risk assessement

Risk Assessment BY CONNIE ALLEN.

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Post on 22-Mar-2017




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Page 1: Risk assessement

Risk AssessmentBY CONNIE ALLEN.

Page 2: Risk assessement

Hazards Outdoors/ Indoors.

Indoors – Other people around and other trip hazards, chairs and the stairs.

Outdoors – Concrete, Other dancers, Bollards, Traffic.

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One of the most common hazards is one of the easiest to remedy would be the trip hazard. If chairs are around where they are dancing or there are stones in the outside shots, which anyone is able to fall off or over if they are not warned before hand.

4 – is the severity of the hazard of the hazard which is negligible, this hazard will also only happen occasionally (C) meaning that it is of a low risk. I will reduce this risk by making sure that all of the dancers are aware of their surroundings, and that i am using the equiptment and setting it out somewhere that isnt in the way of their dancing space.

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A risk could be the weather as if it was to rain whilst the dancers are dancing outside, they could possibly slip over. If the floor is wet were they are dancing they could possibly slip and fall.

3 – this is the severity of the situation which is marginal as this doesn't happen a lot in the studios and the dancers are careful when outside. This would would a medium risk, the probability of this happening is improbable.

To make sure that this doesn't happen I would need to plan in advance and look at the weather forecast for the week to come to make sure it wasn’t going to rain.

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Making sure the equipment is prepared correctly. Making sure that the equipment is prepared correctly is another really

important hazard that people will forget about when in the studio, in the school and outside. For example, making sure that tripod is secure so that no one near or underneath can be hit or it collapse on. Also the shoulder rig if this isn't properly set up this could be seen as a level 2 severity because if one would of dropped it could seriously hurt someone and potentially make them go to hospital.

To make sure that this doesn't happen I will have a professional on hand all the time so they will know exactly how to put equipment together and there is a very slight possibility that this could happen.