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Post on 18-Nov-2014




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  • 1. An Important Statistics ReportAverage Monthly Expense of a Middle Class Family for Survival1940 - Rs. 101960 - Rs. 1001980 - Rs. 10002000 - Rs. 10,0002020 - ?????1,00,000

2. Robert T Kiyosaki Rich Dad Poor DadIndividualeffort EBTeam work UnlimitedLimited IncomeIncomeActive Income S I Passive Income Basic requirement to start a business EXPERIENCEINVESTEMENTS RISK TAKING ABILITY KNOWLEDGE 3. What is NETWORK MARKETING?CHANNEL PROFITS TO YOUMovement of aNETWORK MARKETINGTRADITIONAL MARKETINGproduct or service30-60%From theOF COST IS EATEN UP MANUFACTURING BY THE MIDDLEMANNATIONAL DISTRIBUTORmanufacturer to BYPASS THEMIDDLEMAN C & F AGENT the ultimate RECEIVE A GOODPERCENTAGE OF SUPER STOCKISTconsumer throughTHE PROFITSSTOCKISTa network of RETAILERAdvertising consumers.CUSTOMERBYPASS THE MIDDLEMAN 4. Traditional Distribution System MC +Up to+ IMC =ADV 30-60%MRP 5. Direct Selling DistributionSystemMC + ADV +IMC = MRP 6. The Best Investment I evermade Warren owns 51 Businesses today, 3 of which are network marketing companies - Billionaire Investor and theWarren BuffetRichest person in the World! Donald Trump Globally renowned property mogul and a multi billionaire Purchased one network marketing company named as Trump Network Your industry promotes core values all around the globe and gives people the chance to make the most of their lives and, to me that is the heart of the American dream Bill Clinton Former US President 7. FirstIndian Network MarketingCompany in its 11th successful year ofoperation. Established on 24th August, 2001 8. RESOURCE MONEY POWER 9. Promoters MAHAVIRMETALS (INDIA) Leading Iron & Sheet Metal Suppliers inSouth India based at Chennai. Many years successful operations inMetal, Trading, Constructions &finance. Supplier of Steel Sheets to manycompanies. 10. RMPBiz Plan as per Government Order . Corporate office in Chennai RMP offices and franchisees are all across India Mostpromising & one of the fastestgrowing NM company in the world Financially sound & professionallymanaged Due to RMPs clear vision & mission, weare already Asias no.1very soon goingto be Worlds no.1 11. RMP is a member of FICCI, Federation ofIndian Chambers of Commerce &Industry (Estd. 12. Our company ismember ofWorld TradeCentre (WTC) 13. Chief Minister of Gujrat Mr. Narendera Modi gaveus a letter ofappreciationfor our goodwork. 14. Malaysia ThailandSingapore & Indonesia Malaysia& South Africa, Europe, etc. 15. Creating Employment Opportunities forlakhs. Providing Tax deducted income to Lakhsof families who are dependent solely onRMP income Help increasing Per Capita Income 16. ASSOCIATES PARTNERS OF RMP. 17. How to Start ?Your Business Starts when youPurchase any of the following ProductsOnline Registration with the help of Track ID and Password And Monitoring through www.rmp-infotec.biz 18. Wellness Products Health Care Fashion Care Home Care Personal Care General Products 19. Wellness Products ON & ON PREMIUM DRINKMRPRSPPV BV2500 2250 12 498MAGNO HEALTH DRINK MRPRSPPV BV 1200 1000 4159 20. Health Care3 Coupons for 3 PeopleLipid Profile (7)Liver Function Test (10)Thyroid Profile (3)Diabetes Profile (3)Renal Profile (5) Iron Deficiency Profile (3)Infectious Diseases (2)Hemogram Profile (17)Urinogram Profile (10) UNITMRPRSPPV BVSINGLE 2330 2330 16 602TRIPLE 6990 6990 50 1806 21. Health Care NANO BRACELETMORNING WALKER FITNESS MASSAGERPRODUCT MRP RSPPV BVBRACELET 2500 20009 347F.20700 1863048 1958MASAGERM. WALKER4100 35009 356 BIOENERGIZER CARDBIO CARD 1300 13007 271 22. Fashion Care SIYARAMS SUITINGJ. HAMPSTEAD SUIT LENGTH PREMIUM SUIT LENGTHPRODUCT MRPRSP PVBV J. HAMPSTED5690 569041 1499 SIYA SUITING 6405 639033 1366PREM SUIT 4990 449035 1217 SIYA COMBO 600500 2 71 SIYARAM COMBO PACK 23. Fashion CareFOCE SAPHIRE WATCHSLIM PAIR WATCH PRODUCTMRP RSPPV BVSAPHIRE 89904500 15 630 W.SLIM PAIR 45002200 6249 24. Home Care VACUUM CLEANER WATER PURIFIERPRODUCT MRP RSPPV BVW.PURIFIE2300 2200296RV.CLEANER3990 25003 134 SOLAR LAMP S.LAMP4500 25003 135 25. Home Care MICROWAVE OVENINDUCTION COOKERGAS SAFEPRODUCT MRPRSPPV BVIND. COOKER 5490 49918 331 GAS SAFE 3995 3196 16 648 MIC. OVEN4500 25004 148 26. Home CareENERGY SAVER BLADELESS FANPRODUCTMRPRSPPV BV ENERGEX-1 2100 1200 4161 ENERGEX-3 4500 1700 6247B. FAN 4850 4365 4176 27. Personal CarePRODUCT PACK MRPRSPPV BV OFBODY BAR 108507703120BODY DUST109909004150HAIR BATH5 1150 1045 4160HAND WASH5 1100 1000 4145 TOOTH 10990900290 28. Gas Safe Fitness MassagerHP-Compaq 29. Benefits of the Business Track ID & Password Weekly Growth Income Monthly Performance Bonus Monthly Retail Income (FMP) Recognition Foreign Trips 30. 3 simple steps Purchase Use Recommend (Word Of Mouth Recommendation) 31. This is the most attractive income from RMP. Growth income is calculated on PV of products selling in 2organizations of the business and income distributed amongdirect sellers on weekly basis. One direct seller has to fulfill 3criteria to qualify for growth income. Direct seller must purchase products worth 50PV. Direct seller must sale products worth 50 PV minimum in his bothorganization. To qualify for first growth income minimum 150 PV required. Lets understand with illustration - 32. Growth Income CalculatorAssuming 50PV = 1 Sale1 PV = 10 COV = Rs.10/- YOU 100 PV =1000 * (50 PV ) COV (Distributor)Rs. 1000/-ORG 1 ORG 2A=50 PV B=50 PV(01 SALE) (01 SALE) (Distributor) (Distributor) * To qualify for First growth income minimum 150 PV required. 33. Growth Income CalculatorAssuming 50PV = 1 YOU200 PV =2000 COVSale(Distributor)1 PV = 10 COV = Rs.10/-Rs. 2000/-ORG 1ORG 2 AA & B B(Distributor) Rs.1000/-each (Distributor )ORG 1 ORG 2 ORG 1ORG 2C=50 PVD=50 PVE=50 PVF=50 PV(01 SALE) (01 SALE) (01 SALE)(01 SALE)(Distributor)(Distributor) (Distributor) (Distributor) 34. Growth Income Calculator Assuming 50PV = 1 YOU 400 PV =4000COV (Distributor) Sale Rs. 4000/- 1= 10= Rs.10/- PVCOV ORG 1ORG 2 A A & BB (Distbr)Rs.2000/-each(Distbr) ORG 1ORG 2ORG 1ORG 2 C, D, E & FC D Rs.1000/-each E F(Distbr)(Distbr) (Distbr) (Distbr)ORG 1 ORG 2O RG 1 ORG 2 ORG 1OR G 2ORG 1 ORG 2 G HIJ KL M N(50PV)(50PV)(50PV)(50PV)(50PV) (50PV)(50PV)(50PV) 35. Growth Income Calculator YOU 400 PV =4000COV (Distributor)Rs. 4000/-ORG 1ORG 2 A B (Distbr)(Distbr) ORG 1ORG 2ORG 1ORG 2 C D E F (Distbr)(Distbr)(Distbr)(Distbr)ORG 1 ORG 2O RG 1 ORG 2ORG 1OR G 2ORG 1 ORG 2 GH IJ K LMN(50PV)(50PV)(50PV)(50PV)(50PV)(50PV)(50PV)(50PV)OPQR S T 200 PV200 PV U V 36. Carry Forward System YOUORG 1(Distributor) ORG 2 A B (Distbr)(Distbr) ORG 1ORG 2ORG 1ORG 2 C D E F (Distbr)(Distbr)(Distbr)(Distbr)ORG 1 ORG 2O RG 1 ORG 2ORG 1OR G 2ORG 1 ORG 2 GH IJ K LMN(50PV)(50PV)(50PV)(50PV)(50PV)(50PV)(50PV)(50PV)Carry800 PV (16700 PV (14RS. 14000/-Forward SALES)SALES) 100 PV (02to nextweekSALES) 900 PV (181200 PV (24SALES)SALES) 1000 PV (20 CarryRS. 20000/- Forward toSALES) 200 PV (04next weekSALES) 37. POWER OF TEAM WORK YOUORG 1(Distributor)ORG 2A B (Distbr) (Distbr) ORG 1ORG 2ORG 1 ORG 2 C DEF (Distbr)(Distbr) (Distbr)(Distbr)ORG 1 ORG 2 ORG 1OR G 2ORG 1 ORG 2 OR G 1ORG 2 GH IJ KLMN(50PV)(50PV)(50PV)(50PV) (50PV)(50PV)(50PV)(50PV)12 34 56 7 8 9 10 11121314 15 16 YOU+2 = 33 + 4 = 7 7 + 8 = 15 15 + 16 = 31 38. YOU(Distributor)ORG 1 ORG 21600 PV (32 SALE ) 1600PV(32 SALE )= 3200 PV 32000 COV 3800 PV (76 3800 PV (76 = 7600 PV 76000SALES)SALES)COV 5000 PV (100 5000 PV (100 =10000 PV 100000 COV SALES) SALES) 7000 PV (140 7000 PV (140 = 14000 PV 140000 COV SALES) SALES) 39. 1,30,000.00IF YOU THINK YOU CAN, YOU CAN 40. BEYOND 130000/- YOU Rs. 1,00,000/- (Distributor)ORG 1 ORG 2 A(Distributor) RS.RS.50000/-50000/-ORG 1 ORG 2ORG 1 ORG 225002500 25002500 PVPV PVPV YOU WILL EARN Rs. 2,00,000/- 41. Why ceiling limit of 130000 COVMC +Up to+ IMC = ADV 30-60%MRP 42. RMPs Repurchase Income Plan (FMP) 43. RMPs Family Mart PlanRetail ProfitUpto 20%PersonalUpto 21% of selfPurchaseBusiness Volume IncomeLevel IncomeUpto 21% of BusinessVolume as per levels 44. RMPs Family Mart PlanRank Commission Upto 15% ofBusiness VolumeSuper Rank Upto 7.5% ofCommissionBusiness VolumeResidual Income Upto 3% ofBusiness Volume 45. YOU ORG 1 ORG 25000 PV 5000 PV 46. Salient Features Of RMP Business ALREADY PROVEN AND STRONG COMPANY SIMPLE BUSINESS PLAN DUPLICATION SYSTEM VALUE FOR MONEY PRODUCTS REGULAR TRAINING AND SUPPORT NO INVESTMENT NO AREA LIMIT HOME BASED BUSINESS ADHERING TO ALL REGULATION OF GOVERNMENT ORDERS NOMINATION FACILITYTHE KEY OF SUCCESS IS NOW IN YOUR HANDS 47. Robert T KiyosakiRich Dad Poor DadIndividual effortE B Team workLimited Income Unlimited IncomeActiveS I Passive 48. In moments of Decision, Destiny is Shaped.- Anthony Robbins 49. & THANK YOU !Visit us : www.rmp-infotec.biz