rising sun jacob hunkapiller and easton cole. the setting desolate wasteland – war – famines –...

Rising Sun Jacob Hunkapiller and Easton Cole

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Post on 27-Dec-2015




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Rising Sun

Jacob Hunkapiller and Easton Cole

The Setting

• Desolate Wasteland

– War

– Famines

– Breakdown of Society

• A form of government has taken over

and enforces with brutal and ruthless


• Picture a man walking through a dark

forest, it’s late in the evening and the

last of the suns rays are peaking

through the leaves on him.

• He’s stumbling and is obviously tired

with his head looking towards the


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Daniel Weathers

• The screen would fade to black and

fade back in to this same man, only

this time it’s a little earlier in the day.

He’s walking towards a house and

sees the front door has been broken


• He stops, then sprints towards the


• We then flash back to the forest for a

few moments to show the man trip

over a root and go to the ground, he

stands back up slowly and keeps


• We fade transition to the inside of

the house, no trashed, as the man

runs into the living room. He scans

the room frantically and then stops

as the camera shows two figures

laying on the ground, faces


• He begins walking towards them


• The man kneels in front of the first

body and reaches a shaky hand out

to grip it’s shoulder. As it begins to

turn we fade back to the forest.

• The man is walking and it’s now

dark. He trips over another root and

this time stays on the ground. His

shoulders heave and you can hear

him sobbing. The camera hovers

above the crying man for several

second before fading back to the


• He finished rotating the body to

reveal a young woman, his wife,

which causes his breath to catch in

his throat. He begins crying and pulls

the body in close, holding it against

him. Suddenly he stops and looks

towards the second body, noticeably

smaller. He stops crying and goes


• As he reaches out for this body,

shaking even worse, he flips her over

to reveal a young girl with brown hair

and brown eyes. His daughter. He

pulls her in close with the mother

and holds them close, rocking back

and forth while sobbing. The screen

fades to black once more.

• We fade back in to morning in the

house and he’s fallen asleep holding

both the bodies. He stands up slowly

and notices for the first time the

destruction of the house. He then

looks down and sees his wife’s fist

clenched around a piece of fabric.

• He pulls it from her hand and finds

an insignia, a red star surrounded by

smaller red stars. He looks at the

scrap of fabric for a few moments

before walking to the window and

watching the sun as it rises. The light

from the sun shines into the camera

and the screen goes white.

• We come back to the same man as

he lays in the forest, it’s now

morning and sunlight is shining

through the leaves and wakes him

up. After this he stands up slowly,

stretching his limbs. He begins

walking the path through the woods

once more.

• At this point we would show him

walking out of the forest onto a small

cliff overlooking a dustbowl of a

valley. At the bottom you can see the

remnants of a town. He takes a deep

breath and begins descending the

cliff side as the camera pans up to

reveal the title, Rising Sun.

Season 1

• The next few episode will explain life

in Dirt and how the much different

the world is then than now.

• These episode may have a filler

feeling at first but will be filled with

action, future characters, and

information about this world.

• The depressing first episode will

create a connection between the

viewers and protagonist, creating the

same desire for revenge as he has.

• We will follow his journey finding out

more about this organization who

killed his family and how he joins a

rebel group in order to find more


• The season will follow his epic

journey as he works against this

oppressive government to create a

better world.

Seasons 2-5

• Each of the seasons will introduce a

new character with just as interesting

of a pass as the first. They will all

play an important role in the overall

story of the series.

Seasons 6 & 7

• The final two season will be all of the

characters coming together in their

efforts to topple this corrupt

government and establish another

one, or it may be about them

succumbing to it’s might.