rohde&schwarz esmc hf reciever datasheet

Compact Receiver ESMC Lightweight – compact – user-friendly: optimized radiomonitoring from 0.5 MHz to 3000 MHz Signal reception – aural monitoring – radiomonitoring – recording 1 Hz frequency resolution Searching and scanning – continuous manual tuning – at any channel spacing – 5 start/stop frequency ranges – spectrum display with a speed of up to 13 GHz/s – within 1000 memory locations Measurement of – frequency occupancy – level and frequency – coverage RF and IF spectrum display

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Rohde&Schwarz ESMC HF Reciever Datasheet

TRANSCRIPT Seite 1 Donnerstag, 2. November 2000 1:41 13

Compact Receiver ESMCLightweight compact user-friendly:optimized radiomonitoring from 0.5 MHz to 3000 MHz Signal reception

Searching and scanning

Measurement of

aural monitoring

continuous manual tuning

frequency occupancy


at any channel spacing

level and frequency


5 start/stop frequency ranges

1 Hz frequency resolution

spectrum display with aspeed of up to 13 GHz/s within 1000 memory locations

coverage RF and IF spectrum display Seite 2 Donnerstag, 2. November 2000 1:41 13

With the Compact Receiver ESMC, a universaland multipurpose receiver for radiomonitoringapplications has beenproduced in a compactsize that was thought notpossible up to now.The new receiver is onlyhalf the size of customary19" multipurpose receivers of 3 height units but itstechnical data are evensuperior to those of suchunits.The most importantfeatures are: custom-specific frequency extensionfrom HF to UHF (see diagram) detection of frequency-agile emis-


sions with analog sweep compact design and low weight

ESMC is a heterodyne receiver with a

ensure high immunity to intermodula-

simple operation via LC display

second IF of 21.4 MHz. In spite of the

tion. The low oscillator reradiation is

wide dynamic range and high

compact design, no compromises have

the result of elaborate filtering. An ad-

overload capacity

been made in the operating concept.

vanced synthesizer concept featuring a

1 Hz frequency resolution

For reducing the total signal load, the

very low phase noise allows switching

low phase noise

tuners are each provided with a track-

times of less than 1 ms. This permits

master/slave operation without a PC

ing preselection filter. High-level mixers

highly efficient scanning and fast status

accurate measurement of signal level

assignment in slave operation.

offset display for channel frequency remote control unit for mobile use AC/DC supply without changing

Compact Receiver ESMC: radiomonitoring from 0.5 MHz to 3000 MHz

the power supply unit

Frequency range

Device view

Basic configuration


20 MHz to650 MHz



20 MHz to 1300 MHz

The operating concept meets all the de-


mands made on a state-of-the-art radiomonitoring receiver, ie all main func-


0.5 MHz to 650 MHz


tions such as type of demodulation,ROHDE & SCHWARZ

bandwidth, etc, can be set directly via


20 MHz to 3000 MHz

labelled keys. A hotkey permits returning to the main menu from any submenu.


Menu control is organized in priority lev-


Compact Receiver ESMC

3000 MHz

1300 MHz

650 MHz

20 MHz

0.5 MHz

never loses sight of what is going on.



0.5 MHz to 3000 MHz

els so that signal processing is not interrupted by menu changes and the user


Configuration 0.5 MHz...1300 MHz on request Seite 3 Donnerstag, 2. November 2000 1:41 13

ESMC is equipped with demodulators

Frequency scan

ly the whole memory can be sorted ac-

for AM, FM, LOG and PULSE modes.

Five start/stop frequency ranges (5

cording to increasing frequency val-

SSB reception for LSB/USB and A1 is

jobs) may be defined and a complete

ues. The content of any memory loca-

optional. The log demodulator allows a

data set allocated to each range. In ad-

tion can be transferred to the receiver

dB-linear level indication over 9 dec-

dition to receiver settings, the following

manually, by using the RCL key, by turn-

ades. Average value or peak weighting

scan parameters may be included in

ing the tuning knob or automatically by

may be selected. The absolute accuracy

the data set:

activating the memory scan.

by taking into account the frequency re-

step width

Analog scan full-speed detection of

sponse of the preselection filter and the

signal threshold (dBV)

bursts and hoppers

tolerances of the log amplifier in the

dwell time (s)

The advantage of analog sweep is the

measurement of the signal level.

hold time (ms) plus the time re-

extremely high speed. This allows detec-

quired for external devices,

tion of burst signals and frequency-agile

if any

transmissions. With the option

of the level display is further improved

ESMC may be equipped with up to 5 IFbandwidths between 500 Hz and

number of scan repetitions

ESMC-AS and an external PC a pro-

8 MHz. Video filters matched to the

signal-controlled continuation

gram under Windows is provided,

bandwidth used and a switchable AFfilter improve the S/N ratio after demodulation.

(on/off) suppression (individual frequenciesor ranges)

which enables panoramic and waterfalldisplays. Start and stop frequency arefreely selectable within any tuner range.Depending on the performance of the

AGC covers a level range of 120 dB,

Memory scan

controlling PC, a scanning speed of up

90 dB of which is used for IF control and

ESMC uses 1000 memory locations,

to 13 GHz/s can be achieved. With

30 dB for an attenuator at the tuner in-

each holding a complete receiver set-

the aid of a printer, measurement re-

put which may be switched in automat-

ting, such as frequency, type of modu-

sults may be documented as a frequen-

ically or manually when strong signals

lation, bandwidth, etc. The content of

cy-versus-time plot.

are received. This attenuator is consid-

the memory can be modified manually

ered in the level display. With manual

or overwritten by results of a scan oper-

Click & listen

gain control (MGC) the IF gain may be

ation. User-definable code names,

For fixed frequency monitoring a spec-

varied by 90 dB. The 30 dB attenuation

group ID and scan enable flags may

trum line can be selected by mouse click

too may be switched in if required.

also be defined for each location. Final-

or by frequency marker.

A tuning indication controlled by thecrystal discriminator simplifies tuning tothe center of the selected IF bandwidth.When signals of unstable frequencyare received, digital AFC may be used

With option ESMC-AS fast hopping frequencies can be detected

for retuning the receiver.

Search facilitiesThe ESMC uses highly advancedsearch routines. Fast synthesizer settling and short level measurement timesguarantee highly effective search operations. The shortest period for scanningis 5 ms with an IF bandwidth of 15 kHz(incl. measurement time for level).

Compact Receiver ESMC

3 Seite 4 Donnerstag, 2. November 2000 1:41 13

Real-time spectrum displaywith EPZ513The external Spectrum DisplayEPZ 513 provides highly versatile display modes. An analog CRT guarantees display in real time.RF mode 650 MHz within 50 msIn this mode the tuner section of ESMCis directly controlled by the EPZ513.The period of the sweep is 50 ms, independent of the span.The spectrum is displayed on the screenwithin the tuner range. A superimposedmarker indicates the frequency towhich the receiver has been tuned.With the aid of the start/stop frequencymarkers entered on the ESMC, the spanmay be expanded within a wide range.The amplitude range covers 80 dB anduses a selectable level line.IF modeIn this mode the signal environment

With VHF-UHF Direction Finder DDF190 and Spectrum Display EPZ513 the Compact Receiver ESMCforms a convenient VHF-UHF monitoring system

around the receive frequency is displayed. The span may be varied continuously or in steps of 7/2/0.2 MHz. Selec-

RS232C/RS422/RS485 for com-

tion of resolution filters is automatic. The

puter operation (option ESMC-R2)

Output for signal > threshold Output for log signal level

zoom capability of the EPZ is very useful

Outputs for antenna control (eg via

in practical applications since details of

Antenna Selector GS 050) with

the signal spectrum can be examined. In

Input for control voltage (MGC)

antenna number and

the double-trace mode, the total span

Output for channel offset

coded frequency information

Others (special function ports)

(7 MHz) and any expanded section thereof may be displayed simultaneously.

21.4 MHz IF output, controlled(50 , BNC) 21.4 MHz IF output, uncontrolled

The advantage of real-time spectrumdisplay is that a quick overview of thereceive range is obtained and unknown signal activities (bursts, frequency hopping) can be detected.

Internal/external control

(50 , BNC) 21.4 MHz connector for externalspectrum display (50 , BNC) Video output, AM/FM/LOG,

OptionsSeveral plug&play options allow theuser to tailor the ESMC to his specialneeds:

DC-coupled (50 , BNC) DC connector for battery supply


Connector for external bidirectional

InterfacesFor system applications ESMC is provided with a number of important interfaces: IEC 625-2 (IEEE 488) for computeroperation (standard)4

Compact Receiver ESMC

reference frequency, 10 MHz (BNC)

for frequency extensionup to 1.3 GHz


for frequency extension

Output for 1st LO (50 , BNC)

from 0.5 MHz to 30 MHz

Output for 2nd LO (50 , BNC)

instead of ESMC-T2 or for

AF balanced, 600

installation in ESMC-FE.

AF unbalanced via AF filter

(Max. IF bandwidth =

4 output for external loudspeaker

30 kHz).

Carrier-operated relay (COR) Seite 5 Donnerstag, 2. November 2000 1:41 13



separate 1/219 unit for

remote control unit (opera-

Diagnostic center included

tor front panel) for control-

The receiver is permanently monitored

1.3 GHz to 3 GHz or

ling ESMC model .02 or

by built-in test (BIT). If deviations from

0.5 MHz to 3 GHz

.03 via serial link espcial-

nominal values are detected, an error

antenna splitter for one

ly for mobile applications

message is output with a code inform-

IF section with special

ing on the type of fault. For detailed in-

3 GHz (only with ESMC-FE)

bandwidth (see ordering

formation, the values of 48 internal test

10 MHz OCXO reference


probes including upper and lower lim-

antenna input, 20 MHz toESMC-OR


frequency extension from


6 5)

(error 0.1 x 10 )ESMC-S3ESMC-SU


its are available on the screen. Any val-

for reception of

All these options can be added to the

ues which are out of range will be high-

LSB/USB and A1

basic version of the ESMC without any

lighted on the display. In a loop test trig-

low-cost panoramic

software reconfiguration; whenever a

gered by the user, the complete signal

adapter using the LCD of

module is changed or added, a recali-

path between the antenna input and the

the receiver

bration process is started automatically

loudspeaker or video output is checked

analog scan function

after power-up.

out. This test is carried out with an inter-

and software for use with

nally generated and modulated test sig-

PC AT486 or PentiumESMC-R1

for remote control via

nal of calibrated frequency.

Designed to meet the standardsUser-friendly maintenance

IEC625-2/IEEE 488ESMC-R2

(instead of ESMC-R2)

The receiver has been designed for sta-

The advanced design, based on plug-in

for remote control via

tionary and mobile use according to

modules guarantees short MTTR. All

RS232, RS422 and

DIN IEC721 recommendations for

modules of the unit may be exchanged

RS485 bus (instead

class-C instruments. Careful shielding

without any recalibration or adjust-

of ESMC-R1)

and filtering of all input and output lines

ments being required.

ensures ultralow spurious emissionsand low EMS.

Remote controlAll receiver functions can be remotecontrolled by a controller via the standard IEC 625-2 (IEEE 488) interface orvia the optional RS232C/RS422/RS485 interface. If no acknowledgements for the settings are required, simplified master-slave operation will bepossible without the use of an additional controller. In this case the ESMC usedas a master (talker) may address up toten slave ESMCs (listeners) and transferthe corresponding setups to the slaves.The transferred setups are stored automatically in the master under the slaveaddresses and may be read out (electronic notebook).

Model .02/.03 of ESMC for remote control orfor detached front panel ESMC-GB, eg for convenient use in carsCompact Receiver ESMC

5 Seite 6 Donnerstag, 2. November 2000 1:41 13




ESMC or ESM 500




ESMC-RAMON access tocomputer-aided radiomonitoringCompact radiomonitoring systemWith its favourable price, ESMC-


RAMON is an ideal compact radiomonitoring software. It is configured tocontrol one ESMC and can be expanded to set additional ESMC andESM500 slave receivers to perform radiomonitoring and radiosurveillancetasks.ESMC-RAMON-Evaluate


The system provides three operating

The ESMC-RAMON-Evaluate option

This option allows the logging of the


permits the recording of signal activi-

master receiver settings.

Static mode: the receiver can be

ties in the overview mode. Such record-

tuned for monitoring Search mode: the receiver scansfrequency ranges and/or a fre-

ings can be evaluated with the scan re-

The settings can be stored in a log file. In

play tool and analyzed in detail with

combination with the Log option or the

the activity analyzer.

Master Slave option, all transfers to slavereceivers are also stored in the log file.

quency list and stops for a definable time at each signal activity

ESMC-RAMON-MasterSlaveThis option allows up to six ESMC receiv-


scans frequency ranges and/or a

ers to be connected to the system via IEC/

This option contains the necessary

frequency list continuously to dis-

IEEE bus. The slave receivers are set and

IEEE488 board for the control PC, the

play the frequency spectrum

enabled automatically. A free slave re-

board driver software, the driver instal-

ceiver will be set to a frequency, which is

lation manual and a 2 m IEEE488 cable

The overview mode

detected by the master receiver running

for connecting the ESMC.

shows active signals with their levels as

in the search mode. The slave receiver

green lines. The duration of the signal

will be enabled for new settings after the

Upgrading possibility

activity is displayed in a waterfall, with

signal is below a selectable threshold for

The close relationship to RAMON

the signal level being indicated in col-

a selectable time. With this option, fre-

makes upgrading to the full RAMON

our. Important parameters can be

quency bands and single frequencies

software very easy. Existing equipment

measured using markers and rulers in

can be monitored automatically.

can still be used. All that remains to be

Overview mode: the receiver

different colours.

done is to install the new software. Asthe operational concept is similar, exist-

ESMC-RAMON: Overview Mode

ing knowledge can be used. All thisshows that ESMC-RAMON is a Rohde&Schwarz product providing easy access to computer-aided radiomonitoring.System requirements IBM-compatible PC minimum 486/DX2-66, 8 MByteRAM min. 10 MB hard disk space colour graphics adapter with min.resolution 1024 x 768 pixels mouse or other pointing device Windows 3.1, Windows 95 orWindows NT


Compact Receiver ESMC Seite 7 Donnerstag, 2. November 2000 1:41 13

SensitivityTotal noise figure (incl. AF section)

SpecificationsFrequency rangeBasic unit (with tuner 1)Tuner 0Tuner 2ESMC-FE (Tuner 3)Frequency settingFrequency errorFrequency agingOscillator phase noisefor tuner 0Synthesizer settling timeAntenna input sOscillator reradiationTuner 0Input selectivityTuner 0ESMC-FE (Tuner 3)Immunity to interference,nonlinearitiesImage frequency rejection , all tunersIF rejection, all tunersIP2Tuner 1, tuner 2ESMC-FE (Tuner 3)Tuner 0IP3Tuner 1Tuner 2, ESMC-FE (Tuner 3)Tuner 0SpuriousTuner 1, tuner 2, ESMC-FETuner 3)Tuner 0

20 MHz to 650 MHz0.5 MHz to 30 MHz (optional)650 MHz to 1300 MHz (optional)1300 MHz to 3000 MHz (optional)1 kHz, 100 Hz, 10 Hz, 1 Hz1.5 x 106(10 C to +55 C)0.1 x 106 (Option ESMC-OR)0.5 x 106 per year110 dBc (10 kHz)138 dBc (10 kHz)1 msN connectors, 50 , VSWR 2.5,overload-protected107 dBm127 dBmtuned filters4 switched bandpass filters3 switched bandpass filters

typ. 110 dB, 90 dBtyp. 110 dB, 90 dBtyp. 50 dBm, 40 dBmtyp. 43 dBm, 35 dBmtyp. 70 dBm, 55 dBmtyp. 12 dBm, 8 dBmtyp. 10 dBm, 6 dBmtyp. 35 dBm, 28 dBm

107 dBm113 dBm

(S+N)/N ratioAM, B=8 kHz, fmod =1 kHz, m=0.520 MHz to 650 MHz (tuner 1),Vin = 107 dBm (1 V)650 MHz to 1300 MHz (tuner 2),Vin = 103.5 dBm (1.5 V)Vin = 47 dBm (1 mV)1300 MHz to 3000 MHz(ESMC-FE, tuner 3)Ue =103.5 dBm (1.5 V)Ue =47 dBm ( 1 mV)FM, B=15 kHz, fmod =1 kHz,deviation 5 kHz20 MHz to 650 MHz (tuner 1),Vin = 107 dBm (1 V)650 MHz to 1300 MHz (tuner 2),Vin = 103.5 dBm (1.5 V)Vin = 47 dBm (1 mV)1300 MHz to 3000 MHz(ESMC-FE, tuner 3)Ue =103.5 dBm (1.5 V)Ue =47 dBm ( 1 mV)USB/LSB, B=2.5 kHz, f=1 kHz20 MHz to 650 MHz (tuner 1),Vin = 117 dBm (0.3 V)Vin = 47 dBm (1 mV)Tuner 0, (S+N)/N ratioLSB/USB, IF bandwidth 500 Hz,f=500 Hz0.5 MHz to 20 MHz, Vin= 0.4 V20 to 30 MHz, Vin= 0.5 VLSB/USB, IF bandwidth 2.5 kHz,f=1 kHz0.5 MHz to 20 MHz, Vin= 0.6 V20 MHz to 30 MHz, Vin= 0.7 VVin =100 V

typ. 10 dB, 13.5 dB(20 MHz to 650 MHz)typ. 11 dB, 14.5 dB(650 MHz to 1300 MHz)typ. 11 dB, 13 dB(1300 MHz to 2000 MHz)typ. 12 dB, 14.5 dB(2000 MHz to 3000 MHz)measurement using telephone filter toCCITT

10 dB10 dB47 dB10 dB47 dB

25 dB25 dB70 dB25 dB70 dB10 dB50 dB

10 dB10 dB10 dB10 dB46 dB

Rear of ESMC; the IEC/IEEEbus can optionally be replaced by RS232 andRS422/RS485 interface


Compact Receiver ESMC Seite 8 Donnerstag, 2. November 2000 1:41 13

AM, IF bandwidth 2.5 kHz,fmod =1 kHz, m=0.50.5 MHz to 20 MHz, Vin= 1 V20 MHz to 30 MHz, Vin= 1.2 VLarge signal behaviour for tuner 0Crossmodulationinterfering signal 2.5 V (+21 dBm),f 30 kHz; m = 0.3; f = 1 kHz,signal level 5 mV (33 dBm)modulation transferBlockinginterf. signal 3.15 V (+ 23 dBm),f 30 kHz,signal level 500 V (53 dBm),m = 0.3, f = 1 kHzsignal attenuationDesensitizationinterf. signal 150 mV (3.5 dBm),f 30 kHz,signal level 15 V (83.5 dBm),bandwidth 2.5 kHzSINADDemodulationSquelchAGC rangeRF attenuatorAGC speed for 90 dB range

10 dB10 dB

CORDecayAttackAFCOffset indicationSignal-level indicationResolutionErrorMemory scan MSCANFrequency scan FSCANAnalog sweep ASCAN (option)Frequency markerSweep timeResolution filterBuilt-in test (BIT)Continuous testLoop test

RFInputs and outputsIF 21.4 MHz, controlled output

10 %

IF 21.4 MHz, uncontrolled output21.4 MHz, wideband outputVideo output, AM/FM/LOG

1 dB

20 dBAM, FM , LOG, PULSE;SSB and CW optionalsignal-controlled, adjustable10 dBV to 80 dBV (max. 110 dBV,120 dBV with tuner 0)90 dB; 1 V to 10 mV makes 4 dB difference in AF level30 dB (40 dB with tuner 0) selectable orsignal-controlledAttack DecayAM/B=15 kHzPulse/B=100 kHzSSB/B=2.5 kHz

Range of MGC (manual gain control)EGC (external gain control)by analog voltage

Real-time display onSpectrum Display EPZ 513 1)IF

90 dB