rjt run jump throw pupil task cards: throwing · pupil task cards: introduction an important part...

Pupil Task Cards: Throwing RJT RUN JUMP THROW

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Page 1: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Pupil Task Cards:Throwing RJTR






Page 2: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Pupil Task Cards: Introduction

An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explorenew things and use self-guided learning to problem-solve and overcome challenges.

The Pupil Task Cards provide teachers with a useful tool to encourage self-guidedlearning; peer observation; movement understanding; feedback and communication skillsand is a creative way to expand the lesson.

The Pupil Task Cards cover every athletics event and outline the key technical observationpoints for these events. This section also contains Pupil Task Cards for the key movementprinciples of running jumping and throwing (i.e. Agility, Jumping for height, Pull throw, etc.).

Each card provides pupils with a series of challenges and/or questions designed to helpthem develop a greater understanding of each athletics events.

These cards can be used to complement the ‘Pupil Task’ section within each Activity Card.

Introduction to the Pupil Task Cards

Pupil Task Cards can be downloadedor photocopied so as to providesufficient copies for the whole class.

The Pupil Task Cards can be used with any age group, but teachers may wish to adapt howthey use the cards based on the age and the ability of the group.

Teacher Guided: For some pupils, teachers may wish to read out and explain each of thequestions from the Pupil Task Cards and then allow the pupils to practice.

Self-Guided: The teacher hands out a copy of the relevant Pupil Task Cards to pairs orsmall groups and asks them to go and explore the tasks before bringing the whole classback together to discuss what they observed.

The Pupil Task Cards can either be used to complement a Technical Teaching Card,Activity Card or as a standalone activity.

Getting the most from the Pupil Task Cards

Page 3: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

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PupilTask Card


Pupil Task Cards: Stages of Progression

The Pupil Task Cardsprovided in this resourcehave been spilt into fourdifferent formats (whichare set out on the right).

These task cards can beeither used in aprogressive order, whichtakes into considerationthe pupil’s increasedunderstanding ofmovement and athleticsskills or used to provide avariety of challenges topupils.

Each card aims tosupport pupils todevelop a greaterunderstanding of theathletics movements andhow to improve these.

It is hoped pupils will alsodevelop their teamwork,communication andsocial skills through therole of both performerand coach.

IntroductionThese pupil task cards replicate those used in primary schools and helpreinforce the key learning principles for this age group. The cards focus onthe foundation movement skills of running, jumping and throwing andencourage pupils to explore how they use their body to run, jump andthrow effectively. These cards are ideal for those pupils new to athleticsevents and/or in the earlier stages of skill development.

The stage 2 pupil task cards help pupils to develop their observation skillsand a basic understanding of the technical points for each athletics event.Each pupil card provides 6 key technical points which pupils can use toobserve each other’s competence. The cards encourage pupils to observetheir peers (either in pairs or small groups) and provide feedback onwhether the pupil achieved the required technical points.

The stage 3 pupil task cards build on the challenges set out in stage 2 byencouraging pupils to observe; analyse; consider potential interventionsand provide feedback. Provided within each task card is a series of technicalpoints, which if observed the pupil must tick. They will then record whatstrengths their partner demonstrated and any suggested areas ofdevelopment, showing a clear level of understanding of the event.

Stage 4 pupil task cards provide pupils with a group task which encouragesthem to look at a series of technical images and consider what technical pointsthey would suggest for each image and share these with the rest of the group.Once the pupils have agreed on some key technical points, they practice theevent using these points and then reflect on whether they need to be refined.This task activity promotes team work, creative thinking and a goodunderstanding of the movement skills and the various athletics events.

Page 4: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Pupil Observation Model

What to look for/ what youneed to know?• The Key Technical Principles for

the event:

• explained by teacher or

• outlined on the Pupil Task Card.

• What your partner(s) wants towork on.

• Previous experience of partner(s).

Evaluation/DiagnosisComparing with the Key TechnicalPrinciples (explained by the teacheror outlined in the Pupil Task Cards):

• What did your partner do well?

• What do they need to work on?

How will you your partnerimprove? • Make the task Simpler or more


• Feedback on one or two observations youmade and how these may be improved.

• Ask you partner what they think they didwell and what they need to work on. Thisencourages them to self-reflect.

Observation (strategy)

• Initially focus on the technique and not thetime they have run, height jumped or distancethrown.

• Consider where is the best place to observe,what you want to see.

• Consider how many times you should watch askill.

When observing start broad and then narrow downyour focus (‘whole body’ to ‘body segments’).

Working with your partner(s):

• Provide instructions and anexplanation on the task outlinedby either your teacher or withinthe Pupil Task Card.

• If required ask teacher forclarification.

• Feedback on specificobservations and providesuggested changes.

• Discuss in groups / pairs whatyou need to do to improve.

• Use questions to check forpartners understanding.


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Page 5: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Push Throw

In pairs or small groups (3 – 4 pupils per group), stand in the throwing space allocated by your teacher so as to practise the Push Throw.Explore the following activities and questions, and share your answers and ideas with the rest of the class.

Modelling and Mimicking Think of someone who can throw an object far (ball orbean bag) using a pushing action.

In pairs or small groups show each other howyou think you should move your body to pushthrow an object so it travels far.

Discuss which movements looked the bestand why.

Practise using these movements and see ifyou feel you can throw further.

Share with you teacher and the rest of the class, whichmovement you think was the best and why.

Using Your ArmsHow do you use your arms when pushing anobject for distance? (You can watch a partneror other class mates to see how they use theirarms when using a push throw).

Do you keep your arms straight or bend thenextend them when throwing?

Should you push the object quickly orslowly?

Should you push the object forwards,upwards or both?

Using Your BodyHow do you use your body when throwing?(You can watch a partner or other class mates tosee how they use their body when using a pushthrow).

Do you keep your body nice and tall whenthrowing?

Do you lean your body forwards or backwardswhen throwing?

Do you keep your body facing forwards ortwist prior to throwing?

Using Your LegsHow do you use your legs when throwing fordistance (using a push throw)? (You canwatch a partner or other class mates to seehow they use their legs when using a pushthrow).

Do you keep your feet side by side or stepinto the throw?

What moves first your legs or your arms?

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Page 6: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Sling Throw

In pairs or small groups (3 – 4 pupils per group), stand in the throwing space allocated by your teacher so as to practise the Sling Throw.Explore the following activities and questions, and share your answers and ideas with the rest of the class.

Modelling and Mimicking Think of someone who can throw an object far (hoop orrubber ring) using a Sling Throw action.

In pairs or small groups show each other howyou think you should move your body to SlingThrow an object so it travels far.

Discuss which movements looked the bestand why.

Practise using these movements and see if youfeel you can throw further.

Share with your teacher and the rest of the class, whichmovement you think was the best and why.

Using Your ArmsHow do you use your arms when throwing anobject for distance using a Sling Throw? (Youcan watch a partner or other class mates to seehow they use their arms when using a SlingThrow).

Should your arm be long and relaxed or shortand tense?

Should your arm move quickly or slowly?

Should you release the object high or low?

Using Your BodyHow do you use your body when throwing?(You can watch a partner or other class mates tosee how they use their body when throwing).

Do you keep your body nice and tall whenthrowing?

Do you lean your body forwards or backwardswhen throwing?

Do you keep your body facing forwards ortwist prior to throwing?

Using Your LegsHow do you use your legs when throwing fordistance (using a Sling Throw)?

Do you keep your feet side by side or twistthe hips forwards prior to throwing?

What moves first your legs or your arms?

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Page 7: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Pull Throw

In pairs or small groups (3 – 4 pupils per group), stand in the throwing space allocated by your teacher so as to practise the Pull Throw.Explore the following activities and questions, and share your answers and ideas with the rest of the class.

Modelling and Mimicking Think of someone who can throw an object far (ball orbean bag) using a pulling (overarm throw) action.

In pairs or small groups show each other howyou think you should move your body to pullthrow an object so it travels far.

Discuss which movements looked the bestand why.

Practise using these movements and see if youfeel you can throw further.

Share with your teacher and the rest of the class, whichmovement you think was the best and why.

Using Your ArmsHow do you use your arms when throwing anobject for distance using a pull throw? (Youcan watch a partner or other class mates to seehow they use their arms when using a pullthrow).

Should your arm be extended behind you orkept level with your body prior to throwing?

Should you pull the object quickly or slowly?

Should your hand be above or belowshoulder height when throwing?

Using Your BodyHow do you use your body when throwing?(You can watch a partner or other class mates tosee how they use their body when throwing).

Do you keep your body nice and tall whenthrowing?

Do you lean your body forwards or backwardswhen throwing?

Do you keep your body facing forwards ortwist prior to throwing?

Using Your LegsHow do you use your legs when throwing fordistance (using a pull throw)?

Do you keep your feet side by side or stepinto the throw?

What moves first your legs or your arms?

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Page 8: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Heave Throw

In pairs or small groups (3 – 4 pupils per group), stand in the throwing space allocated by your teacher so as to practise the Heave Throw.Explore the following activities and questions, and share your answers and ideas with the rest of the class.

Modelling and Mimicking Think of someone who can throw an object far (ball)using a Heave Throwing action.

In pairs or small groups show each other howyou think you should move your body toHeave Throw an object so it travels far.

Discuss which movements looked the bestand why.

Practise using these movements and see ifyou feel you can throw further.

Share with your teacher and the rest of the class, whichmovement you think was the best and why.

Using Your ArmsHow do you use your arms when throwing anobject for distance using a Heave Throw? (Youcan watch a partner or other class mates to seehow they use their arms when using a HeaveThrow).

Should your arms be long and relaxed orshort and tense?

Should your arms move quickly or slowly?

Should you release the object high or low?

Using Your BodyHow do you use your body when throwing?(You can watch a partner or other class mates tosee how they use their body when throwing).

Do you keep your body nice and tall whenthrowing?

Do you lean your body forwards or backwardswhen throwing?

Do you keep your body facing backwards ortwist prior to throwing?

Using Your LegsHow do you use your legs when throwing fordistance (using a Heave Throw)?

Do you keep your legs straight or bend thenextend prior to throwing?

What moves first your legs or your arms?

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Page 9: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Standing Shot Put

In pairs or small groupsobserve each other’sstanding shot puttechnique.After a few practices,discuss what you eachobserved, providingfeedback on the keypoints shown opposite.

If anyone wasunsuccessful in achievingone or more of thesemovements, considerwhat they could do tohelp improve this (i.e.slow the movementdown or focus on thatone element).

Later, share yourfeedback with theteacher on if and how thestanding shot puttechnique improvedthroughout the lesson.

The Task

Turn shoulders away from direction

of the throw

Left toes in linewith the heel of the

right foot

Keep the elbow high throughout

Chin-Knee-Toe(Power Position)

Push right arm long and high, extending at elbow

Drive and turn the right hip up

and forwards

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Page 10: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Glide Shot Put

Hold the shot under the chin and

against the neck

Start at rear of circle keeping hips

& shoulders square to the back

Keep the elbow high throughout

Drive the hips towards the front ofthe circle before the


Push right arm long and high,

extending at elbow

After glide: land in ‘power position’with

shoulders well back

In pairs or small groupsobserve each other’sglide shot puttechnique.After a few practices,discuss what you eachobserved, providingfeedback on the keypoints shown opposite.

If anyone wasunsuccessful in achievingone or more of thesemovements, considerwhat they could do tohelp improve this (i.e.slow the movementdown or focus on thatone element).

Later, share yourfeedback with theteacher on if and how theglide shot puttechnique improvedthroughout the lesson.

The Task

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Page 11: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Rotational Shot Put

Start at rear of circle with hips &shoulders square to

the back

Start throw by rotating left heel

inwards and turning onball of the foot

First step: driveand rotate right hip

forward across the circle

Take a low runningstride to the middle

of the circle

Land on the ballof the right foot and

keep it rotating anticlockwise

Land in the ‘power position’ with

shoulders back

In pairs or small groupsobserve each other’srotational shot puttechnique.

After a few practices,discuss what you eachobserved, providingfeedback on the keypoints shown opposite.

If anyone wasunsuccessful in achievingone or more of thesemovements, considerwhat they could do tohelp improve this (i.e.slow the movementdown or focus on thatone element).

Later, share yourfeedback with theteacher on if and how therotational shot puttechnique improvedthroughout the lesson.

The Task

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Page 12: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Standing Discus Throw

Discus rests across finger pads


Left toes in line with the heel of the

right foot

Turn right hip andleg to the front to

start the throw

Chin-Knee-Toe(Power Position)

Pull arm throughlong, fast and last

Releases off the index finger andnot out the back of

the hand

In pairs or small groupsobserve each other’sstanding discus throwtechnique.

After a few practices,discuss what you eachobserved, providingfeedback on the keypoints shown opposite.

If anyone wasunsuccessful in achievingone or more of thesemovements, considerwhat they could do tohelp improve this (i.e.slow the movementdown or focus on thatone element).

Later, share yourfeedback with theteacher on if and how thestanding discus throwtechnique improvedthroughout the lesson.

The Task

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Page 13: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Rotational Discus Throw

Wind the upper body back, keeping thediscus around shoulder


Move body weightonto ball of left foot,

which turns in directionof throw

Take a running stride to the middle

of the circle

Keep the right foot turning as it lands in the

centre of the circle

Keep the arm ‘long and relaxed’

throughout the throw

Release off the index finger and not out the

back of the hand

In pairs or small groupsobserve each other’srotational discus throwtechnique.After a few practices,discuss what you eachobserved, providingfeedback on the keypoints shown opposite.

If anyone wasunsuccessful in achievingone or more of thesemovements, considerwhat they could do tohelp improve this (i.e.slow the movementdown or focus on thatone element).

Later, share yourfeedback with theteacher on if and how therotational discus throwtechnique improvedthroughout the lesson.

The Task

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Page 14: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Standing Javelin Throw

In pairs or small groupsobserve each other’sstanding javelin throwtechnique.After a few practices,discuss what you eachobserved, providingfeedback on the keypoints shown opposite.

If anyone wasunsuccessful in achievingone or more of thesemovements, considerwhat they could do tohelp improve this (i.e.slow the movementdown or focus on thatone element).

Later, share yourfeedback with theteacher on if and how thestanding javelin throwtechnique improvedthroughout the lesson.

The Task

Javelin held back with extended arm and

palm facing upwards

Stand side on, feetshoulder width apart,left foot in front and

pointing forwards

Start movement byrocking back onto theback leg, then moving


Back foot is facing towards 1 o’clock

on a clock face

The elbow remainsabove the shoulderwhen performing

the throw

The legs move before the arms

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Page 15: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: 3 - 5 Stride Approach Javelin Throw

Legs should alwayscross in front of thebody, NOT behind

The three-strideapproach pattern is: left

foot, right foot, left foot, throw

Rotate the righthip and knee forwards

prior to left foot plantingon final step

Drive the hip forward fast

Release javelinfast at roughly a

45˚ angle

Keep shoulder andarm back until legs and

hips have worked

In pairs or small groupsobserve each other’s 3 – 5 stride approachjavelin throw technique.

After a few practices,discuss what you eachobserved, providingfeedback on the keypoints shown opposite.

If anyone wasunsuccessful in achievingone or more of thesemovements, considerwhat they could do tohelp improve this (i.e. slowthe movement down orfocus on that oneelement).

Later, share yourfeedback with theteacher on if and how the3 – 5 stride approachjavelin throw techniqueimproved throughout thelesson.

The Task

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Page 16: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Hammer – Heave Throw

Wind body upin opposite direction

to the throw

Feet shoulder width apart

Move from ‘low to high’

Keep arms extended


Release over left and right


Rotate through waist to increase


In pairs or small groupsobserve each other’sheave throw technique.After a few practices,discuss what you eachobserved, providingfeedback on the keypoints shown opposite.

If anyone wasunsuccessful in achievingone or more of thesemovements, considerwhat they could do tohelp improve this (i.e.slow the movementdown or focus on thatone element).

Later, share yourfeedback with theteacher on if and how theheave throw techniqueimproved throughoutthe lesson.

The Task

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Page 17: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Standing Hammer Throw

Strong but relaxed grip, handsmaking a U shape

Stand with feetslightly wider than

shoulder-width apart

Keep back straight, legs slightly bent

Keep the arms extended

Swing the hammer from low

to a high point

Release over left shoulder

In pairs or small groupsobserve each other’sstanding hammerthrow technique.After a few practices,discuss what you eachobserved, providingfeedback on the keypoints shown opposite.

If anyone wasunsuccessful in achievingone or more of thesemovements, considerwhat they could do tohelp improve this (i.e.slow the movementdown or focus on thatone element).

Later, share yourfeedback with theteacher on if and how thestanding hammerthrow techniqueimproved throughoutthe lesson.

The Task

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Page 18: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Standing Shot PutPupil

Task CardSTAGE 3

Demonstrates a Chin, Knee, Toe(Power Position) Back is to the direction of the throwShot put placed under the chin andagainst the neck Elbow is kept high

Keeps the throwing elbow high throughout the movementPushes off the back legTransfer body weight from the right leg to the left leg Moves from ‘Low to High’

Common Technical Faults Potential Corrections1. Elbow is low throughout the throw Place the shot into the neck and just under the chin, keeping the elbow high.2. Hips are too far back in the ‘Power Position’ Once in the Power Position ask the pupil to tuck their hips underneath their body.

Keeps the left arm high in thedelivery phasePushes the right arm long andhigh Extends at the elbow, then wrist Flicks with the fingers to finish

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Using the information above and your observations,identify two strengths of the pupil you observed.

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Based on your recorded observations, identify one area of suggested development and how this could improve performance.

Development: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Impact: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Stance – Power Position (Chin, Knee, Toe) Movement – Transfer of Body Weight Delivery & Release

Page 19: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Glide Shot PutPupil

Task CardSTAGE 3

Starts at the rear of the circle with back todirection of throwKeeps hips and shoulders square to the back ofthe circleDraws left leg into a crouch position

Shifts body weight backwards over the right heelDrives the hips towards the front of the circlePush through the ball of the right footPull right foot quickly underneath the bodyLand in the ‘Power Position’

Common Technical Faults Potential Corrections1. Body weight is too far forward on landing Ensure the weight is on the back foot when landing and the hips are ahead of the shoulders.2. Unable to drive right hip forwards on delivery Land in the ‘Power Position’ (with correct feet spacing) after the glide to ensure good body positioning.

Drives and turns the right hip up and forwardsover the straightening left legRight arm punches long and high, after a fullextension of the legs and trunkKeeps the elbow high throughout the throwPushes the right arm long and high in delivery

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Using the information above and your observations,identify two strengths of the pupil you observed.

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Based on your recorded observations, identify one area of suggested development and how this could improve performance.

Development: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Impact: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Preparation Glide Delivery & Release

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Throwing: Rotational Shot PutPupil

Task CardSTAGE 3

Starts at the rear of the circle with back todirection of throwStarts by rotating the shoulder away fromdirection of rotationTurns on the ball of left foot, rotating theheel inwards to start the movement

Keeps hips and legs rotating forwards, ahead of theshouldersTakes a low running stride to the middle of the circleStays low during rotationLands on the ball of the right foot and keep it rotating

Common Technical Faults Potential Corrections1. Body weight is too far forward on landing Ensure the weight is on the back foot when landing and the hips are ahead of the shoulders.2. Unable to drive right hip forwards on delivery Land in the ‘Power Position’ (with correct feet spacing) after the glide to ensure good body positioning.

Lands in the ‘Power Position’ Drives the hips forwards and upwardsKeeps the elbow high throughout the throwPushes the right arm long and high indelivery

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Using the information above and your observations,identify two strengths of the pupil you observed.

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Based on your recorded observations, identify one area of suggested development and how this could improve performance.

Development: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Impact: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Preparation Rotation Delivery & Release

Page 21: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Standing DiscusPupil

Task CardSTAGE 3

Spreads the fingerscomfortably across thediscusRests the discus acrossfinger padsDoes not grip the discus

Stands side-on, with feet just over shoulderwidth apartToes of left foot in line with heel of right footHips are tucked underneath the body and notpush out behindSwings discus back in preparation for the throw

Keeps the hand on top of thediscus.Keeps the arm ‘long and relaxed’throughout the throwPulls the arm through fast and last

Common Technical Faults Potential Corrections1. Brings the arm through too early and too low Leave the arm back and bring through fast and last, releasing at roughly shoulder height.2. Hips are too far back in the ‘Power Position’ Once in the ‘Power Position’ ask the pupil to tuck their hips underneath their body.

Leads with the thumbReleases off the indexfinger

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Using the information above and your observations,identify two strengths of the pupil you observed.

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Based on your recorded observations, identify one area of suggested development and how this could improve performance.

Development: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Impact: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Grip and Hold Preparation Movement – Transfer of Body Weight Delivery & Release

Page 22: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Rotational DiscusPupil

Task CardSTAGE 3

Stands at the rear of the circle,back to the direction of thethrowing areaWinds the upper body back,keeping the discus aroundshoulder heightKeeps the body weight centredwhen winding up the body

Uses an anticlockwise turn torotate towards the middle ofthe circleBody weight is on the ball of leftfoot when rotating Take a running stride to themiddle of the circle

Keeps turning on the right footwhen landing in the centre ofthe circleLands in the Power Positionprior to releasing the discusPulls the arm through fast andlast

Common Technical Faults Potential Corrections1. Brings arm through too early and too low Leave the arm back and bring through fast and last, releasing at roughly shoulder height.2. Lands off balance after rotation Start off practicing a half turn and gradually build to a full turn. Focus on landing in the ‘Power Position’.

Leads with the thumbReleases off the index finger

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Using the information above and your observations,identify two strengths of the pupil you observed.

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Based on your recorded observations, identify one area of suggested development and how this could improve performance.

Development: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Impact: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Preparation Turn ReleaseDelivery

Page 23: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Standing JavelinPupil

Task CardSTAGE 3

Grips the Javelin at the rim of thebinding cord with thumb andeither first or second fingerHolds Javelin back with extendedarm and palm facing upwardsThe Javelin is close to parallelwith the elbow slightly flexed

Stands side on with feet shoulderwidth apart, left foot in front andpointing in the direction of the throwThe back foot is facing towards 1o’clock on a clock faceWeight on the back leg (with kneeslightly bent) when preparing to throw

Rocks back onto the back leg and thenmoves forwards to start the throwLegs move before armsExtends the back leg at the knee andankle to drive the right hip forwardsElbow remains above the shoulderwhen throwing

Common Technical Faults Potential Corrections1. Weight is over the front leg when throwing Keep the weight on the back leg and then push off the back foot prior to the upper body working.2. The arm comes through too early Keeping the arm and shoulder back as long as possible and until the legs have worked.

Keeps shoulder and armback until legs and hipshave workedKeeps a tall bodyposition Releases the javelin fastat roughly a 45˚ angle

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Using the information above and your observations,identify two strengths of the pupil you observed.

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Based on your recorded observations, identify one area of suggested development and how this could improve performance.

Development: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Impact: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Grip & Hold Preparation – Stance Movement & Delivery – Transfer of Body Weight

Page 24: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: 3 - 5 Stride Approach JavelinPupil

Task CardSTAGE 3

Grips the Javelin at the rim of thebinding cord with thumb andeither first or second fingerHolds the Javelin back withextended arm and palm facingupwards

Legs cross in front of the bodyand not behindUse a pattern of left foot, rightfoot, left foot, throw for the 3-stride approach

Steps onto the whole of the leftfoot, push off onto the rightfoot, take quick stride onto thebraced left legUses a daah, da, da rhythm.Drives the hip forward fast

Common Technical Faults Potential Corrections1. Slows down prior to throwing Gradually build the run-up length and speed to ensure correct technique.2. Pulls the javelin down when throwing Keep the shoulders and arm back until the legs and hips have worked.

Keeps shoulder and arm backuntil legs and hips have workedKeeps a tall body position Releases the javelin fast atroughly a 45˚ angle

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Using the information above and your observations,identify two strengths of the pupil you observed.

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Based on your recorded observations, identify one area of suggested development and how this could improve performance.

Development: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Impact: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

First Stride Second Stride Final Stride Delivery

Page 25: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Hammer – Heave ThrowPupil

Task CardSTAGE 3

Hands placed either side of theball, with the grip towards thecentre of the ballPlaces feet shoulder width apartKeeps the back straight with agood upright posture

Winds the body up in theopposite direction to the throwStarts the rotation by turningthe right foot out and rightknee in

Rotates through waist toincrease forceKeeps the arms extended (long)when in front of the body

Common Technical Faults Potential Corrections1. Bends arms excessively when heaving the ball Keep the arms straight when in front of the body.2. Bends the body sideways when rotating, losing torque Keep an upright posture as though the body is rotating around pole (from shoulders to hips).

Keeps the body upright whenrotating Pulls the arms up and over theleft or right shoulderReleases the ball at the highestpoint

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Using the information above and your observations,identify two strengths of the pupil you observed.

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Based on your recorded observations, identify one area of suggested development and how this could improve performance.

Development: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Impact: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Grip & Preparation Movement – Transfer of Body Weight Delivery

Page 26: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Standing Hammer Pupil

Task CardSTAGE 3

Holds the handle in the left hand(placed on the middle section ofthe fingers)Right hand then covers left handGrip is strong but relaxedHands make a U shape with thethumbs held crossed or parallel

Stands with feet slightly widerthan shoulder-width apartBack to the direction of thethrowKeeps a straight back

Bend legs slightly, weightevenly balanced on both feetExtend the arms and swing thehammer from low to a highArms are extended when thehammer reaches the low point

Common Technical Faults Potential Corrections1. Bends arms excessively when swinging the hammer Keep the arms long when the hammer is in front of the body.2. Bends the body sideways when rotating, losing torque Keep an upright posture as though the body is rotating around pole (from shoulders to hips).

Drives hips upwards andforwards before releaseReleases the hammer over theleft shoulderExtends the arms and watchesthe hammer’s flight and landing

Encourage pupilsto use the Pupil


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Using the information above and your observations,identify two strengths of the pupil you observed.

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Based on your recorded observations, identify one area of suggested development and how this could improve performance.

Development: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Impact: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Grip & Hold Preparation Movement – Transfer of Body Weight Delivery & Release

Page 27: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Standing Shot PutPupil

Task CardSTAGE 4

Technical Point 1 Technical Point 2 Technical Point 3 Technical Point 4

Group Goal: To give and receive feedback between members of your group to help each of you in your ability to perform the standing shot put.a. Look at the pictures below as a group and think individually what the Technical Points in each phase would be for 1 minute (no talking at this stage).b. Next share your ideas as a group, taking it in turns to give and discuss ideas. Come to a common agreement and note the suggested Technical Points below.c. Now perform the standing shot put.d. After a few practices, reflect on whether your group needs to change the suggested Technical Points?

Stance – Power Position (Chin, Knee, Toe) Movement – Transfer of Body Weight Delivery & Release

Page 28: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Back ofcircle

Throwing: Glide Shot PutPupil

Task CardSTAGE 4

Technical Point 1 Technical Point 2 Technical Point 3 Technical Point 4

Group Goal: To give and receive feedback between members of your group to help each of you in your ability to perform the glide shot put.a. Look at the pictures below as a group and think individually what the Technical Points in each phase would be for 1 minute (no talking at this stage).b. Next share your ideas as a group, taking it in turns to give and discuss ideas. Come to a common agreement and note the suggested Technical Points below.c. Now perform the glide shot put.d. After a few practices, reflect on whether your group needs to change the suggested Technical Points?

Preparation Glide Delivery & Release

Page 29: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Rotational Shot PutPupil

Task CardSTAGE 4

Technical Point 1 Technical Point 2 Technical Point 3 Technical Point 4

Group Goal: To give and receive feedback between members of your group to help each of you in your ability to perform the rotational shot put.a. Look at the pictures below as a group and think individually what the Technical Points in each phase would be for 1 minute (no talking at this stage).b. Next share your ideas as a group, taking it in turns to give and discuss ideas. Come to a common agreement and note the suggested Technical Points below.c. Now perform the rotational shot put.d. After a few practices, reflect on whether your group needs to change the suggested Technical Points?

Preparation Rotation Delivery & Release

Page 30: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Standing DiscusPupil

Task CardSTAGE 4

Technical Point 1 Technical Point 2 Technical Point 3 Technical Point 4

Group Goal: To give and receive feedback between members of your group to help each of you in your ability to perform the standing discus throw.a. Look at the pictures below as a group and think individually what the Technical Points in each phase would be for 1 minute (no talking at this stage).b. Next share your ideas as a group, taking it in turns to give and discuss ideas. Come to a common agreement and note the suggested Technical Points below.c. Now perform the standing discus throw.d. After a few practices, reflect on whether your group needs to change the suggested Technical Points?

Grip and Hold Preparation Movement – Transfer of Body Weight Delivery & Release

Page 31: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Rotational DiscusPupil

Task CardSTAGE 4

Technical Point 1 Technical Point 2 Technical Point 3 Technical Point 4

Group Goal: To give and receive feedback between members of your group to help each of you in your ability to perform the rotational discus throw.a. Look at the pictures below as a group and think individually what the Technical Points in each phase would be for 1 minute (no talking at this stage).b. Next share your ideas as a group, taking it in turns to give and discuss ideas. Come to a common agreement and note the suggested Technical Points below.c. Now perform the rotational discus throw (if safe to do so) from a throwing cage.d. After a few practices, reflect on whether your group needs to change the suggested Technical Points?

Preparation Turn ReleaseDelivery

Page 32: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Standing JavelinPupil

Task CardSTAGE 4

Technical Point 1 Technical Point 2 Technical Point 3 Technical Point 4

Group Goal: To give and receive feedback between members of your group to help each of you in your ability to perform the standing javelin throw.a. Look at the pictures below as a group and think individually what the Technical Points in each phase would be for 1 minute (no talking at this stage).b. Next share your ideas as a group, taking it in turns to give and discuss ideas. Come to a common agreement and note the suggested Technical Points below.c. Now perform the standing javelin throw.d. After a few practices, reflect on whether your group needs to change the suggested Technical Points?

Grip & Hold Preparation – Stance Movement & Delivery – Transfer of Body Weight

Page 33: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: 3 - 5 Stride Approach JavelinPupil

Task CardSTAGE 4

Technical Point 1 Technical Point 2 Technical Point 3 Technical Point 4

Group Goal: To give and receive feedback between members of your group to help each of you in your ability to perform a 3-5 stride approach javelin throw.a. Look at the pictures below as a group and think individually what the Technical Points in each phase would be for 1 minute (no talking at this stage).b. Next share your ideas as a group, taking it in turns to give and discuss ideas. Come to a common agreement and note the suggested Technical Points below.c. Now perform a 3-5 stride approach javelin throw.d. After a few practices, reflect on whether your group needs to change the suggested Technical Points?

First Stride Second Stride Final Stride Delivery

Page 34: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Hammer – Heave ThrowPupil

Task CardSTAGE 4

Technical Point 1 Technical Point 2 Technical Point 3 Technical Point 4

Group Goal: To give and receive feedback between members of your group to help each of you in your ability to perform the heave throw.a. Look at the pictures below as a group and think individually what the Technical Points in each phase would be for 1 minute (no talking at this stage).b. Next share your ideas as a group, taking it in turns to give and discuss ideas. Come to a common agreement and note the suggested Technical Points below.c. Now perform the heave throw.d. After a few practices, reflect on whether your group needs to change the suggested Technical Points?

Grip & Preparation Movement – Transfer of Body Weight Delivery

Page 35: RJT RUN JUMP THROW Pupil Task Cards: Throwing · Pupil Task Cards: Introduction An important part of every child’s cognitive development is to encourage them to explore new things

Throwing: Standing HammerPupil

Task CardSTAGE 4

Technical Point 1 Technical Point 2 Technical Point 3 Technical Point 4

Group Goal: To give and receive feedback between members of your group to help each of you in your ability to perform the standing hammer throw.a. Look at the pictures below as a group and think individually what the Technical Points in each phase would be for 1 minute (no talking at this stage).b. Next share your ideas as a group, taking it in turns to give and discuss ideas. Come to a common agreement and note the suggested Technical Points below.c. Now perform the standing hammer throw (if safe to do so) from a hammer cage.d. After a few practices, reflect on whether your group needs to change the suggested Technical Points?

Grip & Hold Preparation Movement – Transfer of Body Weight Delivery & Release