rose bay to watsons bay

Rose Bay to Watsons Bay Angela, Annie, Lesa, Irina, Tracy, wenyi, Garrie, Kung Fu Panda, Michael, Mr Muscles, Tony, Warwick + 2 young Pandas

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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Rose Bay to Watsons Bay

Angela, Annie, Lesa, Irina, Tracy, wenyi,Garrie, Kung Fu Panda, Michael, Mr

Muscles, Tony, Warwick+

2 young Pandas

Wrong ferry, but described the walk. Existing friends and new friends

Here comes our ferry – The SuperCat

Mrs Panda hides while young Pandas look on.

What a magnificent group

Fan-bloody-tastic organiser

Mini Panda

The best way to get to Berowra Waters


Beach Panda

Big Panda

Photography is very tiring

Very sunny. I don’t think I need an umbrella.

Still shooting, even up heartbeak hill

Yes, we all had fun

Another flying boat returning

Ah! Young love!

City in sunshine

Now to start the rainy walk

Tracy loves this walking caper

3 delightful girls

No wonder Michael is so happy

Led astray ?

3 waterproof panda’s plus Tony being prepared

Annie & Tracy loved the rain, but what is Mr Muscles up to?

SSW hiding in the ‘spa’

Jump !

Where has the track gone?

Vaucluse House looks inviting

Mr Muscles tries to out-lip the rest (fails though)

Scary !!

Michael, a walk in the rain will wake you up.


Mr Muscles being Mr Muscles

They are back again

Young girls, old building

Wrinkle-free mercedes

May I have some please?

Me too !

Another photo opportunity before the suspension bridge

..and another one

Waterfall – as if we have not had enough of that

Camera shy ?

Altogether now

Certainly looks very dangerous

OK, lets carry on

Another shower heading our way

Getting closer

Lucky we found some shelter

Dangerous dog in cave though

Great similarity. Is wenyi a convict ?

Almost time for lunch

Watsons Bay at last

North Head from South Head

Lighthouse in Swans colours

The Gap

After lunch – rest with a drink or two

Little w,thanks for organising our walk.