rresh, salt meats - atlantic county library · 2003. 9. 3. · o,:& 431.y a perfectly pure..~. mos~...

[ 1 ¯ ~ ;~ ~ "7= ¯ - ,!,.- :.. ¢," -~.’:? .. . ".+ ..... ., .+ ; .. g, :L .;, ,, ,. , ~28+ _I~~IONTON~ N. J., FEBRUARY 8, 1890. " e Carl. M. Cook, jew ler. Clo~ks of many designs, SCHOOl+ REPORT. The follcwlu~z pupils have received an average of 90 |w deportment, 80 or above i~t recitations, and have been regular in attendance, during the week ending Friday, Jan. 31+~t, 1890, and thereby constitute the F,~)LL OF HONOIL ¯ HIGH SCHOOL¯ .~. W.B.~MATTH~S. Principal. Chn& Jaoo~bs MIIIIo Jones Henry St~okwell Wllbert Beverage Hm’ry Mol~forl ~4~tn’! Newcomb Chester CrOwtll ’ "~loMe Rogers Llzzl~ Gro~ Mettle Tllton LUla-Ruby . Maud Leonard Samarla l~rnshouee Ida Blithe Nettle Monfort Au~a Scullln CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER " Hammonton,N. J. Plans, Specifications, andEsti- mates furnished + L~StS JOBBING promptly attended to. all day ! ’,.r ....... _ A few Diamond Pins. Ear-rings, and Finger-tings. ~--Ba~-: ~ _ - . =_ Lockets, Chains Chains in Silver, Gold, and Rolled Plato, OperaGlasses, Pens, ’Pencils, Gold Specs, Silver and BronzeN0vgLties, In.fact, a~ticles too numerous to mention ; and we mean to sell them, if good quality and low prices will influence you. o Come in and look,, whether you care to buy or not. ~,Engraving done Free of Charge.’~ll~ .... GRAMMAR DE]PA/~TM F~NT. MiB~ C~rrle E. Alden. T eacher.~ "Ida Fro~eh LII: .pdermm Llu~te Layer CkarlJ ~+DIIges blanlo Lovcland Cha~ Hoffmau Mttrlet4etley " Johnnle Hoyt Harry Tre~t Bianehe J.n~ Eaward Wblffen Lawrence Knight Alllo Whittler Berlha MJ~tthews Corn Wilde O)rnolia O’Nell ", John Baker Moy Slmons Etete Woodnutt PerCy Whtffen Harry P~III~II Emma Jon~ Mary H,~iA..- INTERMEDIATE. MissSusie L. Moore. Teacher. Edwnrd- Hoffman Niekie bItok Joe Herbert Willie Mlcl~ --We-guarau~e the quality of our goods, every time. " ^..~.,,ila.d mm.~h Jo.++ .................... Ll~t~ +++ll~son ..... L~oy:~!len,d~’+ - teem optid +ooo’+ ........... CARL N. Jeweler and an, Haxry Rutherford .==Hurl+ - Harry Simons Willis Walthem Has, taunton, New Jersey. G,,o. W~le~ John ~,~d ida Ca e " ¯ + is at C. E’ HA ,L’S .... :_" _Thatyo~will_~md~h_a_ty_o_aw~l;}to go_ to l ¯ for he k+eeps " ~ . COOK and PARLORSTOVES.. HARDWARE and TINWARE, FURNITURE, CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS. Stove-pipe in all shapesandsizes. ¯ Stove repairs got to .order at short notice. Job-workof all kinds promptly attended to. -Goods delivered to all parts+of the town. C. E. HALL. cor. Bellevue and Central Aves. Smith Edna ~ilard , Root ~llde Julius Llndenmeyer David Pl~tter Chariio Layer - V " PRIMARY. MIss Nellie D.Foe~g, Teacher, Mlnie Rundall Wllne ~imun~ Speeial + - ,~: : .... PAWRONIZ~ ¯ . : , , .~ T +H]mCas Stul’c __ :+# -- - .’Sale !:::: W. M. GALBRAITH. " .... "+-+"~: Friday i: Ec~ N.J. .............. .+ + "~ Stocl, wel. +.,:+ ++ / ..: ,(~r+ . Dry +=:!’ DEALER I~ Ot -E ELVIN elite DePuv ~tblnI~telnede~r Howaftl Charlle l.ludenmayer Wl+~ff~Klng Olive Hollaud Belj!Itl~w +d ~lwell ,.:14~ Flinch JO~iM Meyr~ Ho~urd Freneh Lewle A~endar Mary Burgt~l ~.. Morris-~imoutt Rosle l~ood ~,+.+ RlcharJ Buzuy Eugene Gttrda~ Parker Tr~t Lena Warner ¯ . :+ 2albert Irons Ernest Ja~kt+o~: W lille Ldndenmuyer 3~’nll~r ~lelncder ]~’ Joseph Bowler .- Jnme~ Anderson ~, ,’reddle Ryan . Harry Roberts ~oward Bakely. Harry Waltl~erS Aldns Wilbur ~ettle Lobley Corn Warntl~’ .Johnnlo Wall~ere .A.llle M.lek." . Beckl~’Birdaall Morton ~+’0+ well Mary Fitzpatriok Elsie <~ud~ .’ Matca~et Robet~ , :3 g carefully mated. ~. C. B.~e~h0P~; a awcialty. . _;~ - W. H. H. Bradt~ury, Hammonton. ~ J. i~, I~’IP-I~LgR, Manufaeturer of Not runs,+ ete +. : -/ :~+ CXOA S. Dealer ic Tobacco, Ci~arm, Confectionery, ]~A]KMONT01~’. ~. J. Hiram Cloud Willie Cloud I~ "THI~ ONLY Ular~ Jaoi+~on Romt Tell Sarah Roberl~ I.ena too,+ .: RESI DE NT LottieCloud Caroline bI~nn - .+o~,,+,. ~rn, e,,,,,~.,.r~,a U1;JDP-11TAK~ ¯ S r, r0+P+ y-0-s,-00++ r0gB ts ++++++++ --:- .... : ............. None:+ :~.. ¯ Cbarlto Atlderson t~laarll-dBarton ~ .+. Agricultural Implements, etc,,ete, oe+O++.,,,,oo,,,.++,,o+,,=, +,++ .,,+,r .... +. + N.B..Superior Family Flour+ Specialty. Al,redPhebe ~eWco=bpatu~n " Grow.D+oGtluo, +~I, ROOD,. Jlssistant. MAGNOLIA S0HOOb. . o)~ttend u) all 0nile, day or night MIss Bertha bluets. Teacher. Ultb l u,ni~han3+thtug in thl~ line ther~ i~ ¯. ’:?+. Havingstocked ’ni’y -: wil hthe be~t L: to small quantitits, Yourpatrenage sol.cited.. Hello;}there ! Hello! . Clare,ee Llttlefleld t~mn)y Oreeawoo~ Offlco in Wm. ....................... F~w~rd Bernehouse-Ida P.+dler __ L"P. Ihlt’a. - ..... That mauwith the big peach orchar~d, who was looking for crops .l~ph-yonng .... : Geo,geMott Ord-draTe~itCh~;Siimbn~-Livety will ¥~a~l-o IA,du BernshOt~e ¯ Herbert Jack son re~ve prumpt ~xt,~tioti. : last summer, and didn’t get any,--that’s the man ! He should C0’LVmBZA SCHOOL.. use D S Cares s ]~+,rt]hzer. then he d have plenty of peaches E+~+We, coatbllss~nunleNewe°mb’Teaeher’Mt~;gieCmlg ,’ " : ..... "~ltt J, lql l every time. "No grubs, no v,llows, whoreCarev’s Fertilizer is "7"" "’’--’’~ MItry l’lpor Clarcbce Peters0n - + Cbeete! 81~wart . " Tbo+t¯ CI~I~ " " ’ ~, ~]O~Y P~T’I~ uBed. D. ~’IEL1), on Oal~ RoM, has used it; and probablywill $,,aepm,,eC~l~ .Sme,,iu Jet|nle Stewart ShteLIs- . I I A ~. " "~ tell all he knows ~. . -- _ _~ -~ ~u~ance~. Phil d lphi Pr o,=,,,, ¯ The_ a e a weekly ess !t+o , Deed s +o+++e,+ kg r,e+ eni, .Bl Ih ~, f .~alr, ......... = + I;..++ t. - - -=. .andeorreet manner... -:l++t= ¯ +=.+,.o oo++ and the Repubhean, both one year + : -- ~: ,=.-’~ L + "...... cash +..... +i,,,,i ............. fo]~ I (+l~lllnl.l’ I)t~l)’t...,.., +lD ~ 4S I 91¯1 If II I$ ~ ¯ 43i~lt, t+lllt, dlnle........... .’-~ IS tilt I¯11 Primttry ........................ , t+~0-1 ~U | ~l ’15, Total Cehtrnl., ......... ’., :,9 1’211 I 9.11 ~t 2+ & Lttko School ................ .It I zt:’ I 67-1 P.O’ :. "" ~’ Mnln it+rod .................. 71 I bl~’l ~ ,~ 12 I .~Lievo Plso’s Cure Middle Road ................ d+ I ~, ~ S~ ~1 |.. for CoI~u~tion : sawml i ~4ngnolln ..................... ; ’m :It r~ ,:,q 1’ ~y]lfe+--A.~... DOWEL~ c.l.mnln ....... = ............. +B ~ 7~[z~ ~ - F_~or ~qUb~ r ~bl~+’ ton,.~N, +C., Aprl~~, 1887. Tim SINggR ViBI AT0a,, ......... :;+ .~ce- lWome for. ,~ate,--T,v, / ////" . . town lbts, gqod~ location ; neat 9-room" .... MADE BY THE house, heated throughout by ~ovelty Singer Manutacturing+ Co;, : co.i pone.furnace’’a+ well,i.h.d ee,,a., wi, ht be, Th -~: Runs with+--lightniti~g : speed :i::~ihi+~-~utomatlc-tens~oni-wi’th- dlning-~oom with c d ;lot ~el threat releaser ; self.threading and easy to change ; uses ¯ room, pleasant kitchen and pantry with ’+ ~e ~mP Cough Modi- all kinds of thread and silk; leaves short ends, and doer dre~er and sink, coal and wood-room elneis,/hso’B CtmE )oR- no + snarl. This is emphatically ..... conveniently arrauged.. Second floor Co~st~3t~io~t. Children ........ contains largo hall and closet, four uie~ ST~MAKER,S MA ..... el++pt,,g-m<,m,, each with cto,ek,-.attie By~lldrugg~l. gSc~ THE VE CHINE. ~ take !# ~lthottt o~lection. + , for e~orage. I~arg~ side vez ands, ~ood .......................... <~, ..... ........ ~ * r " + ........... Wel ; barn and poultry-yard, manyfruit For sale by- ...... ti~ee, grapes vines, and berry plaot~ ..... " lote of rose~ an~ flowers of mmr.~US FRANK BALDWTN, Hammonton, N, J, kinds. Parttcu~mattheI~’Pu~Mc.~ omce.: . d+ ~ .+ vse nzsTisvzm-NZmr . :..:; Government in ~hls upon ~Vebster ed .b.y the leading .~ Publishers. ~OOO more Words ,more I J fiPIPC| M IPN TES’rlMpNIA~,%-- York World ~s: ~dard In lexicography;}: I TheAtl~taCc~tttutl0n ~: ._~t xo otm~dar= autllorRy " . ~e Chicago Inte~ Ocean ~y,: ~ew ~PheNew York ~.f0u~em~’~: ftl~ r~c~ni the Eng{L~h-lan~:un~/ + , ........ Sotd by u~ d’l’’" f~" Y; i, ~’

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    .~. MOS~ DELIClOtrS ~(Pr~ ¯ ~’RY IT.

    It Is t~ HmnmT Gtuu~ ~L~A~. !

    The cans belm

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    ~P+-,-+’~,+ ++t ~++’mvlovln. : . ++o., +uSagtiil+ /Outm|+-to ma=y ~. g~n~_!,,_,~+ + b~r +~+,~ ~ +he-0+ a+ ~l~i+mym~++-1~xT~tt~+.~th+++cartr-of~.~+,. h,,tm,h, le.j~therlalandeternab+++: + +~ ~./th-~. e-4ns-~nd-6~f--tho-lmsinesa, bys porep:whicharoorodueedon_repr~ .... cur~+c~.~+e+n+]emmm_~ Ir..tL__ andlf too stIff add a little milk. met country, .but of the tuXu~0t~uts oolt~...... I:~hobahourrI dle" + + P woman¯" ¯ .... + Flecks of sunshine rested on the hr|ght+ them has l~cum+ one ’~t]i6 +d+ti|+ and ’(,:,t the." ~::~’++~q’+v’Irl~.e. ++~;d’+~nt~ ’+m~+ ................... +~r~d~r¢~+.igatl+~.~+ ,~ha_ ~n~ are++ so ~~ ~?~~ + am ~+,n ,£.I+ nun ;+T~+ K-n~ ~n +I~!~:-,-~+ tow ~t~m +a~+~+a +~+.~,++~_~,~.~+.......... .,,_:. ...... +^.,.+ ¯ "Who in the world ¯would +one mrr~ brow,, hair anti. the ro~y lipa were umst im+mrtant of domestic defies, not, ~j ~"~ ~-~ ,.t~’~A+-~+~-L-P~mt,,~m -~" . ,+ weph pe+inently o~swea that. stock- ~n+ tn~y can +e carrie aa any uls~nee "~.-vou do +--’l+Pve+r~d’¢/en nine mr butte.r;, have. ready two pounds .of + maywnop+hveou~o~+~acv+,.,~Dil ~+’ ~11 ~ U’~ ~" 111" .......... ~’ + ~ } I ’ 1+ ..... + 1 +’’ ~ .... 1-- .............. ~ .... ~ ’ L raining+Is mvltmg so long as there is oy winaa or msec~¯ To preveu$ rue , + ’ , stonea rp~isln mix in tile cake ur In muu z~,t~u~u, +uu~u~..,~ +...~. - --.~t_ Wnl.b+~mninthatd~wL~.__t_rln-

    trnotta.woman? . ¯ sllght!y pared, el acl,~In.g thelr+pearI~ only of the coun~ry,.hut of the !uxur-sombre ,tad qu|o~cel~ These dual /] ptentyof Unoccul,led land in one’s el-spre~id of fang, therefore, the work b_..1_°~’_~La_nd,_e.v_ery ti_m,Y I~oo..k~.your a mold. soma’In the oven andP°bake brightllghtadds somuchto th? com~."~nougn you gnmc ~o me +non ~ta ffnp u s+ +¥ ell 0U see~ I1~ woman is a womaunelgnDor~ r~aufl, ~ta Ira, utRm : . t ode. A lew_l~mar~a on +’ ~" ’ " ¯ ..... ~ ’ " ’ ’ " ’ S ’ , ’ , ++y, ~,vu mma’a uau smut. sou ~+t~z . " f the evenln oo-’ ’ What word coutd I~ay~ "- .. ’ Y. . .... ’ ¯ .. ; - ..... i ...... g ions cly h .... :¯- ......~ . .... 2.+ i powers are symbolized.by two almtl:tr, ~ elnltyforfreo..Past~u, rage¯ If one lies wustncver bedelayed,_but comncenoe be ’+ k" "s add d When done let stand in tile pan until fortand, en.Joyment.o ...... ~ ,__¯ :’ . - at,u--" , nor asia, wa!r~ nauas m n,s r.~uvrv wan their care may noc no ou~ or pace, ~°i ~.g;,,t,,~ re, urea whale m, tl|no~ m,,~, .i - only ~l,te00 or ~eg% no will ne~rllv gate me openm~z or the season. 1’no ,ol~ve,lnmhn°tt~ mt +~md~, he e, thoroughly coM. . cupatlons, that one ,s we~ _rep,s ~v.,Oh: ~ovem¢,then, now, thatttqumksa I. "In the name of all that’s humana momentary ~leam of amusement In +,.. ~,.,++ ....... + w,,~t~t considering: .~""+?’". +~. "%""-’. - .... ¯==,+"-~ --"+ + ,. choose sheen-raisin+ ’He can hardl~, ass of compounds destructive to fungi ~"~’:~"~ ; .... ¯:.’~" ~’1 ~"~ ~1 ̄ ,1. r ¯ . " the daffy dls::greeablo taslg or¯ geeplng¯--- ’+~.Y-.~.-e2fft. -~tall-ln-gb-re-am¯ Iwhat elsocouidehe’he@" his handsoms-’dark even thou+h his ,~.~,2~,’~’,7~.~."-;’~,tl~’~ht~tdsPo muchtb°ma.a°yYurawmg~p°.n-.tuea.l.anlet°,r Ill ~ undertakee~ttlerai~ingwithless+tha~

    andltssporesehouldrcallybeglnbofore +^~a~aaame,~j~ae~2a.~Y-- ~+w~a~ LORENzoCAsAPEnB.--TbeSe appe

    the lamps in perfect 0rdei:.s " ,’i’.: : ~’i+~y wa)t ~).a to.~o.ve m ~ ~me~ +’ . . .... ............ ~ ....... ,:~, --,,~ +.., -~ 0~, ~u,~ ....... " ~."+"~." ~ .......... e ~,,, of a c~rcm two oppom~e~yu~rec~u ~emt. ¯ ¯ i $5,000 for purchssln~ animals¯ bultdln~ any signs¯of athmk can be noticed, es- ~.’:’_~’~? ~?’~ ~’~’ om,,,?~,+ ~,,-- tizers can bo’oulcklv made from cheese, To begin witE,"+¢ +a Wrongto’pus?+xs ~ae comneas ox acute= . ~ "An ’sorts o[ unpleasant tlung~..N 0 "~’~ ~svmm~ . wz~u uuppxc ..... a~- tO ~.ue com[ol’~ gnu enjoymvJsu ~....~f. "~leolaa whrL~a centres, are those of thm ’ 1 g ~ ~,nrrah ~f~ mud e,,- ...... ~ "~ ....... 2" n/~clallv if the ve~etabDa were attacked z nave v~..Vlcus a ~ance. ig ifi annoy_aand the ,lowU,~ o,~’~/~aat ~,hl+h ,a a,ld Off cleanln~r the ]amos until’ the "earuestness-- Maud ten ears a o In s that sue t.~ well , y~u~ he added apologetically I II’ .... good will ever come of it, Dickey, . ..... : .. Y g ~. evening occup~,~i)a .- : ¯ . hoe radii.. The reciprocal iv:ttou o~ the ~.~ ~’~ aa the ret~raa will not begin to come in, the )ear previous. +It .~ems ~oasible. o_,, ...... + ...... ,.+,^ ¯, ’ ~n cans. The cheese should be grated latter part- of the day, or. unttl¯ PET FANCIES, ConUnued he, exasperatingly. "After a .utue nrown ecoom-n0uso wmco repaid for the da,ly d|sagreeavla task o~ .~,,,,] ,~;~,~ cogt[nnlg~’ thr0u~’h a¢,n~ " ̄ ; ’ until the third year. Thisis be~in~ning [ however, that plants may be fortified ........................ and miged with an equal quantity of wanted for actual use, .a~ .+ toe

    -- + - coaslderabloobservatton Iamprepfixed nest|edcozllyamongthe’hlUsyousai,.t, keepinglamp~ml,erfcctordcr. . ~’-~,.eYo~;’:~’(hatl~-’~uan Ks ~me:. l + 0nasemowhatsmall scale--the’ugh In agams’tattackbyp~viotm.¯growth,.ln~ Little Johnny ~1~,~wlll(gea surrept(- deviled Crab-meat. Add condlmenta vapor of tho. oil. aban~’ a.fre-~h!Y,’fille d

    + .. ; .................. ~.^^~ ~.^~.~ to say there 1+ something wrongsomc- and you really m~ant i~, you would To begin With, l~lsv~r6Ug to put off l’,~"" ~,~ ~’~" +"-st ,,~l’.n ..... ~. "~ theca v of Mr¯ Vaughn,+ in the SUm’ uuceavy tne,.X~o~ o. +1e~mz~re,’ wales tlou~lyeampled hiamamma’~ brandied enough to make the mixture veryhot, lamp is £~mo., ~.expl!+mon, ::A;lamp

    ~tuga~u~macm~eum~,~,~,-m,u~ ~ ...... +h, ...... ~,~ h,,oin=~a + I se/’atch out m no eves If 1: dared to ~,^~-,..~+,.^~ ...... cnnl, ll the lattervart+ ~,,,,~ ~vy,~u~, ,,o ,, a,,, ,,y-,,-5,,~, < " .~ ~lvervnuey, i~ebeganwthhorseswlth may mtroau0e+ ate .:~ne pmn m ’neachesvemt~rdav.and~m.an nft~r had Cutsmall slices+ of stale bread free snou]dbeflneu at lo¯s~ m W~y~alr~s na

    doo-withaban~, and afterl0ckingib ..................... b ........ .~ . ...... : ..... + . .+ . . ~,+- ..... s ......... ~,~ ..... -.-y- .... ..-- th0 sun and moon add ahaplogthe ¯ ’ acanitelalltold ofonN -~’>~0{) which sucsmnce~whfchr0nder.tllem!osss~" ~:^~.~,,~%=’::’;~"~L7=i=~’~7.=~ ....... fromcrust, and fry them. like d0u~1:- deptn, anuonowhlchhasnu~a spoons.secmelyhe shoved bothkoyandhandB mean toprolit !,~poor Jack Kerr’sex- ~u~,,you.’ ,voumyouuo,~now, dy ~ pearaneo ~_JJd tl:e~ need ~er htt:, ........ ,~ .................. £_ to new elerk}--"Where are those hand- mapla augar, cooI~ without stlrrmg., m.a.tep:a,+n~l:2ha~o+ Off+th?ch.+a.~+Xvepd: ++aS ~PD, e ~[,m IUll U on nlm ue -" ~ - .= ...... 0---- , ....................... + ._iS+.. . ,.,+ . . ~ - ¯ ~, a.z,,+ r+~+ .~a+~.z ++s ,v.+s +a.~,-- ¯ - ’ ~h~" WnaU-t](~t~l haole n,,~: ,n m lanai! 1,,.u+ ,~ou.,.m’ +~.,V~v.,~,+ e’~----~, .+¥1~g Y P , wonder that Ihtgh should be meucha , of man unW~hed for ~ears breed~ ~,~ cleaning, q-helegs keep lnfi, oorider, some mdeboards thai, had last .... Y ..... = ’- - ¯ -¯ - . .... . + ula~.you~ old fellow, for the very oom-~ When nearly burned away a wick , - ’ ~’ ~ - A good many farmers think that sheep , . you , ~AUSXOE ROLLS --Take ne nd should~b0 dipp~,ln vlnega~ aud trmdbegan laughing" b0stero.u~r, leaning skept!cal frame of mind ",ffter~avlng mendahln manner |n’wh|~h vnahav. ~., ~.~.,.~ ..... a ...... ~^,a^~ ~ ..... vermm, sotbo mouutalns unaved by ,,! + and th~...lmofs never .get cracked and donotreauir~wat~rtnWlnt~r ..a~- week? ’Clerk{embarrassed)--’0h, I-= ,,~ .............. ~’..a a~..,.~ ,+po¢~ ̂ t~mFcihshlvattlieflrn h f,rn hoin|r nut" "", ..................... t+ ...... ~,~y~,.,,+vucucu o~+.v,~,v. ,~o,,~,, ¯ .~ U wnn cows I~ Is ust th0same ~ ............ , ..... ,,+ ~uo,~o ,,~.~o ~,~, ~,,.,u+ ,v .,,,~ ...... o--+=+--+r.-=--=-! = ++ -+thewhi.eag’ainsta tree forsuppor~, beenbreught,acetofaeewiththofrail- nhmqocl va,,r neff.Ann|aa, hut iP thin,- ................... the seaq. bred worms and assets, + ary_._ ..... -.- o- J. : n~cially wheD there is snow on the:er-Ishaveclthem°f[ dayaf°royester" t+o,.i++ ..... ;~,+ a+,,, ,+,P ]mnra intolam,~ ÷+,~,~vent th,~ sm-km~-++. , ,, .... . ------ ~-- r .......... ,+ - ......... o t uanuel plnneu ~e l, tl0 entlot l+uu w£t;t~, ¯ , : + ~O auual, lJat m poulgry nou~ a g0ou r- + ’! U , ,~ .,,~,~j’.~u. j~v~.o, ..... + .i ....... , v s ~+ ~’~-~. : --+"+"Y" ~ "?’~. 7¯ ; . It s evfdent, said h~a$’¢~.rregatn, tie of human u,tture in such an intr,oato not a clear case 0f unnaredled cheek l’ve +h~,,, ~+,+,.,-- ,^ +g^ x~,,^~^P ,h. greater creat,.res ,!evelopmg out el - ~ ~¢,atterin~,of m~,-~,,,- -n,,,, +m ,+~_ greuud. Thts.underratmgtheneed of ay,.maam.

    .. and roll eachplece ̄out to about the Achimney freqt~eo+.ty ~bi’e,~mxfrbni’-’+ +ill +his ~ "’lhnt ¯ tam +IIOILIR +. +- ........ , .... ums ~, .uv .~,+w,+, u..u+ e~ ................ -.... . g .-. .p~mre2 .. ._ . .. +- +nddisgustln~At~rce~ulL__He we_+_-somethinr,-to-learn ----- ’, ...... ,, ¢.+a+h_ +~.,. +o,,,o ,,;,,, .... lesser. Beetles in the course of ages : : sorb everything, keep the house dry. !t goofl., supp!y of mater for tl.mtr fl~ks ............. thickness of your little finger, and have having l~en too..tight~¯ a0.rewed 0n~t~nutu ’ro¢+r~le nustn~ g~ow, tee 11|8 case however. Unloubtcdly that ° ’-- " - - ........... [’~"-~"’,:~ ...... - ¯ - ..... ~- ~fie~-~6-t-6ttbises-e~rth-worms+became ........ =~: - sweet and clean, save ale~mtng ofi~ mcola~’eataer, causes muca~cruelty ..,mtne~r=any__~_um,~ .... .we£,,,.~ys, themall oL’equ,~l length; flatten out tne~gmssexDmuuig Irom~h~ne.a~’or.~boys I can manage very welL hu~ the ; feuow ia a ~,,, uiun ,, + ~ ~ useful Eleotrlcltv our+ ~son t cuc your wm~, uu~, ~urmng .... : ¯ - , - -- ’ ..... J often and leaw.a ma,,u:’~ ,ffi,,~-t h "~-~’l~+ ++all~Ileaas to-me-pr:tctico or ra~+econo- ~ts my-treat. What It you-nave? ¯ - with the palm of your hand, and set the name,+The (:-~imney may ~o qIIlckl~" 2 ..... t" ~. " ~erpenl~,111ga uylng lu~.~cl~ ucc.lmm~ + ’ ~ ~ "~ "~" ~ ~’~’~ f " " "I’ "+hl~ hi,,--’ th,;,- WO-~,,v~ ho~,~, oo t ~ -. ": :. . ¯ . - . . . " ~ it just above the tube, take a match ". ..... ’ :3 three times aa’much aa s-’~w man,~r~ my. J sheep will hoe by eating snow, II take a pair of sho e.s. ..... " aside; then roll down a sheet of pulP and easily cleaned by breathing upon.¯~’" "’ ..... ~"~ "~’’~ ~’’ me D I h S rtn mornln a I w ................ ¯ ¯ - t, , ,, -- . ¯ . +;.,,~+hog.~.4^,as...~ ~_ v.~^_,, v rg c p ~ g e .Tnemc .rem_~m the use of electrlo andshavooffthecharrelend.:thuain. bird~,~omeof tnemruo-aoves vecame ~ " ~lPhnrnnrb~f~n’rd~no~atneh~,~lnlt~r It ls no evldence that tt is best for tl|em, J~m? . paste one-fourth inch thick, andcut and lntolt~ and wiping and polishing~,~,,.,..~,,,+,+.~.+,~u~u~ a~,.xutm~ e tilo sun . ¯ -. . -- ........ ~s~-,: .......... ,+-.v ..... ~,,, ’n or tl" f r’ ’ "~Yell ¯ " ¯~..+,~.,,,..ao,.~o~.~ ,~. ...... ,_-,^ weekslater, b fore hadfa, rly hghte and rlectric motors is shown by s in~t an even flame. Wlcks should be pheasants, egrets became cranes, and .. + Londou tmvaboutdoubleformossma- a ym.o tan o anyollm~.rmstocL ..... ,Iguessyoucau put moup a out in squarea Flatten themout w£th ltwlthnewspapen . ...... ,.:~ ..,p,~,,,.,, ,,.~m--~,,y. mma~risen over tl,eeastera heights, Hugh the ~Tectr~cal War/d to havē been sur~,-v~- e ..... n~dried thor-u~hlv wildcats becamctlgers. The prayin~ " "- ,nurethatt’heydoY6rordinary ;~gooactean water ~s prev.mt~l ?any .nm~ uozeuconarsanaaemxt." therotllng-pln, keeping them as square .~psfllled¯.tooveruowm.g are vcr~,

    + ." i

    ’Mahdi Ray was the only daughter of f th with’its: uota of levelness and " . ,- ame. ch" ey may be qulckly- " ’ ’ ’ f x Is b Y " . . _ . = . " evening. Many people after filling an~ii+~!"

    - -~ .... v^~,. ~.. xr.~. _^+- - or q_ , at the beginning of 188~ to +o0, at the ¯ nd ’il¢ cleaned by breathin~ u~ and by eetlng warm victuals they grea sums up the results of carefully con- o v , uy. them ~ome cottonseed meal. - . ¢ ...... c^_~ n,~,,, ¢,o,h ~,h~, ,,,,~,,,t,,,,, ~.,~,,, ...... +,,o ~,,~, ,.,,..,~,a :::~o~,~,v. ,,,+,,,, ,,~. +.~. mu.ner nay- ¯ . .. . a eas . + _ ~_n ¯ If fed daJl one Jut to nl o +~a+o.x.,~ ,~.--. ....................... ~ .... ~..~,...+ ,,.~, .,.~..~..+~.~.:. ... .... . .... .+ , theatr was emeet,~stth the perfume of_ beginning of18~g to nearly lO00. m+dat ,,,,, +,t, ;t o,,,+ ~;,~,,++,a+,,,~,,oh,,,,,o lar~stren+.aud knowln~L and wer~ . ¯ dueled experiments as follows. Corn- . y, p a ass f soft Feminine.Logic--Miss Stxuckovle-- nvnnarln+an~r~aha¯~hmnoe~tbM n|nr*h ,,n ~.oa++ +n ]|r~h¢. rl~h;a ohniil~ nassau.̄. ".~.galea when .toy cnn.a comu traxe~y cherry, plumand applvblossoms. The the beginnlng of 1890 to 1277.-includ .... + ....... ~.~. r ~ ~" "~’" chaml~dlntomeu. -" " -~ . fodder may bo successfully dry-~tored, ~:oddfor200hen18 s.ul~¢ient.. Milk is Gracious, there comes that hbrrid gemandc~oglge’m’eaive~-v"fl’~e-~avi: ;~,,,,"~/’" "" .... ,~,o +.=--~, .+~.~¯~ :¯ - " " ¯ -- ¯ LS0 an X 1 n~ BUD I0 " . r- ".~ , I ~ ~" ¯ - : ..... "~p ner name, sne hau grown up as . t - . .,,,,, ,,~,,+v-e=- ...... an

  • .~L "

    , ’ ¯

    ¯ ;% ....

    (Dry Goods

    .... Notions


    ’Comfi)rtablesk -¯

    -:,. ...../: Groaeries.... ii?"- " ’ . .aa ’

    ::’ ’¯ Provisions

    y SuppliesGround: Bbt~eGround Meat.

    ~! :-i A superior Qdalit~;,of

    G ,

    - ~ltnperia: l:.gg Food,,:.. -,,~/~ -Pratt’s P,,i.itry Food,

    P.S.TILTON &; SON,Generltl Mc.rcha nde

    ¯ Hammonton, i N_J,

    ! ’- /fi/

    ¯ . :~:¢

    , "L.--’ ¯ ,,. "L.... . "

    [ ~ trot o,I ’tg ,,idowind,llast nail,, t. ;

    I I[XM~...MOWq’O?~ &TLANT~( CO, ~.

    Z "

    Treatment !I h~,ve ~cquli’od perfect confidence in

    my own po~er to ’Aeal all diseases aareadily ae ny pt~b~n~ treatment, lermson applie.atlou. Address

    Mxs. J.llcntal Ha,mann,on,N.J.

    )Otl~ houri, t’ram 4 to 6 P.M.

    ~e/~,.l,?itie-an2 -~ i Ills, Paid that.nearly all th,¯ ¯ ’ I elcrks and’esrrisre who.lmgln by’Btt:nllng letters nd~d~’essod toh, ttet2y agents, which the3r know arealmost sure to contain money.

    The Washln2ton home of lion. Ben-lamin F. TI,CV, secretary of the navy,was burned aimut seven o’clock Mondaymorning. ~Mr.~. Tracy, and her daugh.tar, Mien Mary Trace, and their Frenchladies~ mahl lq~t tht.ir liven. Mr. Tracywas rescued in .an nnoot~a’lous condi°

    ties hut i~ reowerin¢. Mr~ Wilmer-dine the eldest daughter of tim SCore°fury, with her twelve-year old daughterdltved themselves by intuiting from thesecond-story winnow, anti were injured,tho’ not seriously. The fire is thoughtto have Imeu caused by escaping gas.

    The whole country was shocked bythe blowythat fell on Secretary Traey’shousehold’. The sympathies of the en-tire" people of.this.aa Well a8 of othercountries’ is awakened bY the terriblecatastrophe. The .~e~etary’s life is,fortunately, spared, but iu the terriblede~th of his wife aud d~tughter he has

    long time recovering. Thi~, coming soSOqn citer the dt:alh~91 ~lr. BlaimJh~8OI1 at,d daughter, has i, plunged Waah-ingt-a i,to a g~d,,tu fi’om wuich it willnut e,net’g% for months.

    ~cretary Tmcv is undoubtedly one~f~t h~-ab7~tis .wholly composed of unusuallymen, and hffis likewise one of the ,tinctpopular men in public life. It was with

    when ~t was t, ndetcd U~ him,. audit, isnot improbable thab lm now rdgrcts hav-ing ~mtded ut the ~t~l~cs oltae Presi-

    cepted the Caviuet posit,,u, lie is astrong man, [towevet. a,d it is stlt~xr~i¥hoped th:tt hu will n .t long be preetrat~dby the grunt l,~s~ that ll~t~ e,~lne to him.

    For all kinds of

    Lumber, Mill:work,

    A number of Mt. I],tlly merchantshave been t~windled by a g:tog ofsharp-er~.’wh, ttmk’i~rder~ Ior gc~ods at ab,,uthalt’the regular pric~s, ~til,ulatiug thatthe purchaser shouhl h,,nor ~. drMt t,nsight oil rtccipt el a bill el lading, ludue thnt~ the trills of lading wert~ aeut tothe supp~,ed eansiguee. A draft forthe full amount of the bill followed s~mnafter, and in most ca~es was paid. Thegoods~ however, failed to materialize,and it was soon discovered the bills oflading were dummies.

    in New Jersey until the frauds m Hud-son county are Wiped out. " The recent

    . ¯ GO TO investigations show that of the 14,000

    Wm. Bernshouse’sDemocratic majority in that county atthe last election, at l~ast one half Was

    i ........ ~ ......... ~: ........ fraudulenL Eveu ~thoseY’DemocratleYard admit that thpre wa~ great fraud, bothiu the count and in the salting "of:"joker" or titus ballots.

    Henry W. Morge0thaler, employedby the authorities of Lima, Ohio, tolook up tax dodgers, allegts that U.S.Senator-elect Brits owe~ ~75,000 for

    personal taxes. To the stressor

    Brick, Lime, Cement,Plaster, Hair, Lath, etc.

    WoodsFor Summer ntm.

    -We manufacture -

    Of all kinds.

    stock of goods,

    .. Can furnish very nice

    ~Petmsylvania HemlockAt Bottom Prices. Manufacture our

    own Flooring. SatisfactionGuaranteed°

    Oar specialty, this Spring, willbe full frame orders.

    Your patronage solicited.

    H&]KN :SS,,?,~ ~ full ~rtment of hand and machinei::C: : made~--for work or driving.

    es,: ,.-.!i " " Riding Saddles, Nets, etc. -

    ~;::-. Hammonton, N.J.

    Allen Brown Endicott,.’.C

    !I: : ’ATL-q TIC :TY, : ~q. J.


    Mrs. Kilpatrlck, widow of theKIIpatrlek, U. S. A.

    Naturoabhora a vacuum, and Democ-racy despises a quorum.

    The Verdict Unanimous.,W. B..Snlb dtllggist, Blppu~ Ind,

    w’rites : **I e.m recommend Eleelrie Bit-ters as Iw very best remedy. Every bot-tle ~old has given relief in every ease.One man G,¢,k siX bottles, sad was curedof r,,eumatlsm of six years’ ~tandlng."Ahr,,h,m Hare, druggist, Belloville, Ohlozafllrmt, : "The best selling mediciee Ihave ever handled in 20 yearn’ experlenesis Electric Bitters. Thousands cf othershave addea their teetlmony,’so that the~lerdiet is unanlmous that Electric Bltter~o cure all diseases of the liver, kidneys.or blood. Only a half.dollar a bottle atCochran’s dru~, store. Z

    Butldin~ lots for sale,--soma elthe best located in town, for the leastamount of money. WM. COLWKLL..

    Sale or ]~ent.--A convenient six.room house, on Plea~a,t St. Inquire ofG~o. A. ELVI~S, Hammoflmn P. 0, or

    527 Arch Street, PhiladelPhia.J; M’. Brown, at the Lake,will

    sopply cedar fence posts, grape atake~,bean poles, etc.¯ The Pearl.- There Is come talkabout the. Pearl strawberry plant not~eing. proliflc~ _Wit h me,_tt_has~.ptovedto be very much no. From 500 plantspot iu’last Spring, they have covered thettr-und with 5000 plants. 1 nell them ontheir merits, not.by attempted loweringof other people’s stock.

    N.B. I have also the "Star" on sale.

    FOR 8ALE.--A good Chance. A~six-r.,,n h0u~e and a g~,~d twen!yacre frul ~ f~rm can be bougltt for c~h or

    CHARLES bIoNEY, BOX 221; Hammnnton.~" If this should meet the ey~ ot any

    onewho would like to buy a fine businessproperty, let him write to the Editor ofthe REPUBLICAN for particulars.

    For Sale.-- A siXty.acremiles from ElwcuM~tation¯acres have been cleared and farmed. Itquire of WM. BERBSHOUSE,

    Hammonton. N.J.For Sale.--& cosy six-room Cottage,

    located on a large corner lot., 107) feet oneach street, three ~qu~res from railroadstation and P,mt Office. Price. $160.,--$6.30 cash. balance eight or ten year~ onmortgage. A fine .pporr.unlty fur partywith small meatm who desires a centrallocation. Call on or address A. J. ~rrrlor the Editor of the REPUBLICAN, Ham-mouton, N. J.

    That handsome residence on (heLake. known as the Frank Records

    easiest termsFor particulars~ inquire at the l t~u~ta~aN office.

    THIS IS x GOOD CL~ANCE ; don’t missit. You need no capital and no expe-rience to represent ’a reliable firm thatwarrants itm st~kfi~t-olass~ -W0rk-~2weeks In the year, and good pay weckly.Write at once lor terms and secure yourterritory. Address [~EUBEN LEUTCII-FOnD & Cn., Rochester, N. Y.

    Bueklht’s Armea Salve, the beetsalve ii3 the world f,r eut~, bruises, s.res,nieces, salt rheum, fever ~oro~, tatter,chappe,! hands, chtlblalbs, corns, and allskin eruptlon~, and izmitively cures plies,or no pay required. It ts gnat~meed to

    satisfaction, or money re-

    sale bY A. W. Cochran.York, and consequent exemption ; as~ndidate for 8dnator, he ackuowledged ~ nt~ H

    linzhim~lt a citizen of Ohio. e ea Lessons,About six thousand

    aetsal neeessiti~ of lile m thecounties of North Dakota:

    Hanson, Pierec, Rolettc, Bottlueau,Turner,-Ram~-, a-~ ~r T~reis also sufli.ring in McIatosb, E~dv and

    is sent out bY Mr. I=lelg~soa, ~tate Com-missioner of Agriculture.¯ Leader8 of:pub:Is opinion In Canadaare troubkd In equal degree by thesteady emigratmu of d, sirable citizensfrom that country to this, and by the~gutar settlement of American thievesand forgers in the Dominion. ,’ As longas we can trade cure,rascals for house,canadians, there "wiil~bo no complainton this side of the lin0.

    The twenty, third Annual Encammen, of th~ G. A. r~. will by held in theTaylor Assembly Hal!, Trenton, Feb-runty 13 and 14. Tim election of ofli.cars will take place Friday. Commamder-m.ehtd" Algor-wtlbbe-presc~t - thefimt_.day as.waRns at the ca.mp|!~ to_beeheld the same evening. -,-Dr. William tI. Bradley, who for-merly had chs.r~6 of the weekly editfOnof the Ph(ladel1~hia Press. has heeu-eeh-tensed to five yeiim had stx months-inthe penitentiary, for embezzling moneywhtch belonged to the paper.

    of bal10t reformScratch d

    wump and £nd F{ee-trader.

    the Sctonce of the Wisdom of God.y |n manof B dy,

    Soul attd Spirit;.. 4.~ to iuereatte our I,,*dilyhealth, our t~otiL~a strvngtit arid’purr,.,,and the exaltat.tOn of the ,pirlr~ ..... -__-_ _.¯ Thes,li.,~,n~ teach tl/e p,);v~)~f Mthd.They.teach that true rehghm attd tlnahltare one. They’prove that ~eieuce, umler-

    heart.For price of lessons, term’e, etc., zddreas

    Mrs, J, D. Fairchild,.. Mental t.lealer and Tea~er,

    Hammonton, N.g. iOffioe hours, 4 .to O o’clock r.m


    r - L i

    S, E. BROWN & Co.

    , .

    ’ Of Hammonton" r-", N. 3,- ------- evenlng, w r, y rl- Chu h.

    , I~kTUBBAY. FEB/ 8,. 1~90; It was au entertaining addte~: Mow’ ’~’=’~--- -. _-. ---- Of thin ~ugstional work should be done

    " Authorized Capital, $50,000 ~.~----Paid:in~!~S. 0#00~ .... - L0t}ALr

    MIS0ELLANY. : --.--- by m.o the ..d an t,al nbu h .

    Surplus, $3000. - atW Ternm.--Our tmbso~ption=prlce now leave Hammonton at ’~’,~ and 9:18~-~.--- ~~ ’ - -- Oae Dollar -’13 P.~.. Down.trams at

    R. J. BYRN~S, Premdent. t~rr~r ,fpatd In advance. If not &45and_9"~9 ~t,,~. L. ~ACK80N~ Vice-Pre~’t within the flat two months, $125 per Th0 Hammonten Accommodation train

    W. R. TILTer% Cashier. ~sar, luvarlably. To subserlberkbutslde time has not becu changed. We willof thin county always $t.25 in advauce-- have the eut ire, table corrected m ou~DIREOTORS : as we are compelled to wrap papers and ncxt l~us..

    R. J.i Byrne~b Iprspsy p0s~ge. __ ~ The Guid~ ann .F~ne~ for Ja~u-

    ....... _ GeorgeEivins, il~,C, ol. Cope~ud next Friday. in,resting articles cencernlng r~ultryElam Stookwell,

    ~Iu~LO" 4A"" G.,. Sexton,

    1~FobruarySth,,~O,--.worklngwlth and. frets, th,lr treatmen.t andC. F. Osgoed, . .opeu windows. : Send twenty-llvecent* to M, .K. Boydr~

    J. C¯ Browning,Z. U. Matthewe. iI~. Mr. -Black offers some bargatns Hammonton, N. J., and receive:the

    P. S. Tilto~ in his adv., this week¯ paper a year.A. J. Smith.

    Counters D.’L. Potter, I1~ Febraary thus far is.not nn IDa" ll~..Sealatot Gardlxer WaS confined toJ. C. Anderson. provement on Jannary. hie home at E~g Harbor City, st~fferingDance iu Union Hall thieeventng, with .la ~fftppe, and it was feared that

    will "be ~ ~t|flcates of Deposit issued, bearinf; he would be unable to attend the se~Interest at the sate of. 2 per cent. per an.

    .commencl0g at 8 o’eleck.

    sum if held,six months, and 3 per cent if ~ Read Stockwcli’s advertisement, slon of the :Legislature this week, buthewent to Trenton on :Monday morning,of interest herd one year. - .ou fleet page, last column, sick as hc was.

    Something new at E. StoekwelPsto purchasers, Discmmt day’Tuesday and

    . ~ Some of our most extensive berry

    ]friday of each week.. store, next Friday. Call there, aud grower~ say that there will be compara-

    - ’ few blackberries this year,--theas we have new canes belug ncarly all dead, killed

    . bee"in Mnlliea Township, for unpaid by oecastonal cold snalm following theplaced a good many tax of 1889, o. - unprecedentedly-warm weather ot the

    ~t- A Mr. B~w, from New York, has past two months.h~gher-priced goods Read the Republican. bought Rev. Mr. Hiler’s place, on Can- ~ Wednesday, Feb. 5th, was

    ¯| tml Avenue.on these counters " ....... lle,Mr. George Cochran, of Winslow, D. R. Walllson’s 79th birthday. Thateveuiug, a eoore Or more of neighbors

    to " .

    " I ,s building an addition to his already and frieuds surprised her by calling toi large cattle stable8.

    °tender congratuT~ti0ns. They did not? You take No Chance , mn.t cain n0x, rri- coma empt,- ded, either, for

    close out the stock. ..... ~;~m.g the .............................. i ..........~__y_~atl dav)i at Stoekwell’e store~--dry one left ~ome-token-of

    ~FHr. C. tk Colwell, of Weymouth, it really seemed a~ though Mrs. W. had: lost a very flue stallion on Sunday from dropped half a century from her age,

    | ,i ~ -’: "’ =- =~"For every 8all0n is ~.I~iv Judge Joseph Scull, of End- company. All were assured el a wel-: come on the day when she should fill up

    GU~~’~D [lish Creek. we are pieing! to learn is in her four:score ~ears.a fair way to recover.

    Any one ~ishimg t~ experiment ..... ~-aackete for Col~.peland’s lecturewith - Paint is asked-to dose-at .....

    are for eale*’at Cook’s |ewelry store. . ~~

    any surface with Hammonton ,~~ The Weymouth paper mills will 9

    -resume operations lu a’few days, givingPaint, and the ocher half with ~ .employment to many people. At Union Hall, Hommontbn,any known Paint. I£ the ~ ~’~Irs. S. P. PaY. mother of Mrs. FHday Evei-Feb. 14th.Hammonton does not cover an E.J. Wool!ey. dtcd Jan. 23rd, at hermuch surface, auc~ wear az long, .home tn Washington, Iowa, aged 83under the same eondi*ions, I yeart. SUBJECT:

    will pay for all the pMat used. mr 3[rs. Loog, mother of Mrs. Dr.. Handsome People."-Wane, died on Monday last, at her

    JOHN T. ~TR~IN0]K, home In rhiledel phla. ~’nneral ~rvlc~ --

    Hammoaton Pi~int Work,, on Thursday. Reserved Seat Ticket, 50 cents,


    Send’ for sample ¢a~1 otColors.

    Ladies’ en’s an£0hildrea’sShoes made to. erder.

    Look af them !

    S. E. Brown & Co.

    J. S. THAY’ER,Contractor & Builder

    Plans, 8pestilent.one, and F~timatesfurnished. Jobbing p~omp~

    at~uded to.

    Lumber for Sale.Also, Fir~t~d Sg~i~ d Qii~i~:f ~]~ J~-~LU~O~]~

    8hop on Vine Street, near Uniot~ ~AaD;Chargea Reasonab.ble~

    P~ O. Bo,. 53.


    Sage cheese.Being exceedingly fo~d. of Seg~ghv~b,ordered several from BOston, ~d they

    .base:just-arrived,--=-- =:-...-- :~-

    Pull Cream Vermont

    RepaiHn~ Neaffy l~ane........... ~ ..... . __.o .........

    A ~ ~h,c.~ dt sht,~ t,, ak ttmd~ _

    First tloor--Sma}l,s Block, . .............

    t ltammonton .-

    I have a few to epare~ and can ~ll themat ths following pMees per la~mnd :

    Whole Cheese, ] 5 cents.-

    10 lbs., = 16 cents..... 5 lbs., "~ ........::~l~ent~.

    1 lb., : 3.8 cents.

    ,. t,s ,,dm ,.a ,~.a ~r.~.~, s~ I QI~ Papers and magazmesmeeh#mleal paper i~bllshed and hU. tJ~t~ lxrxe~

    [~’"""°’"’~°’’~s~’"-~-~%7: of all’ kinds, in any language, ~.Fullr ilhmtr~te~. Begt.e2au_ ~Yo~ J~__gt~,v2

    &.pv. ~eo~,,,.. ,o~=~..-m=,tvr furnished at reduced rat~s by~UNN & t~}., Pum.lm~mm, ~ ~rouwa;, ~...ARCHITECT8 & |UILDER . ditor of the SOUTH ,IERSEY~t~ Edition of S01enUflo AmH~an. q~ REP u.uc~. Call and get our

    figi~res for [ulything of the ldndw~nted, Whether literary, reli,gious, trade, or: any other sortof periodical.

    ~cUt. a copyy :. lq;n~

    ~g]l~ ~l i l~havehkdt~e’ ! ~0 r,~rs’ exPeflenee and b~ve roads ~v~.merle-an lad ~or.,1 I~.,~ ~ppneanomt fer An elan patent&-" Sendbfor lJ~lN~olt* .~el~.i~aasmm strletB’ ¢on$,denua~

    - TRADE MARKS.Inemso your muk I$ not r~ltttm~J tt~ t~ PM.

    ~t Omee .pplr to MUNN~ C,~; aE@:P[O~umUNa~ltlt~ pt’~toctlul~ 84J~d rot ~tknttt~tm~t.

    Y,q~|UNN ~ COA

    "’. A.J. KING,r Resident Lawyer,.

    HMter In Chancery, Notary Pnblio, RealEstate and Insursn~o Agent,

    rates, giventO all business

    , t,a.me irr! ,y:Febri4th o" =:-. =- .

    llr There Is morn demand for perseustake positions on b~ler farms than

    can be supI,lk~L pdmo6s wh9 are expe-rienced,and who. ~ ma._na~e_a.large"establishment, can get good peel,tonsand big pay~by’calltng on ~. H. Jacobe.Only experienced l~rtLm wanted, .

    by a Yew large and enthusiastic audt-ence, Met 8aturdby eveuin~ ; and thecompany fulflilett every promise madefor them, and eta,slued their high repu-tation. Applatme and encores wereliberally bestowed, nnd responded toheartily ....

    f~ ~. Copoland, the mo~popular lecttwsr .who hem ever visitedHammont0n, will deliver his celebratedlecture, "H~dsome People,,,-Frid~yevening, Feb~ 14th, io Union Ha~.This lecture ~ ¢~aeldared, by many, lfl|beet. We believe that all who i~/eheard Col. C,o~land will agree with.usthat they are all *’bsat."

    Geo~ A. Gordon, ot Somerv~le,Mass., is prepanng for publication abook containing the genealogy and lam-lly historl~ of all the Ooburns i~ theUnited/Statce~ He has already obtainedthe racer4 of more than seven hundredtamillce. Blanks for statistical inform.ation have been reecived by the twobranches of the Cobum family now lie-ing in Hammonton.

    I~" The Young People’s Soc~l Unionof the Baptist Church have arrangedfor a concert on Saturda~ evenmg,Match let, to be given by the Glee Clnlrfrom the South Jenm¥ Institute, BHd~-

    aud will entertainment.Dptaiis later. : .

    Threenew R’e~for the Democracy,--

    BUTTERTON. At his home on WalkerRoad, near tlammonton, on Saturday,Feb. 1st, 1890f John. Butter, on, aged66 years.

    Mr. Botterton was a native of England,bought his Hammonton farm about 1859,bringing his family from Philadelphia ayear or two later He was of a quiet,rettring disposition, diligent .In business,esteemed highly¯ His illness lasted forthree months, from a combination ofdisorders. Funeral earviees on Tuesday,In St. Mark’s Church.

    ~otlce i8 hereby given that. by vlrlue of awarrant i,,sucd ny James ]3. Wright. one of the

    ~’ear 1869, In the Towtmhlp of .Mulllcat, In enidmty, on enlmproved and untenantedtb%,nd on loads tenanted hy p~,l~sot|s not_.,wiuLproprlet~r~-wbo are uttable-to’ the laxes of the mild propr|etors respe~t-

    tl, e ~ubserlbvr will. oo blON DAY, the

    which Mr. John F. Rhodes tsa member,are bllled~ for Hammonton next Wedncs-

    I~"Mr. Bcmshouse ls bull,ling "a . ~ ~:__ _~ 9--__large_o fllc~_fo~Mr~-~Lucas,-..the_paint .................................

    man, near the corner of Fourth altdRace Strect~, Philadelphia.

    lOth day of March ,exhst th~ hourar 2 o’clock ,,.~t.. at LANGHAM’S

    I~" Cmngre~man Buchanan has intro- ~ Lintel ueolalmedlsttersremaJnin~HALL. ELWOOD. N.J., In ~ald T.wn~hlp,

    duced’a bill intoCongres~ appropriating in the Post Office a~ Hammonton, N.J.sstl the timber, wo~d, herbage, and othervendible property fou,d oa the preml~uf

    one huml~d thouumd dollars to e~ct a Saturday, Feb. 8tb. 1590 : ~ald.the under-,at||edtO laako the TaxeaPers°nSaad~°coetstaxedaauex,aS afore-d tobit. P. H, Ander~on. their respective names:government building in Atlantic City. .~tr~. M.D..Nil,er, zVame:, r ~ ~S"

    Mr. Wm. Sturtcvant will begin. Mr.S. Shepperd. lteatty. It. II ........... ~ ............... St 4t St ~if’~,lwell, Cha,. 0: 8ara, h It ....... 301 Igl 1 ~t.next Monday, the erection of a wheel- .~tl.~ A ruanda Todd. Currle, Ctmrlex ........................ 1 ~ 1 5awright ehop for Mr. H. L. Iron% tmar

    Persnus calling for any of the above Oat,.lI.cm,;hU.,~. ~’ O .............................n ........................m,. 794’11 ~o";78 150

    Pratt Street. Cents F. ~ bl:-officers-of-Atlantic Division; ~ The inconsiderate use of Income- Wlt,lL~t my hand, t.hla fifth thty- - of Febrtmry, A, D. lb~O. - .............

    SOUS of Teml~rance, request every mere- tit:o Whistles b?-so(~ en~i.eersis an CL.’,R~SC~ m WHXT~ Zr.her to attend the meeting next M0mlayahitost unbearable nutsauce. For ex-


    ample, about twelve o,elock The Davidge Fertiliz0rCo,of the State wlil be present, hight’an eugine rau through town with -. ..... ......Itl~.$t. 3Iark’s Chureh,-Sexsgcstma its whistle-shivs whle open, shrieidng

    :-- N.J;; ............. ~ ......Sundav,_Feb. 9th, : Holy Communion,

    } 7130 A.u. ’Morning Prayer, Litany and} Sermon, 10:30. Evening Payer, 4:00

    _~,ML__~unun~yda School at3:09.

    L~ok out flw the train. Change- in time ou the Camden & Atlantic R.It., will take eft’act to-day. The cardswere not received at the etatlou it, timeto correct our ll~urcs this week.

    ~Fi:ve new lucomot|vcs are being¯ built for the Atlautic City Railroad’Comlmny (Reading system) which areintended to make the ruu Iro(n Camdent,o At!ant!c City inmtxtv m|nutes.

    The Winslow Hlnstrel Troupe- will give au enterhtinment .lu £11o Win-~low Town llnll to-ulght. The com-pany have been rt, hetffshtg for severalweeks past, and a good show is ex-

    -! ....... _ rested.__- = ........ ~YAnother good nature~le"l~d wa;;e"

    xe/tched H,mamntou Wednesday-night,

    E R ": ." - :--:- .......... but. klndlylel~, the~ mercuryabove¯tl~e

    r~¯ l’l~m~lr~lrdil~’t~ ........ ¯ " ~

    IDI[&L.TOOTH POWOlUI,!Fourm~l~ .r~lv~l. mehtlm~ t

    It zU ultmt Umlltl .I-rilL

    M’fr~ of

    . . .~;,..


    C ffeetionery, Nu s, 0ra es,

    tO fltl their places ? There will be two E0 I, W00LLLY, Agent,Justices.hi the Fea~ to elect,--Squire ._.Atkinson’s live yea rs expire, and Msj. Hammonton, N, J.

    Jordan has ntove.d out of the county, ’~

    with three years ot his time unexpired.Bhtcl~mith.L-I have my shoe fitted

    up, ue, r my restdeuce, ou Third Street~Tb~*othor ~0Wnoflt~ere are,to bc~eleeted~ -utid%ni--t~ndy3;o do-any work- iu the ias tl~u:tl,--Clerk, Collector, Assessor, blaek~mith llue. . ....Ovcl’seer Of- th%Higl~avs, etc. Thu ’" JOHN WALTKER~.

    freezlt,g p.int:. Cn ’t’hur~daytitaht the ~C~,iificil"hhS re~:t/wed’~to ! Severallncubators for sale. Iff-

    ¯ - reserve liu’t’t.s wets brouRht nl~, and O’ ca’In- now strcets,and wu hlt%n hvanl.qutre of . - ~AMUBL PORCH.

    .... , ~ _ t et .........., ..... :.

    hutmmtty ~hivered ; Tel otlr thetntonlc- of ti0 ¯busiu~s 6f"uuusuai ilnpqt:tducu FOlg SALE.:ter indicated thirty.two dog. on Friday to eolue belbr~ thu nleetitnh The place .n Pine Rogd, Hammonton,morning. . N.J., f.,rmurly occupled by,be late S. D.

    [nsunmc,.viz: fl~,’tnrnadn, llfu Ht~lnmn. Price Iow, t~m~ e~y. Iu-

    Philllp%_.quire on.thop]ac~ nf

    ,tlanttc Ave. H.ttumonton.

    Date ’Figs, lemons, Coeommtt,.for the Holiday trade. t


    B st _Bread, Cakes, .-Rolls, Pies,Buns, Etc.; ................................................

    & ]Pew 1V x,e Fx, tdt GakeH1~.Cal ndsee us. - "

    A,, H, St/hens & CO.

    I ea =d Z po ated r u:We desire to call the attention of our patrons to oar now vet~

    complete stock of these goods, which are ia season, asCalifornia Evaporated Pcaehe~. Delaware Evapo~ted Peaches.

    Sun Dried Ap#ee.Calitornia Plums.Turkey Prune~--a bargain.

    Cauned Corn.-Caused String Beans.

    Canned Pine Apple,

    ’Ewporated Apples. -French Prunes--4 sizes.New Bright Premellas, etc.t ete~

    Boston Ba~.’ -~

    Canfidd Corn.

    Canne~d Oherrtes.

    [i ,".




    Canned Apricots and Peacb~

    Have added to our stock of fancy gr0eeries,’Lato~r’s ~fiv0 0~ :::for the table: Cairn’s Orange Marmalade. .:.:~ -~" =

    Try Z :

    Andrews & Roberts,.dGrocers and Provision Dealers. .

    Black’s General Store, Hammonton,,are now ~g a very fi~ade of new crop New 0rlean$I

    ¯ Molasses. -. . " ’,- " "

    A good Flour. 70 ceuts for 2..5 Ibs.. This flour g~ves .good/s~ti~, -t~ction, and is p rclerred by some of our customers ~ tim ~. ::~

    ...... hV, her--rice-’rade-.~.-= The- arise--of- our-higliet;--bra;h-ds;0f. .... "flour I/as bee,t reduced - We can sell you ’tee best flot~/ :

  • "’ :’-, :>!’.7¯ - ~ ¯ ,.

    .~., ¯ ..""*7"-"--"-"

    the ho~e ~. i:-~io0ier. Bergen b~_ gon’e tO- Hol.prm8m. . - .r ~- :. "~ - ~ -~ ¯ embalmingA g0o4 farthing Is,better than a bad Egyptian and that carried .out In moll. --CaMweil will do all’the starting at .:

    :.:,-xoYerelgn. .... , ern times. NOw the embalmer tan Clifton hereafter. .¯ . ....conduct in minutes a ~pre~er~n " --It ~s now tlal’d that Lltfle Mlnoh’.":i~’(’.) ’~:’~, Tiie bpst of prophets’ of the future cea~whtch cost the _Egyptians as

    /: ill th0 past. will ra~e again this year..... duys, and ff after hmprocess is --Jocky Holli~ will Come ~.ast wi~h’ Dare to, be right, though You have to he should take- pains to seal ube Sl

    ¯ o




    !’~. ;

    o .

    y... ......

    ;-).i " -~¯ ..

    One trlumplm over cldumny only bydisdalnln~ it. . :. ¯ ". It Is."~,~ ’ng to bet,. especially when

    ~.. - ~’ou bet wrong. " , . " :(~ ,’ - A monkey remains a monkby, though

    " .dre~ed In s!lk. .¯ ,i Woman requires no eulogy ~ sh~

    dpeaks for herself, . .. Love extingmishea can be’ reklndled;

    love worn out-nsver¯ - -The love of the past is often the

    lmtred of the present.The safest way for most folks to do

    .is to doa~ the rest do.A fault concealed lz but little better

    than one indulged In.The way of the world, is to make

    laws, but follow custom.The most chaste woman may I~o the

    ~a0st voluptuous t£ ah~loVes.To amuse the. pubik-what a sad yd.

    catl6fi for a man who thinks.The worst of’ all countries Is the one

    in which v(.e have no friends.When a woman lane longer attrac-

    ~ve, she ceases to be inconstant.Them’Is more merit in subduing a

    "@~.sslon than avenging an¯injury.To love Is to ask ot anotherthe ha~

    ~plness that Is lacking in ottrselves.Ph;asm~ i~ the flower that passes; re-

    ~nembrauco, the lasting perfume.-Celebr’ty-the advantag.~ of being

    -thews;C:."- ¯ The father"who, is not acquainted.

    with sunrise don’t need big barns.

    7-~ ......... Women by nature ~re. all coquets,¯nd m°n by nature are all bragT~rfa.

    Rellg?on_ is: might -*don’t take the-

    ¯ - Don’t try to dawn your troubles in.a cu=; troubles are great swimmers.

    Styles is everything for a sinner, and: - -¯:: at little of It won’t hurt even a saint’.

    ¯ Tits little sticks make a pretty blaze,~ut tSe basklog does the solid work.

    ": :~ One may ruin-l~mself by frankness.

    ;k:~ :.-_ ’ ]phctty. ¯.) ~ :’,. -~- , ’. " ~vrenw~o have brass need not steal,

    ~ ’ ,:~:-.~ ; and men .,eMom steal if they hays no~, ~:.¯~ ̄̄ : "" ,~ ̄ brass. : " ¯’¥"" " ’: "" ¯ n " ’"_~"~ - A marl er must have hm eyes on~*i’)~’.j ¯ , " tberacksandsandsas well as..onthe: -: "i -L ~tOrth star. ’ . ¯ ’ _~’.¯: , . . .. .~.’,. Gravity as a general thing,’Is either’" I r t -- . the re’lore of a fool or the cunning el~;:" a rascal .... .

    : " :. " The trouble with a man covering tip¯ ~" 7..::.: his tacks Is tlmt he makes new ones in

    ’="’~’" ......... :___ l~v~.rybedy __ in thls_¯worM _.w~nts.~ . watching, bu.t_fione more than our--_ -’ tmlves. ...... ~ ’

    ,. ’ Hypocrisy has become a fashionabMvice, ’,and every fashionable vice passes

    _ _.. _ _._:-~or ~Yh’tue. .............. : ...................... "]’ Y~l kant hire a nian few be honest.

    ~- He villi waut hiz wages ralzed ever~

    ¯ :~. ~, morning: The surest way for a man to have I

    ’’:’r~=" greatne.~s thrust on him Is to get him- ]~ ~qr ~self lost in Africa. . ..

    ]-.:~-: Easy cryingwhlows take a new h ~S-Ilran,i~oonest; the~o is nothing like wet [~eather for transplanting .

    ’1-. A manwho Iz goo,l comply towI]dm~If lz alwus good

    possible tomodern art, he might leave --The winter meeting at 2qOw Or~leans will olese on March 3¯ "a human body so perfect .in regard to - ~H. A. Newton bnye’Belmont from

    natural for~_.a!J.~lalor that after 3090 D. A. Honlg for ~00 ahd Catspawyears not a lineament need be wantleg from I). D. Withers. ¯ for its identification that would not ~M~ioey Brothers,. of Ver~ll]~have satisfied a~.eontempemry of the Ky., have many sympathitei-~ because~dead person. ~.,¢e are-lnclinednow toexperience regreZ that ln’Egyl)tlan times of their big loss by fire.

    ,the art- was not sdvaneed enough to ’ ~T.-Wood Martin, of I’hiladelphia.leave the ~embalmed in such ligeness w!ll omclate in the judges’ .et~tud uiof..llfe.. ]iut whether It is worth the several trotting.Lmsetings next soasoii.troubld in the~ days to revive the art, "’David Bonnet says ’flint while isIn the more p~rfecl, type of it, for th~ California he saw yearling trotters thaiedification and. sat|sfaction Of thereon would readily pass for 3 or 4 year old#and women of *~hirty centuries hence, in 2q’ew York. "is a wide question. ¯ .Cremation i~, at --Bookmaker Walbaum rau’ Laml.th~s moment,: becoming the fashion, scer up to $1,105 at GUttenburg’whe9but possibly some persons would ra’£herbe so Immortalized and preserved for the Pteakness cast~ol~ won a scllin~selentBlc study, hke Will am Gilbert’s race. . .. .files In amber,’ *’shining m eternal ~The Wand~erlng JEW, by Koaolusko, ̄sepulchers." " owned by J. G. Greener, L~ pronounced

    -- to be the most promising two-year.oldThe Winnipeg- mound reglon, as at ~Nashvillo. " "

    ~crlbed in the American ~The Haray O’Fallen.Sue Flnne~by Prof. George Byles, gelding was christened Koscinsko Ka]iueludes a district some four hund: after his malden wln. This did nulmiles long from east to west, and run- prevent his again Winning recently..sing from the International. boundary ’--The bookmakers who. did buslne~nortii¯ ~.o at least latitude 50o. The at the West Side Park track. Nushvl le,author had seen some 60 mounds.andL~t fall, claim to have p~ld $15uOa da~had openedlO, working usually in con- for the pdvile ’e and L~4rd~J00. by thenectlon "with the Manitoba Historical trantmctlon. - " , ¯Society. Numerous skeletons have .-been exhumed.. Unmanufactured arti- --John- Campbell, the tmine~, sayx



  • ~N~S~

    Goods], I204 Market St., l~l~ada.

    and Caps.--We dlhplay ms ~qne atlt~e as can be foun,[ in tbc.city~

    ,~F:stook oomprlsee a|| °the ~latest stylesand novelties, as well a~ ~.he staple:,blocks.

    4Qonts’ :Furnishing Goo.~q.-- Thinillne-iJaa~ been selected with greatease. , ]~ach purchase a b~rgetn.

    ~Vfe earnestly request ~utAtlantic County friends

    ,’to gi~e us a call.

    that theparticle ef busuie~hTe cession withoutthe coast el the ndnorlty.’,

    Miss R. M, Bod~ine~. CHER OF "e

    l .ano and 0rg ,Tender~ her services to the peo~ple of

    Hammonton and vicinity. Yerms; reuonabla.


    Themeeems to,be a concerted move-ment to make Mr. Po-wderly the nextDemoc~fc candidate /or Governor ofPenueylvauia. What has Mr, Iow-derly done to the~Demoorate ove~ therethat the~ should want to bury himpolitically ~orever:~.

    It is aenounced in Rio Janero thatthe ~ue ~mk of Che United States o!Brazil wifl open next weel~, with a eap-t~ of $1e~0o~e00.

    All hope hoe ’~ abandoned for thesafety of the National Line SteamshipErin, hOWeVer fogy,days out fro~ NewYork.

    Roy. Dr. "£a~mase ~ at home again,well and happy. ~e el~tee that he feltlonely in the Holy Land, because therewere no reporters there.

    The Germau ~vere~ent will shortlyenforce+ stringent r~t~l~ioue._upon Im-migration to ~ even refusingpassports to Teethe ~mdet 19 years.

    KI %TX)8 OF -- /


    , ’.y


    ¯ ..,

    vet 28,, H~ONTON, N. J.,. FEBRUARY 15, 18f~)." ~TO.7-

    SCilOOL REPORT.The following pupils have received an

    average of 90 in deportment, 80 orabove in :recitatioue, and have beenregular in attendance, during the weekending Friday, Feb. 7th, 1890,.andthereby ~netitute the


    W. B. M~.Tr~WS. Principal.Jam~s 8cullin Laura Baker ;Chug. Jaoobs ....... Grace Whl tmor~_Henry Stockwell Jogle B~gereHarry bfonfca-t . Elsie Antler~onCheater Crowell

    Carl, M. Cook, jeweler.

    i~ ¯


    BUILDERHammonton, N. $.

    Plans, Specifications, and Esti-mates furnished

    JOBBING promptly attended to.


    _ Lasis a.l!. _d_ay !



    Wagons run through the Townand vicinity. .

    Lizzie 8enlyWill Parkhur~t Will ProudClocks of many designs, Watches from $2.50 to $75 Lizzie Gross ¯ George Lawson, BerLin Edm~ll Robert FarrurLflJa lluby" Huriburt ’l’omllnA few Diamond Pins, Ear.Hugs, and Finger-rings. H~maria Bern~ouee Mettle TilmaNettle Men fort Id~ Blythe

    -Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons, Lockets, Chains MIllteJones ~’.vely. Edsal!- Wilbert Beverat.~e ~ielle HurleyChains in Silver, Gold, and Rolled Plate, ~a+,,rar" Pr++eYcio~dma"tt’el.nla’~"l"~lo

    ~IU’i Neweomb Nine MoafortOpera ~Glasees, Pens, Pencils, G~ldSpeCS, Frank Whittier Llla Smith- W I11 Hoyt Gertrude Smith

    ’- Silver and Bronze Novelties, ~.euus¢.l,,. ¯ ~..a ~o..r~Lizzie WaltherS ChuB. C~vlleerIn fact, articles too ̄numerous to mention ; and we mean to sell L,cv aOo~GnAM~AR DEPARTSF-~.lt"rry Je.uingc

    Mls~ t~rrle E. Alden. Teacher.Wat*rfot~! ........Willow .........Him~nnton. .....

    them, ff good quality and low. prices will influence you.Come in Had look, whether you care to buy or not. Sale!

    F~rina and Flour, with.imported machinery.

    ~lll~rders golicited’~t~f

    31 OfFOR THE

    ,, Old ReliableS’

    a~ortment of

    Bread,--Catres,-- Pies.Fruits

    Confectionery¯ N~y still be found in great variety

    and abundant in quantity at

    ’,Another wonderlutdiseovery has beenmade, a.nd thst too by.-a lady In-t.hiseoun-~y.. uisease fastenod its clutcbse uponher, and for ee~*e’n years ~ke withstood Itsseverest test~ but her vital organs wereunderstood and death seemed imminent+For threei~ouths she coughed incessantlyand could not sleep. She-bought of usDr. ICing’s New Dtt~overy for Consnmp.tion and was comush relieved on takingfirst dose that ~heslapt all ntght~ aud withone bottle has been miraculously cured.Her name is ~re. Luther Lutz." ThusWrite W. C. Hamriek & Co, of Shelby,N.C. Get a free trial bottle at Cochran’s


    W. H. H. Bradbury,

    ¯ Magazines and "

    N.B.--Superior Famil7 Flour a Specialty.

    D, S. CA-REY will sell you 9end peach trecs for ~25 per 1000.He will also sell volin abundance.

    Berlin Rood Harry L4~gham.AIh|n 81~lu~dt~" Dllve l~ol|~md

    Hd.rry Rbberte Carrie ButgeusA.llle Mlck Albert lronsOors Warner ]Catle AndersonWillie Moyr~ Maggie GItrordOllle DePuy ~ary Fitzpatrickttertle King W~tll~r btemedcr~orris ~lllloill; .]ohl, lllhalll ¯~ldus Wilbur Harvey’Kt aSL~m Stouc ~N ett/e Lol~ieyMoward Bmdbnr~" Dannte BallardLouts Cotwell Mort6n 0rOwell~hdarJla Lindenmayer. Ollio LearEugene Gardner . ~|sle L~tbleyFloreace Howe .Iohunie Wall heraErnest Jacltsou George Wll,on

    LAKE SCHOOL. " "~Iss Sarah Crowell. Teacher.

    No IteporL.

    MALN" ~OAD SCHOOL.Miss Grace U. North, Teacher.


    .MIDDLE ROAD 8CIIOOL. :¯$Il~ Clam E. ~lleer. Teacher.

    Kate Gartvn Lulu CampanellaDudley Farrier " Claxence Auder.,onPaut ~IIOW ¯ ]to)" BeaehJo,le Garton Charli Gartoq. i"Phebe Newcemb 1Inward MonfortPaul S, cullla blary Rugnero

    An~le Glllll~gbarn Joseph GrowsMalnle Jacobe - ..biatteo Cnppoeelo-.Joss Campanella Antonio C~ppuccio


    to make ~~h~m M|ss Bertha Moore. Teacher.Fertilizer grow pezches c~,+. L|ttlencld JaneSeelyshowu on his own farm by abundant C~"r~,e~L~t~e~omWlUl~Doerfel¯ ,los