risk assessment

Risk Assessment

Upload: jaybullimore98

Post on 21-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

Page 2: Risk Assessment

When looking through the images my group have taken from the filming location we can straight away see a number of potential hazards, not only to the people acting but also the people filming.


Firstly, when looking at the two images to the left we can see that these are showcasing one of the places that will be used within the music video, the exterior and interior. The exterior looks very natural and overgrown and looks to be uninhabited for a while. One danger of this when looking at it is the possibility of tripping over branches and other things when travelling through the tall overgrown area. This could potentially be made worse by the weather like ice or rain that could make the area more slippery on the foot making it easier to fall over and get hurt.

When venturing inside of the hut we can see that there is a small pile of rubble and other waste towards the back wall, these again are hazards as people could trip can cut themselves on any sharp objects.

Minimising the Risks

To minimise these risks the only thing we could potentially do is to move objects and other bits and pieces out of the area we are going to be filming in so or we could just not film in this location.

Page 3: Risk Assessment

This is also another area that we may be using during the filming of the music video, straight away we can again see numerous problems and potential hazards that need to be addressed.


The first being the large pile of rocks, bricks and wood this is possibly the biggest hazard because if a camera man or the actors walk on this and slip or stand on something sharp like a tree trunk, glass or even a big rock then this would mean that the filming would have to be stopped.

Another potential risk is that a wall or pieces of the structures could collapse when leant on or due to the weather (windy) and this would have serious repercussions for us when we think about filming again.

Minimising the Risks

The first risk can be easily minimised by either moving some of the debris to a much more convenient location where we aren’t going to be filming or again moving to another location. However, the second risk where there is a potential of a structure collapsing is much harder to deal with, the only two viable options are to either steer clear of the area when the weather isn’t good or to again move to another location.

Page 4: Risk Assessment

The fields we are going to use for the filming are ultimately the safest locations we have (or at least they should be) though there are still some potential risks.


When venturing across the field the protagonist in the music video could potentially walk through crops, though the risk isn’t physical it does have a potential to hinder our filming during any moment. Another hazard and this one physical is the possibility of walking into a mole hole or something similar, this could damage the actors and/ or camera men seriously if this was to happen.

Minimising the Risks

To help minimise both of the risks involved all members of the group will be keeping an eye on their surroundings for anything that we should be wary of again this includes crops, animals, holes and other related hazards that could/ would hinder our filming in this particular location.

Many of the locations look vaguely similar to the ones mentioned in the PowerPoint so they would have similar risks too. The locations are somebody else property which means that we have to be careful and respect the land that we are going to be using.