road safety barrier system works - tasman council · tenders are invited from suitably qualified...

Road Safety Barrier System Tasman Municipality 01/2016 Page 1 Request for Tender Road Safety Barrier System Works Various Locations, Tasman Municipality Contract 02-2016 Closes: 17-8-2016 at 4.00pm. Tasman Council Offices, 1713 Main Road Nubeena, Tasmania 7184

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Road Safety Barrier System Tasman Municipality 01/2016 Page 1

Request for Tender

Road Safety Barrier System Works

Various Locations, Tasman Municipality

Contract 02-2016

Closes: 17-8-2016 at 4.00pm. Tasman Council Offices, 1713 Main

Road Nubeena, Tasmania 7184

Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 2



Project Requirements 4

Conditions of Tendering 4

1. Nature of Tender 4

2. Scope of Tender 4

3. Tender Documents 5

4. Addenda 5

5. Discrepancies, Errors and Omissions in Tender Documents 5

6. Submission of Tender 5

7. Lodgement of Tenders 6

8. Conforming Tender 6

9. Alternative Tender 7

10. Prerequisites to Acceptance 7

11. Rise and Fall 7

12. Inspection of Site 7

13. Notices of Tenderer 7

!Unexpected End of Formula

15. Validity Period 7

16. Acceptance of Tender 8

17. Tender Deposit 8

Scope of Works 8

18. Design and constructions requirements 8

19. The Works 9

20. Hold Points 10

Site Conditions 10

Tender Form 11

Schedules 12


Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 3

Appendix B – Location Plan

Appendix C – Council Policies that also relate to Contractors

Appendices D – State Growth W Beam Barrier Check List

Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 4

Project Requirements

Tenders are invited from suitably qualified guard rail installation companies to

submit a tender to undertake works as specified in the Scope of Works and the

accompanying documentation.

Conditions of Tendering

1. Nature of Tender

Tenders shall be lodged as a lump sum and the price should be consistent with the basis of

payment as stated in the Conditions of Contract, General Specification and Project Specific


2. Scope of Tender

The tender shall be for the whole of the works unless otherwise stated in the General Conditions

of the contract AS4902-2000, Annexure Part A. (Appendix A)

This Standard is available from Standards Australia at

The works shall be carried out in accordance with the Department of State Growth standard

specifications for Road Safety Barrier Systems R61 as applicable. The Department of State Growth

specifications (DSG) can be found on the DSG website, namely:

DSG General Specifications

DSG G1 General Provision (DIER) – review for conflict with AS4902


• Environmental Management (DIER Standard Specs G10)

• Product Quality Compliance (Inspection and Test Plan – WA plan in AS4902)

• WH&S/Risk Management Plan

• Traffic Management

• Public contact

• Maintenance procedures for defects liability period (suggest deliver prior to Date of

Practical Completion)

• Emergency Management (DIER R101)

DSG Roadworks Specifications

Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 5

3. Tender Documents

The tender document referred to herein shall mean the Drawings, Specifications, Conditions

of Contact, Conditions of Tendering, Tender Form, Schedule of Quantities and other

documents issued to Tenderers by the Principal or his/her representative, and upon which

tenders for the contact shall be based.

4. Addenda

No amendment to the tender documents shall be recognised unless in the form of a written

addendum issued by the Principal or his representative.

5. Discrepancies, Errors and Omissions in Tender Documents

If the Tenderer finds any discrepancy, error or omission in the tender documents, notify the

Principal in writing on or before the closing date for tenders.

6. Submission of Tender

Form of Tender

Submit the tender upon the Form of Tender provided, duly completed and signed by the

Tenderer or as authorised representative.

Accompanying Documents

The following documents are to be submitted with the tender:

• Form of Tender and schedules completed and signed by the Tenderer

• Insurance Certificates of Currency

• Quality Management System certification

• Environmental Management System certification

• WHS Management System certification

• A program scheduling the various activities from the Date of Acceptance of Tender

through to issue of the Final Certificate.

• Relevant qualifications and experience of key staff that the Contractor will use to

deliver this Contact.

• Proposed systems for risk management including workplace health and safety, quality

of product and environmental management.

• A statement of the current capability and capacity to deliver the contract on time.

• Any supporting documentation which the Tenderer considers relevant to the Tender.

• Information to support the selection criteria of the Tender assessment.

• Safe Work Method Statements for all works

• White Card (or interstate equivalent) for workers to be used.

• Traffic management plans

The Tenderer shall not alter or add to any tender document except as required by these

Conditions of Tendering.

Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 6

Selection Criteria

Tender selection criteria have been developed in line with the Tasman Council’s Code of

Tenders and Contracts aim of achieving value for money. The selection of the successful

Tender will be based on the following criteria:-

• Price and rates

• Workplace health and safety management plan

• Proposed systems for risk management including WHS, EMS and Quality control

• Experience of the construction company and any sub-contractors and consultants

• Experience and qualifications of key personnel

Name and Address

The Tender shall state:

• If the Tenderer is a person, the full given names, surname and address of the


• If the Tenderer is a firm, the names in full of each member of the firm and address of

the firm.

• If the Tenderer is a company, the name of the company, the ABN and the address of

the registered office of the company

7. Lodgement of Tenders

Tenders must be contained in a sealed envelope and clearly marked:-

“TENDER – Road Safety Barrier Systems, Various Locations Tasman Municipality”

Tenders must be deposited in the Tender Box at the Tasman Council Offices, 1713 Main Road,

Nubeena, Tasmania 7184 prior to the closing time.

Late tenders or tenders received by facsimile or electronic mail will not be accepted.

8. Conforming Tender

A conforming tender is defined as follows:-

• It is submitted on time

• It is lodged at the nominated place

• All required schedules are completed except in the case of alternative tender a

separate schedule prepared by the Tenderer must be completed.

• Documents are properly signed

• It complies with the tender conditions

• There are no commercial and contractual qualifications to the tender

A non-conforming tender is one, which does not satisfy the above requirements and it

may be rejected.

Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 7

9. Alternative Tender

An alternative tender is one, which complies with the above conditions for a conforming

tender but does not comply with the specific scope of work. However it complies with the

intent, and meets the objective or the desired outcome of the tender.

To be eligible for consideration, the alternative tender must contain all the technical

information, costs and should identify all the proposed deviations from the tender

documents. The alternative tender will only be considered if it is suitable and acceptable for

the proposed work.

It is not a requirement to submit a conforming tender with the alternative tender.

10. Prerequisites to Acceptance

The Principal may, before any tender is accepted, require a Tenderer to submit any or all of the


• Proof of his/her resources and ability to carry out the works

• An estimated monthly cash flow

• Details of the method of construction to be used

• Proof of sound financial capacity.

The tenderer shall submit this information within the specified time as required by the Principal.

11. Rise and Fall

The rise and fall adjustments to compensate for variations in labour, material and other costs

will be provided in the specifications if the contract period exceeds one year.

12. Inspection of Site

The Tenderer is required to inspect the sites, and make allowance for those site conditions in

his offered unit rates and/or lump sum prices.

13. Notices of Tenderer

The Tenderer shall acknowledge with the tender the receipt of each notice issued by the

Principal or his/her representative.

14. Completion Time

The time for completion of the works is stated in the Annexure, Part A to the General Conditions

of Contract, AS4902-2000. The Tenderer may submit different tender prices for different

completion times.

Tenderers are to make due and proper allowances for down time caused by wet weather,

storm flows, material availability and other natural delays that may occur during the

construction period.

15. Validity Period

Tender prices of rates shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date of closing of


Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 8

16. Acceptance of Tender

The Principal shall not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender. The Principal will not be

responsible for or pay for expenses or losses which may be incurred by any tenderer in the

preparation of the tender.

Any tender which does not comply in every respect with the requirements of the tender

documents may be rejected.

No tender shall be deemed to have been accepted until the successful Tenderer has received

a letter of acceptance of the tender from the Principal.

On acceptance of the tender the Contractor and the Principal shall execute a formal

instrument of agreement as required by the General Conditions of Contact AS4902-2000.

Until a formal instrument of agreement is executive by the parties, documents evidencing the

parties’ consensus shall constitute the contract.

17. Tender Deposit

A tender deposit is not required.

Scope of Works This contract is for the construction of Road Safety Barrier Systems at six sites in the Tasman

Municipality. The sites are shown on the attached location map (Appendix B).

18. Design and construction requirements

• Removal of the existing barrier systems is to be done by the tenderer as part of this tender.

• W-Beam Safety Barrier as approved by the State Growth Specification R61 and AS3845

• All rail shall be 4 metre lengths

• Proprietary Semi Rigid Systems to be as per the Department of State Growth R61

• All material supplied to site must come with a NATA certificate to meet Australian Standards

and be subject to the hold points/checklist in Appendix C.

• The Council reserve the right to withhold payment if site inspections by the Council conclude

that materials do not meet specification. Any cost associated with removal and or re-

installation will be the responsibility of the Head Contractor.

• Attention is drawn to the fact the contractor will be required to work in accordance with the

DSG “General Specifications” and “Roadworks Specifications”.

• A traffic management plan prepared by a suitably qualified person is to be approved by

Councils superintendent prior to any works commencing.

• The Contract will include the General Specifications prepared by the Department of

Infrastructure, Energy and Resources which can be found at

• Practical Completion will include the works being completed to the satisfaction of the


Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 9

• After the completion of installation, the contractor shall supply documentation to certify that

works have been completed in accordance with the AS/NZ 3845:1999.

• Gating & non gating end treatment Terminals

• Non-Gating Terminal shall be as approved by the Department of State Growth R61

and installation shall be as per R61 design guidelines ie includes hazard free zone

etc. Proprietary Energy Absorbing Terminals shall be as per Department of State

Growths R61 but (due to site conditions eg Drive way entrances etc) must have the

point of need (PON) at the terminal starting from the very first post at the impact

head. Total barrier LON shall be determined inclusive of LON as per standard

VicRoads drawing SD3545

• All lengths shown in the schedule are for LON. The tenderer is to include the cost of the

terminal and any additional guard rail to the PON in their tender.

19. The Works

The works are to include:-

• Prior to the commencement of any works on site the Contractor shall undertake site

investigation and prepare a Contract Management Plan in accordance with the

Department of Infrastructure Energy and Resources (DIER) General specification G2 –

Contract Management Plan to the satisfaction of the Superintendent. The Contract

Management Plan is to address all aspects of this specification including:

o Detailed program of works

o Environmental management

o Product quality compliance

o Workplace health and safety

o Traffic management

o Public contact

o Maintenance during defects liability period

o Emergency management

• Site preparation including:-

o Establishing site offices and storage area and fencing with a suitable security

fence to prevent access by the public and stock.

o Relocation of services where required

o Traffic management

o Environmental protection works

• Construction of the works to the detailed design including:-

o Excavation

o Asset construction

o Relocation and management of services

o Traffic management

o Inspection and testing

Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 10

o Environmental management

• Site meetings with the Superintendent on a regular basis. During peak construction

activity the frequency of these meetings may be increased at the discretion of the

Superintendent. The Contractor is to prepare minutes of site meetings and forward

to the Superintendent within three working days of the meeting.

• Project management of the Contract including, management of sub-contractors,

preparation of all programs and schedules, site meeting minutes and delivery of the

Contract Management Plan.

• Maintenance and inspection during the Defects Liability Period.

20. Hold Points

The Contract shall have Hold Points per State Growth Standard Roadworks Specifications R61.

Site Conditions It is the Contractors’ responsibility to undertake site investigations to determine conditions that may

affect both the design and the construction of the works.

Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 11

Tender Form



CONTRACT 02/2016


Name of Person, form or Company tendering

Company ABN

Address of Tenderer

Contact Phone Number

Contact Fax Number

Contact E-mail Address

Hereby tender(s) to perform the work for Description of the Works Contract 02/2016: Installation of Road Safety

Barrier Systems

List of Documents In accordance with the following documents:

• Request for Tender Contract 02/2016


Insert Tender Lump Sum Price For the Lump Sum of


$ ……………………………………………………………….

Amount Exclusive of GST

If the Tenderer is a firm, the full name of the

firm’s representative

Insert date

Dated (day) of


Signature of Tenderer

Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 12




This Schedule of Works sets out the items of work required under the contract.

Each item in the schedule shall be all inclusive of design, materials, labour, plant, project and

incidentals necessary to complete the specific item.

Any item or part of the works not specifically mentioned shall be allowed for within the items in this

schedule as considered relevant by the tenderer to allow for the intended execution of the contract

in accordance with the contact documents.

This schedule sets out the items of work required under the contract.





(Excl. GST)


(Incl. GST)

1 Nubeena Road 755 metres west of Marsh Road junction. Remove

existing signage and wire rope and post fence. Install approx. 174

metres of w-beam barrier system, 3 non-gating terminals, 1 BCTA.

Site ready now.

2 Saltwater River Road crossing Noxes Creek, CH 3,270. Remove

existing barrier system. Install approx. 74 metres of w-beam

barrier system with 4 non-gating terminals. Reuse approximately

54 metres existing w-beam.

Site ready March 2017.

3 Saltwater River Road crossing Garnetts Creek, CH 8,970. Install 4 /

10 metre BCTA’s. Site ready now.

4 Safety Cove Road crossing Ferks Creek, CH 4,400. Remove existing

barrier system. Install w-beam safety barrier in accordance with

attached plan (Appendix D). Site ready now.

5 Gwandalan Road, 70 metres west of Slopen Main Drive Crossing

Norfolk Bay Creek. Install approx. 80 metres of w-beam safety

barrier with 4 non-gating terminals. Site ready now.

6 Nubeena Road 415 metres east of Marsh Road junction. Add 4 / 10

metre BCTA’s to existing w-beam safety barrier. Site ready now.


Unit rate per metre of W-Beam if extra is required =

Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 13

This Schedule of Rates will be used to assess variations to the contract sum. The rates shall be

inclusive of mark up for profit and attendance:

Item Unit Rate

(Excl GST)


(Incl GST)

Project Manager Hour

Professional Engineer Hour

Site Supervisor Hour

Tradesperson Hour

Labourer Hour

5-7t excavator Hour

Backhoe Hour

10y truck Hour

Add additional plant if required.

Tenderer’s Signature: Date:

Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 14


Appendix A – AS4902-2000 General Conditions of Contract for Design and

Construct Annexure Part A

ANNEXURE to the Australian Standard General

Conditions of Contract for Design and Construct PART A

This Annexure shall be completed and issued as part of the tender documents and, subject to any

amendments to be incorporated into the Contract, is to be attached to the General Conditions of

Contract and shall be read as part of the Contract.


1 Principal

(clause 1)

Tasman Council

ACN ………………………….. ABN 63 590 070 717

2 Principal’s address 1713 Main Road

Nubeena Tas 7184

Phone: 6250 9200 Fax: 6250 9220

3 Contractor

(clause 1)



ACN …………………………………… ABN ………………………………………..

4 Contractor’s address



Phone: ………………………………. Fax: ………………………………………..

5 Superintendent

(clause 1)



6 Superintendent’s address



71 (a) Date for practical completion

(clause 1)


(b) Period of time for practical

completion (clause 1)

Site’s 1,3,4,5,6 by Friday 2 December 2016

Site 2 when available. Approximately March 2017.


1 If applicable, delete and instead complete equivalent item in the separable portions section of the Annexure

Part A

Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 15

8 (c) Governing law (clause 1(h)) …………………………………………………………………………………………………

If nothing stated, that of the jurisdiction where the site is located

9 (a) Currency (clause 1(g)

(b) Place for payments (Clause


(c) Place of business of banks

(clause 1(d))


If nothing stated, that of the jurisdiction where the site is located


If nothing stated, The Principal’s address


If nothing stated, the place nearest to where the site is located

10 The Principal’s project

requirements are described in the

following documents (clause 1)

1. Preliminary design (if included in Item 11)

2. Project requirements for Contract No. 01/2014

3. …………………………………………………………………………………..

4. …………………………………………………………………………………..

5. …………………………………………………………………………………..

11 Preliminary design (clause 1) A preliminary design is not included in the Principal’s


12 Quantities in schedule of rates,

limits of accuracy (subclause 2.5)

Upper limit ………………………………………………………………………

Lower limit ……………………………………………………………………….

13 Provisional sum, percentage for

profit and attendance (clause 3)

……………………………………… %

142 Contractor’s security

(a) Form (clause 5)

(b) Amount of maximum

percentage of contract sum

(clause 5)

(c) If retention moneys,

percentage of each progress

certificate (clause 5 and

subclause 37.2)

(d) Time for provision (except for

retention moneys) (clause 5)

(e) Additional security for unfixed

plant and materials (subclauses

5.4 and 37.3)

(f) Contractor’s security upon

certificate of practical

completion is reduced by

(subclause 5.4)

Retention ……………………………………………………………………………


………………….. %, until the limit in Item 14(b)

If nothing stated, 10%, until the limit in Item 14(b)

Within …………………. Days after date of acceptance of tender

If nothing stated, 28 days

All items with a value of more than $5,000.00

……………………………………………………………. $ ……………………….

………………………..% of amount held

If nothing stated, 50% of amount held

153 Principal’s security

(a) Form (clause 5)

(b) Amount or maximum

percentage of contract sum

(clause 5)

(c) Time for provision (clause 5)

(d) Principal’s security upon

certificate of practical



If nothing stated, nil

Within NA days after date of acceptance of tender

If nothing stated, 28 days

Nil % of amount held

If nothing stated, 50% of amount held

2 If applicable, delete and instead complete equivalent item in the separable portions section of the Annexure

Part A 3 If applicable, delete and instead complete equivalent item in the separable portions section of the Annexure

Part A

Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 16

completion is reduce by

(subclause 5.4)

16 Principal-supplied documents

(subclause 8.2)

Documents No. of copies

1. Principal’s project requirements Electronic

2. Geotechnical Report Electronic

3. ……………………………………………… …………………….

4. ……………………………………………… …………………….

5. ……………………………………………… …………………….

If nothing stated 5 copies

17 Documents, numbers of copies,

and the times or stages at which

they are to be supplied by the

Contractor (subclause 8.3)


1. Contract Management Plan

2. Preliminary Design

3. Detailed Design

4. Engineers report

5. Engineers maintenance report

No. of copies Time/stage

Electronic 2 weeks from date of acceptance

Electronic 4 weeks from date of acceptance

Electronic 8 weeks from date of acceptance

Electronic Prior to date of Practical Completion

Electronic 52 weeks from Practical Completion

18 Time for Superintendent’s direction

about documents (subclause 8.3)


If nothing stated, 14 days

19 Subcontracting

(subclause 9.2)

Work by consultants Work by others

………………………………………… All subcontract work with an

anticipated value of more

than 10% of the contract sum

………………………………………… …………………………………………..

………………………………………… …………………………………………..

………………………………………… …………………………………………..

………………………………………… …………………………………………..

20 Novation (subclause 9.4) Subcontractor or selected Work by others

Subcontractor, as the case All subcontract work with an

anticipated value of more

than 10% of the contract sum

………………………………………… …………………………………………..

………………………………………… …………………………………………..

………………………………………… …………………………………………..

………………………………………… …………………………………………..

21 Intellectual property rights granted

to the Principal, the Alternative

applying (subclause 10.2)


If nothing stated, Alternative 1 applies

22 Legislative requirements

(a) Those excepted (subclause


(b) Identified WUC (subclause




Any WUC with a value of more than 10% of the contract sum


23 Insurance of the Works (Clause


(a) Alternative applying


Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 17

If Alternative 1 applies

(b) Provision for demolition and

removal of debris

(c) Provision for consultants fees

and Principal’s consultants fees

(d) Value of materials or things to

be supplied by the Principal

(e) Additional amount or


If nothing stated, Alternative 1 applies


……………………………………………….. $ ………………………………….


………………………………………..% of the contract sum


……………………………………………….. $ ………………………………….


………………………………………..% of the contract sum


……………………………………………….. $ ………………………………….


……………………………………………….. $ ………………………………….


………………………………………..% of the total of (a) to (d) in clause 16A

24 Professional indemnity insurance

(clause 16B and subclause 9.2(d))

(a) Levels of cover of Contractor’s

professional indemnity

insurance shall be not less than

(b) Period for which Contractor’s

professional indemnity

insurance shall be maintained

after issue of the final


(c) Categories of consultants and

levels of cover of consultants

professional indemnity


(d) Period for which each

consultant’s professional

indemnity insurance shall be

maintained after issue of the

final certificate


…………………………………………………. $ …………………………………

If nothing stated, $5,000,000


If nothing stated, 6 years

Category Levels of Cover

Consulting Engineers $...........................

Surveyors $...........................

Geologists $...........................

…………………………………………………………………. $............................

If nothing stated, $1,000,000


If nothing stated, 6 years

25 Public liability insurance (clause 17)

(a) Alternative applying

If Alternative 1 applies

(b) Amount per occurrence shall

be not less than


If nothing stated, Alternative 1 applies


…………………………………………. $20,000,000

If nothing stated, $10,000,000

26 (a) Time for giving access

(subclause 24.1)

(b) Time for giving possession

(subclause 24.1)

Within ………………… days of date of acceptance of tender

If nothing stated, 14 days

Within……………….. days of date of acceptance of tender

If nothing stated, 14 days

27 The information, materials,

documents or instructions and the

times by, or periods within which

they are to be given to the

Contractor (clause 32)

Documents or instructions Times/Periods

1. ……………………………………………… ………………………….

2. ……………………………………………… ………………………….

3. ……………………………………………… ………………………….

4. ……………………………………………… ………………………….

5. ……………………………………………… ………………………….

28 Qualifying causes of delay, causes

of delay for which EOTs will not be

The first three days of inclement weather in each calendar month

up to and including the date of Practical Completion

Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 18

granted (paragraph (b)(iii) of clause

1 and subclause 34.3)



294 Liquidated damages, rate

(subclause 34.7)

Based on a seven day week the rate shall be $110.00 per day

305 Bonus for early practical

completion (subclause 34.8)

(a) Rate

(b) Limit


………………………………………….. per day $ ……………………..per day


.………………………………………………………….$ ……………………………….


………………………………………….. % of contract sum

If nothing stated, there is no waiver

316 Other compensable causes

(paragraph (b) of clause 1 and

subclause 34.9)





32 Defects Liability period (clause 35) …………………………………………………………………………………………….

If nothing stated, 12 months

33 Progress Claims (subclause 37.1)

(a) Times for progress claims


(b) Stages of WUC for progress


…………………………………………….. day of each month for WUC done

to the second last day of that month





34 Unfixed plant and materials for

which payment claims may be

made (subclause 37.3)




35 Interest rate on overdue payments

(subclause 37.5)

5% per annum

If nothing stated, 18% per annum

36 (a) Time for Principal to rectify

inadequate access (subclause


………………………………. Days

If nothing stated, 14 days

4 If applicable, delete and instead complete equivalent item in the separable portions section of the Annexure

Part A.

5 If applicable, delete and instead complete equivalent item in the separable portions section of the Annexure

Part A 6 If applicable, delete and instead complete equivalent item in the separable portions section of the Annexure

Part A

Road Safety Barrier System Tender 02/2016 Page 19

(b) Time for Principal to rectify

inadequate possession

(subclause 39.7(a)(iv)

………………………………. Days

If nothing stated, 14 days

37 Arbitration (subclause 42.3)

(a) Person to nominate an


(b) Rules for arbitration

(c) Appointing Authority


Arbitration Rules




If no-one stated, the President of the Institute of Arbitrators &

Mediators Australia




If nothing stated:

(a) Rules 5-18 of the Rules of The Institute of Arbitrators &

Mediators Australia for the Conduct of Commercial





(b) If one or more of the parties are nationals of and

habitually resident in, incorporated in, or where the

central management and control is exercised in,

different countries as between the parties, then the

UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules shall apply and the

appointing authority shall be the person provided in Item



If no-one stated, the President of the Institute of Arbitrators &

Mediators Australia.


© COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER . Map data is compiled from a variety of sources and hence its accuracy is variable. If you wish to make decisions based on this data you should consult with the relevant authorities. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part of the report may be copied without the permission of the General Manager, Land Tasmania, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, GPO Box 44 Hobart 7001.

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© COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER . Map data is compiled from a variety of sources and hence its accuracy is variable. If you wish to make decisions based on this data you should consult with the relevant authorities. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part of the report may be copied without the permission of the General Manager, Land Tasmania, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, GPO Box 44 Hobart 7001.

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Generated at: 13:31 on 21-June-2016 User: [email protected] 1Page: 1 of


© COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER . Map data is compiled from a variety of sources and hence its accuracy is variable. If you wish to make decisions based on this data you should consult with the relevant authorities. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part of the report may be copied without the permission of the General Manager, Land Tasmania, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, GPO Box 44 Hobart 7001.

Site 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's Creek

Site 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks Creek

Site 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes Creek

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© COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER . Map data is compiled from a variety of sources and hence its accuracy is variable. If you wish to make decisions based on this data you should consult with the relevant authorities. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part of the report may be copied without the permission of the General Manager, Land Tasmania, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, GPO Box 44 Hobart 7001.

Site 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's Creek

Site 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks Creek

Generated at: 13:23 on 21-June-2016 User: [email protected] 1Page: 1 of


© COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER . Map data is compiled from a variety of sources and hence its accuracy is variable. If you wish to make decisions based on this data you should consult with the relevant authorities. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part of the report may be copied without the permission of the General Manager, Land Tasmania, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, GPO Box 44 Hobart 7001.

Site 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's CreekSite 1. Kennedy's Creek

Site 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks Creek

Site 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes Creek

Site 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts Creak

Site 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay Creek

Generated at: 13:37 on 21-June-2016 User: [email protected] 1Page: 1 of


© COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER . Map data is compiled from a variety of sources and hence its accuracy is variable. If you wish to make decisions based on this data you should consult with the relevant authorities. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part of the report may be copied without the permission of the General Manager, Land Tasmania, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, GPO Box 44 Hobart 7001.

Site 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks CreekSite 4. Ferks Creek

Site 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes CreekSite 2. Noxes Creek

Site 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts CreakSite 3 Garnetts Creak

Site 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay CreekSite 5 Norfolk Bay Creek

Site 6 Kennedy's Creek TributarySite 6 Kennedy's Creek TributarySite 6 Kennedy's Creek TributarySite 6 Kennedy's Creek TributarySite 6 Kennedy's Creek TributarySite 6 Kennedy's Creek TributarySite 6 Kennedy's Creek TributarySite 6 Kennedy's Creek TributarySite 6 Kennedy's Creek TributarySite 6 Kennedy's Creek TributarySite 6 Kennedy's Creek TributarySite 6 Kennedy's Creek TributarySite 6 Kennedy's Creek Tributary

Generated at: 16:00 on 21-June-2016 User: [email protected] 1Page: 1 of

Department of State Growth, Tasmania Roadworks Specification

Checklist for W-beam Profile Barrier Panels

Item Yes No W-beam rail & guardrail posts have the following identification marks:

Name of Manufacturer (not Supplier)

Date of manufacture or batch number

Steel grade and base metal thickness

Material test certificates to be submitted to superintendent

Steel material test certificates by a NATA accredited Australian laboratory site

Steel Test Certificate to show w-beam steel meets the requirements of AS/NZS 1594 Grade HA350 as follows:

Minimum yield strength is 350MPa

Minimum tensile strength is 430MPa

Minimum elongation in 80mm is 16%

Mill camber tolerance on2500mm length 10.0mm maximum

Mill tolerance on strip width +2.5mm, - 0.0mm

Base metal thickness is 2.7mm 9-0.10mm; + 0.21mm) measure with digital calipers

Steel Test Certificate to show guardrail post steel meets the requirements of AS/NZS 1594 Grade HA250 as follows:

Minimum yield strength is 250MPa

Minimum tensile strength is 430MPa

Base metal thickness is 6.0mm ± 0.27mm – measure with digital calipers

Galvanising is in accordance with AS/NZS 4680 and complies with the following:

Coating to be smooth and adherent

Free from stains and surface imperfections

Uniform colour

If damaged galvanising to be repaired using one of two methods: 1. Regalvanising 2. Painting with a minimum two coat of zinc rich inorganic paint in

accordance with AS/NZS3750.9 and one coat of aluminium paint

Name of manufacturer

Grade of steel and BMT

(Base metal thickness) before galvanising

Batch number

Example of correct stamping for a standard post

Contract Number: - Date: - Contractor: -

Example of correct stamping for standard W-beam

Name of manufacturer

Grade of steel and BMT

(Base metal thickness) before galvanising

Batch number

Example of NATA certified laboratory material certificate

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