roi of social media marketing

Návratnost investic do Social Media Marketing Ing. Jaroslav Kalvoda. 12. května 2010

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Page 1: ROI of Social Media Marketing

Návratnost investic doSocial Media

MarketingIng. Jaroslav Kalvoda.

12. května 2010

Page 2: ROI of Social Media Marketing

Zdroje Java One 2009 Oracle Open World 2009 ETL Program at Stanford University Keeping Current in Life Sciences, UC Berkeley Facebook Spring Techtalk, Dave Fetterman, UC Berkeley National Initiative for Technology Mediated Social

Participation, Ben Schneiderman, University of Maryland Social Media Marketing, Lorrie Thomas, UC Berkeley,

Web Marketing Therapy

Page 3: ROI of Social Media Marketing

Zdroje Social Media Marketing, Lorrie Thomas,

UC Berkeley,

MarketingProfs.comMarketing Cosultancy Company

MarketingSherpa.comMarketing Research Company

Mashable.comThe Social Media Guide

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Social Media Marketing

ROI of Branding

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Things happen in sequence.

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Types of non-financial impact

Website Visitors


Visitors to a brick & mortar store

Positive press

Positive WOMNegative press

Negative WOM

Customer complaints

Employment applications


FaceBook friendsBlog comments

Social mention

YouTube views

Twitter followers


Delivered emails

Coupons distributed

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Non-financial impact = potential.

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Establish a baseline

8% YoY Growth

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Baselines illustrate deltas (changes)

Is something happening here?

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Look at Sales Revenue

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Also look at # of transactions

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Also measure net new customers

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Measure transactional precursors

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Measure transactional precursors

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Measure transactional precursors

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Metric Tools Nástroje poskytované providerem

(živá ukázka Urchin) Alexa (živá ukázka) Compete (živá ukázka) Google Analytics

(živá ukázka) WebSiteGrader (živá ukázka) Post Rank Analytics

(mrtvá ukázka) Hoot Suite Omniture

Page 20: ROI of Social Media Marketing

Příklad výpočtu ROI Apple Dealer, 1998 Cold Calls Statistic in Prague 1998

Number of Calls (100 calls) Number of Offers (10 offers) Number of Deals (2 deals) Profit per Deal ($ 4.000) Profit per Call ($ 80) Number of Calls a Day (60 calls) FTE Cost a Month ($ 1200) FTE Cost per Call ($ 1)

Cold Call ROI r = (80-1)/1 = 79 (7900%)

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Příklad výpočtu ROI Prodej ubytování přes internet Internet Sales Statistic in 2002

Number of Visitors (10.000 visitors a week) Number of Requests (40 requests a week) Number of Purchases (4 purchases a week) Profit per Purchase ($ 50) Profit per Visitor ($ 0,02) Cost per SEO Tool ($ 300 a year) Visitors Increase (10%) Cost per Visitor using SEO ($ 0,006)

ROI r = (0,02-0,006)/0,006 = 2,3 (230%)

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Metodika výpočtu SMBG Existuje řada kriterií

Pro porovnání obrazu konkurenčních firem na sociálních médiích Pro porovnání obrazu firmy na sociálních médiích v čase

Zvolili jsme Social Media Brand Goodwill Porovnává počty negativních a pozitivních komentářů za určité

období v určité skupině sociálních médií SMBG = (Pozitivní – Negativní)/Celkem

Page 23: ROI of Social Media Marketing

Porovnání počtu příspěvků

Banka Celkem Pozitivní Negativní Neutrální SMBG

Firma A 875 189 22% 334 38% 352 40% -17%

Firma E 250 29 12% 132 53% 89 36% -41%

Firma C 274 17 6% 85 31% 172 63% -25%

Firma B 223 42 19% 84 38% 97 43% -19%

Firma D 283 43 15% 116 41% 124 44% -26%

Celkem 1905 320 17% 751 39% 834 44% -23%

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Porovnání SMBG






-50% -40% -30% -20% -10% 0%

Firma A

Firma B

Firma C

Firma D

Firma E

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Social Media Marketing

ROI of Selling

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Chat with AT&T Operator

Jaroslav: Hi Mich, I am European coming to SF Bay Area four times a year. Do you sell sim cards with US cell phone number to be ready for my cell phone?Mich: We sell them, however you would want to visit a local store to purchase them as they are not sold online.  Jaroslav: OK, what is the program like? What is the monthly charge? I need phone mostly for incoming calls.

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Chat with AT&T Operator

Mich: Since you do not have a social security number, it would have to be a Prepaid Go Phone account.  Mich: We have two options.  On “Pay As You Go”, you can choose from either the flat rate of $.25 per minute for any call you make or receive for both local and long distance calls.  The other option is the unlimited mobile to mobile service where you are charged $1 fee per day, each day that phone is used for calls, and only $.10 per minute for calls to non-AT&T customers.Mich: The 2nd prepaid option is the “Pick your Plan” is similar to a regular monthly plan but without a contract. It is billed every 30 days from a checking account or credit card.  They range from $29.99/month with 200 anytime minutes and go as high as $69.99/month with 650 anytime minutes, unlimited nights and weekends and unlimited mobile to mobile between AT&T customers.Jaroslav: It is easy, thank you. Is there any activation fee?Mich: For the non-contract accounts there would be no activation charges.Jaroslav: How about the phone number? Is it differnet cell phone prefix if I buy it in San Francisco or in Palo Alto?Mich: It would be the prefix for the area that you purchased it in.  If you want a different area, just call customer care to request it.  Jaroslav: Ok, is there any shop in Palo Alto?Mich: Yes, there are.  I will send you the Store Finder link.  Mich: Please click here to locate stores in your area. Mich: Jaroslav: Thank you, you have been very helpful.

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ROI of Selling Dva přístupy

Provázání CRM a Social Media a výpočet ROI of Selling Sdružení Selling s Branding do Social Media Program a výpočet

ROI celého programu

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Shrnutí Jen 16% firem měří ROI of Social Media Sledujte různá kriteria před a po zavedení Social Media

Program Návštěvnost web stránek Počet transakcí Revenue

Sledujte Social Media Brand Goodwill Porovnávejte s konkurencí Porovnávejte v čase

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Další informaceIng. Jaroslav KalvodaTel: +420 724 300 978 (EU)Tel: 650-319-5328 (US)[email protected]