ritual for lovers from ariadne's thread


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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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a ritual from our beloved Shekhinah


Page 1: Ritual for Lovers From Ariadne's Thread

Ritual for Lovers from Ariadne's Thread: A Workbook of Goddess Magic by Shekhinah Mountainwater To be done in a safe, secluded place at the full of the moon. Before sundown create a love bower. The bed is your altar. dress it with clean, sweet-smelling sheets, pillows and coverings, scented with roses. Adorn it with red roses or rose petals for passion, and laurel for purity and protection. Hang an image of Aphrodite nearby. Place red candles and rose incense, ready for lighting. Place a bowl or red wine at the foot of the bed. As the full moon ascends, draw a ritual bath and scatter rose petals on the surface of the water, also add a few drops of rose oil. If possible, let the water catch the light of the full moon. Put on some gentle and passionate music. Approach the altar bed together. Light the candles and incense, saying: We ignite the spirit of Aphrodite. Hail to thee, Goddess of Love! Undress one another slowly, by the candlelight and moonlight. Enter the bath and bathe each other in turn. As you wash each part of your lover's body, proclaim its beauty and sacredness. Blessed by thy hair that caresses my face Blessed by thine eyes that look upon me with love Blessed be thine ears that hear my words of love Blessed by thy lips that kiss, thy mouth that speaks to me of love Blesses be thine arms that embrace me in love Blessed be thy heart that throbs in the heat of love Blessed be thy hands that touch me Blessed be thy breast that contains all sweetness Blessed be thy belly that holds the womb of life ( for a woman) Blesses be thy back that gladly bears love's burdens Blesses be thy genitals that are the gateway to mystery and ecstasy Blessed be thy legs that carry thee to me Blessed be thy feet that take thee on love's journey.. Kiss and wash each place as you name it. As you emerge from the water, chant together: We are love rebirthing Dry each other gently and place flowing robes upon each other.

Page 2: Ritual for Lovers From Ariadne's Thread

Anoint each other's brows with rose oil, saying: Aphrodite bless you Walk hand in hand to the altar bed and kneel before it. Raise up the bowl of wine toward the image of Aphrodite, saying: Hail Goddess of Love, who brought us together We thank thee for thy wondrous gift of true desire Bless our union tonight Give us openness that we may flow into one another Strength to return to our separate selves And flexibility to dance and merge and re-emerge again May our love never be bound, but fly in freedom May our hearts never be cold, but overflowing With thy heat of Thy love So be it! Blessed Be!