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ROMA “The Eternal City”

Upload: patricialucasesteve

Post on 20-Aug-2015



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“The Eternal City”

Is a unique city: where to go, have the feeling

of entering an ancient history that makes Rome one of the oldest and most majestic cities of Europe.


The city center can be divided into several districts, and

all are worth a visit ... by countless artworks, it is impossible to see everything in one trip. the most important sites of ancient Rome: from the Forum to the Palatine Hill, the pantheon, the Vatican, the coliseum ..etc

The center of Rome: Ancient Roma

the old Coliseum allowed over 50,000 people to enjoy

their favorite shows. Samples of exotic animals, executions of prisoners, reenactments of battles and gladiator fights for years the people accompanied roman.

The Colosseum was used for decades as a store, church, cemetery and even as a castle for the nobility.

The old coliseum

The Sistine Chapel is one of the greatest treasures of

the Vatican, Rome and the world in general. It is known as much for its decor as being the temple

where crown is chosen and the Papas. Worked building the chapel some of the major artists who worked on it are Botticelli, Perugino, Luca and Michelangelo.

The Sistine Chapel

Currently the Coliseum, along with the Vatican, the

biggest tourist attraction in Rome. Every year is visited by 6 million tourists. The July 7, 2007 the Coliseum became one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.

Every Good Friday the Pope presides over the Via Crucis at the Colosseum. It has always been a place very close to the church and this day is reminiscent of the early Christians who died in the sand.

The Coliseum today

It was an elongated enclosure where public games were

held, consisting of chariot races and different shows. During public games also took place equestrian

exhibitions, known as the "Ludus Troianus" mock battles performed by young Roman aristocrats.

The Circus Maximus in Rome

Is one of the architectural masterpieces of the Italian

capital. It is the best preserved building of ancient Rome

In the early seventh century the building was donated to Pope Boniface IV and he transformed it into a church, so that currently presents a perfect condition.


The Pantheon

The catacombs are underground tunnels that were used

as a burial site for centuries. The burials of citizens pagans, Jews and early Christians of Rome

The word catacomb, which comes to mean "next to the quarry", comes from the fact that the first excavations to be used as burial were held on the outskirts of Rome, near the site of a quarry.


The Vatican is a city-state that is located in the heart of

Rome. The Vatican City is world renowned for being the heart of the Catholic Church.

The first thing is to think that it is the smallest state in Europe. Has only 0.44 square kilometers and within its walls live less than 1,000 people.

The vatican

The Port of Rome, which remained active until the fall of

the Roman Empire and subsequently remained in disuse, was opened in 2001, after centuries of neglect.

Although its structure is somewhat reminiscent to the original architecture, today the Port has changed since its function is offered as a leisure and fun.

The Port of Roma