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RMB Payment Purpose Code Requirements February 2014

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Page 1: RMB Payment Purpose Code Requirements - HSBCconnect-content.us.hsbc.com/hsbc_pcm/onetime/14_rmb_pop_flu.pdfRMB Payment Purpose Code Requirement Published: February 2014 i Disclaimer

RMB Payment Purpose Code Requirements

February 2014

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RMB Payment Purpose Code Requirement

Published: February 2014 i


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RMB Payment Purpose Code Requirement

Published: February 2014 ii


File Format: IFILE .......................................................................................................... 1

File Format: MT103 ....................................................................................................... 2

File Format: SAP IDOC ................................................................................................. 4

File Format: H4WMT100 ............................................................................................... 6

File Format: ISO 20022 XMLv2 ..................................................................................... 8

File Format: ISO 20022 XMLv3 ..................................................................................... 9

File Format: PAYMUL / PAYEXT ................................................................................ 10

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RMB Payment Purpose Code Requirement

Published: February 2014 1

File Format: IFILE

For file format IFILE, the payment purpose code can be populated in any of the Bank to Bank

Information Lines i.e. field #55 to #59, as shown below.

List of supported Purpose of Payment codes are as below:

Purpose must be one of below:






Second Party Details Record for HVP and LVP payments

item# Inbound fields in i-File M/O NLS Format

Max Length (Eng)

(in bytes)



Bank to Bank Information Line 1

O Y AN 35

Please input the above codes into this field or any subsequent fields below.


Bank to Bank Information Line 2

O Y AN 35


Bank to Bank Information Line 3

O Y AN 35


Bank to Bank Information Line 4

O Y AN 35


Bank to Bank Information Line 5

O Y AN 35

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RMB Payment Purpose Code Requirement

Published: February 2014 2

File Format: MT103

For file format MT103, the payment purpose code (in red colour) should be populated in tag 72, as

shown below.

Input Description Length Input field Remarks

:72:Bank to Bank information

35x*6 Line 1 : a) Beneficiary Country Code /REC/LCC-xx

where xx = beneficiary bank country code (eg HK, AU, CN) Line 1 information is mandatory for instruction level authorisation

Line 2 : a) 1st Exchange Contract and 1st Take Up amount //CN-12X15X b) Cheque / Draft issuances with delivery method /REC/xxx-yyy

a) 1st Exchange Contract and 1st Take Up amount Tag72 2nd line - 1st Exchange Contract and 1st Take up Amount 12X = contract number or dealer reference / name with left justified with trailing spaces 15X = Drawdown amount or exchange rate and left justified with trailing spaces b) Cheque / Draft issuance where xxx = CHQ or DFT for local currency cheque and demand draft respectively. where yyy = MTB - Mail to Beneficiary (default if blank) MTA - Mail to Applicant CAB - Collect at Br of A/C CTA - Courier to Applicant CTB - Courier to Beneficiary RTB - Registered Mail To Beneficiary

Line 3 : a) 2nd Exchange Contract and 2nd Take Up amount //CN2-12X15X

a) Tag72 3nd line - 2nd Exchange Contract and 2nd Take up Amount This should always appear on the line immediately after /REC/CN as the extension of the 1st exchange contract reference

/INS/xxxxx The code can be used in Tag72 line 2 and line 3 if the above codewords are not used. If the above are used, line 4 onwards can be used.

/ACC/xxxxxx The code can be used in Tag72 line 2 and line 3 if the above codewords are not used. If the above are used, line 4 onwards can be used.

/INT/xxxxx The code can be used in Tag72 line 2 and line 3 if the above codewords are not used. If the above are used, line 4 onwards can be used.

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RMB Payment Purpose Code Requirement

Published: February 2014 3

Input Description Length Input field Remarks

/REC/xxxxx The code can be used in Tag72 line 2 and line 3 if the above codewords are not used. If the above are used, line 4 onwards can be used.

CNY Payment purpose code a)Payment purpose code /BUSINESS/Purpose code

If the above input fields are not used, the input fields will be used for CNY payment purpose code mapping.


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RMB Payment Purpose Code Requirement

Published: February 2014 4

File Format: SAP IDOC

For file format SAP IDOC, the payment purpose code (listed below in red colour) can be

populated in any of IDOC field pair INSCODEx & INSINFOx, where x = 1,2,3,4.

For field INSCODEx, please provide ‘BUSINESS” as the value.

For field INSINFOx, please provide either one of the list, as listed below.






Segment Desc.

iDoc Field Name

Field Pos.

Start Pos.

End Pos.

Field Length

Loop max

Data required in iDoc

payment instructions

INSCODE1 13 182 185 12 1 If this field is not used currently, please provide the value “BUSINESS” to define CN RMB Purpose of Payment.

You can choose to use other field-pair of INSCODE + INSINFO.

payment instructions

INSINFO1 15 244 272 29 1 For CNY payment purpose code mapping, Purpose must be one of below: 1.CAPITAL TRF 2.CHARITY DONATION 3.CURRENT ACC TXN 4.GOODS TRADE 5.SERVICE TRADE

payment instructions

INSCODE2 16 314 317 12 1 As explained above.

payment instructions

INSINFO2 18 376 404 29 1 As explained above.

payment instructions

INSCODE3 19 446 449 12 1 As explained above.

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RMB Payment Purpose Code Requirement

Published: February 2014 5

Segment Desc.

iDoc Field Name

Field Pos.

Start Pos.

End Pos.

Field Length

Loop max

Data required in iDoc

payment instructions

INSINFO3 21 508 536 29 1 As explained above.

payment instructions

INSCODE4 22 578 590 12 1 As explained above.

payment instructions

INSINFO4 24 640 668 29 1 As explained above.

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RMB Payment Purpose Code Requirement

Published: February 2014 6

File Format: H4WMT100

For file format H4WMT100, the payment purpose code (in red colour) should be populated in tag

72, as shown below.


Status Field length

Description Remarks

:72: M 24x Payment Currency, Credit Location and Bank ID :72:/REC/CCY:XXX LCC:YY <999999999999> where XXX is payment currency (required only if it is different from the transaction currency specified in Tag 32A) YY is Credit Location <999999999> is credit location's Bank ID

O 29x Advice to Beneficiary By phone -'/PHONBEN/xxx..xxx' where xxx..xxx is phone number By telex -'/TELEBEN/xxx..xxx' where xxx..xxx is telex number

The codewords will be displayed at "Advised by" column in HSBCnet payment screen MT100 HSBCnet /PHONBEN/ PHONE /TELEBEN/ TELEX

O 26x Advice to Beneficiary Bank By phone -'/PHON/xxx..xxx' where xxx..xxx is phone number By telex -'/TELE/xxx..xxx' where xxx..xxx is telex number

The codewords will be displayed at "Instruction Code" column in HSBCnet payment screen MT100 HSBCnet /PHON/ PHON /TELE/ TELE

O 29x Advice to Intermediary Bank By phone -'/PHONIBK/xxx..xxx' where xxx..xxx is phone number By telex -'/TELEIBK/xxx..xxx' where xxx..xxx is telex number

The codewords will be displayed at "Instruction Code" column in HSBCnet payment screen MT100 HSBCnet /PHONIBK/ PHOI /TELEIBK/ TELI

O 28x Cheque/Draft issued by Bank and Handling instruction. '/CHEQUE/xxx...xxx' where xxx...xxx is the description of the instruction as below: - 'Mail to Beneficiary' (default if xxx..xxx is empty) - 'Mail to Applicant' - 'Collect at Br of A/C' - Special instruction entered

The codeword /CHEQUE/ will be displayed as CHQB in "Instruction

Code" while the description of the instruction is shown in "Instruction to bank" as below: MT100 HSBCnet Mail to Beneficiary POST:Beneficiary Mail to Applicant POST:Applicant Collect at Br of A/C POST:Branch Pickup Special instruction entered POST:Special instruction entered (For Hongkong, CO - is not available until further notice DD - "Special instruction entered" is not available until further notice)

O 30x Exchange Contract and Exchange Control Reference - '//ECN:xxxxxxxxxx ECR:xxxxxxx' where the first xx..xx is the exchange contract number, the second xx..xx is the exchange control reference (Note that if no exchange contract number or no exchange control reference, the field will look like: '//ECN:xxxxxxxxxx' or '//ECR:xxxxxxx')

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RMB Payment Purpose Code Requirement

Published: February 2014 7


Status Field length

Description Remarks

O 35x CNY Payment purpose code a)Payment purpose code /BUSINESS/Purpose code

If the above input fields are not used, the input fields will be used for CNY payment purpose code mapping. Purpose must be one of below: 1. /BUSINESS/CAPITAL TRF 2./BUSINESS/CHARITY DONATION 3. /BUSINESS/CURRENT ACCOUNT ITEMS 4./BUSINESS/GOODS TRADE 5. /BUSINESS/SERVICE TRADE

- End of record

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RMB Payment Purpose Code Requirement

Published: February 2014 8

File Format: ISO 20022 XMLv2

For file format XMLv2, the payment purpose code (in red colour) should be populated in

<CdtTrfTxInf><RgltryRptg><RgltryDtls><Inf> tag, as shown below.

Input Description Length Input field Remarks

Payment purpose code for CN cross border RMB payment

35x <CdtTrfTxInf>




Purpose of Payment code must be one of below:


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RMB Payment Purpose Code Requirement

Published: February 2014 9

File Format: ISO 20022 XMLv3

For file format XMLv3, the payment purpose code (in red colour) should be populated in

<CdtTrfTxInf><RgltryRptg><RgltryDtls><Inf> tag, as shown below.

Input Description Length Input field Remarks

Payment purpose code for CN cross border RMB payment

35x <CdtTrfTxInf>




Purpose of Payment code must be one of below:


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RMB Payment Purpose Code Requirement

Published: February 2014 10

File Format: PAYMUL / PAYEXT

For file format PAYMUL and PAYEXT, the payment purpose code (in red colour) should be

populated in segment FTX, as shown below.

Segment Group 15 – Dependant Segment Number : 59 Segment Status: Conditional Segment: FTX – Free Text Maximum No. of Occurrences: 5

This segment provides space for free text relating to the payment details.

Element Description Format Status Comments Separator

4451 Text subject qualifier AN..3 M ABY = Regulatory Reporting Information


4453 Text function, coded AN..3 N Not Used +

C107 Text reference N Not Used +

4441 Free text, coded AN..3 N Not Used

1131 Code list qualifier AN..3 N Not Used

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

AN..3 N Not Used

C108 Text literal M

4440 Free text AN..70 M The code will be used for CNY payment purpose code mapping.

Purpose must be one of below:







Note: An additional GIS+37 is require to put in front of FTX+ABY.

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RMB Payment Purpose Code Requirement

Issued by HSBC Bank plc

© HSBC Bank plc 2014. All rights reserved