robert thomas - first aid kit assignment - khp 2202 xtia

FIRST AID, SAFETY, AND CPR KHP 2202 XTIA Robert Thomas’ First Aid Kit

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Post on 22-Jul-2015




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Robert Thomas’ First Aid Kit

All Items In My First Aid Kit

10-15 Adhesive Bandages

5-10 Sterile gauze pads

1 Pair of disposable gloves

Bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide

1 ACE Bandage

1 Pair of Tweezers

1 Pair of scissors

1 First Aid Book

10-15 Adhesive Bandages

5-10 Sterile Gauze Pads

1 Pair of Disposable Gloves

One Bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide

1 ACE Bandage

1 Pair of Tweezers and Scissors

First Aid Book

Additional ItemsTriple Antibiotic Ointment & Hydrocortisone cream

Scenario 1

A man comes in from working in the yard one fall afternoon. While taking his shoes off, he finds a small Tick beginning to burrow in this leg. After reading in the first aid book on what to do, he puts on the disposable gloves and uses the tweezers to pinch the tick as close to the head as possible. The tick comes out but the man is bleeding just a little bit. He uses the Triple Antibiotic Ointment and puts a band aid over it. The spot is gone within a few days.

Scenario 2

After playing in the yard, a boy comes in his house and complains that he fell on his wrist and now it hurts. He has mobility but the wrist is a bit swollen. After reading what to do in the First Aid book, the boys mother wraps the boys wrist with the ACE bandage. She makes sure it isn’t too tight or too lose, and has him apply ice to the area. The mother monitors the sprain and the boy is fine in a few days.

Scenario 3

A woman is cooking lunch one day and while chopping vegetables she slices her finger. It is not very deep but is bleeding. She calls her husband to assist. He puts on gloves and begins to try to stop the bleeding. He uses some of the gauze pads and applyspressure to the wound. The bleeding stops withing a minute or two. He cleans the wound with the Hydrogen Peroxide and puts some Triple Antibiotic Ointment. After a quick band aid job, the woman is back to cooking in no time.