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1 Gender Identity Jody Marvin PSY 340 May 28, 2012 Michele Wagner

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  • 1. 1Gender Identity Jody Marvin PSY 340 May 28, 2012 Michele Wagner

2. 2Gender Identity The interactions of hormones and sexual behavior affect the determination of gender identity and remain difficult and dubious tasks. Apparently, gender identity is usually consistent with chromosomal sex and anatomical sexual development (Pinel, 2009). Men and women differ in their physical attributes, reproductive function, and thought process (Meyers, 2011). Although displaying patterns of behavioral and cognitive differences, hormonal influences on brain development are apparent (Pinel, 2009). Understanding brain morphology, sexual differentiation, gender roles, and gender identity continue to add knowledge toward the answers society assumes while evaluating the role of experience independent of physiological predisposition continues. In contrast, evidence recently accumulated suggests the environment responds differently to the pre- wired brains in boys and girls (Myers, 2011). Fundamentally, flawed is mamawawa, the misconception that men-are-men and women-are-women (Pinel, 2009). The biological bases of sex differences in brain and behavior have become much, better known through increasing numbers of behavioral, neurological, and endocrinological studies. Sex refers to biological traits whereas gender is sociological. Biological factors include genetics and a complex interaction among prenatal hormonal activity whereas the issue of nature versus nurture discusses psychosocial factors (Pinel, 2009). Sexual differentiation is the process by which males and females develop distinct reproductive anatomy (Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus, 2010). According to Pinel (2009), One could say that the basic blueprint of the human embryo is female, (p. 435). The embryo deviates from the female developmental course with the instructions from the Y chromosome (Pinel, 2009). The SRY (sex-determining region Y gene) binds to the strand of genes called DNA and distorts it (Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 2012) . This distortion leads 3. 3to the formation of the testes (Pinel, 2009). According to DOHaD (2012), The cortex of the primordial gonad develops into an ovary if no Y chromosome exists whereas under the influence of the Y chromosome, the medulla of the primordial gonad develops into a testis, (para 18). Unfortunately, mixed gender is the result of confusion with H-Y antigen entering a male fetus causing ovaries or a genetic female with testes (Pinel, 2009). In addition, the third month of fetal development determines testosterone stimulation and Mullerian-inhibiting substance (MIS) that causes the Mullerian system to degenerate activating dissention of the testes into the scrotum (Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus, 2010). Confusion of this fetal period can cause development of female reproductive ducts along with male ones (Pinel, 2009). Concurrently, in theory, testosterone is responsible for the external genitals (Pinel, 2009). According to Pinel (2009), Steroid hormones play the major role in sexual development, (p. 315). Synthesized from cholesterol, steroid hormones easily penetrate cell membranes, bind to receptors in the cytoplasm of the nucleus, and directly affect gene expression (Pinel, 2009). Once formed the testes (gonads) and ovaries begin to produce androgens and estrogens with estradiol the most common estrogen and testosterone the most common androgen (Pinel, 2009). In addition, the adrenal cortex releases not only the principal steroid hormones but also small amounts of the same sex steroids released by the gonads (Pinel, 2009). Concurrently, the hypothalamus regulates the anterior pituitary gland while regulating the 28-day cycle experienced by females (Pinel, 2009). The cycle involves levels of gonadal and gonadotropic hormones preparing the female reproductive system (Pinel, 2009). Researchers today continue developing the connections between brain dimorphisms and sex chromosomes. Aromatization is the process causing a slight change of a testosterone 4. 4molecule to a benzene ring (Pinel, 2009) converting testosterone to estradiol affecting the masculinization of the brain by testosterone. According to Pinel, Volumetric differences between particular structures develop by preferential apoptotic cell loss, not cell growth, (p. 325). Biological views focus on the possible affect of hormones on the brain during prenatal development and the specialized hemispheres within the brain (Meyers, 2011). In theory, prenatal hormones may masculinize or feminize the brain during development. According to research, left-handed people are right brain dominant (Pinel, 2009). Scientific research regarding the release of testosterone into the right-hemisphere during prenatal development investigates the theory that testosterone may cause masculine influence onto right-brained female (DOHaD, 2012). In contrast, hormonal errors produce various congenital defects during prenatal development (Pinel, 2009). As stated earlier, gender identity is usually consistent with chromosomal assignment. However, gender assignment (sex assignment) is labeling a newborn female or male regardless of the fetal brains exposure to androgens in the uterus (Pinel, 2009). From birth, hermaphrodites have ovarian and testicular tissue, possibly one gonad of each sex (Pinel, 2009). Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a form of intersexualism where a genetic (XX) female with internal female ovaries (Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus, 2010) displays masculinize external genitals and displays a clitoris enlarged resembling a small male penis (Berenbaum & Hines, 1992; Zucker, 1999; as cited on p. 176). In contrast, genetic (XY) males with sensitivity to androgens receive feminized external genital, including a small vagina, undescending testes, no sparse pubic or underarm hair, and feminized breasts (Adachi, 2000; Hughes, 2000 as cited in Pinel, 2009, p. 339). Because the 5. 5testes produce MIS (Mullerian inhibiting substance) prevention of the development of a uterus or fallopian tubes exists (Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus, 2010). Environmental influences include a set of behavior expectations (norms) for males and females, gender roles across generations, and expectations of what society labels as normal and acceptable ideas, attitudes, behaviors, and traditions (Pinel, 2009). According to Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner, 2005, Gender identity is our psychological awareness or sense of being male or being female and one of the most obvious and important aspects of our self-concepts. The gender difference is evident early in life before culture has much effect (Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus, 2010). Unfortunately, clearly defined within our society is the connection between sexual behavior and gender roles. Little girls are taught to be submissive always waiting for the males first approach. Children become aware of their anatomical sex by the age of 18 months and by the age of 36 months, most have a firm sense of their gender identity (Pinel, 2009). Children learn to categorize themselves by gender very early in life. Behavior expectations and differences such as, men repair things whereas women clean up things define gender roles (Myers, 2010). Judging from scientific studies it appears that our society still believes in sex-role (gender identity) theory, which says that we humans learn from society's institutions to behave in ways appropriate to our sex (Meyers, 2011). Studies indicate that women are biologically less sexual than are men. Because of societys stigma placed upon the sexually active female, it is difficult to achieve an accurate reading regarding female sexuality. Subsequently, time bends the gender roles as shown by the amount of females acquiring medical and law degrees. In addition, women in politics are a dramatic cultural change over a remarkably short time. 6. 6Clinical implications and progress of gender variations, hormones, and gender identity are evident in The Case of the Little Girl Who Grew up to Be a Boy (Money & Ehrhardt, 1972 as cited in Pinel, 2009, p. 328). Raised as a little girl, male secondary sex characteristics began developing at the onset of puberty (Pinel, 2009). Because of scientific progress, the patient received surgical procedures decreasing the size of her clitoris and increasing the size of her vagina. Suppressing androgens allowing her own estrogen to circulate feminized her body allowing her to enjoy a normal sex life and happy marriage (Money & Ehrhardt, 1972 as cited in Pinel, 2009, p. 328). Biopsychology emphasizes that body type, sexual or gender identity, and sexual attraction are sometimes unconnected (Pinel, 2009). Sexual identity, sexual orientation, and sexual body formations are often independent combining femaleness and maleness discounting the outdated, fundamentally incorrect theory of mamawawa, men-are-men, and women-are-women. Biology and culture interact as advances in genetic science indicate how experience uses genes to change the brain (Quarts & Sejnowski, 2002, as cited in Myers, 2010, p. 223). Today, scientific research continues to show the female brain and the male brain develops differently with various mechanisms, at different times with variations in genetics and hormones creating a variety of sexually independent and sexually interconnected male and female individuals (Pinel, 2009). 7. 7 8. 8References Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD). (2012). Endocrine and reproductive system. Retrieved from http://www.southampton.ac.uk/~er2/PY209/HSI.htm?&lang=en_us&output=json&sessio n-id=e2f887d294664b85a9377921f45ef080 Myers, D. (2011). Exploring social psychology (6th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. Pinel, J. (2009). Biopsychology (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Rathus, S., Nevid, J., & Fichner-Rathus, L. (2010). Human sexuality: In a world of diversity (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.