roots of civilization carroll technology throughout history

Download ROOTS OF CIVILIZATION CARROLL Technology Throughout History

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  • ROOTS OF CIVILIZATION CARROLL Technology Throughout History
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  • The Old Stone Age Homo Erectus Used tools for digging, scraping, and cutting. Developed Spoken Language. First to use fire. Which of the technologies above were most important for the evolution of man? Explain.
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  • The Discovery of Agriculture Slash and Burn Farming Domestication of Animals Settlements along Rivers River Valley Civilizations kind-the-story-of-all-of- us/videos/mankind-the-story-of-all- of-us-farming#mankind-the-story-of- all-of-us-farming
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  • Agricultural Innovations Controlling Water Irrigation Shaduf Levees Review: What dangers did people face by not controlling water?
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  • Farming Innovations The Sickle The Plow Terrace Farming Crop Rotation How did each of these innovations make farming and harvesting more effective?
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  • Early Civilizations Sumerians (Mesopotamia) Arithmetic and Geometry: Developed a number base in 60 which stem the modern units for measuring time (60 secs = 1 min) and 360 Circle. Architecture: Arches, ramps, columns, and the pyramid shaped Ziggurat. Cunieform Egypt Architecture: The Pyramids Mummification embalming and drying the corpse to prevent it from decaying. Hieroglyphics Calendar: 365 day solar year with 12 months and 30 days.
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  • Early Civilizations Indus Valley Harappan Cities Fortified Citadel Plumbing and Sewage Systems Houses with bathrooms China Roads and Canals were built to stimulate trade and agriculture Coined money Blast furnaces were used to produce cast iron tools and weapons Bronze: ?v=NE9VTYrLycs
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  • The Technology of Ancient Greece Athenian Architecture The Parthenon Athenian Philosophy Socrates: There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance. Plato: Philosophy begins wonder. Aristotle: He who studies how things originatedwill achieve his clearest view of them. What is philosophy and what is your philosophy on life?
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  • Hellenistic Culture in Alexandria Architecture The Lighthouse Pharos 350 ft tall and contained a polished bronze mirror which reflected a blazing fire. Question: What are the dangers of having a stone structure so large? Hint: this event in 2011 caused a crack in the Washington Monument.
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  • Hellenistic Culture in Alexandria Astronomy Aristarchus of Samos First to estimate that the sun was bigger than the Earth. He guessed 300 times bigger. It is actually 1.3 million times bigger. Ptolemy Incorrectly placed Earth at the center of the solar system. This was believed for 14 centuries. Eratosthenes Using geometry, he computed the Earths circumference between 28,000 and 29,000 miles. Modern Measurements put it at 24,860 miles Question: What can you conclude about the culture of Alexandria based on the study of astronomy? Explain
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  • Hellenistic Culture in Alexandria Mathematics and Physics Euclid: Wrote Elements which contained 465 carefully presented geometry propositions and proofs. Archimedes: Accurately estimated the value of pi Also, explained the law of the lever. Archimedes Screw. Pythagoras Pythagorean Theorem: a +b = c Try this: Create an example and solution of the Pythagorean Theorem. Then find the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 10 cm. Extra Credit: Build an Archimedes Screw to demonstrate to class.
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  • The Technology of Rome Roman Road System h?v=1SZZWrENhnE Architecture : Arch, dome, and concrete. Colosseum Roman Aqueduct
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  • Technology of the Middle Ages (500-1500 A.D) Western Europe fell apart after the fall of the Roman Empire. Invaders attacked from all directions. The Vikings Ships with 72 oars, but could carry up to 300 men in the seas, rivers, and streams. The Manor and the three field system. Medieval Weapons Questions: How would you describe Middle Ages technology based on these images? Why would people spend their whole lives on manors at this time?
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  • Middle Ages Gothic Architecture Gothic cathedrals thrust upward reaching towards heaven. Light streamed in through stain glass windows. Arts were seen in sculptures, wood carvings, and stained glass windows. Features of Gothic Architecture Ribbed Vaults Flying Buttresses Pointed Arches Tall Spires
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  • The Technology of India Expansion of Trade led to advances in science Adopted western time keeping 500 A.D.: Indian Astronomers prove the Earth is round by viewing and eclipse and seeing the Earths shadow was curved. Mathematics Modern numerals, the zero, and the decimal system were invented in India Aryabhata calculated pi to four decimal places and the length of the solar year as 365.36. Medicine Medical guides compiled more than 1,000 diseases and 500 medicinal plants. Hindu physicians performs surgeries including plastic surgery. Question: What civilization(s) that we have looked at so far are similar to the early India civilization? Explain.
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  • The Technology of China Paper: 105 A.D. Silk and the Silk Roads Gunpowder Compass Task: Rank the Chinese technologies above based on their impact on the world. Explain your rankings.
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  • The Technology of Islam Architecture: The Use of Domes and arches are seen throughout the world. Medical Advances Al-Razi arguable the best physician of World Civilization between A.D. 500 and 1500. He wrote Comprehensive Book which was a comprehensive medical encyclopedia. Math and Science Muslims scholars studied the works of Greek scholars. Creation of Algebra (al-jabr) Question: Does science disprove the existence of God or any Supreme being or does knowledge bring you closer to a God or Supreme being? Explain
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  • Early Mesoamerica The Nazca and the Nazca Lines Review: How were the Nazca Lines made and what was their purpose?
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  • The Technology of Mesoamerica Anasazi Pueblos Hopewell and the Mississippian Mound Builders Note the Pyramid shaped Mounds Totems
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  • Technology of the Mayans A.D. 250 - 900 Mayan cities featured giant pyramids, temples, palaces, and elaborate stone carvings dedicated to the gods of important rulers. Religious beliefs led to the development of the calendar, mathematics, and astronomy. Mayans developed 2 calendars 260 day religious calendar with thirteen 20 day months. 365 day solar calendar which consisted of eighteen 20 day months. Each calendar carefully meshed with the other. Mayans calculated the solar year to be 365.2420 days which is.0002 of a day short. This is pretty amazing if you think about it. Mayans also had the concept of zero. Question: What do the Mayans have in common with other Early cultures we have studied so far?
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  • The Renaissance Johann Gutenberg The Printing Press enabled a printer to produce hundreds of copies of a single work. atch?v=OkfiT7p_1GA atch?v=OkfiT7p_1GA Question: Why did the printing press change the world?
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  • Roots of Civilization Technology Questions What do you believe was the most important advancement for technology in civilizations? Why? (Think Farmer Flowchart) Why was astronomy so important for each of the civilizations? Why do you believe pyramids are present in multiple civilizations which have a no contact with each other? (Think Sumerian Ziggurats, Egyptian Pyramids, Mound Cultures of Mesoamerica, and the Mayans.) If you could live in any of the ancient civilizations based on technology, which would you choose and why?