road to success

Success. It means so many different things to so many different people. Some see it as having a highly-paid, secure job. Some see it as owning a business. Some see it as having a fancy car or a nice house. Some see it as having a lasting marriage, great kids, or living a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, our steady diet of success books, videos and courses has created a hunger for instant gratification and immediate results. We get excited when we hear about a pill to lose weight here, a get-rich-quick scheme there; we want success and we want it NOW! Success doesn't come just because we want it badly enough. It's more like constructing a skyscraper. The tallest towers are built on firm foundations driven deep into the ground. They're supported by pillars throught the structure. This process takes years, backed by a team of engineers and architects. If we apply the quick-fix, rapid-fire model to construction, we're looking at imminent collapse. We don't want this to happen... What we do want is to provide you the resources for your long-term happiness and fulfillment. At the National Achievers Congress we've assembled a fantastic team of architects and engineers for your life so you can have the success you dream of.

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Post on 09-May-2015




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Page 1: Road to Success

Success. It means so many different things to so many different people. Some see it as having a highly-paid, secure job. Some see it as owning a business. Some see it as having a fancy car or a nice house. Some see it as having a lasting marriage, great kids, or living a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, our steady diet of success books, videos and courses has created a hunger for instant gratification and immediate results. We get excited when we hear about a pill to lose weight here, a get-rich-quick scheme there; we want success and we want it NOW! Success doesn't come just because we want it badly enough. It's more like constructing a skyscraper. The tallest towers are built on firm foundations driven deep into the ground. They're supported by pillars throught the structure. This process takes years, backed by a team of engineers and architects. If we apply the quick-fix, rapid-fire model to construction, we're looking at imminent collapse. We don't want this to happen...

What we do want is to provide you the resources for your long-term happiness and fulfillment. At the National Achievers Congress we've assembled a fantastic team of architects and engineers for your life so you can have the success you dream of.

Page 2: Road to Success

LES BROWN World's Leading

Motivational Speaker

"Hungry for Opportunity"

Les Brown is one of the world’s most renowned and highly sought after motivational speakers, who for decades has inspired audiences all over the world to step into their greatness. His course of amazing achievements from sanitation worker to broadcast station manager to state representative in Ohio is testament of his tenacity. His life speaks this message - with proper guidance and training anyone achieve the things they desire. Les will stoke your hunger to seek out business deals and investment opportunities and inspire you to take full advantage of them with boldness and confidence.

ROBERT RIOPEL World Class Trainer and

Success Coach

"Pursuing Success or Just Running in


Robert Riopel started out as a driver for a pizza business. His entrepreneurial spirit saw him rise through the ranks to store manager, and eventually owner of a chain of stores. But the problem was he spent money faster than he earned it. In 8 years, he was over $150,000 in debt. He came across the teachings of T. Harv Eker, applying what he learned and turned his financial life around. Within nine months, he was financially free and retired by age 32. Rob wants to help you to, like him, may find your passions and be able to live your life financially free; with purpose, success and joy.

ANDREW BRYANT Self Leadership Author, Coach and Motivational


"Self-leadership as a Strategy for Success"

Andrew Bryant comes with a wealth of knowledge and experience in developing global and Asian leaders and leadership teams. He is known for his constructive realism, energy and sense of humor. His varied backgrounds in physiotherapy, neuro-semantics, positive psychology, hypnosis, organizational behavior, leadership and even traditional Chinese medicine gives him a unique insight into what makes the difference in performance. Andrew will apply his collective knowledge and experience to help you deliver results to your bottom line whilst increasing your individual and team's performance.

Our speakers are dedicated to laying the groundwork for your future:

Find your passion and live your life with purpose, success and joy.

Develop the hunger to seek out opportunities with boldness and


Lead yourself to see tangible results in your business and career.

Whether you desire success in your business, wealth, or personal life (or

ALL of the above), understand that you will only attain it if you take the time

to grow yourself large enough to handle it. Our expert life-planners at the

National Achievers Congress are here to help. But only if you willing to trust

the process here.

Page 3: Road to Success

To Your Success!

P.S. While there's no shortcut to success, you can accelerate it by learning from

the experiences of others - and we've got the best right here at the National

Achievers Congress. Sign up here and renew your commitment to your success!