root affix asymmetries

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  • 8/13/2019 Root Affix Asymmetries


    Root/Affix asymmetries in contact and transfer:

    Case studies from the Andes*

    Pieter Muysken

    Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen


    In this paper I want to explore the psycholinguistic processing issues, in terms of the type of

    transfer that they exemplify, that we need to postulate to be hypothetically involved in the

    emergence of two mixed languages and a mixed register with a Quechua structure: Media Lengua

    (Ecuador) and Kallawaya (Bolivia), both relexified varieties within the Quechua language family,

    and bilingual mixed songs in Peru, waynos. The two issues that require most attention are (a) the

    mental status of roots versus affixes in the transfer process; (b) the possibility of manipulating

    lexical access in transfer. The languages and the register share a number of structural features, but

    are sociolinguistically totally different. In Media Lengua the lexicon comes from a new

    language (Spanish), and in Kallawaya from an old language (Puquina). Media Lengua is an

    informal community language, while Kallawaya a ritual healing language only used by male

    adults. Waynosare a very popular musical genre in large parts of the southern Andes in Peru. The

    root/suffix asymmetries in the mixed languages are confronted with the mirror phenomenon of

    Spanish suffixes that occur in Quechua, to help us further understand the processing issues


    Key words: Quechua, Spanish, Puquina, language mixing, Media Lengua, Kallawaya

    *I am grateful for the detailed comments from a reviewer for the journal and from the editors.

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    1. Introduction

    In the large area in the South American Andes where members of the Quechua language family

    are spoken, several interesting contact varieties have emerged. In the north, these comprise

    varieties of Media Lengua in Ecuador, where Spanish roots are inserted into Quechua morpho-

    syntactic and lexical frames. In the center, particularly in southern Peru, intense mixing is

    apparent in a specific register, the bilingual songs named waynos. In an area in the south, we find

    Kallawaya, a ritual healing language only used by male adults, in which lexical roots mostly from

    an ancestral language (Puquina) are introduced. Throughout the area, Spanish lexical elements,

    but also suffixes, have been transferred into Quechua.

    Primarily drawing upon, expanding, and synthesizing my own work in this area, I will

    compare and contrast these varieties and discuss their relevance for the transfer debate. In Table I

    a number of features of these varieties are presented and contrasted, including their status with

    respect to the two distinctions introduced in the work of Grosjean (this volume): dynamic

    interference versus static transfer, and monolingual versus bilingual language mode. It also

    briefly characterizes them in terms of the MAT (morphemic matter) versus PAT (structural

    patterns) distinction introduced in the work of Sakel (2007), a distinction which goes back at least

    to Heath (1978)s distinction between direct (MAT) and indirect (PAT) diffusion, but probably

    even to earlier sources.

    Media Lengua Mixed songs Kallawaya

    Location Ecuador (Saraguro,

    Caar, Salcedo,


    Central and southern

    highlands in Peru,

    highland Bolivia

    Bolivia (Charazani


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    Ecuadorian Quechua Various Quechua varieties Bolivian (Charazani)


    Inserted elements Spanish root shapes Spanish root shapes,

    mostly verbs

    A non Quechua root

    lexicon, partly




    In-group register in


    undergoing shift

    Songs played and

    broadcast in bilingual

    settings (partly urban)

    A ritual register used

    by practicioners of

    traditional medicine

    Dynamicity Static Dynamic Static or dynamic

    Language mode Monolingual or


    Bilingual Monolingual with

    extra lexical register

    Matter and/or


    Mostly matter, some


    Matter Mostly matter, some


    Key references Muysken 1979, 1981,

    1988, 1997a; Gomez

    Rendn 2006, 2008

    Muysken 1990, 2000 Stark 1972; Muysken

    1997, 2009

    Table 1: Features of the three mixed varieties discussed

    It is apparent that there are both similarities and important differences between these varieties.

    The root/affix asymmetries referred to in the title of this paper are typologically and areally

    specific: roots are single initial elements that either require another suffix (verbs) or do not, in

    Quechua and surrounding Andean languages. They do not involve the kinds of units that one

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    finds in (for instance) lots of French loanwords in Native Canadian languages, where nouns often

    get borrowed with an article attached.

    2. Relexification

    Relexification is a general term used for massive lexicon replacement in a language, and has its

    roots in Creole studies. The concept has been applied in two areas in this sub-discipline. First of

    all, it has been used to explain the intricate interactions between African and European language

    features in the Caribbean Creole languages. Thus, some researchers that take the substratist

    position in Creole studies have embraced some version of the notion of relexification.

    Second, it has been used to justify the assumption of West African Portuguese Pidgin as the

    common substrate of the Caribbean Creole languages, explaining many of their common features.

    This is referred to as the monogenetic position. In these different areas, it often has a somewhat

    different meaning, however.

    In the African feature debate, one of the early exponents was Adam (1883), who proposed the

    term hybridologie linguistique. Since then, there have been numerous more informal attempts to

    suggest that many patterns in Caribbean creoles resulted essentially from European word shapes

    coupled with African meanings and patterns. The most explicit and extreme defendant of this

    position has been Lefebvre (1998), who argued that Fongbe was relexified with French word

    shapes to produce Haitian Creole. A cursory survey of the literature will reveal that Lefebvres

    very strong claims have aroused much debate. Many creolists will allow more more modest

    amounts of relexification as one of the constitutive processes in creole genesis.

    The debate surrounding West African Portuguese Pidgin went under the label monogenesis

    versus polygenesis. In line with the monogenetic position, but in a less extreme version, was

    Hesselings (1933) paper on Papiamentu influence on Negerhollands, the Dutch lexifier creole

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    language formerly spoken on the Virgin islands. Hesseling assumed that there had been a group

    of Papiamentu speakers present in the early stages of the genesis of Negerhollands, who later

    shifted to a variety of the Dutch creole. Not only did they leave lexical MAT+PAT influences (as

    kabayfor horse CHK; cf. Sp caballo, Port cabalho). They also were responsible for some PAT

    meaning configurations, as the use of the Dutch word form wilto denote both the wish to do

    something and the desire for an object or person (cf. Sp. querer, Port quer, Pap kerwith both

    meanings). In Dutch itself, wilcan only mean the wish for some action or state. Thus, ik wil jou

    means I want (to have) you but not I love you, while the Negerhollands equivalent has both

    meanings, as does Spanishyo te quiero. Or course, these meanings are not unconnected, but you

    can want someone on your team or for a particular position without loving that person.

    In Voorhoeve (1973) it is argued that the original Creole slave population of Surinam was

    Portuguese pidgin rather than English pidgin speaking (due to the prominent role of Portuguese

    pidgin in the Atlantic slave trade), but that their language was progressively relexified towards

    English under the influence of the English plantation owners. The Saramaccan maroons escaped

    into the jungle before their language was fully relexified, which accounts for the high number of

    Portuguese elements in their language, according to Voorhoeve. In this account, both MAT and

    PAT are involved in relexification.


    Source Domain Nature of the transfer



    Papiamentu influence on Negerhollands MAT(+PAT) (kabay horse)

    PAT (ker > wil want)

    Voorhoeve Portuguese pidgin presence in Surinam MAT+PAT (Portuguese elements in

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    (1973) creoles Saramaccan)



    Fongbe structural (and occasionally

    lexical) presence in Haitian Creole

    PAT (semantic and structural

    presence), occasional MAT+PAT

    Table 2: Use of the notion of relexification in creole genesis by different authors

    3. Media Lengua

    In the Andes of Ecuador several cases of mixed Spanish-Quechua languages have been

    documented (Muysken 1979, 1981, 1988, 1997a; Gmez Rendn 2005, 2008), which often are

    labeled as Media Lengua (other terms are Chaupi lengua, Chaupi shimi [both: half language],

    Utilla ingiru [little Quechua], Chaupi quichua [half Quechua], Quichuaol [Quechu-anish],

    and Chapu shimi [mix language]). The best studied cases are the Media Lengua of Salcedo,

    Cotopaxi province (studied by Muysken) in the center, and the Media Lengua of San Pablo,

    Imbabura province (studied by Gmez Rendn) in the north, while Muysken has also

    documented varieties near Caar, Caar province and Saraguro, Loja province in the south.

    These varieties span a large part of the Ecuadorian Interandean corridor, and as far as we know

    are unrelated. I will cite examples here from Gmez Rendns valuable (2008) monograph, since

    the data in my own publications are more easily accessible and have already been frequently


    Basically, Media Lengua is a form of Quechua in which the large majority of the roots have

    been replaced with Spanish elements. These elements retain their basic lexical properties,

    although they are partially adapted phonologically. Thus we have examples such as the

    following, from a narrative (Gmez Rendn 2008: 85; glosses adapted):

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    (1) ai-manda lexo-ta bi-kpi-ka

    there-ABL far-AC see-SUB.DS-TOP

    uno blanko asienda kaza-mi asoma-ri-xu-shka-n-ga

    one white hacienda house-AF show.up-REF-PRG-EU-TOP

    wagra dueo-ka alla-man-mi contento i-shka

    cow owner-TOP there-AL-AF happy go-NPAS

    pero el-ka akorda-ri-shpa-wan anda-xu-shka

    but 3-TOP reflect-REF-SUB.SS-COM walk-PRG-NPAS

    patron-ka solta-wa-nga-chu ima-shi kuanto-ta-shi

    boss-TOP loosen-1.OB-3.FU-Q what-IGN how.much-AC-IGN

    kobra-wa-nga yuya-shpa anda-xu-shka

    charge-1.OB-3.FU reflect-SUB.SSwalk-PRG-NPAS

    Then, while he saw it far away, a white hacienda house became visible, and the owner of

    the cow walked towards it happily, but thinking by himself he walked along: will the boss

    let me go, what will it be, how much will he charge me?, thinking those things he was

    walking along.

    Italicized elements are from Quechua throughout this paper. Notice that in (1) the large majority

    of root elements is from Spanish. The exceptions are wagracow, imawhat, andyuya-think.

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    Wagramay be a term locally used in Spanish as well, imais part of a fixed expression ima-shi

    what will it be?, andyuya-is a genuine counterexample to the claim that all roots are from

    Spanish. Gmez Rendn (2008) notes that Imbabura Media Lengua contains more Quechua

    elements than the Salcedo variant. Muysken (2010a) argues that the most prominent apparent

    counterexample in the Salcedo Media Lengua data, the Quechua copula ka-be, is actually a

    clitic in the relevant Quechua variety, and hence is expected not to be relexified.

    Are just Spanish MAT items, outward morphological shapes, imported, or is underlying

    semantic PAT material brought in as well? For many words, this is hard to establish. Thus the

    meaning of Quechuapuu-sleep and Spanish dormir sleep is not sufficiently different in their

    semantic range to decide whether Media Lengua durmi-is just a MAT or also a PAT transfer.

    However, for other words, this is easier. In Table 3 I have tried to establish, on the basis of the

    discussion and examples presented in Gmez Rendn (2008), which Media Lengua verbs show

    evidence of Quechua meaning (PAT) transfer. A number of verbs fall into this category.

    Media Lengua Quechua Spanish

    akorda-ri- think, remember yuya-ri- think, remember acordar(se) remember

    ambri- be hungry (imp.) yarika- be hungry (imp.) hambre hunger


    dizi- say, make sound x ni- say, make sound x decir say

    kriya- grow up wia- grow up criar raise

    lleba- take, bring (over


    apa- take, bring (over


    llevar take

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    llena-chi fill (caus.) hunta-


    fill (caus.) llenar fill

    llora- cry, make noise waqa- cry, make noise llorar cry

    mori- die, be ill wau- die, be ill morir die



    there is not illa- there is not no hay there is not

    sinta- sit, live, be located tiya- sit, live, be located sentar(se) sit

    Table 3: Relexification (PAT transfer) operant in Imbabura Media Lengua verbs

    Different varieties of Media Lengua show different degrees of transfer of Quechua semantic

    distinctions. Saraguro is the most Quechua-like version. The distinction between 1SG and 1SG.POS

    is not made (just like in Ecuadorian Quechua varieties), there is no 3SGgender distinction, and no

    2SGpoliteness distinction. In Imbabura Quechua a politemess distinction has been introduced for

    2SG, but this is not characteristic for Quechua as a whole.

    Feature ML Saraguro ML Salcedo ML Imbabura Spanish Quechua

    1SG miu yo/ami yo, mio/miyu, uka yo uka

    1SG PO miu mi, mio mi, mo (strong)

    2SG ste bos Bos vos, tu kan

    (kikin)2SG (H) ust usted

    3SG M el el il/el l pay

    3SG F illa/ella ella

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    1PL miukuna nurzhu nosotros/notros, nuitro/nutro nosotros ukanchik

    2PL ustekuna boskuna boskuna ustedes kankuna

    2PL (R) ustikuna (kikinkuna)

    3PL M elkuna elkuna ilkuna/elkuna/illoskuna ellos paykuna

    3PL F illakuna/ellakuna/illaskuna ellas

    Table 4: Media Lengua personal pronouns in the different varieties

    4. Bilingual songs, the wayno

    In Peru and Bolivia there is the popular genre of the wayno, bilingual popular songs performed by

    small bands and transmitted through radio and cassette or CD. These songs are sung at festive

    occasions but also at dances and in bars. In these waynosvery frequently a combination of both

    Quechua and Spanish occurs. Large collections of these waynos have been printed. A typical

    example of a wayno is given in Escobar and Escobar (1981: 256) (Quechua elements italicized):

    (2) Pobre sicuan-e-ita, [Poor girl from Sicuani]

    poor Sicuan-PRV-DIM.F

    a qu habrs venido, [wherefore have you come?]

    to what have.2.FU come.PP

    Kay runa-h wasi-n-pi [In this houseof strangers]

    this man-GEN house-3-LOC

    waqa-na-lla-yki-pah? [just to cry?]


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    Kay runa-h llahta-n-pi [In this townof strangers]

    this man-GEN town-3-LOC

    llaki-na-lla-yki-pah? [just to grieve?]


    Mama-y-mi ni-wa-ra-n [My mother told me]

    mother-1-AF say-1.OB-PAS-3

    ama ri-pu-y-rah-cu; [dont go awayyet;]

    PRH go-BEN-IMP-yet-NEG

    mama-y-mi ni-wa-ra-n [my mother told me]

    mother-1-AF say-1.OB-PAS-3

    ama pasa-y-rah-cu; [dont leave from hereyet;]

    PRH pass-IMP-yet-NEG


    The bilingual element comes in by various means. In the song above two means are illustrated:

    code switching (the switch from initial Spanish to subsequent Quechua), and the one of concern

    here in this paper, bilingual doubling.

    The poetic effect in this genre of songs is reached for a large part with this technique of

    parallelism or doubling. Phrases are repeated, but often with a slight lexical modification. Thus

    we have a number of semantically roughly equivalent lexical pairs in subsequent lines, at least in

    the universe of the song (given in bold in (2) above):

    (3) wasi house waqa- cry ri-pu-go away

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    llahtatown llaki-grieve pasa- pass (by)

    Since it is often difficult to find a semantic equivalent in the same language, as in the first two

    pairs in (3), often equivalents from Spanish are taken, as in the third pair. This is by itself not

    remarkable, since Spanish words can easily borrowed into Quechua. However five features stand

    out in doubling in bilingual songs:

    (a) it is an extremely frequent phenomenon;

    (b) it involves particularly verbs rather than nouns, while ordinarily nouns are borrowed with

    much more frequency (although Spanish verb borrowing is not impossible in Quechua);

    (c) it involves basic vocabulary as well, not just more marginal vocabulary;

    (d) it frequently involves verbs that are never borrowed in ordinary discourse, as can be

    established from corpus studies of spoken Cuzco Quechua;

    (e) the verb occurs with all the relevant Quechua suffixes, as illustrated in (4), taken from the

    last line in (2):

    (4) Ama pasa-y-rah-chu

    PRH pass-IMP-yet-NEG

    Dont leave from here yet

    Typical verb doublings found in waynos include:


    sabi- know yacha- know

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    bulta- return kuti- return

    pasa- pass ri-pu- go away

    tuma- drink uxya- drink

    tupa- meet tinku- meet

    I assume these forms to be conventionalized doublets, which can be freely entered into the wayno

    for doubling purposes, and then receive the full range of Quechua affixes.

    5. Kallawaya

    In a very different speech genre, something similar to both Media Lengua and the waynoverb

    doubling is found: the Kallawaya ritual language of the professional healers of the Charazani

    region north of La Paz in Bolivia. Compare the paired examples in (6) and (7):

    (6) a. Qari-s, warmi-s, alkalde-tah ri-n-ku. (QUECHUA)

    man-PL, woman-PL, alcalde-EMP go-3-PL

    b. Laja-kuna, atasi-kuna, alkalde-tah isna-n-ku. (KALLAWAYA)

    man-PL woman-PL alcalde-EMP go-3-PL

    Themen, the women and the mayor went. (Stark 1972: 216)

    (7) a. Ri-pu-nki mana willa-ku-spa. (QUECHUA)

    go-BEN-2 NEG tell-REF-SUB.SS

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    b. Isna-pu-nkiu uri-ku-spa. (KALLAWAYA)

    go-BEN-2 NEG tell-REF-SUB.SS

    You went away without telling. (Oblitas Poblete 1968: 34)

    The forms in (6a) and (7a) represent the ordinary speech of the speech community, while the

    forms in (6b) and (7b) the special ritual language. The non-italic forms in (6b) replace the

    Quechua equivalents in (6a), while the Quechua morphology and grammar is maintained (in

    addition there is a Spanish loan, alkaldemayor, in both language samples of (6); it need not

    concern us here). As far as we can establish many of the lexical roots of Kallawaya are of

    Puquina origin, but there may also be other languages involved, such as Leko, Tacana, Moseten,

    and Uru. Finally, a number of words may simply be neologisms; striking is the avoidance of

    loans from Spanish, in contrast with all the languages of the area, and certainly with Quechua.

    Just like in the case of Media Lengua, there is replacement of Quechua roots with elements

    from another language, and these elements are partially adapted phonologically to Quechua. In

    addition, there words are affixed with the standard Quechua affixes, for the most part. For all

    intents and purposes, contemporary Kallawaya is a form of Quechua with roots from another

    language. It resembles the wayno songs in that through lexical replacement different registers are

    created: in the case of Kallawaya this is the ritual register, in the case of the wayno songs this is

    the doubling register.

    6. Issues of genesis and processing

    In this section, I will briefly comment on issues of genesis and processing with respect to Media

    Lengua, mixed bilingual songs, and Kallawaya. In terms of scenarios of genesis, three primary

    scenarios come to the fore: Creation,Shift, andBorrowing.

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    Creation. It is quite possible that in all three cases, processes of conscious creation have

    played a role. Media Lengua may have emerged out of a language game in the early decades of

    the twentieth century, when so far almost monolingual Quechua-speaking construction workers

    from rural villages suddenly found themselves working in the rapidly expanding capital of Quito.

    Both the expansion of the capital and the mobility of the work force were the result of the

    construction of a railroad connection to the coastal port of Guayaquil. This language game may

    then have become conventionalized in the communities the migrant construction workers were


    There has been no study so far of the history of popular music in the southern Andes, but there

    is no doubt that the bilingual songs were the result of a process of semi-conscious creation,

    triggered by the requirements of the process of semantic doubling in Quechua poetry and

    facilitated by the wide-spread bilingualism in the area.

    The origins of Kallawaya remain obscure, but it is clear that in the more contemporary forms

    of Kalllawaya usage, creative processes linked to the ritual practices play an important role.

    Kallawaya usage is highly performative in nature, as far as we know.

    Shift. Media Lengua may be interpreted as a linguistic phenomenon that accompanies the

    overall shift in many rural highland communities in Ecuador from Quechua to Spanish; indeed in

    all cases where forms of Media Lengua have emerged we find shift occurring as well. However,

    several observations speak against a strong intrinsic link between Media Lengua formation as

    such and shift. First, in many Andean communities there has been language shift without the

    creation of Media Lengua. Second, the genesis of Media Lengua took place at a time when there

    was no shift yet to Spanish in the relevant communities. There is no intrinsic link between Media

    Lengua formation and shift, particularly also when we take other mixed languages into account.

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    The use of bilingual songs in the southern Andes is indicative of wide-spread bilingualism, but

    not necessarily of shift. Rather, the continued presence of Spanish and Quechua in these songs

    suggests a form of possibly stable diglossia.

    In the case of Kallawaya, there has been shift originally, but in this case away from the lexifier

    language (Puquina) to the structure language (Quechua). The resulting ritual language, however,

    is more like a case of counter-shift or U-turn.

    Borrowing. Again, the relation with borrowing is quite complex. In the areas where Media

    Lengua is spoken there is also extensive borrowing, and the way Spanish borrowed forms are

    adapted to Quechua is exactly like the way relexified items are adapted. However, borrowing is

    quantitatively restricted to about maximally 40% of the root tokens in the local varieties of

    Quechua (Stark and Muysken, 1977), while in the case of Media Lengua we have almost 100%

    of the root tokens. Qualitatively, borrowing is mostly restricted to non-basic vocabulary and the

    distinction basic/non-basic is irrelevant in the case of Media Lengua.

    In the varieties where waynosare sung there is also wide-spread borrowing (although more

    limited than in Ecuador), but the pattern of bilingual verb doublings involved verbs that are never


    Regarding Kallawaya, it is clear that the systematic use of Puquina and non-Quechua other

    words in the ritual language is very different from what we may find elsewhere in the region;

    there have been reports of some unusual specialized vocabulary, but the Quechua of the area is

    overwhelmingly non-Puquina influenced, as far as can be gathered from the materials published

    so far.

    Language modeand dynamicity. As to language mode, the picture is different for the three

    varieties at hand.

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    It is clear that in the original invention stage of Media Lengua the two languages must have

    been present in the mind of the speaker, in order for her or him to be able to relexify; however, as

    the Media Lengua stabilized, relexifications became conventionalized, and there was no need for

    the activation of either language. In fact, there are speakers of Media Lengua without good

    knowledge of Quechua (vocabulary), although the initial creators of Media Lengua surely were

    highly proficient speakers of Quechua, incipient bilinguals in Spanish. For MAT transfer as in

    relexification to occur, there is no need for very deep knowledge of the second language. Words

    are adapted phonologically, nativized, although some properties of the original lexemes are

    retained (see below).

    The producers of and many of the listeners to bilingual songs are bilinguals, and indeed the

    confrontation of the two languages is part and parcel of the esthetic pleasure that these songs

    provide. However, many of the actual verb doublets are highly conventionalized.

    The present day speakers of Kallawaya left do not know Puquina. The Puquina words are

    simply part of a lexicon of non-Quechua words that they can use in speaking Kallawaya, while

    they are also able to use the Quechua lexicon in speaking Quechua.

    Matter and pattern. The final issue that concerns us here is that of the transfer of matter versus

    pattern. How do we account for (a) the lexicon/grammar split in these three varieties, and (b) the

    affix/root split?

    What the mixed language data clearly show is that manipulating access to a lexicon separate

    from the one that is conventionally attached to the grammar is clearly a possibility in this case, in

    special but not exceptional circumstances. While speakers need to know the matrix grammar and

    phonology well, the transferred lexicon is possibly only incompletely known. The phonology of

    the mixed languages involved shows mixed features (Van Gijn 2009). Vowel distinctions

    ([mid]/[high] in the case of Media Lengua, [long]/[short] in the case of Kallawaya) for instance

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    are closer to those of the donor language, while phonotactic patterns are more like those those of

    the recipient language. For this reason, the phonology does not provide us with much of a clue


    The question remains, however, why Quechua as a language has allowed these processes of

    relexification or massive lexical transfer. Part of the answer may lie in its history as an imperial

    language which was adopted in many parts of the Andes as a second language during and even

    after Inca rule, and in the bilingual sociolinguistic context within which it is spoken. This cannot

    be the whole story, however, since other languages in the world also have this character of

    imperial languages and do not show relexification to the same extent, if at all.

    What facilitates the separation of the Quechua lexicon from its grammar is that most of the

    burden of interacting with the actual grammatical system in Quechua lies in the affixes rather

    than in the roots. Most grammatical work is done by suffixes, not by the lexical roots themselves:

    (a) Roots belong to two word classes, nouns (with a subclass of adjectives) and verbs.

    Elements such as pronouns, quantifiers, adverbs, and conjunctions are subclasses of the noun


    (b) Some elements are both nouns and verbs.

    (c) All nouns can occur as bare forms in the language, most often they carry some case

    marking, person marking, topic marking, evidentials, etc. Verbs can never occur as bare forms.

    Thus taking roots from another language does not have a major impact on grammatical

    processing, which mostly interacts directly with the affixes. Furthermore, roots and affixes are

    clearly distinct from the perspective of lexical processing.

    Roots always initial in Quechua: there are only suffixes, no prefixes or infixes. Furthermore,

    there are different phonotactic constraints for roots and affixes, and phonological rules such as

    voicing, vowel raising, contraction in central Ecuadorian Quechua clearly distinguish between

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    affixes and roots. Most roots have two syllables, affixes one. Roots have more types of sounds

    and are phonologically more complex. Affixes have a much more abstract meaning than roots.

    The token frequency of affixes is much higher than that of roots.

    These differences are coupled with the agglutinative morphology characterizing Quechua.

    Altogether, the grammatical and morpho-phonological properties of Quechua on the whole are

    propitious to a process of relexification involving the roots of the language, and not the affixes.

    The affixes function as separate units and theoretically could be relexified by themselves.

    Indeed we find some cases of Spanish suffixes in Media Lengua, includingnduadverbial

    subordination, and duresultative nominalization. However, only the form nduappears to be

    productively used, and is also the suffix which does not occur frequently as a borrowing in other

    Quechua varieties. Spanish suffixes in Quechua will be the subject of the next section.

    7. Spanish suffixes in Quechua

    In Table 5 (summarized from Muysken 2010b) the different Spanish suffixes are listed, loosely

    ranked in terms of their grammatical status and productivity, that occur in varieties of Media

    Lengua and Quechua.



    Spanish form Gloss Variety References

    -ndu -ndo Gerund Salcedo MediaLengua (Ec)

    Muysken 1981, 1997

    -do -do Resultative Inga (Col) Levinsohn 1976

    Salcedo Media

    Lengua (Ec)

    Muysken 1981



    -dor/-dora Agentive /Habitual /


    Inga (Col) Levinsohn 1976

    Cajamarca (Pe) Quesasa (1976: 42)

    Imbabura ML


    Gomez Rendn (2008)

    dero -dero Agentive / Inga (Col) Levinsohn 1976

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    habitual /


    -hora hora hour Temporal


    Inga (Col) Levinsohn 1976

    -itu / -ita / -situ/-ditu

    -ito/-ita/-ecito Diminutive Cochabamba(Bol) Urioste (1964)

    Cajamarca (Pe) Quesada (1976: 42, 105)

    Inga (Col) Levinsohn 1976

    Santiago del

    Estero (Arg)

    Bravo (1985: 113, 150)

    -ilu/-ila ?-illo/-illaabu-elo/a


    Santiago delEstero (Arg)

    Bravo (1985: 143, 178/9)

    -lun -lon (cf.dormilnsleepy


    Characterizer Cotopaxi (Ec) Muysken (1977)

    -likido lquido liquid Characterizer Lamas (Pe) Taylor (1975: 54)

    Cajamarca (Pe) Quesada (1976: 91)

    -nyintu -niento Characterizer Cajamarca (Pe) Quesada (1976: 64. 67,68)

    -iru -ero Characterizer Cajamarca (Pe) Quesada (1976: 140)

    -s -s Plural Salcedo ML (Ec) Muysken (1981)



    Urioste (1964)

    Table 5: Suffixes borrowed or relexified from Spanish in different varieties of Quechua and

    Media Lengua

    We can conclude that there is a wide variety of Spanish suffixes that have been adopted into

    different Quechua varieties. Broadly speaking, they fall into four categories:

    I. Suffixes that replace a Quechua suffix, often in the verbal paradigm:

    (8) - kpiandshpa > -ndo adverbial subordinator (only in Media Lengua)

    -sqa, -ska, -shka > -do resultative nominalizer

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    -q, -k > -dor, -dero agentive

    ?-pacha > -hora temporal subordinator

    In some varieties these suffixes are only partially productive and limited to the lexical domain,

    but this requires more study. The elementhoramay replace the suffixpachatime, world,

    since, but in most Quechua varieties this suffix is not used grammatically as -horais in Inga in


    An example of the use ofndoor -nduin Salcedo Media Lengua is:

    (9) ahi-da-ga abi-n, piru tarde-ya-ndu-ga gana-u-nga-y

    there-AC-TOP exist-3 but late-TRF-SUB-TOPearn-PRG-3.FU-EMP

    It is there, but when it gets late he will be winning.

    Media Lengua, Ecuador (Muysken 1997: 386)

    Thisndureplaces the different subject subordination markerkpihere. Cases ofdor, which

    replaces the Quechua agentive markerq(Peru) ork(Ecuador), are:

    (10) Chay runa-ka macha-dor-mi

    ` that man-TO drink-AG-AF

    That man is a drunkard. Ecuador (Ross 1960: 51-52)

    (11) sementerio-ma apa-dor ka-rka-kuna

    cemetery-to take-AG be-PA-PL

    They used to take [us] to the cemetery. Inga, Colombia (Levinson 1976: 106)

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    II. A range of diminutive suffixes that only partly come in the place of Quechua suffixes, but

    also derive some gender properties from the donor language Spanish (Cochabamba Quechua;

    Urioste 1964):

    (12) *-itu after Quechua words that end in /u/, but also partially sensitive to (particularly

    natural) Spanish masculine gender

    punqu punq-itu little door

    *-ita after Quechua words that end in /a/, but also partially sensitive to (particularly

    natural) Spanish feminine gender

    uma um-ita little head

    *-situ after Quechua words that end in /i/

    rumi rumi-situ little stone

    We also find the formdituoccasionally as a diminutive or a characterizer.

    III. A range of characterizing and affective suffixes often loosely modeled on Spanish suffixes

    but without clear Quechua models:

    (13) -ilu/-ila diminutive, affective

    -lun characterizer

    -likido characterizer

    -nyintu characterizer

    -iru characterizer

  • 8/13/2019 Root Affix Asymmetries


    Some selected examples:

    (14) siki-lu


    with a big ass Santiago del Estero (Bravo 1985: 296)

    (15) wacha-chi-lun


    midwife Ecuador (Muysken 1977)

    (16) rumi-likido


    like stone Lamas Peru (Taylor 1975: 54)

    Interesting is the fact that these suffixes appear to be characteristic of two closely related,

    affective semantic domains in nominal morphology: affective and characterizing. Seifart (2009)

    stresses the tendency towards specialization within a single domain as a feature of morphological


    IV. A final category is the Spanish plural suffixswhich is used almost obligatorily with

    Quechua nouns ending in a vowel (the vast majority) in Bolivian Quechua.

    (16) warmi-s women

    algu-s dogs Bolivia (Urioste 1964)

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    It is rare if not nonexistent in other varieties of Quechua. The origin and spread of this use ofs

    merits further historical study.

    Altogether the range of Spanish suffixes and their spread across a number of varieties of

    Quechua is striking, although further comparative work on similar situations involving other

    languages, such as Nahuatl (Karttunen and Lockart 1976; Field 2002) will be needed to be sure of

    this. In any case, these findings tend to support the observations made in section 7 about the

    special separate status of affixes in Quechua.

    8. Conclusions

    This paper has ranged over different Andean territories, from Colombia and Ecuador to

    Argentina, and has explored the psycholinguistic transfer types, needed to be postulated to be

    hypothetically involved in the emergence of two mixed languages and a mixed register with a

    Quechua structure: Media Lengua (Ecuador) and Kallawaya (Bolivia), both relexified varieties

    within the Quechua language family, and bilingual mixed songs in Peru, waynos. The two issues

    that require most attention are (a) the mental status of roots versus affixes in the transfer process;

    (b) the possibility of manipulating lexical access in transfer. The languages and the register share

    a number of structural features, but were found to be sociolinguistically totally different. In

    Media Lengua the lexicon comes from a new language (Spanish), and in Kallawaya from an

    old language (Puquina). Media Lengua is an informal community language, while Kallawaya a

    ritual healing language only used by male adults. In Waynosthere is evidence of relatively

    balanced bilingualism. The mixed language are confronted with the mirror phenomenon of

    Spanish suffixes that occur in Quechua, to help us further understand the processing issues


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    With respect to the mental status of roots versus affixes in the transfer process, we can

    conclude that affixes in Quechua are fairly autonomous, and separate from roots. With respect to

    the possibility of manipulating lexical access in transfer, we can conclude that roots, but not

    affixes, can easily be manipulated. Presumably, affixes carry the grammatical processing load by

    themselves, freeing roots for being transferred, either from an ancestral community language, as

    in the case of Kallawaya, or from a dominant post-colonial language, as in the case of Media

    Lengua. In mixed songs, as well, we see the freedom of manipulation with respect to roots,

    though not affixes.


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    Appendix A : Glosses used

    ABL ablative M masculine

    AC accusative NEG negation

    AF affirmative evidential NML nominalizer

    AL allative NPAS narrative past

    BEN benefactive OB object

    COM comitative, instrumental PAS past

    DEL delimitative PL plural

    DIM diminutive PO possessive

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    EMP emphatic PP past participle

    EU euphonic PRH prohibitive

    F feminine PRG progressive

    FU future PRV provenance

    GEN genitive Q question

    H honorific SUB.DS different subject subordinator

    IGN ignorative SUB.SS same subject subordinator

    IMP imperative TOP topic

    LOC locative TRF transformative