road map to ios development

Road Map to iOS Hilal Baig iOS Developer Co-founder Hiwaas Session Duration: 1 hour

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Post on 21-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Road Map to iOS Development

Road Map to iOS

Hilal BaigiOS Developer

Co-founder Hiwaas

Session Duration: 1 hour

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One of our iOS app on AppStore.

iPhraseSomething that smell your inputs

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What is iOS?

Hilal Baig
When you pick up an iOS device and use it, you feel connected. Whether it be an iPad, an iPhone, or an iPod, the interface acts as an extension to your fingers; it is smooth, comfortable, and invites exploration. Other competing devices offer simi- lar features, and even sport gadgets such as styluses and trackpads, but they can- not match the user experience that is iOS.
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Major iOS Competitors

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Stuff you need for iOS Development

+ + iOS SDK + iOS DeveloperProgram

iMacMacbookMac Mini (Minimal)

iPhoneiPadiPod Touch (Minimal)

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Programming Requirement

Objective C or

• Objective C is super set or an advance version of C language• if you know C then Objective C will be easy for you• 2 weeks to learn basics of Objective C

• Swift is a new programming language for iOS and OS X apps that builds on the bestof C and Objective C.

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Tools Used for iOS Development

• Xcode• Interface Builder• iOS Simulator• Application Loader• Instrument

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Types of Development

• Native Apps• Mobile Web Apps• External Frameworks

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App StoreJanuary 16, 2015

1.4 Million75 Billion62,500 per app800 Million

Apps =Downloads =

Avg. Download =iOS Devices shipped =

Hilal Baig
When creating Swift and the iOS development platform, Apple considered the en- tire application life-cycle – from the interface design tools, to the code that makes it function, to the presentation to the user – everything is integrated and works to- gether seamlessly. As a developer, does this mean that there are rules to follow? Absolutely. But, by following these rules, you can create applications that are in- teractive works of art for your users to love—not software they will load and for- get. Through the App Store, Apple has created the ultimate digital distribution system for iOS applications. Programmers of any age or affiliation can submit their appli- cations to the App Store for just the cost of a modest yearly Developer Member- ship fee. Games, utilities, and full-feature applications have been built for every- thing from pre-K education to retirement living. No matter what the content, with a user base as large as the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad, an audience exists. Q2 2015 App Store earnings %5billion dollors, 70% more revenue than Android
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$5 Billion

Q2 - 2015 App Store Earnings

70% more revenue than Android

Hilal Baig
When creating Swift and the iOS development platform, Apple considered the en- tire application life-cycle – from the interface design tools, to the code that makes it function, to the presentation to the user – everything is integrated and works to- gether seamlessly. As a developer, does this mean that there are rules to follow? Absolutely. But, by following these rules, you can create applications that are in- teractive works of art for your users to love—not software they will load and for- get. Through the App Store, Apple has created the ultimate digital distribution system for iOS applications. Programmers of any age or affiliation can submit their appli- cations to the App Store for just the cost of a modest yearly Developer Member- ship fee. Games, utilities, and full-feature applications have been built for every- thing from pre-K education to retirement living. No matter what the content, with a user base as large as the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad, an audience exists. Q2 2015 App Store earnings %5billion dollors, 70% more revenue than Android
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# Submitting apps for review and to the iTunes Store

1. Create App ID for Developer Portal2. Create Provisioning Profile for Development to test your app in your device3. Create Provisioning Profile for Distribution to iTunes Store4. Submit your binary through Application Loader

Submit an App to Apple

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Application Loader

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Who can become an iOS developer?

Hilal Baig
If you have an interest in learning, time to invest in exploring and practicing with Apple’s developer tools, and an Intel Macintosh computer running Mavericks, Yosemite, or later, you have everything you need to begin creating software for iOS. Developing an app won’t happen overnight, but with dedication and practice, you can be writing your first applications in a matter of days. The more time you spend working with the Apple developer tools, the more opportunities you’ll discover for creating new and exciting projects. You should approach iOS application development as creating software that you want to use, not what you think others want. If you’re solely interested in getting rich quick, you’re likely to be disappointed. (The App Store is a crowded market- place—albeit one with a lot of room—and competition for top sales is fierce.) However, if you focus on building useful and unique apps, you’re much more like- ly to find an appreciative audience.
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Lets make our first app.

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Get the Tools

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Demonstration on Xcode

Hilal Baig
When creating Swift and the iOS development platform, Apple considered the en- tire application life-cycle – from the interface design tools, to the code that makes it function, to the presentation to the user – everything is integrated and works to- gether seamlessly. As a developer, does this mean that there are rules to follow? Absolutely. But, by following these rules, you can create applications that are in- teractive works of art for your users to love—not software they will load and for- get. Through the App Store, Apple has created the ultimate digital distribution system for iOS applications. Programmers of any age or affiliation can submit their appli- cations to the App Store for just the cost of a modest yearly Developer Member- ship fee. Games, utilities, and full-feature applications have been built for every- thing from pre-K education to retirement living. No matter what the content, with a user base as large as the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad, an audience exists. Q2 2015 App Store earnings %5billion dollors, 70% more revenue than Android
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