romanian ministry of european affairs national imi coordinator - ioana gheorghias

IMI IMI National Coordinator in National Coordinator in Romania Romania Ministry of European Affairs Ministry of European Affairs Ioana Gheorghias Ministry of European Affairs Government of Romania

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Page 1: Romanian Ministry of European Affairs National IMI Coordinator - Ioana Gheorghias


National Coordinator in National Coordinator in RomaniaRomania

Ministry of European AffairsMinistry of European Affairs

Ioana GheorghiasMinistry of European AffairsGovernment of Romania

Page 2: Romanian Ministry of European Affairs National IMI Coordinator - Ioana Gheorghias

IMI Mandatory RequirementsIMI Mandatory Requirements::

establishing a National IMIestablishing a National IMI CoordinatorCoordinator (NIMIC) – (NIMIC) – Ministry of European Affairs in RomaniaMinistry of European Affairs in Romania::

- supervises the implementation and the effective - supervises the implementation and the effective functioning of the system for all the legislative areas;functioning of the system for all the legislative areas;

- ensures the relevant CAs registration;- ensures the relevant CAs registration;- provides training and assistance for the CAs;- provides training and assistance for the CAs;

- ensures the connection with other MS and COM.- ensures the connection with other MS and COM.

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identifying CAs – entity competent to carry out certain activities concerning the legislation implementation

- public sector - ministries, professional organizations, other institutions with regulatory attributions for the areas in question

- private sector – where the state has granted a number of competencies for certain activities (for example: independent professional bodies responsible with the oversight of certain regulated professions)

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IMI Optional Requirements

• Appointing a national coordinator of the legislative area (LIMIC), or a national delegated coordinator (DIMIC)

- according to the national administration structure and its competences, NIMIC may perform all the coordination functions or may delegate certain aspects to other national, regional or local bodies;

- DIMIC will be able to perform all the actions for the NIMIC, except for a LIMIC or other DIMICs registration in the system;

• Assigning connected authorities - access in the system to monitor the information requests addressed to the CAs;

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• Romania has opted for establishing the NIMIC, LIMICs and DIMICs for the national IMI system by means of Government Decision no. 931/2010 nominating the Internal Market Information System coordinators and approving the norms and procedures on administrative cooperation through IMI;

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IMI – Professional Qualifications Directive

Memorandum MAEur – MEdCT on the organization and implementation of the IMI System in

Romania (2007)

Ministry of European Affairs (MAEur) – NIMIC - ensures the coherence of the system implementation for all its elements; - coordination role between the institutions involved in the process; - support role;

Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports Legislative (MEdCT), through the National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (Romanian ENIC-NARIC)– DIMIC

- ensures support for the PQ component implementation; - provides, by means of its own budget, the necessary human, logistic and financial


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Professional Qualifications


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NIMIC Specific Activities

1. Activities related to the organization of the system

2. Activities referring to the system management on a national level

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1. Activities related to the organization of the system

c. Personal data protection

IMI notification at the National Authority for Surveillance and Personal Data Protection (art.18 Directive 95/46/EC)

b. Identification of Competent Authorities

NIMIC ensures that all the CAs that need to operate in the system have been identified for registration.

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c. Training the Competent Authorities

NIMIC makes sure that all the CAs participating in the exchange of information are properly trained, as to be able to benefit from all of the system’s functions and to meet its obligations accordingly;

d. Registration in the System

• NIMIC registers DIMIC• NIMIC or DIMIC registers CAs• Self-Registration for CAs – NIMIC/DIMIC may ask CA to self-register

by sending an e-mail with a predefined content and a link to the registration page on the IMI website.

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CAs registration – permanent activity, as the system evolves and extends to new legislative areas or as new CAs appear for a specific area.

e. Assistance for IMI users

NIMIC has the possibility of providing IMI users with a contact point that should be able to offer all the information referring to the system and to its implementation in Romania..

[email protected]

In case NIMIC cannot solve a problem locally, it has to contact the support centre provided by COM.

[email protected]

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f. COM speaker in IMI related matters

- during the initial implementation stage NIMIC has provided information regarding the system quality and the translations included, holding a key role in the evaluation of this pilot project;

- NIMIC ensures the connection with COM during its use as well.

g. Other MS NIMIC interlocutor

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2. Activities referring to the system management on a national level

a. Dissemination of information on IMI nationally- the main information source nationally; - in charge with the dissemination of information regarding the system for all the interested persons and, moreover, for CAs that are to use IMI.

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b. Identification of competent authorities

- NIMIC makes sure that all the CAs that are relevant in the exchange of information with CAs from other MS, in every legislative area, have been identified.

- As IMI becomes more popular, there is the possibility that the CAs would take the initiative of requesting access in the system;

PQ - 4 pilot professions (2006) - 35 profesii (2011) - 15 CAs in Romania - further expansion by including all the regulated professions according to

2005/36/CE Directive.

Services Directive - 47 AC RO

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c. Autentification for the CAs that need access in the system

- there is the high possibility that certain CAs, not registered yet, would find out more on the IMI system and would request access;

- any authority willing to use IMI needs to request registration/or to self-register and afterwards it has to provide a series of information with the view to obtain authentification as a CA;

- NIMIC or DIMIC hold responsibility for authentification of the CAs and of the data provided by the latters (according to the coordination, subordination relation or to the legislative initiative criterion).

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d. Validation and management for the CA data in the system

- regardless the way CA data is introduced in the system, NIMIC/ DIMIC is responsible for validating and confirming the CA registration as a valid IMI user.

Coordinator responsible with the validation - registers/ validates CA in IMI - may manage the general data for the coordinated CA - can reset the Data Local Administrator’s password for the coordinated CA

- CA registration becomes effective only after NIMIC/DIMIC validates the data.

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e. Authorizing a CA access to a specific legislative area

IMI – allows the information exchange between CAs of other MS regarding different regulations in the Internal Market area;

In order to manage information requests on one ore more legislative areas, a new or an already registered CA has to be provided with access to each of these areas. The decision is made by the NIMIC/DIMIC, which makes sure that the CAs registered in the system have access only to those legislative areas that are in their competence.

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f. The system coordinators may act as CAs

NIMIC and DIMIC may realize the same activities as the registered CAs :

- look for a CA in the system;- receive information requests from other CAs; - reply to the information requests submitted by other CAs;

Additionally, they may:- register and authentificate CAs in the system - involve in the information exchange between CAs with the view

to grant the transmission of a satisfactory and timely reply for the information requests in system.

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g. Rejecting an information request

RULE – Only an IMI coordinator is entitled to reject another MS’s information request. In this case, an argued motivation of the refusal will be sent, by using an already translated set of considerations, which will be found in the system and that already has the free text option.

h. Assitance in identifying CAs, if needed As a main interlocutor in the relation with other MS NIMICs, NIMIC may be requested for identification of relevant CAs to be contacted for a certain information enquiry.

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• NIMIC ensures that the response time for the information requests received by the CAs is met

NIMIC makes sure that the received requests are replied by the CA and that this reply is submitted in the established timeframe.

NIMIC monitors the flow of information requests and received and sent by the CAs.

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NIMIC will be granted access to information including:

- the requesting CA;- the MS it belongs to;- the requested CA;- the legislative area relevant for the request;

- the set of questions in the request; - the application stage; - the date of the request;- the timetable proposed for the reply.

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j. Point of contact for IMI helpdesk of CE, in case a certain problem cannot be solved locally

NIMIC establishes a point of national contact meant to provide information to all the CA users in the system.

When NIMIC cannot solve a certain problem locally, it has the possibility to contact the COM’s support centre.

h. Organizing training sessions for the CAs

IMI includes online training facilities. The coordinators may organize training sessions for the CAs.

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j. Interlocutor in relation with COM and other MS

NIMIC – point of connection between COM and NIMIC from other MS. - point of connection in relation with the IMI users from Romania.

NIMIC is to know the CA opinion on the way the system works. According to the information obtained, it sends COM an evaluation of the IMI system quality or of the translations included.

NIMIC holds a key role in evaluating the success of the pilot projects, having the possibility of promoting Romanian best practices.

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IMI Registers in Romania – word format - 33

- 32 national, 1 local*; - 1 general, 32 specific**.

• * The registers director will contain lists for register type identification;

• ** for specific registers the list will indicate the economic

area, the services activity or the professions covered by the registry;

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AutAuthorities registered in horities registered in IMI – RomIMI – Romaaniania

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Thank you for your attention!

[email protected]
