rt procedure 200-004 rev. 07

QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURE SUBJECT RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION PROCEDURE No. AMSYCO 200 – 004 REVISION NO. 07; dt. JULY 15’ 07 DATE OF FIRST ISSUE SEPTEMBER 01, 1993 DISTRIBUTION OF CONTROL COPIES PROJECT Upgrade Fire Water Protection System for GOSPs, Abqaiq BI # 10-00091 CONTRACT 4502114975 COPY # 1 COPY # 2 COPY # 3 METSCCO Heavy Steel Industries Co. Ltd. N/A N/A REVISION DATE 01 FEBRUARY 15, 1994 02 MAY 26, 1994 03 DECEMBER 08, 1996 04 MAY 12, 2003 05 AUGUST 11, 2005 06 JULY 23, 2006 07 JULY 15, 2007 PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY D.B. ADHIKARY NDT Division Manager RSO/ASNT NDT Level III (118975) A.M. BELCHER, BSc CEng MIMechE Operations Manager T.Y. SHIN General Manager ACCP/ASNT NDT Level III (11863)

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RT Procedure


Page 1: RT Procedure 200-004 Rev. 07




REVISION NO. 07; dt. JULY 15’ 07



PROJECT Upgrade Fire Water Protection System for GOSPs, Abqaiq BI # 10-00091

CONTRACT 4502114975

COPY # 1 COPY # 2 COPY # 3

METSCCO Heavy Steel Industries Co. Ltd. N/A N/A

REVISION DATE 01 FEBRUARY 15, 1994 02 MAY 26, 1994 03 DECEMBER 08, 1996 04 MAY 12, 2003 05 AUGUST 11, 2005 06 JULY 23, 2006 07 JULY 15, 2007


D.B. ADHIKARY NDT Division Manager

RSO/ASNT NDT Level III (118975)


Operations Manager

T.Y. SHIN General Manager

ACCP/ASNT NDT Level III (11863)

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Procedure : AMSYCO 200-004 Rev. No. : 07 Rev. Date : July 15, 2007 Issue Date : Sept 01, 1993 TITLE: RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION PAGE 1 of 14















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Procedure : AMSYCO 200-004 Rev. No. : 07 Rev. Date : July 15, 2007 Issue Date : Sept 01, 1993 TITLE: RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION PAGE 2 of 14 1. SCOPE

1.1. This procedure establishes the uniform requirements for radiographic examination of weldments.

The materials intended are carbon steel, Alloy steel and stainless steel. The thickness covered by this procedure shall be up to 2.5 inches of steel. These requirements are intended to control the quality of the radiographic images and are not intended for controlling acceptability or quality of welds.


2.1. ASME Sec. V Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code-Nondestructive Examination (2004ed., 06a)

2.2. SNT-TC-IA & ANSI/ASNT CP-189 NDT personnel Qualification and Certification (2006ed.)

2.3. ASTM-Metal Test Methods and Analytical Procedures Vol: - 03.03 Nondestructive Testing

2.3.1. ASTM E-747/04 Controlling Quality of Radiographic Testing (Wire IQIs)

2.3.2. ASTM E-94/04 Standard Guide for Radiographic Testing

2.4. DIN 54 109 Image Quality of Radiographs 2.5. ASME Sec I Rules for Construction of Power Boiler (2004ed., 06a)

2.6. ASME B31.1 Power Piping (2006ed.)

2.7. ASME B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping (2004ed.)

2.8. ASME B31.4 Liquid Transportation systems for Hydrocarbons, Liquid Petroleum Gas,

Anhydrous Ammonia, and Alcohols (2006ed.)

2.9. ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems (2003ed.) 2.10. ASME Sec VIII, Div.1 Boiler and Pressure Vessels Code (2004ed., 06a)

2.11. ASME Sec IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications (2004ed., 06a)

2.12. API 1104 Standard for Welding Pipelines and Related Facilities (20th edition, 2005)

2.13. API 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage (10th edition, 1998)

2.14. AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code – Steel (2006)

2.15. ARAMCO-GI 448.010 Radiographic Examination

2.16. SAEP 1143 Radiographic Examination

2.17. AMSYCO-100-003 Radiation Safety Manual (Latest Revision)


3.1. All radiographic examination personnel shall be qualified and certified in accordance with a written

procedure AMSYCO 101-001; Rev 07 dated July 7, 2007 (Training Manual - AMSYCO TP-1) conforming to the latest edition of ANSI/ASNT CP-189.

3.2. For all Saudi Aramco projects, the radiographs shall be examined and interpreted by personnel

certified to perform RTFI by Saudi Aramco.

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Procedure : AMSYCO 200-004 Rev. No. : 07 Rev. Date : July 15, 2007 Issue Date : Sept 01, 1993 TITLE: RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION PAGE 3 of 14 4. RADIATION SOURCES

4.1. Selection of the appropriate source is dependent upon variables regarding the weld being examined (material composition and thickness). The suitability of the source shall be demonstrated by attaining the required Image Quality Indicator (IQI) sensitivity and complying with all other requirements stipulated herein (film density and area of interest, density tolerances, etc.). The sources shall be either X-ray or Gamma-ray.

4.2. The X-ray machine used shall have adequate voltage and radiation output. The focal spot size

shall not exceed 2.5 mm x 2.5 mm.

4.3. For the verification of source size, the manufacturer’s source certificate/decay chart documenting the actual physical source size shall be acceptable. Only Ir-192 Isotope shall be used as a source of Gamma-Ray.

4.4. The minimum permissible thickness for which radioactive isotopes may be used is as follows:

Material Iridium 192 Steel 0.75 in. Copper or High Nickel 0.65 in. Aluminum 2.50 in.

The minimum thickness limitation may be reduced when the radiographic techniques used demonstrate that the required radiographic sensitivity has been obtained.


5.1. Unless otherwise specified by the applicable referenced code or project specification, final radiography for acceptance of weld/material shall be performed after heat treatment.

5.2. Surface Preparation:

5.2.1. The welds shall be prepared only to the extent necessary that the resulting radiographic

image due to any irregularities shall not mask or be confused with the image of any discontinuity. The finished surface of all butt-welded joints may be flush with base material or may have reasonably uniform crowns. If the weld is ground flush with the adjacent base material, arrows or "V's" shall be placed ¼ inch away from the edge of weld opposite to the film location markers at the extremities of the film in the area of examination (See attachment 1).

5.3. Film & Screen requirements:

5.3.1. Selection of films shall be determined by such factors such as the required quality level,

materials etc. The films selected shall be capable of demonstrating the required image quality indicator (IQI) sensitivity. They shall be either Type 1 or 2. The common commercial brand of films used shall be:

Type 1: Agfa D4

Kodak MX or M Type 2: Agfa D7

Kodak AA Type 1 film shall be used for radiography of pipe diameters of 8 inch nominal pipe size or less.

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5.3.2. Intensifying screens of lead-foil type or cassette screen type shall be used. The screens shall

have a minimum thickness of 0.125 mm (0.005"). They shall be of the same approximate dimensions as the film being used and shall be in direct intimate contact with the film during exposure. The screens used shall be handled carefully to avoid dents, scratches, grease or dirt. Screens rendering non-relevant indications on radiographs shall be visually examined and discarded if physical damage is observed. Exception to 5.3.2 is permitted when “Ready Pack or “Roll Pack” with integral screens is used.

Under no circumstances shall screens which emit visible light be used.

5.4. Processing Requirements

5.4.1. All radiographs shall be free from mechanical, chemical or other artifacts to be extent that

they cannot mask or be confused with the image of any discontinuity in the object being radiographed. Such artifacts include but are not limited to: Fogging. Processing defects such as water or chemical marks. Scratches, finger marks, crimps, static smudges or tears. Loss of detail due to poor film contact. False indications due to defective Screens.

5.4.2. Processing-Manual (According to SE-94) Preparation-

No more film should be processed than can be accommodated with a minimum separation of 1/2 in. (12.7mm). Hangers are loaded and solutions stirred before starting development. Start of Development-

Start the timer and place the films into the developer tank. Separate to a minimum distance of 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) and agitate in two directions for about 15 s. Development-

Normal development is 5 to 8 min. at 68°F (20°C) Agitation- Shake the film horizontally and vertically, ideally for a few seconds each minute during development. This will help film develop evenly. Rinsing-

Rinse the films with vigorous agitation in clear water. Fixing- The films must not touch one another in the fixer. Agitate the hangers vertically for about 10s and again at the end of the first minute, to ensure uniform and rapid fixation. Keep them in the fixer until fixation is complete (that is, at least twice the clearing time), but not more than 15 min. in relatively fresh fixer. Frequent agitation will shorten the time of fixation. Fixer Neutralizing-

Use a hypo eliminator or fixer neutralizer between fixation and washing.

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Procedure : AMSYCO 200-004 Rev. No. : 07 Rev. Date : July 15, 2007 Issue Date : Sept 01, 1993 TITLE: RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION PAGE 5 of 14 Washing- Washing is very slow below 60°F (16°C). When washing at temperatures above 85°F (30°C), care should be exercised not to leave films in the water too long. The films should be washed in batches without contamination from new film brought over from the fixer. If pressed for capacity, as more films are put in the wash, partially washed film should be moved in the direction of the inlet. Wetting Agent-

Dip the film for approximately 30s in a wetting agent added clear water. Drying- Take precaution to tighten film on hangers, so that it cannot touch in the dryer. Too hot a drying temperature at low humidity can result in uneven drying and should be avoided.

5.5. Viewing Facilities for Radiographs:

Viewing facilities shall provide subdued background lighting of an intensity that will not cause troublesome reflections, shadows, or glare on the radiograph. Equipment used to view radiographs for interpretation shall provide a variable light source sufficient for the designated wire to be visible for the specified density range. The viewing conditions shall be such that light from around the outer edge of the radiograph or coming through low-density portions of the radiograph does not interfere with interpretation. Personnel performing radiographic interpretation shall be in the darkened area for at least 5 min. prior to performing the interpretation to enable his eyes to adapt for dark viewing.

5.6. Density Limitations The transmitted film density through the radiographic image adjacent to the designated wire of the wire IQI and the area of interest shall be 1.8 minimum for radiographs made with an X-ray source and 2.0 minimum for radiographs made with a gamma-ray source. The maximum density shall be 4.0.

5.7. Densitometer

Calibrated densitometers shall be used to measure the density of the film which shall be calibrated with a step wedge calibration film, traceable to a national standard at least every 90 days during use. A step wedge calibration film having at least 5 steps with neutral densities from at least 1.0 through 4.0, shall be used and shall have been verified within the last year by comparison with a national standard step tablet. The density steps closest to 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 on the national standard step wedge calibration film shall be read. The densitometer is acceptable if the density readings do not vary by more than ±0.05 density units from the actual stated on the national standard step wedge calibration film. Densitometer performance shall be verified as described in Para 5.7 at the beginning of each shift or after 8 hr. of continuous use.

5.8. Back Scatter A lead symbol "B" with minimum dimension of ½ inch in height and 1/16 inch in thickness shall be attached to the back of each film holder during each exposure to determine if back scatter radiation is exposing the film. If a light image of the "B" appears on a darker background of the film, the radiograph is rejectable and shall be reshot after ensuring adequate backscatter protection. The appearance of a dark image of letter B shall be disregarded, unless the dark image could mask or be confused with rejectable weld defects and is unacceptable.

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Procedure : AMSYCO 200-004 Rev. No. : 07 Rev. Date : July 15, 2007 Issue Date : Sept 01, 1993 TITLE: RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION PAGE 6 of 14 6. IDENTIFICATION OF RADIOGRAPHS

6.1. General A system of Radiographic identification shall be used to produce a permanent and traceable record of radiographs to individual welds. The radiograph shall contain the plant or job number, line or equipment number, weld number, the date on which the radiograph was shot and welder’s symbol. Subsequent radiographs made by reasons of a repaired area shall be identified with a letter “R” and a number following the “R” indicating first, second, etc., sequence of repair radiographs when the same weld is repaired more than once.

6.2. Location

Location markers shall be placed outside the weld area. The radiographic image of the location markers for the coordination of the part with the area of interest shall appear on the film without interfering with the area of interest and with such an arrangement that it is evident that complete coverage was obtained. The location markers shall be placed at approximately equal intervals not exceeding 15 inches (refer to Para 13.1).

6.2.1. Double-Wall Technique: When using a double-wall technique and the welds in both walls is

viewed for acceptance, and the entire image of the object being radiographed is shown on the radiograph, only one location marker shall be used. The marker used for this type of technique shall be either numbers or letters. They shall be placed on the source side or on the film side.

6.2.2. Series of Radiographs: For welds that require a series of radiographs to cover the full

length or circumference of the weld, the complete set of location markers shall be applied at one time, wherever possible. A reference or zero position for each series shall be identified on the component. For pipe or tube welds greater than 3½"∅ a number belt shall be used. The number belt shall consist of lead numbers between ¼" and ½" in height.

Number spacing shall be as follows:

Nominal Pipe Diameter Spacing Over 3½" through 8" 1" (2.5 cm) apart 8" and above 4" (10 cm) apart

6.2.3. Similar Welds: On similar type of welds on a single component, the sequence and spacing of

the location markers shall conform to a uniform system that shall be positively identified and agreed by the client.

7. Image Quality Indicators

7.1. General The quality of all levels of radiographic testing shall be determined by a set of wire IQIs that confirms to the requirements of method E-747 Article 22, ASME Section V (refer Para 4 of SE-747). The IQIs to be used shall be of ASTM wire type for ASME job. The ASTM wire type IQI are available in four sets each containing 6 wires of various thickness. These are:

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Wire Diameters, in. (mm) Set A Wire Set B Wire Set C Wire Set D Wire

0.0032 (0.08)A 1 0.010 (0.25) 6 0.032 (0.81) 11 0.100 (2.54) 16 0.004 (0.10) 2 0.013 (0.33) 7 0.040 (1.02) 12 0.126 (3.20) 17 0.005 (0.13) 3 0.016 (0.41) 8 0.050 (1.27) 13 0.160 (4.06) 18 0.0063 (0.16) 4 0.020 (0.51) 9 0.063 (1.60) 14 0.200 (5.08) 19 0.008 (0.20) 5 0.025 (0.64) 10 0.080 (2.03) 15 0.250 (6.35) 20 0.010 (0.25) 6 0.032 (0.81) 11 0.100 (2.54) 16 0.320 (8.13) 21

Note: AThe 0.0032 wire may be used to establish a special quality level as agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier.

For jobs other than ASME coded, the IQIs to be used shall be of DIN wire type or European standard EN 462-1 of which there are three sets, each containing 7 wires of various thicknesses. These are:

1 ISO 7 DIAMETER OF WIRE (mm) 3.20 2.50 2.00 1.60 1.25 1.00 0.80


DIAMETER OF WIRE (mm) 1.00 0.80 0.63 0.50 0.40 0.32 0.25

CORRESPONDING NUMBER 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 ISO 16

DIAMETER OF WIRE (mm) 0.40 0.32 0.25 0.20 0.16 0.125 0.1

CORRESPONDING NUMBER 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm

EN 462-1 conta ins s imi lar prov is ions for w i re image qua l i ty ind ica tors as E 747. The wi re d iameters and sys tem of number ing fo l low the DIN prac t ice .

7.2. The material of IQIs shall be of a similar radiographic density to that of the material being


7.2.1. The quality levels required using wire IQIs system shall be equivalent to the 2-2T level of method E-142/or practice E-1025, Article 22 Sec. V for hole type IQIs. The table T-276 Article 2 Sec. V provides a list of various hole type IQIs and the diameter of the wires of corresponding EPS (Equivalent IQI Sensitivity) with the applicable 2T holes in the IQI. This table shall be used for determining 2T quality levels unless otherwise specified by the client.

7.2.2. The IQI selection shall be based on the nominal wall thickness of the base material plus the

reinforcement. Internal protrusions of single level welds, backing rings or strips shall be disregarded in the selection of the required IQI wire size. Reinforcement “shall not exceed maximum permitted by referencing code section.” Reinforcement shall be based on estimated measurement and not actual measurement. In general the following shall apply: Panoramic, Single Wall - Single Image and Double Wall – Single Image techniques,

the required wire size shall be based on the one-wall thickness plus one-reinforcement where such reinforcement is not ground off. Double Wall – Double View Elliptical techniques, the required wire size shall be

based on one-wall thickness plus one-reinforcement where such reinforcement is not ground off.

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based on one-wall thickness plus one-reinforcements where such reinforcements are not ground off. For welds without reinforcement, the required wire size shall be based on the nominal

single wall thickness for all techniques including Elliptical or Superimposed Technique.

7.3. IQI Selection

IQI shall be wire type and shall be selected to insure that the designated wire required by the following table shall be included in the IQI pack used. When possible the IQI shall be selected to insure that there exist wires both above and below the designated wire.

Nominal Single-wall DIN or EN IQI ASTM IQI Material Thickness Range Source side Film side Source side Film side in. mm Wire number Wire number Wire number Wire number

Up to 0.25, incl. Up to 6.4, incl. 13 14 5 4 Over 0.25 through 0.375 6.4 through 9.5 12 13 6 5 Over 0.375 through 0.50 9.5 through 12.7 11 12 7 6 Over 0.50 through 0.75 12.7 through 19.0 10 11 8 7 Over 0.75 through 1.00 19.0 through 25.4 9 10 9 8 Over 1.00 through 1.50 25.4 through 38.1 8 9 10 9 Over 1.50 through 2.00 38.1 through 50.8 7 8 11 10 Over 2.00 through 2.50 50.8 through 63.5 6 7 12 11 Over 2.50 through 4.00 63.5 through 101.6 5 6 13 12 Over 4.00 through 6.00 101.6 through 152.4 4 5 14 13 Over 6.00 through 8.00 152.4 through 203.2 2 4 16 14 Over 8.00 through 10.00 203.2 through 254 1 2 17 16

7.4. Placement of IQIs

The IQI(s) shall be placed on source side of the weld so that the length of the wires is perpendicular to the length of the weld. In those cases where the physical placement of IQI on the source side is not possible, the IQIs shall be placed on the film side. If the IQI is placed on the film side, it shall always accompany a lead letter "F" at least as high as the IQI identification numbers. Only that portion of the weld adjacent to the film when the IQI is placed on the film side of the object is being radiographed, shall be viewed for acceptance for the radiographic technique. This includes 3½" and under piping. The identification numbers and, when used, the lead letter "F" shall not be in the area of interest.

7.5. Number of IQIs

7.5.1. One IQI shall represent an area within which radiographic densities are not less than 15%

from that measured through the body of the IQI. At least one IQI shall be present on the radiograph except as noted below.

7.5.2. When film density, in the area of interest, varies by more than minus 15% or plus 30% from

the density adjacent to the designated wire of a wire IQI within the maximum/minimum allowable density ranges specified in Para 5.6, then an additional IQI shall be used for each exceptional area or areas and the radiograph shall be retaken.

7.5.3. At least one IQI image shall appear on each radiograph except as outlined below:

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inspection of the weld, and where the length of the film to be interpreted is greater than 127 mm (5 in.), two IQIs placed across the weld and perpendicular to the weld length shall be used. One shall be within 1 in. of the end of the film length and the other shall be at the center of the film to be interpreted. When the film length to be interpreted is 5 in. or less, one IQI shall be placed across the weld and perpendicular to the weld length at the center to be interpreted. If more than one IQI is used because of density requirements, one shall be placed in

the lightest area of interest and the other in the darkest area of interest. The intervening densities on the radiograph shall be considered as having acceptable density if the required wire is visible in each IQI. For panoramic radiography involving a complete circumferential weld, four (4) equally

spaced IQIs at 90° intervals shall be placed. When the source is placed in the axis of the circumference and a portion of that circumference (four or more continuous locations) is radiographed during a single exposure, at least 4 IQIs placed approximately equidistant apart shall be used. Where portions of longitudinal welds adjoining the circumferential weld are being

radiographed simultaneously with the circumferential weld, additional IQIs shall be placed on the longitudinal welds at the ends of sections most remote from the position of the source used to radiograph the circumferential weld.

7.5.4. For radiography performed in accordance with API-1104 and the technique is either DWSI or

SWSI (non-panoramic) at least two IQIs shall be used for each exposure. One IQI shall be located approximately in the center of the film. The other shall be located with the smallest wire approximately 1 inch from either end of the area of interest. Radiography of repairs shall include an IQI for each repair or area of repair.

8. Radiographic Techniques

8.1. Single-Wall Technique: Except as stated below radiography shall be performed using a technique in which the radiation passes through only one wall.

8.2. Double-Wall Technique for Circumferential Welds: For circumferential welds 3½" O.D or less, a

technique shall be used in which the radiation passes through both walls and both walls are viewed for acceptance on the same film. Unless otherwise specified, either elliptical or superimposed projections shall be used.

8.2.1. For elliptical projections, where the weld is not superimposed, at least two views separated

by 90° shall be taken. If design or access restrictions prevail from taking 90° separate views, agreement between the contracting parties shall specify the necessary weld coverage.

8.2.2. For superimposed projections a minimum of three views shall be taken at approximately 0°,

60°, and 120°.

8.3. For circumferential welds greater than 3½" O.D, a technique shall be used in which only single-wall viewing is performed. Sufficient exposures shall be taken to ensure complete coverage.

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9. Direction of Radiation & Geometric Unsharpness:

9.1. Direction of central beam of radiation shall be centered perpendicularly toward the center of the effective area of the film or to a plane tangent to the center of the film, to the maximum extent possible, except for the double-wall exposure _ double-wall viewing elliptical technique.

9.2. Unless otherwise specified in the applicable job order or contract, the geometric unsharpness shall

not exceed the following limits:

Material, thickness (in.) Ug, maximum in.(mm)

Under 2 (50) 0.020 (0.51) 2 through 3 (50-75) 0.030 (0.76) Over 3 through 4 (75-100) 0.040 (1.02) Greater than 4 (100) 0.070 (1.78)

Geometric unsharpness shall be determined in accordance with

Ug = Fd/D

Where, Ug = geometric unsharpness

F = size of the radiation source D = distance from source of radiation to weld or object being radiographed d = distance from source side of weld or object being radiographed to the film

Final acceptance of radiographs shall be based on the ability to see the designated IQI wire image. The unsharpness may be of less consequence as t/d ratio increases.


10.1. General

All classified personnel shall wear a film badge and a fully charged pocket dosimeter whenever in a classified radiation area. In additional they shall always maintain an operable survey meter in the radiation area and use it to verify that the area is safe. They shall perform Radiography in complete accordance with the Radiation Safety Manual Amsyco-100-003. Copies of this procedure will be maintained at all sites where radiography is being performed and where radiographic isotopes are stored.

10.2. Radiation Area

The area where radiography is being performed shall be cordoned off (or otherwise barricaded) and signposted in Arabic and English to prevent accidental entry by unauthorized personnel (refer to Para 13.2). An operator shall remain in view of the cranking unit of the exposure device at a safe distance while the exposure is being made, in order to retract the source in the event of unauthorized entry into the radiation area.

10.3. Collimators

Collimators shall always be used when practical.

10.4. Safety Procedures Detailed safety procedures for the use, handling and storage of radioactive materials are given in the AMSYCO Safety Manual (Amsyco-100-003). Radiography personnel shall be familiar with this document.

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11.1. The produced radiographic films shall meet Saudi Aramco requirements and shall be in accordance with SAEP-1143.

11.2. Radiographic Film Quality: All radiographs shall be free of mechanical, chemical, handling-related

or other blemishes which could mask or be confused with the image of any discontinuity in the area of interest on the radiograph. If any doubt exists as to the true nature of an indication exhibited by the film, the radiograph shall be rejected and reshot.

11.3. Radiographs shall be interpreted only in those areas in which IQI(s) have established that a

suitable radiographic technique has been used. Acceptance or rejection of a weld or part shall be based on Appendix B.

11.4. Composite viewing of double film exposure is not permitted on Saudi Aramco Projects.

11.5. Client and/or company reserve the right to final interpretation and evaluation of radiographs.


The following radiographic records shall be maintained as agreed between the client and AMSYCO.

12.1. Weld identifications, BI or Job No. 12.2. Radiographic Standard Shooting Sketch

12.3. Weld Repair Documentation

12.4. acceptance criteria used

12.5. isotope type used

12.6. strength of isotope

12.7. isotope physical source size

12.8. Film Used (manufacturer and type/designation)

12.9. Film processing method

12.10. IQI used and required wire size to be recorded on Radiographic Testing Report

12.11. Base material type and thickness

12.12. source-to-object distance

12.13. distance from source side of object to film

12.14. Film interpretation record shall contain as a minimum the following information:

12.14.1. Disposition of each radiograph (acceptable or rejectable)

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12.14.2. If rejectable, cause for rejection (slag, crack, porosity, lack of fusion, incomplete

penetration, etc.)

12.14.3. Surface indication verified by visual examination (grinding marks, weld ripple, splatter, etc.)

12.15. Name and Signature of the film interpreter, date and RTFI No. 12.16. Names of Radiographers and badge nos. (Or company employee no.)


13.1. Sketch showing location markers and arrow markers

13.2. Radiation Warning Sign Board

13.3. Sample Radiographic Report

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13.1 Sketch showing Location Markers and Arrow Markers

13.2 Radiation warning sign boards

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13.3 Radiographic Testing Report

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1. Gamma Ray Camera

: Amersham/Sentinel 660A or 660B : Sentinel 880

2. Radiation source and source size : Iridium-192, 3 mm X 3 mm

3. Geometrical Arrangement : See Appendix - A

4. Films : Agfa Type I / II or Equivalent

5. Intensifying screens : Lead Screens 0.125 mm (Front & Back)

6. Applicable Reference Code / Procedure : a) ASME Sec. V and ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1 : b) AMSYCO Procedure No. 200 - 04 Rev. 05

7. Acceptance Standard : ASME Sec. VIII Div.1, API 1104, AWS D1.1, ASME B31.3 - as specified. (for acceptance details see Appendix B).

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Appendix A: (Page 1 of 2)

SINGLE-WALL Radiographic Technique

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Appendix A: (Page 2 of 2)

DOUBLE-WALL Radiographic Technique

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Appendix B: (Page 1 of 15) 1 ASME SEC. I, SEC VIII DIV. I, ASME B31.1, API 650

1.1 Acceptance / Rejection Criteria summary (Elongated Indications)

Below mentioned table provides a cross-referenced comparison of the acceptance and rejection criteria of ASME Section I, ASME B31.1, and ASME Section VIII Div. I, API 650.

Acceptance / Rejection criteria for ASME/ANSI B31.1 is referred by code to ASME Section I. The following table defines the levels of acceptability unless otherwise indicated.


ASME Sec VIII, Div.1 Para UW-51, API 650

ASME Sec VIII, Div.1 Para UW-52

Crack None None None

Lack of Fusion None None None

Incomplete Penetration None None None


Acceptable limits: ¼” for t upto ¾” ⅓ t for t from ¾” to 2¼” ¾” for t > 2¼”

Acceptable limits: ¼” for t upto ¾” ⅓ t for t from ¾” to 2¼” ¾” for t > 2¼”

Rejectable if length > ⅔ t where t is the thickness of the weld.

Any group of aligned indication

Rejectable if sum of length > t in a length of 12t except when the distance between successive indications is 6L where L is the length of the longest imperfection.

Rejectable if aggregate length > t in a length of 12t except when the distance between the successive indications exceeds 6L where L is the length of the longest imperfection.

Acceptable if the sum of the longest dimensions of all such indications is less than t in a length of 6t & the longest indications are separated by 3L where L is the length of the longest indication. The maximum length of acceptable indication shall be ¾”. Any such indication shorter than ¼” shall be acceptable for plate thickness.

Porosity & Rounded Indications

Refer to section 1.2 of this Appendix B.

Refer to section 1.2 of this Appendix B.

Rounded indications are not a factor unless 100% examination is required.

Tungsten Refer to section 1.2 of this Appendix B.

Refer to section 1.2 of this Appendix B.

Rounded tungsten inclusions are to be evaluated as rounded indications per UW-51. Elongated and aligned tungsten inclusions are unacceptable.

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Appendix B: (Page 2 of 15)

1.2 Acceptance Criteria - Rounded Indications

As specified in the ASME Section 1, appendix A250; ASME Code Section VIII Div. 1, Appendix 4; ASME B31.1 (by reference to Sec. 1); and API 650 (by reference to Sec.VIII), the following terms and definitions apply when considering rounded indications. Note that for ASME Sec VIII Div.1; only UW-51 (Full Radiography) includes rounded indication as a factor for consideration. Paragraph UW-52 (spot Radiography) of ASME Section VIII Div. 1, does not consider rounded indications as a factor for acceptance / rejection consideration.

1.2.1 Rounded Indications. Indications with a maximum length of three times the width or

less on the radiograph are defined as rounded indications. These indications may be circular, elliptical, conical, or irregular in shape and may have tails. When evaluating the size of and indication, the tail shall be included. The indication may be from any imperfection in the weld, such as porosity, slag, or tungsten. (Appendix 4, Para 4-2a; Appendix A, Para 250.2.1). Rounded tungsten inclusions are to be evaluated to the same criteria as porosity, slag or other rounded indications.

1.2.2 Aligned Indications. A sequence of four (4) or more rounded indications shall be

considered to be aligned when they touch a line parallel to the length of the weld drawn through the center of the two outer rounded indications. (Appendix 4, Para 4-2b; Appendix A, Para 250.2.2). Aligned tungsten indications regardless of size and length are to be repaired.

1.2.3 Thickness t. t is the thickness of the weld, excluding any allowable reinforcement.

For a butt weld joining two members having different thickness at the weld, t is the thinner of these two thicknesses. If a full penetration weld includes a fillet weld, the thickness of the throat of the fillet shall be included in t. (Appendix 4, Para 4.2c, Appendix A, Para 250.2.3)

1.2.4 Relevant indications. Indications which exceed the following dimensions shall be

considered relevant: 1/10 to for t < ⅛” 1/64” for ⅛” = t = ¼” 1/32” for ¼” = t = 2” 1/16” for t > 2”

1.2.5 Maximum Size of Rounded Indications shall be 1/4t or 5/32”. Which ever is smaller,

except that an isolated indication separated from an adjacent indication by 1” or more may be ⅓t or ¼” which ever is less. For t greater than 2”, the maximum permissible size of an isolated indication shall be increased to ⅜”.

1.2.6 Clustered Indications. Indications are classified by their orientation and proximity to

other indications, such indications can be isolated, aligned, random or clustered. Typically, clustered indications will have four (4) times the number of individual indications as that of random indications in a unit area. The following pictorial taken from the ASME “Rounded Indication Charts” represents the maximum allowable for clustered or indications. For acceptance criteria determination in accordance with ASME Sec. 1, ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1, ASME B31.1 and API 650, refer to the Rounded Indication. Charts given in Appendix A of ASME Sec 1 or Appendix 4 of ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1. Clustered tungsten inclusions are to be removed regardless of size.

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Appendix B: (Page 3 of 15)

ASME Rounded indication Charts Random Clustered

The rounded indications characterized as imperfections shall not exceed that shown in the “Rounded Indication Charts” included as Appendices to ASME Sec. 1 or ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1.

Typical Maximum

Typical Maximum

Examples of rounded and clustered indications above are not to be used for film interpretations, but are provided only as a reference. For acceptance or rejection of rounded indications, refer to the referenced Code section “Rounded Indication Charts” listed herein. Special consideration should be given to the fact that photocopy reproduction may distort, enlarge or reduce the resulting image depending on the photocopy machine, optional settings, and quality of the originals. The charts for each thickness range represent full-scale 6” radiograph, and shall not be enlarged or reduced.

Radiographic Indication Maximum Size of Non-relevant

Thickness t, (in.) Random Isolated Indication, (in.) Less than 1/8 ¼ t 1/3 t 1/10 t

1/8 0.031 0.042 0.015 3/16 0.047 0.063 0.015

¼ 0.063 0.083 0.015 5/16 0.078 0.104 0.031 3/8 0091 0.125 0.031

7/16 0.109 0.146 0.031 ½ 0.125 0.168 0.031

9/16 0.142 0.188 0.031 5/8 0.156 0.210 0.031

11/16 0.156 0.230 0.031 ¾ to 2, incl. 0.156 0.250 0.031

Over 2 0.156 0.375 0.063


Minimum size of Acceptable Rounded Indications, in. (Porosity Charts are included from page 4 to page 9 of Appendix B)

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Appendix B: (Page 4 of 15)

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Appendix B: (Page 5 of 15)

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Appendix B: (Page 6 of 15)

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Appendix B: (Page 7 of 15)

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Appendix B: (Page 8 of 15)

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Appendix B: (Page 9 of 15)

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Appendix B: (Page 10 of 15) 2 API – 1104, ASME/ANSI B31.4, ASME/ANSI B31.8

The following table is applicable in determining the size and type of discontinuities when viewing radiographs for final acceptance in accordance with API – 1104

Note: Acceptance / Rejection criteria for ASME/ANSI B31.4 and ASME/ANSI B31.8 is referred by these codes to API 1104.

INDICATION/DEFECT CRITERIA Inadequate Penetration without High-Low (IP)

Unacceptable if: 1. Length of an individual indication of IP>1”. 2. Aggregate length of indications of IP in any continuous 12” of Weld >

1”. 3. Aggregate length of indications of IP exceeds 8% in welds less than

12” in length. Inadequate Penetration due to High-Low (IPD)

Unacceptable if: 1. Length of individual IPD > 2” 2. Aggregate length of indications of IPD > 3” in any continuous 12” of

weld. Inadequate Cross Penetration (ICP)

Unacceptable if: 1. Length of individual ICP > 2”. 2. Aggregate length of ICP in any continuous 12” length of weld > 2”.

Incomplete Fusion (IF) Unacceptable if: 1. Length of an individual indication of IF > 1”. 2. Aggregate length of indications of IF in any 12” of weld > 1”. 3. Aggregate length of indications of IF > 8% in welds less than 12” in

length. Incomplete Fusion due to Cold Lap (IFD)

Unacceptable if: 1. Length of an individual IFD > 2”. 2. Aggregate length of indications of IFD in any continuous 12” of weld >

2”. 3. Aggregate length of indications of IFD > 8% of weld length.

Internal Concavity (IC) Acceptable provided RT image density < RT image density of thinnest adjacent base metal. Where image density > base metal density, refer to Burn-through criteria.

Burn-Through (BT) Pipe OD > 2-3/8” Unacceptable if: 1. Maximum dimension > ¼” &

image density > thinnest adjacent base metal.

2. Maximum dimension > thinner of nominal WT joined & image density > thinnest adjacent base metal.

3. Sum of maximum dimension of separate BT’s whose image density exceeds the thinnest adjacent base metal > ½” in 12” of welding or total weld which ever is greater.

Pipe OD < 2-3/8” Unacceptable if: 1. Maximum dimension > ¼” &

image density > thinnest adjacent base metal.

2. Maximum dimension > thinner of nominal WT joined & image density > thinnest adjacent base metal.

3. More than 1 BT of any size & image density of more than one > thinnest adjacent base metal.

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Appendix B: (Page 11 of 15)

Slag Inclusions Elongated (ESI) Isolated (ISI) Note: ESI indications separated by approx. width of root bead (wagon tracks) to be considered as a single indication unless the width of either > 1/32”. In that event, they shall be considered as separate indications.

Pipe OD > 2⅜” Unacceptable if: 1. ESI length > 2”. 2. Aggregate length of ESI > 2”

in any 12” length of weld. 3. ESI width > 1/16”. 4. Aggregate of the lengths of ISI

> ½” in any 12” length of weld 5. Width of ISI > ⅛”. 6. More than 4 ISI with maximum

width of ⅛” in any 12” of weld 7. Aggregate length of ESI & ISI

> 8% of weld length

Pipe OD < 2⅜” Unacceptable if:

1. ESI > 3 X nominal WT of the thinner thickness joined

2. ESI width > 1/16” 3. Aggregate length of ISI > 2 X

nominal WT of thinner thickness joined and ISI width > ½ nominal WT of thinner thickness joined

4. Aggregate length of ESI & ISI > 8% of weld length.

Porosity Individual/Scattered (P) NOTE: Size based on maximum dimensions

Unacceptable if: 1. Size of individual pore > ⅛” 2. Size of individual pore > 25% of thinner WT joined 3. Distribution of Porosity exceeds API 1104 Porosity Charts.

Cluster Porosity (CP) CP that occurs in any pass except final pass shall comply as above.

CP that occurs in the finish pass should be unacceptable if: 1. Diameter of the cluster > ½”. 2. Aggregate length of CP > ½” in 12” length of weld. 3. Individual pore within a cluster > 1/16”.

Porosity – Hollow–Bead (HB) Unacceptable if: 1. Length of individual HB > ½” 2. Aggregate length of HB > 2” in any continuous 12” length of weld 3. Individual HB > ¼” separated by less than 2” 4. Aggregate length of HB > 8% weld length.

Cracks (C) Any size or location of cracks are unacceptable except for shallow crater or star cracks. Shallow crater or star crack length > 5/23” is unacceptable.

Undercutting Adjacent to cover pass (EU) Adjacent to root pass (IU)

Unacceptable if: 1. Any combination EU & IU length > 2” in any continuous 12” of weld. 2. Sum of EU & IU lengths in any combination > 1/6 of weld length

Tungsten Inclusions Individual tungsten inclusions are to be evaluated as rounded indications (Porosity). Elongated or aligned tungsten inclusions are unacceptable.

Accumulation of Discontinuities Excluding IPD, EU & IU

Unacceptable if: 1. Sum lengths of indication > 2” in any continuous 12” of weld 2. Sum lengths of indication > 8% of weld length.

Pipe / Fitting Discontinuities Arc burns, long seam discontinuities and other discontinuities in the pipe or fittings detected by RT shall be recordable.

1. In addition to the IQI, a shim of 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 mm thick shall be placed on the base metal adjacent to the weld.

2. In addition to those requirements any area which shows weld image lighter than the image under the shim shall be cause for reject.

Root Penetration (RT or visual)

Service Maximum Reinforcement Acceptable Length General 3 mm or less any 3 – 6 mm 25mm maximum over 6 mm none Internally coated 2.5 mm or less any Over 2.5 mm none

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Appendix B: (Page 12 of 15)

3 AWS D1.1 Radiographic acceptance criteria for AWS D1.1 are different for Statically Loaded and Dynamically Loaded structures. This AIP covers only statically loaded structures. For Dynamically Loaded structures, refer to the appropriate sections of AWS D1.1. If there is doubt as to the designation of statically or dynamically loaded, refer to the project engineer for determination. The radiographic film interpreter should confirm the loading classification prior to proceeding the interpretation of film. Rejection criteria for each classification are provided below. Note that to determine the allowable and rejectable size of discontinuities, the use of both the tables and charts are required.

3.1 Statistically Loaded Structures

Discontinuities exceeding the following limitations shall be unacceptable

INDICATION REJECTION CRITERIA Cracks None permitted Elongated Discontinuities > Maximum size of chart 6 – 1 Clearance between discontinuities < Minimum clearance allowance of fig 6 – 1 Rounded Discontinuities > E/3 or ¼” for T 2”

>E/3 or 3/8” for T > 2” Minimum clearance between a rounded discontinuity 3/32” to an acceptable rounded or elongated discontinuity or to an edge or end of an intersection shall be three (3) times the larger discontinuity.

Isolated Discontinuity, i.e. a cluster of rounded indications

Sum of greatest dimension > maximum size of a single discontinuity permitted in Fig. 6 – 1. Minimum clearance to another cluster or elongated discontinuity or to an edge or end of an intersecting shall be three (3) times the larger discontinuity.

Sum of individual discontinuities Sum > 3/23” shall not exceed 2E/3 or 3/8” which ever is less in 1” of weld.

In-Line Discontinuities Sum > E in any length of 6E, where length of weld is < 6E, permissible sum shall be proportionately less.

Tungsten inclusions Individual tungsten inclusions are to be evaluated as rounded indications (Porosity). Elongated or aligned tungsten inclusions are unacceptable.


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Appendix B: (Page 13 of 15)

Weld Quality Requirements for ELONGATED Discontinuities as determined by Radiography FOR STATISTICALLY LOADED STRUCTURES.

Note: Figure 6.6 & Para 6.12.3 of AWS D1.1 (2006) shall be referred to for Acceptance Criteria for Tubular Connections.

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Appendix B: (Page 14 of 15) 4 ASME B31.3

4.1 The type of weld joints and service conditions shall be considered to determine the method of NDE required Table, inclusive of code required NDE methods, is to be used with its criterion notes and is included with this procedure for Radiographic Film Interpretation.

4.2 Particular attention should be given to intended service when interpreting radiographic film for

final acceptance.

Criteria (A to M) for weld type, for service conditions, & for Required Insp. Methods Normal Fluid Service Severe Cyclic condition Category D fluid service

Methods Type of Welds Methods Type of Welds Method Type of Welds


















TH &













E (N






TE 4









N (N


























TH &

















TE 4









N (N







TH &













E (N






TE 4









N (N





Lack of fusion

X X A A A A X X - - A A A A X C A NA A

Incomplete Penetration

X X B A NA B X X - - A A NA A X C A NA B

Internal porosity

.. X E E NA E - X - - D D NA D - - - - -

Slag inclusion or Elongated Inclusion

.. X G G NA G - X - - F F NA F - - - - -


X X H A H H X X - - A A A A X A A H H

Surface porosity or Exposed slag indication

X .. A A A A X - - - A A A A X A A A A

Surface Finish

.. .. .. .. .. .. X - - - J J J J - - - - -

Concave Root Surface (Suck Up)

X .. K NA K K X - - - K K K K X K K NA K

Reinforcement or Internal Protrusion

X .. L L L L X - - - L L L L X M M M M

X = required examination NA = Not applicable -- = Not Required

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Appendix B: (Page 15 of 15)

4.3 Acceptance Criteria (For table on Appendix B, page 14 of 15)


Symbol Measure Acceptable Value Limits (Note 6) A Extent of imperfection Zero (No evident Imperfection) B Depth of Incomplete penetration < 1/32 in. ((0.8mm) and < 0.2 Tw Cumulative length of incomplete penetration < 1.5 in. (38 mm) in any 6 in. (150 mm) weld length C Depth of lack of fusion and incomplete penetration < 0.2 Tw Cumulative length of lack of fusion and incomplete

penetration (Note 7) < 1.5 in. (38 mm) in any 6 in. (150 mm) weld length

D Size and Distribution of internal porosity See BPV Code, Section VIII, Division 1 Appendix 4 E Size and Distribution of internal porosity For Tw < ¼ in. (6.4 mm), limit is same as D

For Tw > ¼ in. (6.4 mm), limit is 1.5 X D F Slag inclusion or elongated indication

Individual length Individual width Cumulative length

< Tw/3 < 3/32 in. (2.4 mm) and < Tw/3 < Tw in any 12 Tw weld length

G Slag inclusion or elongated indication Individual length Individual width Cumulative length

< 2 Tw < 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) and < Tw/2 < 4 Tw in any 6 in. (150 mm) weld length

H Depth of undercut < 1/32 in. (0.8 mm) and < Tw/4 I Depth of undercut < 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) and < Tw/4 or 1/32 in. (0.8 mm) J Surface roughness < 500 min. Ra per ASME B46.1 K Depth of root surface concavity Total joint thickness include. Weld reinf.,> Tw L Height of reinforcement or internal protrusion in any plane

through the weld shall be within limits of the applicable height value in the tabulation at right. Weld metal shall merge smoothly into the component surfaces.

For Tw in. (mm) Height in. (mm) < ¼ (6.4) < 1/16 (1.6) > ¼ (6.4) < ½ (12.7) < 1/8 (3.2) > ½ (12.7) < 1 (25.4) < 5/32 (4.0) > 1 (25.4) < 3/16 (4.8)

M Height of Reinforcement or internal protrusion (Note 8) Limit is twice the value applicable for L above Tungsten Inclusions To be evaluated as rounded indications.

Elongated or aligned tungsten inclusions are unacceptable.


1. Criteria given are for required examination. More stringent criteria may be specified in the

engineering design. 2. Longitudinal groove weld includes straight and spiral seam. Criteria are not intended to apply

welds in accordance with a standard listed in table A-1 or Table 326.1 of ASME B31.1. 3. Fillet weld includes socket and seal welds, and attachment for slip-on flanges and branch

reinforcement. 4. Branch connection weld includes pressure-containing welds in branches and fabricated laps. 5. These imperfections are evaluated only for weld > 3/16 in. (5 mm) in nominal thickness. 6. Where two limiting values are separated by “and” the lesser of the values determines acceptable.

Where two sets of values are separated by “or” the larger value is acceptable. 7. Tightly butted unfused root faces are unacceptable. 8. For groove welds, height is the lesser of the measurements made from the surfaces of the

adjacent components. For filler welds, height is measured from the theoretical throat.