rosa parks by kelsey

Rosa Parks Rosa Parks is a very interesting person and made a huge impact on this world in fact here is a quote from her- "At the time I was arrested, I had no idea it would turn into this. It was just a day like any other day. The only thing that made it significant was that the masses of people joined in." That day Rosa Parks did not know she was making history. Now let's start at the beginning and talk about Rosa Parks childhood. Rosa Parks was born on February 4th 1913 in Tuskegee Alabama and she was born 50 years after slavery. Her family members included her Mom named Leona Mccauley her Dad

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Page 1: Rosa Parks by Kelsey

Rosa Parks Rosa Parks is a very interesting person and made a huge impact on this world in

fact here is a quote from her- "At the time I was arrested, I had no idea it would turn into this. It was just a day like any other day. The only thing that made it significant was

that the masses of people joined in." That day Rosa Parks did not know she was making history.

Now let's start at the beginning and talk about Rosa Parks childhood. Rosa Parks was born on February 4th 1913 in Tuskegee Alabama and she was born 50 years after slavery. Her family members included her Mom named Leona Mccauley her Dad

Page 2: Rosa Parks by Kelsey

James Mccauley and her brother Sylvester Mccauley, Sylvester was two years younger than Rosa Parks (1915).

Next, we will talk about some of her important life events as an adult. In 1932 she married Raymond Parks and they made the decision to have no kids. Rosa Parks was apart of the NAACP(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). She was the leader of the group. One of the most important things she did and was she stood up to a bus driver when the bus driver told her to give up her seat to a white men when she was sitting in the neutral section. Rosa Parks was on the bus with 3 other African American people 2 were sitting in the section across from her and one with his son was sitting right next to her. The black section was full so she had no choice but to sit in the neutral section and everything was fine until they stopped at the third stop and that is when the man came on board. Once Rosa Parks said no to the bus driver he called the police. Rosa Parks was in jail for one day the date of the day she was arrested was December 1st 1955 for civil disobedience. She payed the fine of 15 dollars in order for her to get out early. The NAACP made a plan for a boycott to not ride the bus and later the law was lifted. Unfortunately Rosa Parks died on October 24, 2005.

Some of Rosa Parks achievements and awards are in 1979 the NAACP awarded her with the Spingarn Medal which is there highest honor, 1980 NAACP awarded her with the Martin Luther King Jr. Award, 1983 she was inducted into the Michigan's Women Hall of Fame, 1990 she had the honor of welcoming Nelson Mandela after he was imprisoned, September 1992 she was awarded with the Peace Abby award for many reasons, Martin Luther King Jr.'s I had a dream speech was encouraged by Rosa Parks, Rosa Parks wrote a book called "My Story" and it was published in in 1992, she also published a book called "Quiet Strength" to tell what she felt that day, 1996 she was awarded by president Bill Clinton the presidential medal of freedom. Which is the highest award the government can give. Next, the Underground Rail Association gave her the International Freedom Conductor Award, in 1999 she was awarded with the Congressional Gold Medal, in 1999 she got the Detroit-Winsder International Freedom Award, 1999 Time Magazine named her the top 20 most powerful figures, 2000 Alabama gave her the the Governors Medal of Honor and she received the Alabama Academy Award the same year, December 2000 Rosa Parks library and museum was dedicated on a campus in Troy University in Alabama. The museum is famous for a statue of Rosa Parks sitting on a bus bench.

Page 3: Rosa Parks by Kelsey

Although Rosa Parks achieved so much she still had obstacles to overcome. Such as she was a black women in the time when people of color where treated harshly, and she was a women which limited her rights even more. Last but not least, here are some of Rosa Parks character traits. She was a

small soft spoken woman who was determined to do the right thing and she always knew what the right thing was to do. She knew that just because you were a different race than someone else you shouldn't be treated differently. And most importantly she was a leader. In conclusion, Rosa Parks changed the course of history and did it by using

the word no. The best part is she didn't know she would change history by using two letter word.