robotics using ev3 introduction

Introduction to Robotics

Upload: puneet-kumar

Post on 28-Jan-2018




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Introduction to Robotics

What is a Robot

A robot has four types of elements:● the controller (controlling autonomous

operations of the robot),● sensors,● actuators(motors, convert electricity to motion) ● mechanical/kinematic components( moving


Lego EV3 Robot

a. EV3 brick

b. two large motors

c. one small motor

d. color sensor

e. touch sensor

f. gyro sensor

g. ultrasonic sensor

On EV3 brick, which ports do the sensors connect to, and which ports do the motors connect to

a. A, B, C, D

b. 1,2,3,4


Wheels with teeth that mesh with each other. Because the teeth lock together, they can efficiently transfer force and motion.

Tires & Hubs, Beams, Connector pegs


Programming a Medium Motor

1. Port Selector

Many programming blocks require that you select the ports on the EV3 Brick (A, B, C, D, 1, 2, 3, and 4) that these blocks will use.

Q: Where is the port selector on this programming block?

Q: What port should your medium motor be connected?

2. Mode Selector

A programming block can be used in different modes. Eg medium motor can be in these modes:

A. On, this starts the motor

B. Off, this stops the motor

C. On for seconds, turns the motor on for the number of seconds

D. On for Degrees, turns the motor on for the number of degrees

E. On for Rotations, turns the motor on for the number of rotations

Q: Where is mode selector in diagram?

Q: Which mode is this programming block in?

3. Inputs

Inputs are the details of how the motor will operate.


Q: How much power will this motor operate? 0% power, 25% power, 50% power or 100% power

Brake at end: Applies when the block finishes. If True, the motor is stopped immediately and is held in position. If False, motor power stops and the motor is allowed to coast.

Q: Will this motor brake at the end?

Large Motor

Which of these are correct:

A. Motor will turn for 900 seconds

B. Motor will turn for 900 degrees

C. Motor will turn for 900 rotations

D. Motor will operate at 100% power

E. Motor will operate at 50% power

F. Motor will operate at 75% power

E. Motor will not stop at the end

G. Motor will stop at the end

H. There is also a start block, which starts our program

I. There is also an end block, which ends our program

This program has a loop named “01” that is configured to repeat 6 times. However, a second running sequence waits for a touch sensor to be pressed, and uses the Loop Interrupt block to stop the loop early if the touch sensor is pressed.

FLL, First Lego League

FLL: Robot Game, Missions

M08 – Composting – Discarded organic material doesn’t have to become waste. It can be converted into fertiliser.

● Basic Mission Description: Start the Composting process. After some time, it will eject Compost.

● Specific physical requirement, visible at the end of the match (Score Only One Way):

• Value: 60 The Compost is ejected, but not completely in Safety.

• Value: 80 The Compost is completely in Safety.

That's it.