robert anton wilson

At the National Theatre, London, for the 10-hour stage version of Illuminatus! in 1977 Born Robert Edward Wilson January 18, 1932 Brooklyn, New York Died January 11, 2007 (aged 74) Capitola, California Aleister Crowley · Buckminster Fuller · George Gurdjieff · James Joyce · H. P. Lovecraft · Alfred Korzybski · Ezra Pound · Wilhelm Reich · Timothy Leary Robert Anton Wilson Robert Anton Wilson From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Robert Anton Wilson (born Robert Edward Wilson, January 18, 1932 – January 11, 2007) was an American author novelist, psychologist, essayist, editor, playwright, poet, futurist, civil libertarian [1] and self-described agnostic mystic. Recognized as an episkopos, pope, and saint of Discordianism, Wilson helped publicize the group through his writings and interviews. Wilson described his work as an "attempt to break down conditioned associations, to look at the world in a new way, with many models recognized as models or maps, and no one model elevated to the truth". [2] His goal being "to try to get people into a state of generalized agnosticism, not agnosticism about God alone but agnosticism about everything." [3] Contents 1 Early life 2 The Illuminatus! Trilogy 2.1 On the Illuminati 3 Schrödinger's Cat Trilogy, The Historical Illuminatus Chronicles, and Masks of the Illuminati 4 Plays and screenplays 5 The Cosmic Trigger series and other books 6 Probability reliance 7 Economic thought 8 Other activities Influenced by Robert Anton Wilson - Wikipedia, the free encycl... 1 of 18 2014-05-28 21:56

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Biography of Robert Anton Wilson


  • At the National Theatre, London, for the10-hour stage version of Illuminatus! in1977Born Robert Edward Wilson

    January 18, 1932Brooklyn, New York

    Died January 11, 2007 (aged 74)Capitola, California

    Aleister Crowley BuckminsterFuller George Gurdjie James

    Joyce H. P. Lovecraft AlfredKorzybski Ezra Pound Wilhelm

    Reich Timothy Leary

    Robert Anton Wilson

    Robert Anton WilsonFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaRobert Anton Wilson (born RobertEdward Wilson, January 18, 1932 January 11, 2007) was an Americanauthor novelist, psychologist, essayist,editor, playwright, poet, futurist, civillibertarian[1] and self-described agnosticmystic. Recognized as an episkopos, pope,and saint of Discordianism, Wilson helpedpublicize the group through his writingsand interviews.Wilson described his work as an "attemptto break down conditioned associations, tolook at the world in a new way, with manymodels recognized as models or maps,and no one model elevated to the truth".[2]His goal being "to try to get people into astate of generalized agnosticism, notagnosticism about God alone butagnosticism about everything."[3]

    Contents1 Early life2 The Illuminatus! Trilogy

    2.1 On the Illuminati3 Schrdinger's Cat Trilogy, TheHistorical Illuminatus Chronicles,and Masks of the Illuminati4 Plays and screenplays5 The Cosmic Trigger series andother books6 Probability reliance7 Economic thought8 Other activities

    Inuenced by

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  • 9 Death10 Works

    10.1 Bibliography10.1.1 Fiction10.1.2 Autobiographicaland philosophical trilogy10.1.3 Plays andscreenplays10.1.4 Non-ction10.1.5 Essay collections10.1.6 Editor

    10.2 Discography10.3 Filmography

    10.3.1 Actor10.3.2 Writer10.3.3 Himself

    10.4 Documentary11 See also12 References13 External links

    Early life"Is", "is." "is"the idiocy of the word haunts me. If it were abolished,human thought might begin to make sense. I don't know whatanything "is"; I only know how it seems to me at this moment.

    Robert Anton Wilson, The Historical Illuminatus, as spoken bySigismundo Celine.

    Wilson, born Robert Edward Wilson in Methodist Hospital, in Brooklyn, New York,spent his rst years in Flatbush, and moved with his family to Gerritsen Beacharound the age of 4 or 5, where they stayed until he turned 13. He suered frompolio as a child, and found generally eective treatment with the Kenny Method

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  • (created by Elizabeth Kenny) which the American Medical Association repudiatedat that time. Polio's eects remained with Wilson throughout his life, usuallymanifesting as minor muscle spasms causing him to use a cane occasionally until2000, when he experienced a major bout with post-polio syndrome that wouldcontinue until his death.Wilson attended Catholic grammar school, most likely the school associated withGerritsen Beach's Resurrection Church. He attended Brooklyn Technical HighSchool to remove himself from the Catholic inuence. While working as anambulance driver Wilson attended New York University, studying engineering andmathematics. He lectured at the Free University of New York on 'Anarchist andSynergetic Politics' when it was founded in 1965.[4]He worked as an engineering aide, a salesman, a copywriter, and as associateeditor of Playboy magazine from 1965 to 1971. Wilson adopted his maternalgrandfather's name, Anton, for his writings, at rst telling himself that he wouldsave the "Edward" for when he wrote the Great American Novel and later ndingthat "Robert Anton Wilson" had become an established identity.In 1979 he received a Ph.D. in psychology from Paideia University in California,[5]an unaccredited institution that has since closed.[6][7] Wilson reworked hisdissertation, and it found publication in 1983 as Prometheus Rising.Wilson married freelance writer and poet Arlen Riley in 1958; they had fourchildren. Their youngest daughter Lunabeaten to death in an apparent robberyin the store where she worked in 1976 at the age of 15became the rst personto have her brain preserved by the Bay Area Cryonics Society.[8] Arlen RileyWilson died in 1999 following a series of strokes.[9][10]

    The Illuminatus! TrilogyAmong Wilson's 35 books,[11] and many other works, perhaps his best-knownvolumes remain the cult classic series[12] The Illuminatus! Trilogy (1975),co-authored with Robert Shea. Advertised as "a fairy tale for paranoids," the threebooks The Eye in the Pyramid, The Golden Apple, and Leviathan, soon oered asa single volume philosophically and humorously examined, among many otherthemes, occult and magical symbolism and history, the counterculture of the1960s, secret societies, data concerning author H.P. Lovecraft and author andoccultist Aleister Crowley, and American paranoia about conspiracies andconspiracy theories. The book was intended to poke fun at the conspiratorialframe of mind.[13]Wilson and Shea derived much of the odder material from letters sent to Playboy

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  • The Eye in thePyramid, rst volumeof the rst edition ofIlluminatus!, 1975

    magazine while they worked as the editors of the PlayboyForum.[14] The books mixed true information withimaginative ction to engage the reader in what Wilsoncalled "guerrilla ontology" which he apparently referredto as "Operation Mindfuck" in Illuminatus! The trilogyalso outlined a set of libertarian and anarchist axiomsknown as Celine's Laws (named after Hagbard Celine, acharacter in Illuminatus!), concepts Wilson revisitedseveral times in other writings.Among the many subplots of Illuminatus! one addressesbiological warfare and the overriding of the UnitedStates Bill of Rights, another gives a detailed account ofthe John F. Kennedy assassination, in which no fewerthan ve snipers, all working for dierent causes,prepared to shoot Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, and thebook's climax occurs at a rock concert where theaudience collectively face the danger of becoming a masshuman sacrice.Illuminatus! popularized Discordianism and the use ofthe term "fnord". It incorporates experimental prose

    styles inuenced by writers such as William S. Burroughs, James Joyce, and EzraPound.[15] Although Shea and Wilson never partnered on such a scale again,Wilson continued to expand upon the themes of the Illuminatus! books throughouthis writing career. Most of his later ction contains cross-over characters from"The Sex Magicians" (Wilson's rst novel, written before the release ofIlluminatus!, which includes many of his same characters) and The Illuminatus!Trilogy.Illuminatus! won the Prometheus Hall of Fame award for science ction in 1986,has many international editions, and found adaptation for the stage when KenCampbell produced it as a ten-hour epic drama. It also appeared as a SteveJackson role-playing card game called Illuminati and a trading-card game calledIlluminati: New World Order. Eye N Apple Productions and Rip O Pressproduced a comic book version of the trilogy.On the IlluminatiNear the end of his life, Richard Metzger interviewed Robert Anton Wilson andasked him about the Illuminati. His answer was:

    Richard Metzger: You have studied the Illuminati for years. Have

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  • you come to any conclusion about their aims?Robert Anton Wilson: Usually when people ask me that question, Igive them some kind of a put-on, but I can't think of a good andoriginal put-on that I haven't done several times before. So I'll tellyou the truth, for once. After investigating the Illuminati and theircritics for the last 30 years, I think the Illuminati was a short livedsociety of free thinkers and democratic reformers that formed asecret society within Freemasonry, using Freemasonry as a cover sothey could plot to overthrow all the kings in Europe and the Pope.I'm very happy that they succeeded in overthrowing all the kings, Ijust wish that they had completed the job and gotten rid of the Royalfamily in England too, but they did pretty well on the continent. I'msorry they haven't nished o the Pope yet, either, but I thinkthey're still working on the project and I wish them luck.

    Disinformation: the interviews. By Richard Metzger.[16]

    Schrdinger's Cat Trilogy, The HistoricalIlluminatus Chronicles, and Masks of theIlluminatiWilson wrote two more popular ction series. The rst, a trilogy later publishedas a single volume, was Schrdinger's Cat. The second, The Historical IlluminatusChronicles, appeared as three books. In-between publishing the two trilogiesWilson released a stand-alone novel, Masks of the Illuminati (1981), which tsinto, due to the main character's ancestry, The Historical Illuminatus Chronicles'timeline and, while published earlier, could qualify for the fourth volume in thatseries.Schrdinger's Cat consists of three volumes: The Universe Next Door, The TrickTop Hat, and The Homing Pigeons. Wilson set the three books in dieringalternative universes, and most of the characters remain almost the same but mayhave slightly dierent names and dierent careers and background stories. Thebooks cover the elds of quantum mechanics and the varied philosophies andexplanations that exist within the science. The single volume describes itself as amagical textbook and a type of initiation. The single-volume edition omits manyentire pages and has many other omissions when compared with the originalseparate books.The Historical Illuminatus Chronicles, composed of The Earth Will Shake (1982),The Widow's Son (1985), and Nature's God (1991), follows the timelines of several

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  • characters through dierent generations, time periods, and countries. The bookscover, among many other topics, the history, legacy, and rituals of the Illuminatiand related groups.Masks of the Illuminati, featuring historical characters in a ctionalized setting,contains a great deal of occult data. Intermixing Albert Einstein, James Joyce,Aleister Crowley, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, and others, thebook focuses on Pan and other occult icons, ideas, and practices. The book is alsobursting with homages, parodies and pastiches from both the lives and works ofAleister Crowley and James Joyce.

    Plays and screenplaysA play by Wilson, Wilhelm Reich in Hell (published as a book in 1987 and rstperformed at the Edmund Burke Theatre in Dublin, in San Francisco, and in LosAngeles) included many factual and ctional characters, including MarilynMonroe, Uncle Sam, and Wilhelm Reich himself. Wilson also wrote and publishedas books two screenplays, not yet produced: Reality Is What You Can Get AwayWith: an Illustrated Screenplay (1992) and The Walls Came Tumbling Down(1997).

    The Cosmic Trigger series and other booksIn the nonction and partly autobiographical Cosmic Trigger I: The Final Secretof the Illuminati (1977) and its two sequels, as well as in many other works,Wilson examined Freemasons, Discordianism, Susm, the Illuminati, Futurology,Zen Buddhism, Dennis and Terence McKenna, Jack Parsons, the occult practicesof Aleister Crowley and G.I. Gurdjie, Yoga, and many other esoteric orcounterculture philosophies, personalities, and occurrences.Wilson advocated Timothy Leary's eight circuit model of consciousness andneurosomatic/linguistic engineering, which he wrote about in many booksincluding Prometheus Rising (1983, revised 1997) and again in 1990 withQuantum Psychology (which contain practical techniques intended to help onebreak free of one's "reality tunnels"). With Leary, he helped promote the futuristideas of space migration, intelligence increase, and life extension, which theycombined to form the word symbol SMILE.Wilson's 1986 book, The New Inquisition, argues that whatever reality consists ofit actually would seem much weirder than we commonly imagine. It cites, amongother sources, Bell's theorem and Alain Aspect's experimental proof of Bell's tosuggest that mainstream science has a strong materialist bias, and that in factmodern physics may have already disproved materialist metaphysics.Wilson also supported the work and utopian theories of Buckminster Fuller and

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  • examined the theories of Charles Fort. He and LorenColeman became friends,[17] as he did with mediatheorist Marshall McLuhan and Neuro LinguisticProgramming co-founder Richard Bandler, with whom hetaught workshops. He also admired James Joyce, andwrote extensive commentaries on the author and on twoof Joyce's novels, Finnegans Wake and Ulysses, in his1988 book Coincidance: A Head Test.[18]Although Wilson often lampooned and criticized someNew Age beliefs, bookstores specializing in New Agematerial often sell his books. Wilson, a well-knownauthor in occult and Neo-Pagan circles, used AleisterCrowley as a main character in his 1981 novel Masks ofthe Illuminati, included some elements of H. P.Lovecraft's work in his novels, and at times claimed tohave perceived encounters with magical "entities" (whenasked whether these entities seemed "real", he answeredthey seemed "real enough," although "not as real as the IRS" but "easier to get ridof", and later decided that his experiences may have emerged from "just my rightbrain hemisphere talking to my left").[19] He warned against beginners usingoccult practice, since to rush into such practices and the resulting "energies" theyunleash could lead people to "go totally nuts".[20]Wilson also criticized scientic types with overly rigid belief systems, equatingthem with religious fundamentalists in their fanaticism. In a 1988 interview, whenasked about his newly published book The New Inquisition: Irrational Rationalismand the Citadel of Science, Wilson commented:

    "I coined the term irrational rationalism because those people claim tobe rationalists, but they're governed by such a heavy body of taboos.They're so fearful, and so hostile, and so narrow, and frightened, anduptight and dogmatic... I wrote this book because I got tired satirizingfundamentalist Christianity... I decided to satirize fundamentalistmaterialism for a change, because the two are equally comical... Thematerialist fundamentalists are funnier than the Christianfundamentalists, because they think they're rational! ...They're neverskeptical about anything except the things they have a prejudiceagainst. None of them ever says anything skeptical about the AMA, orabout anything in establishment science or any entrenched dogma.They're only skeptical about new ideas that frighten them. They'reactually dogmatically committed to what they were taught when theywere in college..."[21]

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  • Probability relianceIn a 2003 interview with High Times magazine, Wilson described himself as"model-agnostic" which he said

    "consists of never regarding any model or map of the universe with total100% belief or total 100% denial. Following Korzybski, I put things inprobabilities, not absolutes... My only originality lies in applying thiszetetic attitude outside the hardest of the hard sciences, physics, tosofter sciences and then to non-sciences like politics, ideology, juryverdicts and, of course, conspiracy theory".[22]

    Wilson claimed in Cosmic Trigger: Volume 1 "not to believe anything", since"belief is the death of intelligence".[23] He described this approach as "MaybeLogic."Wilson wrote about this and other topics in articles for the cyberpunk magazineMondo 2000.[24]

    Economic thoughtRobert Anton Wilson favored a form of Basic Income Guarantee; synthesizingseveral ideas under the acronym RICH. His ideas are set forth in the essay "TheRICH Economy" found in The Illuminati Papers.[25] In an article critical ofcapitalism Anton Wilson self identies as a "libertarian socialist" when he saidthat "I ask only one thing of skeptics: dont bring up Soviet Russia, please. Thathorrible example of State Capitalism has nothing to do with what I, and otherlibertarian socialists, would oer as an alternative to the present system."[26]

    Other activitiesRobert Anton Wilson and his wife Arlen Riley Wilson founded the Institute for theStudy of the Human Future in 1975.From 1982 until his death, Wilson had a business relationship with theAssociation for Consciousness Exploration, which hosted his rst on-stagedialogue with his long-time friend Timothy Leary[27] entitled The Inner Frontier.[28][29][30] Wilson dedicated his book The New Inquisition to A.C.E.'s co-directors,Je Rosenbaum and Joseph Rothenberg.Wilson also joined the Church of the SubGenius, who referred to him as PopeBob.[31] He contributed to their literature, including the book Three-Fisted Tales

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  • Wilson speaking at thePhenomicon

    of "Bob", and shared a stage with their founder,Rev. Ivan Stang, on several occasions. Wilson alsofounded the Guns and Dope Party[32] and itscorresponding Burning Man theme camp.As a member of the Board of Advisors of the FullyInformed Jury Association, Wilson worked toinform the public about jury nullication, the rightof jurors to nullify a law they deem unjust.[33] Hesupported and wrote about E-Prime, a form ofEnglish lacking all "be" verbs (words such as "is","are", "was", "were" etc.).[34]A decades-long researcher into drugs and a strong opponent of what he called"the war on some drugs", Wilson participated as a Special Guest in the week-long1999 Annual Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam,[35] and used and often promoted theuse of medical marijuana.[36] He participated in a protest organized by theWo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana in Santa Cruz in 2002.[37]

    DeathOn June 22, 2006, Hungton Post blogger Paul Krassner reported that RobertAnton Wilson was under hospice care at home with friends and family.[38] OnOctober 2, Douglas Rushko reported that Wilson was in severe nancialtrouble.[39] Slashdot, Boing Boing, and the Church of the SubGenius also pickedup on the story, linking to Rushko's appeal.[40][41] As his webpage reported onOctober 10, these eorts succeeded beyond expectation and raised a sum whichwould have supported him for at least six months. Obviously touched by the greatoutpouring of support, on October 5, 2006, Wilson left the following comment onhis personal website, expressing his gratitude:

    Dear Friends, my God, what can I say. I am dumbfounded,abbergasted, and totally stunned by the charity and compassion thathas poured in here the last three days.To steal from Jack Benny, "I do not deserve this, but I also have severeleg problems and I don't deserve them either."Because he was a kind man as well as a funny one, Benny was beloved. Ind it hard to believe that I am equally beloved and especially that Ideserve such love.Whoever you are, wherever you are, know that my love is with you.

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  • You have all reminded me that despite George W. Bush and all hiscohorts, there is still a lot of beautiful kindness in the world.Blessings,Robert Anton Wilson


    On January 6, 2007, Wilson wrote on his blog that according to several medicalauthorities, he would likely only have between two days and two months left tolive.[43] He closed this message with "I look forward without dogmatic optimismbut without dread. I love you all and I deeply implore you to keep the lasagnaying. Please pardon my levity, I don't see how to take death seriously. It seemsabsurd." He died peacefully ve days later, on January 11 at 4:50 a.m. Pacictime.[44] After his cremation on January 18, and his family-held memorial serviceon February 18, his family scattered most of his ashes at the same spot as hiswife'so the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk in Santa Cruz, California.[45][46]A tribute show to Wilson, organized by Coldcut and Mixmaster Morris andperformed in London as a part of the "Ether 07 Festival" held at the QueenElizabeth Hall on March 18, 2007, also included Ken Campbell, Bill Drummondand Alan Moore.[47]


    The Sex Magicians (1973)The Illuminatus! Trilogy (1975) (with Robert Shea)

    The Eye in the PyramidThe Golden AppleLeviathan

    Schrdinger's Cat Trilogy (19791981)The Universe Next DoorThe Trick Top HatThe Homing Pigeons

    Masks of the Illuminati (1981)The Historical Illuminatus Chronicles

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  • The Earth Will Shake (1982)The Widow's Son (1985)Nature's God (1988)

    Autobiographical and philosophical trilogyCosmic Trigger Trilogy

    Cosmic Trigger I: The Final Secret of the Illuminati (1977)Cosmic Trigger II: Down to Earth (1992)Cosmic Trigger III: My Life After Death (1995)

    Plays and screenplaysWilhelm Reich in Hell (1987)Reality Is What You Can Get Away With (1992; revised editionnewintroduction added1996)The Walls Came Tumbling Down (1997)

    Non-ctionPlayboy's Book of Forbidden Words (1972)Sex and Drugs: A Journey Beyond Limits (1973)The Book of the Breast (1974)Neuropolitics (1978) (with Timothy Leary and George Koopman)The Game of Life (1979) (with Timothy Leary)Prometheus Rising (1983)The New Inquisition (1986)Natural Law, or Don't Put a Rubber on Your Willy (1987)Neuropolitique (1988) (with Timothy Leary & George Koopman) revision ofNeuropoliticsSex, Drugs and Magick: A Journey Beyond Limits (1988) revision, with newintroduction, of Sex and Drugs: A Journey Beyond LimitsIshtar Rising (1989) revision of The Book of the BreastQuantum Psychology (1990)Everything Is Under Control: Conspiracies, Cults and Cover-ups (1998) (withMiriam Joan Hill)

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  • TSOG: The Thing That Ate the Constitution (2002)Essay collections

    Email to the universe and other alterations of consciousness (2005)collection of essays and new materialCoincidance: A Head Test (1988) essays and new materialThe Illuminati Papers (1980) collection of essays and new materialRight Where You Are Sitting Now (1983) collection of essays and newmaterial

    EditorSemiotext(e) SF (1989) (anthology, editor, with Rudy Rucker and PeterLamborn Wilson)Chaos and Beyond (1994) (editor and primary author)

    DiscographyA Meeting with Robert Anton Wilson (ACE) cassetteReligion for the Hell of It (ACE) cassetteH.O.M.E.s on LaGrange (ACE) cassetteThe New Inquisition (ACE) cassetteThe H.E.A.D. Revolution (ACE) cassette and CDPrometheus Rising (ACE) cassetteThe Inner Frontier (with Timothy Leary) (ACE) cassetteThe Magickal Movement: Present & Future (with Margot Adler, IsaacBonewits & Selena Fox) (ACE) Panel Discussion cassetteMagick Changing the World, the World Changing Magick (ACE) PanelDiscussion cassetteThe Self in Transformation (ACE) Panel Discussion cassetteThe Once & Future Legend (with Ivan Stang, Robert Shea and others) (ACE)Panel Discussion cassetteWhat IS the Conspiracy, Anyway? (ACE) Panel Discussion cassetteThe Chocolate-Biscuit Conspiracy album with The Golden Horde (1984)Twelve Eggs in a Basket CD

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  • Robert Anton Wilson On Finnegans Wake and Joseph Campbell (interview byFaustin Bray and Brian Wallace) (1988) 2 CD Set Sound PhotosynthesisAcceleration of Knowledge (1991) cassetteSecrets of Power comedy cassetteRobert Anton Wilson Explains Everything: or Old Bob Exposes His Ignorance(July 30, 2005) Sounds True ISBN 1-59179-375-0, ISBN 978-1-59179-375-5


    Tneis da Realidade, Os (a.k.a. Who Is the Master Who Makes the GrassGreen?) (1996) Edgar Pra (Portugal)Manual de Evaso (September 16, 1994) Edgar Pra (Portugal)

    WriterWilhelm Reich in Hell (2005) (Video) Deepleaf Productions

    HimselfChildren of the Revolution: Tune Back In (2005) Revolutionary ChildProductionsThe Gospel According to Philip K. Dick (2001) TKO Productions23 (1998) (23 Nichts ist so wie es scheint) Claussen & WbkeFilmproduktion GmbH (Germany)Arise! The SubGenius Video (1992) (V) (a.k.a. Arise! SubGenius RecruitmentFilm #16) The SubGenius Foundation (USA)Borders (1989) Co-Directions Inc. (TV documentary)Fear In The Night: Demons, Incest and UFOs (1993) Video TrajectoriesTwelve Eggs in a Box: Myth, Ritual and the Jury System (1994) Video TrajectoriesEverything Is Under Control: Robert Anton Wilson in Interview (1998) Video Trajectories


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  • Maybe Logic: The Lives and Ideas of Robert Anton Wilson, a documentaryfeaturing selections from over 25 years of Wilson footage, released on DVDin North America on May 30, 2006.[48]

    See also23 Enigma8-Circuit Model of ConsciousnessChaos magicGeneral semanticsList of Discordian works

    List of occult writersMax StirnerSmart drugs (Nootropics)Trajectories

    References^ [1] ( [2]( [3](


    ^ Patricia Monaghan: "Robert AntonWilson". Booklist, May 15, 1999 v. 95 i.18 p. 1680


    ^ "Robert Anton Wilson".Contemporary Authors Online, Gale,2007. Reproduced in BiographyResource Center. Farmington Hills,Mich.: Thomson Gale. 2007


    ^ Berke, Joseph (29 October 1965)."The Free University of New York".Peace News: 67. as reproduced inJakobsen, Jakob (2012). Anti-Universityof LondinAntihistory Tabloid( London: MayDay Rooms.pp. 67.


    ^ "Robert Anton Wilson." St. JamesGuide to Science Fiction Writers, 4thed. St. James Press, 1996. Reproducedin Biography Resource Center.Farmington Hills, Michigan.: ThomsonGale. 2007.


    ^ Martin van der Werf: "Lawsuit U."The Chronicle of Higher Education,August 4, 2006


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  • ^ Prometheus Rising( Robert AntonWilson's Prometheus Rising on thecredibility of the previously existingPaideia University


    ^ Patricia Luna Wilson(


    ^ Robert Anton Wilson obituarymentioning Arlen's death(,,1992814,00.html)


    ^ The Beltane Celebration(


    ^ "The author of 35 books on subjectslike extrasensory perception, mentaltelepathy, metaphysics, paranormalexperiences, conspiracy theory, sex,drugs and what he called quantumpsychology..." New York Timesobituary.


    ^ " author of The Illuminatus!Trilogya mind-twisting science-ction series about a secret globalsociety that has been a cult classic formore than 30 years..." from "RobertAnton Wilson, 74; Wrote Mind-TwistingNovels"; [Obituary (Obit)] DennisHevesi. New York Times. (Late Edition(East Coast)). New York, N.Y.: Jan 13,2007. pg. A.16


    ^ Paul De Groot (Sep 14, 1985)."Conspiracy's his specialty"(,1565394). Edmonton Journal.Retrieved 18 March 2013.


    ^ "The Illuminatus saga stumblesalong" by Robert Anton Wilson(


    ^ Conspiracy Digest Interviewsprinted in Illuminatus Papers, 1980


    ^ Disinformation: the interviews. ByRichard Metzger. Accessed 26 July2011. (


    ^ 23 Skidoo(


    ^ Bray, Faustin / Wallace, Brian(interviewers)/ Wilson, Robert Anton(speaker) (1988). Robert Anton WilsonOn Finnegans Wake and JosephCampbell (Audio CD). Mill Valley:Sound Photosynthesis.ISBN 1-56964-801-8.


    ^ Maybe Logic: The Lives and Ideas ofRobert Anton Wilson


    ^ "Robert Anton Wilson". Robert AntonWilson Explains Everything. 2000


    ^ 1988 interview (


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  • ^ Krassner, Paul. A Paul KrassnerInterview With R. A. W( HighTimes, March 2003 issue.


    ^ Wilson, Robert Anton. CosmicTrigger: Volume I. Tempe, Arizona.New Falcon Publications. 1977. pg ii.


    ^ "CybeRevolution Montage"(,Mondo 2000 no. 7, 1989


    ^ The RICH Economy by Robert AntonWilson from The Illuminati Papers(


    ^ Robert Anton Wilson. "Is Capitalisma Revealed Religion?" From the Realistissue number 27, pg. 10(


    ^ Lesie, Michele (1989) "High Priest ofLSD To Drop In", The Plain Dealer


    ^ Local Group Hosts Dr. TimothyLeary by Will Allison (The ObserverFri. Sept. 29th, 1989)


    ^ Two 60s Cult Heroes, on the Eve ofthe 80s by James Ne (Cleveland PlainDealer October 30, 1979)


    ^ Timothy Leary: An LSD CowboyTurns Cosmic Comic by Frank Kuznik(Cleveland Magazine November 1979)


    ^ Winterstar 2001(


    ^ Nocenti, Annie; Baldwin, Ruth(2004). The High Times Reader. NationBooks. p. 472.ISBN 978-1-56025-624-3.


    ^ Interview of Robert Anton Wilson(, (conducted August 1997)Paradigm Shift, Vol. 1 No. 1 (July1998). Retrieved January 11, 2007.


    ^ Andrea Shapiro: "Taking the HighRoad". Santa Fe New Mexican,December 5, 2003


    ^ Paul Krassner: "The High Life", LAWeekly, December 17, 1999


    ^ "In Santa Cruz, an Ocial Handoutof Medicinal Pot." Los Angeles Times,September 18, 2002.


    ^ "For medical use only"(,761540). Deseret News. Sep17, 2002. Retrieved 18 March 2013.


    ^ Robert Anton Wilson( The HungtonPost


    ^ Robert Anton Wilson Needs OurHelp (


    ^ Illumninatus! Author Needs OurHelp ( Slashdot


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  • ^ Robert Anton Wilson needs our Help(


    ^ Robert Anton Wilson Home Page(


    ^ Do Not Go Gently Into That GoodNight(


    ^ RAW Essence(


    ^ RAW Data: Robert Anton WilsonCosmic Meme-Orial(


    ^ YouTube Robert Anton WilsonMeme-orial Procession(


    ^ Coldcut, Mixmaster Morris, KenCampbell, Bill Drummond and AlanMoore (March 18, 2007). Robert AntonWilson tribute show( Elizabeth Hall, London:Mixmaster Morris. Retrieved August28, 2009.


    ^ Maybe Logic(


    External linksOcial website ( , now maintained by his familyRAW Data 2.0 (, Wilson's blog, now maintainedby his daughter, ChristinaRAW Data (, Wilson's rst blogGuns and Dope Party (, Political partycreated by Wilson and Olga StruthioMaybe Logic The Lives and Ideas of Robert Anton Wilson( Where You Are Sitting Now Podcast ( Extensive two-hour RobertAnton Wilson tribute podcast, featuring audio clips, and interviews withfriends of Wilson.A collection of RAW audio/video from his publisher( A collection of

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  • RAW audio/video from his publisherRiggenbach, Je (August 15, 2011). "Robert Anton Wilson" ( Mises Daily (Ludwig von Mises Institute).Robert Anton Wilson Fans ( Anton Wilson ( at the Internet Speculative Fiction DatabaseRobert Anton Wilson ( at Find a Grave

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