rob adelberg 584

60 WWW. TWITTER .COM/ ZOO ACCESS ALL AREAS! 60 WWW. TWITTER .COM/ ZOO W ith the show-stopping spectacle that is freestyle motocross (FMX) heading to England for the first time in September, we thought it would be wise to get a heads-up on the sport from top Australian rider Rob Adelberg. The global arena-touring event, known as Night Of The Jumps, pits the world’s best FMX riders against each other to see who can pull off the most death-defying stunts. Here, Rob shares his experiences… FMX rider Rob Adelberg takes ZOO inside the crazy world of freestyle motocross Night Of The Jumps is at London’s O2 on Saturday 5 September. Tickets, from £35, available at night-of-the-jumps Crazy parties! “When I was 16, I went on tour in Thailand. We were out at this crazy party and, for some reason, out of nowhere, we started getting pepper sprayed and chased, while in the back of a truck, to our hotel. Eventually the promoter paid some money and we didn’t go to jail. That was my welcome to freestyle!” Scary jumps! “The most exciting thing about riding is the chance to showcase new tricks and to push your limits. I’m full of adrenaline when I jump. The most challenging freestyle skill to master is the Cali Roll. It’s very risky but, when executed right, it feels awesome and the crowds absolutely love it.” Huge leap! Crash landings! “My worst injury was at an event in Salt Lake City, Utah. I was attempting two jumps in a row and, after the first, I accidently put the bike gear into neutral and couldn’t stop in time for the next one. I broke my right scaphoid, right heel, left rib, fibula and shattered my left talus.” Jet-set lifestyle! “All the riders travel together, and see amazing cities and sights with each other. There is that competitiveness on the night, but we’re all good mates off the bikes. Prague is the best place we’ve been to. The mad parties and lovely ladies are the highlights.” Foam practice makes perfect! “My dad bought me a motorbike when I was three. From a young age, I knew this was the career for me. I now have a home-built practice course with most of the standard jumps. To be safe, I have a large foam pit – around 10m wide and 13m long. It allows me to work on more risky tricks.” ZOO talks to Rob Adelberg WORDS: Drew Middleton PICS: Redbullcontentpool

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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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W ith the show-stopping spectacle that is freestyle motocross

(FMX) heading to England for the first time in September, we thought it would be wise to get a heads-up on the sport from top Australian rider Rob Adelberg.

The global arena-touring event, known as Night Of The Jumps, pits the world’s best FMX riders against each other to see who can pull off the most death-defying stunts. Here, Rob shares his experiences…

FMX r ider Rob Adelberg takes ZO O inside the crazy world of f reestyle motocross

Night Of The Jumps is at London’s O2 on Saturday 5 September. Tickets, from £35, available at

Crazy parties!“When I was 16, I went on tour in Thailand. We were out at this crazy party and, for some reason, out of nowhere, we started getting pepper sprayed and chased, while in the back of a truck, to our hotel. Eventually the promoter paid some money and we didn’t go to jail. That was my welcome to freestyle!”

Scary jumps!“The most exciting thing about riding is the chance to showcase new tricks and to push your limits. I’m full of adrenaline when I jump. The most challenging freestyle skill to master is the Cali Roll. It’s very risky but, when executed right, it feels awesome and the crowds absolutely love it.”

Huge leap!

Crash landings!“My worst injury was at an event in Salt Lake City, Utah. I was attempting two jumps in a row and, after the first, I accidently put the bike gear into neutral and couldn’t stop in time for the next one. I broke my right scaphoid, right heel, left rib, fibula and shattered my left talus.”

Jet-set lifestyle!“All the riders travel together, and see amazing cities and sights with each other. There is that competitiveness on the night, but we’re all good mates off the bikes. Prague is the best place we’ve been to. The mad parties and lovely ladies are the highlights.”

Foam practice makes perfect!“My dad bought me a motorbike when I was three. From a young age, I knew this was the career for me. I now have a home-built practice course with most of the standard jumps. To be safe, I have a large foam pit – around 10m wide and 13m long. It allows me to work on more risky tricks.”

Z O O t a l ks t o R o b A d e l b e r g



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