rosenfeld & provoost - 15/port chester ny...

\ -1 THE JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1877. Home News Tide Table rOB HSW nocouxa, MAHABOHSOK, POST CBTaWB' A»X» v OBSKHWICH, OOMX. Hum w t m . utw WATSB- 988 A.M 3 45v. M. 4 88 " 530 " 8 68 " 6 27 Friday, 12 ... Huturday, ..13 1080 Sunday, .... 14 „. 11 CO Koolly, ..15 "44 ToMdajL-.U...... M 17P.M. 12 58 133 707 7 48 Wednesday, 17. Thursday,..18. / 1 PKBSONAIA—Tho Rev. J. JL H. DeMllle has aocepted.a call to St. Luke's parish, Phillips- burg, N. J. PhlUlpsburgfis a lively place of some 6000 inhabitants, and the panlsb. has a nice rectory, ftd a comfortable and pleasant church. We predict for Mr. DoMillo. whp is an indefa- tigable and earnest worker/^'inost iuccesstul jefctorshtp in his new ftyld of labors Jacob Mersereau, the retiring Chief Engineer of the Port Chester Fire Department j has held the position for eight JSgtP »"d proved an able, efficient and excellentl>fflcer. " Jake " carries' with him the \>ept whihos of the entire depart- ment, who are loth to part with their faithful chief.—-Among the distinguished visitors to our sanctum last Friday were Maj. Wescome and Hon. P. S., Schutt of Riverside, Ct. Call again f Th e Whisteria Jr. meet this week. How to Make Hena Lay. Wm. P. Lyon's, on Lyon's Point is a busy place. Beside an extensive coal business, Mr. Lyon runs an eight-home power engine, which is In constant motion, not only running a saw and a machine for splitting the large quantity of kindling wood, which he sells daily, but also crushing the articles necessary to produce his celebrated to "S CAT.CAHKOU8 CHICKEN FEED composed of oyster sgells and phosphate of lime a mixture, which, fed to hens causes a large increase in the production of eggs, to say nothing of the better quality thus insured. Chemistry ban proved that the shell of the egg is composed of Calcareous, matter and that the yelk is especially rich in phosphates. These elements are perfectly supplied in this Calcare- ous chicken feed mixture, and Mr. Lyon has already established a large and lucrative trade in the article, farmers driving for many miles to obtain it. Mr. Lyon has facilities for turning out 2© bushels per day at $2.50per barrel. It will repay alt who own fowls to give this'feed mixture a thorough trial. A farm at auetion Saturday next. See adv't. Horry Howard Ball, January 81st, Invita- tions out this week. Particulars next week. Men's calf-skin boots for $4.00 at Bankrupt sales store, Main street. £>ec adv't. - Hot soda, coffee and chocolate at Silll man's drug store. Sleighing parties bear this in mind. -For thirty days Rosenft-Jd & Provoost will sell their large stock of goods at cost. See adv. and posters. Amount of rain for the month of 1806: Nov. 8 •« 7 " ioM!!!!!.! '..I..'.'.'.. •'..'••'. " 18.'..-'..",'.;"...'.".!!!.! .... " 10*80.!.!!...!...! ! " 24 *• gg.. ; 38 < . » , .......... ».^ •-*»•••• Dec. 11, snow " 18, snow and rain " 28 snow and rain,. November, in. 100 ... .10 ...1.70 ... .80 ... .80 ...180 ... .06 ... .10 10 4.55 . .20 .1.20 . .40. L80 DOT BAH?.—The pastor of the Baptist Church, commenced the new year by an addition to the Barn(e)s of the parsonage. ' • J * We call attention to Mr. D. A. Ambler's auc- ftion and real estate advertisement. Mr. A is well posted in the business. _ Amount of rain for the past six months: •• . . - - In.' July,.:.; i ,.,' 8.05 August. 1.95 September , 5.05 October ...,'. 1.80 November, rain and show 4.55 December 1 80 1 :> , 18.00 Coroner Purdy has gone Into the auction and real estate business. The withdrawal of Sheriff Brandage leaves an open field. The new Library and Reading Room, founded by-Hon. J. Y. Peck will be opened this month. Contributions of books, 4 c , are solicited. The locomotive of th* 9.-05 A. tfef, up train yesterday broke a rod at Mt. Vernon, was entirely disabled, and the passsengers delayed till the 10:05 train came along. CONNECTICUT NEWS. Greenwich. Tlt.VVKI.KKS" GUIDE. Trains for Now York -Accommodation—5 14, 6 33. 6/37, 7 09. 7 38,4,8 28 10 .« 11 59, A. M.; 1 :>6. 511,6 18 PH. 8 18 f. M. Express. From New York—Accommodation—7 If, 9 05, 10 10, A. M.; 12 01 M.: 2 2 X :1 5*. 4 45, 6 45, 6 33, 7 80,1185, P M. Expresses, 4 4 >. 5 16 P. M. DEBBV'S SrAOE—Leaves Banksville on and after th* 13th, on Mondays, 'Wednesdays, Thursdays and ^Saturdays, at 8 A. M. ; returning leaves Greenwich at 3.3d p. M ,on arrival of the 2.20 train from New York. D. Strang will soil at auction, T 10, at 11 A. M., at the Irving Hotel,' two desir- able lot. Mk-ItyJiit..«ri^W«^^ a..i„ „^,i„> r,.,«.,.i,, ui ,,.„ g ce n( jy. nnd posters. Sale under foreclosure CiBD.—f>ur P. D. and Carrier returns sincere thanks to those subscribers who SO generously remembered him when he presented his annual address, and wishes them all a happy New Year t * Letters remaining in the postoffice uncalled for, January 6.—Mr. Ohas. Grclbred, Harry Blas- son, Joslali Andrews, Wm. M. Walsh,Mrs, Mary H. Brown, Mrs. Chas. Austin. C. H. PALMKK, P. M, FiRft ! FIB* !!—Wm. W. Coddington at the bankrupt shoe sales store, Main street, has opened a branch of the Royal Canadian Insur ance Company-— capital 16,000,000. This is one of the strongest and sedest companies in the country. Sen adv't. .. * FIRST NATIONAL BASK.—At the annual elec- tion held Tuesday, the following were elected Directors r-f§lwood Burdsnll, John W. Louus- bary, D. Jerome Sands, Ephraim Spurs, Wra. E. Ward,-Wm. P. Abendroth, John E. Mar- shall, JosiahWilcox. - - - - CHORAL UNION.—There was an increased at- tendance Monday evening ant a revival of the former interest In this useful society. The So- ciety is out of debt, A new Cantata is to he taken up next Monday, and we trust every member will be on band. 85J* John X. Hubbard is our authorized Agent and Correspondent, at Greenwich, officii a'; residence on Putnam Avenue. [Regular Correspondence.^ FREE HEADING ROOM. F h baa advanced one step. We' refer te establishment of the " Free Reading Room and Library Association" now in opera- 6M> FASHKHI DONATIOR.—Tho friends of Rev. S. M. Hammond of Summerfteld M. E. Church,are"rttpettfnlly and cordially invited to attend an old fasbloned v donatlou' to be given at the parsonage on Tuesday evening January 23<l. Should the weather prove unfavorable it will bo held the first fair evening. St. Peter's church (Episcopal) of Westchester, was entirely destroyed by fire Tuesday night. The Convocation was being held there, but the audience got out before tie flames had made much progress. Rev. Mr. Morgan of this vil. lags was present at the Convocation. Loss $45,000. Nearly covered by Insurance. THB BASD.—The progress made by the new" Port Chester Band Is very satisfactory. Thus far seventeen members have joined and paid up. Meetings are held in Washington Hall, Mon- ' day and Thursday evenings. The following are the officers: Emil C. Boerner, leader ; Gerhard Olsen, teacher ; Louis C. Mertr., secretary; Geo. Meets, treasurer. \^ MASOirtC.—At a communication of Mamaro Lodge No. 658, F. and A. M., held Jan. 8th, 1877, the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year s J. H, Haughwout, W. M.; Chas. DeMott, 8. W.; Abram Fowler, J. W.; W. H. Boyd, Tress.; 0. W. Carpenter, Bee;. John H. Clapp.8. D.; Charles H. Waker, J. D ; Wil- liam Foster, Tiler ; Ell Curtis, E, F. Mathews, R. W. Wsn. M. Gambling, Trustees. Friday the startling rumor that a man was killed or frozen to death on Byram Hill, origi- nated from the upsetting of Ridebock's sleigh, the running away of the horse and the abandon- ing of the vehicle and animal by Mr. R , the weather being Intensely cold. Neither the -bone (valued over $1800), or the sleigh, or Mr. R were damaged. The horse was found by John Davis who left it with Mr. C. Wouken hack, who recovered the sleigh and notified Mr. R. that his property was all right. The owner may be thankful It fell into such good bands. PBSswrr—CARD.—At the regular monthly - meeting of Reliance Engine Co., held at the Engine House, on the evening of the 5th lost., supervision of Miss Mary "Er. Miller, assistant lihntritn. The association will be unsectarlon, non-politicil. and conducted only for social, moral and intellectual Improvement—an Insti- tution that bus Ions; been needed. The "Asso- ciate Young People's Library,"" 500 volumes, has been loaned to the new association by special permission, and the use of the Town Library. These, With numerous |y*Vatc dona- tions of rare and useful books, have been cata- logued and arranged in a handsome black walnut case, the design aud rifanufacture of Isaac L. Mead. The whole number of books now on hand is about 1,000, and It is expected the num- ber will soon be doubled. The room will be open from 9 A. M, to 1 p. if., from 2 to 8 v. u., and from 7 to 9:30 p. M. NO one will be admit ted without a ticket, which may be obtained of any of the B>.anl> of Managers, free. The Initiation fee, ill 00, Is payable in advance to the secretary; the yearly subscription, $8.00, to the librarian. Non-members may read" the papers and magazines free of charge, bnt those desiring to use the books will pay at the rate of $3 00 per year. On the tables may be found the New York daily Tribune, Time* and World, theBostota /Wand Ekrdld, and Hartford Ctw ant/ also the following weeklies—Boston Pilot, "Hartford Oourani, Harper's Leslie's and Tht Graphic, The Port Chester JOCRNAt. and Stam ford AdtoMte, Circulars* have been issued con- taining full information and in which a call is made for donations of books of History, Travel, Fiction, Science, Philosophy and general litera- ture. Tha following are the Board of man- agers:—Rev. Charles R. Treat, President; Philip W. Holmes, Vice-President; Edward Brush, Secretary; Frank Shepard, Treasurer; E. J. Wright, Librarian; Rev. R, H. Rust, John Yoorhls, Geo. E. Scofleld, Dr. James H. Brush, Joseph E. Russell, Jr., Dr, L, P. Jones, Fred. A Hubbard, Committee on membership; Rev. Charles R. Treat, Dr. T. 8. Plnneo,' E. J. Wright, Frank Shepard, Prof. W. G. Peck, Library Committee. Rev. R. H. .Rust bas resumed his pastoral duties. ;,- The loWnjdce of the Centennial work can- vassed for by H. A. Cbadburn places It within the reach of all. , , , ..„ . Mr. Charles A. Sniffln is spending the winter with William D. Benedict at his ranch near Colorado Springs. Miss Florence Dewey, of New York, is in town. -'1 ~~-~~~~**— The popular racecourse Is Putnam avenue. George E. Scofield's graceful little trotter "Kit" easily passed all competitors Christmas night. If let out, Kit would touch '38. Arthur Allcorn had bis tongue in a sling not long ago. While making some philosophical experiments with that useful member on a cold bar of stcej, an attachment was formed which Was difficult to break. Arthur says "never too late to mend." A MERRY COUP AST. Probably one of the Jolllest parties that ever crossed the threshhold of the Lenox House stopped there Monday afternoon. Mr. Morton is always beaming with good nature and his tables as proverbially groan with good Cheer, and Monday found no exception to these rbles a The party worn representatives of soma of the first families of Port Chester, among whom were W. A. TIngue and wife, Mrs. J. F. Mills, Mrs. W. B Toucey, Augustus Abendroth and wife, Miss Lyon, John H. Clapp and wif|J Chas. H. Ropes, Ell Curtis and wife, Chas, White and wife, Mrs. Amberst Wight, Hunt, R. W. Goodwin <and wife, Mrs. Job* passed over the Lake Shore R R. a few hours before the accident. F. A. Hubbard returned, from Boston Satur- day. Col. Hoyt got back from Washington Tues- day. " Mr. Joseph Jeffers registered at the Lenox Tuesday. He is living in New York. Postmaster Brush received a box containing 4000 postal cards, to-day, from Springfield, Mass. He has disposed of an equal number since August 2nd. There has been good skating on the Bound as far as the steamboat dock. The Reading Room Is intended for such fel- lows as those who filled a farmer's sleigh' with snow, broken glass-nnd other rubbish the other evening. Miss Julia E. Bell was the recipient of a gen- uine snrpri e party Friday evening. Among those present were Mr E. Belcher Mead (owner of the "Big Dog"), Mr. Arthur D. Mead and wife, Mr. Edwin A. Knappand wife, Mr. Geo. W. Hunt and wife. Many registered letters are sent from this postoffice. When will it be a money order office ? , . - | ^Mr. Alfred Bell has moved Into his handsome new residence on Beach avenue. GREENWICH, Jan. 10, '77, . J. T. H. A SECOND OOCtiH. Rev. Fred. Bell, the "singing preacher" Who cfowds the Brooklyn Academy of Music, will deliver his popular lecture on "Midnight Scenes in New York," at Ray's Hall, next Tues- day evening at 7.80 o'clock. Admission 36c. Rosenfeld A Provoost of Parti Chester, are selling goods at cost to prepare fOS* their Spring trade. See adv't. •* ' •'• BIRTHS, MARRIAGES ADD DEATHS. ' The Act In relation to Births, Marriages and Deaths has been added to and altered as fol lows: " j t j SEC. 1, Certificates of births shall state the name of each child (If it have any); the place and date of its birth ; its sex; the name of its father, nnd tho maiden name of Its mother; tha ages, color, residence, and nativity of its par- ents ; the occupation of its father; the number of the child, with the name and address of the medical attendant. § 2. Certificates of death shall state the. full name of the deceased ; the date and 'place of death; the age, sex, color and condition (singled, married, or widowedr-if a wife br widow, of whom); the occupatsfti; birth-place and residence, (if in a tenement house, with how many families); the name of the ^father; - Jhe cause or causes of death, and the dutatkm- of the disease, with the name and address of the medical attendant. i ' § 8. No person shall open any grave for the interment, or disinterment of the body of any deceased person ; or deposit such dead body In any grave, vault, or tomb, in any public or private cemetery, or burial place ; or dirlnter or remove such dead body from the town in which the deatli took place, without having procured from the registrar a permit therefor. §4 On the receipt by the registrar, of a certificate of death, properly made in the form hereafter to be furnished by the state librarian, and containing the specific facts required by section two of this act, the registrar shall issue a permit for the interment, disinterment or removal, (as the case may be,) of the body of any deceased person, stating therein th«F locality of the interment, disinterment, or re- moval. No permit for the disinterment of the body of any deceased person during the month of June, July, August or September, shall be issued, except when required for the purposes of a legal investigation. . „ § 5. Every sexton, or other person having charge of a cemetery, or other place of burial, shall, during the first week of every month, return to the registrar a list of all the Inter- ments, disinterment!, or removals made by him. during the month next preceding, with the dates thereof. , i 8. All laws or parts of laws that are Incon- sistent with this act, are hereby repealed. $7. This act shall take effect on thefirstday of January, 1877. four-horse sleigh taking along some, fifteen ladles and gentlemen. The ride was grand, the fun continuous, the supper at the Union House tip-top and the dancing lively andVen- joyable. Among those present were W. W. White, Chas and John Duff, Joseph Peck and sisters, Mr. Porter and sisters, Miss Alice Wil- son, Harry Purdy of Port Chester, and others, AH present on the fourth are anxious for tke announcement of the fifth ride. A WHITB-MAH'S STOKB.—W. W. White's HuJ> Grocery and Provision store. While others cry dull times, Mr. White is driving business -on the go night and day. A regular corner on oats, and feed. See adv't. A RKI.II FQBND.—Some years ago a yacht belonging to some of the Americus Club cap- sized off the mouth of the harbor, a quantity of jewehry, watclies, Ac., being lost. Last Mon- day while Capt. Hen j. Lock wood wastakingup- oysters, he found a solid sliver, Englsb watch supposed to have been lost from that yacht. The cases are iu good order but of course the works are ruined.*' Harbor still frozen and Bridge TendesrClark is having a rest. $ TEMPERANCE.—An attempt is being made to organize a Temperance Society here and the following names have been enrolled: Mr. John W. Secley, James V. Wilson, Daniel W. Hitch, George W. Morrell, Henry & Merritt, Harry W. Clark. Mr. Secley is trying to revive the Interest and We hope he wilt succeed. Being a strict reformer himself we hope all will follow his example. A MEMBER, Dry Goods. Dry Goods. FOB THIRTYDAY8H Surrogate's Notices. r HJHSUANT TO AN OKDEIt OF OWEN T. , Coffin. Surrogate of the Comity »t Westobastrr, Notice i» hereby ([iven. according to law", tO all ] baring claims agauut the K»Ut« of John Morwll, lata ' Maataioneok, iu said County, " * * . ; K»i f i U.'PI H<U» -k. ROSENFELD & PROVOOST Mil ,s\ ARE 1/ if I OFFEFUNi at the town of ] to present the same, with the vouchers thereof,tothi undersigned, Executor of fEe last Will and Ttxtanwat of the said deceased, at bis resident* at said town of Hamarouevk, »aid couutv. on or before the 36th dav of February. A. D. 1877. f>at«tl thin 16th day of August, A. D. 1876. NOAH 8. TOMMONB, 40Sm6 j Executor. P ~ URBUANT "TO~AiToRDER OF OWEN T. Coffin. Surrogate of the County'of Westches- ter, Notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against the Estate of Oerabom Bulkley, lata of the Town of Rye, in said County, deceased, to present the aame, with th* vouchers thereof, to the undersigned. Executrix of tha last Will and Testament of the said deceased, at her real denoe in said Town of Kvo,. on or before the 30th day of April, A I). 1877. listed this 16th day of October, A. D. 1876. MABY E. KUUU.KV, Executrix. 418m6 -;~*ftW-w mWWMbe* - 1 .. '-tmwmm THEIB ENTIRE STOCK OF Kzyrse" DRY GOODS, IwEiD •-m c ,»V •f>'i o ? Hiauus. WEEK OP PRAYER.—Service In the M. E. Church, this evening and Friday, at the usual hour. Jessup'a old boot and shoe stand, k<nown for miles aro-'md, is offered to rent; also tenement for family. See adv't. School report—Roll of honor. First' division: Mary Newman, Belle Selleck, Lizzie Neil, Mamie Newman, Gertie Smith, Rattle Ferris, Minnie Eddy, Laura Morrell,-Alice Jennings, Maggie Wendle. Second division—Mary Mor- rell, Mary Weber, Lillle Newman, Mary Neil, Carrie Smith, James Sammon, Charley Wendle, John Hawes, Henry Weber, Ella Hawes. M. E. LOCK wood, Principal; F. J. Lock wood, as- sistant. P URSUANT TO AN OKDEK OF OWEN T. Coffin, Surrogate of the County of Westches- ter, Notice is hereby given, according to law,toall irsons having claims against the Estate of James W. i own, late of the Town of Bye. in said County, de- ",topresent the same, with the vouchers thereof, :o tho. undersigned. Executor of the last Will and Tes- tament of the said deceased, at his place of residence is said Town of Bye, on or before the 20th day of April. A I). 1877. Dated this 16th day of October, A. D, 1876. Wnsos D. BLAWSOM. Executor. 418a>6 \-> I i I «*!' -A 4'. CLOTHING. f i h ^.T &C&C, Local Reading Notices. lAg« Sussex Railroad at Newton, N. J. "Having used Dr. WISTAR'S BALSAM OP WILD CBEBBT in my family with great advantages, for many years in cases of severe colds, I most cheerfuly give my testimony of its efficacy, and recommend it to those who are suffering from Coughs, Colds, and Pulmonary Diseases of long standing as being a safe and reliable remedy. ' ' 60 cents and %\ a bottle. Sold by all druggists. Men's Calf skin sewed boots for. $4.00, to be had at the Bankrupt Salts, Main street, Port Chester, N. Y. 4251m OUR •.';•"„•• . V MtTST BE LARGft REDUCED i 1 .' • ,XL * T • ~ •p-'ffvi/ •u Legal Notices. SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE, Tows OF Bra, May 1st, 1878. Unpaid Taxes of 1875, can be paid to HENRY MEB- RITT, Receiver of Taxes, Port Chester, who is author- ized toreceipttherefor, ortothe undersigned at Bye Neek. Interest titareon charged after tins date. . 391tf 8AM i WILLIAM JOHNSON, Supervisor. ONCE f t is- BEFORE OUR ANNUAL INVENTORY. G-reat I3arga^iis for Cash Only. ".iltfJ.r* 1 !' >--:.. .V* ' ti Supreme Court. QUPREME COURT.—COUNTY OF WEST- (7 Chester—Ellen M. Wight vs. Charles 8. Olovcr, sudors. In pursuance and by virtue of a judgment or decree of foreclosure and sale made and entered in the above entitled action at a Special Term of the Supreme Court held in the town of White Plains on the 25th day of November, 1876; I, the undersigned referee therein named will expose for sale and sell at public auction at the Irving Hotel, kept by Christian Wenken. bach, in the village of Port Chester, County of West- chester, New York, on TUESDAY THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1877, at 11 oVslock iu the fore- noon of that day, the premises in said judgment des- cribed as foliows,towit: All that certaintot,pieco or parcel of land, situate lying and being in the village of Port Chester, in the County of Westchester and State of New York, known and designated on a certain map entitled '' Hap of the property of Robert F. Brundage, situated on Westchester avenne, Port Chester, N. X., surveyed April 1873, Purdy O. Sands, C. E. and 8." on file ia the Register's office of Westchester County, by th* number forty-one ( i l l ; bounded and described as follows, viz.: Beginning at the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Westchester aven- ue with the easterly side of Exchange street, i s laid down on said map, running thence northerly along the easterly side of said Exchange street one hundred and seventy-six (176) feet and five-tenths of a foot to lot number thirty-seven (37) on said map; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said lot number thirty- seven (37) sixty-five (65) feet to lot number forty (40) on said map; thence southerly along the westerly side of saidtotnumber forty (40) until it strikes the northerly side of Westchester avenne as shown on said map; thence westerly along the said northerly side of West- chester avenue fifty-six (56) feettothe point or place of beginning be the said several dimensions more or less. Dated White Plains, November 37,187*. WIUHT ft CLAPP. MONMOUTH O. HAST, Plaintiff s Attorneys. > [419w7] Referee. PoSJtl MARRIED. —r •J tall UTS I JF a AW* fl> Approved June 28th, 1876. Biverside-on-Sonnd. At Port Chester, January 3, by Bev. Father Dowling for.Sof B ^ iM ^. K * te ' <ta,, ^ erot ^^iMaiii^Street, At Bye, January 8. hv Rev. C B. Brewster, Daniel IStnber and Miss Louisa King, all of Mamaroneck. At Bye, December 38, M. C. HascaU of New York, and D. Evaline Fagundns of Tidioute, Penn. At New Rochelle, December 30, Mr. James Robinson, of East Chester, and Miss Josephine Harps, of Mamar- oneck. - - "* At White Plains, December 20, Miner W. Gallup. M D., of Adams, N. Y., and Miss M. Gertrude Jacobus, daughter of J. W. Jacobus, of White Plains. At Armonk, December 15, by the Rev. Mr. Davis, Mr. Alouzo R. Seymour and Miss Alice Green. " c At Katonah. December 19th, Mr. James 8. Lock- wood, of Katonah, and Miss Susan A Ellett, of Dayton, Kentucky. At Katonah, December 20th, Mr. James T. Anderson of Lake Mahopae, and Miss Annie Lounsbnry, of Katonah, At Stamford, Conn., A. L. Swords of New York, and Georgiana, daughter of Geo. A. Hoyt. & PROVOOST, Port Ch^tex, /;• v late Chief Engineer company, two handsome serolls, with the name-, number and motto of tho engine, aadlt SMHV unanimously ' Rwsfsaw That the thanks of this iissssaybs aad are hereby wapsstrally isnsjiw*. to Mr. J. Xsrasrsau, sals Chief Engineer, for his greet liberality and ktod- nass in Btss—tbsg totals wnsjaay twossrstts with she itaSM.nsna^swaasissestorwBsMMsBss^gyOa.lto.l, and that this Nkotatton be sprjai noon the tad also paMi*lMa r b.Ysm Post Ctbrtw* JotrsaAb i. Twmmum,' ABSIVAXi AND DEPARTtrBE or MAILS: CLOSING: OPSSMOi Going South, 8.10 A. x, I From East, 8,15 A. It. " EasV 8.25--" ] " South, 8.89 " " South 8.20 r.M. I " Eas^ 3.3»p. M. " East, 6.80 '* I " South, 6.45 •' List 6f letters remaining unclaimed for week ending January 9th: Mrs. Helen Osborne, Mrs. Annie Travis. * - F. M. BTILLMAW, P. M. ENTERTAINMENT. The entertainment for the benefit of the Sun- day school given at St. Paul's chapel Tuesday evening was a brilliant success. Although the evening was cold, some 200 of our townsfolk were on hand, and by the number of tneart there Is no doubt as to their appreciation, and many were the exclamations of surprise at the proficiency displayed by some of the children In tlie art Of acting. In fact-one would think they must have had something more than a (to them) life-time experience. Miss McComb is indeed to be complimented upon the immense success of Her teaching, when one thinks of the time, trouble and patience it bas cost her to bring them all np to this high stsndard. The entertainment closed with a series of shadow pictures given by Messrs. F. B. Lawrence and J. William*', which weisatcryamusing. Among this series may be mentioned as particularly deservlnf of notice, " Romeo * Juliet." The grace, tenderness, and bashfulness of the beau, tlfui Juliet taken in connection with the brav- ery, consideration and general demeanor of Romeo was enough to almost bring tears to tho eyes of the most stonyhearted 1 . We could enu- merate much deserving, of notice, but, time and space forbid, the idea that it was not possible to heat the room sufficiently, was Tuesday night dissipated for it was quite warm, and It became necessary to open some of the windows. ... .—w *4St ttMSKK-AaMtttAX JOV wwsrwssinr*»ws»i . ' u < n EDITOR JOURNAL.:—Having seen in the Jotrn- HAL of Dec. 91, that the action for debt In the case of Creighton vs. Allls was abated through a technicality Jewish the public to kpow the real cause. Mr. Cohen moved that the plain, tiff find bonds, The Justice said that thai plain- tiff must find bonds, but did not allow any time to obtain them. The writ slated that the plain- tiff was able to pay all costs that might occur should judgment be given against him. This Is the true statement. Allls came to the plain- tiff and made Mm an offer of $«4 02—which has been paid tc him since. I should like to know what kind otjuitict there Is In Connecticut If that trial u justice. Through tha trial being dismissed the plaintiff loses about $10, which must have been recovered had the suit gone on. J AMKS II. CRRIOITTON, Jan. 7 fc 18T7 r "—-fiWptM, DIED. At Port Chester, January 8, after a lingering illness, Louise 11., wife of David T. Williams, aged 38. At Bye January 8, Mrs. John Density, aged about 50 years. At Larohmont. December 29, Emma, aged 9 months, child of Martha E. and John K. Myers. At White Plains, January 4. Sally M. Jarvis, aged 67 years.- 8 mouths, 13 days, wife of David Purdy At tankers, December 24, Seymour A. Hutchinson, in his 49th year, . > « At Mount Kisco, December 21, Benjamin Stickncy, aged 87*years, At Bedford Station, December 18, Edward L. Loons- bury, aged 11 years. At Homers December 18, William Haltosk, aged 86 years. At Fon-dn-Lae Wisconsin, December 5, Fanny, wife of William L. Foshay, formerly at Yonkers. At New York, January 5. Mamie, aged 7 years. daughter of Mr. Phil, Bead,. formerly of Greenwich, Conn. Buried in Greenwich. At Greenwich, January 7, John G., aged 7 months, son of Louis and Catherine Henuia. At Greenwich, January 6th, Margaret, aged 50years, wife of Taos. Barrett. At Greenwich, January 6th, Julia, aged 62 years, wife of Thos. Evans. At Riverside, Conn., January 8, George, aged 8 years, son of Lawrence and Susan Commings. At East Port Chester. Conn.. January 8, Anna P., wife of*-' ' At For Hale. AUCTION The Janssn Farm, one of the best in Ulster County, situated at the village of Dwoonkiil, four miles from Pine Bush, Orange Co., containing 90 odd acres clear land, will be positively sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, on tha lith day JANUARY, 1877, at the hotel of H. O'Donneil. Shawangunk, Ulster Co., N.Y. HhawSjf gnnk is on the line of the Wallkill Valley RaUroad. Sale to take place at 1 o'ekwk, noon. The improvements are a large DOUBLE. %)4 STORY STO »E HOUSE, fine extension kitchen, cellarsand all that pertains to a No. 1 country residence, and in ex- cellent condition. Extra large fine barn, carriage house, granary and other out-buildings, all in fine con- dition; fences are in fair order; land No. 1, equal for grass or farming purposes, to the bast in Orange Co. There is also a valuable lime stone quarry, on the place. Bayers can reach Shawangunk in time for the sale by the morning train and leave for home at 4 o'clock r. M. Terms of Bala 6jSSM cash, and balance on Mortgage; Reader toll your friends of this good chancetoboy an extra good farm, 4tSwl of Jeb. Jeppe, aged 22 yearstenmonths. BanksvUle, Conn , January 8, Nathan J. Green, aged 79 years. • ' A t Green-point. January T, Mary Underbill, aged 62 ysars-wife of D. C. Brown. wis, nii-e wp MJ, -*;• *"«-»"• At Yonkers, January 6, Jane Weeks, aged 62. At New York, Johannah, aged 64, widow of Fisher. Interment at Whit* Rains. Elijah At Nay York, January 6, Augusta Julia, aged 29, wife of Jas. Powell, daughter of Henry and Louisa Claaan. Interment at Sing At Glenville, January 5, Ann months and 26 days, T AND FOR SALE. Six acres more or leas, on road from Round Hill. U mile from Greenwich Borough. bounded as follows: North and west by 8. Edward Key- nokts', east by highway south by gag. Meads, (deceas- ed). Suitsbls for building lots and farming purpose*, and will bs saM hi lots to—it. Apply to- 1 420wl7* D. 8. HUSTBD, Greenwich, Conn. Heading Room. REE LIBBARY F Reading Room ! or TUB viLLAoa or PORT CHESTER, Founded by the Host. J. V. PECK, 1876, BRUNDAGE BUILDING, MAIN STREET. WILL OWN THIS MO.ITH. All who take an interest in this Institution are in- vitedtocontribute Books. Magazines, or other aid. All paresis for the Library may be sent to cars of Herman L. Marshall, Savings Bank. Bsocxuourr Moaoas, ) library - 4351y* HfMW^w L- MABSHALL, N. J. BAUDS, •1 Cotntsiittce. To Let. lO LET I Probate Notices. The store sad rooms over it, st Mianns Tending, on* of the beat and roost convenient for a Boot and Shoe Store, having an th. fcrtsrs^ n s ^ tha^ Mr. more than •• r—-^Snjsd in > P*t* ChsstoivKew Tor*, at 1STRD3T OF GREENWICH, sa., PRO- bats Court, January 6,1877. Estate of Benjamin Page, late of Greenwioh, in said District, deoaassd: !/ In tha matter of tha application of Cornelius Mead, Admrntstrator (with the will annexed) on said es- tate, praying this Court, for reasons in said appli- cation set forth, to accept his resignation as such Administrator, andtoappoint in his place another Administrator who msy proceed with the settlement of said estatetofinal completion, accordingtolaw. OansaSD—That said application be heard and de- termined at the Probate Office, in said Greenwich, on Monday, the 19th day of January, 1877, at 10 o'clock, forenoon; and that public notice of such hearing be purpose by the 1st* owner, Mr. Jsasnp. Sfty years. To a jood tenant, rent reasonable. ', aged 88 years 2 ttpeelal Notice. HOI.LOWAY'S OINTMENT.—8ore Legs, Wounds, Ulcers, Ac. can be cured. The rational treat- ment as indicated by nature, is to reduce the local Inflammation, soothe the neighboring nerves, cool the heated blood, and render the watery Ichorous discharge consistent and healthy. Happily. Holloway's Ointment ac- complishes these ends with unfailing certainty. 25 cents per box or pot A presented to th* R. Root, and Miss Georgia Pack. They brought a string band and after supper danced until ten o'clock, when they proceeded homeward In single sleighs. Mr. Fred, a Ferris, Urn accommodating ma|l carrier, has retired, bis term of office hav- ing expired. The contract has gone to Messrs. Wright and Brush. Tha rumor that Caps. Biavlnsnln W. Hasted warn victim of Mm AHitabnsa ffcmtsr,towith, out iMadatfoe, Ha It vWtteg in low* and Mr, T; Crocker had a tight Jolly CMOMS. PABTT.—One of the finest parties of tbe sea- son was held Friday night at Mr. G. A. Peck's, about thirty being present, Tbe supper superb, the reception hearty, of Rye, was present and all good time I SraWrJcnr Base*.—A fellow who go«a> a- courtlng hereabout, and gats home early In the morning, finds It necessary this cold weather to take a hot brick to bed wlih him after bis long cdtd waft. The othernlghl be heated It too hot and while asleep burnt hit heel badly. Tha home are nearly Assf-ed now though. Fotrnr* •WM-Rnsk-Tto fenrtk sMgklng partytoStamford came off Tneeday alght, the bytbeUte rs. To a good tenant, »n» rss-onable. Pot- terms apply to DSXOM PaUiEB, Esq., Administra- tor, at the Ship Yard, or MAJOB WBSCOMB, at the LandV ing. * 425tf T OLET.-.AT OI«DB7»W1CH,"COrmECTIi ' cut, aflne three-story building, just completed, as store sad dwelling. Designed for any business, A LSO FOR 8ALE.-A HORSE. CARRIAGE, ^^^ACMWS&'T^T , Mj lostf Bos *», Orssawtoh, Cowsi rpo LET-THE FACTORY NEARGREENi 6t7tf ;l canning raetory. Two SterUs, t BETNOLDW. Orwsawich, Conn a newspaper printed to Port Chaster, New York, al Mast thra* days before said time assigned for .uch hearing, and duereturnmadetothis Conrt. *»*! Attest, Mtaos L. MASQH. Judge, Th»TR10T OF GREEPfWICH, as, PRO- XI bate Court, Jaaaary S. 1877. Estate of John H HeurtU, lata of Oreenwich, ia stsaid Diittict, deM^Mcd: ha tha Sasster of th* applieattea of Abraham L. flrani, Administrator (with the win anmrxM) on said estate praying this Courtj, for reasons in said a] taster, and toaftfoftvt'lnUs piacTanother AUGUST FLOWER. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Com- plaint, More than seventy-five percent of the people In the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects such as Sour Stom- ach, Sick Headache, Habitual Oostiveness, Pal pitatlon of the Heart, Heart-horn. Watcr-lirash, gnawing and burning pains at Me pit of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and dis- agreeable taste In tha mouth, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, Ac. Go'to your Drug- gist, W. H. Hyler and get a 75 cent Bottle of August Flower or a Sample Bottle for 10 cents. Try It—Two doses will relieve fon. 408eow. Wine of the Woods invigorates tbe Liver. New Advertisements. I) A. AMBLER, AUCTIONEER HOUWE ON iPstotTSs "fast Dyke HcW- Tefle* Port r^W Th ' WM *""**£$i rftO LBT-FOR 8ALEORT©XEA«R.-+4 JL f!otteg*hons*,trooms, garden, desirable locatiisn. East Port CbjrtlT, •Hdper annum. Inquire at Jora- HAt,es>Ss. - r ^ .,..,, .-/ j Medical. ARNICATED EXTRACT* OF HAM- AMELia \6% WTTCH rtAM) ! Combines the virtues of a pure eoneentrated Phsr- _ M A t I O N - S T A T E OF NEW -.County of Westchester as.: _ The nndersignsd Sheriff of thaViounty of Westcfcss- tertoeonformRytoa precept tofhlm in this behalf di- rected, and by this his Proclamation requires all l»r- aons l»und to appear at a County Court and Court of to be hold at the Court House hi tbetownof maosutically correct axtract of Hamamslis and f in* Gorman tincture of Arnica, i s a remedy in in- iea of all kinds, (Bruises, Blows, Falls, Burns, ld % .ats>tt j laana^iM. JUsaW K «esd hytts fori Seal ite.,)it is uaoaualled. It is also profession in Bleeding from the kidneys, Bowels and Womb; Shw AMD REAL ESTATE AOKNT. Port Chester, N. Y. For Sale. F OR SALE.—TWO GOOD COUNTERS and Showing, 41Mf , (now.) T. P. Moavomn. SALE.-A HOUSE anooas; Let IWhUtO end barn iixM at " Oanlenrand ft and »X ssflss from Port Ch For sate at a j a r ^ . ^ a a o h - a o f Mills Gl*vtiisf SEVER IASMSIIBBMBI JU^aSSF s^eW^SaWi tan, Bvrasal ••f •I' aHf4f>#»*, _ AOrunart, Wm. P Moll. oftheOvsrtes Sad teoticlos-, ..ate., ate. Rtoendorsed by eminent of all schools as being the boat extract in tho markot. for raUy. «s on soon bottle; should bo m FnrsatebyTshoppeA BoW, MlAyo., Urban, IOKATS. and IRth St.j ear. Orchard and Druggists, geno- for reasons in said application 'Adntiifts- io may bare the ease and management of * * — t o l a * and said wflL appUratiou be heard and deter OvBco, In said Greenwich, on of Jaunary, 18T7, at 10 o'clock, 1a mitiiis of siaili ^issriffyf *W of this order in tha Jocajut, J'lWR Chester, jfe* fore ssid tlm* assigned for such return mads to this Court. Attest, Mraos L. MASOK, Judge, Proclamation Notice. S UPREME COURT.—COUNTY OF WEST- ehester-fKlJen M: Wight-ys. OhariesS. Glover and ore. In pursuance- and by virtne of a judgment or decree of foreclosure and sale made and entered in the above entitled action at a Special Term of the Su- preme Court held in the town of White Plains on tho 25th day of November, 1876; I, the undersigned referee therein named will exposetorsale and sell at public auction at the Irving Hotel, kept by Christian Wenksn- bach, in the village of Port Chester, County of West- chester, New York, on TUESDAY THE SIlTKKNx-if DAY OF JANUARY, 1877, at 11 o'clock in the fore- noon of that day; the premises in said judgment des- cribed as follows,towit.: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the vil- lage of Port Chester, in tho County of Westchester and State of New York, known and designated on a certain map entitled map of the property of Robert F. Brundage, situated on Westchester avenue. Port Ches- ter, N, Y., surveyed April li-78, Purdy G. Sands C. E> and 8., on file in the Register's oftice of the County of Westchester, by the number thirty-four (34), bounded snd described as follows, viz : Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Ir- ving avenne with the easterly side of Exchange street, as laid down on said map; thence running north- erly along the easterly side of Exchange street, one hundred (100) feet to lot number thirty-three (88)- on said map, running thence easterly along tbe south- erly line of said lot number thirty-three (33)fifty(50) feet to lot number thirty-five (35) on said map, run- ning thence southerly>long the westerly side of said tot number thirty-five (35), one hundred (100) feet to the northerly side of Irving avenue aforesaid; thencs running westerly along the northerly side of said Irving, nvcnne fifty (50) feet to the point or pincc of begin- ning, bo the us id several distances or dimensions mors or less. Dated White Plains, November 27, 1876. WIOUTftCLAPP, MOHMOUTB G. HAST. Plaintiff's Attorneys. [ilflvr7] Bsfsrss. Unpaid Afsessmants. N OTICE OF SALE OF LANDS FOR UN- paid assessments for tho grading and regulating of Pearl Street, in the village of Port Chester. In pur- suance of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the village of Port Cheater, on the 11th day of De- cember, W76—I, John Leonard, Treasurer, of ssid village, hereby give noticetotha owner or owners of the lauds hereinafter mec tloned that they are required to pay the assessments imposed upon the lots herein- after mentioned for the grading and regulating of Pearl Street, on or before SATURDAY THE SIXTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1877, and if snch assessments be not paid on or before Said day that I will on behalf or said trustees expose for sale and sell at public auction on said Saturday, the 6th day of January. 1877, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the Irving Hotel in said village for atermof years for the payment of the assessments for the grading and regulating of Pearl Street in said village with the interest and a pen- alt* of five per cant, for the non-payment thereof, tha following lots, pieces or psrcels of land known and des- cribed on the map for the grading and regulating of Pearl Street, and set forth in the report of tbe com missioners of estimate and assessments, dated Febru- ary 8th, 1875, and confirmed February 8th. 1875, said report snd map being now on file in the office 'of th* clerk of the village of Port Chester, by tha numbers below mentioned and which have been assessed to ths following named persons snd for tha following amountstowit.: Lot No. 8j Catholic School Grounds. " 11. Harvey Slater •"•* l-\ N. Dssmond .... , " 18,M.R>lly " IS, M. Connolly •. ' 18, Owen Dougherty •' » , Robert McNeil " ill, Robert McNeil.".. ,...„ .... " 23. Michael Duffy s " M, Timothy O'Neil.... •', 25, John Kane " 28. New York, New Haven and Hart- , , . , . lord Bailroadco... _^_ Let No. 28, Patrick Neil .;::. rr " 21), Mrs. J. B Hiaman.A..... ; ' " 31, F. M. Osborn 9t, Jumes Tjnmringhain. 38, Mrs. L. Psek » .: 36, John B. Olawson ,. •S, R. Jrmrdan 44, Catholic Chuieh Grounds 45, Catholic Church Grounds ........ 46; O. W. Qnintard ».'•• ! 2 35 50, O..W. Quintenl ...».*... 5 IS 47, G. W. Quintanl ff M F.zra Wstmore .ISB 4, Jethrow Daggett .. 6, (i. W. Qumfard . . White Plains in ths said County of Westchester afore- said, on the FIRST MONDAY (the 5th day) OF FBB- RUARY, 1877, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day by recognisance or otherwise to appear thereat, and lbs undersigned hereby requires all Justices of the Peace, Coroners or other oflcers who havs tehSB any l-snog- aiaaooe for the appearance of any person at the said Court, or have takin any inqwisition or examination of ir or witness,toretern such recognisance. sad sxasainauon to*tha said Court at ths ns, on the «• .•"»*- °«r ta i.M?~:'r-i^.°ri^ Stt. Nignsd at ths Sheriffs Office, White tree day of January, 1877. 4Mwt Bonaar F. BatfwnMS, QfcsrhT P ROCLAMATION.-STATttOF NEW Yorh-Oaunty of Wsatobester, s s - T b e nnder- jd. Sheriff of th* ssid county, In conformity to a preotpttoMm S this behalf t rented aisTdsliTMW H Prepared only by ths Liebig Laboratory and Oh< naieal Work* Co., OSses.fT Park Row, Wwr Tor*. Ms, Ml ProelaaiaSlBii.requiresall appsar at a Circuit Court and Court of Oyer aadTar- mtosr.tobs hold at th* Coort HOMO In thstewnof T^TwUKT MO^DAt'i'l.M'dly) M -ARCH 1877, at 10 oetoek la ths forenoon of that day, by re- ni ' or sshireHw te appasr thwart; aad tha asjawwlgnsd horehyre.iulrssaft Jwrttess of tho Psaea, Cwr>iMta,aariotbaroa^caM,«lteMT«aaeaairyrecog- any sriarassr or wltoass,toreturnaaoh recoguisanoos, UMMhsttons, and examinationstotho said Court al th* ojaMiina tbarsof, on tk*firstday of ite s.ttlng -SJfnod at IhVltMrtrs Ones. White Plains, on UM 84 day of sMfn) ' RORWrt F. BRURDAOl. t 30 7.'. 307 50 24 80 18 45 1128 12 80 10 25 J8 70 32 80 12 80 10 25 10 25 It 80 205 00 »tt- 10 2ft 20 50 4973 11 SB 12 80 14 85 22 55 36 90 „., EzraWetmore... The said lots wiU DS soWtothe person or parsons who will take the asms for th* shortest t«rm of yssrs and wiU pay the treasurer of said village the amount of said assessment with Interest st the rsts of mvm per cant per aunaitt from the 18th day of March UW, Lad perosnteg* on said assessment an^ also two dollar, on saoh lot for tbe expense of sdvertMng this a and two doUsrsoa each lot for tbe "pens* of sate. lneproc«<)dingswiUb«d1scootlnn«dtaU>^« of any of the ssid lots on paymentto.theriuags•" urer of th* amount of such asaaasmaat wito ts and percentage thereon and the expense or advertising tho same and in cos* of sal* th* sipsos* of anon sate. Dated December ltth. 187s. * yoaurLsjenasn, 4»w4 Trassursr of the Vfllag* of Port Chester. gaTTh* sals of th* shore d*«rlbrf lotejipla^or •Joris of tendlahwaby edymn™d«tn a»TO-r*X JANUARY RU 1BT7, smaaa Uaa« a^dptooa. Dated Jaw •ary «th, 1*77. - '^»i*'^2u/*«-»«, Treasurer of th* ViRagS m WntOhsttsr. riMIK BEHT A N D C H « A f » T PLACE TO X aov aurrwiio is TBS wot on HARNESS, WHIPS, 8UNKET&, ROBI^obc., Js st RF.F.UF, a. Bank rfil'dlng. Port Ch«*tef.^lsns> TOD yitlNTljio li<lBHuN~fE Alft» SH> i ver of every and any style* mm Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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T H E J O U R N A L . T H U R S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 11, 1 8 7 7 .

H o m e N e w s

Tide Table rOB HSW n o c o u x a , MAHABOHSOK, POST CBTaWB' A»X»

v OBSKHWICH, OOMX. Hum w t m . utw WATSB-988 A.M 3 45v. M.

4 88 " 530 " 8 68 " 6 27

Friday, 12... Huturday, ..13 1080 Sunday,....14 „ . 11 CO Koolly, ..15 " 4 4 ToMdajL-.U...... M 17P.M. 12 58

133 707 7 48

Wednesday, 17. Thursday,..18.

/ 1

PKBSONAIA—Tho Rev. J. JL H. DeMllle has aocepted.a call to St. Luke's parish, Phillips-burg, N. J. PhlUlpsburgfis a lively place of some 6000 inhabitants, and the panlsb. has a nice rectory, ftd a comfortable and pleasant church. We predict for Mr. DoMillo. whp is an indefa­tigable and earnest worker/^'inost iuccesstul

jefctorshtp in his new ftyld of labors Jacob Mersereau, the retiring Chief Engineer of the Port Chester Fire Department j has held the position for eight JSgtP »"d proved an able, efficient and excellentl>fflcer. " Jake " carries' with him the \>ept whihos of the entire depart­ment, who are loth to part with their faithful chief .—-Among the distinguished visitors to our sanctum last Friday were Maj. Wescome and Hon. P. S., Schutt of Riverside, Ct. Call again f

Th e Whisteria Jr. meet this week.

How to Make Hena Lay.

Wm. P. Lyon's, on Lyon's Point is a busy place. Beside an extensive coal business, Mr. Lyon runs an eight-home power engine, which is In constant motion, not only running a saw and a machine for splitting the large quantity of kindling wood, which he sells daily, but also crushing the articles necessary to produce his celebrated to "S CAT.CAHKOU8 CHICKEN FEED

composed of oyster sgells and phosphate of lime a mixture, which, fed to hens causes a large increase in the production of eggs, to say nothing of the better quality thus insured.

Chemistry ban proved that the shell of the egg is composed of Calcareous, matter and that the yelk is especially rich in phosphates. These elements are perfectly supplied in this Calcare­ous chicken feed mixture, and Mr. Lyon has already established a large and lucrative trade in the article, farmers driving for many miles to obtain it.

Mr. Lyon has facilities for turning out 2© bushels per day at $2.50per barrel. It will repay alt who own fowls to give this'feed mixture a thorough trial.

A farm at auetion Saturday next. See adv't.

Horry Howard Ball, January 81st, Invita­tions out this week. Particulars next week.

Men's calf-skin boots for $4.00 at Bankrupt sales store, Main street. £>ec adv't. -

Hot soda, coffee and chocolate at Silll man's drug store. Sleighing parties bear this in mind.

-For thirty days Rosenft-Jd & Provoost will sell their large stock of goods at cost. See adv. and posters.

Amount of rain for the month of 1806:

Nov. 8 •« 7 " ioM!!!!!.! '..I..'.'.'.. •'..'••'. " 18.'..-'..",'.;"...'.".!!!.!...." *« 10*80.!.!!...!...! ! " 24 *• gg. . ; • 38 < .» , . . . . . . . . . .» .^ •-*»••••

Dec. 11, snow " 18, snow and rain " 28 snow and rain,.


in. 100 . . . .10 . . .1 .70 . . . .80 . . . .80 . . . 1 8 0 . . . .06 . . . .10


4.55 . .20 .1.20 . .40.


DOT BAH?.—The pastor of the Baptist Church, commenced the new year by an addition to the Barn(e)s of the parsonage. ' • J • *

We call attention to Mr. D. A. Ambler's auc-ftion and real estate advertisement. Mr. A is

well posted in the business. _

Amount of rain for the past six months: •• . . - - In.'

J u l y , . : . ; i , . , ' 8.05 August. 1.95 September , 5.05 October . . . , ' . 1.80 November, rain and show 4.55 December 1 80

1 :> , 18.00

Coroner Purdy has gone Into the auction and real estate business. The withdrawal of Sheriff Brandage leaves an open field.

The new Library and Reading Room, founded by-Hon. J. Y. Peck will be opened this month. Contributions of books, 4 c , are solicited.

The locomotive of th* 9.-05 A. tfef, up train yesterday broke a rod at Mt. Vernon, was entirely disabled, and the passsengers delayed till the 10:05 train came along.

C O N N E C T I C U T N E W S .



Trains for Now York -Accommodation—5 14, 6 33. 6/37, 7 09. 7 38,4,8 28 10 .« 11 59, A. M.; 1 :>6. 511,6 18 P H . 8 18 f. M. Express.

From New York—Accommodation—7 If, 9 05, 10 10, A. M.; 12 01 M.: 2 2 X :1 5*. 4 45, 6 45, 6 33, 7 80,1185, P M. Expresses, 4 4 >. 5 16 P. M.

DEBBV'S SrAOE—Leaves Banksville on and after th* 13th, on Mondays, 'Wednesdays, Thursdays and ^Saturdays, at 8 A. M. ; returning leaves Greenwich at 3.3d p. M ,on arrival of the 2.20 train from New York.

D. Strang will soil at auction, T 10, at 11 A. M., at the Irving Hotel,' two desir­able lot . M k - I t y J i i t . . « r i ^ W « ^ ^ a..i„ „^,i„> r,.,«.,.i,,ui,,.„ g c e n(jy. nnd posters. Sale under foreclosure

CiBD.—f>ur P. D. and Carrier returns sincere thanks to those subscribers who SO generously remembered him when he presented his annual address, and wishes them all a happy New Year t *

Letters remaining in the postoffice uncalled for, January 6.—Mr. Ohas. Grclbred, Harry Blas-son, Joslali Andrews, Wm. M. Walsh,Mrs, Mary H. Brown, Mrs. Chas. Austin.


FiRft ! F I B * !!—Wm. W. Coddington at the bankrupt shoe sales store, Main street, has opened a branch of the Royal Canadian Insur ance Company-— capital 16,000,000. This is one of the strongest and sedest companies in the country. Sen adv't. .. *

FIRST NATIONAL BASK.—At the annual elec­tion held Tuesday, the following were elected Directors r-f§lwood Burdsnll, John W. Louus-bary, D. Jerome Sands, Ephraim Spurs, Wra. E. Ward,-Wm. P. Abendroth, John E. Mar­shall, JosiahWilcox. - - - — -

CHORAL UNION.—There was an increased at­tendance Monday evening ant a revival of the former interest In this useful society. The So­ciety is out of debt, A new Cantata is to he taken up next Monday, and we trust every member will be on band.

85J* John X. Hubbard is our authorized Agent and Correspondent, at Greenwich, officii a'; residence on Putnam Avenue.

[Regular Correspondence.^


Fh baa advanced one step. We' refer

te establishment of the " Free • Reading Room and Library Association" now in opera-

6 M > FASHKHI DONATIOR.—Tho friends of Rev. S. M. Hammond of Summerfteld M. E. Church,are"rttpettfnlly and cordially invited to attend an old fasblonedvdonatlou' to be given at the parsonage on Tuesday evening January 23<l. Should the weather prove unfavorable it will bo held the first fair evening.

St. Peter's church (Episcopal) of Westchester, was entirely destroyed by fire Tuesday night. The Convocation was being held there, but the audience got out before t i e flames had made much progress. Rev. Mr. Morgan of this vil . lags was present at the Convocation. Loss $45,000. Nearly covered by Insurance.

T H B BASD.—The progress made by the new" Port Chester Band Is very satisfactory. Thus far seventeen members have joined and paid up. Meetings are held in Washington Hall, Mon-

' day and Thursday evenings. The following are the officers: Emil C. Boerner, leader ; Gerhard Olsen, teacher ; Louis C. Mertr., secretary; Geo. Meets, treasurer. \^

MASOirtC.—At a communication of Mamaro Lodge No. 658, F. and A. M., held Jan. 8th, 1877, the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year s J. H, Haughwout, W. M.; Chas. DeMott, 8. W.; Abram Fowler, J. W.; W. H. Boyd, Tress.; 0 . W. Carpenter, Bee;. John H. Clapp.8. D.; Charles H. Waker, J. D ; Wil­liam Foster, Tiler ; Ell Curtis, E, F. Mathews, R. W. Wsn. M. Gambling, Trustees.

Friday the startling rumor that a man was killed or frozen to death on Byram Hill, origi­nated from the upsetting of Ridebock's sleigh, the running away of the horse and the abandon­ing of the vehicle and animal by Mr. R , the weather being Intensely cold. Neither the

-bone (valued over $1800), or the sleigh, or Mr. R were damaged. The horse was found by John Davis who left it with Mr. C. Wouken hack, who recovered the sleigh and notified Mr. R. that his property was all right. The owner may be thankful It fell into such good bands.

PBSswrr— CARD.—At the regular monthly - meeting of Reliance Engine Co., held at the

Engine House, on the evening of the 5th lost.,

supervision of Miss Mary "Er. Miller, assistant lihntritn. The association will be unsectarlon, non-politicil. and conducted only for social, moral and intellectual Improvement—an Insti­tution that bus Ions; been needed. The "Asso­ciate Young People's Library,"" 500 volumes, has been loaned to the new association by special permission, and the use of the Town Library. These, With numerous |y*Vatc dona­tions of rare and useful books, have been cata­logued and arranged in a handsome black walnut case, the design aud rifanufacture of Isaac L. Mead. The whole number of books now on hand is about 1,000, and It is expected the num­ber will soon be doubled. The room will be open from 9 A. M, to 1 p. if., from 2 to 8 v. u., and from 7 to 9:30 p. M. N O one will be admit ted without a ticket, which may be obtained of any of the B>.anl> of Managers, free. The Initiation fee, ill 00, Is payable in advance to the secretary; the yearly subscription, $8.00, to the librarian. Non-members may read" the papers and magazines free of charge, bnt those desiring to use the books will pay at the rate of $3 00 per year. On the tables may be found the New York daily Tribune, Time* and World, theBostota / W a n d Ekrdld, and Hartford Ctw ant/ also the following weeklies—Boston Pilot, "Hartford Oourani, Harper's Leslie's and Tht Graphic, The Port Chester JOCRNAt. and Stam ford AdtoMte, Circulars* have been issued con­taining full information and in which a call is made for donations of books of History, Travel, Fiction, Science, Philosophy and general litera­ture. Tha following are the Board of man­agers:—Rev. Charles R. Treat, President; Philip W. Holmes, Vice-President; Edward Brush, Secretary; Frank Shepard, Treasurer; E. J. Wright, Librarian; Rev. R, H. Rust, John Yoorhls, Geo. E. Scofleld, Dr. James H. Brush, Joseph E. Russell, Jr., Dr, L, P. Jones, Fred. A Hubbard, Committee on membership; Rev. Charles R. Treat, Dr. T. 8. Plnneo,' E. J. Wright, Frank Shepard, Prof. W. G. Peck, Library Committee.

Rev. R. H. .Rust bas resumed his pastoral duties. ;,-

The loWnjdce of the Centennial work can­vassed for by H. A. Cbadburn places It within the reach of all. , , , ..„ .

Mr. Charles A. Sniffln is spending the winter with William D. Benedict at his ranch near Colorado Springs.

Miss Florence Dewey, of N e w York, is in town. -'—1~~-~~~~**—

The popular racecourse Is Putnam avenue. George E. Scofield's graceful little trotter "Kit" easily passed all competitors Christmas night. If let out, Kit would touch '38.

Arthur Allcorn had bis tongue in a sling not long ago. While making some philosophical experiments with that useful member on a cold bar of stcej, an attachment was formed which Was difficult to break. Arthur says "never too late to mend."


Probably one of the Jolllest parties that ever crossed the threshhold of the Lenox House stopped there Monday afternoon. Mr. Morton is always beaming with good nature and his tables as proverbially groan with good Cheer, and Monday found no exception to these rblesa

The party worn representatives of soma of the first families of Port Chester, among whom were W. A. TIngue and wife, Mrs. J. F. Mills, Mrs. W. B Toucey, Augustus Abendroth and wife, Miss Lyon, John H. Clapp and wif|J Chas. H. Ropes, Ell Curtis and wife, Chas, White and wife, Mrs. Amberst Wight, Hunt, R. W. Goodwin <and wife, Mrs. Job*

passed over the Lake Shore R R. a few hours before the accident.

F. A. Hubbard returned, from Boston Satur­day.

Col. Hoyt got back from Washington Tues­day. "

Mr. Joseph Jeffers registered at the Lenox Tuesday. He is living in New York.

Postmaster Brush received a box containing 4000 postal cards, to-day, from Springfield, Mass. He has disposed of an equal number since August 2nd.

There has been good skating on the Bound as far as the steamboat dock.

The Reading Room Is intended for such fel­lows as those who filled a farmer's sleigh' with snow, broken glass-nnd other rubbish the other evening.

Miss Julia E. Bell was the recipient of a gen­uine snrpri e party Friday evening. Among those present were Mr E. Belcher Mead (owner of the "Big Dog"), Mr. Arthur D. Mead and wife, Mr. Edwin A. Knappand wife, Mr. Geo. W. Hunt and wife.

Many registered letters are sent from this postoffice. When will it be a money order office ? , . - |

^Mr. Alfred Bell has moved Into his handsome new residence on Beach avenue.

GREENWICH, Jan. 10, '77, . J. T. H.


Rev. Fred. Bell, the "singing preacher" Who cfowds the Brooklyn Academy of Music, will deliver his popular lecture on "Midnight Scenes in New York," at Ray's Hall, next Tues­day evening at 7.80 o'clock. Admission 36c.

Rosenfeld A Provoost of Parti Chester, are selling goods at cost to prepare f OS* their Spring trade. See adv't. •* ' •'•


' The Act In relation to Births, Marriages and Deaths has been added to and altered as fol lows: " j t j „

SEC. 1, Certificates of births shall state the name of each child (If it have any); the place and date of its birth ; its sex; the name of its father, nnd tho maiden name of Its mother; tha ages, color, residence, and nativity of its par­ents ; the occupation of its father; the number of the child, with the name and address of the medical attendant.

§ 2. Certificates of death shall state the. full name of the deceased ; the date and 'place of death; the age, sex, color and condition (singled, married, or widowedr-if a wife br widow, of whom); the occupatsfti; birth-place and residence, (if in a tenement house, with how many families); the name of the ^father; - Jhe cause or causes of death, and the dutatkm- of the disease, with the name and address of the medical attendant. i '

§ 8. No person shall open any grave for the interment, or disinterment of the body of any deceased person ; or deposit such dead body In any grave, vault, or tomb, in any public or private cemetery, or burial place ; or dirlnter or remove such dead body from the town in which the deatli took place, without having procured from the registrar a permit therefor.

§ 4 On the receipt by the registrar, of a certificate of death, properly made in the form hereafter to be furnished by the state librarian, and containing the specific facts required by section two of this act, the registrar shall issue a permit for the interment, disinterment or removal, (as the case may be,) of the body of any deceased person, stating therein th«F locality of the interment, disinterment, or re­moval. No permit for the disinterment of the body of any deceased person during the month of June, July, August or September, shall be issued, except when required for the purposes of a legal investigation. . „

§ 5. Every sexton, or other person having charge of a cemetery, or other place of burial, shall, during the first week of every month, return to the registrar a list of all the Inter­ments, disinterment!, or removals made by him. during the month next preceding, with the dates thereof. ,

i 8. All laws or parts of laws that are Incon­sistent with this act, are hereby repealed.

$7. This act shall take effect on the first day of January, 1877.

four-horse sleigh taking along some, fifteen ladles and gentlemen. The ride was grand, the fun continuous, the supper at the Union House tip-top and the dancing lively andVen-joyable. Among those present were W. W. White, Chas and John Duff, Joseph Peck and sisters, Mr. Porter and sisters, Miss Alice Wil­son, Harry Purdy of Port Chester, and others, AH present on the fourth are anxious for tke announcement of the fifth ride.

A WHITB-MAH'S STOKB.—W. W. White's HuJ> Grocery and Provision store. While others cry dull times, Mr. White is driving business -on the go night and day. A regular corner on oats, and feed. See adv't.

A RKI.II FQBND.—Some years ago a yacht belonging to some of the Americus Club cap­sized off the mouth of the harbor, a quantity of jewehry, watclies, Ac., being lost. Last Mon­day while Capt. Hen j . Lock wood was taking up-oysters, he found a solid sliver, Englsb watch supposed to have been lost from that yacht. The cases are iu good order but of course the works are ruined.*'

Harbor still frozen and Bridge TendesrClark is having a rest. $

TEMPERANCE.—An attempt i s being made to organize a Temperance Society here and the following names have been enrolled: Mr. John W. Secley, James V. Wilson, Daniel W. Hitch, George W. Morrell, Henry & Merritt, Harry W. Clark. Mr. Secley is trying to revive the Interest and We hope he wilt succeed. Being a strict reformer himself we hope all will follow his example. A MEMBER,

Dry Goods. Dry Goods.


Surrogate's Notices.

rHJHSUANT TO AN OKDEIt OF OWEN T. , Coffin. Surrogate of the Comity »t Westobastrr,

Notice i» hereby ([iven. according to law", tO all ] baring claims agauut the K»Ut« of John Morwll, lata

' Maataioneok, iu said County, "

• * * . ; K»i

f i U.'PI H<U»

- k .


M i l ,s\ A R E

1/ i f I O F F E F U N i

at the town of ] to present the same, with the vouchers thereof, to thi undersigned, Executor of fEe last Will and Ttxtanwat of the said deceased, at bis resident* at said town of Hamarouevk, »aid couutv. on or before the 36th dav of February. A. D. 1877. f>at«tl thin 16th day of August, A. D. 1876. NOAH 8. TOMMONB, 40Sm6 j • Executor.

P~ URBUANT "TO~AiToRDER OF OWEN T. Coffin. Surrogate of the County'of Westches­

ter, Notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against the Estate of Oerabom Bulkley, lata of the Town of Rye, in said County, deceased, to present the aame, with th* vouchers thereof, to the undersigned. Executrix of tha last Will and Testament of the said deceased, at her real denoe in said Town of Kvo,. on or before the 30th day of April, A I). 1877. listed this 16th day of October, A. D. 1876. MABY E. KUUU.KV, Executrix. 418m6

-;~*ftW-w mWWMbe* -1.. '-tmwmm

T H E I B E N T I R E S T O C K O F Kzyrse"




c , »V

•f>'i o ?

„ Hiauus.

WEEK OP PRAYER.—Service In the M. E.

Church, this evening and Friday, at the usual hour.

Jessup'a old boot and shoe stand, k<nown for miles aro-'md, is offered to rent; also tenement for family. See adv't.

School report—Roll of honor. First' division: Mary Newman, Belle Selleck, Lizzie Neil, Mamie Newman, Gertie Smith, Rattle Ferris, Minnie Eddy, Laura Morrell,-Alice Jennings, Maggie Wendle. Second division—Mary Mor­rell, Mary Weber, Lillle Newman, Mary Neil , Carrie Smith, James Sammon, Charley Wendle, John Hawes, Henry Weber, Ella Hawes. M. E. LOCK wood, Principal; F. J. Lock wood, as­sistant.

PURSUANT TO AN OKDEK OF OWEN T. Coffin, Surrogate of the County of Westches­

ter, Notice is hereby given, according to law, to all irsons having claims against the Estate of James W. i own, late of the Town of Bye. in said County, de-

", to present the same, with the vouchers thereof, :o tho. undersigned. Executor of the last Will and Tes­tament of the said deceased, at his place of residence is said Town of Bye, on or before the 20th day of April. A I). 1877. Dated this 16th day of October, A. D, 1876. Wnsos D. BLAWSOM. Executor. 418a>6

\-> I

i I «*! '



•f i

h ^ . T


Local Reading Notices.

lAg« Sussex Railroad at Newton, N. J.

"Having used Dr. WISTAR'S BALSAM OP W I L D CBEBBT in my family with great advantages, for many years in cases of severe colds, I most cheerfuly give my testimony of its efficacy, and recommend it to those who are suffering from Coughs, Colds, and Pulmonary Diseases of long standing as being a safe and reliable remedy. ' ' 60 cents and %\ a bottle. Sold by all druggists.

Men's Calf skin sewed boots for. $4.00, to be had at the Bankrupt Salts, Main street, Port Chester, N. Y. 4251m


•.';•"„•• . V



R E D U C E D i 1 .' • ,XL * T • ~

• p - ' f f v i / •u

Legal Notices.


Tows OF Bra, May 1st, 1878. Unpaid Taxes of 1875, can be paid to HENRY MEB-

RITT, Receiver of Taxes, Port Chester, who is author­ized to receipt therefor, or to the undersigned at Bye Neek. Interest titareon charged after tins date. . 391tf 8AM i WILLIAM JOHNSON, Supervisor.



G-reat I3arga^iis for Cash Only.

".iltfJ.r* 1 !' >--: . . . V * ' ti

Supreme Court.

QUPREME COURT.—COUNTY OF WEST-( 7 Chester—Ellen M. Wight vs. Charles 8. Olovcr, sudors. In pursuance and by virtue of a judgment or decree of foreclosure and sale made and entered in the above entitled action at a Special Term of the Supreme Court held in the town of White Plains on the 25th day of November, 1876; I, the undersigned referee therein named will expose for sale and sell at public auction at the Irving Hotel, kept by Christian Wenken. bach, in the village of Port Chester, County of West­chester, New York, on TUESDAY THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1877, at 11 oVslock iu the fore­noon of that day, the premises in said judgment des­cribed as foliows, to wit: All that certain tot, pieco or parcel of land, situate lying and being in the village of Port Chester, in the County of Westchester and State of New York, known and designated on a certain map entitled '' Hap of the property of Robert F. Brundage, situated on Westchester avenne, Port Chester, N. X., surveyed April 1873, Purdy O. Sands, C. E. and 8." on file ia the Register's office of Westchester County, by th* number forty-one ( i l l ; bounded and described as follows, viz.: Beginning at the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Westchester aven­ue with the easterly side of Exchange street, is laid down on said map, running thence northerly along the easterly side of said Exchange street one hundred and seventy-six (176) feet and five-tenths of a foot to lot number thirty-seven (37) on said map; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said lot number thirty-seven (37) sixty-five (65) feet to lot number forty (40) on said map; thence southerly along the westerly side of said tot number forty (40) until it strikes the northerly side of Westchester avenne as shown on said map; thence westerly along the said northerly side of West­chester avenue fifty-six (56) feet to the point or place of beginning be the said several dimensions more or less. Dated White Plains, November 37,187*. WIUHT ft CLAPP. MONMOUTH O. HAST,

Plaintiff s Attorneys. > [419w7] Referee.



•J t a l l UTS I JF a A W * fl>

Approved June 28th, 1876.


At Port Chester, January 3, by Bev. Father Dowling

for.SofB̂iM .̂K*te'<ta,,^erot ^ ^ i M a i i i ^ S t r e e t ,

At Bye, January 8. hv Rev. C B. Brewster, Daniel IStnber and Miss Louisa King, all of Mamaroneck.

At Bye, December 38, M. C. HascaU of New York, and D. Evaline Fagundns of Tidioute, Penn.

At New Rochelle, December 30, Mr. James Robinson, of East Chester, and Miss Josephine Harps, of Mamar­oneck. - - "*

At White Plains, December 20, Miner W. Gallup. M D., of Adams, N. Y., and Miss M. Gertrude Jacobus, daughter of J. W. Jacobus, of White Plains.

At Armonk, December 15, by the Rev. Mr. Davis, Mr. Alouzo R. Seymour and Miss Alice Green. " c

At Katonah. December 19th, Mr. James 8. Lock-wood, of Katonah, and Miss Susan A Ellett, of Dayton, Kentucky.

At Katonah, December 20th, Mr. James T. Anderson of Lake Mahopae, and Miss Annie Lounsbnry, of Katonah,

At Stamford, Conn., A. L. Swords of New York, and Georgiana, daughter of Geo. A. Hoyt.


Port C h ^ t e x , • •

/ ; •


late Chief Engineer company, two handsome serolls, with the name-, number and motto of tho engine, aad l t SMHV unanimously '

Rwsfsaw That the thanks of this iissssaybs aad are hereby wapsstrally isnsjiw*. to Mr. J. Xsrasrsau, sals Chief Engineer, for his greet liberality and ktod-nass in Btss—tbsg totals wnsjaay twossrstts with she itaSM.nsna^swaasissestorwBsMMsBss^gyOa.lto.l, and that this Nkotatton be sprjai noon the tad also paMi*lMarb.Ysm Post Ctbrtw* JotrsaAb

i. Twmmum,'


Going South, 8.10 A. x, I From East, 8,15 A. It. " EasV 8.25--" ] " South, 8.89 " " South 8.20 r.M. I " Eas^ 3.3»p. M. " East, 6.80 '* I " South, 6.45 •' List 6f letters remaining unclaimed for week

ending January 9th: Mrs. Helen Osborne, Mrs. Annie Travis. * -


The entertainment for the benefit of the Sun­day school given at St. Paul's chapel Tuesday evening was a brilliant success. Although the evening was cold, some 200 of our townsfolk were on hand, and by the number of tneart there Is no doubt as to their appreciation, and many were the exclamations of surprise at the proficiency displayed by some of the children In tlie art Of acting. In fact-one would think they must have had something more than a (to them) life-time experience. Miss McComb is indeed to be complimented upon the immense success of Her teaching, when one thinks of the time, trouble and patience it bas cost her to bring them all np to this high stsndard. The entertainment closed with a series of shadow pictures given by Messrs. F. B. Lawrence and J. William*', which weisatcryamusing. Among this series may be mentioned as particularly deservlnf of notice, " Romeo * Juliet." The grace, tenderness, and bashfulness of the beau, tlfui Juliet taken in connection with the brav­ery, consideration and general demeanor of Romeo was enough to almost bring tears to tho eyes of the most stonyhearted1. We could enu­merate much deserving, of notice, but, time and space forbid, t h e idea that it was not possible to heat the room sufficiently, was Tuesday night dissipated for it was quite warm, and It became necessary to open some of the windows.

. . . .—w *4St ttMSKK-AaMtttAX JOV wwsrwssinr*»ws»i . ' u < n

EDITOR JOURNAL.:—Having seen in the Jotrn-HAL of Dec. 91, that the action for debt In the case of Creighton vs. Allls was abated through a technicality Jewish the public to kpow the real cause. Mr. Cohen moved that the plain, tiff find bonds, The Justice said that thai plain-tiff must find bonds, but did not allow any time to obtain them. The writ slated that the plain­tiff was able to pay all costs that might occur should judgment be given against him. This Is the true statement. Allls came to the plain­tiff and made Mm an offer of $«4 02—which has been paid tc him since. I should like to know what kind otjuitict there Is In Connecticut If that trial u justice. Through tha trial being dismissed the plaintiff loses about $10, which must have been recovered had the suit gone on.


Jan. 7fc18T7r " — - f i W p t M ,


At Port Chester, January 8, after a lingering illness, Louise 11., wife of David T. Williams, aged 38.

At Bye January 8, Mrs. John Density, aged about 50 years.

At Larohmont. December 29, Emma, aged 9 months, child of Martha E. and John K. Myers.

At White Plains, January 4. Sally M. Jarvis, aged 67 years.- 8 mouths, 13 days, wife of David Purdy

At tankers, December 24, Seymour A. Hutchinson, in his 49th year, . > «

At Mount Kisco, December 21, Benjamin Stickncy, aged 87*years,

At Bedford Station, December 18, Edward L. Loons-bury, aged 11 years.

At Homers December 18, William Haltosk, aged 86 years.

At Fon-dn-Lae Wisconsin, December 5, Fanny, wife of William L. Foshay, formerly at Yonkers.

At New York, January 5. Mamie, aged 7 years. daughter of Mr. Phil, Bead,. formerly of Greenwich, Conn. Buried in Greenwich.

At Greenwich, January 7, John G., aged 7 months, son of Louis and Catherine Henuia.

At Greenwich, January 6th, Margaret, aged 50years, wife of Taos. Barrett.

At Greenwich, January 6th, Julia, aged 62 years, wife of Thos. Evans.

At Riverside, Conn., January 8, George, aged 8 years, son of Lawrence and Susan Commings.

At East Port Chester. Conn.. January 8, Anna P., wife of*-' '


For Hale.

AUCTION The Janssn Farm, one of the best in Ulster County,

situated at the village of Dwoonkiil, four miles from Pine Bush, Orange Co., containing 90 odd acres clear land, will be positively sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, on tha lith day JANUARY, 1877, at the hotel of H. O'Donneil. Shawangunk, Ulster Co., N.Y. HhawSjf gnnk is on the line of the Wallkill Valley RaUroad. Sale to take place at 1 o'ekwk, noon.

The improvements are a large DOUBLE. %)4 STORY STO »E HOUSE, fine extension kitchen, cellarsand all that pertains to a No. 1 country residence, and in ex­cellent condition. Extra large fine barn, carriage house, granary and other out-buildings, all in fine con­dition; fences are in fair order; land No. 1, equal for grass or farming purposes, to the bast in Orange Co. There is also a valuable lime stone quarry, on the place.

Bayers can reach Shawangunk in time for the sale by the morning train and leave for home at 4 o'clock r. M.

Terms of Bala 6jSSM cash, and balance on Mortgage; Reader toll your friends of this good chance to boy an extra good farm, 4tSwl

of Jeb. Jeppe, aged 22 years ten months. BanksvUle, Conn , January 8, Nathan J. Green,

aged 79 years. • 'At Green-point. January T, Mary Underbill, aged 62 ysars-wife of D. C. Brown.

w i s , n i i - e wp MJ, -*;• * " « - » " • At Yonkers, January 6, Jane Weeks, aged 62. At New York, Johannah, aged 64, widow of

Fisher. Interment at Whit* Rains. Elijah

At Nay York, January 6, Augusta Julia, aged 29, wife of Jas. Powell, daughter of Henry and Louisa Claaan. Interment at Sing

At Glenville, January 5, Ann months and 26 days,


Six acres more or leas, on road from Round Hill. U mile from Greenwich Borough. bounded as follows: North and west by 8. Edward Key-nokts', east by highway south by gag. Meads, (deceas­ed). Suitsbls for building lots and farming purpose*, and will bs saM hi lots to—it. Apply to- 1 420wl7* D. 8. HUSTBD, Greenwich, Conn.

Heading Room. REE


R e a d i n g R o o m ! or TUB viLLAoa or

PORT CHESTER, Founded by the Host. J. V. PECK, 1876,


All who take an interest in this Institution are in­vited to contribute Books. Magazines, or other aid.

All paresis for the Library may be sent to cars of Herman L. Marshall, Savings Bank.

Bsocxuourr Moaoas, ) library -

4351y* HfMW^w L- MABSHALL, N. J. BAUDS, •1 Cotntsiittce.

To Let. lO LET I

Probate Notices.

The store sad rooms over it, st Mianns Tending, on* of the beat and roost convenient for a Boot and Shoe Store, having an th. fcrtsrs^ n s ^ tha^

Mr. more than •• r—-^Snjsd in > P*t* ChsstoivKew Tor*, at

1STRD3T OF GREENWICH, sa., PRO-bats Court, January 6,1877.

Estate of Benjamin Page, late of Greenwioh, in said District, deoaassd: ! / In tha matter of tha application of Cornelius Mead,

Admrntstrator (with the will annexed) on said es­tate, praying this Court, for reasons in said appli­cation set forth, to accept his resignation as such Administrator, and to appoint in his place another Administrator who msy proceed with the settlement of said estate to final completion, according to law. OansaSD—That said application be heard and de­

termined at the Probate Office, in said Greenwich, on Monday, the 19th day of January, 1877, at 10 o'clock, forenoon; and that public notice of such hearing be

purpose by the 1st* owner, Mr. Jsasnp. Sfty years. To a jood tenant, rent reasonable.

', aged 88 years 2

ttpeelal Notice.

HOI.LOWAY'S OINTMENT.—8ore Legs, Wounds, Ulcers, Ac. can be cured. The rational treat-ment as indicated by nature, is to reduce the local Inflammation, soothe the neighboring nerves, cool the heated blood, and render the watery Ichorous discharge consistent and healthy. Happily. Holloway's Ointment ac­complishes these ends with unfailing certainty. 25 cents per box or pot

A presented to th* R. Root, and Miss Georgia Pack. They brought

a string band and after supper danced until ten o'clock, when they proceeded homeward In single sleighs.

Mr. Fred, a Ferris, Urn accommodating ma|l carrier, has retired, bis term of office hav­ing expired. The contract has gone to Messrs. Wright and Brush.

Tha rumor that Caps. Biavlnsnln W. Hasted warn victim of Mm AHitabnsa ffcmtsr, to with, out iMadatfoe, Ha It vWtteg in low* and

Mr, T; Crocker had a tight Jolly


PABTT.—One of the finest parties of tbe sea­son was held Friday night at Mr. G. A. Peck's, about thirty being present, Tbe supper superb, the reception hearty, of Rye, was present and all good time I

SraWrJcnr Base*.—A fellow who go«a> a-courtlng hereabout, and gats home early In the morning, finds It necessary this cold weather to take a hot brick to bed wlih him after bis long cdtd waft. The othernlghl be heated It too hot and while asleep burnt hit heel badly. Tha home are nearly Assf-ed now though.

Fotrnr* • W M - R n s k - T t o fenrtk sMgklng party to Stamford came off Tneeday alght, the

bytbeUte rs. To a good tenant, »n» rss-onable. Pot-

terms apply to DSXOM PaUiEB, Esq., Administra­tor, at the Ship Yard, or MAJOB WBSCOMB, at the LandV ing. * 425tf

TO L E T . - . A T OI«DB7»W1CH,"COrmECTIi ' cut, aflne three-story building, just completed,

as store sad dwelling. Designed for any business, A LSO FOR 8 A L E . - A HORSE. CARRIAGE,

^ ^ ^ A C M W S & ' T ^ T , Mj lostf Bos *», Orssawtoh, Cowsi


6t7tf ;l canning raetory. Two SterUs, t BETNOLDW. Orwsawich, Conn

a newspaper printed to Port Chaster, New York, al Mast thra* days before said time assigned for .uch hearing, and due return made to this Conrt. * » * ! Attest, Mtaos L. MASQH. Judge, T h » T R 1 0 T OF GREEPfWICH, as , PRO-XI bate Court, Jaaaary S. 1877.

Estate of John H HeurtU, lata of Oreenwich, ia stsaid Diittict, deM^Mcd: ha tha Sasster of th* applieattea of Abraham L. flrani,

Administrator (with the win anmrxM) on said estate praying this Court j, for reasons in said a]

taster, and toaftfoftvt'lnUs piacTanother

AUGUST FLOWER. The most miserable beings in the world are

those suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Com­plaint,

More than seventy-five percent of the people In the United States are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects such as Sour Stom­ach, Sick Headache, Habitual Oostiveness, Pal pitatlon of the Heart, Heart-horn. Watcr-lirash, gnawing and burning pains at Me pit of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and dis­agreeable taste In tha mouth, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, Ac. Go'to your Drug­gist, W. H. Hyler and get a 75 cent Bottle of August Flower or a Sample Bottle for 10 cents. Try It—Two doses will relieve fon . 408eow.

Wine of the Woods invigorates tbe Liver.

N e w Adver t i s ements .



HOUWE ON i P s t o t T S s "fast Dyke HcW- Tefle*

Port r^WTh'WM*""**£$i rftO L B T - F O R 8 A L E O R T © X E A « R . - + 4 JL f!otteg*hons*,trooms, garden, desirable locatiisn.

East Port CbjrtlT, •Hdper annum. Inquire at Jora-HAt,es>Ss. - r ^ . , . . , , . - / j



AMELia \6% WTTCH r t A M ) !

Combines the virtues of a pure eoneentrated Phsr-

_ M A t I O N - S T A T E OF NEW -.County of Westchester as.: _

The nndersignsd Sheriff of thaViounty of Westcfcss-ter to eonformRy to a precept tofhlm in this behalf di­rected, and by this his Proclamation requires all l»r-aons l»und to appear at a County Court and Court of

to be hold at the Court House hi tbe town of

maosutically correct axtract of Hamamslis and f in* Gorman tincture of Arnica, i s a remedy in in-

iea of all kinds, (Bruises, Blows, Falls, Burns, ld % .a t s>t t j laana^iM. JUsaWK«esd hytts fori

Seal ite.,)it is uaoaualled. It is also profession in Bleeding from the kidneys, Bowels and Womb; Shw


Port Chester, N. Y.

For Sale.

FOR S A L E . — T W O GOOD COUNTERS and Showing,

41Mf , (now.)

T. P. Moavomn.

S A L E . - A HOUSE anooas; Let IWhUtO end barn iixM at "

Oanlenrand ft and »X ssflss from Port Ch For sate at a j a r ^ . ^ a a o h - a o f

Mills Gl*vtiisf


I A S M S I I B B M B I JU^aSSF s^eW^SaWi

tan, Bvrasal

• • f • I ' aHf4f>#»*, _ AOrunart, Wm. P Moll.

oftheOvsrtes Sad teoticlos-, . .ate. , ate. R to endorsed by eminent of all schools as being the

boat extract in tho markot.



«s on soon bottle; should bo m FnrsatebyTshoppeA BoW, MlAyo.,

Urban, IOKATS. and IRth St.j ear. Orchard and Druggists, geno-

for reasons in said application

'Adntiifts-io may bare the ease and management of

* *—tola* and said wflL appUratiou be heard and deter OvBco, In said Greenwich, on of Jaunary, 18T7, at 10 o'clock, 1a mitiiis of siaili ^issriffyf *W of this order in tha Jocajut,

J'lWR Chester, jfe* fore ssid tlm* assigned for such

return mads to this Court. Attest, Mraos L. MASOK, Judge,

Proclamation Notice.

SUPREME COURT.—COUNTY OF WEST-ehester-fKlJen M: Wight-ys. OhariesS. Glover and

ore. In pursuance- and by virtne of a judgment or decree of foreclosure and sale made and entered in the above entitled action at a Special Term of the Su­preme Court held in the town of White Plains on tho 25th day of November, 1876; I, the undersigned referee therein named will expose tor sale and sell at public auction at the Irving Hotel, kept by Christian Wenksn-bach, in the village of Port Chester, County of West­chester, New York, on TUESDAY THE SIlTKKNx-if DAY OF JANUARY, 1877, at 11 o'clock in the fore­noon of that day; the premises in said judgment des­cribed as follows, to wit.: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the vil­lage of Port Chester, in tho County of Westchester and State of New York, known and designated on a certain map entitled map of the property of Robert F. Brundage, situated on Westchester avenue. Port Ches­ter, N, Y., surveyed April li-78, Purdy G. Sands C. E> and 8., on file in the Register's oftice of the County of Westchester, by the number thirty-four (34), bounded snd described as follows, viz : Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Ir­ving avenne with the easterly side of Exchange street, as laid down on said map; thence running north­erly along the easterly side of Exchange street, one hundred (100) feet to lot number thirty-three (88)-on said map, running thence easterly along tbe south­erly line of said lot number thirty-three (33) fifty (50) feet to lot number thirty-five (35) on said map, run­ning thence southerly>long the westerly side of said tot number thirty-five (35), one hundred (100) feet to the northerly side of Irving avenue aforesaid; thencs running westerly along the northerly side of said Irving, nvcnne fifty (50) feet to the point or pincc of begin­ning, bo the us id several distances or dimensions mors or less. Dated White Plains, November 27, 1876. WIOUT ft CLAPP, MOHMOUTB G. HAST.

Plaintiff's Attorneys. [ilflvr7] Bsfsrss.

Unpaid Afsessmants.

NOTICE OF SALE OF LANDS FOR U N -paid assessments for tho grading and regulating

of Pearl Street, in the village of Port Chester. In pur­suance of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the village of Port Cheater, on the 11th day of De­cember, W76—I, John Leonard, Treasurer, of ssid village, hereby give notice to tha owner or owners of the lauds hereinafter mec tloned that they are required to pay the assessments imposed upon the lots herein­after mentioned for the grading and regulating of Pearl Street, on or before SATURDAY THE SIXTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1877, and if snch assessments be not paid on or before Said day that I will on behalf or said trustees expose for sale and sell at public auction on said Saturday, the 6th day of January. 1877, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the Irving Hotel in said village for a term of years for the payment of the assessments for the grading and regulating of Pearl Street in said village with the interest and a pen-alt* of five per cant, for the non-payment thereof, tha following lots, pieces or psrcels of land known and des­cribed on the map for the grading and regulating of Pearl Street, and set forth in the report of tbe com missioners of estimate and assessments, dated Febru­ary 8th, 1875, and confirmed February 8th. 1875, said report snd map being now on file in the office 'of th* clerk of the village of Port Chester, by tha numbers below mentioned and which have been assessed to ths following named persons snd for tha following amounts to wit.: Lot No.

8j Catholic School Grounds. " 11. Harvey Slater

• " • * l-\ N. Dssmond . . . . , " 18,M.R>lly " IS, M. Connolly •. ' 18, Owen Dougherty •' » , Robert McNeil " ill, Robert McNeil.".. , . . . „ . . . . " 23. Michael Duffy

s " M, Timothy O'Neil.... •', 25, John Kane • — " 28. New York, New Haven and Hart-

, , . , . lord Bailroadco..._̂ _ Let No. 28, Patrick Neil .;::. rr

" 21), Mrs. J. B Hiaman.A..... ; ' " 31, F. M. Osborn

9t, Jumes Tjnmringhain. 38, Mrs. L. Psek » . : 36, John B. Olawson , . •S, R. Jrmrdan 44, Catholic Chuieh Grounds 45, Catholic Church Grounds........ 46; O. W. Qnintard ».'•• !2 35 50, O..W. Quintenl . . . » . * . . . 5 IS 47, G. W. Quintanl ff J» M F.zra Wstmore . I S B

4, Jethrow Daggett . . 6, (i. W. Qumfard . .

White Plains in ths said County of Westchester afore-said, on the FIRST MONDAY (the 5th day) OF FBB-RUARY, 1877, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day by recognisance or otherwise to appear thereat, and lbs undersigned hereby requires all Justices of the Peace, Coroners or other oflcers who havs tehSB any l-snog-aiaaooe for the appearance of any person at the said Court, or have takin any inqwisition or examination of

ir or witness, to retern such recognisance. sad sxasainauon to*tha said Court at ths

ns, on the «• .•"»*- °«rtai.M?~:'r-i^.°ri^ Stt. Nignsd at ths Sheriffs Office, White tree day of January, 1877. 4Mwt Bonaar F. BatfwnMS, QfcsrhT

PR O C L A M A T I O N . - S T A T t t O F NEW Yorh-Oaunty of Wsatobester, s s -Tbe nnder-jd. Sheriff of th* ssid county, In conformity to a

preotpt to Mm S this behalf t rented aisTdsliTMW H

Prepared only by ths

L i e b i g L a b o r a t o r y a n d Oh< naieal W o r k * C o . ,

OSses.fT Park Row, Wwr Tor*.

Ms, Ml ProelaaiaSlBii. requires all appsar at a Circuit Court and Court of Oyer aadTar-mtosr. to bs hold at th* Coort HOMO In ths tewn of

T^TwUKT MO^DAt'i'l.M'dly) M -ARCH 1877, at 10 oetoek la ths forenoon of that day, by re-n i ' or sshireHw te appasr thwart; aad tha asjawwlgnsd horehy re.iulrss aft Jwrttess of tho Psaea, Cwr>iMta,aariotbaroa^caM,«lteMT«aaeaairyrecog-

any sriarassr or wltoass, to return aaoh recoguisanoos, UMMhsttons, and examinations to tho said Court al th* ojaMiina tbarsof, on tk* first day of ite s.ttlng -SJfnod at IhVltMrtrs Ones. White Plains, on UM 84 day of

• sMfn)


t 30 7.'. 307 50 24 80 18 45 1128 12 80 10 25 J8 70 32 80 12 80 10 25 10 25 It 80

205 00

— » t t -10 2ft 20 50 4973 11 SB 12 80 14 85 22 55 36 90

„., EzraWetmore... The said lots wiU DS soW to the person or parsons

who will take the asms for th* shortest t«rm of yssrs and wiU pay the treasurer of said village the amount of said assessment with Interest st the rsts of mvm per cant per aunaitt from the 18th day of March UW, Lad perosnteg* on said assessment an^ also two dollar, on saoh lot for tbe expense of sdvertMng this a and two doUsrsoa each lot for tbe "pens* of sate. lneproc«<)dingswiUb«d1scootlnn«dtaU>^« of any of the ssid lots on payment to .the riuags •" urer of th* amount of such asaaasmaat wito ts and percentage thereon and the expense or advertising tho same and in cos* of sal* th* sipsos* of anon sate. Dated December ltth. 187s.

* yoaurLsjenasn, 4»w4 Trassursr of the Vfllag* of Port Chester.

gaTTh* sals of th* shore d*«rlbrf lotejipla^or •Joris of tendlahwaby edymn™d«tn a»TO-r*X JANUARY RU 1BT7, smaaa Uaa« a^dptooa. Dated Jaw •ary «th, 1*77. - ' ^ » i * ' ^ 2 u / * « - » « ,

Treasurer of th* ViRagS m WntOhsttsr.

riMIK BEHT AND C H « A f » T PLACE TO X aov aurrwiio is TBS wot on


Js st RF.F.UF, a. Bank rfil'dlng. Port Ch«*tef.^lsns>

TOD y i t l N T l j i o li<lBHuN~fE Alft» SH> i ver of every and any style*


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