ritm7490678 grow your career digital timeline v8b...high res image needed if chosen 1947 the first...

High res image needed if chosen 1947 The first commercial computer, the Ferranti Mark 1, was released. 9 were sold. 1951 1973 1975 1981 James Russell invented the world's first CD (compact disc) player. ABBA was the first artist to have an album produced on CD. 1982 1964 1969 The World Wide Web 1991 The World Wide Web was launched, created by Tim Berners-Lee. The first web page explained the purpose of the World Wide Web. First Social Media Site 1997 The first social media site Six Degree was founded by Andew Weinreich. Search Engine 1998 The search engine Google was founded. First Smartphone 1996 The first smartphone was released. The Nokia 9000 Communicator was the first phone with a full keyboard. First Smartwatch 1998 Seiko released the first smartwatch, the Ruputer. First MP3 Player 1998 The first MP3 player was released, replacing portable CD and tape devices. iTunes 2003 The iTunes Music Store launched. As more people downloaded music, sales of CDs declined. Facebook 2004 Facebook launched, leading to a new rise in the use of social media. YouTube 2005 YouTube launched. The first video uploaded featured its founder at the San Diego zoo. Twitter 2006 Twitter launched. The first tweet by its creator said “just setting up my twttr”. Broadband 2007 Half of all internet users started using broadband connections, significantly faster than dial-up. Instagram 2010 Instagram launched. The first 2 posts were shared by its founders - a dog, and South Beach Harbor at Pier 38. iPod 2001 The first iPod music player was released by Apple. iPhone 2007 The first iPhone was released by Apple. This featured a more innovative use of touch screen technology. Drone 2010 The first drone to be controlled entirely by Wi-Fi using a smartphone was released. 1940-1960 John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley invented the transistor, the basic building block for all modern computer technology. The first fully portable laptop computer, the Osborne I, was released. It had a 5” screen, nearly the size of a match box. 1961-1970 1971-1980 1981-1990 2001-2010 The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) was created, enabling 4 university computers to communicate and share resources. This built the foundations of the internet. The first desktop computer, Programma 101, was released. About 44,000 computers were sold, each with a price tag of $3,200. It was the size of a typewriter. The first digital camera was created at Eastman Kodak. This was the size of a large toaster, and held 30 black and white images. Inspired by Star Trek, Martin Cooper invented the first mobile phone with the company Motorola. It weighed 1.15kg. 1991-2000 2019 2011-2020 The 5G network was introduced. 2011 Google began testing driverless cars. 2015 Apple released Siri, the first mainstream, voice activated virtual assistant. 2015 Wireless earphones were released. 2016 Pokémon Go was released. The mobile game uses augmented reality to show virtual Pokémons in a physical area, which you can find and catch using your phone. 2020 The proportion of the world's population owning a smartphone reached approximately 45%, or 3.5 billion people*. 2020 Globally, active internet users reached 4.54 billion**. For the first time cables weren't required to connect to a media player, smartphone or to each other. Key Moments in the Digital Journey *Newzoo (2019), Newzoo, “Newzoo's Global Mobile Market Report: Insight into the World's 3.2 Billion Smartphone Users, the Devices They Use & the Mobile Games They Play”, 30 March 2020 **Simon Kemp (2020), DataReportal, "Digital 2020: Global Digital Overview", 30 March 2020

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Page 1: RITM7490678 Grow your Career Digital Timeline v8b...High res image needed if chosen 1947 The first commercial computer, the Ferranti Mark 1, was released. ... by Andew Weinreich. Search

High res image needed if chosen

1947 The first commercial computer, the Ferranti Mark 1, was released. 9 were sold.


1973 1975

1981 James Russell invented the world's first CD (compact disc) player. ABBA was the first artist to have an album produced on CD.


1964 1969

The World Wide Web1991

The World Wide Web was launched, created by Tim Berners-Lee. The first web page explained the purpose of the World Wide Web.

First Social Media Site1997

The first social media site Six Degree was founded by Andew Weinreich.


The search engine Google was founded.


The first smartphone was released. The Nokia 9000 Communicator was the first phone with a full keyboard.


Seiko released the first smartwatch, the Ruputer.

FirstMP3 Player1998

The first MP3 player was released, replacing portable CD and tape devices.

iTunes 2003

The iTunes Music Store launched. As more people downloaded music, sales of CDs declined.


Facebook launched, leading to a new rise in the use of social media.


YouTube launched. The first video uploaded featured its founder at the San Diego zoo.


Twitter launched. The first tweet by its creator said “just setting up my twttr”.


Half of all internet users started using broadband connections, significantly faster than dial-up.


Instagram launched. The first 2 posts were shared by its founders - a dog, and South Beach Harbor at Pier 38.


The first iPod music player was released by Apple.


The first iPhone was released by Apple. This featured a more innovative use of touch screen technology.


The first drone to be controlled entirely by Wi-Fi using a smartphone was released.


John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley invented the transistor, the basic building block for all modern computer technology.

The first fully portable laptop computer, the Osborne I, was released. It had a 5” screen, nearly the size of a match box.





The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) was created, enabling 4 university computers to communicate and share resources. This built the foundations of the internet.

The first desktop computer, Programma 101, was released. About 44,000 computers were sold, each with a price tag of $3,200. It was the size of a typewriter.

The first digital camera was created at Eastman Kodak. This was the size of a large toaster, and held 30 black and white images.

Inspired by Star Trek, Martin Cooper invented the first mobile phone with the company Motorola. It weighed 1.15kg.




The 5G network was introduced.

2011 Google began testing driverless cars.

2015 Apple released Siri, the first mainstream, voice activated virtual assistant.

2015 Wireless earphones were released.

2016Pokémon Go was released. The mobile game uses augmented reality to show virtual Pokémons in a physical area, which you can find and catch using your phone.

2020The proportion of the world's population owning a smartphone reached approximately 45%, or 3.5 billion people*.

2020 Globally, active internet users reached 4.54 billion**.

For the first time cables weren't required to connect to a media player, smartphone or to each other.

Key Moments in the Digital Journey

*Newzoo (2019), Newzoo, “Newzoo's Global Mobile Market Report: Insight into the World's 3.2 Billion Smartphone Users, the Devices They Use & the Mobile Games They Play”, 30 March 2020

**Simon Kemp (2020), DataReportal, "Digital 2020: Global Digital Overview", 30 March 2020