rotary club of somerton park bulletin 09/06/2016

Rotary Club of Somerton Park Inc. | Chartered 7 April 1988 Club Bulletin Tony is the Student Counsellor at Brighton Secondary and was a return visi- tor to speak about his schools involvement with an orphanage in Cambodia. Tony introduced his talk by praising the School's partnership with Paul Munns Care for Cam- bodia iniave. Tony painted a sad picture of people living on a p, from which he moved to the im- portance of educaon in breaking this cycle and a detailed descripon of student fundraising towards becoming involved with the effort. Tony then took us on the trip to Cambodia, which was managed by World Challenge with the key risk- management aspects handled professionally. Accli- mazaon on arrival involved a cooking course and four days trekking before we saw some pictures of an impressive structure being built and the village that the students and staff stayed in. The man with the AK 47 and the fishbone in his foot painted a picture of local life. The students got further into culture with basked weaving and a trip to Angkor Wat, the largest religious site in the world. It was clear that for Tony the prime value of the trip was in the development of the students both as per- sons and as leaders. Our meeng on 9th June was a Commiees meeng, and as a curtain raiser which stole the show Rob and Marianne, our two latest members, gave us a thor- ough and very interesng insight into their lives and Meeng 2nd and 9th June 9th June 2015 June is Rotary fellow- ships month and it is a good me to reflect as we near the end of the Rotary year on what we have achieved and what we have gained from Rotary. Aside from the monies raised, charies, people and causes we have supported, we have had fun, fellowship and camaraderie along the way. There are many ways we can extend and en- hance our Rotary experience through fellowship and one of those is to join a Rotary fellowship group of which there are many and varied inter- ests represented, see hps:// myrotary/en/rotary-fellowships. From cooking, cruising, flying, golf, photography to Travel and Hosng to name a few, there is a fellowship group for you where you can connect with like-minded Rotarians who share similar interests and hobbies. Can't find what you're looking for? Then think about starng your own Rotary fellowship, see hps:// myrotary/en/take-acon/empower-leaders/ form-rotary-fellowship. Brenley Presidents Paragraphs

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Page 1: Rotary Club of Somerton Park Bulletin 09/06/2016

Rotary Club of Somerton Park Inc. | Chartered 7 April 1988

Club Bulletin

Tony is the Student Counsellor at Brighton Secondary and was a return visi-tor to speak

about his school’s involvement with an orphanage in Cambodia. Tony introduced his talk by praising the School's partnership with Paul Munn’s Care for Cam-bodia initiative. Tony painted a sad picture of people living on a tip, from which he moved to the im-portance of education in breaking this cycle and a detailed description of student fundraising towards becoming involved with the effort.

Tony then took us on the trip to Cambodia, which was managed by World Challenge with the key risk-management aspects handled professionally. Accli-matization on arrival involved a cooking course and four days trekking before we saw some pictures of an impressive structure being built and the village that the students and staff stayed in. The man with the AK 47 and the fishbone in his foot painted a picture of local life. The students got further into culture with basked weaving and a trip to Angkor Wat, the largest religious site in the world.

It was clear that for Tony the prime value of the trip was in the development of the students both as per-sons and as leaders.

Our meeting on 9th June was a Committees meeting, and as a curtain raiser which stole the show Rob and Marianne, our two latest members, gave us a thor-ough and very interesting insight into their lives and

Meeting 2nd and 9th June

9th June 2015

June is Rotary fellow-ships month and it is a good time to reflect as we near the end of the Rotary year on what we have achieved and what we have gained from Rotary.

Aside from the monies raised, charities, people and causes we have supported, we have had

fun, fellowship and camaraderie along the way. There are many ways we can extend and en-hance our Rotary experience through fellowship and one of those is to join a Rotary fellowship group of which there are many and varied inter-ests represented, see

From cooking, cruising, flying, golf, photography to Travel and Hosting to name a few, there is a fellowship group for you where you can connect with like-minded Rotarians who share similar interests and hobbies. Can't find what you're looking for? Then think about starting your own Rotary fellowship, see


President’s Paragraphs

Page 2: Rotary Club of Somerton Park Bulletin 09/06/2016

Broadcast on 1197AM RPH Adelaide each Tuesday 7.30-8.00 pm. From each Wednesday the broadcast program can be heard on-line

June 2015

June 16th PDG David Roberts (R.C. of Hallett Cove) “Preventing Kidney Disease” June 23rd PPres. Milton Lewis (R.C. of Campbelltown) “Burnside Concert – July 15th for

Rotary Against Malaria”

The Voice of Rotary

6-9 June 106th RI Convention, São Paulo

28 June Club Changeover

Jul 5 District Changeover

Club Diary Dates 2015

The Four Way Test Of The Things We Think, Say or Do:

Is it the TRUTH?

Is it FAIR to all Concerned?

Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS?

Will it be BENEFICIAL to all con-


Rotary Club of Somerton Park Inc. | Chartered 7 April 1988

Club Bulletin

Date June 16th June 23rd


Nicole Cornes Club Assembly


Chairman Peter T Pres Brenley

Door Ladies Ladies

Setup Men Men

Meeting Program

Speaker’s Coordinator: Rtn Peter Thompson 0438949544

work. Both have had accomplished teaching ca-reers both country and city, have a number of grandchildren on which to lavish their love and time, travel extensively in a motor home and overseas, retain a number of hobbies and inter-ests and come to Rotary with enthusiasm, ener-gy and a desire to serve their community.

9th June 2015

Page 3: Rotary Club of Somerton Park Bulletin 09/06/2016

Rotary Club of Somerton Park Inc. | Chartered 7 April 1988

Club Bulletin

News from Board Meeting

Polio Eradication

Barbara has alerted me to the 2016 Po-lio Eradication Calendar, a multi-award-winning production by Rotarian John Edwards and based around magnificent images of wildlife in the southern oceans. If anyone wishes to investigate further please contact Barbara.

June is Rotary Fellowship month

Rotary Fellowships are groups of Rotary members who

Share a common interest in recreational activi-ties, sports, hobbies, or professions

Further their vocational development with oth-ers in the same profession or field

Enhance their Rotary experience by exploring new opportunities and making connections around the world

Rotary Fellowships operate in that:

Each fellowship functions independently of Rota-ry International, establishing its own rules, dues requirements, and administrative structure

Membership is open to Rotarians, spouses of Rotarians, and Rotaractors.

Fellowships must have an international scope, with active members in at least three countries

Rotary Fellowships

9th June 2015

From Pam. This is a letter received from Jaime Gardner the lady I presented a cheque to for $750.00. We raised the money at one of our BBQs at Harvey Norman. Members may be interested in reading this note from Jaime in our Bulletin.

Subject: Community Re-entry Program donation

Dear Pam,

I would like to extend a huge thank you on behalf of all of the members of the Community Re-entry Program. As you know we are a small community based rehabilitation program for adults with ac-quired brain injury, based at the Flinders Universi-ty. We provide a range of skill development and social and recreational activities for people with brain injury to encourage them to connect with their community and engage with others.

The generous donation from the Rotary club will go towards either promotion of brain injury aware-ness during brain injury awareness week (August 17th-23rd, 2015) or a two day retreat for members and their families to be held at the Sunnybrae Function Centre (September 2015).

Just for your information, one of our members with brain injury is currently compiling an information session, which has a range of practical activities aimed at informing others about what it’s like to live with a brain injury. She has presented this ses-sion on a few occasions to our group and may be interested in sharing this with Rotary member in the future, if this was of interest. Again, thank you for your generous support. We look forward to working with you in the future. All the best Jaime

Page 4: Rotary Club of Somerton Park Bulletin 09/06/2016

Rotary Club of Somerton Park Inc. | Chartered 7 April 1988

Club Bulletin

Peter Hammond District Secretary & District Herald, Cub Service Coordi nator Pam Maxwell Membership strengthening & retention Peter Ochota Rotary International Con stitution & By-Laws Bee Siemionow ROMAC Committee

President Brenley Milsom

Secretary Barb Humphries

Treasurer Michael Garland

President Elect Michael Garland

Past President Carolyn Lelliott

Community Service Malcolm Axford

International Service Pam Maxwell

Membership Rajni Lalsinghani

Fellowship Carolyn Lelliott

Fundraising Jim Parkins

New Generations Brenton Aird

Board of Directors

Club Meeting and Contact Details


TUESDAY 7.00am

Adelaide International Motel

521 Anzac Highway

Glenelg North

Club Contact Details:

PO Box 134

Glenelg SA 5045

Secretary Barb Humphries

Email: [email protected]

Club email: [email protected]


Members Serving On District Committees

9th June 2015