rotary club donates school supplies the change in el paso ... · 9/8/2013  · rotary club donates...

Dealing with the Occult Prayer was vital dealing with the occult. Since El Paso has been the center of occult activity in the U.S. for over a century, you would expect demon possession and sa- tanic influence in the lives of those in the city. Some of the activity was very obvious and others extremely subtle. Most of these issues were dealt with privately and on a per- sonal basis. During the Luis Palau Crusade mentioned above, many people accepted Jesus as their Savior and in the follow-up time, God set them free from the work of Satan in their life. We must remember that Satan is not all-powerful, all knowing, and cannot be everywhere. He is not equal to God but was created by God. Jesus demonstrated this with His power over Satan while He was on earth. When a righ- teous person prays, God works through that prayer to set people free from the bondage of Satan. One word to the wise! Satan is more powerful than you. Don’t play around with things you do not know much about or dabble in things where you are not a holy vessel for God to use. One situation I was involved with happened to a lady I knew who attended church. One Sunday it seemed she was having a heart attack so we called the ambulance and she went to the hospital. After 3 days they found nothing wrong with her and sent her home. She had been in the hospital other times without finding medical problems. She asked me to meet her at the hospital to talk to them about her bills and if they could reduce them. As she was getting up from the chair she fell back into the seat and said it felt like there was a spear sticking out from the back of her knee. She went to an orthopedist and they found noth- ing wrong. I realized there was something wrong; it seemed spiri- tual, and I was over my head. I looked for help. Some friends knew of two ladies from their church who were involved in a deliverance ministry. They agreed on a time to meet. They had spent 3 days in prayer and fasting be- fore the meeting. Five of us were in the room with the lady. She had lived with a man who was a Satanist. She had worked in the porn industry and had asked Je- sus to come into her life. I do not know how all of this works, but I Volume 6, Issue 21 September 12 - September 25, 2013 THE CHANGE IN EL PASO Part 7 Continued on page 2 Rotary Club Donates School Supplies By Kelly McCullough The Rotary Club of Northeast El Paso held a Back to School Fundraiser at the Transmountain Road Walmart on Sunday, August 25th. Rebecca Avila, Rick Al- theide and wife Gaby, Patty Lujan and son Isaiah, Doug Eley, Jose Amezcua, Jimmy Melver, Kelly McCullough and granddaughter Kelsey Foix, along with three em- ployees of Golden Corral (provid- ed by owner Jaime Castaneda) all worked two hour shifts collecting donations of school supplies from customers. Several patrons gave cash donations which was used to purchase more supplies. This was a great opportunity for club members to help students of area schools, as well as being able to share and introduce Ro- tary to many who stopped to ask questions and become further in- formed. Last year the club collected enough donations to provide one school with a great amount of supplies. This year the club col- lected enough supplies to provide three schools each with an even larger amount! On Thursday, August 28th club President, Rick Altheide and Kelly McCullough distributed the donations to school counselors at: Schuster Elementary (Aprx. 274 students), 5515 Will Ruth Av- enue; Ben S. Dowell Elementary (Aprx. 400 students), 5249 Bas- tille Avenue; and Fannin Elemen- tary (Aprx. 560 students), 5425 Salem Drive. As donations were left with the counselors they each expressed gratitude and spoke of the great need of the students of their schools. The club wishes to thank the managers of Walmart for provid- ing the opportunity to work both doors throughout the day to col- lect the donations. And also, to give a HUGE thank you to the NE residents who gave so graciously to help underprivileged children in the Northeast. Because many families are not in the position to provide the ever growing list of school supplies for each of their children this was a great way for the Rotary Club to serve the com- munity. View all photos from the two days events on The Messenger’s Facebook page. Rick Altheide with Abigail Dominguez at Schuster Elementary (Photo by Kelly McCullough) Rick with Norma Giron Finley at Fannin Elementary (Photo by Kelly McCullough) Rick with Carmen Natividad and Virginaia Veilleux at Ben S. Dowell Elementary (Photo by Kelly McCullough) By Wally Chapman 1990-2012 (Photo by Kelly McCullough)

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Page 1: Rotary Club Donates School Supplies THE CHANGE IN EL PASO ... · 9/8/2013  · Rotary Club Donates School Supplies By Kelly McCullough The Rotary Club of Northeast El Paso held a

Dealing with the OccultPrayer was vital dealing with

the occult. Since El Paso has been the center of occult activity in the U.S. for over a century, you would expect demon possession and sa-tanic influence in the lives of those in the city. Some of the activity was very obvious and others extremely subtle. Most of these issues were dealt with privately and on a per-sonal basis. During the Luis Palau Crusade mentioned above, many people accepted Jesus as their Savior and in the follow-up time, God set them free from the work of Satan in their life.

We must remember that Satan is not all-powerful, all knowing, and cannot be everywhere. He is not equal to God but was created by God. Jesus demonstrated this with His power over Satan while He was on earth. When a righ-teous person prays, God works through that prayer to set people free from the bondage of Satan. One word to the wise! Satan is more powerful than you. Don’t play around with things you do not know much about or dabble in things where you are not a holy vessel for God to use.

One situation I was involved with happened to a lady I knew

who attended church. One Sunday it seemed she was having a heart attack so we called the ambulance and she went to the hospital. After 3 days they found nothing wrong with her and sent her home. She had been in the hospital other times without finding medical problems. She asked me to meet her at the hospital to talk to them about her bills and if they could reduce them. As she was getting up from the chair she fell back into the seat and said it felt like there was a spear sticking out from the back of her knee. She went to an orthopedist and they found noth-ing wrong. I realized there was something wrong; it seemed spiri-tual, and I was over my head. I looked for help. Some friends knew of two ladies from their church who were involved in a deliverance ministry. They agreed on a time to meet. They had spent 3 days in prayer and fasting be-fore the meeting. Five of us were in the room with the lady. She had lived with a man who was a Satanist. She had worked in the porn industry and had asked Je-sus to come into her life. I do not know how all of this works, but I

Volume 6, Issue 21 September 12 - September 25, 2013


Continued on page 2

Rotary Club Donates School Supplies

By Kelly McCullough

The Rotary Club of Northeast El Paso held a Back to School Fundraiser at the Transmountain Road Walmart on Sunday, August 25th. Rebecca Avila, Rick Al-theide and wife Gaby, Patty Lujan and son Isaiah, Doug Eley, Jose Amezcua, Jimmy Melver, Kelly McCullough and granddaughter Kelsey Foix, along with three em-ployees of Golden Corral (provid-ed by owner Jaime Castaneda) all worked two hour shifts collecting donations of school supplies from

customers. Several patrons gave cash donations which was used to purchase more supplies.

This was a great opportunity for club members to help students of area schools, as well as being able to share and introduce Ro-tary to many who stopped to ask questions and become further in-formed.

Last year the club collected enough donations to provide one school with a great amount of supplies. This year the club col-lected enough supplies to provide three schools each with an even

larger amount! On Thursday, August 28th

club President, Rick Altheide and Kelly McCullough distributed the donations to school counselors at: Schuster Elementary (Aprx. 274 students), 5515 Will Ruth Av-enue; Ben S. Dowell Elementary (Aprx. 400 students), 5249 Bas-tille Avenue; and Fannin Elemen-tary (Aprx. 560 students), 5425 Salem Drive. As donations were left with the counselors they each expressed gratitude and spoke of the great need of the students of their schools.

The club wishes to thank the managers of Walmart for provid-ing the opportunity to work both doors throughout the day to col-lect the donations. And also, to give a HUGE thank you to the NE residents who gave so graciously to help underprivileged children in the Northeast. Because many families are not in the position to provide the ever growing list of school supplies for each of their children this was a great way for the Rotary Club to serve the com-munity.

View all photos from the two days events on The Messenger’s Facebook page.

Rick Altheide with Abigail Dominguez at Schuster Elementary (Photo by Kelly McCullough)

Rick with Norma Giron Finley atFannin Elementary

(Photo by Kelly McCullough)

Rick with Carmen Natividad and Virginaia Veilleux at Ben S. Dowell Elementary (Photo by Kelly McCullough)

By Wally Chapman1990-2012

(Photo by Kelly McCullough)

Page 2: Rotary Club Donates School Supplies THE CHANGE IN EL PASO ... · 9/8/2013  · Rotary Club Donates School Supplies By Kelly McCullough The Rotary Club of Northeast El Paso held a

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SEPTEmbEr 12-SEPTEmbEr 25, 2013

Continued from cover

Change in El Paso

Pray With This In Mind:by Gregory A. booker

Author and minister of the Prophetic Word

“Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto at the revelation of Je-sus Christ. As obedient children not fashioning yourselves according to your former lust in your ignorance. But as he which has called you is holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” 1Peter 1:13-16

Maintain and sustain your faith in Christ by not conforming to the thinking of this world system no matter how pluralistic it becomes at the expense of departing from sound christian doctrine based on scripture. Be alert and as Jesus declares us to be watchful and

observant of the things going on around in order to help and to pray for others and to always “look for his appearing”. Such is to be sober! Finally always abide in the Hope of his coming. For it is more of the principle of hope in practice which becomes the evidence of our faith in action. This hope gives us the love of His Grace working it’s sal-vation in our daily lives and right on up to the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Do not fall back on democracy when democracy violates theocra-cy which is the rule of the Kingdom to Come under God and is pres-ently pressing fresh oil from those he calls his own by purging. Issues are all around us challenging the very core of biblical direction and it’s mandate. Do not go back to the present thinking of this world sys-

tem b u t b e holy as our L ord is holy and r i g h -teous in all He says and do.

Some of us may be struggling with our faith and unsure of our di-rection, even as we pray for others, doubts can linger within us. Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to dwell upon you and let hope not be in doubt but steadfast in your faith and remember your First Love. Let this mind be in you from the above scripture. Blessings my fel-low saints for this is the day that the Lord has made and it is for His glory.....Amen.

HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY to the sweetest, most beautiful, precious baby girl in the world – my grand-daughter, Kelsey Foix! I am so blessed that they have moved back to this area and I get to spend her birth-day with her in person rather than via Skype. I love you my special girl, you will always be Nana’s girl.

****Regardless of the years that pass

those who lost loved ones 9/11/2001 feel the pain as if it were yesterday. My thoughts and prayers are on those families most closely effect-ed by the events of that day. All of America was effected that day, but as each year passes it seems we for-get more and more. Normally, by the beginning of September we’ve heard of multiple events for the 11th. This year I have yet to hear anything on TV (not that I get to watch much) nor anything here locally that I can share with you. Regardless of any events where you are – PLEASE – be sure to spend some time remembering, and lifting the families that experi-enced loss, and those injured in your prayers.

****Precious Heavenly Father,Thank You Lord for all You have

done for and provided for each of us. None of us are worthy, but You love us any way and want what is best for us. Your mercies abound each and every day. Thank You Father for bringing the Foix family back to this area, and blessing me with the abil-ity to spend Kelsey’s birthday with

her in person. Bless her Lord all the days of her life. I’m thankful she has accepted You as Lord of her life at a young age. Help her to grow stron-ger in her faith and love for You each day. Bless her this school year, may she make lots of friends and do very well in her school work. I pray for the medical staff that will be working on her ears on the 12th.

I lift up all those who are experi-ences health issues, suffering from depression, loss, heartache – the numbers go on and on. Father be with each one of these, fill them with Your peace and help them to know that You are there with them; that they are not walking this trial alone.

I lift up those who lost loved ones, or were injured themselves, and the whole of America as we near yet an-other 9/11 anniversary. Lord heal the hurts, the pain and suffering of those most closely involved, and the whole of America. Help us to each turn to You daily for Your love, comfort, support, peace, mercy and grace. I pray that all who don’t know You will seek You and accept You at this time and begin their lifelong journey towards eternity with You.

I lift up our Nations leaders and all others who are involved in mak-ing the decision about what to do now with the Syria situation. Father speak to their hearts and minds, and lead them to the write decision for our country. I pray that they will all seek Your will and be open to Your voice.

In Jesus’ Name,Amen

Lack of character is a crisis in our nation. What we hear often is the issue of a lack of personal responsibility. It is easier to blame another for one’s problems or else find someone else to pay for what should be our own debt.

That isn’t the way it used to be. Previous generations were taught ethics- I have one reprint of the original 1890 schoolbook Ethics, An Early American Handbook- with such topics as truth, obedi-ence, honesty, duties at school, duties to parents, conscience and industry.

My parents were a part of what was described as “the greatest generation” by one author. I don’t know if they were the greatest generation, but in our past, we have seen better days when good character was more evident in our world. Without good character, there can be no stability or suc-cess.

Our character focus for Sep-tember is responsibility, defined as knowing and doing what is ex-pected of me. The opposite trait is unreliability. Since we all wear many hats, it is important to know what is expected of us, so we can

do what is right in each of these roles.

Let’s look at key concepts for building responsibility.

Know what is expected of you. Ask questions if you don’t know what is required. You have many demands as a citizen, an employee or employer, a coworker, friend, parent, spouse or child.

Live up to your responsibili-ties by setting priorities. Focus on what you are supposed to be doing. If you concentrate on your duties, it will help you to stay within your boundaries and succeed.

Keep your commitments. Ac-knowledge your mistakes and then work to fulfill your promises.

Do the right things that build trustworthiness. Mess it up, clean it up. If you spend, also save.

Show up. Pay up. Live and work in such a way that you don’t have to depend on others to cover for your negligence.

Take care of today, but plan for the future. People, property and surroundings need attention.

Give your best.Years ago when we gave char-

acter training at a local hospital,

employees said that the teaching on responsibility was the most important character quality pre-sented.

If that means attacking a giant task at work, relating to a person you would rather avoid, or just being reliable, do what you know you should do. Acting responsibly makes you look and feel good. Fu-ture assignments and promotions hinge on everyday responsibility. On a personal level, a responsible person will experience satisfac-tion having fulfilled a duty.

Living responsibly means that your family and your community will experience a richer, more prosperous life. Good for you. Good for El Paso.

Laurraine HuffmanPresidentSouthwest Character CouncilInfo and definitions used by


(Our next Character Lun-cheon will be October 9, 2013 at Great American Land and Cattle Co., 701 S. Mesa Hills. Watch for more info.)

From His Messenger...

do know God worked a miracle that night.

There was a poster on the wall of this office where we met that just said “I Believe.” As the night progressed, I looked up at that poster and said, “Lord, I be-lieve.” The demon said his name was Legion, and in the next 3 hours, 5 demons left the lady. It took 5 people to hold her body down through this process. On the way home she said she did not remember any of this but felt like she had been tossed around in a washing machine. Her life has been different since that night.

Be sure to pick up the Sep-tember 26th issue for Part 8 of this series by Wally Chapman. Or follow this series at

Responsibility in September

Page 3: Rotary Club Donates School Supplies THE CHANGE IN EL PASO ... · 9/8/2013  · Rotary Club Donates School Supplies By Kelly McCullough The Rotary Club of Northeast El Paso held a

SEPTEmbEr 12-SEPTEmbEr 25, 2013

Questions are sent to 50 Christian Leaders and all that respond by deadline are published. Those that come in late will be included with the others on The Messenger’s blog site at If you are a Christian Leader and would like to be considered to join this panel – OR - if you have a question you would like answered by Christian Leaders, please email your contact information to [email protected].

Question:Is “God helps those who help them-selves” in the Bible or not? If so, what is the scripture verse? If not, how did this begin and why do so many Pastors and others quote this?

Answers:“God helps those who help

themselves” is one of the better known “Bible verses”. It ranks up with the verse about “a little wine for the stomachs sake”, and “don’t look on the outward appearance”. The most commonly quoted verse is “judge not”. These quotes, which are not quotes, are heard repeatedly by people taking Biblical principles out of context and using them to prove a point. The saying that is in question is not in Scripture, at least not word for word. It reflects a lack of Biblical knowledge and probably reflects American thought on our work ethic. There is a great deal in Scripture about our work ethic and our responsibility, and diligence in what we do. However in the work of salvation this quote is very misleading since we have nothing or little to do with our salvation. Towards much of our life we find we have little to do with our suc-cess since we are given the ability we have by God. In Our spiritual struggles we are clearly told to die to self and let Christ live through us and in us. God’s grace, mercy, and peace give us victories in life

and our work does nothing but hin-der God’s work. God works long before we know He is there and if God waited for us to help ourselves we would all be lost.

Pastor Jack BergSun Valley Baptist Church

(El Paso, TX)

The saying is an old American saying, often attributed to Ameri-can Founder, Benjamin Franklin (from his “Poor Richard’s Alma-nac,” 175). However in reality, it is actually a quote from a Mr. Alger-non Sydney, found in his pamphlet, “Discourses Concerning Govern-ment.” The saying appears to mean that if one is responsible for shaping his own destiny, then he should do this, and God will approve. This is shaky, incomplete theology, and is not based entirely on the Bible. In fact, God’s Word actually teaches us quite the opposite of this: God (in the Old Testament and New) actually desires to help the helpless -- those who cannot assist them-selves. Consider these passages: Isaiah 25:4: “For you have been a defense for the helpless, a defense for the needy in his distress, a ref-uge from the storm, a shade from the heat . . . .” Or in the New Tes-tament, Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) illus-trates this. Finally, consider Paul’s assurance in Romans 5:6: “For while we were still helpless, Christ died for the ungodly.” Always we are to ask God to help us.

Pastoral Assistant Paul DuerksenSt. Paul’s United Methodist Church

(Las Cruces, NM)

Once again, this is another good question. Christians need to real-ize that the Bible is the blueprint that helps those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. The Bible is not written to those who are condemned. The saying “God helps those who help themselves”

goes against the very purpose of why Jesus died on the cross. If man could help themselves, then Jesus dying on the cross would not have been necessary. The Bible does in fact say “that if a man does not work, then he doesn’t eat” II Thessalonians 3:10 (paraphrased of course). There is a charge before Christians to assist those in need (Matthew 25) which I guess one could interpret to mean that God does help those who help them-selves, but there is no direct quote to validate the statement.

Associate Pastor/Director Mark A. Rawlins

El Paso International School of Faith (El Paso, TX)

This quote is possibly the most often quoted non-biblical saying or proverb among English speakers. It was stated Benjamin Franklin in his “Poor Richard’s Almanac” in 1575. I personally do not know of any pastor that has quoted this common proverb except in point-ing out the misconceptions of so many in our society and the level of biblical illiteracy in our culture today. The Bible clearly teaches the exact opposite by showing that God helps the helpless and comes to the aid of the defenseless as in Isaiah 25:4: “For You have been a defense for the helpless, A de-fense for the needy in his distress, A refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat; For the breath of the ruthless Is like a rain storm against a wall” (NASB). Many seem to believe that we have to clean our-selves up or improve ourselves in order to become acceptable to God. However the Bible clearly teaches this is impossible and that God has made provision for our inability by offering salvation as a free gift of grace: “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8 NASB). Please also note what God has said in Ephesians 2:8-9: “For by grace

you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Part of our sinful nature is the de-sire to make our own way and earn our acceptance with God, which is why many may try to live by this quote they mistakenly attribute to the Bible. The apostle Paul discov-ered in his own relationship with God just how insufficient his own efforts were and how dependent he was on God when he wrote that God told him, “And He [God] has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.’ Most gladly, therefore, I [Paul] will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me” (2 Corin-thians 12:9 NASB).

Pastor Robert H. WarmathSkyline Baptist Church

(El Paso, TX)

This saying is not in the Bible. There is an understanding that we are not to be lazy, see Proverbs 27:13-16. We are commanded to

work, with the Bible telling us that a person who refuses to work and not support his household is put in the same category as an unbeliever.

But we are called to be servants

to others and not worry about our-selves. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus tells us to seek first the kingdom and all of our needs will be taken care of. In Luke 14:11 it says that whoever humbles

himself shall be exalted. In Luke 14: 26-27 we are told to for-sake all, which means our own de-sires, and follow Christ. Jesus said the first shall be last and the last shall be first. The teaching of the Lord, is to put others

before ourselves and we shall be blessed.

The message from Jesus says, take care of others and I will take care of you.

May God bless you,Pastor Brooke DavisFirst Baptist Church

Greenup, IL

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Page 4: Rotary Club Donates School Supplies THE CHANGE IN EL PASO ... · 9/8/2013  · Rotary Club Donates School Supplies By Kelly McCullough The Rotary Club of Northeast El Paso held a

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I love you, NaNa

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