romeo and juliet writing essay

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Page 2: Romeo And Juliet Writing Essay


Page 3: Romeo And Juliet Writing Essay

Introduction – What was life like in 1600's England? (Patriarchal Society) What was in like in the theatre in comparison to today? How important Capulet is in the play – the role that he plays (who he is, what he is like, etc) What did he want for the Capulet family?

Explain your essay (reword the question)

Page 4: Romeo And Juliet Writing Essay

The first time that Capulet appears is in Act 1 sc 1, as the two families – the Montagues and the Capulets are once again fighting on the streets of Verona. What does this scene tell us about Capulet?

Enter CAPULET in his gown, and LADY CAPULET.

Cap. What noise is this? Give me my longsword, ho! Lady Cap. A crutch, a crutch! Why call youfor a sword?Cap. My sword, I say! Old Montague is come, And flourishes his blade in spite of me.

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Here are some questions for you to think about in your response…..

1. Consider the first thing Capulet asks for.

2. How do you imagine he might deliver these lines?

3. What is the effect of Lady Capulet’s response? What does it tell us about her relationship with Capulet?

4. What does Capulet think about Montague? Why does he think that Montague is trying to ‘spite’ him? Why does this make him so angry?

5. Why does Shakespeare introduce Capulet in this manner? Why does he want us to first see him like this? Remember, first impressions are important. Think of some words that would best describe the way Shakespeare wants us to see Capulet in this scene.

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We meet Capulet again in the second scene of act one. Here he is talking to Paris about his daughter Juliet. What does this scene tell us about Capulet? Is it in any way different to what we saw of him in the first scene?

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Shakespeare showed us in Act 1 Scene 1 that Capulet is a hot-headed, violent character who cannot control his anger no matter how old he is. Why do you think he doesn't want County Paris to think this?

Capulet shows that he is concerned about his daughter. He thinks that she is too young to get married. What does this show about his character?

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“And too soon marr'd are those so earlymade.Earth hath swallow'd all my hopes but she”

Again Capulet shows his concern for Juliet. Paris has helpfully pointed out that many young women had already given birth by the time they were Juliet's age, but Capulet is not convinced - he thinks she might come to some harm - he obviously cares about her. What else is being said here?

“My will to her consent is but a part” We need to consider the context here. In

Shakespeare's day it was up to the father who his daughter got married to. She belonged to him. The fact that he suggests that Juliet has a say in the matter - that it is important that she loves her husband-to-be - is quite startling. This really shows us his generous and loving spirit. He really cares about his daughter.

Write about this quote and the impact on audiences.

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At the end of Act 1 (Act 1 Sc 5) there is a big party at the Capulet’s house. Capulet is in a cheerful mood. We see him as the party begins making sure everything is sorted out and catching up with an old friend.

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Introduce this scene and what is happening

What kind of information do we get about Capulet here?

How does he react different to the servants? Why?

How does Shakespeare want us to feel about Capulet at this point? Do you think he wants us to like him?

Think he’s a tough villain? Cheerful?In what ways is he similar to the way he was presented in Scene One and Two?

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Just a little while later (Act 1 Sc 5) trouble breaks out at the party. Look at how Capulet responds to it.

What does Tybalt want to do? Use quotes Who does he remind us of? How is this ironic?

In what way is Capulet’s behaviour consistent with what we have already seen from him?

Are we surprised by his behaviour? If so, why? How would we have expected him to behave and why?

Capulet says: 'Am I the master here, or you?' Why is Capulet furious?

Say in your own words why this scene important?

This is an important scene because it gives us the motivation for the fight that is going to happen later in the play.

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What is happening in this Act? Look at Capulet’s motivations in Act 3 Sc4.

What do you think of the way Capulet behaves? What does it tell us about society in those

times? What does Capulet say about Juliet? What is

opinion of her? Is he right to have this opinion of her, or does

he just not know her? How is it different to today?

This is again a key scene. Capulet is shifting the plot forward, by throwing a massive obstacle in the way of Romeo and Juliet’s love. It is this story-line which drives the story on to the final suicides. If Capulet was different as a character, would the rest of the story happen as it did?

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In Act 3 Scene 5, after having agreed that Paris will marry Juliet on Thursday, Capulet goes, the next morning, to see his daughter. He is convinced Juliet will be delighted that her father has gone to this trouble for. When he discovers that she is unhappy at the marriage he cannot believe it.

He moves quickly, though, from disbelief to total fury. His violence is even more extreme than it had been when he was angered by Tybalt. He calls her many things and threatens to throw her from home and disown her – a very serious threat to a young girl in those days.

You need to look at how Shakespeare has so well set up the character of Capulet by this point that we expect him, or are not surprised, when he behaves in this way.

This scene is vitally important. It forces on the next tragic chain of events. Juliet is forced to go to desperate measures, to avoid the wrath of her father. We see once again that Capulet is key to the development of the story of Romeo and Juliet

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Summarise Act 3 scene 5 What is Capulet like when he first arrives to see

Juliet? How does he respond to Lady Capulet when she

tells Capulet that she said No to the wedding? Why is he so surprised? What does he call her, say to her - if she doesn’t

marry Paris? Shakespeare uses figurative language -can you find any?

How would you imagine them on stage? What are Capulet’s final words to Juliet? Are we surprised by Capulet’s actions? Why not? How is this scene important to the rest of the

play? Does it play a part in the final scene? How would an audience respond to Capulet?

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In this paragraph consider how Capulet's behaviour shapes the play. His enmity with Montague causes the main problems. His refusal to deal with Romeo at the party sets us up later for the fight between Tybalt and Romeo where Tybalt is killed. His hasty arrangement of the marriage forces Juliet to take desperate measures to avoid it, leading to the tragic ending.

Explain in your own words how his behaviour shapes the plot/tragedy.

Explain in your own words how Capulet as a character he often means well, but he is hot-headed and aggressive when crossed.

Consider the historical and social setting. In Shakespeare's day it would have been considered normal that a father chose the husband for his daughter.

Have our feelings about Capulet's behaviour as a father changed because society has changed? Are we harder on him now than Shakespeare's audience would have been?