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Page 1: ROOT PHYSIOLOGY: FROM GENE TO FUNCTION · Root Physiology: from Gene to Function Edited by HANS LAMBERS and TIMOTHY D. COLMER Reprinted from Plant and Soil, Volume 274 (2005). 123


Page 2: ROOT PHYSIOLOGY: FROM GENE TO FUNCTION · Root Physiology: from Gene to Function Edited by HANS LAMBERS and TIMOTHY D. COLMER Reprinted from Plant and Soil, Volume 274 (2005). 123

Plant Ecophysiology

Volume 4

Series Editors:

Luit J. De Kok and Ineke Stulen

University of GroningenThe Netherlands

Aims & Scope:

The Springer Handbook Series of Plant Ecophysiology comprises a series of books that deals with theimpact of biotic and abiotic factors on plant functioning and physiological adaptation to theenvironment. The aim of the Plant Ecophysiology series is to review and integrate the presentknowledge on the impact of the environment on plant functioning and adaptation at various levels ofintegration: from the molecular, biochemical, physiological to a whole plant level. This Handbookseries is of interest to scientists who like to be informed of new developments and insights in plantecophysiology, and can be used as advanced textbooks for biology students.

Page 3: ROOT PHYSIOLOGY: FROM GENE TO FUNCTION · Root Physiology: from Gene to Function Edited by HANS LAMBERS and TIMOTHY D. COLMER Reprinted from Plant and Soil, Volume 274 (2005). 123

Root Physiology: from Gene to Function

Edited by




Reprinted from Plant and Soil, Volume 274 (2005).


Page 4: ROOT PHYSIOLOGY: FROM GENE TO FUNCTION · Root Physiology: from Gene to Function Edited by HANS LAMBERS and TIMOTHY D. COLMER Reprinted from Plant and Soil, Volume 274 (2005). 123

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the library of Congress.

ISBN-10 1-4020-4098-9 (HB)ISBN-13 978-1-4020-4098-6 (HB)ISBN-10 1-4020-4099-7 (e-book)ISBN-13 978-1-4020-4099-3 (e-book)

Published by Springer,P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands

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Page 5: ROOT PHYSIOLOGY: FROM GENE TO FUNCTION · Root Physiology: from Gene to Function Edited by HANS LAMBERS and TIMOTHY D. COLMER Reprinted from Plant and Soil, Volume 274 (2005). 123



1. Preface vii2. Root nitrogen acquisition and assimilation

A.J. Miller and M.D. Cramer 13. Phosphate acquisition

K.G. Raghothama and A.S. Karthikeyan 374. Root-based N2-fixing symbioses: Legumes, actinorhizal plants, Parasponia sp. and cycads

J.K. Vessey, K. Pawlowski and B. Bergman 515. Mycorrhizas: Gene to function

J.H. Graham and R.M. Miller 796. Cluster roots: A curiosity in context

M.W. Shane and H. Lambers 1017. The roots of carnivorous plants

W. Adlassnig, M. Peroutka, H. Lambers and I.K. Lichtscheidl 1278. Roles of aquaporins in root responses to irrigation

R. Vandeleur, C. Niemietz, J. Tilbrook and S.D. Tyerman 1419. Mechanisms of plant resistance to metal and metalloid ions and potential biotechnological

applicationsA.A. Meharg 163

10. The physiology, genetics and molecular biology of plant aluminum resistance and toxicityL.V. Kochian, M.A. Pieros and O.A. Hoekenga 175

11. Acclimation to soil flooding – sensing and signal-transductionE.J.W. Visser and L.A.C.J. Voesenek 197

12. Root defense responses to fungal pathogens: A molecular perspectiveP.A. Okubara and T.C. Paulitz 215

13. Soil microorganisms: An important determinant of allelopathic activityInderjit 227

14. Facilitative root interactions in intercropsH. Hauggaard-Nielsen and E.S. Jensen 237

15. Root-to-shoot signalling: Assessing the roles of up� in the up and down world of long-distance signaling in plantaI.C. Dodd 251

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Cover Photo: Images of root cross sections taken from the floodingtolerant Rumex palustris (whole root system in background).R. palustris has been used by groups at Nijmegen University andUtrecht University as a model species for studies of submergence-and flooding-tolerance, at the molecular-to-ecological levels (seeChapter 11). Images of root cross sections from Ankie Ammerlaan(Utrecht University) and whole root system from Eric Visser(Nijmegen University). Cover designed by Ankie Ammerlaan.

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Root physiology – from gene to function



In the last decade, enormous progress has beenmade on the physiology of plant roots, includingon a wide range of molecular aspects. Much ofthat progress has been captured in the followingpapers, which highlight that the classical bound-aries between physiology, biochemistry andmolecular biology have vanished. Breakthroughshave been made possible through integration ofmolecular and whole-plant aspects. There hasbeen a strong focus on a limited number of mod-el species, including Arabidopsis thaliana. Thatfocus has allowed greater insight into the signifi-cance of specific genes for plant development andfunctioning. However, many species are very dif-ferent from A. thaliana, in that they are mycor-rhizal, develop a symbiosis with N2-fixingmicrosymbionts, or have other specialised rootstructures. Also, some have a much greatercapacity to resist extreme environments due tospecific adaptations, for example aerenchyma inthe case of soil flooding, or are capable of toler-ating a wide range of soil chemical constraints,such as acidity, salinity or heavy metal toxicities.Research on species other than A. thaliana istherefore pivotal, to develop new knowledge inplant sciences in a comprehensive manner. Thisfundamental new knowledge can be the basis forimportant applications in, e.g., agriculture andplant conservation. Although significant progresshas been made, much remains to be learnt, espe-cially for many aspects of root physiology. It isenvisaged, however, that discoveries made in therecent past will likely lead to major break-throughs in the next decade.

Resource acquisition and carbon metabolism

The discovery of the role of aquaporins in watertransport in both animals and plants has been a

major breakthrough for understanding plant wa-ter relations, in particular water uptake (Vandel-eur et al., 2005). Aquaporins are water-channelproteins (Johansson et al., 2000; Maurel, 1997).Their name is somewhat unfortunate, since theterm �porin’ is commonly used for proteins thatallow the transport of large molecules in a fairlyunspecific manner, whereas we now know thataquaporins, which belong to a class of proteinstermed MIPs (membrane-intrinsic proteins), arerather specific. However, some can also transportother small molecules, e.g., glycerol (Zeuthen andKlaerke, 1999) or CO2 (Uehlein et al., 2003).Knowledge on the regulation of aquaporins con-tributes to understanding plant responses tosome abiotic stresses and might help in the de-sign of new irrigation techniques to improve useof scarce water resources. Aquaporins are in-volved in the adjustment of the hydraulic con-ductivity of roots, and therefore in adjustmentsof the roots’ physiology during both phases ofwet/dry cycles in natural communities and inhorticultural crops with irrigation managementusing partial root-zone drying (Vandeleur et al.,2005). Wider implications of the regulation ofaquaporins for acclimation during abiotic stressinclude the recent finding that the well-knowndecrease in root hydraulic conductance duringflooding involves gating of a root aquaporin, dueto cytosolic acidosis (Tournaire-Roux et al.,2003). Moreover, it can be speculated that aqu-aporins are important in hydraulic redistributionof water in the root–soil system. Aquaporinswould allow a plant control over the exit of wa-ter from its roots into a soil with a more nega-tive water potential than that of the rootsthemselves. This phenomenon, which was firstdescribed by Caldwell and Richards (1989) andtermed �hydraulic lift’, is quite common in desertspecies with access to deep water (Yoder andNovak, 1999) and re-hydrates the rhizosphere ofsurface roots during the night. In contrast to

Plant and Soil (2005) 274:vii–xv � Springer 2005DOI 10.1007/s11104-005-0964-x

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�hydraulic lift’, for trees growing in a soil with alow conductance between the top and deeper lay-ers, water movement down the profile might relyon hydraulic redistribution via the taproot (Bur-gess et al., 1998). So far, there are no data tosupport any speculations on involvement of aqu-aporins in hydraulic re-distribution, but it is ex-pected that such information will becomeavailable during the next decade.

Major progress has been made on the physi-ology of uptake and metabolism of nitrogen(Miller and Cramer, 2005) and phosphorus (Rag-hothama and Karthikeyan, 2005; Smith, 2003a).Genes involved in the transport of these nutrientshave been identified, and we are beginning tolearn when and where these are expressed. Wehave also gained a much better understanding ofthe functioning of specialised roots involved innutrient acquisition, such as the ‘‘proteoid’’ or‘‘cluster’’ roots of Proteaceae and Lupinus albus(Lambers et al., 2003; Shane and Lambers,2005). These cluster roots produce and exudevast amounts of carboxylates. Carboxylate re-lease is not restricted to species with clusterroots, but it is the combination of their capacityto release carboxylates in an exudative burst andtheir structure that allows build-up of highconcentrations in the rhizosphere. This abilityprovides these species with an opportunity tosubstantially modify their rhizosphere and �mine’the soil in their immediate vicinity; they are par-ticularly effective in the acquisition of scarcelyavailable phosphorus and micronutrients. Somespecies belonging to the Cyperaceae have �dauci-form’ (=carrot-shaped) roots (Davies et a1.,1973; Lamont, 1974; Shane et al., 2005). In manyways, these dauciform roots function in much thesame way as cluster roots; their development issuppressed at a high phosphorus supply andwhen formed they release citrate in an exudativeburst (Shane et al., 2005; M.W. Shane andH. Lambers, unpubl.). The combination ofbiochemical/physiological and anatomical/morpho-logical traits, which allows the build-up of highconcentrations of exudates in the rhizosphere mightbe further exploited considering that the world’sphosphorus reserves are dwindling (Vance, 2001).

Major phosphorus reserves are stored in agri-cultural soils, due to the application of phospho-rus fertilisers (�phosphorus bank’). Depending onsoil type and agronomic practices in the past,

over 80% of applied phosphorus in fertilisers canbe sorbed to soil particles, and hence, largelyunavailable for most crop plants. We will needcrop species with the root traits of Proteaceaeand Cyperaceae to access that phosphorus bank.So far, only a limited number of species withcluster roots have been used in agriculture andhorticulture, including Macadamia integrifo1ia(to produce nuts) (Firth et al., 2003), Lupinus al-bus (as a source of protein) (Gardner et al., 1981)and Aspalanthus linearis (to produce rooibos tea)(Ratshitaka et al., 2001). Most Lupinus speciesdo not make cluster roots of the type producedby L. albus, but they do make structures of asimilar function (Hocking and Jeffery, 2004).Other Lupinus species that are used as crop spe-cies, e.g., L. angustifolius make sand-bindingroots (pers. observation), which may well serve asimilar purpose. We are not aware of any specieswith dauciform roots being intentionally used inmanaged systems, although, given the relativelywide occurrence of dauciform roots in Cypera-ceae (Shane et al., 2005) species with this roottype might have been planted in some con-structed wetlands. Making greater use of specieswith cluster roots or similar traits will be of eco-nomic benefit, since these plants will be able toaccess sparingly available phosphorus. In addi-tion, there may be ecological benefits, because animproved capacity for phosphorus acquisitionwill decrease the need for high rates of phospho-rus application, and hence potentially reducerun-off of phosphorus into streams and estuaries,thus limiting eutrophication.

Plants often acquire limiting resources in sym-biosis with micro-organisms (Vessey et al., 2005).Our understanding of the legume–rhizobiumsymbiosis has increased dramatically, not in theleast because of the powerful molecular tech-niques of transcriptomics and metabolomics.These approaches have made it possible to ob-tain .a much improved overview of the metabolicdifferentiation during nodule development inLotus japonicus (Colebatch et al., 2004). Approxi-mately 860 genes are more highly expressed innodules than in roots, including one third in-volved in metabolism and transport. More than100 of the highly expressed genes encode proteinslikely involved in signalling, or regulation of geneexpression at the transcriptional or post-tran-scriptional level. The analysis showed clear signs


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of hypoxia in root nodules, as expected; in addi-tion, there were numerous indications that nod-ule cells also experience phosphorus limitation.Much less is known about other N2-fixing symbi-osis (Vessey et al., 2005).

Mycorrhizal associations can be found inmost vascular plant species, and this field of re-search has developed enormously in the recentpast (Graham and Miller, 2005). Molecular toolshave revolutionised studies of mycorrhizal diver-sity and abundance, improving knowledge onhost specificity of the symbionts (Graham andMiller, 2005) and highlighting relationships be-tween mycorrhizal fungi diversity as influencingthe structure of some communities of vascularplants (e.g., Reynolds et al., 2003). Like the re-cent discoveries of genes for transport of mineralnutrients in plants (Miller and Cramer, 2005),rapid advances to elucidate genes regulatingexchanges of molecules between plant hosts andarbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are beingmade. Our views on �mycorrhizal dependency’need to be revisited, with the discovery that themicro-symbionts can be responsible for most ofthe phosphorus uptake when there is no, or onlya minor, growth response (Smith et al., 2003b).

Carnivory of small animals is a specialisedstrategy used by some plant species to acquireinorganic nutrients (Adlassnig et al., 2005).Carnivorous species inhabit a range of nutrient-impoverished environments, ranging from fire-prone sand plains to acid peat bogs and aquatichabitats, with, as one might expect, a wide rangeof root sizes and structures (Adlassnig et al.,2005). In contrast with information available ontheir traps formed by shoot organs (Juniperet al., 1989), comparatively little is known aboutthe physiology of roots of carnivorous plants;several studies have demonstrated the importanceof the roots in water and nutrient uptake for atleast some carnivorous species, but not in severalothers.

Since two books (Day et al., 2004; Lambersand Ribas-Carbo, 2005) dealing with plant respi-ration have recently been published in Govind-jee’s series Advances in Photosynthesis andRespiration, no review dealing with this aspect ofroot physiology has been included. Over the lastdecade or so, we have gained a much betterunderstanding of the respiratory costs of nutrientacquisition in fast- and slow-growing herbaceous

species (Poorter et al., 1991; Scheurwater et al.,1998). When plants are grown at a high supply ofnitrate, the costs associated with nitrate uptakeare considerably greater for inherently slow-grow-ing species, due to a major efflux component(Scheurwater et al., 1999). That passive effluxneeds to be compensated by a greater active in-flux, and thus accounts for greater respiratorycosts per unit N acquired. However, greater effluxis not the cause of slower growth; rather, slowergrowth leads to greater efflux (Ter Steege et al.,1999) and hence greater respiratory costs (Nageland Lambers, 2002). Considerable informationhas also become available on the quantitative sig-nificance of cyanide-resistant root respiration(Millenaar et al., 2001). Major progress is to beexpected on the physiological significance of thealternative path, which has puzzled plant scien-tists for quite some time. That progress can beexpected, because a technique to assess the activ-ity of this path in intact tissues has become morewidely available (Ribas-Carbo et al., 2005).

Perception of the abiotic and biotic root environ-


We have gained an appreciation of the fact thatroots �sense’ their environment, and that theplant responds in a feed-forward and adaptivemanner. The feed-forward response when rootssense adverse conditions in the soil allows accli-mation before a major disturbance of the plant’smetabolism (Davies et al., 1994). When rootsperceive that the soil is flooded, they respondwith an enhanced concentration of ethylene inboth the roots and above-ground plant parts.Ethylene induces the formation of aerenchyma inroots (Visser and Voesenek, 2005), and also af-fects adaptive processes in above-ground organs(Voesenek and Blom, 1999). Similarly, roots cansense the availability of water (Davies et al.,1994) as well as nitrogen and phosphorus (DeGroot et al., 2003), and signal this informationto the shoot, which responds in a feed-forwardmanner. In the case of water stress, the signallingmolecule is ABA (Davies et al., 1994; Schurret al., 1992). Cytokinins are involved in signal-ling the plant’s N and P status (De Groot et al.,2003; Kuiper et al., 1989; Lambers et a1., 1998).These are some of many examples showing


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�signalling’ between roots and shoots. More de-tails about signals and signal-.transduction path-ways are included in the review by Dodd (2005),highlighting that the signals need not always of the classical phytohormones, but can, forexample, be nitrate or sugars also. Internal signal-ling in plants, as dependent on plant developmentand environmental conditions is a rapidly devel-oping field, where much progress can be expected.The challenge will be to integrate the new infor-mation into improved crop production systems.

Sensing does not only involve resources, butalso other chemical factors in the environment.Aluminium-resistant genotypes must be able tosense the presence of aluminium to respond withthe release of aluminium-complexing carboxy-lates (Kochian et al., 2005 ). When roots releaseeither mainly citrate or mainly malate, dependingon soil pH (Veneklaas et al., 2003), they must besensing the soil pH or a factor closely associatedwith it. Sensing environmental conditions is obvi-ously crucial to performance of plants, althoughwe still lack a thorough understanding of the ex-act mechanisms involved.

Signalling in plants is not only important be-tween different organs of a plant, but also be-tween hosts and parasitic plants (Okubara andPaulitz, 2005). Holoparasitic species are entirelydependent on a host for the completion of theirlife cycle (Lambers et al., 1998). If their seedswere to germinate in the absence of a suitablehost, that would be fatal, especially for thosethat have extremely small seeds. In fact, bothgermination (Siame et al., 1993) and the forma-tion of haustoria (Estabrook and Yoder, 1998;Smith et al., 1990), which connect the parasitewith its host, depend on chemical signalling be-tween host and parasite. This is an exciting andrapidly developing field. Knowledge of theseinteractions may appear esoteric, but majorapplications can be expected, because some para-sitic species (e.g., Striga and Orobanche species)belong to the world’s worst weeds (Emechebeet al., 2004; Marley et al., 2004; Rodriguez-Conde et al., 2004). Others (Cistanche species)are grown to produce medicine in north-easternChina (Geng et al., 2004). Low-cost and safe sig-nalling molecules that trigger the germination ofthe seeds of parasitic pest species before cropsare sown might be of enormous benefit, espe-cially to farmers in developing countries.

Signalling is also important between hosts andtheir symbiotic micro-organisms, e.g., rhizobia(Vessey et al., 2005) and mycorrhizal fungi (Gra-ham and Miller, 2005). The intricate interactionsthat precede the establishment of a functionalsymbiosis are best understood for the rhizobium–legume symbiosis (Esseling and Emons, 2004).They must also play a role in other symbiotic sys-tems that fix dinitrogen, but the progress in thatarea has been much slower (Rai et al., 2000; Ves-sey et al., 2005). Somewhat more is known on sig-nalling between hosts and some mycorrhizal fungi(Graham and Miller, 2005), but much remains tobe discovered.

Plants growing in soil with adverse abiotic or

biotic conditions

Some species or ecotypes are capable of growingin soils that are naturally enriched with heavymetals, e.g., serpentine or ultramafic soils. Themetals may be �excluded’ or absorbed, and storedin compartments where they do not harm theplant’s metabolism (Meharg, 2005). Recently,progress has been made on the mechanismsaccounting for internal transport and storage ofheavy metals as well as metal �exclusion’(Meharg, 2005). Species or ecotypes that accu-mulate heavy metals to very high levels are calledmetallophytes. These are not restricted to soilsnaturally enriched with heavy metals, but arealso found on sites contaminated by heavy met-als, e.g., due to mining. Such metallophytes arevery important to stabilise contaminated soil,and stop it from spreading over a larger area.Metallophytes have been proposed as a methodto clean contaminated soil (phytoremediation)(Meharg, 2005) or extract metals from soil withthe intention to mine the metals (phytomining)(Li et al., 2003). To be economically viable op-tions, the metallophytes have to accumulate met-als to very high concentrations and produce a lotof biomass in a relatively short time. However,most metallophytes are inherently slow-growing,most likely because they were selected in low-nutrient environments, which are typically inhab-ited by slow-growing species (Lambers andPoorter, 1992). Genotypes that are both metalresistant and productive need to be selected. Ma-jor new discoveries are to be expected in the next


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decade, but applications in the context of phyto-remediation and phytomining would appear tobe less promising than claimed when first pro-posed, unless combined with other profit-makingoperations, e.g., forestry (Robinson et al., 2003).

Mycorrhizas have been claimed to �protect’higher plants from negative effects of heavy met-als in soil (Leyval et al., 1997 ). It has also beenshown that species that belong to a typically non-mycorrhizal family can be mycorrhizal if they areassociated with soils with high levels of heavymetals. One example is for California serpentinegrassland communities, where Arenaria douglasii(Caryophyllaceae) and Streptanthus glandulosus(Brassicaceae) were found to be mycorrhizal(Hopkins, 1987). Another example is for Hakeaverrucosa (Proteaceae), occurring on nickel-con-taining ultramafic soils in Western Australia (Bo-ulet and Lambers, 2005). These are excitingobservations, from an evolutionary perspective aswell as because of the possible implications for therehabilitation of contaminated sites after mining.

Acid soils represent another stress to plantroots. It is not so much the low pH itself thatcauses the problems, but the fact that the solubil-ity of specific metals strongly depends on pH(Kochian et al., 2005). In particular aluminium isconsiderably more soluble at low pH. Acid-resis-tant species typically are aluminium resistant.Resistance is at least partially based on �exclu-sion’, due to precipitation with citrate, malate oroxalate released from roots, depending on thespecies (Delhaize et al., 1993; Zheng et al., 1998).Some aluminium-resistant species also accumu-late aluminium, and detoxify it internally as alu-minium-carboxylate precipitates (Ma et al., 1997;Zheng et al., 1998). As for heavy metal resistance(Meharg, 2005), there is considerable genetic var-iation for aluminium exclusion (Delhaize et al.,1993; Kochian et al., 2005). This allows impor-tant application in agriculture, but care also hasto be taken to minimise further soil acidification,which is a common trend in cropping systems(Lambers et al., 1998). Soil amelioration, e.g.,using lime, remains important, but does notinvariably address sub-soil acidity; therefore,aluminium-resistant genotypes would be impor-tant to develop.

Drought, salinity and flooding are abioticstresses each of which influence plant speciescomposition and productivity in natural and

managed systems. Improved knowledge on physi-ological responses of roots to water stress,including root-to-shoot signalling (Dodd, 2005)should aid design of new irrigation techniques toimprove use of scarce water resources (Vandeleuret al., 2005). Since various aspects of resistanceto salinity have been reviewed recently (e.g.,Munns, 2002; Tester and Davenport, 2003), andin a special issue dealing with dryland salinity inAustralia (Lambers, 2003), salinity is not coveredin this volume. Flooding regimes shape the com-position of natural communities in some areas(Voesenek et al., 2004) and underpin rice produc-tion systems; soil waterlogging is also a problemin vast areas of irrigated and rainfed agriculture.Visser and Voesenek (2005) provide a compre-hensive review on signals, and signal-transduc-tion pathways, crucial to the perception andacclimation by plant roots to soil flooding. Hor-mones and signalling pathways that regulatetraits for flooding resistance, such as adventitiousrooting, aerenchyma formation for gas transport(Colmer and Greenway, 2005; Jackson and Arm-strong, 1999) and root metabolism during O2

deficiency (Gibbs and Greenway, 2003; Jacksonand Ricard, 2003) are reviewed by Visser andVoesenek (2005). Substantial gains in knowledgein some areas are highlighted, as are emergingtopics that are still poorly understood and will bepriority areas for future research.

Roots frequently encounter adverse bioticconditions, due to the presence of microbialpathogens, nematodes, viruses and plant para-sites (Okubara and Paulitz, 2005). Our under-standing of these interactions has increasedenormously, again, in part due to the develop-ment of new molecular tools. Developing resis-tance to root pests and diseases will continueto be important, as chemical protection is notalways a desirable option.

Using new genotypes and combinations of crop

species based on new ecophysiological information

Allelopathic interactions are very hard to demon-strate in nature, but they are very likely to occur,also in managed ecosystems (Lambers et al.,1998). The interactions may involve micro-organ-isms (Inderjit, 2005). Allelopathic interactionsmay account for the invasive nature of some


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weeds (Ridenour and Callaway, 2001). There aremajor possibilities for applications in agriculture.Accessions of wheat (Triticum aestivun) differwidely in their potential to inhibit seed germina-tion of ryegrass (Lolium rigidumi) (Wu et al.,2000a), a major weed in Australia (Powles andShaner, 2001). That variation appears to be asso-ciated with the release of allelochemicals of a phe-nolic nature (Wu et al., 2000b), although so farthe phenolics have only been assessed in root tis-sue, not in exudates. Making a crop more compet-itive, by enhancing its capacity for interferencecompetition, would reduce the need for herbicides.

Facilitation refers to positive effects of oneplant on another (Callaway, 1995). It is equallydifficult to demonstrate in natural systems as al-lelopathic interactions are (Hauggaard-Nielsenand Jensen, 2005), but there are numerous exam-ples of increased yields when combinations ofcrop species are used (Karpenstein-Machan andStuelpnagel, 2000; Zuo et al., 2000). Such agro-nomic practices, usually called intercropping, areused in the low-input systems of the tropics,where crops are harvested manually (Willey,1979), and are also common in China (Zhanget al., 2004) where new intercropping systemscontinue to be developed (Guixin et al., 2004). Ifreliable systems can be developed to mechani-cally harvest intercropped species at the sametime, then this would stimulate the developmentof the practice for broad-area agriculture inother countries.

Pasture agronomy already uses combinationsof species in broad-area agriculture, but furtherresearch might enhance productivity of pasturesystems if the best combinations of species, andperhaps genotypes within species, can be furtherrefined. For example, when seedlings of mycor-rhizal and non-mycorrhizal species are grown to-gether, they tend to have negative effects on eachother which are not seen when either seedlings ofmycorrhizal species or ones of non-mycorrhizalspecies grow together (Francis and Read, 1994).The chemical basis of this interference is notknown, but the observation may have majorimplications for plant functioning in natural ormanaged systems. It may mean that combina-tions of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal speciesare less desirable for intercropping, and this willneed to be addressed to enhance productivity ofintercropping and pasture systems.


Many new discoveries are to be expected in theecophysiology of roots of native and crop spe-cies. One can envisage many applications of thenew fundamental knowledge. One area that hasnot been reviewed in this volume, because it istoo new to have generated many publications, isthat of signalling in tritrophic below-groundinteractions. Similar above-ground interactionsare well documented for interactions betweenplants, their herbivores and �bodyguards’ (Albornet al., 1997; Kessler and Baldwin, 2001; Sabeliset al., 2001). The first exciting information isnow becoming available on interactions betweenroots of Thuja occidentalis, which release chemi-cals upon attack by weevil larvae (Otiorhynchussulcatus), to attract parasitic nematodes (Heteror-habditis megidis), which then prey on the weevillarvae (Van Tol et al., 2001). Similar tritrophicinteractions appear to occur in Zea mays (T.C.J.Turlings, pers. comm.). It is to be expected thatimproved knowledge in this area should provideopportunities for applications in plant manage-ment systems, similar to those existing for above-ground tritrophic interactions (Turlings andWackers, 2004).

Major progress on understanding numerousaspects of root physiology, and under severalimportant environmental constraints, has beenmade possible by close interactions between eco-physiologists, biochemists and molecular geneti-cists. These close interactions will be importantto achieve new breakthroughs in yield improve-ment. Such breakthroughs are vitally important,if we are to produce enough food and fibre forthe worlds growing population in a sustainablemanner.


AdlassnigW, PeroutkaM, LambersH and Lichtscheidl I K 2005The roots of carnivorous plants. Plant Soil 274, 127–140.

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Hans Lambers & Timothy D. ColmerSchool of Plant Biology

Faculty of Natural and Agricultural SciencesThe University of Western Australia35 Stirling Highway, 6009, Crawley

WA, Australia


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Plant and Soil (2004) 274: 1–36 © Springer 2004DOI 10.1007/s11104-004-0965-1

Root nitrogen acquisition and assimilation

A.J. Miller1 & M.D. Cramer2,3

1Crop Performance and Improvement Division, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2JQ, UK.2Botany Department, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, Rondebosch, 7700, South Africa. 3Correspondingauthor∗

Received 16 December 2003. Accepted in revised form 5 March 2004

Key words: ammonium, amino acid, fertiliser, metabolism, nitrate, reduction, soil, toxicity, transporter uptake


Nitrogen (N) is the main mineral element in plant tissues and almost all of this nutrient is acquired from the soilby the roots. Nitrogen is available in many different forms in the soil, but the three most abundant forms arenitrate, ammonium and amino acids. The relative importance of these different soil N pools to a plant is difficult tomeasure and depends on many different environmental factors. Changes in the available amounts and imbalance inthe supply of some N forms can even be toxic to plants and in extreme cases can lead to changes in the vegetation.However, the importance of this element for agriculture is reflected in the amounts of N-fertiliser applied to cropsand this is a major cost (economic and environmental) for world agriculture. This review covers the molecularmechanisms that the plant uses for accessing these soil N pools and briefly includes consideration of the root Nassimilatory pathways that exist in the plant. The soil forms of N that are used by plants depend on many factors, buta series of different transporter and assimilatory genes that can provide access to these pools have been identified.This information can now provide the molecular tools to identify the N sources accessed by a plant and the relativeimportance of these different pools.


Plants require nitrogen (N) throughout their develop-ment. This N represents about 2% of total plant drymatter, and is a component of proteins, nucleic acids,coenzymes and numerous plant secondary products.Nitrogen is quantitatively the most abundant of themineral elements in plant tissues, and enters the foodchain mostly as NO−

3 or NH+4 . The availability of

N to plant roots is often an important limitation forplant growth, except where roots develop a symbiosiswith N2-fixing microorganisms (not reviewed). Only atiny fraction (0.00024%) of planetary N is available toplants in the pedosphere (which includes plants, mi-crobes, fauna, litter and soil). Plants cannot directlyaccess either N2, which comprises 2% of planetary N,or the 98% of planetary N that is immobilized in thegeosphere (Rosswall, 1983). Atmospheric fixation ofN2 due to lightning is thought to account for between

∗FAX No: +27 21 650 4041. E-mail: [email protected]

0.5 and 30 × 1012 g N annum−1, and biological N2fixation for 45 to 330 × 1012 g N annum−1, 40%of which occurs in the oceans (Rosswall, 1983). Thelimited bio-availability of N and the dependence ofcrop growth on this mineral have spawned a massiveN-based fertiliser industry worldwide, with annual N-fertiliser consumption currently close to 80×1012 g N(Figure 1). An increasingly large proportion of this Nis currently applied in ‘developing’ countries, partic-ularly in Asia, although, the extent of N applicationin the ‘developed’ world has declined over the lastdecade, resulting in a slowing in the rate of worldwideincrease of N applications.

Nitrogenous fertilisers and associated contami-nants accumulate in some situations to dangerous oreven toxic levels, resulting in eutrophication of surfaceand ground water, and enriching the atmosphere withNH3 and with N2O. Considerable leaching of NO−

3 iscaused, for example, by excessive application of ni-trogenous fertilisers (inorganic and organic) to crops

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Figure 1. The consumption of N-containing fertilisers between 1961/62 and 2000/2001. The developing world was calculated from the dataavailable for Central and South America, Africa (except South Africa), Near East (except Israel), South Asia, East Asia (except Japan),Socialist Asia and Oceania. Nitrogen-containing fertilisers include ammonium sulfate, urea, ammonium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate,ammonia direct application, calcium nitrate, sodium nitrate, ammonium chloride, calcium cyanamide, ammonium bicarbonate and combina-tions including ammonium phosphate, NP, NK and NPK (data plotted from that available from the International Fertiliser Industry Association,

in an attempt to ensure maximum yields. Leachingalso depends on soil characteristics, and the amountof water fluxing through the soil. Although less eas-ily leached from soil, NH+

4 is more toxic to plantsthan NO−

3 (Dejoux et al., 2000). However, conver-sion of NH+

4 to NO−3 (nitrification) can also contribute

to the leaching of N from soils amended with NH+4

containing fertilisers. Estimates of total N loss byleaching from NH+

4 -based fertilisers range between 10and 150 kg N ha−1 (International Fertilizer IndustryAssociation, At-mospheric pollution by NH3 from organic manure,urea and ammonium sulphate might result from NH3-volatilization. Although estimates of NH3 volatiliza-tion are subject to a great deal of uncertainty, emis-sions estimates are between 15% and 25% of theapplied amount of urea-N for Europe and for thetropics, respectively (Schjørring, 1998). Denitrifica-tion losses may be in the range of 5 to 10% ofthe applied N, of which about 10% is in the formN2O (International Fertilizer Industry Association,, which is a green-house gas. Loss of NO−

3 through denitrification, bothbiological and chemical, occurs under reducing oranaerobic conditions (Haynes and Goh, 1978), and is

especially important in fertilised fields where the lossof N may be enormous (Lewis, 1986). Thus excessiveapplication of N fertilisers has enormous environmen-tal costs, in addition to the economic and ecologicalcosts of the production of the fertilisers. Most farmersare very aware that the excess use of fertiliser can cuttheir profit margins, but the yield penalties associatedwith application of too little N are potentially muchlarger, and it is therefore often economically not worthtaking this risk. The balance between these two sidesof the equation means that farmers cannot afford toskimp on their N-fertiliser applications, and the excess‘spare’ N is deposited into the biosphere. This excessN and other man-made N pollution sources, such asfactory and car exhaust, may have major environmen-tal impacts as they supply additional growth potentialto native plants. In some extreme cases this release ofthe growth limitation by N, whatever the source, canresult in the invasion of new species, and a change inthe landscape. This is the case, for example, with theN2-fixing Australian Acacia spp. which have exten-sively invaded the ‘Fynbos’ biome in South Africa.Changes in forest species compositions and vegeta-tion types as a result of agricultural pollution are nowwidely recognised (Nosengo, 2003), with reports of

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changes in forests from the USA (e.g. Kochy and Wil-son, 2001), Europe (e.g. Rennenberg et al., 1998) andchanges in the UK flora (Pitcairn et al., 2003). Thisis not acceptable to most people who see this changein the environment as damaging the quality of life.Increasingly, farmers must be paid not just to producefood, but also to protect and maintain the environment.

The N accessed by plants exists in a variety oforganic and inorganic forms within the soil. This in-fluences the availability of the N and the uptake of theN by plants. A number of different transporters havebeen identified as being responsible for the uptake ofinorganic (NO−

3 and NH+4 ) and organic N from the

soil into roots. These multiple transport systems func-tion under different circumstances, and are subject tocomplex regulation at the levels of transcription, trans-lation and post-translation. Unlike many other mineralelements, N usually needs to be assimilated in orderto participate in the biochemistry of the plant. Thisintroduces a further level of complexity to the systemwith additional regulatory elements. Nitrate taken upby roots is either reduced in situ to NH+

4 in the root,stored in vacuoles or transported to the shoot. Theextent of shoot-based NO−

3 reduction varies betweenspecies and environmental circumstances (see below).Reduction of NO−

3 to NH+4 is achieved through par-

ticipation of NO−3 and NO−

2 reductases, with furtherassimilation of NH+

4 into glutamate and glutamineby glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase (seebelow).

Continued research and improved understandingof the chemistry of N in soils and the biochemistryof N uptake and assimilation may assist in develop-ment of improved management practices for naturaland crop ecosystems, for example the reduction of Nleaching (Spalding et al., 2001). The recognition thatthere is the possibility to breed improved genotypescapable of more efficient N uptake and utilization hasbecome a new target for research. Most of the cropvarieties grown in the developed world have been bredunder conditions of high fertiliser input, approach-ing N saturation. There is an opportunity for thedeveloped world to learn from the more sustainableagricultural systems in the developing world, and theircultivars will be a useful genetic resource in this ef-fort. Improved efficiency of N recovery from soil andimproved efficiency of utilization could allow crops tobe grown with reduced N-fertiliser applications withcontingent environmental and economic advantages.It is now timely and highly pertinent to review our

current knowledge of the uptake and assimilation of Nby plants. Much of the information on N metabolismis derived from studies on shoots which may or maynot be pertinent for roots. This review attempts to pro-vide an overview of N acquisition and assimilation inroots, while focusing on the latest findings relatingto the molecular biology and the regulation of theseprocesses.

Nitrogen acquisition

Nitrogen in the soil

Forms and origins of NNitrogen in the soil is present as a complex mixtureof organic and inorganic forms, and, in addition toseasonal and diurnal changes, is also characterised byan extremely heterogeneous distribution. The transfor-mation of one form into the other comprises what isknown as the ‘nitrogen cycle’ involving the scaveng-ing of organic N by microbial action and re-absorptionby plants (Figure 2). Most of the N in soil is presentin the form of complex organic molecules, which areconverted to NH+

4 by soil micro-organisms (bacteriaand fungi) through mineralisation. Ammonium maythen be oxidized via NO−

2 to NO−3 through a process

known as nitrification (Nitrosomonas spp.: NH3 + 11/2 O2 → NO−

2 + H2O + H+, Nitrobacter spp.:NO−

2 + 1/2 O2 → NO−3 ). Nitrification is negatively

influenced by low soil pH, anaerobic conditions, lackof soil water and temperatures below 5 ◦C and above40 ◦C (Lewis, 1986). Nitrate can, in turn, be convertedto nitrogen gases (N2, N2O, NO, NO2) through use ofNO−

3 as an electron acceptor in place of O2 resultingin what is known as ‘denitrification’. This occurs whenthe availability of O2 is limited, the concentration ofNO−

3 high, soil moisture is high, soil carbohydrates areavailable, and the temperatures are warm (Luo et al.,2000; Strong and Fillery, 2002).

Microbes also utilize inorganic N, and thus im-mobilize it, sometimes resulting in depletion of Navailable to plants if adequate carbon (C) is avail-able to support the microbial biomass. The extent ofcompetition between plants and microbes for soil Nis complex, due to multiple pathways through whichN cycles at variable rates and in varying amounts,and mycorrhizal symbiosis additionally complicatesthe picture (Hodge et al., 2000a). The availability ofN to plants depends on the balance between the rates

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Figure 2. The main pools (boxes) and fluxes between pools (arrows) of N in terrestrial ecosystems, excluding both animals and inputs via N2fixation.

of mineralisation, nitrification and denitrification. Therate of mineralisation depends on factors influencingmicrobial activity such as water content of the soil,aeration of the soil and temperature (Lewis, 1986). Ifmineralisation is rapid, volatilisation of NH+

4 to NH3can occur. This is favoured by alkaline soil pH andresults in acidification (Dejoux et al., 2000). Primarilyas a result of the biological component of N cycling,the availabilities of NO−

3 and NH+4 vary seasonally

and the location and form of N within the soil profilevaries with factors such as leaching, soil temperatureand soil water status (Bloom, 1988).

The organic N fraction typically comprises 0.1 to50% of total soil N (Barber, 1984). The current agri-cultural preference for urea-based fertilisers furthercontributes to the importance of organic N in the soil(see below). The organic N is in the form of pep-tides and proteins (ca. 99.5%, e.g., protein–humiccomplexes and peptides) and the remainder as freeamino acids (Jones et al., 2002). Soil micro-organismssecrete proteases into the soil which facilitate thebreakdown of proteins and peptides into their con-stituent amino acid units (Owen and Jones, 2001). Theresultant amino acids do not bind strongly to the soil,and therefore do occur as free amino acids in the soilsolution. The concentration of free amino acids in thebulk soil solution ranges from 0.1 to 50 mM, withthe greatest concentrations in the surface horizons ofsoils rich in organic matter (Jones et al., 2002). Owen

and Jones (2001) concluded that amino acid concen-trations in agricultural soils generally range betweenca. 1 and 100 µM. The largest source of amino Nin the soil is vegetation, although, fauna, microbesand wet and dry deposition are also sources of vary-ing importance. The concentration of amino acids inplant tissue is typically 1 to 10 mM making this an im-portant source of organic N for the soil. Amino acidsmay be the dominant form of N in some high-latitudeecosystems. Since mineralisation is temperature de-pendent, cold anaerobic soils limit N mineralisationand aerobic nitrification, resulting in soils rich inamino compounds (Atkin, 1996). In contrast, manyaerobic soils from warmer climes have little aminoN since mineralisation proceeds rapidly. Jones et al.(2002) measured the free amino acid concentrations insoils from a range of ecosystem types in Southern Ire-land (upland and lowland grasslands, forest, heathlandand coastal saltmarsh) using centrifuge-drainage ex-tracts combined with fluorometric assay of the aminoacids. These authors found that free amino acids ac-counted for 24 ± 8 mM, NH+

4 for 39 ± 14 mM andNO−

3 for 67 ± 42 mM N in the soil solution. Thusamino acids accounted for 10 to 40% of the total soilN in this survey. The possible roles of ecto- and endo-mycorrhizas in facilitating the uptake of organic N arebriefly discussed below.

The inorganic N forms utilised by plants are NO−3

and NH+4 . Nitrite may arise in the soil from transfor-

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mation of N compounds in the soil and rhizosphere,from organic wastes or from NO−

3 -containing rootsduring low oxygen stress (Breteler and Luczak, 1982).However, NO−

2 uptake by plant roots is generally notconsidered to be of consequence as a result of the lowlevels of NO−

2 in the soil and the reported toxicity ofthis ion. Although in some soils NH+

4 is more readilyavailable than NO−

3 , in most agricultural soils the rootsof plants take up N largely as NO−

3 . This is becauseNO−

3 generally occurs in higher concentrations thaneither NO−

2 or NH+4 , and is free to move within the

root solution due to the tendency for soils to possessan overall negative charge (Reisenauer, 1978). Thehigh diffusion coefficient of NO−

3 in soil (Table 1) hasthe consequence that NO−

3 is not only readily avail-able to plant roots, but that it is also easily lost fromthe root zone through leaching. Leaching may accountfor extremely high losses of up to 30% of soil inor-ganic N per growing season (De Willigen, 1986). Theconcentration of NO−

3 in many agricultural soils is inthe millimolar range (1 to 5 mM, Owen and Jones,2001). As a consequence of the ready use of NO−

3by plants and micro-organisms and its leachability,concentrations of NO−

3 in the soil solution are usu-ally very variable. In natural systems N is circulatedrelatively efficiently, with only small losses by denitri-fication and by leaching of NO−

3 , which is why waterdraining off natural ecosystems contains very low ( 5 µM) concentrations of NO−

3 (Hagedorn et al.,2001).

Ammonium concentrations in agricultural soilstypically range between ca. 20 and 200 µM (Owenand Jones, 2001). However, low pH, low temperature,accumulation of phenolic-based allelopathic com-pounds in the soil, hydric and anaerobic soils inhibitnitrification and result in NH+

4 accumulation (Brittoand Kronzucker, 2002). Ammonium is relatively im-mobile in the soil, and less easily lost through leach-ing. Furthermore, human agricultural and industrialactivities (pollution) have resulted in accumulation ofNH+

4 in many agricultural soils (see below). Thus, insome systems, NH+

4 is the predominant form of N inthe soil with concentrations averaging 2 mM in someforest soils up to 20 mM in some agricultural soils(Britto and Kronzucker, 2002). Such high concentra-tions of NH+

4 are potentially toxic to some species,possibly due to problems with pH balance (Raven andSmith, 1976), anion/cation imbalance (Chaillou andLamaze, 2001) and/or the energy drain resulting fromthe efflux of the ion (Britto and Kronzucker, 2002).

N Mobility in soilPlants only rely extensively on ‘root interception’ forthe uptake of sparingly soluble nutrients such as P;in contrast, N is mostly delivered to roots through acombination of mass flow and diffusion (De Willigen,1986). Root interception, although a difficult conceptto differentiate from interception combined with dif-fusion (Marschner, 1995), is thought to account forca. 1% of N taken up (Barber, 1984). Mass flow re-lies on transpiration to draw water to the roots. If therate of N delivery in the transpirational water streamis lower than the root demand for N, then diffusionalso plays a role in uptake. Diffusion depends on theconcentration gradient and the diffusion coefficientfor the particular form of N. Although the diffusioncoefficients for NO−

3 and NH+4 in water are similar

(Table 1), the diffusion coefficients in soil are addi-tionally determined by ion size and charge, viscosityof water, temperature, soil moisture, tortuosity and thesoil buffer capacity. For NO−

3 the diffusion coefficientis ca. 1 × 10−10 m2 s−1 (Barber, 1984), while that ofNH+

4 is ca. 10-fold to 100-fold less (Owen and Jones,2001). This has the consequence that NH+

4 is less read-ily leached from the soil than NO−

3 . The corollary ofthis is that NH+

4 is also less available in the soil to rootsfor uptake, although when roots have access to NH+

4they take it up more readily than NO−

3 (Lee and Rudge1986; Colmer and Bloom 1998). This preference forNH+

4 is, however, modified by environmental factorssuch as temperature (Clarkson and Warner, 1979). Fora maize (Zea mays) crop, N supplied by mass flowhas been estimated to be ca. 4-fold greater than thatsupplied by diffusion (Barber, 1984), although thisdepends on many factors, including the activity of theroots.

Amino acids have strongly varying diffusion co-efficients in water with lysine, glycine and glutamatehaving diffusion coefficients of ca. 1 × 10−12, 1 ×10−11, 1 × 10−11 m2 s−1, respectively (Owen andJones, 2001). These low diffusion coefficients limitthe rate of amino acid diffusion in the soil (less than1 mm day−1, Table 1) making it more likely thatthey will be consumed by microbes than taken up byroots, since the half-life of amino acids in soils isca. 4 h. Thus, in practice, many plants may be un-able to take up organic N compounds in competitionwith micro-organisms. This has been demonstrated bya lack of 13C enrichments in the plant tissues sup-plied with 15N–13C-labelled organic substrates; how-ever, 13C taken up may also have been rapidly lost

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Table 1. Calculation of the diffusion rates and sorption behaviour of inorganic N (NH+4 , NO−

3 ) and dissolved organic N (lysine, glycine,glutamate) in soil. The calculations are based upon the addition of 15.5 µM N-solute to the soil (modified from Owen and Jones, 2001)

Unit NO−3 NH+

4 Lysine Glycine Glutamate

Diffusion coefficient

in waterm2 s−1 1.90 × 10−9 1.96 × 10−9 9.03 × 10−10 1.05 × 10−9 6.94 × 10−10

Effective diffusion

coefficient in soilm2 s−1 3.26 × 10−10 2.70 × 10−12 1.12 × 10−12 9.03 × 10−12 1.20 × 10−11

Soil diffusion

coefficient in soil

relative to NO−3

1 8.23 × 10−3 3.42 × 10−3 2.76 × 10−2 3.68 × 10−2

Diffusion distance in

1 daym 7.51 × 10−3 6.80 × 10−4 4.40 × 10−4 1.25 × 10−3 1.44 × 10−3

Soil solution

concentrationµM 77.3 0.62 0.55 3.87 7.73

Amount sorbed to soilµmol L−1

soil0.00 15.3 15.4 14.7 13.9

Total in soilµmol L−1

soil15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5

Percentage of N

sorbed of total in soil% 0 99.2 99.3 95.0 90.0

through respiration (Hodge et al., 2000b). The useof double-label isotopes seems to provide a reliablemethod for measurements of plant access to soil or-ganic N sources. The low amino acid concentrations inagricultural soils, rapid microbial turnover of organicnitrogen, low diffusion coefficients and low uptakerates suggest that inorganic N will be the dominantN source available to crop plants (Owen and Jones,2001). There is still some controversy as to the ex-tent to which organic N is accessed by plants. Forestspecies in situ (Deschampsia flexuosa, Picea abies,Vaccinium myrtillus) in Sweden were found to takeup intact 15N-13C labelled amino-compounds, whichhad been added to soils (Persson et al., 2003). InArctic salt marshes, plant roots were found to takeup between 5% and 11% of 15N–13C-labelled glycinesupplied, and to contribute to the turnover of organicN in the soil (Hugh et al., 2003). To some extent thecontroversy in the literature over the degree to whichorganic N is accessed by plants may result from the useof different techniques and experimental conditions;however, soils also differ widely in their microbialflora. Variation in soil temperature and in microbialflora result in differences of the half-life of organic Nin the soil, and thus the access that plants have to thisorganic N. The importance of factors like soil temper-ature for microbial activity may reduce the relevanceof results obtained from pot experiments in the labora-

tory to the field situation. Furthermore, different plantspecies may also vary in their ability to intercept andto take up organic N.

Although there is some controversy as to whetherplants do access organic N in soil, it is clear that plantroots do in general have the capacity to take up organicN. In a survey of 31 species from boreal communitiesusing a GC-MS to measure 15N-13C-labelled aminoacid uptake, it was found that all the plant speciestested, representing a wide variety of plant types, hadthe ability to take up amino acids from a mixed solu-tion containing 15 amino acids (Persson and Näsholm,2001). In wheat (Triticum aestivum) roots exposed toamino acids at 100 µM, a concentration typical foragricultural soils, rates of net uptake of amino acidsranged between 3 and 33 pmol mm−1 root s−1, de-pending on the amino acid in question (Owen andJones, 2001). Following uptake, the amino acids en-ter the root pool of amino compounds, and may bedirectly incorporated into proteins, deaminated in theroot or transported to the shoot.

FertilisersThe fertilisers used currently include a diverse col-lection of compounds including organic sources of N,such as animal manures. The major synthetic fertilis-ers include: (1) ammonium fertilisers (ammonia, 80%N (w/w); ammonium sulphate, 21% N; ammonium

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bicarbonate, 17% N); (2) NO−3 fertilisers (calcium ni-

trate, 16% N; sodium nitrate, 16% N); (3) ammoniumnitrate fertilisers (ammonium nitrate, 34% N; calciumammonium nitrate, which is a combination of ammo-nium nitrate and calcium carbonate, 21 to 27% N;ammonium sulphate nitrate, 26 to 30% N); (4) amidefertilisers (urea, 46% N; calcium cyanamide, 20%N); (5) solutions containing more than one form ofN (e.g., urea ammonium nitrate solution, 28 to 32%N); (6) slow-release fertilisers (which are either deriv-atives of urea, granular water-soluble N fertilisersencased in thin plastic film or other means of slowrelease such as sulphur-coated urea) and ( 7) multi-nutrient fertilisers containing N (NP, NK and NPK).There has been a dramatic increase in the utilisationof urea-based fertilisers over the last decades, so thaturea is currently the predominant form of N fertiliserused (Figure 3).

In agriculture, application of urea may be used toenhance soil NH+

4 contents because urea is readilyhydrolysed to NH+

4 in the soil (Harper, 1984), but itis not itself readily accessed by plants (Criddle et al.,1988). Urea is a popular form of N fertiliser due to itscompetitive price and high N concentration (46% ofmass) reducing transport and distribution costs. How-ever, N is lost from urea through conversion to NH+

4and then NH3, although, this is less likely to occurfrom acidic soils with high cation exchange capacities.The enzyme urease converts urea to NH+

4 , and its ac-tivity is proportional to the microbial biomass, whichin turn depends on the organic matter content of thesoil, and on water present in the soil to solubilise theurea. Urease is a ubiquitous enzyme which is producedby micro-organisms in the soil and, because it is highlystable, persists in the soil after decay of the micro-organisms (Watson et al., 1994). Conversion of ureato NH+

4 consumes H+ and produces HCO−3 , resulting

in a net pH increase: CO(NH2)2 + H+ + 2H2O →2NH+

4 + HCO−3 . The fate of HCO−

3 is pH dependent.Due to the rapid equilibration of H2CO3 with CO2 atacidic pHs it can be described as: HCO−

3 + H+ ↔H2CO3 ↔ CO2 + H2O (pKa = 6.4). At more alkalinepHs: HCO−

3 ↔ H+ + CO−3 (pKa = 10.3). Thus at

acidic pH, two H+ are consumed by formation of 2NH+

4 from urea, while at extremely alkaline pH theremay be no pH implication of urea hydrolysis per se.However, at alkaline pH’s volatilization of NH+

4 canreduce soil pH: NH+

4 + OH− → NH4OH → NH3+ H2O (pKa = 9.3). If large amounts of urea aresupplied to the soil, then the conversion of this to

NH+4 can drive the pH up, with consequent promotion

of volatilization; this has spurred the use of ureaseinhibitors to slow the breakdown of urea. However,nitrification of NH+

4 derived from urea (2 NH+4 + 4 O2

→ 2 NO−3 + 4 H+ + H2O) can also cause severe pH

decreases in some situations (Nohrstedt et al., 2000).Plant uptake of NH+

4 derived from urea will furthercontribute to pH decreases. Thus the effect of urea onsoil pH depends on several variables making the pHconsequences uncertain.

The most common nitrogenous fertilisers used af-ter urea are compounds containing NH+

4 . The appli-cation of NH+

4 -based fertilisers and those containingurea enhances soil NH+

4 contents and the proportionof N available to the roots in this form. As a resultof the high pKa (9.3) for conversion of NH+

4 to NH3,NH+

4 is much more abundant in soil at acidic to neutralpH with only 0.5% of ammoniacal N in the form ofNH3 at pH 7. The utilisation of NH+

4 has importantimplications for soil pH, since uptake of this cationresults in a strong acidification of the soil. In con-trast, uptake of NO−

3 results in net alkalinisation of thesoil, albeit, at a much slower rate than that of acid-ification associated with NH+

4 uptake. Furthermore,bacterial activity can rapidly convert NH+

4 to NO−3 .

This nitrification also has an acidification effect, andconsequently supply of NH+

4 -N can cause acidifica-tion regardless of whether the NH+

4 is taken up byplant roots. The net acidification that occurs with NH+

4uptake and the net alkalinisation that occurs with NO−

3uptake results in differences in solubility, concentra-tion, ionic form, mobility and availability of N in thesoil (Marschner, 1991). Since uptake of NH+

4 by manycrop plants is increased with increased pH, at high soilpH NH+

4 toxicity may result, while at low soil pH, Nstarvation may occur (Findenegg, 1987).

Use of only one form of N fertiliser can drive soilpH away from the optimum. This can lead to deficien-cies of elements such as K+ (Findenegg, 1987) and P(Sentenac and Grignon, 1985) leading to interactionsbetween N and the availability of other essential nu-trients. Nitrogen-related changes in soil pH may alsobe responsible for the toxicity of certain elements. Itmay be argued that the extensive problems associatedwith Al toxicity may be related to the use of NH+

4 -containing fertilisers. On the other hand soil pH canbe manipulated simply by modifying the form of Nsupplied, without the requirement for lime and withoutthe risk associated with acids.

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Figure 3. The proportion of total nitrogenous fertiliser applied containing urea, ammonium and nitrate or combinations of these (data plottedfrom that available from the International Fertiliser Industry Association,

Although high concentrations of NH+4 can cause

toxicity (see below), it has the benefits of (1) a smallerdiffusion coefficient in the soil thus reducing loss ofN through leaching, (2) higher specific N content,(3) lower costs, (4) plant incorporation of NH+

4 avoidsthe carbon-intensive reduction of NO−

3 to NH+4 . Thus

NH+4 may be the N form of choice in some circum-

stances. However, conversion of NH+4 to NO−

3 bynitrification compromises some of these benefits. Ni-trification inhibitors have been used in agriculture toenhance soil NH+

4 contents (Adriaanse and Human,1991; Bock, 1987). The availability of NH+

4 withinthe soil may, however, also be severely limited, be-cause it is tightly held by the micaceous clay mineralsof the soil, and readily utilized by micro-organismseffectively removing it from the soil solution untilmineralisation occurs (Lewis, 1986). The problem oflimited availability of NH+

4 may be partially overcomein agriculture through additional use of K+ which in-creases the availability of NH+

4 by occupying bindingsites in the soil (Haynes and Goh, 1978), allowingmore effective use of NH+

4 .

Root structure

The size and architecture of the root system is an im-portant variable for ensuring adequate access to N. Thearchitecture of the root is determined by the pattern

of root branching. The species-specific size and ar-chitecture of root systems is also strongly determinedby a wide range of physical, chemical and biologicalfactors. In general, the size of the root (as measuredby total mass, length or area) relative to the rest ofthe plant (e.g., as expressed by the shoot:root ratio orroot mass ratio) increases when N is limiting. Nitrogendeprivation causes starch accumulation in leaves, andan increase in the proportion of photosynthate translo-cated to the root, resulting in a decline in the shoot:rootratios (Rufty et al., 1988). This enhanced allocationof C to the root was ascribed by these authors to adecreased utilization of sucrose in the shoot. Vesseyand Layzell (1987) showed that only N in excess ofthe requirements of the root was exported to the shootin Glycine max, suggesting that roots have the highestpriority for N in times of N deficiency (Tolley-Henryand Raper, 1986), thus promoting root growth. How-ever, there are now indications that root N availabilitycontrols developmental cues which in turn determinethe demand for growth, thus controlling carbon alloca-tion. Studies with tobacco (Nicotiana plumbaginifolia)deficient in NR (Scheible et al., 1997b) and in Ara-bidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) (Zhang et al., 1999)support the existence of a systemic signal elicited byNO−

3 accumulation that represses root growth. Thenotion that root growth is favoured by systemic sig-nals under NO−

3 deficiency is also reinforced by the

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observation that NO−3 , but neither glutamine (Tran-

barger et al., 2003) nor NH+4 (Zhang et al., 1999)

supplied to the roots of Arabidopsis repressed rootgrowth. Using macro-arrays, Tranbarger et al. (2003)identified transcription factors that were associatedwith the supply of NO−

3 , but not with glutamine sup-ply. Furthermore, the studies conducted on the effectof N on root architecture suggest that the systemicsignal regulating root growth in relation to N status ishormonal; auxin (Zhang and Forde, 2000) or abscisicacid (Signora et al., 2001). The function of decreasedshoot:root ratios may be to compensate for N defi-ciency by increasing the N acquisition capacity of theplant (Brouwer, 1981; Khamis and Lamaze, 1990;Robinson, 1986; Rufty et al., 1990).

Apart from the total size of the root system, thereare a large number of other attributes, which dictate itscapacity and efficiency for N acquisition. Only a lim-ited proportion of the root may actually be effective inthe uptake of N (Robinson, 2001). The acquisition ofN also depends on the distribution of the roots active inN uptake within the soil. Rooting depth, which variesgreatly between species, determines the ability of acrop to intercept N, particularly NO−

3 during periodsof leaching (Gastal and Lemaire, 2002). The construc-tion costs of roots are also an important consideration;fine roots have a higher surface area to volume ratiothan thick roots, and thus require less C for construc-tion per unit root length, but may be more expensivefor maintenance (per unit root weight). One of themost important attributes is the number, size and lo-cation of root hairs, which have an enormous impacton the absorptive surface area of the root.

Nitrogen in the soil is extremely heterogeneous onboth a spatial and a temporal scale. Roots tend to pro-liferate in localized areas within the soil of high Ncontent (Drew and Saker, 1975; Granato and Raper,1989) and thus specific portions of the root may beexposed to high N concentrations while other parts ofthe root system are ineffective in N uptake. Plants maysense the soil N concentrations with specific sensors(see below), and also monitor and respond to their owninternal N status (Malamy and Ryan, 2001). Manyspecies respond to localised patches of NO−

3 by prefer-ential lateral root proliferation within the nutrient-richzones (Drew and Saker, 1975). In particular, the avail-ability of NO−

3 affects both the number and location oflateral root initiation sites (Malamy and Ryan, 2001).The stimulatory effect of NO−

3 on root proliferationmay seem contradictory to the inhibition of root de-velopment at high N concentrations. However, there

seem to be two modes of action: inhibition of rootdevelopment by a systemic inhibitory signal that re-sults from the accumulation of NO−

3 in the shoot, anda localized stimulatory effect that depends on the lo-cal concentration of NO−

3 in the roots (Zhang andForde, 2000). These authors provided evidence fromNR deficient Arabidopsis that the localized stimula-tory effect is a direct result of NO−

3 (i.e. not aminoacids), probably in the leaf, acting on a NO−

3 -inducibleMADS-box gene (ANR1), which encodes a compo-nent of the signal transduction pathway linking theexternal NO−

3 supply to the increased rate of lateralroot elongation. The systemic phloem-delivered sig-nal, which is correlated with the N status of the plant,may depend on auxin or an auxin-related pathway forcontrol of lateral root elongation, but not lateral rootinitiation (Zhang and Forde, 2000). Auxin localizationappears to be a key factor in this nutrient-mediated re-pression of lateral root initiation (Malamy and Ryan,2001). However, abscisic acid (ABA) applied exoge-nously inhibits Arabadopsis lateral root developmentthrough the operation of an auxin-independent path-way (De Smet et al., 2003). These authors showedthat a mutation in the ALF3 gene, which is part ofthe auxin-dependent regulatory pathway, did not alterthe sensitivity of lateral root development to ABA, andthat ABA suppresses auxin response in the lateral rootprimordia. De Smet et al. (2003) proposed a modelin which different stages of lateral root initiation anddevelopment are regulated by both auxin and ABA.

The question has been posed as to why root prolif-eration in Arabidopsis occurs in localized patches ofNO−

3 , which is a relatively mobile nutrient, whereasit does not respond to locally supplied NH+

4 (Leyserand Fitter, 1998). Zhang and Forde (1998) have arguedthat this is because roots have evolved to use NO−

3 asa signal molecule, because it is relatively mobile inthe soil. This may allow roots to proliferate towardsareas where NO−

3 , other forms of N and P are local-ized within the soil. This ability to proliferate roots inareas with N may also be important in inter-specificcompetition for N or P (Hodge, 2002).

Plant-rhizosphere interactions

The availability of C in the rhizosphere is a major fac-tor controlling the soil microflora and, consequently, Ntransformations in the soil (mineralisation, immobili-sation, denitrification). A portion of the photosyntheticC is deposited in the soil in the form of root exu-dates (e.g., humic substances, sugars, organic acids,

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amino acids), mucilage and sloughed cells and tis-sue (Marschner, 1995). Rhizodeposition is a majorsource of C and N for the soil and its inhabitants(Jensen, 1996). It is therefore of great importance formaintaining the level of microbial activity in the soil.Experiments with disturbed systems have indicatedthat total C input to agricultural soils can represent15% to 33% of the C assimilated by plants (Qian et al.,1997). Using C4 maize (which has a 13C abundancewhich is distinct from that of C3 plants), these authorswere able to quantify the amount of C contributed tosoils previously inhabited by C3 plants by followingchanges in 13C abundance. Between 5% (at maturity)and 12% (four-week old maize) of photosynthate wasreleased to the soil as organic carbon. This release oforganic C increased denitrification losses from soil byan average of 29% during the early growth stages.

Different portions of the root may exude differentorganic compounds. Bacterial biosensors were used toasses the exudation of tryptophan and sucrose fromroots of Avena barbata (Jaeger et al., 1999). Tryp-tophan exuded from older portions of roots (0.12 to0.16 m from the tip), while sucrose was most abun-dant in soil near the root tip. Nutritional circumstanceshave a significant impact on the type and concentrationof exudation that occurs from roots. Al toxicity (Del-haize and Ryan, 1995) and P deficiencies (Shane andLambers, 2004) strongly influence organic acid exu-dation. Exudation of carbohydrates and amino acidsfrom roots of plants supplied with NH+

4 is greater thanthat from roots supplied with NO−

3 (Cramer and Ti-tus, 2001; Mahmood et al., 2002). This may partiallybe because plants supplied with NH+

4 have higherroot tissue concentration of amino acids (Cramer andLewis, 1993), which may be exuded. The notion thatcarbohydrates simply ‘leak’ out of the roots has beenchallenged by work on kallar grass (Leptochloa fusca).Mahmood et al. (2002) found that 30-fold differencesin sugar exudation between NO−

3 - and NH+4 -supplied

plants were not related to the internal root sugar con-centration, or to the different root architecture, or todifferential re-absorption of sugars. It was proposedthat roots detected soil NH+

4 concentrations as a sig-nal for diazotrophic bacterial presence, and respondedwith enhanced sugar exudation. Thus soil exudation isnot so much a passive event, but a means of manipu-lating the C content of the rhizosphere, and thus thesoil microbial population.

While plants modify the rhizosphere and the en-vironment for soil micro-organisms, these in turnmodify plant physiology. Plant growth enhancement

by plant growth-promoting bacteria involves diversemechanisms including release of indoleacetic acidand cytokinin (Costacurta and Vanderleyden, 1995),reduction in ethylene levels (Wang et al., 2000),stimulation of the ion transport and enhancement ofmineral availability (Bertrand et al., 2000). Severalplant growth-promoting bacteria have been shown tostimulate root growth (Larcher et al., 2003), prob-ably through hormone release. This modification ofroot growth has an important impact on N nutritionby increasing NO−

3 uptake capacity and possibly alsoby directly stimulating NO−

3 transport systems (re-viewed by Mantelin and Touraine, 2004). The effectsof plant growth-promoting bacteria on plant growthand the acquisition of N are usually greatest in lowN fertility environments. Thus inoculation with plantgrowth-promoting bacteria could potentially have im-portant consequences for enabling plant root growthfor increased N acquisition under N deficiency.

Uptake and transport of N

Several recent reviews on the topic of NO−3 and NH+

4transporters have been published (Forde, 2000; Fordeand Clarkson, 1999; Touraine et al., 2001; Williamsand Miller, 2001), and therefore only an overview ofthe main topics will be covered in this review. Lessis known about uptake systems for other possible soilN sources, although genes encoding transporters formany types of N-containing organic molecules havebeen identified. The complete genome of Arabidopsiswas the first to be published for a plant (Bevan et al.,2001), and so at present we have most molecular infor-mation for this species. Arabidopsis is a wild speciesand can grow and flower in low-N soils (Miller andSmith, unpublished results).

Nitrate transportersNitrate is actively transported across the plasma mem-branes of epidermal and cortical cells of roots, butnet uptake is the balance between active influx andpassive efflux. This transport requires energy inputfrom the cell over almost the whole range of concen-trations encountered in the soil (Glass et al., 1992;Miller and Smith, 1996; Zhen et al., 1991). It is gener-ally accepted that the uptake of NO−

3 is coupled withthe movement of two protons down an electrochem-ical potential gradient, and is therefore dependenton ATP supply to the H+-ATPase that maintains theH+ gradient across the plasma membrane (McClureet al., 1990; Meharg and Blatt, 1995; Miller and

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Smith, 1996). Calculations of the energetic require-ments for transport suggest that this co-transport isrequired for a wide range of extracellular NO−

3 con-centrations (Miller and Smith, 1996; Siddiqi et al.,1990). For NO−

3 storage in the plant cell, transportat the tonoplast membrane requires a different mech-anism and an antiport with H+ has been suggested(Miller and Smith, 1992). Figure 4 is a schematicdiagram that shows NO−

3 uptake and the associatedproton-pumping ATPase (H+-ATPase) that maintainsthe electrochemical potential gradient to drive theco-transport.

Physiological studies have shown the presence ofboth high- and low-affinity NO−

3 -uptake systems oper-ating at different external NO−

3 concentrations (Aslamet al., 1992; Glass and Siddiqi, 1995). There arebelieved to be two high-affinity transport systems(HATS) taking up NO−

3 at low concentration (gener-ally below 0.5 mM with low transport capacity) andone low-affinity transport system (LATS) that trans-ports NO−

3 at high concentrations (generally above0.5 mM with high transport capacity) (Glass and Sid-diqi, 1995). Numerous NO−

3 transporters have beencloned from a variety of species, and two distinct genefamilies, NRT1 and NRT2, have been identified (Craw-ford and Glass, 1998; Daniel-Vedele et al., 1998;Forde, 2000; Forde and Clarkson, 1999; Williamsand Miller, 2001). The Arabidopsis genome con-tains 52 NRT1 and 7 NRT2 family members; it wasat first believed that NRT1 mediated the LATS andNRT2 the HATS (Forde and Clarkson, 1999; Zhuoet al., 1999). However, this tidy functional assignmentin no longer valid, because in Arabidopsis the low-affinity NO−

3 transporter, AtNRT1.1, also functions inthe high-affinity range (Liu et al., 1999), and thesechanges in the kinetics of transport are switched byphosphorylation of the protein (Liu and Tsay, 2003).A further complication for the NRT1 family is thatthey belong to a much larger family of peptide trans-porters, the POT, or proton-dependent oligopeptide-transport family which is also known as the PTR orpeptide-transport family (Paulsen and Skurray, 1994).Mammalian members of this family can transport pep-tides of varying sizes (Paulsen and Skurray, 1994). InArabidopsis the pattern of tissue expression for muchof the NRT2 family has been mapped (Orsel et al.,2002; Okamoto et al., 2003). Some of the NRT2 familyrequire a second gene product for functional activity,but it is not known whether there is an interaction be-tween the gene products (Galván et al., 1996; Zhouet al., 2000).

Some members of both NRT1 and NRT2 gene fam-ilies are NO−

3 inducible and are expressed in the rootepidermis, including root hairs, and in the root cor-tex. Members of both the NRT1 and NRT2 familiesare therefore good candidates for a role in the uptakeof NO−

3 from the soil (e.g., Lauter et al., 1996; Linet al., 2000; Ono et al., 2000; Nazoa et al., 2003).Some family members are constitutively expressed(see Okamoto et al., 2003 for details). For example,in Arabidopsis AtNRT1.2 is constitutively expressed inthe roots, particularly in root hairs and the epidermis(Huang et al., 1999). A detailed description of the tis-sue expression pattern of AtNRT1.1 and AtNRT2.1 hasbeen provided by promoter-reporter gene fusions (Guoet al., 2001; Nazoa et al., 2003). These elegant papersshow how much expression changes during develop-ment and reveal complicated tissue patterns. For ex-ample, AtNRT1.1 was strongly expressed in the tips ofprimary and lateral roots but showed weak expressionin the root cortex and epidermis (Guo et al., 2001). Incontrast, the expression of AtNRT2.1 was strong in theepidermis, cortex and endodermis of the mature partsof the root (Nazoa et al., 2003). The correlation be-tween 13NO−

3 influx and the expression of AtNRT2.1and AtNRT1.1 has led to the suggestion that these twogenes may be largely responsible for high and lowaffinity NO−

3 uptake (Okamoto et al., 2003). It hasbeen suggested that the root cortex is the main site forthe uptake of NO−

3 from the soil (Siddiqi et al., 1991),but it is difficult to reconcile this idea with the fact thatsome NO−

3 transporters are expressed in the epider-mis. The expression of both families can be regulatedby feedback from N metabolites in many plant species(Touraine et al., 2001). Various amino acids have beentested for their ability to alter the expression and activ-ity of NO−

3 transporters through feedback regulation.Feeding amino acids to roots decreases the expres-sion of NO−

3 transporters (Nazoa et al., 2003; Vidmaret al., 2000). However, identifying which amino acidsare responsible for the feedback response is difficult,because they can be assimilated and converted intodifferent amino acids. By using chemical inhibitors toblock the conversion of amino acids into other forms,glutamine has been identified as an important regu-lator (Vidmar et al., 2000). Nitrate transporters arealso diurnally regulated, undergoing marked changesin transcript levels and corresponding NO−

3 influx dur-ing day/night cycles, with high expression at the endof the light period (e.g., Ono et al., 2000). Sucrosesupply in the dark rapidly increases the transcript lev-els (Lejay et al., 1999), and the diurnal increases in

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Figure 4. Schematic diagram of NO−3 uptake and assimilation by plant cells. Key: nitrate reductase, NR; nitrite reductase, NiR; glutamine

synthetase, GS; glutamate-2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase, GOGAT (redrawn from Crawford et al., 2000).

expression of root NO−3 , NH+

4 and SO2−4 transporters

seem to be linked to the changes in sucrose supplyto the root which results from photosynthesis duringthe day (Lejay et al., 2003). These observations indi-cate the close co-ordination that exists between NO−

3uptake and C metabolism.

The roles of both NRT1 and NRT2 genes in theuptake of NO−

3 from the soil have been demonstratedusing mutant plants. A mutant Arabidopsis plant de-ficient in the expression of a NRT1 gene led to theidentification of the first member of this family, al-though, the original selection of the plant was madeusing chlorate which is a toxic analogue of NO−

3 (Tsayet al., 1993). Even stronger evidence is available forthe NRT2 family, where double mutant knock-outsof NRT2 genes in Arabidopsis have demonstrated aclear role for these genes in the uptake of NO−

3 fromthe soil (Filleur et al., 2001). These mutants are de-ficient in both AtNRT2.1 and AtNRT2.2, and theyhave lost almost all the NO−

3 -inducible HATS, whileLATS activity was not altered. Split-root experimentsalso showed that the double mutant has lost the abilityto up-regulate uptake in one part of the root to com-pensate for N-starvation in another part of the root(Cerezo et al., 2001). In addition, the supply of NH+

4 tothe NO−

3 -containing nutrient solution usually inhibits

NO−3 uptake in the wild-type, but this does not occur in

the mutant (Cerezo et al., 2001). These elegant exper-iments illustrate the powerful use of gene ‘knock-out’technology to identify the role of specific transportergenes in N uptake by roots. These results are also im-portant for confirming the function of these genes asNO−

3 transporters, because almost all of the in plantaexpression studies have assumed function on the ba-sis of sequence homology. Sequence similarities maybe misleading, especially when a single protein cantransport more than one type of ion or molecule, as isthe case for both NRT1 and NRT2 transporter families.For example, some members of the NRT1 family cantransport amino acids and peptides, and both familiescan transport NO−

2 when the proteins have been ex-pressed in foreign cells (Miller and Zhou, 2000; Zhouet al., 1998).

Efflux systems have been studied less than influxsystems; however, it is known that efflux is protein-mediated, passive, saturable and selective for NO−

3(Aslam et al., 1996; Grouzis et al., 1997). Anionchannels seem the most obvious route for NO−

3 efflux,because the transport is thermodynamically downhilland genome analysis has identified several gene fam-ilies that may fulfil this function. The NO−

3 -effluxsystem is under a degree of regulation, induced by

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NO−3 (Aslam et al., 1996), and it is also propor-

tional to whole-tissue NO−3 concentrations (Teyker

et al., 1988). We can therefore predict that the anionchannel(s) responsible for NO−

3 efflux must be NO−3

-inducible. Net NO−3 uptake is regulated by whole-

plant demand via shoot-derived signals transported inthe phloem to the roots (Imsande and Touraine, 1994;Vidmar et al., 2000). The nature of these feedbacksignals seems to be amino acid concentrations in thephloem, specifically glutamine (Pal’ove-Balang andMistrik, 2002; Tillard et al., 1998). Efflux of NO−

3 hasbeen found to be associated with slow growth rates(Nagel and Lambers, 2002). This efflux is, however,a consequence rather than a cause of slow growth.Slow-growing plants from nutrient-poor habitats maysimply not be able to exploit high concentrations ofNO−

3 , which is then effluxed.

Ammonium transportersMany plant NH+

4 -transporter (AMT) genes have beenidentified and their function has been confirmed bytheir ability to complement a yeast mutant deficientin normal NH+

4 uptake (Ninnemann et al., 1994;von Wirén et al., 2000a). In Arabidopsis there are6 AMT genes, while rice (Oryza sativa) has 10, andmore detailed sequence comparisons have identifiedtwo distinct groups within the AMT family, denotedAMT1 and AMT2 (Shelden et al., 2001; Sohlenkampet al., 2000). Like the NO−

3 transporters, some AMT1-type genes are expressed in root hairs, suggestingthat they have a role in uptake of NH+

4 from the soil(Lauter et al., 1996; Ludewig et al., 2002). ThreeAMT1 genes show diurnal changes in expression inroots (Gazzarrini et al., 1999), and the changes inexpression during the light period likely result fromincreases in sucrose availability from photosynthesisduring the day (Lejay et al., 2003). More detailed in-formation has been published about the AMT1- thanabout AMT2-type transporters, and a correlation be-tween transcript (mRNA) level and NH+

4 influx hasbeen observed (Kumar et al., 2003), but the role ofneither group in uptake from the soil has been clearlyestablished. Although, Arabidopsis plants deficient inone of the root-expressed AMT1 genes showed al-tered leaf morphology and a 30% decrease in NH+

4influx, there were no effects on growth when com-pared with wild-type plants in a range of conditions(Kaiser et al., 2002). Based on these observationsit was suggested that redundancy within the AMT-family may compensate for the loss of this transporter.

Similarly, inhibiting the mRNA transcript level of thesingle AMT2 in Arabidopsis failed to significantly altergrowth of the plant, although the actual uptake of NH+

4was not measured (Sohlenkamp et al., 2002). One ofthe AMT2 transporters is constitutively expressed inthe plasma membrane of most tissues including thenodules of a N2-fixing species, suggesting that it mayhave a general role in the recovery of NH+

4 effluxedfrom all tissues, not only the nodule (Simon-Rosinet al., 2003). Some AMTs are constitutively expressed(Suenaga et al., 2003), but for most the expressiondepends on the availability of NH+

4 (von Wirén et al.,2000b). The expression of one tomato (Lycopersiconesculentum) AMT1 gene was induced by the presenceof N2-fixing bacteria in the rhizosphere (Becker et al.,2002). In species like paddy rice that chiefly make useof NH+

4 as a soil N source more of the AMT1 genesshow NH+

4 -induced expression when compared withArabidopsis and tomato that chiefly use NO−

3 as anN source (Sonoda et al., 2003). However, in contrastto most situations for NO−

3 , the expression of someAMTs is repressed by the presence of NH+

4 , with themRNA increasing when less NH+

4 is available. As de-scribed for the NO−

3 transporters (Nazoa et al., 2003;Vidmar et al., 2000), the expression of an AMT1 geneand NH+

4 influx were suppressed when plants weresupplied with glutamine, suggesting feedback regu-lation from downstream N metabolites (Rawat et al.,1999).

As for NO−3 , NH+

4 transport in plant cells can alsobe demonstrated by electrophysiology (Ayling, 1993;Wang et al., 1994). Electrophysiology can be usedto determine the NH+

4 -transporter kinetics which sug-gested that NH+

4 entry into cells may be mediated bycotransport with protons (Ayling, 1993; Wang et al.,1994). However, the energy requirements for uptake ofa cation (e.g., NH+

4 ) compared to an anion (e.g., NO−3 )

are different. The uptake of NH+4 , like the uptake of

K+, could be through a channel, and chiefly drivenby the negative membrane potential of the plant cell.Several examples of K+ channels expressed in the rootepidermis have been identified (e.g., Downey et al.,2000; Hartje et al., 2000) and gene knock-out studiescould identify whether these have a role in NH+

4 up-take. There is evidence from patch-clamp studies thatNH+

4 ions can enter cells through K+ channels (White,1996), and it may be that this is an important route forthe entry of NH+

4 into root cells. This topic is worthinvestigation using plants that have disrupted plasma-membrane K+-channel activity, especially given the

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lack of direct evidence for the role of AMTs in NH+4

uptake by root cells. More detailed functional analy-sis of the AMT genes, using heterologous expression,suggests that they may have a channel-type structurethat can be composed of several different multiples ofAMT protein units (Ludewig et al., 2003). The func-tional activity of the whole protein complex may bemodified by altering the AMT component units. Elec-troneutral uptake of N as ammonia (NH3) may occurby entry through membrane channels and aquapor-ins may provide a molecular route for this transport(Niemietz and Tyerman, 2000; Howitt and Udvardi,2000). Aquaporins may also provide a route for effluxacross the plasma membrane and for accumulation inthe vacuole. The relatively alkaline pH of the cytosolwill favour NH3 flux both into the vacuole and into theapoplast.

The energetic requirements for pumping NH+4 out

of cells has been identified as a possible cause for thetoxic effect of the ion on some types of plants (Brittoet al., 2001a, see below). The gene(s) responsiblefor this NH+

4 efflux process have not yet been iden-tified, but the thermodynamic mechanism for such aprocess requires an ATPase or an anti-port somehowexchanging H+ and NH+

4 . It is not clear why K+ entryand cytosolic concentration should be regulated whilethose of NH+

4 are poorly regulated, but like Na+ en-try during salt stress, perhaps the plant cannot avoidthis problem when exposed to high concentrations ofthese cations. Therefore accurate measurements of thesoil concentrations of NH+

4 may be important for an-swering these questions for plants growing in soil.The toxic effects of NH+

4 depend on there being highexternal concentrations of the cation, perhaps greaterthan 20 mM (Britto and Kronzucker, 2002). As men-tioned above, since the cytosolic pH is usually morealkaline than that of the vacuole and the apoplast, thechemical gradient for NH3 favours passive exit of thismolecule from the compartment. The plant AMT genefamily function as high-affinity NH+

4 -uptake systemswhen they are expressed in yeast (von Wirén et al.,2000a). The requirement for an active efflux mech-anism at high external NH+

4 concentrations does noteasily fit with the constitutive expression of some ofthese genes, so more expression analysis is needed toclarify this point.

N fluxes along the length of rootsNet uptake of NO−

3 and NH+4 along roots has been

mapped using 15N labelling of root segments (Lazofet al., 1992) and ion-selective microelectrode tech-

niques (Henriksen et al., 1990; Taylor and Bloom,1998). These measurements generally show that thesite of most NO−

3 and NH+4 uptake is just behind the

root meristem. In maize, NO−3 elicited net H+ up-

take only at the root tip (0–1 mm), but H+ extrusionin all regions (Taylor and Bloom, 1998). This corre-lates with symport of H+:NO−

3 into the root tip. RapidNO−

3 net uptake was found between 0 and 40 mm be-hind the root tip, decreasing between 40 and 60 mm.Ammonium-elicited H+ extrusion was detected in allregions, except for the region 6 to 11 mm from theapex (Taylor and Bloom, 1998). In the region 11 mmfrom the apex there is hardly any elongation in maizeprimary roots (Sharp et al., 1988); it is possible thatH+ extrusion is already maximal, that NH+

4 is storedrather than assimilated, or that NH+

4 is translocatedaway from this region. Net uptake of NH+

4 increasedsteadily with distance behind the root tip (measuredup to 60 mm). When both NH+

4 and NO−3 were sup-

plied, NO−3 net uptake was suppressed at all locations

along the root (Colmer and Bloom, 1998; Taylor andBloom, 1998). Although there is a peak of N uptakejust behind the root tip, it is sometimes overlookedthat this represents only a 2- to 3-fold increase overthat found in the older parts of the root further fromthe apex. Transporter gene expression studies suggestthat mature parts of the root are also significant sitesof uptake (Nazoa et al., 2003).

Organic N uptakeGene families have been identified that are responsiblefor transporting amino acids (reviewed in Ortiz-Lopezet al., 2000), urea (Liu et al., 2003), oligopeptides(Koh et al., 2002; Steiner et al., 1994), purines (Gillis-sen et al., 2000), nucleosides (Li et al., 2003) and N-containing heterocyclic compounds (Desimone et al.,2002), but their role in uptake from the soil is stilluncertain. This oligopeptide transporter (OPT) fam-ily is not related to the NTR1 (PTR) family describedpreviously, but both that are able to transport peptides.

Arabidopsis has a large family of at least 46 pu-tative amino acid/auxin transporters which can besub-divided into some smaller groups based on se-quence comparisons, but the functions of the familymembers are not well characterised. There is a smallergroup of 9 related general amino-acid transporters, andsome others specifically for auxin and amino acidssuch as lysine, histidine and proline. An amino-acidtransporter, possibly for both histidine and proline,from Mesembryanthemum crystallinum is specifically