river bank protection

What is bank protection Bank protection types Netherlands RIVER BANK PROTECTIO

Upload: joeltoh

Post on 20-Aug-2015




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What is bank protection

Bank protection types



What is bank protection?Bank protection is the action of building a

resistance along a river.This protection is used as a form of

preventing flooding and soil erosion along the river banks.

There are many types of bank protection, parts of them are:

Levees (or dykes/dikes) RevetmentsGroins

What is a levee?

-they are sloping structures placed on banks or cliffs in such a way as to absorb the energy of incoming water.-River or coastal revetments are usually built to preserve the existing uses of the shoreline and to protect the slope, as defence against erosion. -used to line the banks of freshwater rivers, lakes, and man-made reservoirs, especially to prevent damage during periods of floods or heavy seasonal -It is also known as a retaining wall

Groins are built from an ocean shore or from a bank (rivers) that interrupts water flow and limits the movement of sedimentsgroin prevent erosion and ice-jammingare often constructed nearly perpendicular to the riverbanksThey maintain a channel to prevent ice jamming, and more generally improve navigation and control over lateral erosion, that would form from meandersGroins are mostly submerge in the water

This is how a natural levee is formed

-Flood control in the Netherlands is an important issue as about two thirds of the country is vulnerable to flooding

while at the same time the country is among the most densely populated on earth. Natural sand dunes and dikes,

dams and floodgates provide the defense against storm surges from sea. River dikes prevent flooding from water

flowing into the country by the major rivers Rhine and Meuse. In modern times flood disasters coupled with

technological development have led to large construction works to reduce the influence of the sea and prevent future

floods.-In Netherlands, building bank protection is like a matter of

life and death. -Large scale deforestation upstream caused the river levels to become ever more extreme while the demand for arable land led to more land being protected by dikes, giving less space to the river stream bed and so causing even higher

water levels. Local dikes to protect villages were connected to create a ban dike to contain the river at all times