rotary district 5000, hawaii awards submissions form 2014...

ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014-2015 Rotary Club of: Kihei-Wailea Club Division: ___ Large Club _X__ Medium Club ___ Small Club Division determined by club membership as of 1 July 2014 SAR, exclusive of honorary members. Award Category: Public Image Check for each item completed: X Club has a public relations committee X Club has a budget for public relations X Club has submitted at least 2 news releases to traditional media this year (Please describe in narrative) X Traditional Media outreach resulted in coverage, as detailed in the narrative X Club has a regularly updated Website (at least once a month) URL ___www.MauiRotary.org_ or ! Club lists all service projects on Rotary Showcase X Club posts or prints a Newsletter _X__ each week, ___ each month, ___ other: _______________ X Club utilizes social media to communicate with members and non-Rotarians X Facebook (URL __ Wailea/276278484495?ref=hl __________________________________) X Twitter (Account name ____ __________________________) X LinkedIn (Account name _ is-2811782.S.69250059?view=&gid=2811782&type=member&item=69250059 ____________________________) ! Other (_________________, account name or URL________________________) ! Club members have Rotary work shirts or tees to enhance visibility at projects and events X Club held a meeting or training session to teach members how to tell the Rotary story (Date _______, # of people attending __________________) ! Club members rewarded for wearing the Rotary pin outside of meetings (Please describe in narrative) X Other (describe in narrative) Kihei 4 th Friday booth with Kihei Sunrise Please provide a narrative description of your Public Image accomplishments and any detail supporting your checked items above. Limit your response to ONE 8½” x11” page. (No letterhead, pictures, or graphics and print in Times New Roman, 12pt size). A narrative follows: X___ Yes ___ No Submission Deadline: 20 April 2015

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Page 1: ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014 … · our Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of

ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014-2015 Rotary Club of: Kihei-Wailea

Club Division: ___ Large Club _X__ Medium Club ___ Small Club Division determined by club membership as of 1 July 2014 SAR, exclusive of honorary members. Award Category: Public Image Check for each item completed:

X Club has a public relations committee

X Club has a budget for public relations

X Club has submitted at least 2 news releases to traditional media this year (Please describe in narrative)

X Traditional Media outreach resulted in coverage, as detailed in the narrative

X Club has a regularly updated Website (at least once a month) URL ___www.MauiRotary.org_ or

! Club lists all service projects on Rotary Showcase

X Club posts or prints a Newsletter _X__ each week, ___ each month, ___ other: _______________

X Club utilizes social media to communicate with members and non-Rotarians

X Facebook (URL __ __________________________________)

X Twitter (Account name ____ __________________________)


LinkedIn (Account name _ ____________________________)

! Other (_________________, account name or URL________________________)

! Club members have Rotary work shirts or tees to enhance visibility at projects and events

X Club held a meeting or training session to teach members how to tell the Rotary story (Date _______, # of people attending __________________)

! Club members rewarded for wearing the Rotary pin outside of meetings (Please describe in narrative)

X Other (describe in narrative) Kihei 4th Friday booth with Kihei Sunrise

Please provide a narrative description of your Public Image accomplishments and any detail supporting your checked items above. Limit your response to ONE 8½” x11” page. (No letterhead, pictures, or graphics and print in Times New Roman, 12pt size). A narrative follows: X___ Yes ___ No Submission Deadline: 20 April 2015

Page 2: ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014 … · our Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of

ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014-2015

• Our principal public image medium is our website, (or which resides on the Club Runner site . Most prominent on our website is a Rotary in the News feature, with a streaming list of newspaper articles on the Club and island-wide Rotary events. The website is updated weekly with our latest internet Newsletter, and links to archives of past Newsletters, and includes videos of all past meeting programs. The website is the hub, linked to all of the other social media sites. Our main active social media site is our Facebook page , which shares and likes member Mark Harbison’s FB site and the Rotary Clubs of Maui FB site , to which Joanne Laird and AG Mark Harbison post regularly. Our Twitter site and LinkedIn site also feed from the website. Club officers and AGs also post regularly on the District 5000 Community Service Corner . Other social media activity includes participation in Rotary Discussion Groups, and LinkedIn groups on Grants, Future Vision, Polio Plus.

• The PR Committee appoints a Speaker Chair each month that is responsible for ensuring that PSAs are sent to the Maui News Calendar. Besides our own PR program, we also coordinate our public image with the other Maui clubs, working with Public Image Chair Joanne Laird, Maui News contacts, and increasingly other news organizations. The Rotarians Give Thanks Maui Food Bank Drive was featured in this Maui News article: . Program announcements are also featured in the Maui News Local Briefs, as in the example below: . Major projects are carried in bigger stories, such as this one in the Maui News on RYLA, a joint venture of all 9 island RCs: With the closing of the Maui Weekly, we are reaching out to newer news media, such as Maui Now, which ran this article on our Mardi Gras fundraiser: and this one on our dictionary project:

• On Maui, banners are an effective way to publicize our projects. Kihei Safeway at the Pi’ilani Center is the main gateway to South Maui—we use 4 X 8 banners during our and Maui Food Bank Drives there. We use banners at all public events, including the annual School Supply Drive at Long’s Drug, our Kihei 4th Friday booth at the Azeka Shopping Center, and the Whale Day parade in February.

• The most exciting innovation is our collaboration with the RC of Kihei Sunrise and Valley Isle Sunset in monthly 4th Friday events at one of the gateway shopping centers in South Maui. “Friday” events have become a major feature of the social scene in Maui, and this Rotary joint venture has become a major venue for us, not only for Rotary events, such as World Polio Day, but also for other community outreach programs, such as a public information drive with the Maui Invasive Species Committee.

• Increasingly, the Maui Clubs are cooperating in all-island events and projects in order to enhance the “presence” of Rotary in community life, and particularly to highlight Rotarians who are part of the core group of community activists and social media gurus. The future of Maui Rotary is in community activism linked to social media. The 4th Friday event is an opportunity for our Club and its partners to participate in an increasingly popular event. Beginning with the all-Island Presidents Induction in late June, Presidents and PEs meeting monthly to coordinate projects and fundraisers. Maui RYLA, the Interact Workshop, PRLS, the Taiwan Friendship, Youth Exchange, and other events are all cooperative ventures. We also participated in chartering two new Clubs in Maui County—the Lahaina Sunset and RC of Lanai.

Page 3: ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014 … · our Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of

ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014-2015

Club Division: ___ Large Club __X_ Medium Club ___ Small Club Division determined by club membership as of 1 July 2014 SAR, exclusive of honorary members.

Award Category: Public Image

Check for each item completed:

Rotary Club of:      East Honolulu

Club has a public relations committee

Club has a budget for public relations

Club has submitted at least 2 news releases to traditional media this year (Please describe in narrative)

Traditional Media outreach resulted in coverage, as detailed in the narrative

Club has a regularly updated Website (at least once a month) URL _____________________________

Club lists all service projects on Rotary Showcase

Club posts or prints a Newsletter __X_ each week, ___ each month, ___ other: _______________

Club utilizes social media to communicate with members and non-Rotarians

Facebook (Rotary Club of East Honolulu)

Twitter (Account name ______________________________)

LinkedIn (Account name _____________________________)

Other (_________________, account name or URL________________________)

Club members have Rotary work shirts or tees to enhance visibility at projects and events

Club held a meeting or training session to teach members how to tell the Rotary story (Date _______, # of people attending __________________)

Club members rewarded for wearing the Rotary pin outside of meetings (Please describe in narrative)

Other (describe in narrative)

Page 4: ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014 … · our Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of

ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014-2015 Please provide a narrative description of your Public Image accomplishments and any detail supporting your checked items above. Limit your response to ONE 8½” x11” page. (No letterhead, pictures, or graphics and print in Times New Roman, 12pt size).

A narrative follows: _X__ Yes ___ No

Submission Deadline: 20 April 2015

Page 5: ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014 … · our Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of

ROTARY DISTRICT 5000Awards Submissions Checklist for 2014-2015 Items Due by 20 April 2015

Rotary Club of:  HONOLULU SUNRISE    

Club Division: ___ Large Club _X__ Medium Club ___ Small Club Division determined by club membership as of 1 July 2014 SAR, exclusive of honorary members.

Award Category: Public Image

Check for each item completed:

X Club has a public relations committee

X Club has a budget for public relations

X Club has submitted at least 2 news releases to traditional media this year (Please describe in narrative)

X Traditional Media outreach resulted in coverage, as detailed in the narrative

X Club has a regularly updated Website (at least once a month) URL __

X Club lists all service projects on Rotary Showcase

X Club posts or prints a Newsletter ___ each week, ___ month, ___ other: facebook and clubrunner

X Club utilizes social media to communicate with members and non-RotariansX Facebook (

Twitter (Account name (Account name

X Other, and

X Club members have Rotary work shirts or tees to enhance visibility at projects and events

X Club held a meeting or training session to teach members how to tell the Rotary story (Date July 7, first meeting of the year, see narrative)

! Club members rewarded for wearing the Rotary pin outside of meetings (Please describe in narrative)

X Other (describe in narrative)

Please provide a narrative description of your Public Image accomplishments and any detail supporting your checked items above. Limit your response to ONE 8½” x11” page. (No letterhead, pictures, or graphics and print in Times New Roman, 12pt size).

A narrative follows: _X_ Yes ___ No

Submission Deadline: 20 April 2015


Page 6: ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014 … · our Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of

ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, HawaiiAwards Submissions Form2014-2015 This year President Gary Huang encouraged Rotary members to share their “Rotary Story” with members andfriends. After returning from the Sydney International Convention member Dave Erdman shared his “Rotary Story” with our members about the how he and his Japanese host brother re-united at the Sydney InternationalConvention with our incoming President Eric Kaler. Dave also shared the story of meeting our Fukushima Rotary friends in Sydney, and how these relationships continue to evolve and deepen. Dave discussed the im-portance of telling our “Rotary Stories” to our members and friends. Incoming President Eric Kaler kicked offour Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of his initial engagement with Rotary in Bali, and explained how his story brought him to being our new Club president. Each new member orientation we discuss the need to communicate our “Rotary Story”, and how it helps to interest and engage non-Rotarians in Rotary. We also use inspiration time during our meeting to share our “Rotary Stories”.


The Rotary Club of Honolulu Sunrise has T-shirts available for all events, including our exclusive T-shirts forour painting and work projects. Worn with pride, all of our members are encouraged to wear these at all of ourevents, from community service projects to interact projects.


Our Public Image budget this year was allocated to transitioning to Club Runner from our web site and blog site. RC of Honolulu Sunrise had a robust and updated Club web site and blog posting each week. Every meeting and event had a photographer capturing photo images, and content was written and updated on the site. Many of our guests and visitors come visit our Monday morning meeting from viewing our club site, which has excellent natural search. Our leadership decided to move our web site to the newly enhanced Club Runner, which would be easier for updating, communications, and reporting. We are now nearly complete with the transition to club runner, and populating content. We will be re-directing our URL to the Club Run-ner site by May 1. As we began the transition process to Club Runner we focused our attention on Facebook page, now with 557 Likes.


Sunrise had an excellent event collaborating with multiple Rotary Clubs for a project with the US Veterans Center, for which a press release was issued by one of the other clubs. Sunrise is issuing a press release relat-ed to its Annual Rotarian’s-at-work day community service project for Helping Hands Hawaii, that in associa-tion with the Weinberg foundation, generates $10,000 that will be awarded to the local non profit organizationof our choice which this year is Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Hawaii. Coverage of the Weinberg project has, in the past been picked up and we have every expectation it will do so again this year. Another big event for the club is our 25th anniversary, being celebrated on May 18, we are creating a press release specifically for that event. Additionally, Each member of Sunrise is encouraged to mention in any profile of them or their company submitted to traditional media that they are members of the Rotary Club of Honolulu Sunrise.

Page 7: ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014 … · our Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of

ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014-2015

Rotary Club of: Waianae

Club Division: ___ Large Club __X_ Medium Club ___ Small Club Division determined by club membership as of 1 July 2014 SAR, exclusive of honorary members. Award Category: Public Image Check for each item completed:

x Club has a public relations committee

x Club has a budget for public relations

x Club has submitted at least 2 news releases to traditional media this year (Please describe in narrative)

x Traditional Media outreach resulted in coverage, as detailed in the narrative

x Club has a regularly updated Website (at least once a month) URL __waianaecoastrotaryclub.org___________________________

x Club lists all service projects on Rotary Showcase

x Club posts or prints a Newsletter ___ each week, _Twice__ each month, ___ other: _______________

x Club utilizes social media to communicate with members and non-Rotarians

x Facebook (URL ____________________________________)

! Twitter (Account name ______________________________)

! LinkedIn (Account name _____________________________)

! Other (_________________, account name or URL________________________)

x Club members have Rotary work shirts or tees to enhance visibility at projects and events

Club held a meeting or training session to teach members how to tell the Rotary story (Date _______, # of people attending __________________)

! Club members rewarded for wearing the Rotary pin outside of meetings (Please describe in narrative)

! Other (describe in narrative)

Please provide a narrative description of your Public Image accomplishments and any detail supporting your checked items above. Limit your response to ONE 8½” x11” page. (No letterhead, pictures, or graphics and print in Times New Roman, 12pt size). A narrative follows: __X_ Yes ___ No We have a very active and comprehensive Public Image program with our Website, Newsletter, Club Brochures, poster/flyers that is placed in establishments/condos, etc., and a standard entry in the local Westside Stories with information on our Rotary Club.

Page 8: ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014 … · our Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of

ROT ARY DISTRICT 5000, HawaiiAward s Submissions Form2014-2015

Rotary Club of: KonaMauka

Club Division: _ Large Club _x_ Medium Club Small ClubDivision determined by club


membership as of 1 July 2014 SAR, exclusive of honorary members.

Award Category: Public Image

Check for each item completed:


Club has a public rfations committee

Club has a budget for public relations

Club has submitted at least 2 news releases to traditional media this year (Please describe innarrative)Traditional Media outreach resulted in coverage, as detailed in the narrative

Club has a regularlr updated Website (at least once a month) URLUJwt0. C (l..\1'>L\.VI"NC Ac/ K6/IJA~k.AsClub lists all servide proje~ts on Rotary Showcase

Club posts or prints a Newsletter _ each week, -t- each month, _ other: _

Club utilizes social media to communicate with members and non-Rotarians

D Fac.ebooF (URL gOlVA- Y\Au. ~ IZ.oT4ILy C/.).-ib - H41·A- t !

o Twitter [Account name )

D Linkedln (Account name )

D Other ( , account name or URL )

Club members have Rotary work shirts or tees to enhance visibility at projects and events

Club held a meetinF, or training session to teach members how to tell the Rotary story (Date__ --', # of peo~le attending )Club members rewarded for wearing the Rotary pin outside of meetings (Please describe innarrative)Other (describe in narrati ve)

Please provide a narrative description of your Public Image accomplishments and any detail supporting yourchecked items above. Limit your response to ONE 8Yz" xl l " page. (No letterhead, pictures, or graphics andprint in Times New Roman, 12pt size).

A narrative follows: Yes x No

Submission Deadline: 20 April 2015

Page 9: ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014 … · our Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of

Rotary  Club  of  Kona  Mauka  Public  Relations      

• Submit weekly press release announcing speakers. A paragraph explaining Rotary is included.

• · ‘Rotarians at Work’ t-shirts are worn at all work projects and when we act as safety marshals at the parades.

• · The website is updated monthly. • · Had a feature article highlighting our upcoming Valentine Wine

Tasting fundraiser in the At Home insert in the local newspaper. This is a high-end monthly insert that is included in the newspaper.

• · Our fundraiser was included in all online community calendars • · Monthly newsletter gets sent to club members, those at district level,

visiting Rotarians, community leaders and some former GSE leaders. • · Did radio spots announcing our club’s Valentine’s Wine Tasting

fundraiser • · Printed a large ‘Mahalo’ ad in the newspaper to thank all our

sponsors and supporters of our Valentines Wine Tasting fundraiser. • · Club members are encouraged to wear their Rotary pins throughout

the week. It is a wonderful way to show our pride in Rotary, connect with other Rotarians, and open the conversation about Rotary with those who ask about the pin. We had a feature article in our newsletter that also highlighted pictures of members who wear their pin.

• · Club has had numerous mentions in the newspaper throughout the year.

• · We have had many dynamic speakers who generate interest from local reporters.

• · Have been featured in the Community Spotlight on NPR (National Public Radio)

• · Club president has been interviewed on the radio 2 times • · We have a very organized Speakers’ Program. Our speakers are

scheduled at least 2 months in advance. Rotary Club of Kona Mauka is known for having quality speakers  

Page 10: ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014 … · our Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of


Awards Submissions Form


Rotary Club of: Windward Oahu

Club Division: ___ Large Club _X__ Medium Club ___ Small Club

Division determined by club membership as of 1 July 2014 SAR, exclusive of honorary members.

Award Category: Public Image

Check for each item completed:

X Club has a public relations committee

X Club has a budget for public relations

X Club has submitted at least 2 news releases to traditional media this year (Please describe in


X Traditional Media outreach resulted in coverage, as detailed in the narrative

X Club has a regularly updated Website (at least once a month) URL _


Club lists all service projects on Rotary Showcase

X Club posts or prints a Newsletter _X_ each week, ___ each month, ___ other: _______________

X Club utilizes social media to communicate with members and non-Rotarians

X Facebook (URL _Rotary Club of_Windward Oahu_______________)

Twitter (Account name ______________________________)

X LinkedIn (Account name __ Murray Visser_)

Other (_________________, account name or URL________________________)

X Club members have Rotary work shirts or tees to enhance visibility at projects and events

X Club held a meeting or training session to teach members how to tell the Rotary story (Date _6

Nov 2014_, # of people attending _19)

Club members rewarded for wearing the Rotary pin outside of meetings (Please describe in


X Other (describe in narrative)

Page 11: ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014 … · our Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of


Awards Submissions Form


Please provide a narrative description of your Public Image accomplishments and any detail supporting

your checked items above. Limit your response to ONE 8½” x11” page. (No letterhead, pictures, or

graphics and print in Times New Roman, 12pt size).

A narrative follows: _X__ Yes ___ No

Submission deadline 20 April 2015

The Rotary Club of Windward Oahu operates its website at no cost to the Club. It is updated weekly. A club

member is the webmaster. Interested persons merely need to click on the website’s Events Calendar to see a

list of speakers and their topics for up to two months in advance. The Club has a weekly bulletin called The

Windward Breeze. People can read nearly every back issue from 2006 until the current one by clicking on the

tab: About Us. A good number of visiting Rotarians have accessed our website to see what our Club is about

and where we’re located. Rotarians from as far away as Sweden have discovered our Club and as a result

have visited our Club to do banner exchanges.

As previously mentioned, our weekly bulletin is called The Windward Breeze, and it has been in existence

since 14 January 1954. I email The Breeze about three days prior to the weekly meetings so that members can

know ahead of time what will be on the agenda. Also, members who are unable to attend a particular

meeting, can still keep current with the latest information. I email The Breeze to not only our Club members,

but also to members of other Rotary Clubs, the DG, ADG, DG elect, and even to some Rotary Clubs in

Thailand. Hard copies are mailed via U.S. Post to members who don’t use computers.

So far, MidWeek newspaper has published four articles on community service projects completed by our

Club. The articles are: (1) “Windward Rotarians help Northern Thais take a deep breath” 9 July 2014, p.10.

(2) A page-wide photo of 57 Rotarians having painted the Kailua Family Promise Ctr in the 19 Nov 2014

issue, p.5 (3) “Windward students can apply now for Rotary scholarships.” 10 Dec 2014, p.5 (4) “Partnerships

bring needed funds to Windward’s Hale Ola 18 Mar 2015, p.8.

As a result of our interclub publicity and promotion, our Club members have attended a number of District

functions e.g. the District’s Foundation dinner and attended the functions of other Clubs e.g. Kaneohe Club’s

Valentine’s Day luncheon, Pearl Harbor Club’s fund raiser, Windward Sunrise Club’s pau hana parties, and

more. In turn, members of other Clubs have attended our Club’s functions e.g. the St. Paddy’s Day party,

Stew Wade’s birthday party, and more. Members of other Clubs have participated with our Club’s projects

e.g. painting the Kailua Family Promise Ctr. Some members of our Club attend meetings of other Clubs on a

regular basis and vice-versa. Members from the public have come to some of our Club’s presentations that

were publicized in the MidWeek calendar.

* Club members wear Rotary t-shirts when working on projects. Our Club also plants a prominent Rotary

banner at each work site. *Our Club members wear Rotary pins when traveling.

*Interested persons can view up-to-date photographs of our Club’s events and projects at our Club’s Facebook

page. *I am connected to other Rotarians in LinkedIn, including with some in Thailand.

*There is a public relations committee of four Club members with a small budget to pay for publicity costs.

Page 12: ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014 … · our Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of

ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014-2015

Rotary Club of: Kona

Club Division: Medium Club Division determined by club membership as of 1 July 2014 SAR, exclusive of honorary members. Award Category: Public Image Check for each item completed:

Club has a public relations committee

Club has a budget for public relations

Club has submitted at least 2 news releases to traditional media this year (Please describe in narrative)

Traditional Media outreach resulted in coverage, as detailed in the narrative

Club has a regularly updated Website (at least once a month) URL _____________________________

Club lists all service projects on Rotary Showcase

Club posts or prints a Newsletter ___ each week, ___ each month, ___ other: _______________ Club utilizes social media to communicate with members and non-Rotarians

Facebook (URL ____________________________________)

Club members have Rotary work shirts or tees to enhance visibility at projects and events

Club held a meeting or training session to teach members how to tell the Rotary story (Date _______, # of people attending __________________)

Club members rewarded for wearing the Rotary pin outside of meetings (Please describe in narrative)

Other (describe in narrative)

Please provide a narrative description of your Public Image accomplishments and any detail supporting your checked items above. Limit your response to ONE 8½” x11” page. (No letterhead, pictures, or graphics and print in Times New Roman, 12pt size). A narrative follows: ___ Yes ___ No Submission Deadline: 20 April 2015

Page 13: ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014 … · our Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of

ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014-2015

The Rotary Club of Kona recognizes the importance of promoting Rotary in the community as a tool to recruit new members to help us continue to provide community and international service. Our club has secured a monthly ad from West Hawaii Today that we share with all of the West Hawaii Clubs. We use it to promote events, fundraisers and activities. Our President Elect has been successful promoting our club activities through local radio relationships. We have sponsored and received radio recognition for the back to school drive and slipper drive. Project Compassion provides a great opportunity to promote Rotary as the monthly events are publicized with banners, through the non-profits, on the radio and in the newspaper. We are proudly recognized for our support of the parades and the Keiki Slipper Drive. While it is difficult to predict what the newspaper will publish, we are able to leverage the community section of the paper. The Rotary Means Business and Project Compassion Events are listed each month. Each year we have had articles published listing the scholarship recipients and expect to this year as well. West Hawaii Today has committed to publish an article on our community award recipients and we are still hoping for an article about the Kona Adult Day Care in an effort to get some additional funding for them. We are active users of FaceBook and use it to promote events as well as to share information about our club, new members and individual Rotarian Successes. The last two years we have enjoyed posting about Rotarian Scott Unger’s nephew Max’s journey to the superbowl. Our club has an award winning newsletter which is distributed via email, at the meeting in hard copy and posted to our website. Our joint projects – the Menehune Food Drive and the Christmas Parade are both published in the paper with reference to the Rotary Clubs of West Hawaii. This year, Higashihara Park, was identified as one of the top 50 playgrounds in the country. It was ranked number 11. This project was led by Cliff Kopp and the Rotary Club of Kona (the year before Kona Sunrise was created). While article doesn’t mention Rotary, the role that Rotary played in the revitalization of that park was all over Facebook. Rotary Club of Kona also supports the Chamber of Commerce Mayor’s and Governor’s meetings. With nearly 500 people attending, it is good to have the Rotary name associated with this project. At each of these meetings each year, a Rotarian is asked to lead the pledge. It is just one more way that Rotary shines in the community. The power of Rotary really comes through when we work together. Any time one of our clubs does anything, we promote Rotary.

Page 14: ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014 … · our Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of

ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014-2015 Rotary Club of: Lahaina

Club Division: ___ Large Club _X__ Medium Club ___ Small Club Division determined by club membership as of 1 July 2014 SAR, exclusive of honorary members. Award Category: Public Image Check for each item completed:

x Club has a public relations committee

! Club has a budget for public relations

x Club has submitted at least 2 news releases to traditional media this year (Please describe in narrative)

! Traditional Media outreach resulted in coverage, as detailed in the narrative

! Club has a regularly updated Website (at least once a month) URL _____________________________

! Club lists all service projects on Rotary Showcase

x Club posts or prints a Newsletter ___ each week, ___ each month, ___ other: _______________

! Club utilizes social media to communicate with members and non-Rotarians

x Facebook (URL ___

! Twitter (Account name ______________________________)

! LinkedIn (Account name _____________________________)

! Other (_________________, account name or URL________________________)

x Club members have Rotary work shirts or tees to enhance visibility at projects and events

! Club held a meeting or training session to teach members how to tell the Rotary story (Date _______, # of people attending __________________)

! Club members rewarded for wearing the Rotary pin outside of meetings (Please describe in narrative)

! Other (describe in narrative)

Please provide a narrative description of your Public Image accomplishments and any detail supporting your checked items above. Limit your response to ONE 8½” x11” page. (No letterhead, pictures, or graphics and print in Times New Roman, 12pt size). A narrative follows: ___ Yes __X_ No Submission Deadline: 20 April 2015

Page 15: ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014 … · our Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of

ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014-2015

Rotary Club of: Hilo Bay

Club Division: ___ Large Club _X__ Medium Club ___ Small Club Division determined by club membership as of 1 July 2014 SAR, exclusive of honorary members.

Award Category: Public Image

Check for each item completed:

! Club has a public relations committee

! Club has a budget for public relations

! Club has submitted at least 2 news releases to traditional media this year (Please describe in narrative)

! Traditional Media outreach resulted in coverage, as detailed in the narrative

! Club has a regularly updated Website (at least once a month) URL _www.hilobayrotary.com_____________________

! Club lists all service projects on Rotary Showcase

! Club posts or prints a Newsletter ___ each week, ___ each month, ___ other: _Regular email updates and reminders__

! Club utilizes social media to communicate with members and non-Rotarians

! Facebook (URL ______)

! Twitter (Account name __@RCHiloBay (Disclosure:brand new) ___________)

! LinkedIn (Account name ___Rotary Club of Hilo Bay – have it for 1+ year, unused to date.)

! Other (Hilo Bay Oktoberfest site) account name or URL_hilobayoktoberfest.com__)

! Club members have Rotary work shirts or tees to enhance visibility at projects and events

!Club held a meeting or training session to teach members how to tell the Rotary story (Date _______, # of people attending __________________)

!Club members rewarded for wearing the Rotary pin outside of meetings (Please describe in narrative)

! Other (describe in narrative)

Please provide a narrative description of your Public Image accomplishments and any detail supporting your checked items above. Limit your response to ONE 8½” x11” page. (No letterhead, pictures, or graphics and print in Times New Roman, 12pt size).

A narrative follows: ___ Yes ___ No

Submission Deadline: 20 April 2015

Page 16: ROTARY DISTRICT 5000, Hawaii Awards Submissions Form 2014 … · our Rotary year with his “Rotary Story” of

Rotary Club of Hilo Bay Public Image RCHB submitted traditional media releases or direct pitches for:

YWCA work project (project competed end of 2013-14, release sent beginning of 2014-15) picked up by Hawaii Tribune-Herald

Installation of new officers - picked up by Hawaii Tribune-Herald Oktoberfest – not picked up Weinberg 2015 project – HOPE Services - picked up Hawaii Tribune-Herald

Online Presence: RCHB has substantially upgraded its online presence and social media. Our website is more and more robust and we use it as a backend repositiory for documents. Members are encouraged to pay for events through the website and to go there first for info on Club happenings. Our weekly eBulletin is linked to the site. We have a FaceBook page, but are having technical problems transferring it to a proper “Like” page rather than a “Friend” page. Once resolved it will be used more. We have a LinkedIn account, but are not making good use of it yet; we have a new Twitter account and are currently doing outreach to members to promote participation. We launched the website to promote our annual fundraiser and used it to sell tickets and encourage sponsorship. Other: Merrie Monarch Parade: This high visibility, public outreach promotes Rotary as a significant community presence and resource. Members carried banners with key RCHB activities listed and distributed treats to children along the route.