rui qfu 'tennanb cztnus - territory stories: home · paul glynn plumbing phone 363, t/creek or...

" J DEPT. OF' TERRITORY \9f\RUI ""1.., Publl1hlnU .... Quollty .t.rt Dooian&l'rintlns '"'""" fl!'AAl'TfflflflJQlllmM-.llK/fflV 523773 qfU 'Tennanb CZTnus Regil!ltered for posting ee a .i:iublicat':l.on, Category "C". 4 June 1976 10cents Published weekly by the Apex Club of Tennant Creek No. 45 COTTAGE CRAFT CENTRE OPENS ... Friday, 26th May saw the opening of a new and unique business in Tennant creek, the Cottage Craft Co-operative. The opening at the old N.T.A. library was a great success. Almost half the original stocks were sold. During the 'opening many comments were made regarding the quality of the goods for sale and the exception- al talent that the Tenn- ant Creek area has. lage craft Co-operative will hold workshops on various craft techniques. Watch this paper for the announcement of the dates. At the opening there were several demonstrat- ions of craftwork. Smok- :;;.:ey demonstrated the skills . :lof constructing a match- stick mosaic. Pam Perry showec how to do copper enamelling, Kerrie Raab demonstrated the Indon- esian art of batik, and Mike Barr showed how to fabricate aluminium jew- ellery. The shop is manned by co-op members and work is sold at a 15% comm- ission. This money will be used to purchase craft machinery and craft supplies. It is envisioned that the Cott- Meet the Candidate Tennant Creek resid- ents will have an opport- unity to see and hear Town Management Board Candidates at an inform- al meeting at Karguru School, Friday, June 4th. The meeting, which will be run on a 11 Monday Con- ference" format, is being organised by Rev. Bill Ginns. The meeting will take place in the Library of the Karguru School, start- ing at 8 pm. Candidates will be given the oppor- tunity to speak, and the audience will have time to ask questions. Those wishing to par- take of supper are asked to bring a plate. The Co-operative hopes to establish itself as 1an outlet for all kinds 1 of handmade i terns It hopes to serve the comm·· ,unity as a place where \one can purchase the 'more personal gift-or 1 item, one that shows ' the care put into a handmade item . The shop is now open daily f ram 4 to 6 pm and on Saturdays from 9 to 12 noon. There is to be ·found at the shop qual- ity craftwork available at reasonable prioes. This craftwork for sale includes pottery, paint· ings, handbags, jewell- ery, shawls, wall-hang- ings, weavings, batik macrame, photograph, clothing, plastic and tin crafts. TALE IT QUEST Excitement is rising as a variety of artists prepare their acts in readiness for the great Talent Quest to be held at the Sportman's Club this Saturday night. Bring your loose cash and vote for your favour- ite act - prizes of $75 and $50 must be won be- fore the night is over. To assist our well known cornpere (who has made himself available at great personal cost), it would be appreciated if competitors could advise either Mrs. A. Liddell (phone 152) or Mrs. R. Ginns (phone 70 or at Karguru) , so that a varied programme may be compiled. Coming June 4 Buddy Williams Show c.w.A. s.oo pm. 5 Talent Quest, Sporties Club. Junior Baseball Meeting 1 .15 pm at Area School. 5-12 scouts Bobs for Jobs week. 7 Ballet Classes: Juniors 3-4 pm, Seniors 4-5 pm at Karguru. Apex Meeting, Boomerang. Keep fit classes, 7 pm Karguru. 8 Miss Australia Charity Queen at Golf Club, 6. 00 pm. Monthly Meeting Tennant Creek Pre-School. Tennant Creek Pnilatelic society Meeting. Combined Guiding and Scouting COmrnittee. 10 Cottage· Craft Meeting. 10-14 N.T. Amateur Golf Championships. Zone 8 V.P. Russ Harris visits Tennant Creek. 12 Barrow Creek Annual Race Meeting. 12-14 Apex Convention at Katherine. 13 A.L.P. Meeting, N.A.W.U. Hall, 10 am. 14 Ballet and Keep Fit Classes. 15 Pensioners Association Meeting. 16 Lions Meeting, Tennant Creek Hotel. Warrarnunga Club - Warrego. 17-18 Brunette Downs Race Meeting. 19 Rodeo, Brunette Downs. Lions Changeover Dinner, Tennant Creek Hotel. T.M.B. Elections. 21 Apex Meeting, Boomerang. Ballet, Keep Fit Classes. 21-27 Keep Australia Beautiful Week. 22 Meeting of Junior Tennant Creek Philatelic Society. 10 am. Nursing Mothers. 30 Lions Mixed Dinner. July 3 United Church Fete at Church Hall at 9. 30am 7 Lions Meeting at Tennant Creek. 17 Anglican Wine and Cheese. Aug. 2 Goldrush. 'Sponsored b1: 84\BES@BB l!S'Jf'!Nllil for all your betting needs · place cards etc. ffibENT Q.llE!iT SPORTSMANS CLUB. this Saturday, June 5th. 8pm. PRIZES: $ 75. & $50. Bot Supper Admission: $3.Adult, $1 Child Enquiries: TAA TRAVEL SERVICE Paterson St .. Phone 256

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Page 1: RUI qfU 'Tennanb CZTnus - Territory Stories: Home · PAUL GLYNN PLUMBING PHONE 363, T/CREEK OR CALL AT LOT 625 TURNER STREET. • Home Loans Mr. Ian 'l'uxworth, the member for BarklY


" J

DEPT. OF' T\~". r·~r"'"~'?'! TERRITORY l.l~h,:,i•i ~J,;fiVJCE

\9f\RUI ""1.., ~ Publl1hlnU .... Quollty .t.rt Dooian&l'rintlns

'"'""" fl!'AAl'TfflflflJQlllmM-.llK/fflV

523773 qfU 'Tennanb CZTnus

Regil!ltered for posting ee a .i:iublicat':l.on, Category "C". 4 June 1976 10cents Published weekly by the Apex Club of Tennant Creek No. 45


Friday, 26th May saw the opening of a new and unique business in Tennant creek, the Cottage Craft Co-operative.

The opening at the old N.T.A. library was a great success. Almost half the original stocks were sold. During the 'opening many comments were made regarding the quality of the goods for sale and the exception­al talent that the Tenn­ant Creek area has.

lage craft Co-operative will hold workshops on various craft techniques. Watch this paper for the announcement of the dates.

At the opening there were several demonstrat­ions of craftwork. Smok­

:;;.:ey demonstrated the skills . :lof constructing a match­

stick mosaic. Pam Perry showec how to do copper enamelling, Kerrie Raab demonstrated the Indon­esian art of batik, and Mike Barr showed how to fabricate aluminium jew­ellery.

The shop is manned by co-op members and work is sold at a 15% comm­ission. This money will be used to purchase craft machinery and craft supplies. It is envisioned that the Cott-

Meet the Candidate

Tennant Creek resid­ents will have an opport­unity to see and hear Town Management Board Candidates at an inform­al meeting at Karguru School, Friday, June 4th. The meeting, which will be run on a 11 Monday Con­ference" format, is being organised by Rev. Bill Ginns.

The meeting will take place in the Library of the Karguru School, start­ing at 8 pm. Candidates will be given the oppor­tunity to speak, and the audience will have time to ask questions.

Those wishing to par­take of supper are asked to bring a plate.

The Co-operative hopes to establish itself as

1an outlet for all kinds

1 of handmade i terns • It hopes to serve the comm·· ,unity as a place where \one can purchase the 'more personal gift-or 1 item, one that shows ' the care put into a handmade item .

The shop is now open daily f ram 4 to 6 pm and on Saturdays from 9 to 12 noon. There is to be

·found at the shop qual­ity craftwork available at reasonable prioes. This craftwork for sale includes pottery, paint· ings, handbags, jewell­ery, shawls, wall-hang­ings, weavings, batik macrame, photograph, clothing, plastic and tin crafts.


Excitement is rising as a variety of artists prepare their acts in readiness for the great Talent Quest to be held at the Sportman's Club this Saturday night.

Bring your loose cash and vote for your favour­ite act - prizes of $75 and $50 must be won be­fore the night is over.

To assist our well known cornpere (who has made himself available at great personal cost), it would be appreciated if competitors could advise either Mrs. A. Liddell (phone 152) or Mrs. R. Ginns (phone 70 or at Karguru) , so that a varied programme may be compiled.

Coming ·~~~,·"1, ,r\~\~~. Events~~ ~~ ·~

r~~Y .~ June 4 Buddy Williams Show c.w.A. s.oo pm.

5 Talent Quest, Sporties Club. Junior Baseball Meeting 1 .15 pm at Area School.

5-12 scouts Bobs for Jobs week. 7 Ballet Classes: Juniors 3-4 pm, Seniors

4-5 pm at Karguru. Apex Meeting, Boomerang. Keep fit classes, 7 pm Karguru.

8 Miss Australia Charity Queen at Golf Club, 6. 00 pm. Monthly Meeting Tennant Creek Pre-School. Tennant Creek Pnilatelic society Meeting. Combined Guiding and Scouting COmrnittee.

10 Cottage· Craft Meeting. 10-14 N.T. Amateur Golf Championships.

Zone 8 V.P. Russ Harris visits Tennant Creek.

12 Barrow Creek Annual Race Meeting. 12-14 Apex Convention at Katherine.

13 A.L.P. Meeting, N.A.W.U. Hall, 10 am. 14 Ballet and Keep Fit Classes. 15 Pensioners Association Meeting. 16 Lions Meeting, Tennant Creek Hotel.

Warrarnunga Club - Warrego. 17-18 Brunette Downs Race Meeting.

19 Rodeo, Brunette Downs. Lions Changeover Dinner, Tennant Creek Hotel. T.M.B. Elections.

21 Apex Meeting, Boomerang. Ballet, Keep Fit Classes.

21-27 Keep Australia Beautiful Week. 22 Meeting of Junior Tennant Creek Philatelic

Society. 10 am. Nursing Mothers.

30 Lions Mixed Dinner. July 3 United Church Fete at Church Hall at 9. 30am

7 Lions Meeting at Tennant Creek. 17 Anglican Wine and Cheese.

Aug. 2 Goldrush.

'Sponsored b1: 84\BES@BB l!S'Jf'!Nllil for all your betting needs · quinell~s, place cards etc.


this Saturday, June 5th. 8pm.

PRIZES: $ 75. & $50. Bot Supper

Admission: $3.Adult, $1 Child Enquiries: TAA

TRAVEL SERVICE Paterson St .. Phone 256

Page 2: RUI qfU 'Tennanb CZTnus - Territory Stories: Home · PAUL GLYNN PLUMBING PHONE 363, T/CREEK OR CALL AT LOT 625 TURNER STREET. • Home Loans Mr. Ian 'l'uxworth, the member for BarklY


JUNIOR SPORT Adult participation in Junior Sport is on the

increase in 'l'ennant Creek. Two new sports which involve the family have

contributed to this - namely Tee Ball and Little Athletics.

For too many years there has been a rather selfish attitude by adults towards sport for Juniors. For instance when Junior Girls Softball was commenced in 1973 three out of the four teams were coached by school teachers. This left the coaching of the remaining· team t~ one per~on out of a possible· one hundred women involved in wom-en's Softball. .

Umpires and scorers were very hard to get in both softball and Baseball for Juniors as well. It was noticeable that the same few parents were helping in many organisations while the vast majority did little to help in any way.

The Juniors have .not only received a poor deal in adult participation but in the amount of money spent on their sport. while it is nothing to see senior Sports requesting (and receiving) thousands of dollars for trophies and trips, we see children teams scratching for the very equip­ment needed to play their games •.

An adult, even at 30 to 40 years of age and "over the hill", has almost a one in four chance of winning a trophy in Tennant Creek. This is ludicrous when we realise that in a larger town many of these would be lucky to get into a team.

This is not meant as a criticism of those people who have really tried to help ou~ juniors - or as knocking what has taken place in the past. However, in the light of earlier r7m~rks. noting a healthier trend in parent participation, perhaps it is time to take a good look at the whole future direction of sport in Tennant Creek. 1. Promotion of sport through our Juni9rs should be given priority over Adult Sport - even if it means that more money that comes from a generous business community goes to actual sport than to trophies. 2. Parents who have had the opportunity to play sport over the years should be more willing to impart their knowledge to the Juniors.

Remember sport is one of the most important facets of Tennant Creek life - one that binds the community as a cohesive social unit.

But its future can only be secure if our children are given encouragement through finan­cial and more importantly, personal assistance.


AS a regular visi1:or to the dump, I try to tie my load to ensure it at least gets there.

'l'he. local rubbish coll· .action is done in an open tray truck, consequently on these windy days we have now and again by the tine the dump is reached there is little left to unload. Surely it is not too much to expect a covered tr~y at least be used. Litt­ering can be an offence to the public. Another sad case of "do as I say and not as I do" by our bureaucrats.

TIDY ! I! I!!

oear sir, Item in Seen and Heard

in T.T. No. 44 regarding sales tax tickled me. Have you only just got onto the biggest rip off of the century?

Allow me to elaborate. ~ simple example is as follows: A manufacturer ln Adelaide makes 1 gall­ln of milk bar syrup cost say 50¢. He pays 15% sales tax to the Federal Government that is 8¢. He sells the syrup to the distributor in Adelaide who pays 15% to the Fed­eral Government, say 15¢ on his purchase of $1-00. The distributor sells the syrup to a wholesaler in Tennant Creek for $1-60, who pays sales tax to the Federal Government of 15% that is 23¢.

The wholesaler (or retailer, for that matt­er) then slaps a hammer­lock on the consumer, YOU! His purchase cost in Adelaide is now $1-83 with sales tax. His frei­ght to Tennant Creek is

al of $2-60, Then comes the crunch. You pay Bl!lles tax not on $1-60, which would be 24¢, but on $2-60 which is 39¢,

so, the eyrup you buy costs you $2-99, after having sales tax paid on that item four timeel An item which costs 60¢ to make has had 85¢ sales tax slapped on it. Multip· ly this by SO million and you have some idea of how much you are being torn off by the bottomless pit called Federal Govem· rnent. That is what inflat· ion is all about, baby!

Errol Transom.

C.W.A. NEWS The Northern Territory

conference of the C.w.A. will be held in Tennant on the Queens Birthday weekend. The National President, Mrs. Fisher will be here and our Pat­roness, Mrs. Nelson. Mem­bers who intend to be present please see that the Secretary, or the Treasurer know.

"Have you a problem of an Electoral nature -contact IA.N TlJXWORTH

member for service"

say 17¢, the syrup weigh­ing 1 kg, thus increasing the cost to $2-00. He now applies his profit mark

mhy buy hf

P6Rt fpOJR

o%%on• TU rental

From $10 per month PATERSON STREET

PHONE 157 L.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-' up, say 30% making a tot-




Home Loans Mr. Ian 'l'uxworth, the

member for BarklY Bi!.l.d today that the Horne LOIU'I I.Algislation due to be introduced into Legislat­ive Asaembly l111t week will be delayed because the Federal Government would be revising the Home Purchase Policy of all Federal IU'ld State Housing bodies.

It is anticipated the new Federal guideline would be known in June and new legislation for N.'1'. Housing Commission Horne Purchase Plan could be introduced in August.


N G g opening of the 9u11911 will

BP v AB ew an e be during th• Goldru•h • • 81 • t reiekend in Au9u1t, Accord• Be Prepared for Kdlep 'l'he new garage present- 'ing to Mr. JOSWIG the 911r•

ustralill Beautiful week ly under construction at age will be telling petrol, une 2111t. Join the pro- the Northern end of town bu and travell.l.n9 accoH•

cession of carts, Wheel- will be selling petrol on loriee. 'l'he 11111na9er of the arrows, Utilities, '!'ruck&, the Queens Birthday week- \new garage will be !!'rank nd chi don't forget the and 11ccordin9 'to the ownei: rSANDl!lRSON, a well known rama. Join up and bring win JOSwIG. 'l'he officJ,al. .local. ut your Oead and all those :'~11'.;~\t:,1t · ;'"'

cans and bottles that are · ' lying about right now.

watch out for further 11nnouncesments ••••• Prizes for the best turnout, turn up and touched up. see you there ••• TUT •• ,TUT.

RAFFLE Result of the Raffle

run at the Memorial Club The Rev. Winston O'Rei- on Friday, the 28th May,

lly, President General of for the Miss Tennant Creek'

IOP SHOP the Methodist Church of Fund. Australia, will visit Ten- The prize, a $20-00 nant Creek on Wednesday, meat tray and two bottles June 9th. Members of the of wine was won by Frank United Church will meet Ashton, who donated it informally with him at a back. It was then auction family tea in the United ed for another $20-00. Church hall in Paterson Many thanks to Associated Street. Meats for the donation of

• Mr. O'Reilly is also the Meat tray and to Jean

the Executive Officer of ie for the wine. ~he United Churches of Also to everyone who ,,_istrali.a (Congregaticnal, bought tickets in support Methodist and Presbyterianl'.of Miss Tennant Creek.

TENNANT HARDWARE for high quality

BRITISH PAINTS Paint tinting

machine installed Phone 183 Box 59

Tennant Creek HOTEL



80p.m. to 1130 µ.rn.

QUEST WINNERS VISIT On the 8th June, Miss

Australian Charity Queen and Miss Northern Territ­ory together with their Chaperone Mrs Darragh will be visiting Tennant Creek to further promote the !Miss Australia Quest.

To enable them to meet

wanted - good,clean, second hand clothing.

Op. Shop open every Tuesday ~vening and Satur­day morning in the United Church Hall.

Cottage Craft Cheques for members

craft work sold in the month of May can be coll­ected at the shop. Cheques will be available on the

the people of Tennant Cr- first of every month here-eek a barbeque will be after. The next Cottage held at the Golf Club on \Craft Cooperative Meeting Tuesday evening Bth June will be Thursday June 10th. .at 7 · 30 p.m. Admission , Items to be discussed will $1-00 Eood supplied - dr- ibe shop hours, future inks available at the Bar.I craft demonstrations, and

I. Entertainment by Tenn- I organisation of the shop. ant Creek Folk Club.

•• TAA announces

its new office AT LOT 60, PATTERSON ST.,


All facilities are available­enquire about your Christmas

holiday travel now!

The common cold. I Medical science can't cure it, but with ACI'IFED~C.C.• you can make ·.::olds in the family much easier to '. hvewilh.

That's because it works 4 ways lo help relieve all the symptoms, the :heavy congestion. lhe sore throat. !the blocked-up nose, the bad cough "·,

and sneezing of-a chest cold. So at the first sign of a cold gel

ACTIFED-C.C. from your ehemist. That wcry you relieve the symptoms

befoy0~~=c;,:t!t~/~~~!;~~u down. ~: able to avoid colds this year. but with ? ~~~.C. theycouldovoid the

.,....,,,/\,,,~I~~ I 8 Your Te11011nt Creelt Ch••i'lt

Page 3: RUI qfU 'Tennanb CZTnus - Territory Stories: Home · PAUL GLYNN PLUMBING PHONE 363, T/CREEK OR CALL AT LOT 625 TURNER STREET. • Home Loans Mr. Ian 'l'uxworth, the member for BarklY

Introducing a new way to grow your money at Home



The Passbook Investment Account Is the latest addition to the range of Home Building Society (N.T.) money sa1Jing services.

If you have $2,000 or more lying more or less idle, you can put it to work with us. And you 'can have it back with one month's notice after three months or leave it with us longer while we pay you at the current rate of 9% % p.a. on your investment. The minimum transaction is $100 with the minimum balance always being no less than $2,000. Application forms are available at the Home Office where you shop, when you shop.


• Authorised to accept Trust Funds DARWIN: (Head Office) Home Building Society (N.T.) Central Arcade, Smith Street. Next to the Post Office. Tel. 816894. CASUARINA: Casuarina Pharmacy, Sh_opping Centre. Tel. 271431. NIGHTCLIFF: Night· cl,ff Pharmacy, Progress Drive. Tel .. 851538. NHULUNBUY: Gove Pharmacy, Endeavour Square, Town Centre. Tel. 871155. KATHERINE: Katherine Pharmacy, Katherine Terrace. Tel. 721229. TENNANT CREEK: R. J. Burton, Paterson Street, Tel. Tennant Creek 181. ALICE SPRINGS: MD Investments Ply. Ltd., 12 Parsons Street. Just off Todd Street. Tel. 521122.


~,e~.~~~-~' P.O. Box 5485. Darwin, N.T. 5794. I I

Please send me an application form for your Passbook Investment Account


STAMPS The first meeting of

the Junior Section of the Tennant Creek Philat· elic Society was held in the town library on Tues· day the 2Sth1 for thel.r first meeting it was very pleasing to see so many interested children turn up.

Philatelic terms and equipment was explained to those present, also different methods of mounting stamps and the various ways of collect­ing and presenting their collections. Most of the children appeared to be in need of these explan­ations as questions were being asked all the time hopefully it will be of

·help to them in their hobby.

A competition was set and is to be compl­eted in a month when their next meeting con­venes, results and the prizes for the first three places will be

•nnounced at that time.

T~e next meeting of the Society will take place in the town lib­rary at 7.30 pm, on the 8th June, this will be the first meeting proper of the Senior Section, anyone who is interested is invited, as the Soc­iety is still in the growing stage, children are also invited to this meeting. Their next meeting will be held on June 22nd at 7.00 pm in the town library also.

LIONS Many Lions enjoyed the

evening at the Boomerang recently where Mr. Al Grassby was the guest speaker. Our thanks go to Apex who hosted the event.

Lions are reminded that the Change-over Pinn· er will be held at the Tennant Creek Hotel on Saturday 19th June, 8 pm, OOLDRUSH :- '

We hope that all in­terested parties have started on floats.

'l'he re are a couple of stalls requiring hirers. Remember you keep the proceeds - a good oppor­tunity to boost Club funds, If interested contact Fred Kittle or rem Darlington.


'I'he May meeting of the Warramunga Club was held at Joan Small's home in Ford Crescent.

Mr. John Molesworth (Principal of Karguru School) was guest speak· er for the night and kept the gathering very much interested as he drew on his experiences whilst in command of a Camel Team in Aden. His vivid descriptions gave the ladies a very good insight into type of life led, the peoples and the reliance of man on the Camel - the ship of the desert


Tennant 157 Sales & Service

Thl!A\\PllPllUllANql\tre, Paterson St.




~LOSING DOWN SALE ~ 1111e1111G1 mm.



Classes start ~.onday 7th June at the Tennant Creek Area School for a per-iod of 1 O weeks only. ~Fitness (Karguru 7.00 - 9.00 Pottery 7.00 - 9.00 pm Photography 7.00 - 9.00 pm TUESDAY Guitar - 7.00 - 9.00 pm

Jewellery 7.00 - 9.00 pm Dressmaking 7.30 - 9.30 pm Welding 7.00 - 9.00 pm

Economics 7.00 - 9.00 pm WEDNESDAY Matric. English 7.30 - 9.30 pm Motor Mechanics 7.00 - 9.00 pm

Cake Decoration 7.00 - 9.00 pm

THURSDAY I.earn to Read 7.00 - 9.00 pm Woodwork 7.00 - 9.00 pm Crochet 7.30 9.30 pm

French 5 .30 - 7.00 pm Macrame/Weaving 7.00 - 9.00 pm FRIDAY 3D Creative Design 7.00 - 9.00 pm in Wood/Metal. SATURDAY Oil Painting 1.00 - 3 .00 pm Enrolments can be made with Insturct-or at respective classes. Fees $3-34 per term. If any person is willing to instruct in any other subject or craft, please contact Cedric Lawrence on Tel: 494.


T~1cM~~t; Memorial Club 1976







' ~ !

i I.'


Page 4: RUI qfU 'Tennanb CZTnus - Territory Stories: Home · PAUL GLYNN PLUMBING PHONE 363, T/CREEK OR CALL AT LOT 625 TURNER STREET. • Home Loans Mr. Ian 'l'uxworth, the member for BarklY

- "


3.15 Pot Black. 3.40 Auetralian Athletic

Championships. 4.10 1975 Stanl~y Cup Ice

Hockey Matches' 5,00 Enchanted Houqe, S,10 Harlem Globetrottexs

Popcorn Machine. 5,35 swiss Family Robin­

son. 6.00 6.25 6.30 6.45 7.00 7.25 a.20 9.10

or. Who. weather. News. sports Review. Man About the House. Four corners. New Scotland Yard. War and Peace.


10.30 Divine Service. 11. 30 Handyman. 12.00 Gardening 12.15 Science Report. 12.30 Four Corners. 1.25 Torque. 1. 55 Movie- 1 Lassie's

Great Adventure' 3.35 Worlds in Coll.ision. 4.20 Basil Brush Show. 4.50 Cattanooga Cats. 5.30 Rugby League. 6.25 Weather. 6.30 News; Weekend Magaz-

ine. 7.00 PlA.y

'Kill Kaplan'. 7.50 The Pallisers 8.40 News;Weather. 8.50 A Place in History 9.20 Challenge.


7.30 Sesame Street. 8.30 Music. 9.00 Play School.

12. 10 Weeke~i Magazine. 12.30 News.

12.40 Horizon-5. 2.25 Music. 2.40 Flowerpot Men. 2.55 Play School. 3.20 Sesame Street. 4.15 Adventure Island. 4.45 Jumbleland. 5.10 Catweazle. 5.35 Phoenix Five. 6.00 Cuts. 6.10 Bellbird. 6.25 Territory News.



6.30 6,56 7.00 7.30 8.15 8.20 9.15

News. Weather. This Day Tonight. Cilla Special. News1Weather. Monday Conference. The Commanders. 'Georgi Zhukov'


7.30 Sesame Street. 8.30 Music. 9.00 Play School. 9.30 Music.

12. 30 News. 12.40 Horizon-5.

1.00 Music. 2.40 Flowerpot Men. 2.55 Play School. 3.25 Sesame Street. 4.20 Adventure Island. 4.45 Jumbleland. 5.10 Catweazle. 5.35 Phoenix Five. 6.r.o Cuts. 6.1 O Bellbird. 6.25 Territory News. 6.30 News. 6.56 Weather. 7.00 This Day Tonight. 7.30 Wilderness.

8.00 8.30 8.35 9.00

1 Antarctica 1•

Torque. News;Weather. The Wackers. VFL Football.

10.00 Search for the Nile.


7.30 Sesame Street. 9.00 Play School. 9.30 Music.

12.30 News. 12.40 Horizon-5.

2.45 Flowerpot Men. 3.00 Play School. 3.30 Sesame Street. 4.25 Adventure Island. 4.55 Cartoon. 5.05 Catweazle. 5.35 Phoenix Five. 5.55 Today '76. 6.10 Bellbird.

6.25 Territory News. 6,30 News1Weather. 7.00 This Day Tonight. 7.30 Certain Women. 8.20 Newsrweather. 8.25 Till oeath us Oo

Part. 8.55 A Fisherman's World. 9.25 Perspective.


7.30 sesame Street. 8.25 Music. 9.00 Play School.

12.30 News. 12.40 Horizon-5.

1.20 Music. 2.40 Flowerpot Men. 2.55 Play School. 3.25 Sesa~e Street. 4.20 Adventure Island. 4.45 Jumbleland. 5.10 Catweazle. 5.3~ Phoenix Five. 5.55 Today '76. 6.10 Bellbird. 6.25 6.30 7.00 7.30

Territory News. News; Weather. This Day Tonight. The Charltons.

8.00 Love Thy Neighbour. 8.25 News;Weather. 8.30 Stradbroke Focus. 8.50 Saturday League. 9.45 Gardening.

10.00 Certain Women.



7.30 Sesame Street. 11. 55 Music. 12.30 News. 12.40 Horizon-5. 1.00Music. 2.50 Flowerpot Men. 3.05 Play School. 3.30 Sesame Street. 4.25 Adventure Island. 4.50 Squiggle. 5.05 Lassie. 5.30 Countdown. 6.00 Sports Guide. 6.10 Territory News.

6.30 Newe1Weather. 1.00 This Day Tonight. 7,30 Warship. 8.20 News1Weather. B.25 Dave Allen at Large, 9.10 Moynihan.

10.30 Funky Road.


A lady'& Driving lic­ence etc. picked up in Paterson Street. If you have not found it yet it is at the Friendly Police Station •••••••• Important Green Comfort. .... Left in a lady's car just outside Darwin by youngman ooming to Tenn­ant to work. Contact Kay Ranson at Area School.


Seats 9. $1,500 O.N.O,

Phone 70, The Rectory Thompson St., Tennant Creek.

For Sale. 1974 Yamaha TX 500 with faring and panniers. $500 cheap. Apply J. Laitinen, 5 Bornite Street or John Ross.

FOR SALE 1973 Datsun 260C Manual

I Sedan. Requires work on I rear section. Vehicle

currently at Lindsay's Crash Repairs. owner can be contacted at 95 Schm­idt Street or phone 488 during office hours.

G. Castine.

FOR SALE 2 Bedroom Fully Furnish­ed house, built-in robes both bedrooms, floor coverings all rooms, air-conditioned, blinds and drapes all windows, phone connected, T.V.,

1 opposite new hospital

I site. $30 ,000 O.N.O. Enquiries 34 Schmidt

I Street or Phone 96.

NEED A T.V.?? Try and m~t us with )):rices! "<.,._~'"<.,._ . \o'\0~ ~ "'\\.~~<.,_\.. "" \~e. \,\\'\ 62a. Paters~t., Colour or Black & White. Big or Small \)~\'\ \f:i'G \ r;)'>~ \)\\\•D Tennant Creek, ~.T.5760


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The latest Releases~~ on RECORDS, .J'a


The latest Releases of SHARP, NATIONAL and many m oi'e players


• 1TOR\'

Guides & Scouts would like to join the 1auociltio11 ii w"lcome to Vilitor1 to the All• qroups would ba rewarded '11ttend the committee meet• em!)ly included senator• by an interesting and inga, which are hitld in Wreidt 1 Su.tan Ryan, and

At the annua.1 general utisfying activity. Fur- the Scout Hall in Noble 'l'ed Robert1on. 'l'heH meeting of the l\Seociat- ther information can be Street every 2nd Tv.ieeda.y people reprHented the ,ion lea.dare reported an obtained from Group Leader, of the month at 7 •:on pm. Labour Party in many of increase in all qro11pB, Andrew Cameron or Guide , Parents especia.lly are the 'ahadc>W' port.folio• eipecially Guides and Commiseioner Rowena Ginns jurged to help and enoour• which directly affect scount11. Leaders are need- or any leaders, I aqe the boye and qirls by the Northern Territory. eel and anybody in,terested The c:ommitl:<!e members taking an interest in Al10 viliting the in helping, even though aim has been to renovate J their activities, and 00 AHembly wu Senator Jim they may not be experienc- and upgr1.1cle the hall in enable the a111ociation to Keefe who ii the Oppo1• ad, would be most welcome, Noble street and this I continue as an active part i tion SpokHman on North• The Guides have increased lwill be r.:arrted on this of the life 'of younqsters .ern Australia, and who to 19, and are all keen. year. Much is needed to in Tennant Creek• delivered the main add• The Brownie pack is also be done to the hall, and resa to the A.L.P. Sem• very active. Cubs have fund raising efforts must ALP NE'aJS inar. 16 boys enrolled and have continue to enable necess- ft Highlights from his had a busy and interesting arey to be carr- address: year. Scouts have 14 boys .ied out and equipment Yesterday, Sunday, 1 • "Minerals will become and are following a var- purchased. With this in delegates from the Tenn- :me of the main reasons ied course of activities. view the committee asks I ant Creek Branch of the for the economic devel-Rovers are a small group :the help and support of I Australian Labour Party bpment of the Territory, of seniors, who have help- 1all parents and members I attended the Southern and a sane well co-ord-ed out as leaders at times. !of the community. Any Regional Assembly held inated long term policy Any boys and girls who person interested in the I in Alice Springs, is required for ration-

al and responsible cont-

len1ta1tt VDrive-lit •rw-w~w~w~w~w~w~iTRfii ** ** R•TRti',\lrr'f""f **** , .. ,. ..... **•••••"*** *****•tt-••·a *AW*•••


Siclaey Poitier

Gripping Film,


Michael Caiae

Adventure across 900miles

of escape and survival.

rol of mineral develop­ment. At the moment the mineral and energy pol­iciep enunciated by the Deputy Prime Minister are contradictory and will only lead to the rapid exploitation of the Territory, not to its long term stable .development". 2. "Unemployment has continued to rise alarm­ingly in the Territory under the conservative government". 3. "The Joint Committee on the Northern Territ­ory which was establish­ed by the Labour Govern­ment was set up to exam­ine all the problems associated with the con­stitutional development of the Northern Territ­ory. In November, 1974, the Committee brought down in its major report and made a number of re­commendations which in effect set up a fully :elected Assembly and at the same time reconun­·ended the phasing in of State-like responsibil­ities for the new admin­istration. Over a period of twenty years, prev­'ious Federal Governments ~ad refused to give any ·powers to the Northern Territory and it was.·only after much pressure that the Legislative Council was finally set up and 1at a later date some members actually were elected by popular vote to the local council. Had there not been a change of __ Government in 1972, it is almost cert­ain that that situation would have still prev­ailed0 6

All members and int­ending members are in­vited to our next Branch Meeting at the N.A.W.U. Hall at 10.00 am. on Sunday 13th June, where a full report of this Assembly will be given.


Page 5: RUI qfU 'Tennanb CZTnus - Territory Stories: Home · PAUL GLYNN PLUMBING PHONE 363, T/CREEK OR CALL AT LOT 625 TURNER STREET. • Home Loans Mr. Ian 'l'uxworth, the member for BarklY


John Molesworth, said in a newsletter to parents this week that written reports will only be issued at the direct re­quest of a parent. He said that the philosophy behind this decision was, that it is virtually im­possible to include in a written report all that the parent should know about their child. Mr. Molesworth said that it can be done more efficiently verbally. It also gave the teacher and the parent the opp­ortunity to know each other and as a consequ­ence the child would benefit. Mr. Molesworth also stressed the fact that during the year, rigorous testing with nationally standardised tests would be carried out in order that they achieve the highest possible standards.

Extract from School Council Notes:

A reminder was iss­ued regarding the 2nd term fees which are now due. Prompt payment would be appreciated. On the subject of Health, it was noted that a Sis­ter would be on duty at the school at 8. 30 am.


BLENDER $29.95



Parents who were worried about the heal th of their r.hildren were most welcome to contact her at the school, The Sis­ters duties will include morning sick parades, hearing and sight test­ing and head and skin infection screening.

BOWLIN'G On Sunday we played

three games of triples and I am glad to report that the standard of bowls is improving. The winners of the trophy which was selected from secret draw turned out to be the team with the highest losing margin. Congratulations Nardine DEDECKER, John MONTIETH and Nofi LANZAIN Any keen observers will have noticed that light poles are now up. The toilet block will be built before we will be able to see any improve­ments on the clubhouse. Also with thanks to Roger HOGBEN the fence has now been commenced and comp­letion is expected by next Saturday. NOTE: Working bee will be held every Monday at 5.30 pm. plus a special on this Saturday morning to complete the fence.

GOLF Approximately 200 vis·

iting golfers are expect• ed to invade the Club from Wednesday evening (9th). Large contingents are coming from Darwin and Alice Springs, small­er groups from Mt. Isa and Katherine, and a few from interstate and New Zealand.

Members played an 1 B hole Stableford on Sunday 30th. P. Williams and T. deRuyter finished wHh 40 pts each. However, P. Williams won on a count­back, and the prize was shared! Con Perry Snr. won the long drive, and De. De Clifford won near­est the pin. The Junior long drive went to G. Page.

Associates ployed an 1 B hole stroke, second round for the President's Trophy, which wes won by M. Lindsey. COngratulet­ions Margaret. Jenny de Ruyter had an excellent round of 82 on Sunday. This is only two strokes outside the Associates course record of BO.

Approximately BO peop­le attended the Associat­es Dinner, which ran on into the small hours! The crowd included some out­of-town visitors. As usual the menu was excellent, and the gaily decorated dining and dancing area was used, as such, .for the first time.

Draw for Members 18 Hole V. Par. 6/6/76.


Tha Elactoral Roll for tha forthcoming Town Managamant Board alactions is on pub­lic display at tha District Office in Windlay Straat.

Mambars of tha public ara invitad to viaw tha Elactoral Roll to ascartain that thair names hava bean corractly included.


COMPl!i'l'ITIONS, UNCLE REMUS Hello Girls & Soya,

Have you been welking in the bush letely? I have and the emount of br­oken glass is horrifying. I am not putting eny bl• ame in way of the Childr-' an but I do think that you could all help make the bush a much safer place. Bott­les that have been broken have big jagged pieces poking up which could dam­age feet very badly. Should you see any please gather it up carefully and place

'l'he le1t competition wea won by Kellie Landry who is in grade 11 good girl Kellie, I hope to heer from you egain soon. Keep those entries comin in - you could win e pr• ize.

it in the bins or poke the jagged edges well into the ground out of the way.

This can be son et

FOLLOYJ the picture clues to read this well-known saying.

T MB Elections I, BRUCE ARCH McRAE, Raturning Officer for tha Tennant Craak Town Management Board elactions, hareby giva PubU.c Notice pur­suant to Saction 95(a) of tha Local Gov­ernmant Ordinanca 1954-1974 that tha following persons hava baan duly nominatad for alaction as elactad mambers of the Tannant Craak Town Managamant Board.

BREMNER, Colin BURTON, Robart Josaph CALLAGHAN, Alfred Tarrenca CHITTOCK, Alfrad Ernest CONWAY, Kavin OARLif,GTDN, Tom HINTON, John Malcolm KITTLE, Fradarick John MAHER, Raymond Marcus PARADINE, Norman Errol STAUNTON, Elizabath Anna WALSH, Thomas Charles

As more parsons hava duly nominatad for tha office of elacted mambers of tha Tannant Creak Town Managamant Board than thara ara offices to fill, I hava causad all further procaadings to ba adjourned until:

SATURDAY 19 JUNE 1976 on which day a poll of alectors will ba hald between the hours of B.DOam in tha foranoon and 8.DOpm in tha afternoon at following polling booth:


TENNANT CREEK AREA SCHOOL to detarmina tha offica of five (s' alectad members.

B, A, McRAE Returning Officar.

C~LTEX IEAUICE IT~T1an ~ 7 am. to 9pm.

7Days a Week

Petrol,Oil, Spare Parts{)­& Accessories. Second Hand Vehicles. Tel. 161

ENTREE. Well grease numb­er of ramekins required and place small amount of cooked spaghetti in each, add layers of bacon and tomato, lastly grated cheese, Beat two eggs with ~pt. milk, pour in• to ramskins

0and cook in

oven at 325 F. Onion and parsley can be added if desired. SOUP. Make l!p a can of tomato soup as directed on can and add a few slices of orange just before serving for a different flavour. STEAK WITH ORANGE DUMP­LINGS, Cut I~ lb. (750g) steak into cubes, roll in seasoned flour and place in a casserole. Sprinkle with l tbsp grated onion and cayenne pepper, salt to taste. Cover with water, cook in moderate oven (350°F) I ~-2 hours. Add one dssp. grated orange peel to flour and one tbsp. orangi; juice to liquid when mak­ing usual dumpling mixt­ure. Roll the soft dough mixture into small ballsc and add to casserole. Cook with LID ON until dump lings are cooked, about one hour but checkc after 20 minutes that casserole mixture is not too dry.

DESSERT, Ste11111ed. Melt 2 oz. (60g) un1waeten1d chocolate in l cup water over low heat, stir in l cup chopped datH, ~ cup chopped nuts. Cool, Cream ~cup butter, l cup 1ugar, add l egg, 1 tsep. van­illa, beat well. Add 2 cups sifted flour altern­ately with chocolate mix­ture, beat until smooth. Pour into grea111d mould, cover tightly. Place in large steamer, add boil­ing water to one third up side of mould. Cover pan tightly and steam l~-2 hours, unmould while hot and serve with favour· ite sauce or ice-cream. Quick dessert. Cut an orange in quarters sprink· le with cinnamon and flash under griller to make juices run.

Thank you COL and i~ary Allen would like to sincerely thank the people of Tannant Craek for thair kind offars of halp and as­sistance and thair wall wishas following tha arrival of our twin daughters, Rachal and Claira.

~ MEATS .. Quality Locally Killed Beef

We stock plenty of Lamb Pork, Veal. and .Fish




GARAGES ___.m ~ B«••oic r .... n~

·-·- ~ ~. ·. J""'· ...


Page 6: RUI qfU 'Tennanb CZTnus - Territory Stories: Home · PAUL GLYNN PLUMBING PHONE 363, T/CREEK OR CALL AT LOT 625 TURNER STREET. • Home Loans Mr. Ian 'l'uxworth, the member for BarklY


Players continue to im• prove and even the littl­est ones are hitting the ball well off the tee. However, some of them are having trouble getting to first base before the ball There is some imbalance in teams which were selected more in residential areas than in ability. Its good to see that no pressure is being put on children to win - just to try their hardest. Some of us are still a bit rusty on rules particularly rules of · FIELDING which are:- noted in the Teeball rules, cop­ies of which are available

COLTS Topcats and Rangers

played a good close game until the bottom of the 4th innings when Topcats drew away to finish ahead of Rangers 9-4.

Best players for Top­cats were Con Perry for pitching and batting and Joe Perry for catch­ing, In Rangers Dale Ward caught well.

Jaguars defeated Phan­toms 17-6. Jaguars best players were Peter Chand­ler who pitched' and batt­ed well and Mickey Burton for good bat ting. Ronnie Hutcheson pitched well for Phantoms.

RESULTS. TE -i;arrikins defeated Roy- NNI S als 28-11, though Royals played a good game for th- CLOSE COMPETITION.

GUN.CLUB Reaults of the days sh­

ot held on Sunday 30. 10 Tgt. Double Barrel.

1st J, Padman 10/10. 2nd c. Griffiths 10/10

after shoot off, 10 Tgt. Double Barrel points score.

1st J, Padman 30/30. 2nd c. Griffiths 27/30. 3rd a. Jardine 25/30.

,10 Tgt. D/B Walk up. 1st J, Padman 9/10. 2nd c. Griffiths 9/10.

after shoot off. 5 pair double rise.

1st s. Signori.9/10. 2nd B. Jardine 7/10. 3rd c. Giffiths 7/10.

after shoot off. 10 pair Deauville Doubles.

1st B. Jardine & S. Sig­nori 7/10.

2nd T. Griffiths & L.

Little Athletics Winning results and

•times of la$t week's ev­enta1 70m. u/7. P. Joswig, 13.Eiar P, li'ithie, 11\,9sr u/B, C, Pi thie, 11. 9e 1 c. Thompson, 13.0si u/9. J, Stevens, 13,3a1 J, All­en, 13.1s1 u/10. D. Most­lei·, 12.1s1 S. Thompson, 12. 1 s.

1oom. u/11. s. smith, 17 , 3 s , N. Reed , 1 5 • 7s1 u/12. R. Humphris, 1s.2s1 s. Ahang, 15,ls.

Points to remember: 1 . Children should now

start to look at their previous time and try as hard as they can to imp­rove it.

2. As long distance races get longer, child­ren should learn to run smoothly all the way .••.

Mahoney 5/10. 3rd J. Padman & c.

iths 5/10.

not run too quickly at Griff·the beginning and drop

out. Visitors to the Club

eir size. Tom Chandler hit After 5 matches, the 3 home runs, Colin Pithie Tennis Competition has for.the days shoot in and Edward Rose 2 home runs reached a very interesting Beginners event were-each. Colin caught one pl- position. Clear leaders 1st Barry O'Neil


ayer out. in the Competition are 2nd Chris Paine Wombles defeated Souths Rockbusters, who are un- 3rd Peter Haddy

29-12 and in this game Sh- defeated, 5 teams are in Brian Burke's ane & Craig McDonald hit equal second position with der loads caused

3. Take pride in the way you dress on the run­ning track ... our neatest and most improving athel­ete is one of our young­est, Jason Wilby.

black pow It is very pleasing to a stir as see the number of parents

who are coming along to help. Soon when more peo­

• 2 and 3 home runs respec- 3 wins each. In this usual~ tively. week's matches Pints face DARTS.

Devils are still short a hard match against the of players and had to bor- I leaders, Rockbusters while; Results of last weeks row 2 from Sharks. The re- I Pebbles, Warrego Red, Sc- games are as follows: sult was close - Sharks 17 lhool and Nomads fight out Bee Gees 7 defeated Swan­to Devils 16 and credit ,the other positions. The Barclay 5; Peke 9 defeat­must go to D~vils who had entries for the Champion- ed Memorial W 3; Gold-some very small players. ship have closed. Compet- fields 9 defeated Dodgers Home runs were hit by And- i ti on start on Tuesday Chics 3 _ .. In this match rew Carpenter and George 15th June. Results for we saw the defeat of Ellery while Glen Tandy round 5 - Frank Hatzel by the much caught the batter out 3 Pints, B sets 53 games D. improved ~arb Bethel in times. Warrego Blue 1 set 17 the singles.n

Panthers look like the games. Rockbusters B sets In the remaining game team to beat. In Saturdays 50 games defeated Dodgers Dodgers men drew with match they defeated Tom- 1 set 24 games. School 5 Memorial men 6 games each boys 30-18. Kevin Elmy and s'ets· 39 games defeated For Memorial men. Bob Smith Therese Allen for Tomboys Pebbles· 4 ·sets 35 games. threw a score o£ 17.4 and both batted well, but the Nomads 5 sets 45 games land Rod Landry for the team Panthers was defeated Warrego Red 4 Dodgers· tossed in·well too good. Ricki Graham as sets 35 games. throughout the evening. pitcher combined well with LADDER. Premiership. Table: first base Eva Ricky and IRockbusters 10 Goldfields later Kevin Grant. Ricki Pebbles 6 Graham also hit a·home Pints run. Panthers magnificent teamworkJ sensible care­ful throwing and thought­ful play is something for other teams to imitate.

Warrego Red Nomad School Dodgers Warrego Blue

6 6 6 6 0 0

Dodgers Men Peko Bee Gees Mem Men S/Barclay Mem Women Dodgers Chics

44 38 31 30 30 27 21 19

ple become more 'expert' in the running of the events, and a few more of the parents who have so for not been able to att­end, we should be able to give the children 3 or 4 events in an afternoon.

Secret Weapon You heard about Tenn­

ant' s troUble with "Lyall Kempster' s wind-up toy" l

an underarm-pitcher with more pace than most othe.r pitchers in the Territory. hbw you can see him in action. He will ·be with. the Alice Squad to visit Tennant on 12/13 June to cont­jest the Riverside Shield. Full programmes in next weeks Times.

I WORD \OUTREACH me:;;::;=~;;;;;;;;;;~ CENTRE



Christian Literature

IUIAl~ll Paterson St., Tennant Creek



ABORIGINAL ARTIFACTS We huy & sell local Art

P.O. Box 683 TENNANT CREEK N.T. 5'/60 Pller...,St ... -dd-~Fowd•r s

Phone: 234


For your SPECIAL orders contact

CON & MICK. or phone 98

.,~· ••t f~.~

Sien • Ex Ttnnant Creek .r1sident Rev. John O'R­eilly passing through at· the air port, ao,oompan­Led by 1on1 Ian and Lin· deay. 'l'he trio had been

~l->~ ·on a work party at Dar• win.

tocal. Polioe &er9eant aaking haa anyllody aeen any worker• around for when he want to oloH hi• qate it had diaappeared 10 he decided it waa an open and shut oase.

Not seen. Parent• are~~~----" \...::::7

conspicuous by their provided by Eartha Kitt absence at Colt• Base- and other mood music. ball also the lack of 'l'he evening waa such a parents at the Tee-Ball success that one chap

' missed the bus next • • • • • • morning.

Heard that the Karguru school is to have a res­ident Sister to attend to the Medical needs of the school children. Is .lt true that she is classified as a vapour controller?

****** Heard that one local golfer has been without his putter for the last month - one of his frien· ds said it· made no diff­erence to his game any­way.

****** Heard that one profess­ional Batchelor enter­tained guests last Sun­day night. The menu in­cluded, Canard-aux Cerises Flambe, Tarte au Citron Meringue, follow­ed by Cafe and Liqueurs. The entertainment was


* * * * * * 'l'he proposed new caravan park will not now go ahead through action by Health Department against septic tanks. True or False?

****** Several bush tracks east of Peke cut by bulldozer making the roads impass­able. Perhaps the big companies don't like the small chap looking ar­ound. Free country??????

* * * * * * Heard a friend who was dressing son for bed, in front of T.V. Programme. was showing topless trad­itional dancers. Son fin­ished up with arms in pyjama trousers and legs in the.armholes. Could not imagine where his head ended up, hey Stanny

* * * * * * Seen back in Tennant after a trip to the Weit is Brian speechly. Brian spent his time visiting the various Mining oomp­lexas in the Kalgoorlie area. I believe Brian visited some old friends "'hi-1st in the area.

* * * * * * Who's the local minister who is dying to send the razor blade manufacturers broke?

* * * * * * Also heard that IOllll people are mispronounoinq the word 'pedallin;' \!hen they refer to our peda11• ing Parson.

****** Heard that a local head master, who's batching has found a way to saw time in the morning. lie now puts his egqs in with his oranqe juice and can sleep in for 10 minutes extra.



.PHONE 461, A.H. 457 .11

Page 7: RUI qfU 'Tennanb CZTnus - Territory Stories: Home · PAUL GLYNN PLUMBING PHONE 363, T/CREEK OR CALL AT LOT 625 TURNER STREET. • Home Loans Mr. Ian 'l'uxworth, the member for BarklY

<'!At 17?nm111L.' '711111~ PUBLISHED BYAPfX CLIJB OFTENNANT CREEll as a str\licl ta tilt communitv

delivered by T~

---- --- -- -- -- - --- -

- - -- - --SPORT - - - --- - --- --- - -- -----

___ ~- - ------ - - - -- - -- -

-.=-~_-_::- ---- - ~~~-;~- -_----=-==.:---:_~~


The first game bet­ween Dodgers and Pirates got off to a ten minute late start and two hours and ten minutes to complete.Dodgers won the toss and sent the Pirates in to bat. Rober Decet wasted no time in gett­ing off the mark, with a nice hit to centre field. Maher and Kerrin followed close behind. Then the rot set in for Dodgers when, with load­ed bases, they gave

helder and J, Tarca crossed the Plate. The scores remained the same, thus Pirates run out winners 5-4 in a very good game. safe hits for Dodgers:­Hutcheson 1 and Landry 2. For Pirates Decet 2, Williams 1, J. Tarca 1, and A. Parsons 1. Run getters for Dodgers Decet, Maher, Kerrin, Vanderhelder and J, Tarca all with one each.

In the second game Braves had an easy win over Tigers. Tigers

they increased their lead when Williams, Hoffman and J, Laitimin scored. Tigers were un· able to score at all,, so Braves ran out winn­ers 8-0. Safe hits for Tigers:­Meyer 1, Tandy 1. For Braves:- K. Williams 2, J. Laitenen 1. Rungetters for Braves:­K. Williams 2, B. Bethel Paterson, Proudfoot, G. Hoffman, G. Parsons and J, Laitenen with one each. This weeks gamas:-1st game 1.15 pm:­Dodgers V Braves. 2nd game:-Tigers V Pirates.

L, Kerrin, C. Schoppe, P. Sullivan, L. Dittmar, D. Ford, L. Taroa 1 each.

The second game was very close with Saints narrowly defeating the much improved Eldorado 13-9. Saints played a very sloppy game and committed many stupid errors. D. Renfrey batt­ed well for Saints. D. Knape played a good game on 3rd with R. Barber and A. Winger batting well for Eldoradds. Safe hits Saints D. Renfrey (3), T. Renfrey, L. Goodale, c. Whaites (2) each. Safe hits Eldorado's R. Barber A. Winger (2), L. Patter­son, R. Woolridge, H.

three successive walks bringing in three runs. Dodgers came back in the bottom of the 1st with two runs, one each by Walford and Hutcheson­In the bottom of the 3rd Parsons and Landry cross-, ed the Plate safely for i Dodgers giving them a

won the toss and put Braves to bat. In the top of the 1st Williams and Bethel crossed home plate making a break of 2-0. Tigers were unable to answer and the soore remained the same until top 4th when L. Proud­foot and G. Parsons scored making it 4-0. Tigers still had no answer Braves went fur­ther ahead in the top 5th with B. Paterson scoring. In top 6th

Winners of the free Drive­In passes were I. Bates, D. Roberts, G. Parsons and T. Gillard.

'•-~"--. Walford, B. Westland, J. I'! Cowie 1 each. Double for last Saturday 29/5/76 ES-SS.

4-3 lead. This really got every body on .their toes, on and off_ the field. But Pirates did their task well, when in the top 5th Vander-

' Lo-- __ i


An upset was caused last Saturday when Tom­boys defeated Pumaralis 13-10. This game was very exciting. Pumaralis had the Tomboys 7-6 in the 5th innings1 but in the 6th Pumaralis committed too many errors allowing 7 runners to cross the plate for Tomboys. This is the best Tomboys have played all season. B. Fitz pitched and batted well for Tomboys. C. Christopher pitching for Pumaralis tried hard but her team could not back her up. Safe hits Tom­boys B. Fits and J. Glynn 2; M. Parsons, C. Mccall­ion, C. Morgan, L. Young, L. Christopher, P. John­son 1 each. Safe hits

Games this week:­Saints V Pumaralis. Eldorado V Tomboys.

There will be town training on Sunday 6th June 10 am. Tuesday 8th June 5 pm. Thursday 10th June 5 pm.

~' -----••• >.:-~·---iiSiiii·;i.'-....__,,......,,__

DENNIJ K.:-.RRif! PITCHIL J FUFl PIFL',T~3 Pumaralis C. Christopher DORIS CAMPBELL FOR SAINTS ....................................................... - (2); D. Mathews, A. Tarca,


. ':·.-A.-':...;.,. ~ .:.:';:~ ·,;.. ~·-' :.~>. -at: your local T&G office pfo'neer Building, Phone Tennant 181

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