rodger' · rence chapter, no. 60, o. e....

^ ,- ";K3 .£*-, •'-f^3 •ft '*••« SER5.1928 GOUVERNBUR FREE PRESS i fros iiiess gctory UZELTON DEPEY5TER De Peyster, Oct. 4. —St. Law- rence Chapter, No. 60, O. E. 8., held a stated meeting in Masonic Temple, Wednesday evening Sept. 2f with a good attendance. The Chapter are making great plans for their annual Basaar, supper and play to be held in the Orange hall October *th Everyone is invited to attend. All members are requested to donate some salable article to be sold from the booths. There will he a sale of fancy and useful articles, aprons BIGELOW Bigelow, Oct. 4.—The marriage of Leon* Davis to Howard Laney of Lowville took place at ftt. Peter's Parochial residence Friday morning. Sept. 20. The brtde who'and Kermit entered the is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. [tural school. FINE Fine. Oct. 4 — Mrs. Libbie Kil- bourn and daughter, Keitha, and son, Kermit, and E. V. Dow ling motored to DEKALB JUNCTION DeKalb Junction. Oct. 4. —The HERMON Hermon. Oct. 4 Will Davis had lived here until she! Mrs. W. Z. L. Miller and daugh-1 e <* entered the county clerks office \ itsTt Beulah. of Rensselaer Fails! Mrs. Elmer Rice, Mrs. at Canton and her many home friends extend hearty congratula- tion* for a happy wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Laney will reside in Low- ville. MhM Mar- Larkin Club was very pleasant^' guerite Constance of Potsdam entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Normal, spent the week end at the Canton last Tuesday ; Frank Hayes Monday evening and home of Mr. and Mrs. George N. * .w xgricul- ; the birthdays of Mrs. Irving Hayes Riley and Douglas Hayes were celebrat-- Mias Kathleen McCarthy of Can- jton was a called In town Sunday William jUlRht. SEVERANCE * FULLER 1TFU1MSHINGS b were guests of S. C Gren Friday. Sunday visitors at C A Rogers were Mr and Mrs. H. A. Perry of M QtAH. K»M. A f v . * M , Russell. Mr. and Mrs. William «u* r . , . ^ Th. enter-, t J u ^ T ^ ^ M r V **££ i %%» .S ^ T l T ' ^ ^ Fields of Gourerwnr were rtakor. £!**«*n»ur J. Wood". Friday. Mr.. 8torle | U0Uveroeur "SON ft CO. of AD Kindt 248-J fEVANT, M.D. EUBKCB INK 5 JULY 8 and SI EMBER 4 tainment will be extra good as they are to have two short plays. I also vocal and instrumental music and Da Peyster also has extra good suppers therefore those that do not attend will miss a great treat. The Community Circle of De- ] Peyster Methodist Episcopal church held its annual harvest service in the church Sunday September 30th with a large at- tendance. There was special music. The church was decorated with flowers and vegetables. On Mon- day evening they served a chick- en pie and roast chicken supper which was followed by a vegetable sale. Five auto loads motored from her to Osbornvllle Wednesday evening. September 24, to attend a surprise birthday party given Mrs, JC. Burr Hurl hurt. There were about 7 6 of her neighbors and friends from Gouverneur, Richville. De Peyster. and Water- town present. It was a complete surprise as the family were pre- paring to attend the movies at Gouverneur when the company ar- rived. The evening was spent in playing after which Lillian Todd from this place, the drawing in- tructor In the Gouverneur schools, who is a cousin of Mrs. Hurlburt, presented Mrs. Hurlburt in be-1 half of those present, a purse of J money, table linen, silverware Whitney of last; Miles, Mrs. Seymour Lobdell and Miss Francis Lobdell were at Mor- ristown. Thursday to attend the County Association of the Wom- an's Relief Corp. Mrs. Rice was the delegate of the George A. Rich W R. C. No. 119 J. Carpenter r i n d BONDS 31 at was Miss Inet Fields of Gouver- neur and was married at Water- town Sept. 17th. . „ , William Parker U palatini his farm house at Keats Corners, oc- cupied by Mr. Gotugs. Mr. and Mrs. S. Mils entertained Mr. aad Mrs. James Putman of Elm Groove, Sunday. Richard Morrows has had bis farm ohuse pa in tad, Mr. Ford Smith and Irving Johnson of RJcb- vllle were the artiata. The remains of Frank Comstock who died at the County house at Canton were brought to the West Hermon church Friday, Sept. 21st by Undertaker V. Green of Ker- mon. The services in charge of his former pastor, Rev. Rose the floral offerings were many and the church was well filled by his former friends and neighbors. Mr. Comstock lived with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Leonard until they moved to Greenwich. Conn, and for the past year and a half made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Planty who done everything possible for his comfort. About two weeks ago he left for the home of Glenn Hall but on account of his feeble con- dition it was thought best to take him to the county home where he a j died Thursday, just one week after china and glassware which was! he became an inmate Mr. Com- pleaaantly received with manyj 8tock w * 8 * <* uie * * nd reserved thanks from Mrs. Hurlburt. man and although his age is not Mrs. Hurlburt was formerly' ^ na l? was ** u *J* d to . **? "I,** 11 Miss Ruth Todd of this place. i 80 ** e w * 8 £ ur ^t? n at Maple Uew Mrs. Leon Kirby accompanied | <*metery ait Rich villa by Mrs. L. T. Beatty motored to County Clerk W. W. Haile and Several of the local young people enjoyed a Weiner roast at Porta Ferry Lake last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colton of Earlsvilie and Sidney Colton of Oswegatchle were callers at Thomas Willis' last Wednesday afternoon and Mrs. Nancy Muir ac- companied them on a trip to Ogdensburg, Gouverneur and sev- eral other places. Mr. and Mrs. John Forney were week end visitors at Myron Putney's at Lisbon. Mortlner Sullivan and son, Mortiner, Jr., in company with Father Maguire of Edwards enjoy- ed a pleasant trip to Montreal last week. M. and Mrs, Harry Foeney and son, Howard of Oswegatchle were supper guests at Thomas Willis last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Cardiff and Mrs. A.M . Barber enjoyed a picnic supper at Mr. and Mrs Thomas Wlilis last Wednesday evening and had a social game of 500. Mrs. Hannah Clintsman of Jones' Corners and her daughter, Mrs. Lydia Jacott of Boston. Mass., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Silsby a part of last week. Mr. and Mrs I. H. Ward motor- ed to Barnes Corners last Thurs- day and visited their son. Austin Miss Marion O'Neil is working in Waiertown. Mrs. S Edison left Tuesday morning tor Brooklyn where she will visit her daughter and bro- ther The annual Teachers' Confer- There was a good attendance |* Q ^_ wl8 _*f! d l n Po . t8d »» Thurs- at "the" W o m a n ' s ° C h r i s u V n ~ l w I £** *? d ™day 'School was closed JHUsh perance Union Convention, af rier-j mon Thursday, from Che local; union. " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thornhill and Mrs Anna Haven were guests of friends at Gouverneur, Wednes- day Mrs. William Alkerton passed Wednesday at Ogdensburg. J. L. Tremiett was at Gouver- neur part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Wain- wright and little daughter of Bos- ton, Mass., were guests of Mr. WaJnwright's brother and wife, Mr and Mrs. Spencer Watnwrlght during the past week. Mrs. J. L. Skinner of Gouver- neur was the guest of Mrs. Geo. A. Sheldon. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Streeter and their guest William Streeter of Mexico, Mrs. Anna Walker and Jamas Alverson enjoyed an auto- mobile trip to Tupper Lake Sun- d * T - On Thursday the marriage of Mrs. Elixa Sayer of this village and John Tripp of Richville oc- curred at Gouverneur. Rev. Man- ard Beach, pastor of the Me- thodist Church officiated. Mrs. Fred Bockus of Rensselaer Falls visited her uncle, 1. W. Sayer Sunday. Claude Keene has moved his Ward.-and family and on their \ "family from the Grhnshaw house return trip there was such a fall; to the Louck's house in Caroline M k Power Co. Hosne Company >WKB-HKAT xhandbe and of Jobbing . Ctiurcb 8C EV1LLE Xrt. 4. — Miss oom of Potsdam nd with her moth- Hogeboom. ricks ef New York his mother, Mrs. William Jenne, >uglae Hendricks r nfbnntatns and nds at Saranac Clarenee Bean of id daughter, Ma- i Mr. and Mrs. leoaday evening, arge crowd at the t Pascoes Friday I be another dance ober I t to which ited. L*amonda of Ro- i spending a tew sister, Mrs. M. Henry Hartley, ra. M. Sheen and >ada called on Mr. i Hartley and Mr. McLear of Hailes- sraeom. . Ralph Blgarel sailers la Jenne- Clarence Mooree r .and Mrs. Levi rrisTiUe, Mr. aaSsJ oore of SherrilL bad Mrs. Herbert avameur. will be closed ridav on account lference at Pota- Slbley and 4. —There were gathered at the Harton Monday nd reminded him J hday. The even- ts playing games which refreab- red. He received its aod a purse seats departed at tmg M&Um many birthday. Harvey went to al last Tuesday atlom. lagram gave a for Miss Addie ednesday as she) rried In the near of snow that they saw it plainly in the road. There was such a snow storm at Star Lake on Thursday that people who came from there say that it even froie on the wind- shields on Sept. 28. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Sedge Demmons and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson French attended of Gouverneur of Mr .and Paul A. Conroy and son, Junior called on the former's grandfath- er, J. A. Ames of California road Saturday. Mrs. Wallace Rock and two children, Marjorie and Wallace, Jr., who have been spending sev- wrat weeks with, the formers mother, Mrs. John Holland and family have~ returned to their home at Sea Cliff, Long Island. Miss Lillian Todd teacher in Drawing at Gouverneur and Miss Julia Jackson a student of G. H. S spent the week end with their pa- rents ln town. . Miss Alice Kinney left Wed- nesday to resume her studies at 8L Lawrence university. Mr. and Mrs. Uriel Walwrath were guests Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Harton Jackson's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roonds and Mrs. Frank Hutchins motor- ed to Great Bend Sunday and spent the day with the formers, mother, Mrs. Mary Rounds and sister, Mrs. Krnie Mills and fam- ily. Harold Wilson and Marie Hut- chins have recoTered from their recent illness. Warren Thornton is quite ill again. Mrs, Thornton's sister from Richville is spending some time with them during Mr. Thorn- ton's illness, Mrs. Thomas Smithers and daughter, Miss Katherlne were recent guests of the formers sis- ter, Mrs. Marvin Holt of Gouver- neur. Mr. and Mrs. Horace G. Hurl- but and Mrs. Hattle Hurlburt of street. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brayton and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Davis of Edwards were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Rice Sunday. F. D. Mattlson of Glen's Falls is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Woods. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Woods accompanied by Mr. Mattl- son will leave for Rochester to visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bolce. Mr. and Mrs. Emma Hyland pas- sed Saturday at Malone. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kenttield and son. Charles Kent field pass- ed Sunday at Casenovia. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rugar and daughters, Pauline and He hen, Mr .and Mrs. James McLane and Dowling children. Phyllis and Harold of of W r olcott. j pnd four DOT* of Elmer Falls were Ormstown, Quebec and Mr. and A large number of Bigelowites i^ uesU a t K v Dowlings' the week Mrs. Fred Tnurston of Plum attended the Masonic fair at Rich-I end and t1lelr infant *°n, Elmer, Brook, N. T., were Sunday guests Watertown Friday. Miss Mildred i w 4 i,e K w " e ^IL^V ' u^T* °i Kirby and Howard Beatty who i } is ^ h e r : Melyln H " Haile and are attending Business School in I Ia 1J y ^ un<lav - _ . Watertown returned home with j f Mr. and Mrs. D«n Poor and them to spend the week end. ' f m , V f ? e £ er / ree , k ', Mr l T and , Miss Althea Chambers of the ! ^ Trs ForeBt * £>od Md famiyi of West Road was a week end gnest | f 0UT «™ e « « w "^» of ^ Mr of Miss Jennie Beatty. .| aod * "• ArthnrDeran!Sunday. . h Carniral at Hermon last Fri . Mrs. Orwin Mason and June G. Mrs. Helen W oods who has been 1 , , _ Conroy called on Mrs. Kmery«^«*"" ^ da ^ters. Mrs. Ed <*mlther« Thursdav ^ ali ancf M r s D o n Poor of Beaver Sm MrTIS'Tffif-aiid Madeline i ^ k has returnod to spend the called on Mrs. Amber Conroy F r l - j £ ^ d -^- Mr. and Mrs. George Hampton* Mr « a n d M r * 01iver O'Brien I day au4 Friday night ,.Mr. and Mrs. Milton Briggs were in Ogdensburg last Saturday to visit their son. Emmett, who is in the Hepburn hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Briggs at- tended the dance at South "Z. P :i7± St , e .f^! i W ^ r rr nd ^ r r ^ ^ O ^ B r ^ I. _ »r. and Mr» : Vincent Dc ville Thursday and Friday. Ralph Williard is building a new garage. Mr. Dexter has started his new building at JGUcavtUa on .Depot stret and will move his feed bus- iness, there as soon as completed. Mr. and Mrs. John Simons and son, Amaaa, Bffrs. Charles Fialda and Miss Retha Thomson vlatted Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomson at DeKalb Junction Sunday. Vincent, was baptised at the M.^of Mr,, and Mrs. Fred Tupper. E. church on Sunday afternoon., Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gibbons with only the Immediate family j passed Sunday at Redwood. present. Then they all attended! Mrs. J. B. Cass and Mrs. John church at South Edwards and Rainey of Ogdensburg were call- Ustened to Rev. Bradshaw of ing on friends in town Monday. Edwards. "Mrs. Laurel Warnef of Lisbon The meetings will still continue passed Tuesday with her parenU, Bigelow, Oct. 4. —Mr. and Mrs. James Newvine announce the mar- riage of their son, Allen Newvine, to Dorothy Hewitt of De Kalb Junction, Wednesday, Sept. 26, by Rev. MP Beach at tne M. E. Parsonage at Gouverneur. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hall, slater and brother- in-law of the bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Planty were fn Hermon Friday. Many from Bigelow attended the carnival at Hermon Friday and Saturday and report a good time. Mrs. Clara Mitefcal of Gouver- neur is the gest of her niece, Miss Josephine Johnson. Mr and Mrs. Francis J. Wood for another week at Oswegatchle under the supervision of Rev. M. R. French. .. Charles Mon troy of Fine and Elmer Simmons of Oswegatchle have traded Cheese factories and have moved to their respective dwelling places. Morris Titus and son, Kenneth, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Titus motored to Carthage last Sunday and Mrs. Harris Titus accom- panied them home after nearly a week's stay at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cronks in Carthage. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Briggs motored to Ogdensburg on Sunday and their son, Emmett Briggs, ac- companied them to his house at South Edwards. His many friends will be ploasad to learn of his speedy recovery at the Hepburn hospital. Mas. Ruth Kerr commenced her Mr. and Mrs. William Alkerton Judd Kin he of Hermon was in town Tuesday. Mr. Klnne's num- erous friends were vary glad to see him and know ha is improving from his serious illness, J Mrs. Bmma Murphy of Gouver- NATURAL DAM Natural Dam, Oct. 4. —Mrs. Edward Sloat entertained Mrs* Warren Hubbard of Philadelphia Sunday. The Methodist Church wiH hold a chicken pie supper Thurs- day evening from 5 until kil are served. * • *• Mr. an Mrs. David Pre mo oall- ed on Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Prwmo of the Johnstown road, Sunday* Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bean and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bean spant Sunday visiting Potsdam. Norfolk and Ogdensburg Mrs. Orahsm and Mrs. Morgan of Gouverneur called oa Jlrs. James Soott and flatted tne old Gouverneur Morris Jfaasioa last William Shaw of North Gouver- emeur called m his graadamo Mrs. Orvtlia nVsttn. BUndaj. Mr. and Mm, James Scott cailars in Watartown Monday^. - Mr. and M m Clarence iaV»» spent Thursday at Oswegatchte «*l Hermon two days. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ware of rnionvilk* were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Atterson Friday. Billy Ryan of Lyon spent a few days in town last week. -~— Miss Ilene Steele of Heuvelton was a caller in town Saturday night. < Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Balmat are moving from the Scrtpter house ln Main street into Mrs. Rev. Rodds' house, formerly Mrs. Bartlett, on Church street. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Phelps at- tended the funeral of their uncle In Potsdam Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. William Maraton of IIion spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Atterson. Richmond J. Fairbanks, 69, prominent merchant of this vil- lage, died Sunday on a train while en route to Buffalo, where he was going to consult a throat specialist. Mr. Fairbanks left here about 2 o'clock Sunday morning accom- panied by his wife and his son, Worth. Mr. Fairbanks was horn in Hermon October 22. 1858, a son of Jay and Harriet Fairbanks. He had lived here all his life and was a member of the local Masonic lodge. He was a member of the firm of Fairbanks and Hitchcock, whic^ conducts a general store, as North Russell, Oct 4. — Mfaw well as a member of the firm of ! Mahle Rubado of tna town Llnaj Fairbanks and Son, local coal and > road and Jay LaLone of North feed dealers. Russell were united la marriage He is survived by his widow! Ust Saturday evening by Aev. snd five children, Milton and j Morrow of Canton after a Plief Worth of Hermon. Dr. Howard ! wedding trip they will reside in Fairbanks of Tonawanda, Miss j Canton. .. . h Helen Fairbanks and Mrs. Harriet | Mrs. L. L. Clark, end Mrs. C. Ik Richardson of Yonkers. ,| Tiel called on Mrs. M. Morrow* Funeral services were held Mrs. Garcia Morrow and Mrs. W. from the home Wednesday at 2 in i Poole last Saturday, charge of the local Masonic lodge. t Archie Read had a bad spall Interment was made at Hermon < with his heart last Friday evening, cemetery. I Dr. William's of Canton attended Mr. Fairbanks was a prominent TTsffsabsro, Oct. 4 Mrs, P. a Man* and called on Mr* arm Thursday. Mr. nfang pastor of tais psaosy JsTlas Ira Price, Mowat. Mrs. B. F, Frank J Mr% Claude Twttla psckle Miss LacUst ftrwwdr at Thursday. „_ Mr. and Mrs, and daughter MarJaH* auroral Tuttta pnaantid nor ^^LS^ *issi*3* Mr. and Mrs. James Mcpher- son and daughter, Beatrice, and Karl Syndor spant Sunday in Wat- ertown. Mr. and Mm. Henry Goaaman vi- sited their daughter, Mrs. Caarlee Matteysoa, Sunday. Mrs. Sylvester Seeber la vary ill at her home here. Mrs, Fred Pratt entertained Sunday har brother, Mr. Henry Aldrich. and family from Oxbow and Mr. and Mrs. George Pilar from Antwerp. ~ Mrs, Fred Hilts la improving after falling and breaking nor shoulder. Lawrence Beaman called on his father, A. O. Beaaan of the Gravel road, Wednesdsy. Ralph Love and Miss Welthaa Shaw were business callers in Watertown Saturday night NORTH RUSSELL citizen of this village sard helped very much in aiding the progress of the community. He will be missed by all his friends and fel- low citisens. Mr. and Mrs. William Scripter have returned to their home after and Mrs, & Mass Doria haying spent the summer in Trout j week's rainy days. him. ^ Mr. Branard Clark eaaled on Mrs. L. L. Clark recently. .Mr. and Mrs. Dewey motored to Watertown and Capo VTnoent for a vacation. We are'having a few days of j Mra. Clauds Tuttla pleasant .weather after Jaat Freida. Marian and Mrs, B. T. har saotHer, of Macomb at operation. WUtard Kenneth and 8uuday la called on has Mr. and Mra. Ctetan their daughter, Mrn> 8 . F. Mr. anoLMra. and daughtW JUtnarlnaaf land called on Mr. aad M Johnson and MrV and 1 Manning Sunday Clinton Downing waa a Mrs. B. F. PuJfer Mrs. Arthur daughters of spent Sunday with mother, Mra. Lncy PuCar The sum of $11 waa the Calf Club paslro Spilmaa's ball on evaning. ^aVaran played and nftnea wo: to: Mra. W. W« Jonssjy Mra. ariiag. Una %caalr and n t r v fVsid X ^ i f k " Frwdertc spent I r s t W at sjidalanidawatKorth of Mra75uln\ 1 B. F. FnJhnn F. U «. - spent Mr. and of J. 1L SmilHe. Mra.Tr Lake Mr. and Mra. George Robinson and family of Canton spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Reed. Misses Irene Atterson and Esther Edison of Potsdam Normal spent the week end at their homes here. • «• - Mestm. Lowell nfcKee and Elmer Gardiner of darkaan Tech spent the weak and at lhatr homos here. Miss Mabel Cousins ot Potsdam spent the weak and at the home of Many of the farmers hare fill* ed their silos and a very - I to Watartown Sunday crop of c o m at reportnd. „ ; A J J Rally, day waa bald at Union Church lundsy. Sanoar 8chool waa held in the morning and lunch at noon with a gram from the young foika talk on raligioua education by Brotheraton of Canton, ... Tna U A. a moats WU1 PooU Wedneaday^Out t. n ? »asa4a and family spent the week and f^* 1 *** 1 Browns Fallsilast Mon with Mr. and Mrs. William Jonas !jjr. Oct 1. she wfll inlah Mrs of Waddina*ton. * Elmer Simmon s school who has Mr. and Mrs. H. Golpin of Co- penhagen spent Saturday and Sun- day at the home of E. E. Mack and family. resigned. Mrs. Charles Sykea Is quite ill at her home at Jonas Comers. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Jonas ware callers at Charles 8ykes at Jones oui ana mrs. name norioun.ox ; *£* J£"2>tha h ^ ^ of 'h er i Corners after the Sunday school at ^ j S S n ^ ^uve^u?° m e '"iBcotU Bridge, which is ^111 hold.- ^ ^Saturday at Mr.and Mrs.! ^t> Harton Jackson a. -W.—Bishop ^ n aT its own apant the week end with Mrs. t M !lrelT o n t h e t * rt ~ iax."Md Mra*"nVlgar Todd aad g ^ J ' 1 ^^^ M " E <**} °J I ' Watertown. and were guesu of Mra. H. Wlnslow, also of Water- town. Mrs. Floyd Hance and daught- er, Grace, spent the week end son anont Sunday with their daughter, M m K. Burr Hurlbut and family of OaboravUle. Ray Lown has purchased a new auto. Mr. and Mra Hoary Parry of Ogdensburg were week and guests of Mr. and Mra. Charles Morris, Mr. Parry ramalnc want duck bra ting Mrs. Joan Ooodiaoa and daugh- ter. Miss Gladys of Ogdensburg wore guests Friday* of the former's daughter. Mrs. Jasae Lyls NORTH THERESA North Theresa, Oct. 4.— Miss Ferris Trogfer, who has been visiting in Watertown for near vigitog her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Synder, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Van De- linder were at Do Grasses part of the weak. The officers of Delkan Rebekah Lodge No. 571 will be installed by the District Deputy President, Mrs. Elixa Thompson of Ed war da at the regular meeting of the Lodge Friday evening. Mra. Carrie Johnson paaaed Sunday with her son, Lewis Price at Norwood. Oar community was quite ex- cited Sunday morning whan the report was circulated that "Chick" Clotolt, an Italian who has been employed by the N. T. C. hare for about 10 years, had been found in the Railroad yards back of the cattle yard, ln an un- conscious condition and from a bruise on his head It Was first be- lieved he had been a victim ,of foul plan: Ho nds always been a sober in- duatrtoftu man ajfd when Eg did us—man not appear foFwork, B E. Jones the Station Agant, Ernest Synder aad Ernest Frisco went in search of him. Ha waa in the habit of crossing the yards to his home and was found by the path. Dr. at Gouvwrnrur Mra. John Simmons entertained bar a n t Mra. E. S. Pringo and son, Robert, ot Gouverneur Thurs- day. Mr. and -Mra, Glen Hall and ebOdron of Hants Comers visited bar aunt. Mm Fred Stevens Sun- family. j**y- Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Dew man and' Mr « mmd **+> ••** Mix and family wVre supper guests Thurs- J •°*i *••*• •* Ogdensburg visited day of Mr. and M m 8. J. Field- i ** £ Laonarrs Sunday son. . b l m X. Cmbb apant the weak Mrs. Harold Fieldaoa of Hlckon # *i at *•* bo «»* *• Spraguevllle. spant Friday with Mm Noah M 1%m Bew " * « *• a r v open as i Sswyer She i Pariah. *** *• Prod RabcocTs and work T useful article* ; Mm Jamas Wltaerel] recaived ^Pros^aaalng fast, sre: Mm Law-j word Friday morning that her _ * r - *»<* Mm Oakiay G!v Mm Eugene father. Mr. Silas Boat ot Heuvel- ^^^ te Hermon Satardar: the (Detmadge of Hermon was called .* « ber noma aere. a coascions condition and did not The farmers of this section are dlagnoae the cause of his condlt- buty digging their potatoes. The crop reports are fine. | her sister. Mm. V. A. Green. Miss Geneva Reynolds of Syra- cuse is visiting at tno home of bar mother, Mm. William Fletcher. . The Penny Club of the Baptist church will serve a Moat Pie supper, Monday October 10. in Library from 5 o'clock until all am served. Everybody welcome. The Carnival which .waa bold Thursday and Friday waa. Tory attended and waa enjoyed by a l t The proceeds warn approitmataly SOMERVULE Somarwllla, Oct. 4.—Mr. and Mrs. a A. Barker spent fan weak end la ErtevUla, N T., no roast* of Mr. and Mra. D. H. Barker. They ware aeoompanied by Mr. and Mm Boy Collins of Bad- wood. Mr. and Mm W. H. Barker i pant Tuesday In Watartown. Mr. aad Mrs. Carlton Kinney of Watertown spent the week end W4UHMT. and Mm Harley Bennett. Mr. and Mra. PI inner French of Mexico am upending a few days with Mr. and Mm K. A Rogers. - . M m Cmlllgaa and M m C. A. Barker spent Wadneaday with Mrs. Fred Palllngton of Antwerp. try. Miss Alice Leery of Potsdam wan home over the pas* week end attending the annual basaar at ion. The thought of foul play was dropped when his money was Miss Ruth Furgemon and Tn4 found In his pocket. He was taken McNeal were visitors st Hammond j to the Hepburn Hospital and at .*- ^ ^^ report bad not regained cenaeiows. It is tne opinion af the physicians there that be suffered an attack of indigestion aad fell. striking s stone and sustained a slight concaasion. Simile- Bigamist. As scarce as a Scotch wiitw rial of s. L. r£» auajie fie trip with the footbatal which played at Saturday. f •._.._ ^ Mrs. Oarda Morrow borne from bar operation ad IMDJdiettJa at the Hepburn pital at Ogdensburg. Mr. and Mm Charles Ostrander visited realtives la Harmon a tew days of last weak. ^ , Mm. Robert Clark motored to Richville Saturdaj to make a •ML ; WEST P0WLER 4. v: S". Oct of our people bare been 111 with bard colda tor a week or so. Ails* jame r kuen filled and thrashing nae Men dona also digging potatoes Is going on, some farmers hare found their potatoes to be rotting. Mm. F. Donne baa been visiting mhtrfvee ln Geneva. Some of oar people attended tna party at •pilman's Hall Friday night. Others attended tne football game Saturday at Oouverneur. R. Turner and C. Paynes ware Thursday night eallere at A. Paynes'. Mr. Humor's people also warn Friday night callers at Walter Clarka. No cine has been found yet to the thieves that entered some houses on our road recently. . A. Payne was a recent caller at I Little York; Mm MexeeUles day with North Gouverneur ^DEKALB ^aMCnlbT Oct ^ an* thraaaJn* w hhe the Grange Hall for tfce vary good* readings and mneioal that were rmrt mneb all, and all want away that Old Dekalb waa atlM en Mrs. Cera Everett children ere Mm Eugene \ father. Mr. Silas Beat ot Heuvel-; ton had suffered a stroke and did Wmiam Weld on while driving north of Main street in Redwood jwtth his Ford truck collided with |s truck owned and operated by Raymond Spaldsberry. Monday evening. Benry Van Teasel was (riding tn tne Weldon ear. Both Mr Weldon and Mr Tan Tasse! and Wash- Huttoa, Mm Waln- Mre. witb ^mlnor Cnnrke Morris Ton can fool all of tne people} S S T ^ w ^ me of the Ume. but yen can fool 7,22 S^ 7 yowraelf all of the not recognise any Mr and Mm and daughter dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and ' —• ——^»^_ IMm Harold ^eldson. .family and Mr. Hayes son from Mm. George CLeary and son. Watertown. Mrs. William Harris Douglas anlled on Mm U F. Beat- 1^4 ftve children also Mm Hayes Mildred Hey and nd Marlon Fin- •a, Fred Borton 1 Mr. and M m I family. Carl Williams spent ait Laks with i [>eom Raven and] ^y with Mr and \ Mm rv* sttagi a«ar De . Harmon dam bake sapper hi thU v.rintr] Eari Barlletta of Boston spent ithe week %md with Mr aad Mm dneed to a Spaldsberry waa iured. Mm <G Simnx entertateed Mr cats and track la riding was re- Mr min- is and right has E.Tved , C. K. GlfTln. farx Claud Hti taic'ly a&d ty Batnrday. * t two sssters aad their famines j Mr. and Mm Ralph Stacy aad Ruby Howie who was a Mm Amias U still la Hep- ebOdrem Tnalma. Fern and ef friends \M Pocadam last burn Hospital bet Is reported Medline of DeKalb Junction. SBC- retnmod home Friday. ; gaining. day. Mm W. B. FVetnam was a Cedl AJlin w*n: to Hepburn Mr. and Mrs WaHer Harrtf caXWr in Ogdensbnrg Trid^y Hospital Saturday whom ike is warn called to the city boapttal it Mm. Burden Thornton and suits IXL .Watertown upon the fibies* of Whitferd motored to Gardens in this locality are yet tbefr daaghter. Mrs. Laam Maioy Friday to attend the quite green and are yet furniahtng early Monday morning green esjcnsbem for tabes use WTXliam Weldon has j There was • heavy haTi atorm plated a l t v concrete floor which mated twenty minutes hem his i September Kth and to i Mr and Mra George Hayes en- storm of short duration and Mm tertained for dinner t^venty-frm Sunday Sftn. Farmeri ham noar!y finish- Among team ad filling their sOos and report Joha King and, the beet crop of e o n for Mm COOPER'S FALLS Coopers Falls, OcL 4. Potato digging appears 4e-e< order of the day. Katherlne LaVlgne and Mm Er^rett McHeffey attended Teach- ers Conference la Potadam on Thursday and Friday Mm Truman Crary ia apenaing som« Umt hi Henvelton wiih aer 1 nurse Mm. Raay. Dorothy Goings of Old De Kalb WSJ a repeat roost of Keanor Bige- low Mr*. Georga McHeffey attended th? faneml of her uieot Mm - ,' Cir.iaac of Pyrites on Friday t Prlc* te bar amarriaxe Mra Cast- { anao was Tors Gotkam 4 George and Douglas Cross st-t tended the aara:n. ia Henaon last week. , { Charles Bigelow spent Monday ! IM G-oarvernenr j Mm Sarah Smith of Har.asboro'' ; and Mrs De:_Wgynn ol HexmoAi *w#re "Friday guests at Gecrg* Mc-Jj Heffer'a of Cartnago and Mr and Csmton J. Simmons of Theresa ,' Ray Johnson of ^edensburg; at tbetr farm en tne was a recast r***t a: Homer \ i Croas^a f RODGER'S Rerigofieh * ' •• Tim is a mooU wkkn wiB sane large baps, grving a slender fine Sacs 36 ID 50 Price *XSw &?• A rack of *_***«+ ^r* Arxckoi M txsa •ij; SS.aiSii -.^t- 451

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Page 1: RODGER' · rence Chapter, No. 60, O. E. 8., held a stated meeting in Masonic Temple, Wednesday evening Sept. 2f with a good attendance

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' * • • «


i fros iiiess gctory UZELTON

DEPEY5TER De Peyster, Oct. 4. —St. Law­

rence Chapter, No. 60, O. E. 8., held a stated meeting in Masonic Temple, Wednesday evening Sept. 2f with a good attendance. The Chapter are making great plans for their annual Basaar, supper and play to be held in the Orange hall October *th Everyone is invited to attend. All members are requested to donate some salable article to be sold from the booths. There will he a sale of fancy and useful articles, aprons

BIGELOW Bigelow, Oct. 4.—The marriage

of Leon* Davis to Howard Laney of Lowville took place at ftt. Peter's Parochial residence Friday morning. Sept. 20. The brtde who'and Kermit entered the is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. [tural school.

FINE Fine. Oct. 4 — Mrs. Libbie Kil-

bourn and daughter, Keitha, and son, Kermit, and E. V. Dow ling motored to

DEKALB JUNCTION DeKalb Junction. Oct. 4. —The

HERMON Hermon. Oct. 4

Will Davis had lived here until s h e ! Mrs. W. Z. L. Miller and daugh-1 e<* entered the county c l erks office \itsTt Beulah. of Rensselaer F a i l s ! Mrs. Elmer Rice, Mrs. at Canton and her many home friends extend hearty congratula­tion* for a happy wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Laney will reside in Low-ville.

MhM Mar-Larkin Club was very p leasant^' guerite Constance of Potsdam entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Normal, spent the week end at the

Canton last Tuesday ; Frank Hayes Monday evening and home of Mr. and Mrs. George N. * .w xgricul- ; the birthdays of Mrs. Irving Hayes Riley

and Douglas Hayes were celebrat-- Mias Kathleen McCarthy of Can-jton was a called In town Sunday

William jUlRht.



were guests of S. C Gren Friday.

Sunday visitors at C A R o g e r s were Mr and Mrs. H. A. Perry of

U» M QtAH. . . i t K » M . Af v . * M , Russell. Mr. and Mrs. William « u * — r . , . ^ T h . enter-, t J u ^ T ^ ^ M r V * * £ £ i %%» . S ^ T l T ' ^ ^

Fields of Gourerwnr were rtakor. £!**«*n»ur J. Wood". Friday. Mr.. 8torle | U 0 U v e r o e u r

"SON ft CO.

of AD Kindt 248-J



tainment will be extra good as they are to have two short plays.

I also vocal and instrumental music and Da Peyster also has extra good suppers therefore those that do not attend will miss a great treat.

The Community Circle of De-] Peyster Methodist Episcopal

church held its annual harvest service in the church Sunday September 30th with a large at­tendance. There was special music. The church was decorated with flowers and vegetables. On Mon­day evening they served a chick­en pie and roast chicken supper which was followed by a vegetable sale.

Five auto loads motored from her to Osbornvllle Wednesday evening. September 24, to attend a surprise birthday party given Mrs, JC. Burr Hurl hurt. There were about 7 6 of her neighbors and friends from Gouverneur, Richville. De Peyster. and Water-town present. It was a complete surprise as the family were pre­paring to attend the movies at Gouverneur when the company ar­rived. The evening was spent in playing after which Lillian Todd from this place, the drawing in-tructor In the Gouverneur schools, who is a cousin of Mrs. Hurlburt, presented Mrs. Hurlburt in be-1 half of those present, a purse of J money, table linen, silverware

Whitney of

last; Miles, Mrs. Seymour Lobdell and Miss Francis Lobdell were at Mor-ristown. Thursday to attend the County Association of the Wom­an's Relief Corp. Mrs. Rice was the delegate of the George A. Rich W R. C . No. 119

J. Carpenter

r i n d BONDS 31

at was Miss Inet Fields of Gouver­neur and was married at Water-town Sept. 17th. . „ ,

William Parker U palat ini h i s farm house at K e a t s Corners, oc­cupied by Mr. Gotugs.

Mr. and Mrs. S. Mils entertained Mr. aad Mrs. James Putman of Elm Groove, Sunday.

Richard Morrows has had bis farm ohuse pa in tad, Mr. Ford Smith and Irving Johnson of RJcb-vllle were the artiata.

The remains of Frank Comstock who died at the County house at Canton were brought to the West Hermon church Friday, Sept. 21st by Undertaker V. Green of Ker-mon. The services in charge of his former pastor, Rev. Rose the floral offerings were many and the church was well filled by his former friends and neighbors. Mr. Comstock lived with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Leonard until they moved to Greenwich. Conn, and for the past year and a half made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Planty who done everything possible for his comfort. About two weeks ago he left for the home of Glenn Hall but on account of his feeble con­dition it was thought best to take him to the county home where he

a j died Thursday, just one week after china and glassware which w a s ! h e became an inmate Mr. Com-pleaaantly received with m a n y j 8 t o c k w * 8 * <*uie* * n d reserved thanks from Mrs. Hurlburt. man and although his age is not

Mrs. Hurlburt was formerly' ^ n a l ? w a s **u*J*d t o . **? "I,**11

Miss Ruth Todd of this place. i 8 0 **e w * 8 £ u r ^ t ? na t M a p l e U e w

Mrs. Leon Kirby accompanied | <*metery ait Rich villa by Mrs. L. T. Beatty motored to County Clerk W. W. Haile and

Several of the local young people enjoyed a Weiner roast at Porta Ferry Lake last Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colton of Earlsvilie and Sidney Colton of Oswegatchle were callers at Thomas Willis' last Wednesday afternoon and Mrs. Nancy Muir ac­companied them on a trip to Ogdensburg, Gouverneur and sev­eral other places.

Mr. and Mrs. John Forney were week end visitors at Myron Putney's at Lisbon.

Mortlner Sullivan and son, Mortiner, Jr., in company with Father Maguire of Edwards enjoy­ed a pleasant trip to Montreal last week.

M. and Mrs, Harry Foeney and son, Howard of Oswegatchle were supper guests at Thomas Willis last Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John Cardiff and Mrs. A.M . Barber enjoyed a picnic supper at Mr. and Mrs Thomas Wlilis last Wednesday evening and had a social game of 500.

Mrs. Hannah Clintsman of Jones' Corners and her daughter, Mrs. Lydia Jacott of Boston. Mass., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Silsby a part of last week.

Mr. and Mrs I. H. Ward motor­ed to Barnes Corners last Thurs­day and visited their son. Austin

Miss Marion O'Neil is working in Waiertown.

Mrs. S Edison left Tuesday morning tor Brooklyn where she will visit her daughter and bro­ther

The annual Teachers' Confer-There was a good attendance |*Q^_wl8_*f!d l n P o . t 8 d » » Thurs-

at "the" W o m a n ' s ° C h r i s u V n ~ l w I £** * ? d ™ d a y 'School was closed

JHUsh perance Union Convention, af rier-j mon Thursday, from Che local; union. " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thornhill and Mrs Anna Haven were guests of friends at Gouverneur, Wednes­day

Mrs. William Alkerton passed Wednesday at Ogdensburg.

J. L. Tremiett was at Gouver­neur part of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Morton Wain-wright and little daughter of Bos­ton, Mass., were guests of Mr. WaJnwright's brother and wife, Mr and Mrs. Spencer Watnwrlght during the past week.

Mrs. J. L. Skinner of Gouver­neur was the guest of Mrs. Geo. A. Sheldon. Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Streeter and their guest William Streeter of Mexico, Mrs. Anna Walker and Jamas Alverson enjoyed an auto­mobile trip to Tupper Lake Sun-d*T-

On Thursday the marriage of Mrs. Elixa Sayer of this village and John Tripp of Richville oc­curred at Gouverneur. Rev. Man-ard Beach, pastor of the Me­thodist Church officiated.

Mrs. Fred Bockus of Rensselaer Falls visited her uncle, 1. W. Sayer Sunday.

Claude Keene has moved his Ward.-and family and on their \ "family from the Grhnshaw house return trip there was such a fall; to the Louck's house in Caroline

M k Power Co. Hosne Company >WKB-HKAT

xhandbe and of Jobbing

. Ctiurcb 8C

EV1LLE Xrt. 4. — Miss oom of Potsdam nd with her moth-Hogeboom. ricks ef New York his mother, Mrs.

William Jenne, >uglae Hendricks

r nfbnntatns and nds at Saranac

Clarenee Bean of id daughter, Ma-i Mr. and Mrs. leoaday evening, arge crowd at the t Pascoes Friday I be another dance ober I t to which ited. L*amonda of Ro-i spending a tew

sister, Mrs. M.

Henry Hartley, ra. M. Sheen and >ada called on Mr. i Hartley and Mr. McLear of Hailes-sraeom. . Ralph Blgarel sailers la Jenne-

Clarence Mooree r .and Mrs. Levi rrisTiUe, Mr. aaSsJ oore of SherrilL bad Mrs. Herbert avameur. will be closed ridav on account lference at Pota-

Slbley and

4. —There were gathered at the Harton Monday

nd reminded him J hday. The even­ts playing games

which refreab-red. He received i t s aod a purse seats departed at tmg M&Um many

birthday. Harvey went to al last Tuesday atlom. lagram gave a for Miss Addie ednesday as she) rried In the near

of snow that they saw it plainly in the road.

There was such a snow storm at Star Lake on Thursday that people who came from there say that it even froie on the wind­shields on Sept. 28.

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Sedge Demmons and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson French attended

of Gouverneur of Mr .and Paul A. Conroy and son, Junior called on the former's grandfath­er, J. A. Ames of California road Saturday.

Mrs. Wallace Rock and two children, Marjorie and Wallace, Jr., who have been spending sev-wrat weeks with, the formers mother, Mrs. John Holland and family have~ returned to their home at Sea Cliff, Long Island.

Miss Lillian Todd teacher in Drawing at Gouverneur and Miss Julia Jackson a student of G. H. S spent the week end with their pa­rents ln town. .

Miss Alice Kinney left Wed­nesday to resume her studies at 8L Lawrence university.

Mr. and Mrs. Uriel Walwrath were guests Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Harton Jackson's.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roonds and Mrs. Frank Hutchins motor­ed to Great Bend Sunday and spent the day with the formers, mother, Mrs. Mary Rounds and sister, Mrs. Krnie Mills and fam­ily.

Harold Wilson and Marie Hut-chins have recoTered from their recent illness.

Warren Thornton is quite ill again. Mrs, Thornton's sister from Richville is spending some time with them during Mr. Thorn­ton's illness,

Mrs. Thomas Smithers and daughter, Miss Katherlne were recent guests of the formers sis­ter, Mrs. Marvin Holt of Gouver­neur.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace G. Hurl-but and Mrs. Hattle Hurlburt of

street. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brayton

and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Davis of Edwards were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Rice Sunday.

F . D. Mattlson of Glen's Falls is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Woods. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Woods accompanied by Mr. Mattl­son will leave for Rochester to visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bolce.

Mr. and Mrs. Emma Hyland pas­sed Saturday at Malone.

Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kenttield and son. Charles Kent field pass­ed Sunday at Casenovia.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rugar and daughters, Pauline and He hen, Mr .and Mrs. James McLane and

Dowling children. Phyll is and Harold of of Wrolcott. j p n d f o u r DOT* of Elmer Falls were Ormstown, Quebec and Mr. and

A large number of Bigelowites i ^ u e s U a t K v Dowlings' the week Mrs. Fred Tnurston of Plum attended the Masonic fair at R i c h - I e n d a n d t 1 l e l r infant *°n, Elmer , Brook, N. T., were Sunday guests

Watertown Friday. Miss Mildred i w 4i , e

Kw " e ^ I L ^ V ' u ^ T * ° i

Kirby and Howard Beatty who i } i s ^ h e r : M e l y l n H" H a i l e a n d

are attending Business School in I Ia™1Jy ^ u n < l a v - _ . Watertown returned home with j f Mr. and Mrs. D«n Poor and them to spend the week end. ' f

m , V f ? e £ e r / r e e , k ' , M rl T

and, Miss Althea Chambers of the ! ^T r s F o r e B t * £ > o d Md famiyi of

West Road was a week end gnest | f 0 U T « ™ e « « w " ^ » o f ^ M r

of Miss Jennie Beatty. .| a o d * "• ArthnrDeran!Sunday. . h C a r n i r a l a t H e r m o n l a s t F r i . Mrs. Orwin Mason and June G. Mrs. Helen W oods who has been 1 , , _

Conroy called on Mrs. K m e r y « ^ « * " " ^ d a ^ t e r s . Mrs. Ed <*mlther« Thursdav ^ a l i a n c f M r s D o n P o o r o f Beaver S m M r T I S ' T f f i f - a i i d Madeline i ^ k has returnod to spend the called on Mrs. Amber Conroy F r l - j £ ^ d - ^ -

Mr. and Mrs. George Hampton* Mr« a n d M r * 0 1 i v e r O'Brien I

day au4 Friday night ,.Mr. and Mrs. Milton Briggs

were in Ogdensburg last Saturday to visit their son. Emmett, who is in the Hepburn hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Briggs at­tended the dance at South

"Z. P : i 7 ± S t , e .f^! i W ^ r r r n d ^ r r ^ ^ O ^ B r ^ I. _ » r . and Mr»: Vincent Dc

ville Thursday and Friday. Ralph Williard is building a

new garage. Mr. Dexter has started his new

building at JGUcavtUa on .Depot stret and will move h i s feed bus­iness, there as soon as completed.

Mr. and Mrs. John Simons and son, Amaaa, Bffrs. Charles Fialda and Miss Retha Thomson vlatted Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomson at DeKalb Junction Sunday.

Vincent, was baptised at the M.^of Mr,, and Mrs. Fred Tupper. E. church on Sunday afternoon. , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gibbons with only the Immediate family j passed Sunday at Redwood. present. Then they all attended! Mrs. J. B. Cass and Mrs. John church at South Edwards and Rainey of Ogdensburg were call-Ustened to Rev. Bradshaw of ing on friends in town Monday. Edwards. "Mrs. Laurel Warnef of Lisbon

The meetings will still continue passed Tuesday with her parenU,

Bigelow, Oct. 4. —Mr. and Mrs. James Newvine announce the mar­riage of their son, Allen Newvine, to Dorothy Hewitt of De Kalb Junction, Wednesday, Sept. 26, by Rev. M P Beach at tne M. E. Parsonage at Gouverneur. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hall, slater and brother-in-law of the bridegroom.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Planty were fn Hermon Friday.

Many from Bigelow attended the carnival at Hermon Friday and Saturday and report a good time.

Mrs. Clara Mitefcal of Gouver­neur is the gest of her niece, Miss Josephine Johnson.

Mr and Mrs. Francis J. Wood

for another week at Oswegatchle under the supervision of Rev. M. R. French. ..

Charles Mon troy of Fine and Elmer Simmons of Oswegatchle have traded Cheese factories and have moved to their respective dwelling places.

Morris Titus and son, Kenneth, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Titus motored to Carthage last Sunday and Mrs. Harris Titus accom­panied t h e m home after nearly a week's stay at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cronks in Carthage.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Briggs motored to Ogdensburg on Sunday and their son, Emmett Briggs, ac­companied them to his house at South Edwards. His many friends will be ploasad to learn of his speedy recovery at the Hepburn hospital.

Mas. Ruth Kerr commenced her

Mr. and Mrs. William Alkerton Judd Kin he of Hermon was in

town Tuesday. Mr. Klnne's num­erous friends were vary glad to see him and know ha is improving from his serious illness, J

Mrs. Bmma Murphy of Gouver-

NATURAL DAM Natural Dam, Oct. 4. —Mrs.

Edward Sloat entertained Mrs* Warren Hubbard of Philadelphia Sunday.

The Methodist Church wiH hold a chicken pie supper Thurs­day evening from 5 until kil are served. * • *•

Mr. an Mrs. David Pre mo oall-ed on Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Prwmo of the Johnstown road, Sunday*

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bean and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bean spant Sunday visiting Potsdam. Norfolk and Ogdensburg

Mrs. Orahsm and Mrs. Morgan of Gouverneur called oa Jlrs. James Soott and flatted tne old Gouverneur Morris Jfaasioa last

William Shaw of North Gouver-emeur called m his graadamo Mrs. Orvtlia nVsttn. BUndaj.

Mr. and Mm, James Scott cailars in Watartown Monday^. -

Mr. and M m Clarence iaV»» spent Thursday at Oswegatchte


Hermon two days.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ware of rnionvilk* were callers at t h e home of Mr. and Mrs. William Atterson Friday.

Billy Ryan of Lyon spent a few days in town last week. -~—

Miss Ilene Steele of Heuvelton was a caller in town Saturday night. <

Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Balmat are moving from the Scrtpter house ln Main street into Mrs. Rev. Rodds' house, formerly Mrs. Bartlett, on Church street.

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Phelps at­tended the funeral of their uncle In Potsdam Monday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. William Maraton of IIion spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Atterson.

Richmond J. Fairbanks, 69, prominent merchant of this vil­lage, died Sunday on a train while en route to Buffalo, where he was going to consult a throat specialist. Mr. Fairbanks left here about 2 o'clock Sunday morning accom­panied by his wife and his son, Worth.

Mr. Fairbanks was horn in Hermon October 22. 1858, a son of Jay and Harriet Fairbanks. He had lived here all his life and was a member of the local Masonic lodge. He was a member of the firm of Fairbanks and Hitchcock, whic^ conducts a general store, as North Russell , Oct 4. — Mfaw well as a member of the firm of ! Mahle Rubado of tna town Llnaj Fairbanks and Son, local coal and > road and Jay LaLone of North feed dealers. Russell were united la marriage

He is survived by his widow! U s t Saturday evening by Aev. snd five children, Milton and j Morrow of Canton after a Plief Worth of Hermon. Dr. Howard ! wedding trip they will reside in Fairbanks of Tonawanda, Miss j Canton. .. . h Helen Fairbanks and Mrs. Harriet | Mrs. L. L. Clark, end Mrs. C. Ik Richardson of Yonkers. ,| Tiel called on Mrs. M. Morrow*

Funeral services were held Mrs. Garcia Morrow and Mrs. W. from the home Wednesday at 2 in i Poole last Saturday, charge of the local Masonic lodge. t Archie Read had a bad spall Interment was made a t Hermon < with his heart last Friday evening, cemetery. I Dr. William's of Canton attended

Mr. Fairbanks was a prominent

TTsffsabsro, Oct. 4 Mrs, P. a Man* and called on Mr* arm Thursday. Mr. nfang pastor of tais psaosy

JsTlas Ira Price, Mowat. Mrs. B. F, Frank J Mr% Claude Twttla psckle Miss LacUst ftrwwdr at Thursday. „_

Mr. and Mrs, and daughter MarJaH* auroral Tuttta p n a a n t i d nor

^ ^ L S ^

* i ss i *3*

Mr. and Mrs. James Mcpher­son and daughter, Beatrice, and Karl Syndor spant Sunday in Wat­ertown.

Mr. and Mm. Henry Goaaman vi­sited their daughter, Mrs. Caarlee Matteysoa, Sunday.

Mrs. Sylvester Seeber la vary ill at her home here.

Mrs, Fred Pratt entertained Sunday har brother, Mr. Henry Aldrich. and family from Oxbow and Mr. and Mrs. George Pilar from Antwerp. ~

Mrs, Fred Hilts la improving after falling and breaking nor shoulder.

Lawrence Beaman called on his father, A. O. B e a a a n of the Gravel road, Wednesdsy.

Ralph Love and Miss Welthaa Shaw were business callers in Watertown Saturday n igh t


citizen of this village sard helped very much in aiding the progress of the community. He will be missed by all his friends and fel­low citisens.

Mr. and Mrs. William Scripter have returned to their home after

and Mrs, & Mass Doria

haying spent the summer in Trout j week's rainy days.

him. ^ Mr. Branard Clark eaaled on

Mrs. L. L. Clark recently. .Mr. and Mrs. Dewey motored

to Watertown and Capo VTnoent for a vacation.

We are'having a few days of j Mra. Clauds Tuttla pleasant . w e a t h e r after Jaat Freida. Marian and

Mrs, B. T. har saotHer, of Macomb at

operation. WUtard

Kenneth and 8uuday la

called on has

Mr. and Mra. C t e t a n

their daughter, Mrn> 8 . F. Mr. anoLMra.

and daughtW JUtnar lnaaf land called on Mr. aad M Johnson and MrV and 1 Manning Sunday

Clinton Downing waa a Mrs. B. F. PuJfer

Mrs. Arthur daughters of spent Sunday with mother, Mra. Lncy PuCar

The sum of $11 waa the Calf Club paslro Spilmaa's bal l o n evaning. ^aVaran played and nftnea wo: to: Mra. W. W« Jonssjy Mra.

ariiag. U n a %caalr and

n t r v fVsid X ^ i f k " Frwdertc spent I r s t W a t

sjidalanidawatKorth of Mra75uln\ 1

B. F . FnJhnn F . U « . -spent

Mr. and of

J. 1L SmilHe. Mra.Tr

Lake Mr. and Mra. George Robinson

and family of Canton spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Reed.

Misses Irene Atterson and Esther Edison of Potsdam Normal spent the week end at their homes here. • «• -

Mestm. Lowell nfcKee and Elmer Gardiner o f darkaan Tech spent the weak and at lhatr homos here.

Miss Mabel Cousins o t Potsdam spent the weak and at the home of

Many of the farmers hare fill* ed their silos and a very

- I to Watartown Sunday

crop of c o m at reportnd. „ ; A J J Rally, day waa bald at

Union Church l u n d s y . S a n o a r 8chool waa held in the morning and lunch at noon with a gram from the young foika talk on raligioua education by Brotheraton of Canton, ...

Tna U A. a moats WU1 PooU Wedneaday^Out t .


and family spent the week and f^*1***1 Browns Falls i last Mon with Mr. and Mrs. William Jonas ! j j r . Oct 1. she wfll inlah Mrs of Waddina*ton. * Elmer Simmon s school who has

Mr. and Mrs. H. Golpin of Co­penhagen spent Saturday and Sun­day at the home of E. E. Mack and family.

resigned. Mrs. Charles Sykea Is quite ill

at her home at Jonas Comers. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Jonas ware

callers at Charles 8ykes at Jones oui ana mrs. n a m e n o r i o u n . o x ; * £ * J £ " 2 > t h a h ^ ^ of 'h er i Corners after the Sunday school at

^ j S S n ^ ^ u v e ^ u ? ° m e ' " i B c o t U Bridge, which is ^111 hold.-

^ ^ S a t u r d a y at M r . a n d Mrs.! ^ t >

Harton Jackson a.

-W.—Bishop • ^naT its own apant the week end with Mrs. t

M ! l r e l T *» o n t h e • t*rt~ iax."Md Mra*"nVlgar Todd aad g ^ J ' 1 ^ ^ ^ M " E <**} °J I

' Watertown. and were g u e s u of Mra. H. Wlnslow, also of Water-town.

Mrs. Floyd Hance and daught­er, Grace, spent the week end

son anont Sunday with their daughter, M m K. Burr Hurlbut and family of OaboravUle.

Ray Lown has purchased a new auto.

Mr. and Mra Hoary Parry of Ogdensburg were week and guests of Mr. and Mra. Charles Morris, Mr. Parry ramalnc want duck b r a ting

Mrs. Joan Ooodiaoa and daugh­ter. Miss Gladys of Ogdensburg wore guests Friday* of the former's daughter. Mrs. Jasae Lyls

NORTH THERESA North Theresa, Oct. 4 . —

Miss Ferris Trogfer, who has been visiting in Watertown for

near vigitog her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Synder, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Van De-linder were at Do Grasses part of the weak.

The officers of Delkan Rebekah Lodge No. 571 will be installed by the District Deputy President, Mrs. Elixa Thompson of Ed war da at the regular meeting of the Lodge Friday evening.

Mra. Carrie Johnson paaaed Sunday with her son, Lewis Price at Norwood.

Oar community was quite ex­cited Sunday morning whan the report was circulated that "Chick" Clotolt , an Italian who has been employed by the N. T. C . hare for about 10 years, had been found in the Railroad yards back of the cattle yard, ln an un­conscious condition and from a bruise on his head It Was first be­lieved he had been a victim ,of foul plan:

Ho nds always been a sober in-duatrtoftu man ajfd when Eg did us—man not appear foFwork, B E. Jones the Station Agant, Ernest Synder aad Ernest Frisco went in search of him. Ha waa in the habit of crossing the yards to his home and was found by the path. Dr.

at Gouvwrnrur Mra. John Simmons entertained

bar a n t Mra. E. S. Pringo and son, Robert, o t Gouverneur Thurs­day.

Mr. and -Mra, Glen Hall and ebOdron of Hants Comers visited bar aunt. M m Fred Stevens Sun-

family. j**y-Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Dew man and' M r « m m d **+> • • * * Mix and

family wVre supper guests Thurs- J • °* i *• •*• •* Ogdensburg visited day of Mr. and M m 8. J. Field- i ** £ Laonarrs Sunday son. . b l m X. Cmbb apant the weak

Mrs. Harold Fieldaoa of Hlckon # * i a t * • * b o « » * *• Spraguevllle. spant Friday with M m Noah M

1%m B e w " * « *• a r v open as i Sswyer She i Pariah. *** *• Prod RabcocTs and work T useful article* ; M m Jamas Wltaerel] recaived ^Pros^aaalng fast, sre: M m Law-j word Friday morning that her _ * r - *»<* M m Oakiay G!v

M m Eugene • father. Mr. Silas Boat ot Heuvel- ^ ^ ^ te Hermon Satardar:

the (Detmadge of Hermon was called

.* « ber noma aere. a coascions condition and did not The farmers of this section are dlagnoae the cause of his condlt-

buty digging their potatoes. The crop reports are fine.

| her sister. Mm. V. A. Green. Miss Geneva Reynolds of Syra­

cuse is visiting at tno home of bar mother, Mm. William Fletcher. .

The Penny Club of the Baptist church will serve a Moat Pie supper, Monday October 10. i n Library from 5 o'clock until all am served. Everybody welcome.

The Carnival which .waa bold Thursday and Friday waa. Tory attended and waa enjoyed by a l t The proceeds warn approitmataly

SOMERVULE Somarwllla, Oct . 4.—Mr. and

Mrs. a A. Barker spent fan weak end la ErtevUla, N T., no roast* of Mr. and Mra. D. H. Barker. They ware aeoompanied by Mr. and M m Boy Collins of Bad-wood.

Mr. and M m W. H. Barker i pant Tuesday In Watartown.

Mr. aad Mrs. Carlton Kinney of Watertown spent the week end W4UHMT. a n d M m Harley Bennett.

Mr. and Mra. PI inner French of Mexico a m upending a few days with Mr. and M m K. A Rogers. - .

M m Cmlllgaa and M m C. A. Barker spent Wadneaday with Mrs. Fred Pall lngton of Antwerp.

try. Miss Alice Leery of Potsdam

wan home over the pas* week end attending the annual basaar at

ion. The thought of foul play was dropped when his money was

Miss Ruth Furgemon and Tn4 found In his pocket. He was taken McNeal were visitors st Hammond j to the Hepburn Hospital and at

.*- ^ ^ ^ report bad not regained cenaeiows. It is tne opinion af the physicians there that be suffered an attack of indigestion aad fell. striking s stone and sustained a slight concaasion.


As scarce as a Scotch

wiitw rial of s. L. r£» auajie fie trip with the footbatal which played at Saturday. f •._.._ ^

Mrs. Oarda Morrow borne from bar operation ad IMDJdiettJa at the Hepburn pital at Ogdensburg.

Mr. and M m Charles Ostrander visited realtives la Harmon a tew days of last weak. ^ ,

Mm. Robert Clark motored to Richville Saturdaj to make a • M L ;


v: S".

O c t of our people bare been 111 with bard colda tor a week or so.

Ails* jame rkuen filled a n d thrashing nae M e n dona also digging potatoes Is going on, some farmers hare found their potatoes to be rotting.

Mm. F. Donne baa been visiting mhtrfvee ln Geneva.

Some of oar people attended tna party at •pi lman's Hall Friday night.

Others attended tne football game Saturday at Oouverneur.

R. Turner and C. Paynes ware Thursday night eallere at A. Paynes'. Mr. Humor's people also warn Friday night callers at Walter Clarka.

No cine has been found yet to the thieves that entered some houses on our road recently. .

A. Payne was a recent caller at I Little York;

Mm MexeeUles day with

North Gouverneur

^DEKALB ^aMCnlbT O c t ^

a n * thraaaJn* w hhe

the Grange Hall for tfce

vary good* readings and mneioal that were rmrt mneb all, and all want away that Old Dekalb waa atlM en

Mrs. Cera Everett children ere M m

Eugene \ father. Mr. Silas Beat ot Heuvel-; ton had suffered a stroke and did

Wmiam Weld on while driving north of Main street in Redwood

jwtth his Ford truck collided with | s truck owned and operated by Raymond Spaldsberry. Monday evening. Benry Van Teasel was

(riding tn tne Weldon ear. Both Mr Weldon and Mr Tan Tasse!

and Wash-

Huttoa, M m Waln-


witb ^mlnor

Cnnrke Morris Ton can fool all of tne people} S S T ^ w ^ me of the Ume. but yen can fool 7 , 2 2 S^7

yowraelf all of the

not recognise any Mr and M m

and daughter dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and ' — • — — ^ » ^ _

I M m Harold ^e ldson . . fami ly and Mr. Hayes son from Mm. George CLeary and son. Watertown. Mrs. William Harris

Douglas anlled on Mm U F. B e a t - 1 ^ 4 ftve children also Mm Hayes Mildred Hey and nd Marlon Fin-•a, Fred Borton 1 Mr. and M m I family. Carl

Williams spent a i t Laks with i

[>eom Raven and] y with Mr and \ M m r v *

sttagi a«ar De . Harmon d a m bake sapper

hi thU v.rintr] Eari Barlletta of Boston spent i the week %md with Mr aad M m

dneed to a Spaldsberry waa iured.

Mm <G Simnx entertateed Mr

cats and track la

riding was re-Mr


is and

right has E.Tved , C. K. GlfTln. farx

Claud Ht i

taic'ly a&d

ty Batnrday. * t two sssters aad their famines j Mr. and Mm Ralph Stacy aad Ruby Howie who was a M m Amias U still la Hep- ebOdrem Tnalma. Fern and

ef friends \M Pocadam last burn Hospital bet Is reported Medline of DeKalb Junction. S B C -retnmod home Friday. ; gaining. day.

M m W. B. FVetnam was a Cedl AJlin w*n: to Hepburn Mr. and Mrs WaHer Harrtf caXWr in Ogdensbnrg Trid^y Hospital Saturday whom ike is warn called to the city boapttal i t

Mm. Burden Thornton and su i t s IXL .Watertown upon the fibies* of Whitferd motored to Gardens in this locality are yet tbefr daaghter. Mrs. L a a m Maioy

Friday to attend the quite green and are yet furniahtng early Monday morning green esjcnsbem for tabes use WTXliam Weldon has j There was • heavy haTi atorm plated a l t v concrete floor which mated twenty minutes hem his

i September K t h and to i Mr and Mra George Hayes en- storm of short duration

and M m

tertained for dinner t^venty-frm

Sunday Sftn. Farmeri h a m noar!y finish-Among team ad filling their sOos and report

Joha King and, the beet crop of e o n for

M m

COOPER'S FALLS Coopers Falls, OcL 4. —

Potato digging appears 4e-e< order of the day.

Katherlne LaVlgne and M m Er^rett McHeffey attended Teach­ers Conference la Potadam on Thursday and Friday

Mm Truman Crary ia apenaing som« Umt hi Henvelton wiih aer

1 nurse Mm. Raay. Dorothy Goings of Old De Kalb

WSJ a repeat roost of Keanor Bige­low

Mr*. Georga McHeffey attended th? faneml of her uieot Mm -

,' C ir . iaac of Pyrites on Friday t Prlc* te bar amarriaxe Mra Cast- { anao was Tors Gotkam 4

George and Douglas Cross st-t tended the a a r a : n . ia Henaon last week. ,

{ Charles Bigelow spent Monday ! IM G-oarvernenr j

Mm Sarah Smith of Har.asboro'' ; a n d Mrs De:_Wgynn o l HexmoAi *w#re "Friday guests at Gecrg* Mc-Jj

Heffer'a of Cartnago and Mr and Csmton J. Simmons of Theresa ,' Ray Johnson of ^edensburg;

at tbetr farm en tne was a recast r***t a: Homer \ i Croas^a f


Rerigofieh * ' • •

Tim is a mooU wkkn wiB sane large baps, grving a slender fine

S a c s 36 ID 5 0

Price *XSw &?•

A rack of

*_***«+ ^r*

Arxckoi M txsa • i j ;

SS.aiSii -. t-