rudraksha beads


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Page 1: Rudraksha Beads


Generally the virtues and importance of Rudraksha is estimated by its facets. RUDRAKSH is an Aksh(Tear Drop) of Shiva which evokes power in the body which fights against disease & improve overall health(Mental & Physical).RUDRAKSH removes the blood impurities and strengthens the body substance. It removes the bacteria inside as well as outside the Human Body. RUDRAKSH removes the headache, cough, paralysis, and blood pressure, heart disease and maternity problems. Wearing of RUDRAKSH brings divine glow on the face, which results in calm and charming personality.RUDRAKSH  rosary is used for Japa.The process of Japa increases spiritual power and self-confidence to move in multi direction of life. Therefore, RUDRAKSH seeds are found be useful for providing health benefits as well as gaining spiritual success. Wearing RUDRAKSH results in the destruction of sins from previous birth that cause difficulties in the present life. Now the myth has been demolished of Women Refraining From Wearing RUDRAKSH as it's not mentioned in any of the scriptures like Rudraksha Jabala Upanishad OR Siva Purana (Vidyesvara Samhita), Chap. 25 OR Srimad Devi Bhagavatam, 11th Skanda, Chap. 3-7 OR Padma Purana, Chap. 57 OR Mantra Maharnava, verses 158-174 etc. According to mythology one faced Rudraksha is the symbol of Godhood, Supreme Truth, Attainmentt of Eternity. Two face Rudrakshaa symbolizes Grace of Ardhanarishvara (Bi sexual God) Lord Shiva & Parvati Mata. It is worn for happiness and peace in the house and for the success in marital life. When the three faced Rudrakshaa (Grace of Agni) is worn, the wisdom of the wearer is increased. Similarly Four faced Rudraksha (Grace of Brahma) should be worn to get rid of mental diseases, worries, tension etc. Five faced Rudraksha (Destruction of homicide sin) is useful in cardiac diseases and for heart trouble. Six faced Rudraksha (Attainment of Chitta-Suddhi and Jnana) is worn to destroy sins. Seven faced Rudraksha (Saptamala) is beneficial in getting good health and wealth. Eight faced Rudraksha (Grace of Ashta Vasus or Ganga and becoming truthful) destroys obstacles and nine faced Rudraksha (Grace of Nava Saktis or Nine powers) gives earthly pleasure and salvation. Ten faced Rudraksha (Attainment of Peace) is useful to pacify nine planets. Eleven faced Rudraksha (Increases of all kinds of wealth) gives worldly pleasure. So he who wants worldly pleasures should wear it. Twelve faced Rudraksha (Attainment of Moksha) is the most important to the persons in high offices Intellectuals. Scientists, Doctors, Vaidyas who are engaged in chemical and medical researches should wear thirteen faced Rudraksha (Attainment of fulfilling desires and grace of Cupid). Fourteen faced Rudraksha cures all kinds of diseases.

Ek Mukhi Rudraksha Beads   Benefits of Wearing One Mukhi Rudraksha Beads A One Mukhi Rudraksha can bring you immense power, wealth, luxuries, fame, massive confidence boost and spiritual enrichment. The Vaastu of this bead often carries an auspicious sign of signifying a connection with Lord Shiva. This is the best among all other Rudraksha seeds. This is the mother of all other forms of Rudraksha. The One Mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes formlessness, deathlessness , shadow less , Godhood, Supreme Truth and Attainment of Eternity who has created this entire world. The One Mukhi Rudraksha bead is itself the abode of Lord Shankar and it is the main among all Rudraksha of all faces. It is ruled by the Sun and enlightens the Super Consciousness. Its Vaastu brings the power of Dharana to the wearer meaning the power to concentrate the mind on an object. The wearer of One Mukhi Rudraksha gets his mental structure changed and he begins to feel renunciation from the worldly affairs and naturally inclines towards GOD. His mind begins to concentrate on the Supreme Element. This is the best of all Rudraksha. Peace and pleasure abide in the house where One Mukhi Rudraksha is worshipped. Even the House having Vaastu defects gets cured and rectified due to its presence in the house. The person

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who worships it obtains not only all the worldly pleasures during his life span but also remains unaffected by them. One Mukhi Rudraksha is found in two shapes round and the half moon shape. Round Rudraksha is highly praised in our ancients texts but it is very rare and more of a myth . One Mukhi Half moon is easily available and found in a family tree of Rudraksha from India and Srilanka. From the point of view of importance there is no difference between them. Therefore it must be real and pure in whatever shape it may be. The cost of One Mukhi Round is more than the half moon shaped Rudraksha. There are two Traditional Mantras for the One Mukhi Rudraksha bead. "Om Namah Shivaya" and "Om Hreem Namah" Sun or Surya the center of the Solar system around which all the planets revolve represents one Mukhi Rudraksha . It controls the malefic effects of Sun and cures diseases of the right eye, head, ear, bowel and bones. Psychologically the confidence, charisma, leadership qualities and prosperity of the person increases as the Surya God gets pleased with the wearer. The most sought after Rudraksha. These are extremely rare and are one of the most costly Rudraksha beads. A one mukhi Rudraksha can bring you immense power, wealth, luxuries, fame, massive confidence boost and spiritual enrichment. This bead often carries an auspicious sign of signifying a connection with Lord Shiva. This is the best among all other Rudraksha seed. This is the mother of all other forms of Rudraksha. The Vaastu of this bead gives the wearer all the worldly pleasures and then helps one attain perfection in life. It is said that where one faced Rudraksha is worshipped, that place is always full of riches and goddess Lakshmi has special grace on such places. This is the symbol of lord Rudra. It bestows all prosperity on the devotees. Such a Rudraksha is obtained by the grace of Lord Rudra only. Being cured, the wearer enjoys the life like the God Indra. According to the mythological books peace and pleasure abide in the house where one faced Rudraksha is worshipped. There is no fear of untimely death. Its wearer himself is fortunate by himself. One who gets it and worships it obtains not only all the worldly pleasures during his life - span but also remains unaffected by them. It is an ideal thing for the doctors. It helps them to diagnose the disease and gives them success in surgery too. This is the best in all faced Rudrakshas. One faced Rudraksha is found in two shapes round and the half moon shaped. Round Rudraksha is found in Nepal while the half moon shaped is found in Rameshwaram. From the point of view of importance there is no difference between them. Therefore, it must be real and pure in whatever shape it may be. The cost of round one faced Rudraksha is many times fold as compared to the half moon shaped Rudraksha but it is a very rare item and often faked. So more and more people are turning to half moon shaped variety for it’s genuinely. Representing Deity : Lord Shiva Ruling Planet : Sun (Surya) Day to wear : Monday Recommended for: Headache, Heart Disease and Right Eye Defect. Beej Mantra for One Mukhi Rudraksha- " Om Hreem Namah " Rituals of wearing the bead for the first time : One faced Rudraksha should be capped with gold or silver and should be worn round the neck or be placed at the worshipping place, chanting "Om Namah Shivaya, Om Hreem Namah". 108 Times using a small 108 beaded mala of wood, glass or metal. It should be worn on a Monday. Getting up early in the morning especially the Bhrama Muhurat , the devotee should clean the Rudraksha bead with mustard oil and then clean it with mustard oil and place the rudra in his left hand and start the counting from his right hand and fully concentrate on the mantra jaap. No mobiles, no laptops , no talking in-between , till the

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108 times jaap is over.

Daily Rituals : The Wearer of the Rudraksha should chant the Beej Mantra of One Mukhi Rudraksha along with sacred mantra “ Om Namay Shivaye” daily at least 9 times while wearing the bead and atleast 9 times removing the same in the night time before going to sleep. Benefits of Wearing a One Mukhi Rudraksha: • The wearer enjoys all the worldly comforts and all his material desires get fulfilled, yet he is not bound by them • One Mukhi Rudraksha pacifies the malefic effects of planet SUN and makes the individual charismatic and radiant like the divine Surya himself • This Rudraksha is very beneficial in curing headaches, right eye problems & diseases of Liver, Bowels, Heart Diseases, Bone Pain, etc. • This Rudraksha renders a person the power to concentrate, increased confidence, leadership qualities and prosperity • A person wearing One Mukhi Rudraksha is able to lead a rich and powerful life by the blessings of Lord Shiva.

Do Mukhi Rudraksha Beads Benefits of Wearing Two Mukhi Rudraksha Beads It is the representation of the Ardhnarishwara. The Lord Shiva envisaged in Goddess Parvati, i.e. half Lord Shiva and half Goddess Parvati. The result which one can get by worshipping or by wearing the two faced Rudraksha is happy married & love life. The ruling planet of Two Mukhi Rudraksha is Moon. They effectively control the malefic effects of Moon and diseases of the left eye, kidney, intestines etc. Emotionally, there is harmony in relationships. This bead helps in developing harmonious relationships. Two mukhi rudraksha or Do mukhi rudraksha is very effective removing negative effect of planet moon. The moon is the ruling influence and hence it can greatly help in controlling negative traits like anger, frustration and lack of concentration. Horoscopes in which Moon is in conjunction with Rahu or Saturn shall wear this rudraksha bead as it strengthen the planet moon , whose power is reduced by the conjunction of Malefics. Possessor of this Rudraksha gets the blessings of Ardhnarishwar, another incarnation of Lord Shiva. It is very suitable for the devotees of Lord Shiva and provides them with mental peace and spiritual progress. The Vaastu of Two faced Rudraksha signifies lord Rudra and his consort Parvati. It can effectively be used for maintaining marital bliss. Vaishanavas regard it as the symbol of lord Vishnu. Thus it is regarded as sacred by both the sections, the Vaishnavaites and the Shaivates. The wearer of this Rudraksha gets all his desires fulfilled and he also attains the peace of mind. This also helps in meditation and attainment of spiritual merit becomes easier, if one wears it. It is said that if worn by pregnant ladies it ensures painless delivery without complications. Patient sufferings from sleeplessness and nightmares also get relief by putting a bead of this Rudraksha

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under their pillow. Such a person also remains free from the harmful influences of evil spirits. 2 Mukhi Rudraksha destroys sins and helps wearer reach the heaven. Do Mukhi Rudraksh can be worn in Gold, Silver or Copper Pendants. 2 Mukhi Rudraksha helps to improve concentration as it makes one's mind stable. It should be worn around neck and can be worn with any other Rudraksha bead. A 2 Mukhi Two Faced Rudraksh has two natural marked lines. It is believed to be the manifestation of Lord Shiva and Goddesses Parvati. The person wearing this Rudraksh stays in sound health - mentally and physically. Mother Lakshmi (the Godesses of Wealth) also showers her blessings on the wearer and the wondrous radiation power keeps the mind in balance. Two faced Rudraksha bead helps the wearer concentrate his/her mind, and increase spiritual power. Pregnant women can have easier deliveries of their baby if they wear Two faced Rudraksha bead around the waist. Quality - Premium Origin - Nepal Description : A two Mukhi Rudraksha has two natural lines or facets on its surface. The ruling deity of this Rudraksha is Lord “ Ardhnareeshwar “ , a combined image of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Therefore, it is also known as the UNITY Rudraksha as it brings about unity for its wearer. This Rudraksha helps in harmonizing relations between two individuals (Husband-Wife, Father-Son and Friends etc.) thereby making happier and lasting relations. Information:- Symbol of : Lord Ardhnareshwar Ruling Planet : Moon Day to wear : Monday Beej Mantra : “OM NAMAH” Features:-

* The wearer of two Mukhi Rudraksha is bestowed with better relations with his family, friends and clients.

* It helps in stabilizing the mind and improves decision making ability by pacifying the planet MOON.

* It helps to overcome stress, anxiety, depression and negative thoughts.

* Life of the wearer becomes more peaceful due to better relations with people all around him.

* This Rudraksha helps in the diseases of left eye, fluid systems of body, kidney and intestinal problems.

Way of wearing : Taking three beads of the two faced Rudraksha and fastening them with red thread and touching it with the idols of Lord Shiva & goddess Parvati (Shakti) and chanting the mantra 2 Mukhi Rudraksha should be worn around the neck.

Why people wear this Do Mukhi Rudraksha Beads ? The primary ruling planet of a two-faceted rudraksha is Moon. The influential effect of the moon helps the wearer in getting rid of all the negativities from various aspects of his life.

The do-mukhi rudraksha is associated with positive effects such as attenuation of anger, eradication of frustration and augmentation in the attentiveness of mind. This kind of rudraksha

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is the symbol of Ardhanareeshwar that symbolizes the combined image of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva.

The wearer can stay assured of attainment of Peace of Mind, and leading a happy family life on the adornment of two faceted rudraksha. 2 Mukhi Rudraksha (Do Mukhi Rudraksha Chand Suraj Ko Barane) 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Moon and Sun. The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi ( method of purification & charging with Mantra) will always accompanied by two Deva i.e. Surya Deva and Chandra Deva. The wearer of this Rudraksha get Punya (meritorious act) of donating 108 Cows. He is able to control two Indriya (senses) of his body. This Rudraksha gives control of Swar ( ancient and hidden knowledge of Breathing to know past present and future ).

The wearer of this Rudraksha will never remain lazy and get always the blessing of Lord Shiva and in the end of life get the Moksha (liberation).

One who starts the New work by wearing this Rudraksha; always get the success. 2 Mukhi Rudraksha effectively control the malefic effects of Moon such as diseases of Left eye, kidney, intestine in physical level and in the spiritual level such as lack of harmony inrelationship etc. Two faced Rudraksha has natural two lines or faces. It is oval in shape and is available in two varieties – Nepal and Haridwar (India). Two Mukhi as per the various Puranas : 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of ArdhaNareeshwara, a joint image of the Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati (Shakti). In this image we see both in one body. It brings unity like the family unity in form, speech and Meaning. Being capable of getting riches and virtuous off springs by wearing two faced Rudraksha, it’s wearer becomes capable of leading peaceful and sacred life. Its wearer’s family finds the reverence and faith continuously increasing among them. Removing the differences of opinions between the Teacher & the pupil, the father and the son, the husband and the wife, and friends, it establishes unity between them.

Rules for the Rudraksha: The Wearer of the Rudraksha should chant related Rudraksha Mantra along with Rudraksha Utpatti Mantra (Mantra for the Rudraksha Origin) daily at least 9 times while wearing and removing in the night before going to sleep A two-faced Rudraksha has two natural marked lines. It is believed to be the manifestation of Lord Shiva and Goddesses Parvati. The person wearing this Rudraksha stays in sound health - mentally and physically. Mother Lakshmi (the Goddesses of Wealth) also showers her blessings on the wearer and the wondrous radiation power keeps the mind in balance.

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Teen Mukhi Rudraksha Beads   Benefits of Wearing Three ( Teen ) Mukhi Rudraksha Beads Three Mukhi Rudraksha has three lines on it. It gives the wearer, Confidence and energy to face any situation. It is said to have the powers of trinity Gods i–e Brahma, Vishnu, & Mahesh (Shiva). It is excellent for introvert individuals or those who suffer from Depression, Anxiety, Psychosis or Guilt induced complexes. Like Agni, it burns the sins committed in past, controls destructive attitudes & enhances creativity of a person. The malefic effects of Mars are reduced by wearing this bead. Hence it is helpful in controlling blood pressure, regulation of menstrual cycle, chronic fever, Depression & Lack of energy. This bead is also beneficial for those having “Manglik Dosha” in their horoscope & also for temperamental persons , the benefits are derived very soon after Wearing this Rudraksha. A person feels energized & he starts getting success in his effects, Learning & self confidence. Beej Mantra for Three Mukhi Rudraksha : "Om Kleem Namah" The rosary should be kept in hand and after reciting the following mantra for 108 times the rosary should be worn. The ruling planet is Mars, malefic effects are disease of blood, blood pressure, weakness, disturbed menstrual cycle, kidney etc.. Depression, negative and guilty feelings, inferiority complexes can be lessened by wearing this mukhi. The three mukhi Rudraksh is worn to boost the self-confidence and to counter depressions. It also provides physical strengths and helps in cure of several diseases. It also wards off ill-luck and tensions and can help purify all sins. Three faced Rudraksh symbolizes Lord Agni - the fire god. This destroys ill luck, if worn regularly. It bestows health, wealth and knowledge too. If a rosary made of 108 beads is worn, sins of even earlier births are destroyed. One obtains health and one becomes free from diseases, killing of Brahman, woman and other grace sins are destroyed by wearing a rosary of three faced Rudraksh. All the merits obtained from the worship of fire god, are attained by wearing a rosary of three faced Rudraksh. The wearer becomes free from all diseases and he becomes like a true human being. He enemies are vanquished. He does not suffer any loss from fire. He is also protected from arms and weapons. It is very effective for jaundice. Its wearer always remains healthy and active. One obtains health and one becomes free from diseases, killing of Holy Men, woman and other grace sins are destroyed by wearing a rosary of three faced Rudraksha . All the merits obtained from the worship of fire god, are attained by wearing a rosary of three faced Rudraksha . Three mukhi rudraksha is very effective for jaundice. Its wearer always remains healthy and active.

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Those having mangal dosha / kuja dosha in there charts shall wear Wear 3 mukhi rudraksha to negate the malefic effect of mangal dosha and improve the marital life. Mangal dosha is very important in judging happiness in marriage, therefore people with Mars in their horoscope sitting in kendra shall wear the pendant with three mukhi rudraksha bead.

A three Mukhi Rudraksha has three natural lines or Mukhas on its surface. The ruling diety of this Rudraksha is Lord Agni (Fire). This Rudraksha destroys all the sins done by a person in his past life and makes him pure on a spiritual level like Agni does with all those who come in its contact. Symbol of : Lord Agni (Fire) Ruling Planet : Mars Day to wear : Monday Beej Mantra : “Om Kleem Namah

Features :- 1. It bestows the wearer confidence and energy to face any situation. 2. It is very useful for those who suffer from depression, anxiety, and guilt induced complexes. 3. This Rudraksha controls the aggressive nature of a person thereby increasing his creativity. 4. The malefic effects of Mars (Mangal) are negated by this Rudraksha. This bead is also beneficial for those having “Manglik Dosha” in their horoscope & also for temperamental persons 5. This Rudraksha is helpful in controlling blood pressure, regulation of menstrual cycle, chronic fever, Depression & Lack of energy.

Way of Wearing : Taking the beads of the three faced Rudraksha, wash them with the Ganga jal and unboiled milk, Chanting the mantra wear them in the neck. It symbolizes the three attributes of the universe Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh who are the Creator, Nurturer and the Destroyer.

The three mukhi Rudraksha is worn to boost the self-confidence and to counter depressions.

It also provides physical strengths and helps in cure of several diseases. It also wards off ill-luck and tensions and can help purify all sins. It symbolizes the three attributes of the universe Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh who are the Creator, Nurturer and the Destroyer. The Three Mukhi Rudraksha is worn to boost the self-confidence and to counter depressions.

Five Mukhi Rudraksha Beads   Benefits of Wearing Panch Mukhi Rudraksha Beads 5 Mukhi Rudraksha is the form of Rudra named Kaalagni. The wealth, in the form of learning that man gains in the world should be apparent and permanent only then it is meaningful. Five faced Rudraksha is useful for this purpose. In the long run we lose our power to maintain the learning that we have gained and at last it vanishes. We forget the acquired learning or cannot remember the lost learning only after

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wearing the five faced Rudraksha. Agni (fire) purifies the metals and similarly five faced Rudraksha rectifies all the vices and faults of Jeeva and makes him pure and Jeeva gains the form of Pashupati i.e. the Lord of all creatures after becoming free from the animal instincts. By wearing its mala the wearer’s mind remains peaceful. There is no suspicion about the fact that the wearer of Five faced Rudraksha mala never gets untimely death. A mala of five face Rudraksha is also worn. It keeps the blood pressure normal. And the fear of untimely death disappears. If three beads of Five faced Rudraksha are dipped overnight in water in a glass and the water drank in the morning on empty stomach, then the person gets free from blood pressure and related illnesses. The wearer of five Mukhi gains health and peace. It increases memory also. Five Mukhi Rudraksha monitors blood pressure and cardiac ailments. It affects all major Chakra points. Associations Symbol of: Lord Shiva Ruling Planet: Jupiter Recommended for: Bone Marrow, Liver, Kidney, Feet, Thigh, Ear, diseases of fat and Diabetes. Mantras Om Hreem Namah Om Namah Shivaya Rituals for Wearing Taking the beads of 5 faced Rudraksha and string in thread. It should be worn after touching it to Shivling. At the time of wearing it, the man should keep on chanting : "Om Namah Shivaya" 5 Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Five Pandava. The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi ( method of purification & charging with Mantra) will acquire extraordinary strength in all the fields. i.e. Intelligence, strength, business, money, devotion, beauty, smell, touch, words, devotion to parents, good relations with wife , obedient sons, truthfulness , love etc. This Rudraksha keeps the wearer always on the path of Truth and makes him wealthy. This Rudraksha provides all types of Bhoga ( leisure and comforts ) to the wearer of this Rudraksha. 5 Mukhi Rudraksha is equivalently auspicious & suitable to Sadhu (saint) and Grihasta (family man). Thousands of enemies have to kneel down in front of the wearer of 5 Mukhi Rudraksha; it is said by Dattatreya Maharaj in the meditation of Lord Shiva. 5 Mukhi Rudraksha controls five elements i.e. Agni (fire), Jal ( water), Vaayu (Air), Aakash( sky), Prithvi( Earth) in the body of the wearer therefore kills all diseases in all the weathers. This Rudraksha is to be worn on Thursday after Siddhi. Malefic effects of Jupiter is considered to cause lack of peace of mind, utter poverty, lack of harmony, diseases of fat, Kidney, thigh, ear, diabetes etc. This Mukhi is therefore suggested to sublimate the malefic effects of Jupiter. Agni (fire) purifies the metals and similarly five faced Rudraksha rectifies all the vices and faults of Jeeva and makes him pure and Jeeva gains the form of Pashupati i.e. the Lord of all creatures after becoming free from the animal instincts. By wearing its mala the wearer’s mind remains peaceful. It also keeps the blood pressure normal and the fear of untimely death disappears. If three beads of Five faced Rudraksha are dipped overnight in water in a glass and the water drank in the morning on empty stomach, then the person gets free from blood pressure and related illnesses. Rules for the Five Faced Rudraksha Bead The Wearer of the Rudraksha should chant related Rudraksha Mantra along with Rudraksha Utpatti Mantra (Mantra for the Rudraksha Origin) daily at least 9 times while wearing and removing in the night before going to sleep. Five Mukhi Rudraksha ruling planet is Jupiter. 5 mukhi rudraksha is used to sublimate the malefic effects of Jupiter such as lack of peace, poverty, lack of harmony etc. This bead has several uses. It helps attain success in all walks of life and gain knowledge, wealth, power, fame and achieve goals. It is also very often used in the cure of several diseases. It is a

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very sought after bead that can actually help you achieve happiness and eternal bliss. Panch mukhi rudraksha also represents Lord Shiva and is very effective in the elimination of your enemies. All five Brahmas are pleased with the devotee who wears this Rudrakshs. Lord Rudra also gives success in all the efforts made by such a devotee. Diseases do not come near the wearer of it. One who wears these five faced Rudraksh (Rudraksha) obtains all kind of riches and prosperity. Persons suffering from high blood pressure get relief by wearing these but one should select them very carefully, or better they take the help of experts. Five mukhi rudraksha helps in diseases pertaining to lungs, heart and blood. A Rudraksha with five faces represents Lord Shiva/ Rudra himself, the symbol of wisdom and auspiciousness. Its name is Kalagni. It is said that it bestows all sorts of salvation & achievement of desired objects. Five Mukhi Rudraksha has a great power in wealth, health and happiness.The wearer of five mukhi gains wealth, health and peace. Five Mukhi mala is also used for Japa. ? Use for Japa of various mantras, ? Also beneficial for people suffering from Blood Pressure, Mental Disability, Obesity, Heart Problems, Stress, Anger Management, Diabetics, Piles, Neurotic and Maladjustment Problems. Five Mukhi Rudraksha controls five elements i.e. Agni (fire), Jal ( water), Vaayu (Air), Aakash( sky), Prithvi( Earth) in the body of the wearer therefore kills all diseases in all the weathers.

Symbol of : Lord Shiva

Ruling Planet : Jupiter (Guru)

Day of wearing : Monday

Mantras : Om Hreem Namah

Features :-

? This Rudraksha is very helpful in regulating blood pressure and body fats,

? It brings good luck, academic excellence and have a tranquil effect on mind.

? It is also very helpful in curing memory loss i.e. when there are memory lapses.

?Wearer of five Mukhi Rudraksha never gets an untimely death.

?Those who seek for spirituality, good health and mental peace should wear five Mukhi Rudraksha.

? A five Mukhi Rudraksha also pacifies the malefic effects of planet Jupiter.

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Six Mukhi Rudraksha Beads   Benefits of Wearing Six Mukhi Rudraksha Beads This Rudraksha is related to Six Darshan. The person who wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi ( method of purification & charging with Mantra) will have Darshan of six Deva in his Body. This Rudraksha give the knowledge of Soul to the wearer. The person who wears this Rudraksha become calm and quite like the Moon. It keeps the anger, jealousy, excitation under control in the body of the wearer. This Rudraksha increases the nutritious elements of the Body resulting in the creation of new cosmic powers ( Devi Shakti). This Rudraksha is the provider of results for the hard workers and increases the sperm. It provides success in all assignments. The Goddess Laxmi Resides in Six Face Rudraksha therefore provides wealth and prosperity. One should meditate on Yellow colored Goddess Mahalaxmi daily after wearing this Rudraksha. It opens the opportunity of money for the wearer of this Rudraksha and always remains with him. It is the provider of every comforts and happiness and increases the Business. This Rudraksha is to worn on Monday before sun-rise. 6 Mukhi Rudraksha as per the various Puranas : Its ruling planet is Venus. Six faced Rudraksha is the center of the power of Lord Shiva’s second son, Kumar Kaartikeya. It gives learning, wisdom and knowledge and increases will power. Moreover, it saves us from the worldly sorrows. A combination of four face Rudraksha and six face Rudraksha increases the mental power of the wearer amazingly. It is very good for company managers, businessmen, journalists and editors etc. Also Six Mukhi Rudraksha governs Genital organs. Rituals for Wearing the Six Faced Rudraksha Beads: Taking the beads of Six faced Rudraksha and stringing them into a red thread and meditating upon Swami Kaartikeya it should be worn chanting "Swami Kaartikeya Namah", "Om Hreem Hum Namah". It is ideal to be worn on arms. Its ruling planet is Venus. Venus governs Genital organs Throat, Valor, Sexual pleasure, Love, Music etc. It’s malefic effects can cause diseases and problems in above. Wearing Six Mukhi Rudraksha helps in controlling the malefic effects of Venus and increases the concentration. Six Mukhi rudraksha is very dear to Lord Kaartikeya and is the source of his energy. Associations Symbol of: God Kartikeya Ruling Planet: Venus Recommended for: Head, virility, bone marrow, sight, bile, blood pressure, hemoglobin, injuries, accidents, violence, as well as general vigor and vitality. Mantras Swami Kartikeya Namah Om Hreem Hum Namah Six mukhi rudraksha bead enriches the career path and helps you achieve immense professional and academic success. Students should wear this rudraksha during their studies. It helps you fulfill dreams and lead a very luxurious life. This is regarded as the symbol of Kartikeya, the six faced son of lord Rudra and mother Sharada. He is the younger brother of lord Ganesha. Men should wear this Rudraksh (Rudraksha) is the right hand and woman should wear in the left hand. This confers knowledge of the very highest kind. This helps women in diseases like hysteria and other mental illness. Those interested in Tantra also gets benefit by it. It also helps students and businessmen. It represents Lord Kartikeya. Its possessor attains complete success in the business and earns great wealth. It is beneficial in the cure of epilepsy and all women related problems. It cures external

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and internal problems related to sexual organs in male or female body. All the disease caused by malefic Venus can be reduced to great extent by wearing Six mukhi rudraksha beads.

Description : A Six Mukhi Rudraksha has six lines (Mukhas) on its surface. The ruling deity of this Rudraksha is Lord Kartikeya who is the second son of Lord Shiva and is also the chief of the celestial army. Therefore the wearer of this Rudraksha gets courage as well as wisdom by the blessings of

Lord Kartikeya Information :- Symbol of : Lord Kartikeya (Lord Shiva’s second son)

Ruling Planet : Venus

Day to wear : Monday or Friday

Beej Mantra : “Om Hreem Hoom Namah”

Features :-

Six Mukhi Rudraksha increases the will power, expression power, learning power and the wearer becomes mentally strong. Therefore it is very good for students.

This Rudraksha endows the wearer a power of Vashikaran (enchantment) by making him witty, charming and intelligent. Therefore it is good for people having public dealings like actors and politicians.

This Rudraksha helps in having a happy marital life and blesses it wearer with all kinds of worldly possession.

Six Mukhi Rudraksha also pacifies the negative effects of planet Venus and is therefore very helpful in curing the diseases of sexual nature and those related to sexual organs.

Way of wearing : Taking the beads of Six faced Rudraksha and stringing them into a thread and meditating upon Swami Kartikeya it should be worn chanting the mantra. It is ideal to be worn on right hand.

Benefits of Six Faced Rudraksha Beads :

Increases Worldly comfort

Spiritual fulfillment

Harmony and Oneness

Richness and Prosperity

Self confidence

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Mental Peace

Physical Activity

Positive Thoughts

Creativity Power

Health & Wealth

Foresight Decreases : Enemity , Fear Of Death , Accidental Death , Difference of Opinion , Inferiority Complex, Depression , Sufferings from Shanidasha , Bad effects of Planets, Nullify Black Magic .

Effects of Evil eye Prevents & Cures: Liver diseases , Chronic fever, Mental ailments, Body pains , Gynea problems , Cancer , Lethargy , Diseases of gall bladder, nose, kidney, ears, thighs, genital organs, skin, stomach, etc.

Description : Six mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Kartikeya. The wearer is blessed with wisdom, intelligence and will power. Gives learning, wisdom, knowledge. Increases will power, Enhances vocal power. Brings understanding and appreciation of Love, Sexual Pleasure, Music and Personal Relationships. Those who want to prevent themselves from evil powers coming towards them , are benefited from this Rudraksha. As it governs genital organ, so it is also good for infertile women. This bead enriches the career path and helps you achieve immense professional and academic success. It helps you fulfill dreams and lead a very luxurious life. Mantra : Om Hreem Hum Namah

Deity : Six Darshan and Goddess Laxmi

Suggested for : Those who needs money and a healthy body. It enhances the male power.

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SEVEN MUKHI   RUDRAKSHA The ruling deity of seven Mukhi Rudraksha is Goddess Mahalaxmi (Goddess of wealth). The wearer of this Rudraksha gets wealth and prosperity by the blessings of Goddess Mahalaxmi & he is also blessed by “Saptrishis” or the seven sages.

Product Info :- A Seven Mukhi Rudraksha 

Information about Seven Mukhi Rudraksha :

Symbol of      : Goddess MahalaxmiRuling Planet : SaturnDay to wear  : MondayBeej Mantra  : “Om Hum Namah” 

Positive Effects of Seven Mukhi Holy Rudraksha Bead as per Ancient Vedic Texts

-  Seven Mukhi Rudraksha gives Wealth in all areas like Business, Service and Career    thereby bringing All around Prosperity and Riches.

-  This Rudraksha also brings good fortune, increased profits, financial security,     creativity and  enhanced intuition 

-  It is very useful for removing muscular body pains, as per the ancient vedic texts.

-  This Rudraksha helps in overcoming the malefic effects of Saturn and its “Sade Sati “     period. This Rudraksha is also helpful for those people who have a “Kaal Sarp Dosh ”    in their horoscope

-  As per Ancient Vedic Texts, a Seven Mukhi Rudraksha is said to help in curing of    Saturn induced diseases like Impotency, foot diseases, respiratory disorders and    chronic diseases.    

Energization of a Seven Mukhi Rudraksha Bead 

Rudraksha is a divine bead and it bestows all sorts of spiritual , Mental & Physical benefits to its wearer . However, in order to get maximum benefits from Rudraksha it needs to be sanctified & energized also known as Pran Prathista prior to its use for the first time.

Please note that all the Rudrakshas are already Energized as per ancient Hindu Rituals ( A Pran Pratishtha Puja is performed by our learned Guruji ) before being sent to our clients. Hence you can directly start wearing the Rudraksha as soon as you have received them. 

Procedures that have been done by our Guruji for ENERGIZING ( Pran Prathistha ) of Rudraksha before being sent to you


An auspicious Day, Date and Nakshtra is chosen  taking into  consideration the clients Name, Date of Birth and Place of Birth by our Guruji 

2.  Then the mind is cleared of all negative thoughts so as  to achieve a clear and  

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  positive mind frame . 


A Matt is placed on the Floor in such a way that the face is towards East, North or North-East while performing the Pran Pratishtha Puja of the Holy Rudraksha Bead.  


The Rudraksha is opened and washed with Unboiled Milk and Holy Water. After that Sandalwood Paste is applied to it and is kept on the Special Aasan ( Seat ) made  for it in front of Lord Shiva Idol. 


An Incense or a Diya is Lit in front of the Rudraksha & Fresh Flowers, Fruits, Sweets and Panchamrut ( A Special Spiritual Preparation made of Five items viz, Holy Water, Milk, Ghee, Honey and Curd ) is offered to Lord Shiva and the Holy Rudraksha Bead 


After that, the Name of the Client, Date of Birth and Place or Birth are spoken by   Guruji with an intention to Energize the Holy Rudraksha Bead for the said Person(Our Client who have purchased this Holy Rudraksha Bead ) along with a request to Lord Shiva that the wishes of the Client be granted and he/she is able to lead   more Happier, Healthier and Wealthier Life after wearing this Holy Rudraksha Bead. 


The Eyes are closed while concentrating on the Holy Rudraksha Bead and reciting the Beej Mantra of the Rudraksha for 108 times followed by recitation of Other Spiritual Mantras to appease  Lord Shiva. 


This completes the procedure which is called as "Prana Prathistha"  of Rudraksha. This procedure creates a Live Energy within the Rudraksha  .  

9.  After the above procedure is completed by our Learned Guruji, the Holy Rudraksha Bead is despatched to you. Since the Energization procedure has already been done, you can directly start wearing the Rudraksha once you have received it. 


You may yourself recite the mantra of the Rudraksha bead that you have purchased for 11 times every day or at least on every Monday 

How to Wear a Seven  Mukhi Rudraksha : A Seven Mukhi Rudraksha can be worn around the neck or alternately it can be kept in the place of worship  

Puja Of Rudraksha:  Please note that all the Rudrakshas are already Energized as per ancient Hindu Rituals ( A Pran Pratishtha Puja is performed by our learned Guruji ) before being sent to our clients