 1) ' 000 is the number of digits to keep while sorting (should be enough for twice the range of the value)' (0 or 1): use 1 for ascending, 0 for descending'Keep at least 5 zeros for the format of init.Round, 000000, 1Init, 00000, 0Dex, 000, 0Random, 00, 0' ------- Delaying and readying --------'When delaying/readying, change the creature's init:'Set to the first creature's init?1'And add:-0.1'Init limit when delaying/readying:'Modifier NameInitBonus'Modifier multiplier-1'Add this value:-10'"End Delay" Button'Change init?0'Set to the first creature's init?0'Add this value:0'"End Ready" button'Change init?1'Set to the first creature's init?1'Add this value:0.1' --- Action Reminders ----------------------'These are displayed in the "Actions" tab.'These are only reminders and are not calculated in any' of the game mechanics.'Number of entries (max 100)65'Each entry:'Name, Action, [Optional: X for provokes AoO, ? for maybe]Attack (melee),Std, Attack (ranged),Std, XAttack (unarmed),Std, XActivate a magic item other than a potion or oil,Std, Aid another,Std,?Bull rush,Std, XCast a spell (1 standard action casting time),Std, XConcentrate to maintain an active spell,Std, Dismiss a spell,Std, Draw a hidden weapon (see Sleight of Hand skill),Std, Drink a potion or apply an oil,Std, XEscape a grapple,Std, Feint,Std, Light a torch with a tindertwig,Std, XLower spell resistance,Std, Make a dying friend stable (see Heal skill),Std, XOverrun,Std, Read a scroll,Std, XReady (triggers a standard action),Std, Sunder a weapon (attack),Std, XSunder an object (attack),Std,?Total defense,Std, Turn or rebuke undead,Std, Use extraordinary ability,Std, Use skill that takes 1 action,Std,UsuallyUse spell-like ability,Std, XUse supernatural ability,Std, Move,Move, XControl a frightened mount,Move, XDirect or redirect an active spell,Move, Draw a weapon,Move, Load a hand crossbow or light crossbow,Move, XOpen or close a door,Move, Mount a horse or dismount,Move, Move a heavy object,Move, XPick up an item,Move, XSheathe a weapon,Move, XStand up from prone,Move, XReady or loose a shield,Move, Retrieve a stored item,Move, XFull attack,Full, Charge,Full, Deliver coup de grace,Full, XEscape from a net,Full, XExtinguish flames,Full, Light a torch,Full, XLoad a heavy or repeating crossbow,Full, XLock or unlock weapon in locked gauntlet,Full, XPrepare to throw splash weapon,Full, XRun,Full, XUse skill that takes 1 round,Full,UsuallyUse touch spell on up to six friends,Full, XWithdraw,Full, Cast a quickened spell,Free, Cease concentration on a spell,Free, Drop an item,Free, Drop to the floor,Free, Prepare spell components to cast a spell,Free, Speak,Free, Delay,None, Step 5 feet,None, Disarm,Varies, XGrapple,Varies, XTrip an opponent,Varies, XUse feat,Varies,?'--- Flat Footed ----'At the beginning of a battle, set condition:Flat Footed'Set the condition on?1'To expire on round # (0 for never)1'On initiative count-1'Add creature's initiative to expiration initiative?1'--- Uncanny Dodge ---'If one of the # (max 20)1'Following conditions are on:Flat Footed'Then behave as though the conditions' LoseDex is:0'--- Uncanny Dodge, Can't be Flanked ---'Set the following # (max 20)1'Conditions:Flanked'To this value:0'---- Hit points added per level -----'At first level, add max hp?1'On each level, add the hit die'And add the following modifiers:'Number of modifiers (max 20)1'Name of each modifier (supported: all modifiers above, and ability score abbreviations)Con'Minimum total value1'Maximum total value9999'--- Natural Healing ---' Starting in version 2.11, ' the resting is now scripted (See General Scripting).'Only the # of hours can be customized here, for special calendars for example. '- Night (8 hour) bed rest -'Number of hours added to current time8'- Full Day (24 hour) bed rest -'Number of hours added to current time24'--- Types of Damage for which Damage Reduction does not apply ---'Number of types (max 30)5'NamesAcidColdElectricityFireSonic'===== TURNING / REBUKING UNDEAD ======'NOTE: As of version 2.21, turn undead is a global script. This setion is ignored.'- Turning Check (for max HD table below) -'Basic roll1d20'Number of modifiers to roll1'List of modifiersCha'(Under DnD 3.5 there is no bonus for class level)'NOTE: As of version 2.21, turn undead is a global script. This setion is ignored.'- Maximum HD table -'Number of entries (max 15)9'Format: Less than or equal to X, value (for max HD)0,-43,-36,-29,-112,015,118,221,3999,4'NOTE: As of version 2.21, turn undead is a global script. This setion is ignored.'Number of modifiers to maximum HD3'List of modifiersClassLevel:ClrClassLevelMinus:Pal:3ClassLevelMinus:Blk:2'NOTE: As of version 2.21, turn undead is a global script. This setion is ignored.'- Number of hit die worth of undead turned -'Dice2d6'Number of modifiers to add to roll4'List of modifiersChaClassLevel:ClrClassLevelMinus:Pal:3ClassLevelMinus:Blk:2'NOTE: As of version 2.21, turn undead is a global script. This setion is ignored.'- Destroying undead -'Base Value 0'How many modifiers to add3'List of modifiersClassLevel:ClrClassLevelMinus:Pal:3ClassLevelMinus:Blk:2'And Multiply total by0.5'Round down?1'NOTE: As of version 2.21, turn undead is a global script. This setion is ignored.'- Text to display in combat log -' (put each on one line, 5 lines total)makes a turning check: \cf1 \cf0 . Max HD turned: \b1\cf1 \b0\cf0 . Total # of HD turned: \b1\cf1 \b0\cf0 . Those with \b1\cf1 \b0\cf0 HD and below are destroyed.\par '###################################################################################'==================================================================================='---------------------- SECTION 7: MISCELLANEOUS AND CUSTOMIZATION -----------------'==================================================================================='###################################################################################'--- Counters (squares/circles on a map) ----'Default length of short counter name generated from long name8 'Default Counters'Format'0| #|ShortName|LongName| Xpos|YPos| Size| Shape| FillColor| BorderColor| 0| 0| Desc'You can add new types but you shouldn't remove or change the order of those that are already there. You can rename them.'Number of the last type (i.e. one less than number of types)6'Each entry, with format above0| 0|Friend|Friend| 0| 0| 16| 3| 65280| 32768| 0| 0|0| 1|Enemy|Enemy| 0| 0| 16| 3| 255| 128| 0| 0|0| 2|Item|Item| 275| 92| 14| 1| 16711680| 0| 0| 0|0| 3|Magical|Magical Item| 276| 118| 14| 1| 33023| 255| 0| 0|0| 4|Trap|Trap| 108| 117| 14| 1| 16711935| 255| 0| 0|{\rtf1\ansi{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Courier New;}}{\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;}\f0\fs16\b1 Trap Name:\b0 CR 1\par +0 melee (1d6)\par Reflex Save (DC 20) avoids\par Search DC 20\par Disable Device DC 20\par }0| 5|Location|Location| 277| 175| 14| 1| 8454016| 8454016| 0| 0|0| 6|Special|Special| 276| 204| 14| 1| 5266610| 128| 0| 0|'--- Size Increases ---'Describes the effect of gaining size to stats'(this is for the Creature Advancement classes)'# of entries (max 10)8'New Size (single letter), Str, Dex, Con, Natural armor, AC/Attack 'Note: As of version 2.20, the last column (AC/Attack) is ignored since size AC modifier to is now automaticD, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0T, 2, -2, 0, 0, 0S, 4, -2, 0, 0, 0M, 4, -2, 2, 0, 0L, 8, -2, 4, 2, 0H, 8, -2, 4, 3, 0G, 8, 0, 4, 4, 0C, 8, 0, 4, 5, 0'--- Custom Variables ----'These custom variables are accessible within scripting with:'cr.CustomVar(Num) where Num is 0 to 15'Also, are displayed and can be edited by the user in the Custom tab'Number of defined custom variables (max 16)'The variables are numbered from 0 to Number-1; e.g. if there are 5 variables, they go from 0 to 4.2'Names of each variable displayed in the custom tabCustom AbilityCustom Modif'Label on each variable's buttonInfoRoll'###################################################################################'==================================================================================='---------------------- SECTION 8: MODIFIERS AND STACKING --------------------------'==================================================================================='###################################################################################'In version 2.15 the rules for stacking have been extended.'Modifiers have a name, a subname, and a type. For example:' Name: Skill; Subname: Listen; Type: Circumstance.'-------- Stacking by type -----------'Indicate which modifier TYPES always stack.' If not on this list, bonuses are assumed to overlap (highest wins)' Exceptions: Unnamed bonus type always stack. Also, penalties are' unnamed, and so always stack.'First, the # of entries.2'Each entry on a new lineDodgeCircumstance'-------- Overlap-Only Modifiers ------'Indicate the NAMES of modifiers that ALWAYS overlap.' That is, even untyped bonuses will overlap.' Such modifiers are always considered to be untyped. Type information' is discarded.'# of entries5'Each name of the modifierMiss ChanceResistanceSpell ResistPower ResistDR'-------- Reversed Overlap Modifiers ------'Indicate the NAMES of modifiers that operate in reserve,' that is, a new LOWER value will overlap and replace a higher value.' For instance, if several condition limit the maximum AC bonus from Dex, ' then the _lowest_ of all the conditions is applied.''Such modifiers are always untyped, and never stack, only overlap.'A modifier can not be on both overlap and 'reversed overlap' lists.'# of entries2'Each name of the modifierMax DexCheck Penalty'------ Capped modifier types -----'Some modifier types can never exceed a certain value'Number of capped modifier types1'For each type,' First, the nameInherent' Then, the maximum bonus this type can provide5'--------- List of modifier types ----------''This list is used only for the combo box in the conditions editor.'You can define any other type by entering it instead of choosing one.'A type does NOT need to be on this list to be used. It can be any string'that the user types in.''# of entries19'Each entryGeneralCircumstanceCompetenceEnhancementInherentInsightMoraleProfaneRacialResistanceSacredSizeLuckAlchemicalArmorDeflectionDodgeNatural ArmorShield'--------- Modifier Information -------------''Consists of 3 lines per modifier''1. Name of the modifier. Spaces will be removed'2. Text displayed in condition summary (see below)'3. Tooltip text''About the summary text:' Can be any text. The following markers are placeholders:' %+ : display the value with a preceding +' %d : display the value normally (no +)' %s : display the subname (e.g. the resistance type)' %t : display the modifier type, in brackets with a space, if not empty,' e.g. " (Luck)"' SPECIAL means that this is handled internally by DM Genie.''Leave a ### as the last entry. Empty lines/comments are ignored.Def MeleeSPECIALMelee Attack Bonus if the creature is the defender.Def RangedSPECIALRanged Attack Bonus if the creature is the defender.Att MeleeSPECIALMelee attack bonus for this creature with this conditionAtt RangedSPECIALRanged attack bonus for this creature with this conditionMiss Chance%d% miss chanceMiss chance for attacks, in percentageRef Bonus%+ to Ref saveBonus (or penalty) to reflex savesFort Bonus%+ to Fort saveBonus (or penalty) to fortitude savesWill Bonus%+ to Will saveBonus (or penalty) to will savesAbility Bonus%+ to ability checksModifier when rolling ability checksMod Str%+ to StrModifier to ability score: StrengthMod Dex%+ to DexModifier to ability score: DexterityMod Con%+ to ConModifier to ability score: ConstitutionMod Int%+ to IntModifier to ability score: IntelligenceMod Wis%+ to WisModifier to ability score: WisdomMod Cha%+ to ChaModifier to ability score: CharismaNew StrStr of %dNew ability score value, which replaces the previous score if the new one is lower. Put "Replace if higher" in the "string" field to have the ability be replaced even for higher scores.New DexDex of %d New ability score value, which replaces the previous score if the new one is lower. Put "Replace if higher" in the "string" field to have the ability be replaced even for higher scores.New ConCon of %dNew ability score value, which replaces the previous score if the new one is lower. Put "Replace if higher" in the "string" field to have the ability be replaced even for higher scores.New IntInt of %dNew ability score value, which replaces the previous score if the new one is lower. Put "Replace if higher" in the "string" field to have the ability be replaced even for higher scores.New WisWis of %dNew ability score value, which replaces the previous score if the new one is lower. Put "Replace if higher" in the "string" field to have the ability be replaced even for higher scores.New ChaCha of %dNew ability score value, which replaces the previous score if the new one is lower. Put "Replace if higher" in the "string" field to have the ability be replaced even for higher scores.Skill Bonus%+ to all skillsModifier when rolling any skillSkill%+ to skill %sBonus or penalty that applies to only the named skill. Use ARMORCHECK to mean any skill with an armor check penalty; or the ability abbreviation, e.g. CHA to mean all CHA-based skills.ACSPECIALGeneral bonus to AC - stacks with itself and all others.AC Natural ArmorSPECIALNatural Armor bonus to ACAC ArmorSPECIALArmor AC bonus - (goes away in touch attacks, doesn't stack with regular armor)AC ShieldSPECIALShield bonus to AC - (goes away in touch, doesn't stack with regular armor)AC DeflectionSPECIALDeflection bonus to ACAC DodgeSPECIALDodge bonus to AC. Can Stack with itself.AC LuckSPECIALLuck bonus to ACAC SacredSPECIALSacred bonus to ACAC ProfaneSPECIALProfane bonus to ACAC InsightSPECIALInsight bonus to ACAC SizeSPECIALSize bonus or penalty to ACMax DexMax Dex %+Maximum Dex bonus to ACCheck PenaltyCheck Penalty %+Check penalty to certain skillsDamage Bonus%+ to damageModifier to damage rolls - for all attacksDamage Melee%+ to melee damage Damage modifier to melee attacks onlyDamage Ranged%+ to ranged damage Damage modifier to ranged attacks onlyDRDR %d/%sDamage reduction: type of weapon that overcomesResistanceResistance %d/%sResistance from an environmental or other kind of damage, in hp of damage absorbed per round.Spell ResistSR %dSpell ResistancePower ResistPR %dPower ResistanceSpell Fail%d% spell failureArcane Spell Failure incurredInit Modifier%+ to initModifier to initiative bonus. Temp HP%d temporary hpTemporary hp - if it is a fixed number, enter it in Value, otherwise you will have to use a custom variable.Level Loss%d levels lostNegative Levels gained (1 negative level is -1, 2 is -2, etc.)Save Vs Fear%+ to saves vs fearBonus to Saves vs fear effects only.Speed MultSpeed multiplied by %d Multiplier to speed (values of 0 are ignored - use 'Can't Act')Speed AddSpeed increased by %dAddtional speed (in ft/round). Can be negative. Half DamageReceives half damage.Receives half damage - for now, NOT applied automatically!Lose DexSPECIALDefender loses dexterity bonus to ACOnly MoveSPECIALCan only moveCant Act PartialSPECIALThis creature cannot take partial actions.Cant Act FullSPECIALThis creature cannot take full actions.Replace Abil Only If HigherSPECIALReplace the old ability score with New Str (Dex, etc.) only if the new score is an improvement.Spell SlotSpell Slot Bonus %s: %dGives extra spell slots for a particular class and spell level.Change SizeCreature's size changed by %+ categoriesChanges the size category of the creature: +1 makes bigger, -1 makes smaller. This only directly affects size modifier to AC and attacks, not natural armor or strength, etc.###' ------ Armor Class Stacking ------' Format, for each type of modifier:' Stacks with itself (1 or 0), Lose bonus when flat-footed (1 or 0), Lost in touch attacks (1 or 0) 'Base AC value10'Ability Modifier to add to ACDex1,1,0'Armor0,0,1'Shield0,0,1'General1,0,0'Dodge1,1,0'Insight0,0,0'Luck0,0,0'Natural Armor0,0,1'Sacred0,0,0'Profane0,0,0'Deflection0,0,0'Haste (unused - you can edit this and use it as a custom AC bonus type)' You could use this bonus in a feat script for example.0,0,0'Size (unused)0,0,0'Misc1,0,0' ====== AVAILABLE MODIFIERS ===========' (for attack/damage bonuses)' See the help file for details'BAB: base attack bonus alone 'SIZEMOD : Size modifier to attacks (or AC)'AB: current weapons' attack bonus'AttMelee, AttRanged'DefMelee, DefRanged'ACArmor, ACShield, ACGeneral, ACDodge, ACInsight, ACLuck, ACNatural'ACSacred, ACProfance, ACDeflection, ACHaste, ACSize, ACMisc, ACDex'RefSave, WillSave, FortSave: Total saving throw bonuses'RefBonus, WillBonus, FortBonus: Temp. saving throw bonuses'MissChance, SkillBonus, AbilityBonus'DamageBonus, DamageMelee, DamageRanged'SpellResist, PowerResist, InitBonus, SaveVsFear'BAB_WITHSIZE: base attack bonus + size modifier (OBSOLETE but still available)'BAB_NOSIZE: BAB with size bonus subtracted (OBSOLETE but still available)''--- New modifiers (v.1.18) ---'Total character level:' CharacterLevel'Level in one class (enter the class abbreviation after the :)' ClassLevel:ABBREV'Level in one class, minus X (minimum 0)' ClassLevelMinus:ABBREV:X'Maximu/Minimum between modifier A and B' MAX:A:B' MIN:A:B'Also! Any integer number can be a 'modifier'. For example:' "Str" followed by 2 will give the Str mod + 2'or "MAX:DEX:2" gives the maximum between the Dex mod and +2''--- New Modifiers (v.2.04) ---'Level in class ABBREV, divided by X, rounded down, minimum 1' ClassLevelDiv:ABBREV:X'' ====== END AVAILABLE MODIFIERS ===========