rock & sand removal

ROCK AND SAND REMOVAL SYSTEM FOR CANE PRIOR T() MILLTNG D.E. du plmy Tcch¡ic¡l Scrvices a¡d Dcrelopme Dept. Tr¿Nv¡el Sug¡r Lrd CfSB), Matelane, Sourh Aftic¡ ABSTRACT Ficld<ut e¡d lo¿dcd sug¡rc¡E c.o ar times be mtorious for t¡e amount of rocks, s¿d ard other ertra*ous r¡¡tter it cont¡irls. This mat€rial, ifnot removed prior to processing, caus€s exteNive.rrñ¡ge to c¡¡e pmcessiDg equiFrc ¡od ¡¡cill¡ry plant üth associ¡ted high Daiotem¡¡ce cocts e¡rd loss of production tirne, rs well ai coffiibütifg ge¡dy to ¡u¡¡€rous procrssi¡g plobleos iD the factory. This fnper d€scribes úe oper¡titrg primipte of ¿ rock reoovel sysúem (RRS), dev€loped to rE nove ¡ l¡rge proponion of rock, sa¡d e¡d other forcign maleri¡l ftom c¿r€ oÍ ¡ continuous tnsis prior to processirg. Some basic i¡fomatiotr is ¡lso giveo o¡r the aDourt of rDck and satrd r€moved, pol savings e¡d mixed juic€ cla¡ity. K€ywords: Rock removal, jüce qu¿lity, extr¿Éous matter. TNIRODUCTION Tr¿¡sv¡¡l Sugar Ltd C[SB) is ¡ miller-cum-pl¡úfrcomp¡ny, which opereÉs two cá¡E sugar mills in tbe Esstem Tr¿.úsva¡l l.o*veld rEgion sot¡th of Xruger N¿tiooel P¡rk. The older of the two mi||s is sitr¡ated at Malela¡e, while the ¡ewcr (lhe Komati mill) is siturt€d cá- 25 hr soutb of Kom¿tifrooft. This mill h¡s x crushing c¡pacity of 5400 TCD. As is the pl¿c'tic€ in nost of the Sot¡th AfiiceÍ srrg¡r i¡düstry, cá¡e desrined for úe Kom¡ti mi[ is firsx bun€d to Educe the amouft of leaves ¡¡rd tr¿sh. Thi6 is then follo*€d by n¡nual b¡rvestitrg with tr¿shing ¿d topping, p¡cki4 in *i¡drgws and i&6eld loading iDto 25-t c¡¡e tructs by me¿os of push-pilers. During tle ni 's áesign phase it was expccfed t¡al this method of h'rüringt @gether with fte f¿ct t¡¡t e podon of the c¡re origioa;s ftom ¡e\r,ly planted fields, would result in le¡ge ¡mou¡rts of rock ard sand beirg delivered to the mill along wiih tle cáne. As a resült of this, it w¡s foreseer r¡¿¡ a rock ftrnov¡l system (RRS) of some fofm \r,oüld heve (o be eoployed ¡o miDioize dem¡ge to ca¡e prep¡retion equi¡ment, boil€r pl¡¡rt a¡¡d other processing eqü!¡neot by rocks, sand trld other cxtr¡¡€rnrs n¡reriel INTfiÁL NF,SEARC-H hsp€dion of eqülpnr€t¡f in M¡urfth¡s and R6¡r on Duri¡g a üsit to Mauri¿ius ¡¡rd Réunion fu JüDe 192, úe oper¿iing priÉiples of RRSS were studied as sü¡Ím¡dr¡d her€: . B€{lfon(k, Rálll¡on. The system bas¡c¿[y co¡sisb of two incli¡€d steel deck cotrveyors, witb levelers. Whole stict c{É togef¡er witb any rocts is loaded o o tbe 6¡st inclined conveyor/feeder teble with ¡ 35-40" slope. This cáDe is thcn trars?orted by úe¡trs of ¡bove¡eck cháiÍs aDd sl¡ts to tbe top of tbe t¿bte, wüere it hrmbles dof'tr onto the dccl of the recoDd i¡clined conveyor. This conveyor is of t[€ moving{eck type, a¡d its ¡ngle of incline is slighdy less thatr tb¡t of the first oDe. CiveD their n¿ss a¡d sh¿pe, the rocts mll re¡rwlrd down tüe deck, thmugh two he¡vy-duty cwt¡itrs of rubber shects aDd rtr€t¡l strips, 2U

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Paper deals on sugar cane cleaning stations and studies on how to get rid of heavy extraneaous matter


Page 1: Rock & Sand Removal


D.E. du plmyTcch¡ic¡l Scrvices a¡d Dcrelopme Dept.

Tr¿Nv¡el Sug¡r Lrd CfSB), Matelane, Sourh Aftic¡


Ficld<ut e¡d lo¿dcd sug¡rc¡E c.o ar times be mtorious for t¡e amount of rocks, s¿d ard other ertra*ousr¡¡tter it cont¡irls. This mat€rial, ifnot removed prior to processing, caus€s exteNive.rrñ¡ge to c¡¡e pmcessiDgequiFrc ¡od ¡¡cill¡ry plant üth associ¡ted high Daiotem¡¡ce cocts e¡rd loss of production tirne, rs well aicoffiibütifg ge¡dy to ¡u¡¡€rous procrssi¡g plobleos iD the factory. This fnper d€scribes úe oper¡titrg primipteof ¿ rock reoovel sysúem (RRS), dev€loped to rE nove ¡ l¡rge proponion of rock, sa¡d e¡d other forcignmaleri¡l ftom c¿r€ oÍ ¡ continuous tnsis prior to processirg. Some basic i¡fomatiotr is ¡lso giveo o¡r the aDourtof rDck and satrd r€moved, pol savings e¡d mixed juic€ cla¡ity.

K€ywords: Rock removal, jüce qu¿lity, extr¿Éous matter.


Tr¿¡sv¡¡l Sugar Ltd C[SB) is ¡ miller-cum-pl¡úfrcomp¡ny, which opereÉs two cá¡E sugar mills in tbe EsstemTr¿.úsva¡l l.o*veld rEgion sot¡th of Xruger N¿tiooel P¡rk. The older of the two mi||s is sitr¡ated at Malela¡e,while the ¡ewcr oÉ (lhe Komati mill) is siturt€d cá- 25 hr soutb of Kom¿tifrooft. This mill h¡s x crushingc¡pacity of 5400 TCD.

As is the pl¿c'tic€ in nost of the Sot¡th AfiiceÍ srrg¡r i¡düstry, cá¡e desrined for úe Kom¡ti mi[ is firsx bun€dto Educe the amouft of leaves ¡¡rd tr¿sh. Thi6 is then follo*€d by n¡nual b¡rvestitrg with tr¿shing ¿d topping,p¡cki4 in *i¡drgws and i&6eld loading iDto 25-t c¡¡e tructs by me¿os of push-pilers. During tle ni 's áesignphase it was expccfed t¡al this method of h'rüringt @gether with fte f¿ct t¡¡t e podon of the c¡re origioa;sftom ¡e\r,ly planted fields, would result in le¡ge ¡mou¡rts of rock ard sand beirg delivered to the mill along wiihtle cáne.

As a resült of this, it w¡s foreseer r¡¿¡ a rock ftrnov¡l system (RRS) of some fofm \r,oüld heve (o be eoployed¡o miDioize dem¡ge to ca¡e prep¡retion equi¡ment, boil€r pl¡¡rt a¡¡d other processing eqü!¡neot by rocks, sandtrld other cxtr¡¡€rnrs n¡reriel


hsp€dion of eqülpnr€t¡f in M¡urfth¡s and R6¡r on

Duri¡g a üsit to Mauri¿ius ¡¡rd Réunion fu JüDe 192, úe oper¿iing priÉiples of RRSS were studied assü¡Ím¡dr¡d her€:

. B€{lfon(k, Rálll¡on. The system bas¡c¿[y co¡sisb of two incli¡€d steel deck cotrveyors, witb levelers.Whole stict c{É togef¡er witb any rocts is loaded o o tbe 6¡st inclined conveyor/feeder teble with ¡35-40" slope. This cáDe is thcn trars?orted by úe¡trs of ¡bove¡eck cháiÍs aDd sl¡ts to tbe top of tbe t¿bte,wüere it hrmbles dof'tr onto the dccl of the recoDd i¡clined conveyor. This conveyor is of t[€ moving{ecktype, a¡d its ¡ngle of incline is slighdy less thatr tb¡t of the first oDe. CiveD their n¿ss a¡d sh¿pe, therocts mll re¡rwlrd down tüe deck, thmugh two he¡vy-duty cwt¡itrs of rubber shects aDd rtr€t¡l strips,


Page 2: Rock & Sand Removal

erdiDg up egai$t a catrh p¡ate low¡¡d the t¡il erd of d¡e deck. The op€r¡tor then stop6 the itrtate, climbso¡lo t[e deck ¡Dd na¡luelly rcmoves the rock. Cane lying on the deck of the secood cooveyor istr¡¡¡sported up towa¡d th€ top of the deck ard is coDbed b¡ck by a leveler set only ¡bout IOO nm abovethedeck-

Dis¡dv¿rtages of this system ¡¡e:

- No¡contiruousoperatioo

- Serd e¡d strull rock removal Dot opti ¡l

M€de, M¡¡¡¡ft¡¡¡s. An above{eck ch¡i¡ ¡rd sls¡ feeder rable feeds c¿¡re o o a horizo al movirg deckcoúveyor. Any lxrge r¡rck ftllitrg otrto ttis seco¡d table m¡kes $rfficient úo¡se !o ¡le.t tlle @¡ator. wholhen switches to rmther fecd t¡ble while tbe stoDe is m¡n,qlly removed.

Othcr sJ¡sf€tc in u6e. A sqrdy on systeos in üse in other Frts of the world rcve¿led inform¡tion or thefollowing typ€s of separ¡tion equip¡ne¡rt:

. Pd€un¡tic s€psralioD. Orc of tbe firs1 roch a¡d se¡d rÉmoval plafls forúed part of a cane dryclearing pl¡trt and w¡s i¡stalled ¿t l¿üp¿hoehoe Sugar Co. in Hawaii itr 1970. This planr,oper¡@d on lhe pÉ¡¡matic mfrcept, ¡chieved sepa¡¿tior by mssing ¡ high-velocity air ú€atrll¡mugh lhe falling cáÍe, sep€¡¡ting the compore s by me¡¡s of tbei¡ differing tr¡jectories.

. Sb¡ker trble. Ca¡e is tra¡sport€d onto a vib¡¡ting sb¡ter table üú eloDg¡ted operiqs (2.5 Inx 100 mm). Cs¡e st¡lk f¿ll t¡rough the operings onro ¡ suit¿ble coNeyor whil€ l¡rge rocts ( >100 mm) a¡e left o¡ top of the table. Tbe slightly iDclircd table with its upw¿rd ard sidewxysübralory Dotion directs these rocks itrto a gutter sinut€d on the lower edge of the t¡ble. S¡rxllrcks ¿¡¡d saDd ftll itrto a chut€ sihrated below úe shaker t¡ble. A conveyor utrde.¡E¿th lhe chütethen c¡Íies all rocks, sa¡d a¡d lo6t cxÉ ao a rÉclaimer, where the cá.Úe is reclaimed ard srnd aridn'cks are rcmoved-

. Revolving dnm. This co¡cept is similar to tte urit et Kom¡ai except dut at tbe b¿se of thei¡clired feeder r¡ble a¡d drum iÍers€ctiotr, ¡ lo¡gitudiDel screw coDveyot p¡cks up the rocks andmoveys úem to the e¡d of úe fted table to discherge them through tle sides of the machine. Areclaiming plant redirecb ¡ny losa c¡ne itrto the system while rEúoving rocks and s¡trd.

All these sysleús ¡re repodedly slrbject to oper¡tio¡¿l ard m¡iÍtelIafte Foblerns iD v¿rying degrees.


The folowings requireúeüts u,erc to bc itrco¡por¡ted iDto the desigtr of the Komati RRS, b€sed on desirableparameters obt¡i¡ed Íiom tbe initid rese¿rch:

Continuous operation mther tha¡r $oF.stert oper¿lioÍRemov¡l of the maximum possible x¡lrourt of rocls, sand and orher ertr¡Hus materiál

- l,ow pow€r coDsumptiotr

- Urifom oric atiotr of the caDe M onto the ¡nain canier- For whole stict ca¡e- Robust cotrst¡uction- Fáse of maioteo¡lce- Coneoient dispos¿l of removed rock atrd s¿rd


Page 3: Rock & Sand Removal

Ability to bc by-passed ir c¡se of m¡1frlfctiooirgSimple co6lmctio¡


gased otr these rcqüreDents a¡d üsiog va¡ious mvel co¡rcepts. ¡n RRS was desig¡¡ed comprising twose?¿ration sl¡ges:

¡ Psm¡rJ s.p¡r¡tlor fi¡¿e. Developed prior to mll comrissioriog, this co¡sists of a sl(Ded feeder table,a horizotrtel, riDed roleting d¡m, ¡ curved ¡riper pl¡te atrd a belt conveyor for reDroviry roch ¡trd sand

ftom the mechiDe. A ñrll-6c¿le *orking pmtotype v/¡s büilt at the M¡lel¡¡e úill to test initi¡l ide¡s andnirimize polenti¡l comrnissio¡ing problens ¡t the Kom¡li mill.

Developmeot work cons-rstcd nai¡ly of the following espects:

- Optimiz tionof c¡D€ flow paí€m over the ti¡ed drum- Optimiz tion of lh€ tire páttem on the drüü- @iúiz¡tiotr of the ergle of lhe i¡cliréd slid€ p¡ate

Opaimizatior of the tid dnim's roi¡tioDal s?eed

- ExFrie¡htior with tb€ mck erit door al €ecü e¡d of lhc d¡im

-..- \17.o%9

Figurc l. Pdrary scpar¿rion syslem.

The prototypewes extremelysuccessfi¡l es amears ofstudying c¿¡le-

flow patternsover the drumand rocksepar¡tionproblems.

r Second¡rysep¡raaionst¡ge. This wasdesigned ¡ndiNtalled subse-quena to millsraíup wbeo itbecaDe evidertth¡t ¡n utr¿c{€pt-ably hishperceotage oflong-stalk ca¡ew¿s beitrgsepamaed out¿long wirh therocks and sand.

This seperator issimple in desigr, cor6isting of a snell toorhed c¡rding drum, wlich comb6 (n¡t loÍger cene stalks fiom ihecootinuous strEam of sepxr¿t€d m¡ted¡l tb¡t le¡ves ú€ prirn¡ry s€pdration siáge.

Page 4: Rock & Sand Removal


Whole-stick c¡Íe.tnspoft d to tbe Eillby nears of 25-t ¡dtfucks withside-tippi¡g biDs,isutrlo¡d by mee6 ofe bydrarlic Eucttippler, wh ichdischarges the ceÉonlo er l1{ widemoving slat feederi¿ble (Fig. 1A). lt isther com/eyed to thetop of the feedef t¡ble¡nd fed otrto miÍclircd slide pleÉ(B). A scnicher (C)situ¿t€d ¡bove thete¡d sb¿ft of úefteder t¡ble comb6 out ¡ry bu¡dles of c¡E to eosure udfolm üicl¡ess of cane on the slide plet€.

PriÍ¡fi'y sap¡r¡tioú

The cee $¡lks o¡ the slide pl¡ie s¡€ co¡nif¡¡ously preserted to the revolvirg tiDed &un (D) ¡trd are cor¡bedup aod over the d¡rm ¡Dd inlo the nain ca¡e c¡rier (E). The p6tt€m in which the tiÉs a¡e attacbed to the df¡lmis such tb¡t c¡.tre goes over úc drum $üile very l¿rgc rock arÉ directed to the rock exit doors (F) at each eúdof the dn¡m. These l¡rge roch lie or the bdtom end of the sliüng table ard e¡€ pmgressively combed towfidt¡e etrds of lhc dn¡m, wherc t¡ey e¡it through suitable doors. These doors ¡re situ¡ted in úe sliditrS plate ¿dtilt open ü) permit erit of l¡I¿€ rock i o e chute, which directs them irto ¡ bin at groo¡d level.

Smaller rocks ( < 35O mm), pebbles, s¿d aDd oóÉr unw¡Íted m¡t€rial pass do$,n into úe gáp between the druma¡d the curved wiper plate (G) ¡od ar€ discb¡¡gEd o¡Ío a belt orv€yor (H) below the drüm.

Provisioü is m¡de for a¡ly j¡mmed r¡rts ¿Dd other erare¡€ous material to be clearcd ¡üiomaticelly by means ofdiverging openiws a¡d ¡utmatic adjostment of úe cürved üFr pl¿te.

The rlrum diemeter is la¡gest in the ce¡fer ¡rd Scts progrcssivety s-ftraller tow¡d the eDds, thereby cre¡ting adivergent ope¡irg betweer the drun surfrc¿ a¡d lte wiper pla¡e. This also f¿cilitates cle{itrg jmmred rocks.

The wipcl pl¡te coNisls of t$/o b¡lves, c¡ch s&ported ¡t th€ bottoor by a hydr¿dic cylider. By regülaring theoperating pres$re in t¡e bydr¡ulic systém, úe point ar whichlhe wipcr pl¡te will give w¡y cfi be set. In the evert of a jem the üp€I pláte moves aw¡y ft@r th€ drum ¡ndit is cl€ared autoEatic¿lly.

S€cond¡ry s€p¡ration

Materi¡l that ¡s pa¡sed out of the m¡chi¡e or the belt conveyor (H) co¡si$s mainly of sú¡ller roctl, pebbles,

sá¡¡d, t¡¡sh, short c¡¡e st¿lk as w€ll ¡s longer c¡É stalk llut need to be reclairn€d i¡ order ü) keep sucrose


Figr¡r€ 2. S€coode¡y s@aretiotr system,


Page 5: Rock & Sand Removal

losses to a minim¡m. To tlis eDd a secordary sepü¡tioD mecharism th¡t sep¡n¡tes and rcclaims these longersldts w¡s devised.

The belt coúveyor is e ó00-úrm wide belr rlrn ¡t higft 6p€ed. A tootbed c¿ditrg d¡ur¡t G) is sitüated slightly lower ,

tbár lhe belt, e shoÍ dista¡rr ¡¡r¡y ftom thc hc¡d pulley of üe treli conveyor. The tr¿i:ctory of the ext¡¡musmateriel leeving th belt is such tb¡t it do€s rot reach ttc c¡rditrg drun büt hlls onlo ¡ secood belt @rveyor (J),which coNeys it úo a bir. l¡rger c¡rc sl¿lts, however, hidge the gap between the head pulley ¡¡|d üe c¡rdingalrum a¡d arc ccmbed over iÍto a chute t¡at dirEc6 themooto a rEclaim coNeyor (K), *üich in tuñ dcposiG lhetrr back orao úe oraitr c¡re carriü (E).

Ttre desigtr of the sy61en is such tb¡l mimr positional adjuslmerts to lhe c¡rdirg drum a¡e possible in order toehieve atr opiimum compromise betw€en ca¡ry-over of c¿rc st¡lks atrd rejectiotr of uÍwan@d úateria.l.


Rod( ¡nd sürd rqmr¡l

The RRS b¿s been in oper¡tion for o¡ly one úort ctüshitrg se$or atrd about 400,000 t of c¿ne h¡ve been

processed. It h¡s mt yet been possible to deEfmine the total ¡mgurt of extrereoüs maleri¡l plesent fu tt€i¡coming ca¡E so ¡s to calcul¡te atr ¡bsolute sepor¡tio¡ figüre. Hoq,ever, ¿ limited ¡ümfÉr óf rats hav¿

b€en caried oüt otr the material lha¡ is separ¡Ed ftom the c¡ne.

On lhe basis of üese tests, it ¿pF¡rs üal üe rn¡lcri¿l separet€d oüt efter lrr€ pdmary sepalation st¡ge

¡¡noun6 to qL 0.5S on ce¡c. This m¡t€riel comisls of ¡bout 30% c¡oe ¡rd 70 % ¡ocl$, sa¡d ¡nd other

ofg¡dc m¡¡t€f.

Usitrg rhese ralios it ca! be deduct€d thet the mck ard satrd renoved ftom lhe cerÉ amou¡rts to about 0.35 %

oú c¡re of 3500 t pcr úillion t of c¡re.

Pol s¡Yin;s

when corryaritrg pol ¡mou¡ts lost withe¡d wilhout ¿ RRS, the follorvitrgtooDages werc obrai¡d per millioo t ofc¡É Cl¡ble l):

Cl¡rtty of mix.d jutce

The percent suspeded solids itr nixedjüice for lhe M¡lelarc mill is 0.O7

while tbat for Komaai is 0.04. a

reúrction of 43%. This crn largcly bcamibuted to lhe fact thet Xo¡neti b¿s

tbe RRS ¡s bodr mills rcceive simi!¿¡caré e¡d have similar crue prepor¿tio¡¡d ext¡¡ction equrpmcút.

Ger¡er¿l Obs€rvatiors

. It is evide¡i th¡t the nachirÉ ise¡tr€mely successñ¡l es a salli(rk e¡d s¡¡d reúover.

Teble 1. PerfoIÚaee of Rúl Removel Syslem

Withoüt RRS Wirh RRS(to¡s) (tons)

Fil@r c¡kc gerer¡ted

Pol lo6t itr filter ceke

Separ¡ted strr¿fi fiom RRS(0.5% cá¡re)

Amoutrt of cxne itr sepe¡eted

streÚl (30%)

Pol lo$ in seper¿red strem

Totel Pol l-o6t

Percentage Saviry












Page 6: Rock & Sand Removal

It is estimated t¡at > 90 % of all la¡ge rocks ( > 350 m) itr ihe cáne arE removed.UDidi¡ectional otientaúotr of the ca¡É otuo the maitr c¿¡e carie¡ is not achieved due to üe combing actionof ttc tined d¡¡m.Cme bü¡dles ere combed out inoo ¡ morc or less homogencous m¡t on the m¡in cane caúier.The pdmary 6efraration system does rct hmdle cane billets well. These p¿ss out along wirh sma]l rocks;e¡d depediry on iheir leúgt!, eiúer get rectaimed or rejected in the second¿ry separ¡aor.Opr¡tiotr of the m¡chiÉ is simple a¡d ül¡i,rte¡¡trce is erpected to be minimal.

Figüre 3. A vie\r on the Prim¡¡ySeparation Sistem from üeC¿É lotate Control Room.showiog the Feeder Table Ao¡ the left, the InclinedS¡ide Plrle B aDd the RockRemoval Dnrn D.


It is erpected tbat the machine will coDtribute greá y toreducing thÉ \¡¡e¡r rud rcar on b¡ives and sbledder hammerswith the associated decre¿se in meitrtef:¡me costs due to its rockremoval capebilities. Decre¿ssl stops on the cane preparationlin€ üll iicrc¡se time efficiency a¡d thereby benefit the

subsequent ertraction processes,

Removal of clayey a¡d/or orgadc soils will contribute to rcducing processing prcblems lhroughout the factory.As mertioned, this has b€er experieúced at the mud frlter statiotr with low amou¡ts of ñlter cake being gene.ated.

Erosion of boiler tubes and other seclioos ir co.ltel wiú lhe flue gas will be gratly rcducrd because of the l¿Igeamour¡t of send removed. This is expectfd to lower ¡nainlenance costs sigrificandy,

Tbe machine i¡st¿lled at the Kotnati mill is cortimrously beirg improved so its full potential will ooly b€ realizedlater. However, results of tesls conducted thus fer are extremely promisitrg.

TSB has patented üe system and loots forw¡rd to its üse i¡ the suger industry ¡t large.

The Seco ary Sepxration Systen, showingBeh Conveyor H ¡t the bottom, a piece of€¡tre passing over the CardinS Drum I a¡úReject Belt Corveyor J going out to\¡rrdsóe rishr.


Page 7: Rock & Sand Removal


Tb¡ts.r. óE b Mcs!6 A.H. Wi6-ü, C-AJ. dc J¡ger üd c.P. H.üitrShof TSB r¡d H-T. Joc of Bd¡& Assci¡¡d, Dr¡tt ¡, for tücir Etfúc. itr &sig¡i¡g ¡d dcvclopi¡g rhc RRS.

Tü. dor eold.I¡o [¡r ¡o lüút li. Mocrúcú of TSB fur F¡nission ro Fblisü ói5 p@r,


l¡chf B.W. ( t99), A¡ cv¡lufion of thc s.p¡ndoú ¡trd possible utiliz.rioú of all thr co$rin¡cds of tbc $bolc c¡red¡n SMRI Tbúic¡l R.tort No. fó2t.

McBlhoe, B.A. & I4wis, D.K. Oyt2). R@f @ovd piloi for drycle.¡ing. Jou¡El S.ri6 of th. ExFritretrtStffuG HPltA. P{cr No. 3!5.

sug¡¡ Miüi¡g ¡rsñü l¡cii¡É. Nov. 1994). Motrl y eiúd¡¡y of l¡bor¡rory rtporb for Soulhcr¡ Africr¡ SWr¡Fúri6, 199+95 ae.


D-E. dü PlmyTaaüi(d Scwic6 ¡¡d Devclopocd DGDüüÉ

Tnsv¡¡l Su8¡¡ Limitcd, Malcl¡e,R¡pr¡blic of Sott¡ü Aftic¡

la c¡¡s reqr6 ¡ l¡ $crrric co¡ticDred soüv€trt dcó Sslcts, du ssble et des üulierEs ctrrngcrcs.

Ccs D¡tiarts @rícs pa¡\,!d c¡¡Er d6 daFrs *riaúr. Cal¡ ¡rfEú ¡e cour dc l'aracrier, rcftit lc EDp6de plodlrctiotr et c¡l¡se das problcm.r ¡ l¡ ñhicatioú.

On &6it I'opcdion dü ¡!,@ a K(üi por¡r ctrlcvcr lcs galcrs, la s¡ble €t rurts oaricres atr¡¡gErts. Otr

do¡re ¡ulsi les quaúitcs a¡lcvces ct lcs efttr ¡ l'ü6iÉ.


D.B. tu PlooyTccüic¿l Scrviccs ¡Dd DevaloDoeot Dcpo¡túert

Ti.n6v¡¡l SW¡r L¡nibd, MelebE,Relr¡blic of 50üth Aftica


f¡ c¡ft cortadr y c¡fg¡¡L quc sa llcv¿ ¡ utr ir¡gptrio rarcsrro Fr¡ scr proaa6¡d¡, cs a veced [otori¡ por l¿crd ad dc picdas, ¡ftr¡ y otrs oarcri¡s ctt tfu $E cotraicÉ.

Si éste ú¡rei¡¡ D cs r@vido ¡¡tas dc p¡ocrs¿¡ l¡ c¡f¡, c¡usa exterisos d¡¡os ¡l equipo procrs¡dor d€ c¡ñey cquipG a¡rili¡¡rs co¡ 106 co6i$ie6 d@s codoc ¡fc D¡¡ednienlo y pé¡did¡s da ti.mpo de ploducciór.


Page 8: Rock & Sand Removal



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