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Roland Smith By: Jacob Sarver

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Roland Smith

By: Jacob Sarver

About Roland Smith

Roland Smith is a zookeeper turned children’s author who has carved a niche for himself both in notification and fiction with such award- winning titles like Sasquatch, Cryiptid Hunters, Elephant run, Tentacles, and Thunder cave. Blending action and adventure with accurate scientific detail. Smith’s fiction has been praised by critics and applauded by young-adult readers. While his nonfiction works are marked by readability and feature detailed insider information told in an accessible manner.


Dylan’s father has always been a little strange. When he joins a Sasquatch-hunting team led by top-bigfoot researcher, Theodore Flagg. The team's mission is to find a Sasquatch and kill it - but Dylan's father is determined. To make matters worse, the team has headed up to Mount St. Helens, an active volcano that could erupt any day. Without Dylan's mother to look out for his father, Dylan feels he has to try to keep him in line.

Cryptid Hunters

• After their parents are lost in an accident, thirteen-year old twins Grace and Marty are whisked away to live with their Uncle Wolfe-an uncle that they didn't even know they had! The intimidating Uncle Wolfe is an anthropologist who has dedicated his life to finding Cryptids, mysterious creatures believed to be long extinct.

Elephant run

The year is 1941, and bombs are being dropped from the night sky, blanking the city of London. When fourteen-year-old nick freestone’s house is demolished, his mother decides the situation in England has grown too unstable. , Nick's mother sends him to live with his father in Burma, hoping he will be safer living on the family's teak plantation.



Cryptid – they appear in myths. But could creatures like krakens and the loch ness monster really exist. That’s Travis Wolfe's obsession, and he’ll travel to the ends of the earth in search for proof. For cousins Marty and Grace, who have lived with the intense scientist ever since Marty's parents mysteriously disappeared, this means adventure And dangerWolfe’s latest quest: to be the first to capture a giant squid alive.

Most of the books that there are.