risen lord · 2021. 3. 31. · jones, jack cosgrove, zofia mancera, catherine boscher-murphy, and...

The Parish Family of Saint Elizabeth-Saint Brigid Far Hills-Peapack, New Jersey 908-234-1265 ©2013 Bon Venture Services, LLC RISEN LORD

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Page 1: RISEN LORD · 2021. 3. 31. · Jones, Jack Cosgrove, Zofia Mancera, Catherine Boscher-Murphy, and all those effected by Covid-19 To add a name, please call the Parish Office. For

The Parish Family of Saint Elizabeth-Saint Brigid Far Hills-Peapack, New Jersey



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Page 2: RISEN LORD · 2021. 3. 31. · Jones, Jack Cosgrove, Zofia Mancera, Catherine Boscher-Murphy, and all those effected by Covid-19 To add a name, please call the Parish Office. For

ST. ELIZABETH - ST. BRIGID PARISH April 5 , 2021 – April 11, 2021 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord



Confessions: Saturday 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM St. Brigid Parish Library (located in the Parish Center) or on the St. Brigid Church plaza (weather permitting) and by mutual arrangement. Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30 PM - St Brigid Church with live streaming via website Sunday 7:30 AM – St. Brigid Church 9:30 AM – St. Brigid Church 11:30 AM – St. Brigid Church Mass will be available for viewing on the website all day Sunday. Sunday 10:30 AM Distribution of Holy Communion: St. Brigid Church by St. Anthony of Padua near the brook.Weather Permitting

Daily Mass Schedule: 9:00 AM St. Brigid Church - Monday – Friday

MASS INTENTIONS for April 5th - April 11th Monday, April 5 ~ Joe Murphy † Tuesday, April 6 ~ Girlando & Marie Titone † Wednesday, April 7 ~ Special Intentions of Vincent Barba L Thursday, April 8 ~ Deceased Members of the Monaco Family † Friday, April 9 ~ August Ventura † Saturday, April 10 ~ 4:30 PM (St. Brigid) Mass: Raymond Burghardt † Albert J. Kalafsky †

Sunday, April 11 ~ Divine Mercy Sunday 7:30 AM (St. Brigid) Mass: Joe Murphy † Rose & Bill Lynn † 9:30 AM (St. Brigid) Mass: For those Enrolled in the Mass Guild at St. Elizabeth – St. Brigid

Marcellos D. Garzillo † 11:30 AM (St. Brigid) Mass: For the Parishioners†

PRAY FOR POPE FRANCIS AND HIS INTENTIONS Fundamental Rights: We pray for those who risk their lives while fighting for fundamental rights under dictatorships, authoritarian regimes and even in democracies in crisis.

PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Those who are ill in our parish: Ruth Stahl, Maria Nucci, Mary Hanlon, Barbara Ryan, Carl Messina, Margharete Saunders, Maureen McCrory, Jan Larusso, Annie Carver, Pina Jibilian, Margaret Ricciardi, Jimmy Siroka, Marta Jimenez Porras, Tony Guzzi, Robertino Perri, Sienna Jay Scull, Ted Rich, Brenda Jones, Jack Cosgrove, Zofia Mancera, Catherine Boscher-Murphy, and all those effected by Covid-19 To add a name, please call the Parish Office. For the recently deceased: Ellen Chioffi, Abbott Gerard Lair, O.S.B. and Rosy Thekkan

WELCOME TO THE CHURCH…. Congratulations to Kelly D’Aries & Kim Mc Cue who were received into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. May their lives be filled with the graces received through these sacraments and may they and their families always be active members of the Church.


0 Lord Jesus Christ, Who upon this day did conquer death and rise from the dead, and Who is alive for ever more, help us never to forget Your Risen Presence forever with us. Help us to remember, That You are with us in every time of perplexity to guide and to direct; That You are with us in every time of sorrow to comfort and console; That You are with us in every time of temptation to strengthen and to inspire; That You are with us in every time of loneliness to cheer and befriend; That You are with us even in death to bring us to the glory of Your side. Make us to be certain that there is nothing in time or in eternity which can separate us from You, so that in Your presence we may meet life with gallantry and death without fear. You turn our darkness into light, in Your light we shall see Light. Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer. Christ the Lord is Risen Today! ALLELUIA!

Page 3: RISEN LORD · 2021. 3. 31. · Jones, Jack Cosgrove, Zofia Mancera, Catherine Boscher-Murphy, and all those effected by Covid-19 To add a name, please call the Parish Office. For

EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORDFirst Reading: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Peter discusses Jesus’ life of preaching and healing. Jesus was crucified, then he rose up and was seen by his chosen witnesses. Peter also mentions the importance of all the disciples bearing witness to what they saw, so that many people would believe in Jesus, and have their sins forgiven through him. Second Reading: Colossians 3:1-4 Paul asserts that we must pay attention to higher realms rather than earthly concerns. Our life is not yet completely known to us, until Christ appears and we are raised to glory in him. Gospel: John 20:1-9 When Mary Magdalene discovered Jesus’ tomb was open, she told Simon Peter and another disciple. They ran to the tomb and Peter went inside. He found the burial wrappings on the ground, with the head covering separate from the rest. The other disciple came in and they believed what they saw, although until then they had not understood the Scripture’s message of Jesus’ resurrection.

NEW JERSEY REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM ACT: Keep updated on the Reproductive Freedom Act (RFA) S3030 that was introduced in the New Jersey State Senate and was referred to the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee on October 8, 2020. If passed, the RFA would codify into New Jersey law the findings of Roe vs Wade, meaning that abortion would remain legal in New Jersey even if the case were overturned by the Supreme Court. The RFA would also strip safeguards and regulations on the abortion procedure, making New Jersey a more dangerous place for women and their unborn babies. The Assembly companion bill is A4848. Check this website frequently for updates: https://njcatholic.org/reproductive-freedom-act. You can sign up on the website to receive action alerts. A webinar has been recorded which focuses on providing an overview of the legislation, an update on the bill's legislative status, and suggestions on action steps people can take at this time. You are encouraged to watch it so you can understand the radical nature of this measure. The link is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kshuo78QZdA&feature=youtu.be For more information, contact: [email protected]. Thank you! Sample email and Senator and Assembly person contact information can be found on the parish website:


FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK My dear friends in Jesus Christ,

The only silver lining, from the onslaught of Covid-19 to the present, is that we have been able to spend lots of “alone time” with God. Hopefully, this provides the opportunity to see how truly precious our Catholic faith is ... as a people in love, not with an idea or a concept, but with a person — the Person of Jesus Christ!

The reason we are in love with Christ is because we love life and Jesus Christ is all about life. He says: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). In fact, the goal of Christ’s days on earth was to introduce us all to the new life of Easter. Easter is about eternal life. It is specifically about the new life given to us through the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus.

The Resurrection of Jesus is like no other earthly event in the history of the world. It is the Resurrection that enabled the first disciples to help the early Church grow. Nothing else could have turned a rejected group of disciples into zealous heralds of the Gospel.

But what does this mean for us? It means that God's love has triumphed and will triumph over all that is evil including every virus and disease as well as physical death itself. It means that the offer of new and eternal life is open to everyone. If we turn to Christ, nothing will ever separate us from God's love made present to us in Christ! What more could we want but to rely on the loving embrace of God, both now and forever! During these days of Easter 2021, I pray that you and your families will take full advantage of all the opportunities we have to grow in deeper faith and greater love of God and one another. May the days of Covid-19 be soon behind us as we look forward to brighter days ahead. In Our Resurrected Lord, Reverend Monsignor Edward C. Puleo, Pastor

ACT OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION My Jesus,  I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.  I love You above all things,  and I desire to receive You into my soul.  Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,  come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen

Page 4: RISEN LORD · 2021. 3. 31. · Jones, Jack Cosgrove, Zofia Mancera, Catherine Boscher-Murphy, and all those effected by Covid-19 To add a name, please call the Parish Office. For

PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY Remember in your prayers the members of our Armed Services, especially Matthew Blejwas USMA West Point, grandson of Walter and Kathryn Blejwas, John F. Stahl of the US Army, son, Joseph Stahl of the Navy, grandson, and Eric Hummel of the US Army

nephew of Ruth Stahl; Jordan Weaver of the Air Force, husband of Christy (LaPointe) Weaver; John Walker and Nicholas Furtzaig of the Air Force, grandsons of Bernard & Joan O’Reilly; C Jibilian, US Navy pilot and Matthew Jibilian US Navy Seal, grand-nephews of Pina Jibilian

CORONAVIRUS - PRAYER FOR COURAGE God our Loving Father, comforter of the afflicted, watch over us always, but most especially at this, our time of urgent need.

With heavy hearts we cry out to you ... We ask that you heal those among us weighed down with the coronavirus.

Inspire with your holy wisdom — our health professionals: scientists, doctors, and all medical personnel. Show special attention to our government officials: nationally, internationally, and local. Make them instruments of your love as they seek to serve your people.

Lord and Giver of Life, trusting in your mercy, we recall the prayer of your prophet Jeremiah: "heal me, O Lord and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved” (17:14).

When fearful, grant us courage. When uncertain, strengthen us. In our sorrow, comfort us.

With hearts overflowing with love for you, we surrender ourselves to your providential care, and ask only that you consider our sincere request to remain steadfast in your love — charitable to all and faithful first and foremost in doing your holy will. Through Christ Our Lord, Amen © Reverend John G. Hillier, March 10, 2020 In your charity please pray for the safety and well-being of those who are continuing to serve the needs of others--food service delivery personnel, doctors, nurses, scientists, EMS workers, police, pharmacists, the leaders of our government ~our president and governor!

e-GIVING is available at: http://saintelizabeth-saintbrigid.org

2021 BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL Transformed by Christ’s Body and Blood –

Sent on Mission to Light a Fire in the Heart of the Church

Your gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal impacts the lives of so many and supports such vital ministries as the formation of our seminarians and deacons, outreach to our youth and young adults, and programs to assist couples through marriage preparation. Our ongoing efforts in evangelization and catechesis, advocacy for human life and dignity, and effectively ministering to people of varied ethnicities and languages all depend on your generosity. In addition, $1.7 million has been earmarked for our Catholic Charities which is dedicated to providing basic needs and counseling services for those struggling with the hardships of life. To learn more about the impact of your gift, view the Bishop’s Annual Appeal video by going to https://diometuchen.org/BAA.This year, the BAA video is being produced in a series of 4, so be sure to check it out frequently.


The Altar Bread & Wine are being offered For the Special Intentions of

Jim Zachman

The Sanctuary Candle is being offered For the Living & Deceased Members of the

Sibilia & Morgia Families Requested by Joe & Carmella Sibilia

RESOURCES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Our Diocesan Office for Persons with Disabilities has a Facebook page that provides daily updates with short inspirational reflections for people with disabilities, family members and

care givers. The site also provides endless resources for those with physical, emotional, cognitive, visual, auditory and other special challenges. To access our Facebook page (even if you are not a member of Facebook), Type the following into your search engine: Diocese of Metuchen Office for Persons with Disabilities

MISSION BOXES Mission Lent boxes can be returned to the baskets in Church or dropped off at the Parish office.

Page 5: RISEN LORD · 2021. 3. 31. · Jones, Jack Cosgrove, Zofia Mancera, Catherine Boscher-Murphy, and all those effected by Covid-19 To add a name, please call the Parish Office. For

DAUGHTERS OF MARY On Wednesday, April 7th, the Daughters of Mary will be hosting a Holy Hour in St. Brigid Church, from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM. The Holy Hour will include the Rosary, led by members of the Daughters of Mary and a Litany to St. Joseph, in this

Year of St. Joseph. There will be time for personal prayer as well. All are welcome to attend

MASS GUIDELINES If you feel ill or are aware that you are positive for the COVID 19 virus, please stay home and do not come to church. For those who are elderly or those with other health conditions, you may also choose to remain at home and watch the Mass on our website www.sainteb.org or on television (EWTN). Please note that admittance to Mass will be based on a “first-come, first serve” basis and ALL are expected to wear personal face masks upon entering the church. Please bring sanitizers to use for your personal space in the church. Once you have arrived at your seat, please use personal discretion to distance yourself from others safely about 6 feet in every direction. Take note of designated sitting areas. Of course, this “distancing” does not apply to family members or those who accompanied you to church. Missalettes and Hymnals have been removed as per Diocesan regulations to avoid multiple people touching the same book. There will be disposable worship aids with the readings available in the back of Church. Please discard after use. It is also suggested that the congregation not sing so as to minimize the amount of breath/saliva expelled while in church. Holy Communion will be distributed immediately following Mass. As you approach the sanctuary for Holy Communion, please allow 6 feet between yourself and the person in front of you. As you come up the aisle and arrive at the Communion station, please remove your mask when you are next to receive. When the host is placed on the palm of your hand and you receive Our Lord in Holy Communion, please place your mask back on. You may then leave the church in silence. If you wish to meet up with fellow parishioners, kindly make your way out of the church and speak outdoors.

SCAM ALERTS Please be aware that neither Monsignor Puleo nor the parish will solicit assistance in the form of gift cards or other charitable requests via e-mail. There are a number of e-mails being sent asking for assistance. Should you have any questions, please contact the parish office at 908-234-1265 before acting on these requests. Monsignor Puleo

Year of Saint Joseph Prayer

Dear Saint Joseph, guardian of the Holy Family, watch over our human family. With Mary, our heavenly Mother, keep us safe in God’s care. Although divided and distracted, by many ungodly preoccupations, including the destruction of precious human life, we seek a path that leads back to God. Glorious son of David and just son of God, protect us as you once protected Mary and Jesus. Inspire us in ways that will help us overcome our transgressions. Rekindle in the souls and arouse in the minds of all who have turned away from God, the joy of loving and serving Him; as you did most perfectly as husband and father for Mary and Jesus. As you cooperated with God’s grace and lived your life virtuously, enable us to follow your example, giving of ourselves to God and neighbor, all the days of our lives. We ask this through Christ Jesus Our Lord, Amen. Imprimatur: Most Reverend James F. Checchio, JCD, MBA Nihil Obstat: Reverend John G. Hillier, Ph.D 22 January, 2021

WORD OF LIFE “Like us, Christ entered the world through the womb of a woman. He willingly experienced the fullness of human suffering. He breathed his last on the Cross at Calvary in order that He might save us. Therefore, ‘God is the foundation of hope: not any god, but the God who has a human face and who has loved us to the end’ (Spe salvi 31).” USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities “Respect Life Reflection: Christ Our Hope in Every Season of Life” (Citing Pope Benedict XVI, Spe salvi © 2007, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. All rights reserved.)

Page 6: RISEN LORD · 2021. 3. 31. · Jones, Jack Cosgrove, Zofia Mancera, Catherine Boscher-Murphy, and all those effected by Covid-19 To add a name, please call the Parish Office. For

SUBSCRIBE TO MARRIAGE NEWS Published on the internet by the Family Life Office of the U.S. Bishops, it is free, and you can select

the topics of most interest to you: dating, engagement, marriage preparation, married Life, family Life and parenting. http://www.foryourmarriage.org

STEWARDSHIP REFLECTIONS “Think of what is above, not of what is on earth.” - Colossians 3:2 On this day we thank God for His Son, Jesus, who died, rose and opened the gates of heaven for us. We celebrate and sing “Alleluia.” Let’s try to keep the joy of this Easter season in our hearts throughout the year! Pray daily and listen for how God is calling each of us to joyfully use our gifts to fulfill His salvation plan.

24 HOUR PRAYER LINE Our Diocesan Office for Persons with Disabilities has a 24-hour prayer line for those who desire prayer for special needs. If you, a family member or friend would like to be remembered in prayer for a temporary or permanent illness, please call us and leave a detailed message at (732) 765-6431 or send an email to our office: [email protected]

CATHOLIC CHARITIES DONATIONS Please help support our local programs by donating Clothing, Shoes, and Household items in our donation bin located in the parking lot. Your continued generosity is appreciated. If you have any questions or have larger pick up, please call our toll-free number 1-877-343-3651.

Are you suffering after an Abortion? Help is available! If you or someone you know is suffering after an abortion, confidential, non-judgmental help is available! Experience God’s merciful love and begin the journey of healing: Call Project Rachel's local toll-free helpline number: 877-877-4300. or visit HopeAfterAbortion.org. Spanish-speakers may visit EsperanzaPosaborto.org or call Sisters of Life at 866-575-0075 or email: [email protected]

2020 FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS 2020 Financial Contribution Statements for St. Elizabeth and St. Brigid are now available. Please call the Parish Office at 908-234-1265 to request your statement or return this slip in the collection basket at Mass. Name: ___________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________ _________________________________________

Phone Number: ____________________________ Email Address: ____________________________


When: Complete by June Where: Anywhere you choose! Who: Anyone can participate by walking,

running, hiking, or biking. Virtual Celebration Video will be shared on Saturday, June 5, 2021 via the SCC website and Facebook page. All proceeds benefit the education of young women in Initial Formation with the Sisters of Christian Charity.

� How to participate: Walk, run, hike or bike 3.1 miles for the 5K or 1 mile for the Fun Run any time by June 1, 2021 at a place and pace of your choosing. Then, email us at [email protected] with the following information by June 1, 2021: Distance completed. How you completed it (walk, run, bike, etc.). Time in which you completed the activity.

A picture or video of your participation for us to share during the Virtual Celebration. You will receive a certificate of completion in the mail. On June 5 log onto our website at www.scceast.org or visit our Facebook page at facebook.com/scceasternprovince to view the Run for a Nun Virtual Celebration Video where you'll see some of your favorite Sisters, check out participants in action and hear shout outs to all sponsors.

THANK YOU … Over these past months many parishioners have continued to support the parish through their weekly offerings. Some have mailed them in, and others have joined E-giving to have their gifts automatically given to the parish. It is through this continued support that we will continue to meet the needs of the parish. Also, through these months many have sent comments and e-mails with their prayers and encouragement for me and the parish. Please know that you and your families are in mine, Father Hillier’s and Father Hesketh’s prayers each day. ~Monsignor Puleo

Page 7: RISEN LORD · 2021. 3. 31. · Jones, Jack Cosgrove, Zofia Mancera, Catherine Boscher-Murphy, and all those effected by Covid-19 To add a name, please call the Parish Office. For





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