rivalry now begins: rise of windows phone 8

1 Rivalry Now Begins: Rise of WP8 November 2012

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Windows Phone 8 Offers Windows Phone Consumer Ratings New Platform Features Differences between WP 7.5 and 8


  • 1. 1 Rivalry Now Begins: Rise ofWP8 November 2012

2. 2 Table of Contents 1 Windows Phone 8 offers 2 WP Consumer Ratings 3 Shared Windows Core 4 8 New Platform Features 4.1 Latest and Greatest Hardware 4.2 Internet Explorer 10 4.3 Native Code 4.4 NFC Feature 4.5 Wallet Experience 4.6 Nokia Map Technology 4.7 WP8 for Business 4.8 New Start Screen 5 Backward Compatability 6 Metro Apps;now just Apps 7 WP7 and WP8 minimum device requirements 8 WP7.5 and WP8 feature and performance differences 9 Passbook vs WP Wallet Hub 10 For Developers 3. 3 1. Windows Phone 8 Offers New User Experience New Development Platform New Devices Native Code Performance Reliability Familiarity More personal; Expression of the user. 4. 4 2. Windows Phone Consumer Ratings Top 3 of Highest Rated Cell phones on Amazon.com are WP8. Top 5 out of 6 Highest Rated Cell phones on Amazon.com are WP8. Top 7 out of 9 Highest Rated Cell phones on Amazon.com are WP8. 5. 5 3. Shared Windows Core The most captivating feature of new WP8: Shared Windows Core between Windows & Windows Phone 8 This technology provides identical user experience by how applications Work Respond Access data. identical across both Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 End Result for the developer: Scalability and deployment of apps will be executed at a much faster pace. End Result for the consumer: Crossover experience between PCs, notebooks, tablets and smartphone. 6. 6 b) Screen Resolutions: WVGA (WP7) 800x480, 15:9 WXGA 1280x768, 15:9 720p 1280x720, 16:9 4. 8 New Platform Features a) Multi Core Chipsets: Dual core or more. User experience will be much better compared to single core. Battery life and performance will enhance. Apps will look perfect on every WP, invisible to user c) Removable microSD Support: Both PC and Phone Exchange data between PC&Phone, Phone-Phone etc. User will not need to pay more for built-in storage. 4.1. Latest and Greatest Hardware 7. 7 4.2. Internet Explorer 10 Block malicious websites in real time 4x faster JavaScript performance compared to WP7.5. 2x HTML5 feature support compared to WP7.5. IE 10 Differences between WP8 and Windows 8 WP8: Windows8: Elements demand a truly big screen or a windowed interface wont fly, nowhere to drag and drop or open a new window to. Catch web developers off- guard: Lack of in-line video Handful of touch inputs ActiveX Level of file access. Website authors can write once, test on their PCs and the same will work on WP. 8. 8 4.3. Native Code Common platform for WP and Windows Native Game Development platform based on DirectX. Game developers can write the same game for both. Portability: Android & iOS WP8 , will be easier with Native Code. 9. 9 4.4. NFC Feature Benefit for both the end user and developer. NFC support is not limited to phone. The shared Windows core enables NFC scenarios between phones, laptops, PCs. Secure Element (SE) is in SIM. Since SE is in SIM, Microsoft has been establishing new partnerships with operators. First telecom operator partner in Europe is Orange, we will see who will be the partner in Turkey. Since these device partners will support WP8, we expect to have NFC feature support on these devices as well. 10. 10 4.5. Wallet Experience The most complete Wallet Experience on any Smartphone. Third party services will be able to integrate to Windows Wallet. One place to go to See balances Fly info Pull coupon to save Supports Secure NFC Different than Google Wallet since the SE is on phone device. Will work with ISIS next year. 11. 11 4.6. Nokia Map Technology Great Global NAVTEQ map data Offline map support Map control for developers Turn by turn Directions Much better detail and complete local info in maps across the globe by NAVTEQ map data. Works offline! Perfect for when travelling to poor internet connectivity locations! Get the directions and store on the SD card. 12. 12 4.7. WP8 for Business Trusted shared Windows core Encryption and Secure Boot LOB App Deployment Device Management Familiar Office Apps Safety of corporate data will be provided by BitLocker Technology which encryptes the contents of the device. WP8 will allow IT administrators to sign and deploy apps in their own way. Device management and familiar office apps will be one of the reasons for WP to be favorite. 13. 13 4.8. New Start Screen Not a platform feature but an end user feautre which will have the platform implications. The user is in total control of the Live Tiles: More Beautiful, More Customizable, More Personal. User is able to set the size of any tile, can pin any tile to StartScreen and offer more colors too! 14. 14 5. Backward Compatibility No WP7 Upgrade for WP7 Owners: A consumer who just bought a new WP7 phone will not be able to upgrade to WP8. App Fragmentation: Apps written in the native WP8 code will not be backward compatible with WP 7/7.5. So the best and most recent apps will not work on older devices. However, all apps written for WP7.5 will work on WP8. WP7 WP7.5WP8 15. 15 6. Metro Apps now just Apps Metro apps are touch-screen-friendly apps written especially for Microsoft's WinRT programming interfaces. Metro apps, which are sold in an online store much like the Apple app and Android Google Play stores, are expected to sell for $1.49 and up. Most of the Enterprise applications will be replaced by Metro Style based applications and the more Microsofts in-house applications based on Metro, the better, stable, bug fixed and full of features it would be. Metro Apps are no longer called with "Metro", just Apps; but features are kept the same. 16. 16 7. WP7 and WP8 Device Requirements 17. 17 8. Differences between WP 7.5 and 8 Click here for DEMO. Improved multitasking on WP 8, Improved application loading speed, Apps developed on WP7.5 should be compatible with WP8. Form Factor changes such as Touch Resolution, Smaller Screens should be considered. Even though users will have access to all previously developed apps, Microsoft is hoping that developers would take advantage of WP8 features. Such as new Skype app for WP8 will let users answer ring-throughs as they would a cellular call. NFC and Wallet features are also new to WP. Wallet app is very similar to Apples Passbook feature. 18. 18 9. WP8 Wallet Hub vs iOS 6 Passbook Passbook WP Wallet Hub Lets you load: Boarding passes, Loyalty Cards, Movie Tickets and more into a single place. Scan a barcode for services Scanning Methods Scan a Code or Tap Device for services NFC Feature Lets you load: Boarding passes, Loyalty Cards, Movie Tickets and many more, ++++++++ Credit and Debit cards into a single place. Integrates deals from vendors and works across applications for mapping and other more extensive functions such as tying bank apps to the Wallet hub. More local cards such as Library Card will also be able to be added to Wallet Hub. Integrates deals from vendors. Tap + Send For the next iPhone, bluetooth powered wave and pay system has been a talk. Either way, every commonly used technology should be supported for customer convenience. 19. 19 Maximizing Developer Investments Compatibility WP7 runs on WP8. Performance WP7 and WP8 apps will be compiled in cloud. Convenience Visual Studio 2012 to build Windows 8 and WP8 and WP7.5 apps Developers Choice One App model, 3 techs. 1. XAML with C#/VB code 2. Native C++/C code 3. HTML5 browser control 10. For Developers Native Code Multitasking Improvements New Speech Platform Focus on Developers Share common code between WP8 and Windows8. Simplifies porting apps between iOS/Android. Take Advantage of native open source libraries. Incoming VoIP calls feel like any other call. Integrates with built in phone features VoIP apps continue to run in background. Available to all devices. Apples Siri like application is now supported. 20. 20 Thank you! www.pozitron.com [email protected] @Pozitron_Mobile